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This approach in making decisions seeks to identify the

various courses of action first.

27. This approach in making decisions is based on the

True or False? premise that dignity is an individual’s basic right.
1. Freedom is the absence of restraint or the opposite of
slavery. 28. This approach in making decisions follows set ideals or
2. Freedom is not a basic human right. standards.
3. According to French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre, 29. This approach in making decisions states that a person is
“Success is not important to freedom.” not an object to be manipulated.
4. Sartre wrote that “making a choice” and that by not
30. This approach in making decisions expects the person to
choosing freedom; the person is “asserting his existence and
base his/her decision on moral principles.
his freedom.”
5. Sartre further asserted that “Existence is not necessity.” 31. This approach in making decisions has its roots in
6. In Sartre’s view, being an individual who is absolutely free, Utilitarianism.
even though the human person is bound or imprisoned the
person is still free because he/she can choose to accept or 32. This approach in making decisions asks, “What kind of
not accept the prison that binds him/her. person do I hope to become?”
7. In Sartre’s view, freedom is the capacity to choose.
33. This approach in making decisions asks, “Did the action
8. Even though freedom is absolute reality, it does not have its
respect the basic rights of the person?”
9. Freedom is not free with limitation; it is the practice of 34. In this kind of relationship, a person is aware of the other
freedom. person.
10. Sartre wrote, “man is so free that he is fearful of his

Multiple Choice

11. It is an altruism that can be summed by the phrase, “Live 35. In this kind of relationship, the other person is perceived
for others.” as in a specific, isolated quality.
12. It is a form of consequentialism, which states that the 36. This kind of relationship is a monologue.
morality of an action depends on its outcome.
37. This kind of relationship is a dialogue.
13. It is a form of consequentialism summed by the phrase,
“Do whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn’t sink mine.” 38. Elle and Craig are seatmates. At first, they hardly talked to
each other. However, as the schooldays passed,they got to
14. It is a form of consequentialism that is also known as state know each other better. Before the term ended, Elle and Craig
consequentialism. have become the best of friends. Elle and Craig’s relationship
15. It is a form of consequentialism, which states that an is an example of what kind of relationship?
action is right if it leads to the highest happiness of the 39. Ben and Boni are twin brothers. Between the two, Boni
greatest number of people. always seems to be the one who always gets in trouble. Ben,
16. It is a form of utilitarianism that states an action is right if it on the other hand, always covers for Boni even if it gets him
follows the rule that leads to the greatest good. into trouble, too. Boni does not seem to have plans of
changing his ways because he thinks he always has Ben to
18. This Chinese philosopher is the founder of the school of help him out. The twin’s relationship illustrates what kind of
Mohism. relationship?

19. He advocated that a person can and should choose to act, 40. In Buber’s view, the line “You complete me” from the
but the actions should result in harmony. movie Jerry Maguire shows what kind of relationship?

20. He is regarded as the Father of Utilitarianism.

21. He coined the name of the Utilitarian Movement. For nos. 41-50, write the letter of the word/s in the box
41.A philosophical theory that shows a particular interaction,
22. This philosopher argued that a certain degree of egoism is where the parties involved develop a connection or a
good. relationship.
23. This philosopher thought that ethical egoism was a form of 42. It is defined as “the ability to understand or share the
immorality, not morality. feelings of another.
43. It is the “sharing of subjective states by two or more
24. He was quoted as saying, “Prudence is right reason individuals.”
applied to action.” 44. It is defined as “feeling pity or sorrow for someone else’s
25. The first step in making decisions that is as important as it
45. He was a prominent 20th century philosopher who
is not easy. discussed the person-object relationship and person-person
46. It is a kind relationship of mutual and reciprocal
47. It is a kind of relationship where only the “I” has a say in
48. It is defined as the state or quality of self-worth and
49. It is a kind of relationship where interactions should be
carried out based on person-to-person relationship.
50. It is a government program that provides conditional cash
transfer to extremely poor Filipino households.

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