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1. freedom is vital to human existence.

2. Responsibility is being the owner of one's choice.

3. Authenticity refers to being honest with oneself, which is, being truly free.
4. Intersubjectivity deals with the human person as a subject in relation to another.
5. Ricoeur is a French philosopher and historian who studied various linguistic and psychoanalytic
theories of interpretation.
6. Rene Descartes is a philosopher who lived during the Scientific Revolution.
7. Martin Buber Among his many works, the most celebrated and influential is the I and Thou
8. A society is a group of interacting individuals sharing the same territory and participating in a
9. the producing class, which includes the farmers, merchants and laborers/workers,
10. the soldier class, which comprises the warriors,
11. the ruling class, which includes philosopher-thinkers as well as rulers and kings who are selected
to lead the entire society.
12. The first and earliest stage of Auguste Comte is called the theological stage.
13. metaphysical stage second stage of society. People in this stage still believed in divine powers or
gods, but they believed that these beings were more abstract and less directly involved in what
happens daily.
14. positive stage. This stage is when the mind stops searching for the causes of phenomena and
realizes that laws exist to govern human behavior, which can be explained using reason and
observation, both of which are used to study the social world.
15. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, writes, man is a social animal. He who lives without society is
either a beast or God.
16. Jean Paul Sartre He asserts that the essence of man is his freedom.
17. Man has ready-made essence =What does the “structure and human freedom as
reciprocally contradictory” mean?
18. An avenue for the possibilities of a person to be truly human= Which of the following is
the existential meaning of human freedom?
19. Punishment =It is meant to demotivate the actor from doing a certain act.
20. May Bukas Pa--Which of the following best mirrors Sartre’s existentialism?
21. Seeming =Which obstacle to dialogue is referred to when the “self” hides the real version of
himself to the “other?”
22. Human -describe the relationship of group of people who join a rally only for the sake of
23. Object -the “self” treat the “other’ in an I-IT relationship?
24. Personal making present -refers to the process of fully opening oneself to the other?
25. I-Thou =When the awareness of the one who loves another person is at the level of persons
and not of things, then relationship is categorized as what?
26. Thomas Hobbes =Who proposed the idea of “artificial man?”

27. John Locke =According to him, the people have the right and moral obligation to overthrow a
corrupt government.
28. Horticultural=Which form of society relies on the cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables?
29. Social contract =This philosophical concept refers to an agreement between the individuals
and the state by which the individuals in the community must surrender several liberties in
exchange for social order.
30. Jean-Jacques Rousseau =Who said that men are born free, yet everywhere they are in chains?
31. Hinduism =Which philosophy views death as not an end in itself, but part of the natural process
in the existence of the soul as one separate entity?
32. Rebirth =is the result of “karma” according to Buddhism?
33. Aristotle =Who asserted that living a good life entails living a life of moderation?
34. Christianity =believes that after death, the soul will either go to heaven or to hell, depending on
the judgment anchored on how the person lived his or her life on earth.
35. Buddhism =believes on the concept of reincarnation and the transmigration of the spirit?
36. According to Skinner, if we are to change humans, then we have to alter the conditions
in their environment.
37. Sartre asserts that man is responsible for what he is and does. Therefore, if he
chooses to deviate from social norms and break the law, he must face the
corresponding consequences of being sanctioned, if necessary.
38. If human beings are manipulable like machines, then there would be no problem in making the
society just.
39. Freedom becomes absolute when we accept the barriers to our freedom as hindrances to our
40. Existence precedes essence implies that we do not hold control of our future.
41. In an “I-Thou” relationship, the “self” and the “other” must treat each as object because object
possesses the capacity to make moral choices.
42. The relation between two people who value each other cannot be objectified.
43. If a person will learn how to open himself and accept the various possibilities brought about by
diversity, then intersubjectivity will become more meaningful.
44. The value of things is always greater than the value of persons because things do have intrinsic
moral worth.
45. The experience of love starts from the experience of loneliness.
46. A person and his society are inseparable as they are always in mutual need of each other.
47. According to Thomas Hobbes, every man has a right to everything.
48. John Locked claims that the power that every individual gave the society when he entered into it
can be revert to the individuals again.
49. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, obedience to a law which we prescribe to ourselves is
slavery. That is why he asserts that we are born free yet everywhere we are in chains.
50. Society came to exist because man per se is a social being.

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