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1.What is the basic idea of “total determinism” according to B.F. Skinner?

:It is to control the environment in order to achieve the desired result.

2.Which among the types of BEING that considers human person as dynamic and reflexive?
:Being for-itself
3.Which among the thinker/ Philosopher believes that “freedom is expressed and experienced through the
vicissitudes of human existence?”
:Viktor Frankl
4.What is the type of BEING that refers to human person as fixed and self-contained?
:Being in-itself
5.Why did B.F. Skinner claim that human freedom is one’s ignorance of the basic law of nature?
:He considered freedom as an illusion.
6.If you apply the concept of human freedom according to Jean Paul Sartre, you can come up with the
following statements. However, which statement does not belong to Sartre’s idea?
:Human freedom is limited.
7.Which among the types of BEING that can be referred as transcendence and possibility?
:Being for-itself
8.Why does John Kavanaugh claim that Skinner’s stimulus-response theory is problematic?
:Human person cannot be determined by his/her environment.
9.For John Kavanaugh, what is the basic relationship between human freedom and structures?
Refer your answers on the case below:
Terry, a 14-year-old Grade 7 student at Dapa City National High School (DCNHS), was caught smoking in
a school bathroom by a teacher. The principal questioned her and asked to see her purse. Inside was a
pack of cigarettes, rolling papers, and a small amount of marijuana. The police were called and Terry
admitted selling drugs at school.
Based on the case above, whose idea of human freedom does influence the action of Terry?
:Jean Paul Sartre
10.Why does Terry perform such act (smoking) in a school bathroom?
:She claims that her freedom is absolute.
11.According to Viktor Frankl, how does human person survive in a hopeless situation?
:By believing that survival is a matter of will.
12.In relation to structured freedom, what is the best description of Terry’s action (smoking) in a school
:Her action contradicts with the concept of structured freedom.
13.Which among the following meanings of human life does NOT belong to Frankl’s definition?
:Human life is characterized by failures and successes.
14.Which among human experiences do you think is the most important in the attainment of personhood?
:The experience of intersubjectivity
15.If you are to formulate a definition of “Philosophy as egology” based on Infinite Responsibility of
Emmanuel Levinas, which statement below would be the best definition?
:Philosophy is simply concerned with the self.
16.According to John Rawls, what would be the implication if one is insensitive to the needs and demands
of others?
: Misjudgement
17.How does John Rawls apply social justice in an institution of human person?
:Justice is the primary virtue of institutions.
18.Which among the following statements is the foundation of our social existence?
:The idea of human solidarity
19.Which element do you think is lacking when human relationship withers?
:Intersubjective element
20.According to Martin Buber, human persons are possessors of values. What does the statement mean?
:Human person is a value in itself.
21.Why does Iris Marion Young consider the cultural imperialism as structural injustice? It is because
:It is a form of oppression in society.
22.What does Martin Buber believe with regard to social relations?
:Social relations are formed on the basis of solidarity.
23.Which of the following human belongingness helps determine the value of people?
24.Which according to E. Levinas’ philosophy of Infinite Responsibility is the starting point of one’s
: The face of the other.
25.Which among the following statements does tell us about totality according to Emmanuel Levinas?
:When we don’t accept that we are responsible to the face of the other.
26.What is the main requirement for human person to be able to express his/her authentic love?
: Presence
27.It means that the act of being for someone is always free. What is being referred in the statement?
: Fidelity
28.Which of the following statements does give the meaning of presence according to Gabriel Marcel?
:Presence goes until physical existence.
29.Who is the Philosopher who interpreted the “Parable of the Good Samaritan”?
: Paul Ricoeur
30.Which is true application of the term “neighbour” according to Paul Ricoeur?
: A person who is beyond social mediation.

31.Why does Paul Ricoeur say that the interplay between institutions and persons is very important?
:It is because it gives us a fuller view of human reality.
32.When we create or form “social relations,” which do you think is the perfect foundation?
33.What is the metaphor of the term “Samaritan”?
:Good People
34.Given that truth is of the system of thought, what primary virtue that an institution should possess?
:Social Ethics
35.What would be the implication when he/she belongs to a society? It implies that he/she belongs to
36.Examine and identify the author of the following statement “justice is the first virtue of institutions.’
Which statement is authored by whom?
:John Rawls
37.How would you attain global justice if you are going to implement the idea of Thomas Pogge?
:Through equitable and global distribution of resources.
38.When does justice in a sovereign become of lesser value?
:When justice becomes a political relationship and not a moral one.
39.What is the human condition that begins as the reality of otherness, something that’s not mine to
40.Which type of “self” we are living when we are immersed in the crowed?
: “Myself”
41.What act is considered when human person expresses the act of love or commitment as a mortal
:Act of Honesty
42.Which among the following is the correct statement of Martin Heidegger about human person in
relation to death?
: Human person becomes complete because of his/ her death.
43.Which among human experience that can be considered as never seen as near or as an impending
44.According to Roger Troisfontaines, why do we become so afraid of our death? It is because. . .
:We are afraid of being separated from our loved ones.
45.What is the implication of accepting one’s mortality?
:It implies that one can give the true value of life.
46.What is it in mortality that highlights the reality of the human person?
:It is a belief that human person is a being who is a mystery to behold.
47.How can a person determine the ultimate meaning of death?
:Through his/her ability to live a meaningful life
48.Which among the following phenomena did Marion Young propose that attempts to explain the reality
of structural injustice?
:Politics of difference
49.Which type of feeling is considered as a reaction to contingent moment?

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