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.. - .

An Approach tO Determining Wa ET Saturation in Shaly Sands “

.. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . ...4.... , ..,. .!i. ,W. RAUSCH, .DE.NV,ER,COLA.?.* --- -<-. <~ -., .. . . . .. . .. . . ... .. .. .e.
MEMBERAIME . ,.. . .

Archic in lWI is applicable only to rock. fluid systems

wherein the rock has negligible electrical conductivity. In
1949. Patnodc and Wy]lic’ showed that if the rock itself
can be considered conductive due to the prescncc of clay.
a different calculation approach is necessary. During the
folluwing years, this problem was investigated at great
lurrgth, as was the related problem of the effect of rock
conductivity on [he SP.” “ “1 hcw investigations established
functional relationships between SP, rcsi$tivity, water sat.
uration and watur rwistivity for such a formation. Rcfs
2 and 12 provide summa rim of thcw studies.
Unfortunately, practical usc of thuw rclatlt~mhips re-
quired (hat wate: rcsistivity bc known independently from
the SP. Although log intcrprclation mc[hods for Iuck sy~.
tcms containing clay were propowcf al that time,’ they
were not generally accepted for routine UW. “Jherc arc
three principal” reasons for this. First. in many field sltua.
tions involving high+alinity water. rock conductivity may
he rwglcctcd (even if present) without intrucfucing appre.
ciablc error. This may be wxn by considering the follow.
ing expression for water-saturated rock.’
I .1,,1
-, ... . .. . . . . . . . (1)
log intcrprctalion in many Rocky Moun(ain and WCSI 1< K r If,.
(-mrst basins is complicated by rapid vertical and lateral
changes in water resist ivity. Calculation of formation whmc I /R, i~ conductivity sfuc to clay. As R. hecomc~
water rcsistivity from the SP curve bccornes diflicult in small. l/FR., bccomw much .grcatcr than 1 /R. whtc,h
lrmes that contain clay. since changes in SP deflection mqy bc ncglcctcd.
may be due to changes in eilhcr clay conten( or water Where 1/R. may bc neglected. the sandstone is called
salinity. [n hydrordrbon reservoirs. the problem clean. If the term may not bc rwglcclcd. the sandstone is
is further complicated because hydrocarbon saturation alw> Icrmcd dirty or shaly. }:or refistivily purpmc~. the classi~
rcducw the SP.’ A ]og interpretation system using corn. Iication butwccn clean and shaly wmis then dcpcncfs nut
puters has been dcvclopcd to provide a solution to this only upon the conductivity duc to shale in ttw \and. hut
problem, based on equations proposed by de Witte,’ Four alwl upon the resistivity of the awoc]atcd water (shalu is
cfiffercnl simultaneous so]u[ions of de Wittc’s equatiom used here to mean ~UrfLICL) condition duc to diwcminatcd
have been made. Each solution method uses a diffcrcnl clay). A sand of given conduc[lvity might wf.,ly bu
w of input data as indcpcndcmt variables. ‘lhu~, a choice trcatccf w clean m aswciatmn with hid+aiinity ~jat~r.
of mlu~ion method is possible, depending upon the logs hut would require shaly sand mcthuds if associated wilh
ru:l and the availabi)i!y of olher data. Two of thu SOILJ. frwhcr waters. Shaly sand rncthod~ are not required in
tions do not require a knowledge of water rcsistivity. many arms having saline wa[crs but in Rocky Moun.
This system is intentfcd to bc used primarily in multl- tain and West (’east sands having rulativuly frmh wa.
ple ,sands[one.shale wquences of low and moderate resi$t tcrs (often more than 0.3 ohmm resistivi{y al f(~rmation
ivitics where the priricipal ‘cont~minarit” in the sands[imc+ cf)ridilicins), t}lc shaly- sand ‘mcthosh arc nccdcd. -
is clay. However, where sufficient regional data are avail. Errors in F?,, calculations from the SP duc to the pres.
able. interpretation in single-zone sandstone rcwrvoi rs can cnce of shale are likewise related to water salinity, In
also bc improved by using the method. saline water formations drilled with fresh mud, the ra!io
of mud filtrate rcsistivity to water rcsistivity is high, the
“THEORY AND HISTORY 01’ SHAI.Y SAND SP is fa}g~’and” the prescncc of shale can introduce large
.-..- - -+ .. ------ ~- ..+ .4 ..e_“ A&~ . LY.S!ST_ =-:%_~.=.,- ,-. ‘. ‘..=
+ =--hrors” in =water-resistivity -.calculatyd:by ..-thc..conventi onal _.
The 1~~ in,kr~re~a(irm’- fti~rnula, ;riginally~ pr?P~sefi. b~ ‘-” mcthodj “Whe-n‘the- resistivit y ratio is low, the errors are
. ---- .. . -. .=,. .g..~ ....-., ----- . . .. . —-.—
. . . . . . -:--(maller. “At. zero “SP. no ‘error.Iwould result. from shale.
. —. .—. .“.--=- “.”:..--— ..—.
- =-’ Thus. fro”m !he’ SP. vicwp;int. a given “rock could bc- shal y
Original rnanusc’ripi wceiwd “in. Soridy of .Petr@&m. rXJKi~crm Omcc
:. ~eb. “9. 1967.. Revised .mnnuscript rewlt-gd Sept. 8. IU67. Pnper (sPE “:” if &ticiatGf “witli-~salinc W-ater:-an-d:cle;an=in’.association-
-1 ;69 ) ,~as pi-esenwlm SPE Rocky Mounwln Rc.dmml Mretinu held ‘in
“Crisper. Wyo,,
. ..’ - .\!l.n,ing. }4ay”’22-23.- lfJG:.- Copyright 1967 ‘Amer;can Institott= d . .-; w{trha freshwater. which ;s:thc opposite..of: the rcsistivity.
Metal lurKlcal.’ and-PetrO ? eum. Engineer.:
-.< - .-. tn.. -. . .-- . . . . . .. . . . . -. .,.- . . . . . . . .. . .
.. . . ,[)rjeti”tecf d~finititin, above.:: . ,, . . . . ., .:,: ? -.
.. .:Rc”fei erica= -~..~m fit ~n,l .~r” ,~.~~ . : ,”- .
-. -—
‘.- -.- —. —
A second difficulty was determining formation factors tion to account for shales, }~q. 4 reduces to Eq. 5 when
for shaly sands. The formation factor term used in the conductivity due to shale becomw zero.
shaly sand equations is the formation factor of a clean If mud Iiltrdtc has compltitcty rcplticcci Ihu formttli(m
sand of the same pore geometry as the shaly sand or. al- watcr in the invaded xilnu, an cquatiLm analug~]us to l~q.
tcrnadvely, the forma[ion factor of the shaly sand meas- 4 is
urcd using water of negligible rcsistivity. Both definitions
have been used and yield similar num~rical rcsuhs, al- I/R,,, -- c. .s... +-.s,..2/f’-R,”, . . . (6)
though they arc crmcc~tually dissimilar. Tools such as the I’hc tfurivistion of F.q. 3 and Ihu argumcnls f{w ils valld
%licplog, Micrcrlisterol.~g and the 1(>-in. rrcrrmti]. in CmII-
ity uru cited in tlw rcfurcncus. ‘1’hccquati~m has hccn rshsh-
tsin~tion with filtnstu rcsislivity, were uwd to mua~urc
Ii\hcd, with allowance for nottititmal dilrcrcnccs. in lhrcc
formation factor rwar the wcllhorc. .I”hese mca~uremcnt~
different ?nd ~,nduptmdcn! ways:, ~xpcrimcntal~y by n?uas.
lhumwlvcs were affcc[wl ,hy shaiines~ as: was rccogni~ecf *: Y.urcmmrts .“’. uf%artiallv saturated shalv ~an-d$’,~b’v:dcrivatit)n ‘-’” “~
by introduction of the term %pparcnt formation factnr”,
frnm theorcti’ca] mo&ls using clcctr~c circuit c~mccpts,” ‘“ “
/;.,, and nrw semi-empirical intCrpk!~aliL)!’1 method was
and by dcrivatiom based on mn ~rarwfcr and clcctr(>chcm.
propowd bawd in part upon this very fact.’” Ccrrrckrtimrs
ical potential concepts from thwmocfynamics.’
relating clean .sand formation factnr to porosity were pub
Iishcd hy Archic’ and later by othcrs~ When the shaly It should bu understood that C“., the conLjuctivily intro
vsnd theory was first tfcvelopecf. pnrmity could he Mcr. duce(i into the <and hy the prcscncu of sh~lcs, is nut thu
mirwd (rely indirec~iy from the logs by mc’asuring the ap. wmc lhing as tlw ●hale conductivity ai might bu mcis~
parent formatiun factor: and converting apparent forma. urcd by logs in an adjacent shalv wttlon. Different puh
ti[m factor to the clean sand factor required data not gen. fiihcd dcrivatiorrs hiivc cxprc~wf (“. In different way..
crally avail atslc. Now that available cfcmity umf srmic Comparing with Wylliu’s nolali(m.’” ftlr uxiimplc, i! i~ wwn
velocity tnufs mcasurti poro~ity by mort direct methods, llmt
i[ is pnwihlc to ntriain equivalm-rl clean.sand formation
(actors in ways nn[ availahlc whcrr the prnhlcm of shaly
sands was first invcsti~~tw~,
“1flu firrtil dtiterrcnt tl) uvng the shaly sand mcthml is whurc /. is lhc fraction of w~lid framuwi~rk (If rock th:][
Ihat thu uquali[m> arc Iurrgcr and lhe algebra is tcdiou~. i~ conductive. I/R, is the ufluctivc conduct lv)ly nf the
Archic’s equation can he written ckiy when wet and ;rr situ. and (~ and d arc Iincar dimcn.
~il)ns in Wyllic’s ]modu]. “I”lwir ratio is thus u dimcn>imr-
,Y,,n -- :’R”lR, . . . . . . . . . ,(2) f~~s shape factor. IX Wittc’S dcrivatiorr’ wwuld dcfirw C“.
in othur turm~. Frum the ~tandp~~int ~~f the practical 1111:
I“,)r CIL’iin. omw~lidalcd wmh. the vdluc of u is taken us ~rraly~[. (IIC cx~ct phy~ical Miniii(m nf (“. is unimportant
2. I:or dlaly sands. this same cxprcwion can I,c made since it is not rcquirwl 10 calculate its value frtm] a ft~r.
I,) tpvc rusults which arc nearly idcnticiil with those cal. mu]a such as fiq. l’. Rathur. ( can hc mmsurmf dircctiy
culatud try thu nl(~rc elaborate shaly sand cxprmsions. im cor’cs. [:Or water.~aturatcd rock. l:q. 4 rcducc~ It) I:q.
pr,]vidud an apprnpriatc pw.udn.value for u is used? Bc- 1. cxcupI ft~r thu change in notati,~n
uuuw O( it~ simplicity. this approach has hum preferred
hy many log analysts, ” and (me mark of an cxpcricnccd 1/1(,, c,i l//R,,. . . . . . . . .(x)
;intify~t i~ ttw ability IO .chnow an. apprnpriatc M value
((w a purlicuiar prohlcm (or make a fortunate g~css). If I/i/.. ii mcasorcd nn avulfahfu c(ircs al IWLJdiflcrcnt - ‘”
In “marr~ cases, Ibis approach will give rea<mrahlc rmults. v21uu\ of R,,. the rcwftlng fx~ir l)f Ecfs. X can fw wdvcd
hut in wildcat situatit~ns or in areas having water of var- for both F and (’.. ”Since h{~lh C.’, and por{~sity arc in
iahlr salinit”y. calculalirm~ using this trpprnach arc often tlucncixl hy the frfiction of clay prcwnt, u~ahlc C1)rrL’lti
of speculative validity, N(IW thathigh.speed efcctrorric iion< uf (“. and por{~~ity can stmwtimm hc cfcvcl~)pcd, I.ig.
data PI occssing ufuipm4mt is widely available (at IMK1 I shows an example of such a pf{~t for a shaly (“rctuccou~
for of?icv U*C if not yet for calculations at thu wellsite). mndstonc in thu F31g}i(wn basin. Wyo. I;tw {his cxumplc.
Ihc problem of lcxfi(~us algcbrfi r-wed no I{mgur hc a cic- (‘, incrcaw’. with lnCrLa\ln~ pl>rl~sily, pm~ihfy hrcnuw thu
lcrrcrrt to u~irrg Ihc Shaly sand uLlufitiorr\ in r[~utinu log flow path of the electric currcn[ i~ IN t(~r(u(~us aI higtwr
analysis. pnro~itiu~; however, this rclali(md]ip has not hucn ~~h>urvcd
in all instancm.
SII \I.Y ~..\NI) I:QI1/f TION$
When the only avail;lhlc apparent Iormation l:ictor data
The conductivity nf a partially saturated shaly sand is were run at orw salinity, C’, can slill Im cstima[uf if (hc
a parabolic funclion of the water saturation S,, and the clean.wsnd ccmcnla!iorr cxpununl is known (jr can bc as.
connate water rcsistivity R,,$, ~umed, ;]nd the appfircnt forma lion facl’)r dula Were Oh-
tuincd using brine of sufliciwrtly low w!inity t(~ di~ccrn :
ljR, - A.$,, I tiS,,’/R,, . . . . . . (3)
the intluurcu of the shale.
A and B arc constants. A if related to the conductivity of Fig. 2 shows apparent formation factor vs porosity for
the rock duc to shale, and II is the reciprocal of the clean. {he samu data as in Fig, 1. I.incs of cnmtant values of the
sand fnrmation factor. Replacing A hy the rnnrc dcscrip. product 1{,.(.’. havv bwm drawn nn the figure. Archic’s for.
live C, (conductivity due In shale). Ilr, 3 is written in matiim. factor’ equation with a clean-sand cxporwnt .of 2

hc used in uncortwiidatcd sand% Ideally, [he apparent where T is the formation temperature in degrees Fahren-
formation Pdc[or meawrcments should be made at reser. heit. R,., is obtained from measurements of mud filtrale
voir tcmpcralurc. In this example they were not, samples, corrected to formation temperature by the em-
“1’hc prcwncu of conductive shale mu,t also be rccog- pirical equation in the SP cqua[iun. The clean-sand SP equation is
RJR, = (T,/T,)”m . . . . . . . . . . (14)
SSP> K 10~ /{.,,/ R,. . . . . . . . . . (9)
R and T are the resistivities and temperature (“F). and
I:or clean sands it has also been shown that the SP will the subscript~ indicate the respective association of the
tw unuffuctml by the prescncc of hydrocarbons: How- two quantities. This equation closely duplicates the con-
twur. if shale is prcwrt the SP is also affected by water vcn[ional resi$tivity-salinity chart.
wluration. and a more complicated cxprcwion ‘results, The clean.sand formation factor
.. .. .pirN\iiy,.Th~:gcneral . ; F... iss...calculated from
-. .$.. ..:?>, ,
lTII{ fo’rrnlusid fi~r~is tha~ ~iven ‘in Ref. ”2~” ‘ “‘“’..’~ “’.”-
(A R./EKY,,) + I
R,,, ,
PSP = K log

A and 1) are the same constants

[( ~
as in Eq. 3. Making
(AR,,, r/f3.$.r ) t 1 “

F=a/#.m, .

where the constants m and DI are specified to give the


appropriate porosity correlation. The porosity value used

. . . . . . .. (15)

wmu \Llh~[itutions as wcru made in Eq. 4 givc~ in Eq. 15 may be obtained from core data, if trvailablu.
or more commonly from w-snic or density logs. For thu
C, F + .Y,. /R..
sonic log case. either the conventional time-average for.
PSP h’ log
( (’. F + s./R.,,
) “ “ mula” or a formula including a compaction term” may
I;q. 10 is derived under the assumption that Eq. 9 is cor- be used at the option of the analyst. The compaction
lL$Ct. ]n PdCt. f~q. ~ i$ Only an apprOXima[iOn SinCe it ig-
term fnrmula used is
nores corrcclicm for divalent ion activity in low-salinity
+= U(A1 – b)
water and for inter. ion dfect in high-salinity water. PSP (16)
in IILI. 11 will therefore be renamed to indicate that the z“”””’”””””
SP value mu~t he the value of PSP that would be oh. where z is the true bed depth and a. h and c arc supplied
Iaincd if l:q. 9 were an exact equality. ‘Jhu new value will fitting constants, obtained by comparing sonic tr~vcl times
hu Iurmud SP,. or %ffcctivc SP.”’ with core or density log data as available. f;its from such
(“, F S,. /R,.
data include corrections for shaliness.

SP. K log (12) With K, R,,,, and F specified. the number of variables is
(’. F- -t.s..
reduced to seven. R, and SP, are taken from the Iog$.
oh~crvud SP vislucs must bc cnrrccicxi 10 ohttiin the cf. after suitable correction. Of the rcmainlng five variables,
fuclivc SP to make F.q. 12 true. Methods of accrrmplish. .$. is always unknown. and the other four may i~r may
Ing thi~ corrcctiorr arc di>cuswd in a Iatcr sectl,’rr. not bc known, depending upon the circumstamxw R,, may
be known from measuring formation waler ~ampl~~. If
appropriate measurements have berm made on cores from
the well or other wells in the area. C, may be known.
l’q~. 4.,6 and 12 a~c the bases of the intcrprctaticm sys. (The value of C, in a given formation usuallv varies with
tcm. “I”huy curstain 1[) variab!c~: SP.. R,. R,.., /:, ~. R..,,
.S,, C.’.. R,. and .S,,. Suvcral [~f thmc wrriahles arc always
dcturmlnahlc. K has hL’cn shown to depend only upon [he
Icmpuralurc. ” 50 .$!
Rw. ohm-M
K V).l)fl 1. [),13 (}5”/”. .’ . (13) ‘r Q’
40 0, A 0.046
h\ ● 1.4

10 - 1 I
I .$

I . .
““ >?
/:”i 620l-w\\\Ab
,/ “,
.. ..
I “ ‘*Z .7
; 03 -
2 /de”;
:/ ●
* ;
,: 02
/.” “;
—--- . .—.
... , - .,-
% * * .. -~..”.
10 “:- 15 “.zoi. 30 ~ 40
-- . .. .. .. . . . . .. . - .. .
--..”. -’ ‘; “L”.:-.-
.-.”POROSITY. “’7=”-”.-->

.“. . . . . .

-.. ..,..
.. .

quired. ) If an appropriate log has been run, R.. may bc Eqs. 17 through 21 are laborious to calculate by hand if
known. In the strict sense, S,. is not known. but it maY more than a few intervals are to be analyzed. Constructing
often be closely approximated. Depending then upon data suitable nomograms also appears to bc a formidable prob.
availability, the various possible simultaneous solutions of Iem. Consequently, the problem has been programmed for
Eqs. 4, 6 and 12 are as follows. solution on data processing equipment. Additional detail~
on this program and a discussion of certain logical con.
(:ASE 1: R. KNOWN. Nf) R,. TOOJ.. straints which have been incorporated arc given in the
f,’, UNKNON’N Appendix.
~q~. 4 and 12 are solved for S,, and C..
Correction of observed SP to obtain equivalent SP 1>
?!””R” (.’““.().: ,.,..,,,., ... .
,. .~,c:
[ R, (R.., .- R,/)x 1 -
where x = 10*r@/K. With S,, found. RI. 4 is solved for ~..
.(1,7) . .-t!e.~ Key.‘step?in the analysis. ?Such ‘corrections arc usually ~-
unnccessary in waters having predominantly’ monovalent
ions in relatively low concentration but are usually re.
quired in fresh waters with divalent ions. or in very salirw
(:~s~ 2: R,. lJNKiY()\VN. water regardless of the vahmcy. In the Rocky Mountains.
‘W) R,. TOO].. ~. KNOWN corrcction~ are usual] y needed. Extrernel y wide and often
Eqs. 4 and 12 are combined to give a quadratic in S.. unpredictable variations in formation waters are encount-
ered. Examples of rapid salinity changes for the Powder
S,.’ + C. FR., S,/ – RFn,,/xRr = O . . (18) River basin, Wyo., are given in l-able 1. which also in-
dicates Ihe extreme freshrwss of some of the waters, re-
This quadratic will have only one positive root. and thus quiring SP correction bccauw of the prcmscc of divalcnt ‘
gives a unique. solution for .S,.. With S,. found. Eq. 4 can Ions.
be solved for R,,.
A first approach to the problem wa> the whstituliLm {>1
activity for resistivity.”” Eq. 9 then bccomm
Gsl-1 3: R. ui%Km\\ N. R,. 1“001. RUN,
(:, [l NKN()\\”N
Two srrbcases are possible. In the first. a constant value
for S,. is assumed. In this case, Eq. 6 is solved for C’,. and where u. and a,,, arc the activitim ot the water and mud
the problem then becomes identical with Case 2, For the filtrate. It was later showna that the activities could be
second subcase, S,, is not assigned a given constant value. calculated from the cation activity. rc~ul[ing in the equa.
but instead is defined as a funclion of S.. [ion

S,o= s,,’” , . . . . (19)

where r is a specified constant,

suggested in the literature.” but
A value of five has been
studies of flood pot data
SSP = K log
(rrNa +- \/u(.’14 + rTMg) .

[ (aNa +“ \~rrCa + aMg) <,,t 1


suggest that lower values on the, order of two 10 three are where uNa, a~a and aMg are the activities duc to the sodi-
also sometimes appropriate. For this subcase, Eqs. 4, 6, 12 um, calcium and magnesium content of [hu water and
and .19 are. combined. to obtai!r an expression that c,on- mud filtrate.
rains only S. as an unknown. Eq. 23, however, does not fully account for errors ]n ~ ‘=
FR _ FRm., the observed SP. This is seen by considering Fig. 3, which
k’:’ .$,,’’” “ .s,.’’’’’” + s,,” -- (20) compares SP values calculated from activities with the
observed values. ‘rhe observed values arc 20 to 40 mv -
This expression can be solved for ~. by trial and error. Eq. more negative than those calculated “Ibis disagreement
19 then gives S... C, is found from Eq. 6. and finally R,. cannot be due to shales. If the sands were all completely
is found by Eq. 4. clean, the effect would be to increase the absolu[c value of
each observed SP, whether positive or negative. This would
rotate the actual match line about the ztro point on the
( ..4sE 4: R,. KNON”S, NO R,. TOOI,,
(.’, KNOWN SP observed line in a counterclockwise direction, wi~h ncr
better agreement. Another possible source of the disagree.
Eq. 4 directly gives a quadratic in S,,. mtmt could be from streaming potentials. ‘Jo check this
possibility, a plot of SP, - SP,.,. VS prcs’ure differential
Su’ + C, F/?,, .$,, -. !R:
=0 . . . . . (21 ) across the formation face was prepared. No correlation
was evident, and it was concluded [hat the disagreement
Again, only one positive root” is possible. providing a is due to some other factor. “indicating thu ncmi for em.
unique value for S.. pirical corrections.
— —

l.Igs. 4 and 5 show lhe activity salinity relationships for ~ome sands contain waters which are very saline, there
Ihe formation waters and muds, respectively, which were will also be a downward curvature on the right end of the
used in calculating the theortitical SP values in Fig. 3. band due to inter-ion effea. However. part of the band
Aclivilies in Figs. 4 and 5 were calculated from chemical will bc a straight.line portion parallel 10 the monovalent
analysis by [he method of Ref. 20, One approach to SP Ilnc. usually lying fo the right, although it may approach
correction is [o use a chart ( f-ig. 3 ). The disadvantage of ‘II very C1OWIV.and occasionally may even be slightly to
Ibis mcthcrd is that extensive water and mud filtrate sam. the left.
ple data are required. In addition. reliability is uncertain The puint~ PIOI in a band rather than on a smglc llnc-
t>eCause of the considcrablv scat[cr of the data point>. A tor wvcral reasons. Fkd thickness corrections and other ~‘
hettcr method for wells with multiple sands, some of mndom errors introduce scatter ( Fig. 6). Systematic er.
. which must be water bear!ng. !> an $xte,n>ipn cf ,a rnctho~e. . . rors may, a]so hy, present. If,, R,.,, is gre.a!er than R“, ver! .
wggwtc~ by- ~~ylli~.~’ “l”hel~ig of R.. /R, is pldttcd’igai’nst •hallt~w invasion “ma-y cau~e R,. tcj he read too low, and
,>bwrvcd SP ( I;ig. 6). The plotlesf poinli arc in a band deep invasion can cauw R, 10 Im read too high. (With
lying roughly paralld to the ideal monovalent water linu. R- greater than //,..,. the reverse is [ruu. ) Mud cake can
If frwh wa[er sands arc prcwnt. ~hc hand will curve down cause R, 10 bc ruad too low, especially with the Micro.
\\:lrCj on ltl~. Icf[ $isjc h~,cauw (>f the dlvalcnt ion~.” 1( .. Ialcro]og. ‘1hcw crror~ all rdscc thL’ valUe of R,./R,.
.- ...
-.——. --——- -, ---- -- ... ..—. . . /.
.._. .-—

.— “
. . ..●.●-.,
. ---- --- . . ,/ ~

. . . ...e,/;./!i,: ●

_“+/ .,
“. ~,

. .. .- “-0” !’ .***-+

,, “
./, +,j. ”
Acrl, o, ● / ; ;
Wc!ct /

,,( ‘15:Rf nf$lsllvll r 0. 15~r

l~lc. 5- Ill II I’ll ittArt; Al llY1-rll.3 (.Alt I 1.%1111 tHl#M ( II IMI1 41

* lh,ck”e$s Cc,r, ec! ,0. “.ne’es$.ry

o fkd Thtchmess Correct to. Mode

!00 ,
/\ ;“-! - !~ i,lj\l :
~ I
I /i J_- I IJ
50 I

!.1, i“

o ‘“+80 +60 ‘-+40

o -20” .40 -60
!.. +
~i: lx

[:1,, .} ( “<)MI,3u15[)3 uk’ 01!S1 hil.[1 AXI) C41.[ 11.,<1] 1) S1’. ]’, )\\l]I )( ii
]{1!’1 II I]WS (I)4KOTA ~(, Yl:S OX!. Y),
. . 1.. ..
●✚ ✎✎✎✎✎ ~ ~“.“:: .
✌✎ ✎✎✌✎✌✌ ..
‘.. -
—.i“ 1
. .
. ,. . .J - -1
: ‘1 .. I! I/fL/i I .i
%’, .;
. . . ,. i

. .“.. .

I1 1

.. .I,,. _,,
.,- .. . ~ .-
r. .. . . ..--.”-: .—-.
- -----
- --- - -- -....,..

If oil zones are present, R,,,/R, will also be reduced be-

cause the mud filtrate flushes the oil near the wellbore.
Thus. oil zones may fall completely outside the band.
which is diagnostic of hydrocarbon saturation?’ However.
shaly zones of moderately high water saturation, which
may still be productive, may fall within the band and
rcducq the value of the plot itself as a diagnostic d~vicc.
Both systematic errors and the presence of hydrocarbons
reduce the.ratio R,.,/R,.. Thus, a line drawn through “the
uppermost points on the band, ignoring the small number
of points which are off due to random scatter, will climi- ...
“nate”thc systematic errors” and give the vah’c of R,,,/R,”
corresponding to a given observed SP with both the sys-
.tematic and random errors eliminated. This is justifledif at
least some of the sands are water bearing (or contain no
movabl coil), so that R,.,/R, hasrmt been reduced at every
point by the presence of hydrocarbons. and if the RJR,
ratio has been correctly measured in some of the zones.
lf an insufficient number of zones are available to give
wrough points to establish the band and find its upper lim- g
it, the curve may still bc constructed from activity -resist-
0 20 40 60 80 100
ivity relationships by the following steps.
1. Based on inspection of those points which are avail. WATER sATuRATION

able. a point is selcctcd on the plot which is assumed t{) I:IC, 7 \\ ’All.l{oll. ]{1 I.i’1111. ]’I.IIMI. VI II.IIY ]l\I \ 11111
be reprcwntative of the correct value of R.,,/R, for the ]: X,4bll>l I \\ 1.1.1..
given SPvaluc fora water.bcaringsand (Point A. Fig. 6).
2. Since IO(J pcrccnt water saturation has hcen assumed [hc bottom o! the charl i~ untcrwi at the valuu (If SP,.. (iIJ
at Point A. R,., /l{,, is WILMIto ?{,,,/R,. The value of J?,,
up 10 the caluulatcd line. Icf[ m Ihc id~al line and thun
.it t%)inl A is found fr~~m thi~ ratio and [he nl~aqurcd VdIUC
back to the bottom to rcttcl thu cficctivc SP value.
of f{,, ,,
II should be emphasized that the SP corr{c[i(m madu in
3. Given R,,. the water activity is found from a chart this manner is not a correction for shalinos. SP, is the
such as I:ig. 4, SP value which would be observed, in ii CkdII (v .I/I(Iiy
-1. Ciivcm~/,,.(i,,., is foundbyI~q .22. sand if the waters were idczdi instead of the value actually
5. An obscrvud SP value differcnl from Point A is SC. obwrved. If the sand is shaly. the R.. value found in Step ,
Icctcd. lJsing the ~1,., value found in Step 4. n., is calcu. 2 of the foregoing calculation method. is nnt the actual
laIcxf forlhe new SPvaluc using Eq. 22. R,., but rather a pseudo. /?,.. However. as long as this
6..R,. is dctcrmirwd forthis activity value usinga chart R,. value is on the straightlirw portion of [hc activity
wch.asl:ig.4. .- . . . -. . . . .resjstivity curve.
. . . ..-.the ..calculation
. . ... .. . . rned!ud is stijl yvwgti~lly,-. .
accurate. .
.7. R“,,,,/R,. “is now calculated for the rww SP value. Frsr . . -
wtitcr iands. this is also equal to A’,../R, which cs~ahlishul
.ino[hcr point on Ihc calculated SP vs R,,./R, line. .
K Sfcps 5 through 7 arc rcpcatcd until unough p(~ints [’hoo~ing orrc of the four casus to bc ustd in J Iicld situa
~m IIW calculated linu have bum found to permit sketching tiorr depends on available logs and the amount ~lf R. and
the Iirw a~ shown on f:ig. 6. (’. data already obtained from thu area. Thu ch~)icu alw)
lI\tablishing the line from ~n]y~ fcw p,)int~ in thi~man. depends on the mud and reservoir conditions which affuct
ncr requires not only that Point A in fact represent a cor- log response. For example. Case 3 rcquirm thu Icm(
rectly measured R,../R, value in a water sand, but that amount of external data and could bc used on a wilcfca[
activity -resi%tivity relationships for the formation in ques. WCII.As more data became available through field develop.
tion bu known. Experience has shown that these relation- ment. Case I could then bc umf. If mud and water w
ships are readily determinable from existing water sample Iinities are such that SP amplitude is \mall, shale cauws
files. Since there is Iittlc scatter in the points on Fig. 4, it little error in R,. dcterrnination$ from the SP. If the SP
can be concluded that the activity -resist ivity function can amplitude is small becauw of fre~h formation water. it
be defrneda ccurately. from a relatively small number of still gives vd]id .7., value}. ~fl~ct of sh?le .~n
samples. For sand of a given age, there appears to bc little the resistivity” is grca[. “and a corrcctiorr ‘is required. (.aw - ~
variation in the relationship over areas at least as large 4 gives good rmolution in this circumstance. In Case 4. R,.
M a geologic basin. is assumed known, either from samplc$ or from maximum
SP deflections in the bench.
In Fig. 6 enough data were available to permit sketch-
ing the line without using the ahove calculation- procedure. CASE 1 .
Ncvcrt@ess, —* ‘the’ calculated
. . —— .. . . .. . line shown
. . . ... was
. -. -=-.. constructed
.-. -—— . ....=_- by. ‘,ttwd-whcrc. 1{. ~S ~~~tw~.f~~,~l... .__j_._;.
the forc~oing method to show the. excellent agreement be- ~-~a-mp]e~ or., ~in be Obtained with go~jd r~liability frfinl -
tween the calculation method and the actual data points. known clean sands in the well. The .judgmentof the ana-
‘ A freehand line drawn through the poihts would be almost Iyst .determine~ the cihoick of tk,e clean sand SSP. value ‘“
! identical.with the calculated line shown. ..- -.: ..:.., –- ~ _ . . used “to find R,.. Experience shows that in areas where -. . . -
i. t%ce precalculated line on Fig. 6 has been established. -- ~“-R,. is variable: .Case 1 is still a good h ydrrrcarhon detection ..,=
- either by.;calculation. or by. sketching.. determining :SP. . ~method, “even .though.~lculatcd. S.~;nay not be. qua.ntha:.- .:. . -
! from SP,: ii straightforward; As shown by. the dashed line; ‘~”“< tively’ r-eliable, Jt ii assumed that= thi’maximum’SP; “gives” .lL”” ,~’
~ :,:---~ :-;..=... .. s-.-... ,- . .. . .. &--. .a.- . . . . ..... . ... ... ...t#-# . . . .. . ,.-. S.. S -e -e... .-. ,.-&,-..
.-—- ~..—. —
.-e. . . .-. ..= . . .. . .-... ... $..- ... ----- 2 ------ - :j -
. *


CALCULATED BY CASE 1 AND BY CLEAN+3AND Zone Porosity (percent) S,, (percent)
Water_Saturation $ 25.1 %
Core Cl~e~nSa:d “ .—. - -.. . -- —
Zone Porosity Core Case 1
37 22 30 (:,1s1; ,3
; 35 27 ::0 46
This case LMCSa Ioggcd value of R,,, 10 determine C’..
32 32 38
: 26” “ If accurate values of R,. can be obtained, and //,,, is also
5 24””
% % 50-70 carufully detcrrninwf, this case is capable of cxccllcnt rem.
f “’Core data “is from up+tructure well. Log data include sev- ~: ., Iutims. Howcwsx-. the results arc sensitive to errors in either
eral transition zone wells. ‘ “” ‘‘ . R,:, or R,,,;. Since in practice both of these parameters arc
0 ‘:’These zones are much more shaly than those above. somctimm difTcult to obtain reliably, and since .S,. must
also be estimated, it has been fnund that Case 3 is reliable
L)fl k% ihan half of the wctt$ where an R,,, too] is run. An
i.J valid S, SP.Allhough lhis awumpticrn can givv pessimistic area for future invmtigation would hc the use of the
values for .S. , if an appropri~tc saturation pay cutoff vdluc Gramf Slam tcchniquc:> to improve lhc dctcrminati~)n of
is USMI, no Lommcrcia] production will be overlocrkecf. R,.. In fresh mud. Caw 3 appedr~ potentially Itw mod
“I”ablu 2 illustrates the cxccllcnt rcwdu(inn (’aw 1 givo promising of all the ca~cs. However. in vdlt mud Ihc prod-
wlwn j<. is accura[cly knuwn. Tlw data arc from tin off’. uct (“. R,,, i~ w) ~mirll (hat C’asc 3 Irxcs rcwdutiun and i~
~horc area in ~a]ifornia where CXCe]knt rL’S~rvLlir data not suifablc.
arc avaiiablu from a nearby onshore por~ion uf Ilw field. Tdblu 4 givm an uxarnplc of evaluation using Cisw 3.
‘1 Iw table IISIS the pcrrmity and water wturatium for rnatiy l“hc data arc from a WCII clrillcd 10 evaluate the pmsihility
zurrcs in wvcral formations (as de(crminul from corc~ cut t~f oil procfuc[ion downdip from a gas.productive Crcla
with oil.base mud) and the calculated valum of salura. ccou~ sandstone wqucnce in ihc Big Horn basin. \VyI}.
lion uiing Caw 1. Also shown arc valum calculated h! “]’hc well wa.+ con[inu~lusly c~~ruf: a Micr(~lalcr,~log JIKJ
Ihc Cican.sand rncthmf. in the c!]uancr’ Zonus, Ihc CIVdn. ll;S madu up thv log program. (.uru analyws wd~ uwxl
sand mctht>d givus f~irly rca~{)n~ihlc ruiult>. hilt in y.onc~ 10 dutcrrnirw .S, “1hc lahlc Iisls puro~ily und cal~uldlcd
4 and 5. which arc rn~)rc +aly. lhc clciJIJ-wnd nw!hIId wirlur ●alura[ion frlml ~ SJnd Ihat was pr-tduclit~n tc~lc&
t,a{ijy ~)vcrc,[inldlu~ Ihu wa[cr wluratilm, JtuLsiivu purnwuhility diIIiI fr~ml IIIC WIIW wsnd Were ~jWI
,.\<l.’ .) ohttiinud tind arc dl~)wn in Iig. 7. l’:r~ml thi~ ckrlo and the
cirjculalcd S. [i 61 11)66 pcrccnt. i! was prcxlictcd IIIJI Illu
‘j hi> ciIw is tipplicahlc whet-c R. is unknt~wn and po>. tu~,jl wt~uki pr{]ducc h~}th ~)ij and waler. hut iii l~IW r~lus.
sIhly varifihlc. hut valid values {~f C. arc avzilablc from “1’IIL WUII W4K ticlually ccmlplclcxt for 6 ROPI) dnd I
COIC &iii I. In (’aw 2. R. iii wc]t as .S,. hcc(mlc~ a cak’w B\VPI). conlirrning lhc pr,.diclitm, “1 hc producing (ioR
Iiitcd rc~ujt (I;q. 4). R,, calculalud in this manner may hu was \liglllly in c,xcc~~ of lhu w~luli~m rali{). indicating th~l
iuhs[antially diflurcnt from the vajucs ohtisirwd from. tlIc the tlil column ~us very thin.
muximurn SP ddlccti~~n~ (“1’atslc 3). The data arc from
corrckrlihlc ,tcrtiisry rends on two wcjh on. the .s@mc anti- ( ‘ASJ: .!
. . . .
clirw: (hc WCJJ is productive, and (he other is downdip T’his caw rc~uirc~ R.. I(I hc kll(;wn !r;m) ~;n]pj~,~ [J; -”
. ..
‘ificl wit. ~dlc’uJat&J valuc~ ‘of porxjsity. .$,, ‘and R,, arc from maximum” SP iri ji ~anci~ltmu wquuncc. If R,, is d~- ‘-
Wown. as WCII as the R,. value which would bc oblairrcd taincd by Itic jaltcr mcth’iyf, ~d%’ 4 tlh) can give pu~~i
ij~ing maximum SP dcllcctiun in rdch fwnch. Zonm 3 rni<lid rcsujls unlci~ thu SP Ila$ snmll [idlcclitln~. (’:iw -t
through S in IIIC productive WCJI pr~ducc clcisrr {MI. RcliI. gives good rcw]lts in very fr’csh waler rvwrvuirs. Jn wIch
Iivc pcrmvthili[y data show tlurt clean {~il pr(xiuction i~ p(mls. the SP is smiill and the [mm .t in I;qs. 17. 18 and
comi~tcnt with thu ]owcr wi{urat ions cakulatcd using (’tiw 20 Ii alw~ wnall. Thui. wmrll crrt]rs in SP c[)rrccti~)tl can
~, “]”hc tligllcr waler Vdt Urd[it)nS Ji\tcd Undur *\.. , arc LfUC to givu appreciable crror~ in water wrturdlion when using Ihc
crrurruwly high R,, , values calculated from the PSI> in olhcr caws. In the limit. when SP. is ruri~. IIqs. 17. 18 otld
ttw shaly sandstone using I;q. 9. and the failure to cnn. 20 hruak down complctuly. Tahjc 5 prcwmls da(a frtnn ii
\itfcr Ihu cflcct i~f ~halc in the saturation calcu Jatirms. Jurassic sandstone nil rcwrvoir in the Wind River ba~in.

. . Water. Productive Do.w.ndip W?ll (Some
Well Containing Productive Sandstone Shows Encountered)
Zone + s“, R,,, at 100” S,.. R., at 100’ ,,,, s.. ! R,,, at 100” S.,, R., at 100°
1 19.5 111 0.95 96 0.87 20.7 85 0.62 78 0.57
2 19.7 99 0.67 91 0.62 18.3 83 0.59 78 0.56
3 “16,0 ““ 72 0.38 47 0.27 19.4 81 “““ 0.32 74, 0.28
‘--- ‘-P--4-’- ‘% 7:97-=--T47-==+L 0.67=-=33 ‘-~0.49- . . -- =----$ .-16.5 -“=+06 =-:-=0.55 --=*----+$ -+-”57.57--------
:38.1- . .;. 0,54 .,.- “ ‘- - . ~;,j. - “..~{6-’.’ . ...55- .“.”: “90 “ “:.: -f J57., -
,,, S “:,, --;:18,9 ‘“”-‘ -T49 + .:, 0,69. ?’ ~“,
.6 ‘.:’::-: 18:5 G.--:25454 ‘;. “~C:’0.65: ‘“.:- .“42:-:-.e ‘=0.51 ;’ ‘T:”:- ~“.”:. 15.0::~ z ‘83;>- :=,:0,49 : ~ ~ ‘“73 :--..::052 ~+.
,7 :-.
. . .. *- ~.:;l?$.’.:,;- 56.. _ :j~.O.56 .:,:” -., i45+ ~: 0:45 T , . .:- + z .l.o.3-j:xm .!+ : 0.59.,,, :7,.7?.r.:-’.y.4~4~.. ..-’.
-. -“8 .-,’:::19.1 ._ ..-’31 ,: ~~
-.,0,5Q’”. -, .-.20 :: ;;- 0.3J . , -“-” .: ‘ ;9.9-: ;: ,..”92 . -.O.:=: -:-.:l,. ‘:-;’ ,!?36 ‘ :
“‘ ‘-’- ‘k,.; :-:
.: ~-- .- Calc~lated
. . ., -. ~b~;clean~sa~-d ~rnG~h.od;WtiergTF.,~i$t
. .. .. . . ... . . .‘?-’-h,=
. . 2 and R~; .is calculated
. ----- .-vusing . maximum”
... . . S$ vadues.vrr!~h!n a:benCh._ ”.:,
..-. .L...=. .: ..?..
S,,, and R,,,: Calculat~d by Ct%e 2.” “ .-j, --. , =. : .:. “~ - .-::--- ~ .“ ..:: ~ ._: _ ~;-:: 1 _: z :::.
-- ..! .- A- —,.. .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . .. . --- .. —-... .—. — . . .. . .-=. .—— .. .. . . .. ... .-”- -. - .. ...... .. . --+---. —-. ---------
TABLE 5 — COMPARISON OF SATURATION VALUES heck for their assistance with the data processing aspects
CALCULATED BY CASE 4 WITH VALUES CALCULATED L)f the work and to G. R. Pickett of Colorado School of
BY CLEAN.SAND EQUATION Mines for his helpful criticism and suggestions.
Depth Porosity s ,,, s“.
1,253.1,262 24.6 40 H::
1,264.1,271 28.9 Au
1,271.1,277 25.5 22..1 1. 1)011, 11. (;.: ““1’})e SP J.OX: Thcoretiritl .~nolpis I@ Prin(ipk-
1,277.1,282 28.0 20.7 ,){ Ir)i(,r-r)r(.l,itior,”, Trans., 41M1; (1949) 179, 146185.
1,282-1,285 34.9 12.0
2. III: \f ill,,. 4. J.: “%1111.l(i(,ll MINI l’~lfj-il! Frm f%-clri~ l-~~~ il~
1,285.1,289 28.9 21.8 oj/ n,~d (;,,. ]. I 11.11,11 4. ]957) 55. 89: .{1)11 ‘
.Sh.ily %ml~-’.
1,289.1,297 920 102.0 I .$,,,,1 1s. 19571 55, 115.
1:: 118 63.0
,-. . 1,297.1,308 . .,. . . . - :“:i, irrhic, (;.>K.:.’’Kl,,lritifilil Hr.i.ti,il} u. nn Aid tn. ~ or,, ,Antll}.1:
S,.,: Calculated by clean-sand rnethbd>using ]I,t,rl,r,,(d[i(,ll”. ?’runs., Alh!lj ( 194?) 146, 51. ‘
F-#”’ ”’,n’ --= 2.0.
S,,,: Calculated using Case4 !. Palndr. l{. \V. ml \\ ’yllic. 1[. R. J.: “’III. I’rr.,.llm, II{ (.011.
lll)rtiJ,. .%l id. in l{t.-i.nt,ir Hi,{.k. J. J F’artor in Ekttri,. IA:
lti[,tl,rt,l:tli,~n”. T,IIII*.. \I?sIl~ ~1950) 189, 475?.
Wyo., calculated by this case. Here. many water samplc~ 3. III, N ilI{. 1..: “’l{t,l.lli{,,,. lk,l\If.IM Rv.isliliti[.t .III,l I; I,, III (.011.
were available but no R,,, tools had been run. Good sonic trot- III l’~MIIIIS RIM.L.”. oil WIJ ~IN J. I fUE. ~~. 195n~ 49.
log calibration was obtainable from core data. and C’.
was obtained from a rwarby nonproductive well below the (,. \\ ’lll.,l U,.I. \\. (). JII, I \lI[ ,11111.11.
\\ \l. : ‘lr, ni,. l) I, IIhk.l. J>,I
( :t,ll,lll,li\ily in Ri.-rrtnir RIM.)..””.TfIfnc.. .41111: {195’31 198.
oil. water contact. The table ~how~ calculatrxf porosity
and S,, calculated by of (-aw 4, Also shown
thti method
T, \\”yllie, Xl. R. JO OtId W,,lllll,i, L. 1’. F.: “:!l! ILl],l,ill,tl)l.11 III
for compiirison is [he saturation
that would be calcu. },-lig,lli(}l) ,,( 1!1,, \l, .III, I l’lml,,mvl;l
}{,, -i.lil
ity in l)ill~
Iatcd by the clean. sand method (Eq. 5) using a typical %,,,(1 .“”. 7r(fn.. \l\ll: I 19.51 I 201. -)3.56.
value of cementation cxponcn[ that might be sclcctcd H. I’,., hil,.. l“, 11,. I I,. )+I:IIIIIIIn. }1. R.. Jr.. Jml \\ in~all,,. \\”. (). :
without regard to shale corrcc(ions. Buth native.state corm ..[lll,.),el.lli,,,, ,,( N,,$i!y ;,1,,1 P,,t,mli.11 nf SIl:lli t{,+.n,, i,
and rdative pcrmcahility data are availahlc for this H!)’k”’. T/,lm., A1\l E I 19s1 I 201, 1X 181.
field. They indicate [hat thu corrccl water wtura(ion is on 1/. ,1, \\ ill,.. ].,: ,’:\ SIIIt]y ,If Elr.r.lri, 1.,,: 11)1,.1,,!,.l,ll; ,,11 11,.1111 ,11-
the order [If 25 percent. II is cvicfunt that the water mtura ill SII, ily k-t,
iam-”’. 7rafJ\., .\1311j I 1’).55I 201. ll)i.1 11).
lions calculated withnut considering the effect of ~hale arL’ III. Il,h,l,tli. 1. (;.. I I.. .S,,,,tl]i, i,h. l’. 1’., Sl,i,jl,l. h, >. ,11111
erroneously high. uspeclally in [he lower porosity loncs. \\ }Ilic. 1!. R. 1.: ““’1’1,,,\l,l,lir~lit}l, ,,( d “I’1,lll..l;l Illlplll 1111,1,1
It, 1111,.S1} ;IIIII I{! ily l’l IIvl IIl!lt,l I.I Eiill,.1.,1 lIy I)irlv %lml-””.
(;,v,r,hl.. i,,< I (),1., 1%5) XX, Xi,. 1. 91:{.

(“ONC’I.USIONS I 1. Ilill. }1. 1. JIIII Xlill,ulll. J. l).: ““EIIII I IIf ( 1.1) Jllll \\”:,l,l XII
il, ill IIfiI 1:11. II, ,Ilir.i I l{lll. I\ I,Il IIf 1{,.-rr!{, i, I{ WL.
I.11111 ”’. Tr<rn. .
“I”hc duily sand theory cfcvcloped bv m~ny \ I Ml: ( 1936) 207, f,s. i?.
workers br the’ 1950’s has not hereto for-c btwn widely um. 12, \\”>llil. J1. R f.: “’l ,,: I,,lt,l,,al.tli,,l, i!, >.1,111.lIMI, Ii, .I,$”,I,, -’”.
P!oycd in rOUtin.C analysis. A “workable routine mcthnd ha. (;mJ/,hl.\;( . I ill:.. 196(1) xxv, h. 1.7 i8.
been dcvtiloped and used by the authors forncarly3 years. 1:!, \\”} llir. V. R. 1.. (; IIWIIY. A R. :11111 (;.11~11111. 1. \\.: “111.II! ‘
“I”hrough illemtiltiplc solu[ion approach, corr~iderahlc flexi - \\”.IIG. l’tln, itit. iu llt,lo.rts~tnrs)aa. drIIl I’t,r,,ln. I[,,li. i”. (;c,IrIIII -
h!lity as to Iqgsuite and requirucf regitmal data is permit: .,i,.r (.]9.56)’21, 11. ~~ ., -----
ted. where conditions require consideration of the L4TCC1 11,:,lllllilvllll. 1{1>1)1,1[!1
: ‘(, f.t,lo:i,il l’JtlI,r. 1111111(
nrill; l’i,lf,.il~ “.:,
L>fshalu in the sands. the method }las hccn fnund to im- l.,-lil)l; n,.. l:rt)l)] l“f,lf)t.ily lng.”, (;(,,)/,/11 ..;1 s I 19(11) 45, S(I. 5.
prove appreciably. the acc Llracy of water saturation deter-
minations. For all muthnds except Cast 4. accuracy is best 15. P, IIIIIOn, .!., l.IIy, M. E. :Iml Tixit,r. M. 1’.: “’ \ Cmt,illuti,m III
I;IIII rir 1,ng Itll,>rl,r,l:lti,,l]. in .<Il,,ly .<:,,,,].””, 7,,,11 s.. Allll:
with larger valuu~ of SP. The method requires access to
I 195J) 201, 138.11s.
high-speed crrmputurs. and is thcwforc inapplicable to WCII.
site analysis. The mclhnd rests on the assumption that ac- 16. N’in.uurr. I\’. 0., Shral ill. 11. 11.. 31.I..Iln. 1’. II. ,11],1\\ illi:!nl..
11.: “Rr.i-li Jily of llrii)t>.S:]llllal,,l %1111. ill l{ Ildlim I III I’11,1
tivitysalinity functions for a given formation are constant (;lmnl[tl y“, BIIIL, AA1’c I 19s2 ) 36, 25:3.
over wide areas, even though salinity itself may he var-
17. l’iuk{ll, (;. N.: “.A R(,iirw nf Curlrnl Tdtlliqlll+ (III 11,.1,.llni.
iable. 11.1111,1101 \\ .II,, I %lllnl,]tiot) I; In III I. f,g-””. .1. PI*I. rd. f Wn .
1966) 1125.1433.
NOM EN(’I,ATIJRI; 18. \\lyllir, 11. R. J.: “A QImntildti${ .+n,ily.i. IIf III,, EI,,,[),wI),l))
ir,,l (nmporwnt d th(j SI’ (IIIrw.”’. Tin.,.. Al\lK 11919) 18(I.
SSP = spuntancous pntcrrtial in a clean sand 17-2(s.
PSP;< pscurjo.slatjc potential in.a shal~, sand 11).\\’~lli~$ J[. K. J. ;Illd I);IIIIIMII’, 11. \\”.: ‘“”1”111. 1),.l(,lol,l]lrnl III
klI’>;nl}mnL+ I’I t,j,arrfl l;rom .4rtifici:11 C;liitjtl-l;xlll:li~g,* hl.itr,.
SP,, == observed spontaneous potential
ri:ll+ \\”itll l’arliculJr Rrf(,renrc to 1}][. I){lt,rlllitl:llioll Of %dillll,
SP, = equivalent spontaneous potential. obtained Ion Act i~ity”, .J. Phys. and Colloid Cht,m. 11950) 54, ?04.
by correcting SP., Xl. [;f,mli,llin. il.. ‘l’i\ii,l. \!. l]. ,11111 Sillml,l. (;. 1..: “An l{xi,l.,i.
1111.11111 $111(1) <In 1111 11111111.1111. (,( III,, l:htvniral (:a,ballm.ilinn of
SP.,,,, L: spontaneous potential calculated from
.- . g~:;~lytr> on Ihc S1’ (:IIIic’”, Trnrrs.. .,\lkllt -. (1957) 210,
activity . “ -.
------- SP,:, ,,,.: -ob~erved rnaxim_urn.~pon tan_e\~us.potentia l-=-=&Zl R\Vyl!i,..- )1 ~ N,-.f ..:-The Fflntlorticrt/ttL<”: rJ@!eI [rit - I.w-in lt’ri~r(’.-:—-:-.:--
. .- .: .-:.. - .’ m a bench or group ”of.sands., <--; ‘- “ T’:: - ‘. . - ///ii, /,. 2ml I;II.. \,;)(ll,l,,ic. l’rI,-...ltI,... N.} , I 1957) 52,.13°. ...
.. n

APHH’UDSX vals of the computed resulx. I“or record purposes. all in.
put data are also listed. Total pay+ average porosity and
DETAILS OF CA1,CWI.ATION PROCEDURE wa[m saturations in the pay zones. and total hydrocarbon
pore space are also summed and listed.
Routine analysis of logs by this procedure require+ 4, Results are usually posted on a log print by inter.
four slcps. vals. or transparent overlay bar gra ph~ of porosity and
1, Log heading, porosity calibration and recorded log saturation aflixed to a log print.
data arc entered on Input data sheets. If it is desired to Fig. 8 is an abridged tlow diagram of the compu[cr pro
apply departure curve corrections to the resist jvjty read- gram. It is convenient and permitted to record depths in
ings, these arc done manually at this time. For deviated an abbreviated format as
. . holes, measured depth, is converted to true vertical depth
graphically and bed depth.ii also entered. :‘ ,”-’” “ ‘. .:’. ” ~‘ -‘
2. SP. readings arc corrected graphically to SP. and 59.92
[he values entered. 5698.5705.
3. Data sheets are keypunched and [hv cornpuler run ~}mm first rcadlng, depth values entered In thl~ manner
made. The cornputcr output i% a printed listing hy inter. arcedited 10 supply thC miwng digits

u a
— #__ —.—— .—.
REAC Ftna other un-
NEXT knowns de!erm, n-
INTERVAL oble w,th
chosen melnorj

F,nd Formot. or.

Temperolure, ~


Read ond IISI
Indlvlduol Select ~ 1001 Incremenl

Inlervol dolo For sonic, selec! Poy

Edd ond formulo Counters

slore on F,nd ~ 1.- . ...- .
If both sonic LE. ! results
ond density, for lh,s
. ,., ,Fl,n.d, shol! ness Iqlervol
foc tor

Find N
F=u/c#)m .— —
Los, I Inlervol

Solve for
Son,c ond Density Find
~ ,lOSPe/K “+
Log Ccmslonls

LIS1 Poy Sums

LIS1 Canlrol F[nd
Cord Rw (near)




Sw Method

. .

. . . . . . ..- . ...” . . . . . . . . . . . ..~

It is often desired to compute the same set of intervals
by more than one case, or by the same case using. for ex-
ample, different porosity calibration data. The program
is arranged to permit this without its being necessary to
reload the detail log readings for each interval.
For thq sonic log time-average formula, i.t hys been
found more convenient to input the pylr,si’ties “and travel
, for two points that dcfin~ the ~t~aight-line response
curve than for the user to calculate matrix and fluid vc-
iocitiex the progmm is arranged in this fashion, with the --zone being ctrlculoled.
computed velocities’ being reported back” as output. The ,....,,.,...:......1..’:. ,..
. .<,
density log calibration is handled similarly. If both sonic
and density porositics are available, the shaliness factor
q is calculated and reported. although no other usc of
this factor is made at this time in the calculations.
Jn addition to the four shaly sand methods, the program
also has provision for computing saturation by the con-
Neor by Por Ilon of
ventional formula using a supplied pseudo-saturation ex- some zone.
ponent. This pcrmils comparing results obtained by the
IWO methods and assists in estimating appropriate values
of pseudo-saturation exponent for making quick wellsik
analysis where a computer is not available.
“rhc program was originally written in FORT-RAN 11.
Machirw rvquiremcnts were modest –- 235 source stalc-
mcn[s wvrc uwd and rrnly a minimal amount of array
storage. Originally. a locally available 16-K IBM 1401 I:lc. 9—lIyrom{t;llcAl. S1) (iiw!..
wa~ u.d. Running time on [his machirw was typically 10
minutm for a WCIIwith 50 lnlurvals to bc analyzed, except 2U minutes. The program was rcccrrlly ruwrittcn in l:OR
t’or the ltcrativc solutiun (CiIw 311) which required abuut “lRAN IV for a rcmotwtcrminal IBM 360 sy~tcnl.


Ml. 1 Mm 1 ME THOD.2 ~+JWH,W3b -_ ‘1,{,():

F,nd I?w by

fq. o!aon 4

,5 sPe

.. .,

.. —.-
.. -.,. .:.. -. ’ .-’ -..:-.. -. -.’
+ ..’~., –.. . ... . . -: : .. . .’.’ .. ::.. !’
—2 . -----
Aside from the normal machine processing diflicultiw. where R* ,.,,.,,, is the wlue of R,, computed by Iiq. 9
\uch as transposed digit+ or csvcrlooking somu cswrtial bi( using SSP. The value of R. computwf by the program will
of duta on the input sheet>, it was found that three logical by definition bc equal to R,, ,, ,,,,,,, if no random data er-
diflicultics can ariw from the normal accuracy errors in. rors are prcwnt. Thus, It should be true that R. ,,,-,. .,1,..
hcrent in logging. and program provision has been n,d ,., ,., , _< R@ ,..,,,. If this inequality is nut satisfied, then
to attempt to overcome these problems. In C’ase 3f3, valuts F, found by Eq. 9, using the SP, value for the near-
R ,0 (,)...)
,. by sand, reprw.cnts a better estimate of the true R,, than ~,
cxcccding 100 “pcrccnt for the invaded zone siituration arc
msmcIimcs computed. In lhis event. the calculated value the valqc calculatccf frp-m I{qs. 4.6 and 12 bythc prtigram., -
is ruported as a warning flag. but is set to 100 pmwnt This value is substituted for the calculated value. ~
Iwforc proceeding with the calculations. I’or the saline-mud caw. Ihe same rcamsing holds. but
Sometimes in Cases 2. .3A and” 3B. calculated watur .,. with the direction. of. the inequalities rcverscdl in r,ictual
rcsistivitics prove upon inspection Lsf the ]otj~ to bc p’ractice; SP,,,’., need not necessarily be from another part
unrcasorrablc. Fig. 9 illustrates the problcm. Assume of the same hcnch as the ]nlcrval “under consideration. Jt
that this is a continuous sand bunch of varying shale can be the Iaryekt SP in any group of sands containing wa.
cent@. The water resistivity throughout the bench should ter of the same resistivity. If this check is to be made,
be constant, and varia[ion in the SP should be due to SP,,,,,,, as well as SP,, mu~t bc cntcrcd for each interval.
changes In porosity, and therefore C’.. If the sand were Las[ly, in Cam 3A and 3B where C’, is solved for. daIa
complcltly clean. an SSP curve with more deflcc[ion might errors may sometimes cause rwgativc va}ucs of (’, to bc
rcwll as ~hown by the dashed lirw in Fig. 9. To avoid computed. If thi~ occurs. C“. is in fact probably negligibly
rcputitivc punching of minu> signs, this program ha~ adopt small. w the sand is assumed IL) k c]urn, and wzstur wtu.
cd the convention that SP will bc con~idurcd pcnitivu when ration is calculated by the clean wind mc’thod ([+. 5)
R,,,, is greater [ban R... With this sign convcnhon, we may using R,. ,,,, ,,, as the bwt ustimate of water rcsistivity.
write the following inequality SSP > SP.,. ,,. “lhis will hold Fig< 10 Lfctail\ ttw water saturation c~lcuks [ion portion
for both obwrvcd and uffuctivc SP, Since R,., i. alwr con. ~lf ltw f)rl)grdm lo show htnv Ihc ]t~gicdi cim~lr~inl$ on
sttsnl. from l~q. 9 wc may alw) writu R. ,.,. .,,, < R,,,,,..,,,, S.. K. and C“. tire hdndlud. ***


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