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What is life? Honestly, I don’t know how to explain how life means to me. Every single

one of us has our own different versions of meaning when we talk about “Life”. I’ve been

tossing and turning for the past few days trying to figure out what does this word means to me,

and quite frankly, I am having a hard time constructing these sentences and phrases because it’s

quite hard for me to explain what the meaning of life is. Life can be good for some people, but it

can also be terrible to some. I, for example have struggled a lot trying to keep up with life. The

flow of my life is different from others, and their life is probably different from mine. We have

watched a few short clips that would sort of relate to life and I will try to explain a few things

that I have realized while watching those short clips.

The first clip was about the man’s goodness not just to people, but also to plants and

animals. I admire his kindness and good deeds, for he was willing to do anything to help

everyone and anyone and try to make them happy, even if he doesn’t get anything in return. His

love for other people, animals and plants are amazing and quite inspiring. He is not ashamed for

doing the right thing for everyone. As I was growing up, seeing the goodness of people is kind of

part of who I am. What I mean by that is even when people are mean to me or treats me terribly,

I will still hope and seek for the goodness in their heart, and when I see a slightest hope for that

goodness, I will cling to that and hope you the best. It’s funny how we tend to see the goodness
in people who have already given up on their own selves, but I guess that is just how life works

when you care about the person and you are filled with love that’s coming from above.

The second clip was about a man who believes in destiny and signs. He was in the office,

wondering about the “what-could-have-beens” in his life, and then his friend asked him what

was going through his mind that second, then he said that he was just wondering why there is no

ceiling built on their office. Then his female officemate said her goodbyes to all of them

especially to him. His friend noticed that their female officemate has a thing for him, so his

friend said that the lady likes him and he must ask her out, he wanted to believe it at first, but of

course he doesn’t want to assume and get his hopes up. His friend asked him what signs does he

want to see just to prove to himself that that girl is really into him, and his friend mentioned

something like this “gusto mo bang makakita pa na may nakasulat na “date tayo” sa noo niya?”

When he got home, he started asking for signs until the morning came. The signs that he’s been

looking for were all there. When he got to the office, he finally saw the writing that says “date

tayo” on the lady’s forehead. That was the last sign that he’s been looking for. The moral of the

story for me is that there are tons of opportunities in this world; you just got to look closely to

see it. I remember when I was a child; I used to believe in signs and destiny as well. I used to ask

for signs and I honestly depended to it whenever I make decisions and I am unsure of what am I

supposed to do. Those signs helped me a lot, until it didn’t. Something tragic happened to me

back then, and that was the reason why I stopped believing to destiny and those stupid signs. All

I can say regarding this clip is that you don’t really need to ask for signs just to seize an

opportunity; you just have to look closely and grab it, willingly.
The third clip was about an old man and his wife. They have gotten into a fight because

of the man’s untidiness. His wife left for a few days, his life shattered and he was so hurt. He

knew that it was hard for him to change for the better so he didn’t bother changing, at first. After

a few days, he felt really lonely and aching for his wife. He knew what he had to do, so he started

tidying up the whole house, he even exercised and got his hair cut. He knew he had to change if

he wants to win his wife back, and so he did. He changed himself for the better, to prove to his

wife that he can be better and do better things. He went to see his wife and talked her out to get

her home. At first, his wife was not convinced by his changes, she feared that it will still go

down to the point where her husband will stop tidying up again and the changes that he made

will not last long, but then she finally gave up and believed that her husband is capable of

change. The moral of the story is that you cannot change yourself for other people, you have to

do it for yourself and the people around you will be there to support you with your journey

towards the betterment of yourself; for as long as you’re doing it for love, changing for the better

will not be a problem to you.

All I can say is that life is unpredictable in so many ways we can ever imagine. Life is

different for all of us. We have our own ways, choices and decisions in this journey of life, but

we must not forget to be good to others and see the good in them, as well, we must not forget to

stop, realize and appreciate all the good things and opportunities that life has in store for us, and

most of all, we must never forget to change ourselves for the better. When we love someone in

our lives, we will strive harder not to let them down nor see them cry because of our mistakes;

and when we finally see those mistakes, we have to be the bigger person and choose to change

for the better.

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