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Informative Speech

The value of friendship is something that few people take time to really appreciate.When you
need a friend, you realize just what kind of value friendships holds.It provide someone to talk
and hang out with on regular basis laughter, advice and so much more.
There are so many things go through that good friends can help with:

One value of friendship which many find extremely important is the companionship aspect of it.
Whether you are hanging out with your friends in between classes or going to the movies with
them during the weekend, you will find that having friends is a really great thing. Friends are
companions who will keep you occupied and individuals who you can have a great time with all
the time.


Friends also lend a helping hand when it is needed. Every once in a while you will find that you
have a problem which your friends can often help you out with. Whether it deals with a fight
with your parents or boy/girl issues, your friends are there for you. This is a valuable trait when
it comes to friendship.

Another valuable aspect of friendship is that friends often provide helpful advice for one
another. When teens have a problem they usually turn to their friends or their parents.
Sometimes they may find that their parents are unable to help out in a certain situation and this
is when they truly need the advice of their peers. Having friends means that you will have
someone to help you get through a situation that you need help with. This, too, is a great aspect
of friendship. The advice may range anywhere from what clothes to wear to what you should do
in a certain circumstance. No matter what the issue may be, having a friend to provide advice is
quite valuable.

 Those who have good friends will also find that laughter is a big part of the relationship. No one
can make you laugh like your friends and laughter is so good for keeping your spirits up and
making your day bright. You will find that the more good friends you have, the more laughter
and happiness you will have in your life. Just keep in mind, though, that it is often quality of
friends and not quantity of friends which make an individual happy overall.


Friends is always worth is no matter what the risks.The value of friendship is the
giving.Friendship is important plain and simple and also help to define us things about
ourselves we might not have known.

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