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Anul şcolar 2019-2020

Limba engleză
Clasa a VII- a L1
PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

A. Use the prompts to make comparisons:

1. History / Geography ( difficult )

2. Bruce Willis / Sylvester Stallone ( strong)

3. Demi Moore / Uma Thurman ( famous )

4. Mike / John ( good )

5. Jane’ s house / yours. (big)

(5 x 2p = 10p)

B. Change the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple:

Alexander Graham Bell (1) ____________ (be) born in Edinburgh, Scotland. All his life
he (2) ____________ (want) to help his deaf mother hear and speak. Alexander was
very clever. He (3) ____________ (finish) school at the age of 14. In 1871 he (4)
____________ (leave) Scotland and (5) ____________ (go) to Boston, USA to teach
deaf children to speak. He (6) ____________ (meet) his assistant Thomas Watson and
he (7) ____________ (continue) his experiments. On 10 March, 1876, Watson and Bell
were in different rooms with their ‘speaking’ machines. Then Watson (8) ____________
(hear) Bell’s voice from the machine. It (9) ____________ (say) ‘Mr Watson, come here!’
And so Alexander Graham Bell (10) ____________ (become) the inventor of the
telephone at the age of 29. Two years later, there were telephones all over the USA.

(10 X 2p = 20p)

C. Ask questions to which the words underlined are the answers:

1. ___________________________________________________________

Jeffrey is watching cartoons in his room .

2. ___________________________________________________________
He works in a large hospital in Manchester in the north of England.

3. ___________________________________________________________
He gets up seven o’clock every day.

4. ___________________________________________________________
He met his wife ten years ago when they were at university.


He goes to work by train. (5 X 5p = 25p)

D. Write the opposite:
a. an old man ____________
b. a thin girl ____________
c. a difficult test ____________
d. an expensive book ____________
e. a short film ____________
(5X1p= 5p)

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

Write a composition about the way you prefer to spend your spare time.(10 – 15


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