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Effects of Playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

to the Students' Academic Performance

Angela Ladica

Angelica Recamadas

Cherry Ann Almine

Robelyn Dadap

Elma Manto

Glenn Almine

Cyrus Palanca
Chapter I


Background of the Study

Internet is a source of information plays an important role in developing one's

mind and life experiences by creating productive works in school, offices, and even at

home. Nowadays, thus can be a person's most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself

to take change and cope with the fast growing technology (Dumrique and Castillo, 2018).

According to Rock (2009), and this development, online gaming was created to give

entertainment to people.

Online gaming is very popular nowadays. One of these games is the Mobile

Legends: Bang Bang. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is one of the most played online game

worldwide. It has a total download of 100 million in Google Play Store. Due to the

increased popularity of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, it became part of the lives of many

people, most of these players are teenagers, youngster, and students (Dumrique and

Castillo, 2018).

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is made with the aim to reduce the level of stress and

anxiety level due to activities or daily activities that are done by humankind. In fact the

opposite happened, according to Fajorharapan (2018) the game even add to the problem

at the end of its influence (

Playing online games, according to some researches is beneficial. It enables the

mind of the players to be more active, and strategic. But as what mentioned above, most

of the players are students. Despite those benefits, playing these games also bring

negative effects to students because aside from being addictive, the game requires much

of players time leaving school activities and homeworks unattended



Statement of the Problem

According to some researches, this online game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is very

addictive. Most of the teachers in Silago National Vocational High School complained

about their students who are playing this game during class hours. According to them,

some of the students even skips classes just to play the game. Currently, there is no

research study that has been conducted in Silago National Vocational High School about

the effects of playing Mobile Legends to student's performance. In this study, the

researchers want to determine the exact effect of the online game Mobile Legends: Bang

Bang to Grade 10 students of Silago National Vocational High School in year 2018-2019.

Purpose Statement

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is very addictive, the reason why every player must

know the effects that the game might result. The students needs to be aware about the

effects of Mobile Legends to their academic performance. The purpose of this research is
to study on how playing Mobile Legends affects the academic performances of Grade 10

Students of Silago National Vocational High School in year 2018-2019. This research also

wants to study whether the game has positive or negative effects to the students'

academic performance. Moreover, based on what will be the results of this study, the

researchers will also provide recommendations to the students in relating to the effects

of Mobile Legends to their performance at school.

Research Questions

1. How many hours students spend in playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang a day?

2. What makes the students play Mobile Legends?

3. How does students manage their time between their studies and playing Mobile

Legends: Bang Bang?

4. Despite how high the game cost, why do some students still managed to play the game


5. What are the impacts of playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang to the academic

performances of the students?

Scope and Delimitations

This research study will only focus in one secondary school of Silago, Southern

Leyte, the Silago National Vocational High School that is located in Poblacion District II,

Silago, Southern Leyte. The researchers selected this school because this is the same
school where the researchers study and also many teachers from this school reported

about the addictions of their students to Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. The researchers

only selected one school to avoid lacking in time due to the short time frame alloted for

this study.

Limitations of the Study

It would be better for the study if there were many respondents in order to collect

numerous datas. Apparently, having a lot of repondents will be time consuming. The

researchers decided to only focus on the Grade 10 students of Silago National Vocational

High School because this students are believed to be more mature and that could

participate effectively to the research study than those who are at the lower grade levels.

Although, senior high students are known to be more mature than the Grade 10 students,

the researchers decided not the conduct the research study on them because the senior

high students will also conduct their own reseach studies and will get a lot busier than

the Grade 10 students. Furthermore, the Grade 10 students of Silago National Vocational

High School are also known for having a larger population of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Research Title

Impacts of Playing Mobile Legends to Grade 10 Students' Academic Performance

Significance of the study

The findings of this research study will be beneficial to students, parents,

teachers and to the future researchers. First, this research study will be beneficial to the

students, in a way of giving them awareness to the effects of Mobile Legends: Bang

Bang in their academic performances. Through this awareness, the students will be able

to avoid the negative impacts of playing Mobile Legends to their academic

performances. Second, this research study is also beneficial to the parents, because this

research will serve as their guide for desciplining their children in regards with the

usage of the game. This research study also gives information for the parents to be aware

of how their children's game affects them in their academic performances in school.

Third, the teachers can also get benefits from this research study because this research

study will help them to be conscious of the effects of playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

to their students' academic performance. This research will also help them in order to

orient their students about the possible effects of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Lastly, this

research study is also beneficial to the future researchers, this research study could serve

as their basis and guide for their further study about the topic.
Chapter II


According to the study about the effects of online games such as Clash of Clans,

League of Legends, and Dota there is a negative impact to the gamers who played any

these kinds of online games especially to the students. There is a potential that they will

fail on their studies because of the said phenomenon. The student’s minds were attached

on a game that is why their time on studies was limited. According to Schmidt and

Vanderwater(2008), p.63, as what is noted in a 2008 study on media attention and

cognitive abilities, “content appears to be crucial”. If the content being consumed is

positive, then positive results can be expected. If the content is negative, then negative

results can be expected. Therefore, it also depends on how the player handles the

impacts of online games on his/her studies(https://blogger3523-wordpress-



Furthermore, another paper claims that these games are not just for

entertainment (Shaffer et. al., 2005). They claim that thesegames may be used to learn

and experience different things and interact with other people and belong to a virtual

However, according to Sublette and Mullan(2012) more common physical and

psychosocial effects attributed to online video gaming are social isolation, increased

aggression, and negative academic and occupational consequences.

Also, according to Dumrique and Castillo(2018), out of 126 respondents most of

them plays League of Legends. According to the result of their study, the academic

performance of the respondents is not affected even if they play online games. Their

grades are still good enough even if they spent time for playing. To sum up with the

result, the respondents have a good academic performance despite their involvement in

playing online games.

There are also others that have found decreased academic performance in

relation to the involvement in playing video games. Anderson and Dill (2007) studied

video games and aggression and suggested that not only does gaming have an impact on

the performance directly but it also triggers a higher level of aggression which is often

linked to problems in school and decreased academic performance.

Then, there are those in the research field who have come up with neutral

results. Smyth(2007) studied the difference between playing massively muti-player

online role-playing games (MMORPG) and playing other types of video gamesand found

that even though the MMORPG group reported greater interference in academic work

(such skipping homework, missing a class, etc) as opposed to the other groups, overall

the groups did not differ in academic performance. Hart et al (2009) used the Problem

Video Game Playing survey to measure four different areas of life, including academic
behavior, impacted by the playing of video games and suggested that there was not a

significant correlation in any area.

However, there is also plenty of research to suggest that interactive video games

can actually lead to increased academic performance (Anand, 2007). Jackson et al (2008)

found that the usage of games is causally related to an increase in visual-spatial skills,

which often come in handy in the fields of science, mathematics, technology, and

engineering. A study done with Kindergarteners (Din & Calao, 2001) showed that

students who played educational video games on the Sony Lightspan, which is a game

system similar to the Sony Playstation One, made significant increases over the control

group in the learning of spelling and reading; however, no significant gain was made

over the control group in math. This suggests a facilitative role of playing video games in

developing verbal skills (2001).

Smyth (2007) suggested that complex games may lead to academic success by

engaging players in problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Skoric et. al., (2009)

found that while game addiction leads to negative academic performance, moderate

engagement in gaming can lead to improved performance in an academic setting. They

found a positive correlation between game play and English test scores, which suggests

that gaming can actually lead to better test scores. North Carolina State University is even

experimenting with a synchronous online graduate course that integrates video game

design with science curriculum (Annetta, Murray, Laird, Bohr & Park, 2008).
Definition of Terms

Popular- played by many people, having a lot of gamers

Influence- how Mobile Legends: Bang Bang affects the academic performance of Grade

10 students

Addictive- causing a strong and harmful need to play the game

Academic Performance- describes how well the Grade 10 students perform in school

Aware- knowing and understanding the effects of playing playing Mobile Legends: Bang

Bang to the academic performance of Grade 10 students

Cost- the amount of money that must be spent in order to play Mobile Legends: Bang


Study- the activity or process of learning about the effects of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

to the academic performance of Grade 10 students

Gamer- a person who plays Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, or other online games

Theoritical Framework
Conseptual Framework

-the researchers
conduct an interview Effects of Mobile
Legends: Bang Bang
-the researchers to the academic
gathered data by performance of
interviews means of grade 10 students

The paradigm above was prepared to show the variables and processes that were

used in the study. The paradigm shows the materials used in the study. The input

contains the interviews and questionnaires. Then the process in conducting the research

study. And the output, which is the effects of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang to the academic

performance of the grade 10 students.

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