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To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be

sure to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your
FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks
you will need to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
 Analyze teaching problems prevailing in the classroom.
 List matching action as a probable solution to the teaching-
learning problems.

Clarify Your Tasks

Matching Problematic Learning Situations with Probable Actions as Solution

Identifying a problem is a tricky task. Action research begins with identifying a
problem. Oftentimes, it is one of the difficult things to begin with. When a
researcher was asked: “Have you identified a problem for your action research?
“Common answer will be: “My problem is that, I do not have a problem.” Ironical,
isn’t it?
If you observe and notice closely the teaching-learning environment in the
classroom, you will discover of lot of problematic situations. You must have also
observed these problematic situations when you did your FS 1 course.
But matching these problems with appropriate action is trickier.
Revisit the Experience

What are the teaching-learning problems that you think are present in your
assigned classrooms? Write five words that represent each of the five

1. Reading
2. Comprehension
3. Respect
4. Bullying
5. Technology

Each of the identified problem that you wrote has a corresponding action or


Participate and Assist
Write a statement elaborating each of the issues/problems you have
presented above. Write in the space below.

The problems I identified are:

1. Reading – Some of the students are slow reader, they read the per
syllable. Their pronunciation also needs attention.
2. Comprehension – During reading session, I observed that they find
comprehension hard. They know how to read but some of them don’t
understand what they’re reading.
3. Respect – I find some of the students, especially boys disrespectful.
They don’t listen with the discussion and their seatmates instead. It is
also hard to make pay attention to the class.
4. Bullying – I find this problem alarming, some of my students are with
special needs and they a target to bullying, not al the times but
sometimes. I think this happens because they don’t know that their
classmate is special and kids their age are very judgmental.
5. Technology – Our classroom is located in old building that really
needs renovation. There’s no access to technology inside, there’s no
T.V or projector that the teacher can utilize. Most of the time my
cooperating teacher only uses visual aide and chalk and talk method
during discussion.

Excellent! Let us see how we can assist and learn at the same time.

Suppose, the problem you have spotted is: COMPREHENSION.

How can you assist your mentor, after knowing that the learners have
difficulty in comprehension?

Make a Choice for your ACTION.

A. Conduct a tutorial lesson.
B. Show video lessons to help enhance comprehension.
C. Make a learning task to develop comprehension.

Suppose you chose letter A. conduct a Tutorial. So, you have identified the
SOLUTION that matches the PROBLEM which is Difficulty in Comprehension.
The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in
Conduct a Tutorial
Comprehension of

Can you also choose letter B: Show video lesson as a SOLUTION for the same
I believe showing video lessons in order to help the students to
enhance their comprehension is also a good way. Moreover, we are now in a
technological era, with the aid of gadget the students can access the video
lessons anytime they want.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension Show video lessons


What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why?

Making learning task as a way to improve comprehension is a good
method. Through learning task, they can exercise their brain, and it is also
easy to remember words and things if you used them in a task.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Make learning tasks to

Difficulty in Comprehension
improve comprehension
Interesting, isn’t it? Now, you can assist your mentor by identifying observed
problems in the class and suggest actions to be done.


What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be
more than one solution to the problem? _____ Explain.

I've discovered that there are multiple solutions to a single problem. It is

really essential to have a backup plan in case the first solution is not applicable
to some pupils, or if something happen that may interrupt the class. For
example, if a blackout happens in the middle of video showing, instead of
stopping the lesson you can utilize learning task. Moreover, some students have
different learning styles, so in order to cater them, you as a teacher needs to be
flexible in designing activity and lesson.

A creative and innovative teacher can find one or more than one solution or
answer to the same problem. Each solution matches with the problem. The more
solutions identified to choose from, the better for an action researcher.


Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher.
This scenario might also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.
Scenario A:
Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty
learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates
and invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks,
yet no progress was observed. This situation has been bothering Miss Fely.

Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?

 Personally, I think the certain student has different way of
learning, it just happens that the teaching strategy that ma’am
Fely utilize is not effective to the student.
Can you find a solution to solve her problem? Yes Give your two
a) Video lesson
b) Visual aid and flashcards

What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem?

 I think ma’am should utilize lesson.
 Ma’am Felly should change her mode of discussion into video
lesson. She can prepare video lesson in connection with her
topic that contains pictures and music, in this way she can
pique the attention of the class. Students can learn fast if they
Scenario B:
Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners
come from families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their
guardians who stand only as parents. They are deprived of the necessary
food, clothing and shelter.

Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir
 Malnutrition leads to difficulty focusing on the lesson.
 Absenteeism
Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
 Malnutrition – The DepEd has a budget that is used in school feeding
programs that aims to aid malnourish and below normal students in public
schools all around the country. A free meal for less fortunate and below
normal students will help the students to pay attention in the class, this
program will also encourage them to go to school everyday and avoid
absenteeism. I am quiet familiar with this program, because I was once
part of it and I am grateful.


After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying
problematic situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to
become a better teacher?

The two scenarios given above made me realize that a teacher I need
to be observant, and if you as the teacher encounter problems related to
your students along the way you really need to find ways to solve it. The
scenarios above showcase the real thing that happens inside the classroom.
As the teacher your students are your responsibility, and to give them the
best that they need, you need to make extra effort.

Write Action Research Prompts

Using any one example in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:


What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

 One problem that I observe during my class observation and
assistantship is that one of the students is super slow reader. It was quiet
alarming he’s already a grade for students its still hard for him to read.
He’s very inside the classroom but his not attentive during the lesson.

What changes do you want to achieve?
 As his teacher, we want to help him realize the importance of studying.

What strategies will you use to improve the situation?
 First thing we did is we inform his parents about the situation, then every
afternoon before going home we have one on one reading exercise to
help him improve his reading skills and comprehension. We also provide
him learning activities that he can do at home.
What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct they study?
 Strengthening Reading and Comprehension
Add: Solutions / actions

Check for Mastery

Here are some problematic situations in the teaching-learning environment as

observed and experienced by the teachers. Match the problems listed in Column
A with corresponding probable solutions in Column B. You may use the letter
once, more than once or not at all.

Problematic Situations Probable Solutions/Actions

B 1. Connectivity for On-line learning A. Rearrange classroom setting

D, A, G 2. Disruptive Classroom B. Maximize use of varied instructional

behavior materials

D, A 3. Poor interest and motivation C. regular parent-teachers circles

C, F 4. Parental non-involvement D. Use of rewards

E 5. At risk-students E. Group studies and Study Buddies

F. Use of Flexible Learning

G. Silent Reading Exercises

Work on my Artifacts

Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed Action Research.

Title of Action Research:

KAMUSTAHAN TAYO: Key to Boost Academic Performance of Selected Grade

V Pupil in San Francisco Elementary School in New Normal Set Up



This action research aimed to increase the academic performance of

Selected Grade Five pupils with internet connection. This was done through
the utilization of Online Kamustahan once a week which aims to ask a
question on the part of the lesson where they are hard up with to have an in-
depth understanding which leads to high academic performance.
The study used 50 selected Grade Five learners, with internet
connections of San Francisco Elementary School, Bińan City as the
respondents of the study. The sample was purposely taken as the
researcher specifically used the Grade Five learners. The quantitative
method was used in this action research using the teacher–made test as the
primary instrument in data gathering.
The data collected in this study was organized and classified using the
descriptive – comparative research design. The data collected were
encoded, tallied, and tabulated to facilitate the presentation and
interpretation of results using the frequency, percentage method, and
descriptive statistics. Results divulged that the first grading grades of the
students showed that their academic performance was low that leads to the
implementation of the action research. The Second Grading grades of the
selected Grade Five learners showed that the level of their academic
performance had increased when the teacher researcher utilized Project O.K
as an intervention activity.
The results implied that the conduct of online kamustahan was effective.
Based on the results, the researcher recommends that teachers have the
biggest role even in times of pandemics. It is also evident that the role of
teachers is very essential and this was seen in their academic performance.
Identify the Problem in the Study

Aims to ask a question on the part of the lesson where they are hard up
with to have an in-depth understanding which leads to high academic
Identify the Action Taken in the Study
There are 148 pupils in Grade V but during the survey only those pupils
who have an access or capability to internet connection will be benefitted with
the project O.K. There are one hundred forty-eight respondents in grade 5. But
only those pupils who have the capability of internet will be asked to voluntarily
participate in the research. Only those pupils who are capable of internet
connection will undergo the intervention program. Observation of their feelings
and attitudes will also be gathered as well as the academic progress of identified
students with low performance. Purposive and convenience sampling will be
used in choosing the respondents for this study

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