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House-Tree-Person Interpretation

Post Drawing Interrogation

1. How many stories does that house have?
It is double-storey house. It has 2 floors.
2. Whose House is that?
It is my house.
3. If that were your own house and you could do whatever you liked with it:
(a) Which room would you take for your own?
I would prefer room in the attic as it is private space with windows.
(b) Whom would you like to have live with you? Why?
I would like to live there with my friend.
4. What is the weather like in this picture?
Weather is warm and comfortable.
5. What does that house need most? Why?
The house needs more floors for more family members.

1. What kind of Tree is that?
It’s a dead tree with no leave.
2. How old is that Tree?
It’s about hundred years old.
3. Is that Tree alive?
No, tree is dead. It can never come back to life.
4. Which does that Tree look more like to you: a man or a woman?
It looks like a woman.
5. What is there about it that gives you that impression?
To be honest, it’s the trunk which looks like a lady figure.
6. What is the weather like in this picture?
Weather seems windy as no leaves are left on its branches.
7. Show me in what direction the wind is blowing?
The wind is blowing towards north.
8. What does that Tree need most? Why?
Tree needs everything that would make it look more lively.
1. Is that a man or woman (or boy or girl) ?
It’s a woman.
2. How old is she?
She is in her 20s.
3. Who is she?
Random girl
4. What is she doing? And where is she doing it?
She is standing in her room, wanting to be in her bed.
5. How does she feel? Why?
She is feeling cosy because she is about to go in bed.
6. What sort of Person is she?
She is a humble person.
7. What is the weather like in this picture?
The weather is warm.
8. What does that Person need most? Why?
The person needs to be in her bed because she is sleepy.
9. What kind of clothing does the person have on?
She is wearing a t-shirt and pyjamas as she is ready to go in bed.



 The house is drawn at centre with consistent pressure which represents that client is
having normal adjustment and she is reasonably secure person. Normal size of house
represents nurturing places.
 Client has drawn a smoking chimney and smoke is blowing left to right which represents
that there is normal adjustment or conservative attitude.
 Client has drawn a small door which represents that client tends to back off from others
and feels socially inadequate and indecisive or is reluctant to be socially
open/accessible, withdrawn.
 Client has emphasized on door knob which shows that she is preoccupied with sexual
matters and excessive concern over interpersonal relations.
 Client has shaded the roof which shows anxiety and uses fantasy excessively.
 Client has drawn a walkway well-proportioned and which leads directly to the door
which shows emotional stability, psychologically accessible, good social adjustments and
client is accessible, open and direct.
 Client has drawn strong walls which represents good ego strength/healthy.
 Client has drawn adequate number and size of windows without shades or shutters
which depicts healthy social accessibility and open to contact with environment.


 Client has drawn a dead tree with represents, depressed with guilty feelings, suicidal or
severe sense of futility/apathy with profound inadequacy and inferiority feelings, severe
mental/emotional condition, neurosis/psychosis, withdrawn, no close friends, severe
disturbance, schizoid or poor prognosis for therapy.
 Client has drawn a large tree which shows self-centeredness.
 Client has drawn excessive branches on small trunks which shows over emphasizing
satisfaction seeking from environment, high achievement strivings over compensating
for inadequacy feelings, precarious adjustment.
 Client has done overemphasis on right branches which depicts emotional instability,
with excessive tendency to avoid or delay emotional satisfactions.
 Client has drawn broken or dead branches which shows traumatic experiences, felt loss
or resources, insecure, fears failure.
 Client has drawn a tree with absence of leaves, foliage omission which shows inner
barrenness, empty, lack of ego integration.
 Client has drawn tree with scars on trunk which shows traumatic experience, possible
post-traumatic stress disorder.
 Client has drawn slender trunks with large branch structure which depicts precarious
adjustment due to excessive striving for satisfaction in some manner.
 Client has drawn a tree with undue emphasis on roots depicts insecure, concerned with
hold reality, feels like they are losing their grip, regression or inhibited, conservative.
 Client has done shaded roots which show anxiety and insecurity.


 The person is drawn at centre with consistent pressure which represents that client is
having normal adjustment and she is reasonably secure person.
 Client has drawn person with hair emphasis on head with heavy shading which shows
angry with aggressive tendencies, anxious, perhaps over sexual or aggressive fantasies,
excessive sexual interest/involvement, and concern with sexual excitement.
 Client has drawn person with wavy/glamorous with heavy shading which shows angry
with aggressive tendencies, anxious, perhaps over sexual or aggressive fantasies,
excessive sexual interest/involvement, concern with sexual excitement.
 Client has drawn person with prominent and emphasis on eye which shows
assertiveness and externalized aggression.
 Client has drawn person with very trim or arched eyebrows which shows critical of
uninhibited behaviour, refined, over-controlled, and moralistic.
 Client has omitted ears which represents that client is healthy with normal adjustment
and minimizes contact with environment.
 Client has drawn a person with sharply pointed nose which shows acting out tendencies.
 Client has drawn a person with full lips which shows self-centred, sensual, and
 Client has drawn a person with long neck which shows separated intellect/ideas from
emotions causing difficulty controlling impulses, cultured, socially stiff/rigid, formal,
moralistic, and dissatisfied with body image.
 Client has drawn a female figure with broad shoulders which shows sex role confusion,
may have desired to be the opposite sex.
 Client has drawn person with reinforced arms with broad shoulders which shows
aggressive, assaultive acting-out tendencies.
 Client has drawn person with shaded hands which shows feelings of guilt/anxiety
associated with aggressive or sexual acting-out.
 Client has drawn a person with heavily shaded or reinforced fingers which shows guilt
feelings often associated with stealing or masturbation.
 Client has drawn person with pocket emphasis which shows immature, dependent
personality, emotionally deprived of maternal affection, antisocial traits.
 Client has drawn a person wearing a trousers which shows sexual concern/conflict.

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