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AIIMS Child Battery

Raw Score Raw T score Expected T Z Score

Score score
Receptive Speech
Expressive Speech
Intellectual Process
Left hemisphere scale
Right hemisphere scale
Total score

Abnormal-T score>expected T score

Normal-T score< Expected T score

 Motor function tests measures basic motor skills, coordination, imitation and construction
skills. He had mild difficulty in sequential movements of hands and fingers, part
pointing using both hands.
 Tactile function test requires identification of where and how much hard he is touched on
the backside of both the hands. It also requires discrimination between sharp and blunt
sensations on the backside of both the hands, stereognostic perception on both hands
using objects, wooden geometric shapes. Items also involve recognition of numbers
written on the tip of middle finger of both hands. His tactile functions show moderate
dysfunction due to problem in palm form recognition
 Visual function tests measures simple visual recognition of actual objects as well as
pictures, visual recognition of non visual or shaded figures, recognition of multiple
objects, comparison of rotated figures, visual memory and recognition of visual spatial
function. His had mild difficulty in visual function especially in visuo spatial
 Receptive speech scale: Test requires child to point out/identify objects, letters, words,
animals, colors and parts of body. He had mild difficulty as he could not fill up the
blank spaces in sentences by using appropriate words.
 Expressive speech: Test requires child to name objects, letters, words, animals, colours
and parts of body. It involves correct pronunciation of the words and numbers presented
visually and verbally Items involve repetition of sentences and completion of sentences.
He was not able to assess pronunciation of words. He had difficulty in repeating
words and numbers presented verbally, visually and also repeating of sentences. He
had severe problem in expressive speech.
 Reading scale: Test involves repeating of letters and words written on card, identification
of letters, words from out of the matrix of words and reading of sentences and paragraphs
presented visually. He was presented Urdu letters and words for reading. He could not
read letters, words presented visually. He misspelled some of the Urdu letters.
Reading area show severe problem
 Writing scale: It requires him to write letters and words, writing names of picture and
write numbers in words and figures. Task also involved copy sentences from card, write
numbers from one to twenty in figures and automatic writing skills. He could write
English letters from A to O but could not write Urdu letters. He could not write
numbers in words. Automatic writing skills are not developed. Although writing
area is problematic, functional skills training in writing English words can be given.
 Arithmetic: It assesses ability to identify the significance of number placement. Child is
expected to write the numbers in figures on dictation, do numerical reasoning, asses
calendar sense, compare numbers of varying size and do basic computation of add,
substract, multiply and divide. He is found to have severe deficit in math skills. He
could write simple English numbers up to 20. He could not write numbers in figures
on dictation. Numerical reasoning is impaired. Calender sense is not present. He
could compare numbers of varying sizes. However math computational skill is not
 Memory test: It assess recent and remote memory, recognition memory of animals,
vegetables and human faces. It assesses short term memory for words and digit
backward, forward. It assesses verbal and visual memory with homogenous
heterogeneous interference respectively, short term visual memory. He has poor short
term memory for words. He could not do backward sequencing. His visual memory
for visual interference task is adequate. He could not perform on auditory
interference task. He has better visual memory than auditory.
 Intellectual process: He could not identify absurdities, give similarities and form
analogies and concepts. His overall intellectual process is low.

Obtained T score are greater than expected T score in all the areas showing abnormal
performance in these areas. Total T score is higher than expected T score indicative of
organic brain dysfunction. Difference between T score of LHS and RHS is 3 points
indicating diffuse brain dysfunction. His intellectual process is low.

Scores are more than 2 SD from the mean scores on the test obtained by standardization
sample in almost all areas except motor and visual. Qualitative analysis show that his
reading, writing and math function is at junior kindergarten. Code for basic mechanic of
reading and spelling word is not well established.

Clinical Impression:
Background information, clinical observation and test results indicate that ABC is slow learner
with severe learning disability in reading, writing and math area. He is suffering from attention
deficit and hyperactivity disorder-combined type. He has behavior problems related to


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