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Filipino Family Hierarchy

In Philippines, the people are referred to as the Filipinos. The Filipinos, like many other
Asian countries like to give a lot of importance to the family and family bonds. They often live
together with their families in large groups. Sometimes, many generations also live together with
love, respect and happiness. This makes way for a family hierarchy or structure where everyone
plays a different role and has different responsibilities.

The Filipino family typically consists of a father, mother, children, extended family
members like grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles. Overall, they are a close-knit
structure. To know more about the family hierarchy of Filipinos, you can read the following
given information.


In every Filipino family, there is a bilateral kinship system according to which the men and
women are equals. The family names may be inherited through not only the father’s side but
also the mother’s side. But even inspite of the equal social status of Philippines men and women,
the father or the man of the family is placed at the top of the hierarchical pyramid. The father is
the head of the family and is responsible for making rules, providing for the family and taking
care of finances. He works with the support of his wife but is respected by all and treated as the


Mothers are also given almost equal importance and respect in Filipino families. They are the
main stay of the household and are care providers to the children and elders. They may be
working but are also responsible for cooking and taking care of household chores. The house
wives are more inclined towards day to day duties but are dependent upon their husbands to
provide for the money. Mothers are respected and are the first teachers for their children.


The children in Filipino families are born and brought up under the care of both the parents as
well as many other family members like the grandparents, uncles and aunts etc. They must help
parents in their tasks as they grow up and are expected to treat everyone with respect.

Extended Family

The concept of joint families or big families living together in the same house isn’t uncommon.
Grandparents are taken care of by their children and are responsible for caring for the
grandchildren if both the parents are working. Some other family members include uncles, aunts,
cousins and sometimes even distant relatives.



Section 1. The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation. Accordingly,
it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development.

Section 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and shall
be protected by the State.

Section 3. The State shall defend:

(1) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the
demands of responsible parenthood;

(2) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection
from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their

(3) The right of the family to a family living wage and income; and

(4) The right of families or family associations to participate in the planning and implementation
of policies and programs that affect them.

Section 4. The family has the duty to care for its elderly members but the State may also do so
through just programs of social security.

How To Create A Harmonious

Creating a harmonious family is certainly our dream, but to achieve this is not easy, many
things can hinder the creation of things, ranging from economic problems, harmony between
husband and wife itself and many other things.

However, there are ways you can maintain that integrity, even if you can have a
Harmonious Family and a positive home environment if you make the following suggestions. Oh
yes, to make existing suggestions, you don’t need to stop working, this only requires wise time
and a real example for children.
1. Always in touch with all family members.

One of the most important things in family integrity is a strong sense of belonging to one
another. You might just be busy at the table when the morning is near, but there’s nothing wrong
with spending a few minutes greeting your child and husband and asking about their schedule for
the day.

2. Sit and eat together.

The only chance a family with super busy members can gather together is when dinner arrives.
So, try so that all family members always eat together.

A study says that children who always eat with their families have a lower potential for mischief
than those who don’t. In addition, in its development, these children are also far more ‘safe’ than
drug temptations and dropping out of school. Sitting and eating together can also make each
member know each other better.

3. Develop kindness and kindness to each other.

As a harmonious family, find out who among family members or neighbors might need help.
Then, work together to fulfil the ‘call for help’. This is also an important lesson so that one-day
children become people who have a social spirit and care for others.

Are There Other Ways To Build a Harmonious Family?

4. Schedule a family vacation.

When that day arrives, make a mutual agreement to leave each other’s busy life. Turn off the TV,
cell phone, computer, or other things that interfere for a day, and use days for sightseeing,
swimming or picnics together. This kind of activity will make relations with each other more

5. Communication, communication and communication.

Give a special time every day, if possible, with your family so that you and they can tell about
their lives and activities. This can also be an opportunity for families to have joint meetings to
overcome various problems that may arise in the family.

6. Go to a place of worship together.

No matter what religion and believe you and your family currently have, it’s important to go to
worship together. Besides being able to strengthen faith, each member can find the role, purpose,
and meaning of life in family and society.
7. Let your child lead (sometimes).

Children like to be heard, so sometimes it allows children who make decisions and parents
follow, for example about holiday activities this weekend. In addition to educating children to be
able to make decisions, they can also know their abilities and limitations in assessing things

8. Make a commitment to work together at home.

Building mental “we can” through experience working together in solving things must be better
than mental individualism and giving up. Remember, the family is a team.

9. Take care of your health.

If parents like to eat junk food and never exercise, children will have the same tendency. So, give
an example for children to live a healthy and disciplined lifestyle. For example, brushing your
teeth before going to bed, wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle, wearing a seatbelt, eating
vegetables, exercising, getting up in the morning, putting everything in place, and so on.

10. Accept each other as is.

Every family member is different, there is no similarity even though they are twins. Be an open
person with other people’s thoughts, even if it’s your own child. Thus, in a harmonious family,
there will be mutual respect that can bring a pleasant atmosphere in everyday life.

The Filipino Family and Its Coping Mechanisms

The Filipino family is considered as the backbone of our society. The family or more
generally, the household, is the unit of production, consumption, and reproduction, both on a
daily and generational basis. It is within the sociocultural environment of the household that
energy is expended and strategies are undertaken to attain individual and collective well-being
and to improve one's quality of life. It is in the household where one's priorities are established
and activities to pursue one's goals in life are carried out.

The Wise Use of Leisure

1936: The Wise Use of Leisure

What is Meant by Leisure?

Leisure means your right to choose. Leisure time is generally considered free time, when
you do the things you enjoy, when you choose what you want to do. Nobody or no outside force
causes you to do or act. It is the time when you are not doing dishes, making beds, doing
homework, dressing, or washing out silk stockings. Practicing a musical instrument might or
might not be a leisure time activity, according to whether you chose to do it for recreation, or
were studying it vocationally. Leisure time might be spent in arranging flowers, or even in
getting the living-room ready for a party. When you really enjoy doing something and choose to
do it yourself, it is a leisure time activity. Eating may be a leisure time activity when one
entertains, is entertained, or eats in an unusual place. “Eating one’s way through” New York, or
Paris, or old New Orleans would be a holiday activity.




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