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Lesson 4: Desirable Filipino Values

Have you heard the song with these lines, “ Wag magtataka kung meron kang makitang
bahay na lumalakad sa gitna ng inyong kalsada?” It describes BAYANIHAN, one of the unique
Filipino traditions which make us popular in other countries. In a bayanihan, people in the
neighborhood show unity by helping one another in carrying and moving a house from one place
to another.

The following are some other desirable Filipino values:

1. Hospitality – the practice of entertaining guests with generous kindness.

2. Strong family ties – unity, solidarity and loyalty to our family in facing adversities
and in gatherings like family reunions.

3. Respect – using “PO and OPO“ when talking to elders and kissing their hands when
arriving and leaving.

4. Palabra de Honor – standing for what one believes is right and the sincerity of one’s
word or promise.

5. Hardworking – the willingness to do one’s work and finishing it on time.

6. Religiousity – most Filipino families go to church every Sunday, pray together before
and after meal, before going to bed and attend the traditional “simbang gabi.

7. Honesty – the act of always telling the truth and never taking advantage of the trust of

Responsible Parents and Children

Parenthood – is considered by the Filipino as a natural outcome of marriage.

Responsible Parenthood – is the inspired and generous use of a married couple’s gift of
sexuality to bear the right number of children at the right time, based on their own capabilities
and family life aspirations.
Factors to Consider Before Discerning the Right Time to Have a Child

Only the husband and wife can and should discern the right time to have a child, or to
have a subsequent pregnancy, by regularly assessing and discussing the following:

1. Health. The wife may have serious health concerns that necessitate postponing
pregnancy for a later time. Her body would also need sufficient time to recover from pregnancy
and childbirth before being able to undergo another pregnancy.

2. Finances. In situations where financial stewardship is in order, and the couple is

experiencing serious financial difficulties, it may be valid to postpone pregnancy for a later time.

3. Psychological preparedness. Since responsible parenthood requires that husband and

wife should not only be physically prepared to have a child, but they also be psychologically,
emotionally, and spiritually ready to bring a new life into the world, and to nurture, rear, and care
for the child, psychological reasons may be a factor in postponing pregnancy.

4. Social factors. When the social and environmental conditions are serious and
detrimental to pregnancy and child rearing, it may be valid for the couple to postpone pregnancy
until the situation is better.

Responsibilities of Parents

The Presidential Decree No. 603 formulated on December 10, 1974 by President
Ferdinand Marcos, explains the responsibilities of parents. Parenthood requires so much from
parents. Love, attention, time, patience, understanding, creativity, are all essentials of successful
parenthood. Children are basically good. They just sometimes turn out bad because of parental
failure somewhere along the way of parenthood. An important part of responsible parenthood is
to create an atmosphere in the home which will make the children feel a sense of belonging.
Parents should also create opportunities for interaction of the family members.

There are five essentials for true, committed, compassionate living which only the parents
can provide:

1. To love and be loved.

2. To discriminate between right and wrong.

3. Submission to and respect for authority.

4. Security, acceptance

5. Discipline, control, responsibility

Husband and wife who see children as an essential part of a happy marriage take their part as
responsible parents. The following are the responsibilities of parents:

1. Provide children with shelter, food, clothing, education and medical attention.

2. Protect the children against physical, moral and emotional abuse.

3. Secure that children will grow with values of love, understanding, industry and self-

4. Be role models of goodwill for others to imitate.

5. Inculcate in their children faith in God.

Disciplining A Child

A very young child cannot distinguish right from wrong on his/her own. This is first
learned in the home, from his/her parents, relatives, and family members. Making the child
aware of what is right and wrong is the first step toward discipline. Its meaning should be clear
to the child.

Many parents feel spanking is necessary for effective discipline. When parents learn and
apply the three F’s of effective parenting, they find that yelling, screaming, and spanking
disappear and a positive relationship is established.

The Three ”F’s” of Effective Parenting

Disciplining should be:

1. Firm
Consequences should be clearly stated and then adhered to when the inappropriate
behavior occurs.

2. Fair

The punishment should fit the wrongdoing. In case of recurring behavior, consequences
should be stated in advance so the child knows what to expect. Hard punishment is not
necessary. Using a simple “time out ,“ for example, can be effective when it is used consistently
every time the behavior occurs.

3. Friendly

A friendly but firm communication style should be used when letting children know they
have behaved inappropriately and that they will receive the “agreed upon“ consequence. Parents
should encourage their children to try to remember what they should do to avoid negative
consequences. Work at “catching them being good” and praise them for appropriate behavior.

Responsibilities of Children

Respect for parental authority is the cornerstone of Filipino parenthood. Respect for
elders is basic and traditional in the Filipino home. However, respect does not mean blind

Another valuable pointer that children should have in mind is love for their parents. Love,
like respect, for their parents should take into account that all parents have at heart the best
interests of their children. Children should show reciprocal love for the parents. To show concern
for one’s parent’s, to go out of one’s way to do things for them – these are heart-warming proofs
of one’s true love for one’s parents.

Children should also get to understand their parents. They belong to a different time and
environment. They are also in a difficult position. Earning a living and trying to give the best of
everything is not easy.

Promoting Family Welfare by Regularly Doing One’s Functions and Duties

It has often been said that life is stage where everyone has roles to play. This is very true
in the family where the father, the mother, and each child have each a part to perform.

The following are the functions and duties of every members of the family:

Father – the head of the family

 He is usually the provider or financier of the family.

 He is the disciplinarian.
 He is the spiritual head of the home.
 He protects the family.
 He sets a good example and plays as a role model of the children.

Mother – the light and guide of the family, the strength of the husband, the inspiration of the

 She takes care of the household such as cleaning the house, budgeting and preparing
meals for the family, washing the clothes and the dishes, etc.
 She comforts the family members when they get ill.
 She takes care of the children and teach them good values.
 She is the one who patiently disciplines the children.

Children – fruits of parents’ love for each other.

 The inspiration of the parents

 Help in doing household chores.
 Study hard and strive to do their best all the time.
 Obey, love and respect their parents.

When every family member does his or her part to promote the family’s welfare, the family will
have a strong, healthy and harmonious relationship.

Recreational Activities
There are times when the family needs to rest, relax and enjoy. There are different
recreational activities that they can do. Recreational activities provide opportunities for the
family members to get together and enjoy each other’s company. They develop the physical,
mental and social well-being of each member of the family. They could also provide business
opportunities for the family.

Recreational activities are categorized as follows:

1. For development of body and mind

a. Reading books

b. Watching television

c. Writing poems

d. Composing songs

e. Playing musical instruments

f. Playing game boards such as chess, dama, scrabble, etc.

g. Playing sports

2. For business opportunities

a. Cooking

b. Planting/gardening

c. Recycling

d. Candy making

e. Handicrafts

3. For enjoyment and relaxation

a. Fieldtrip

b. Sightseeing

c. Going to the zoo

d. Picnic at the park

e. Mountain climbing

f. Going to the malls

g. Partying

Coping with Expected and Unexpected Events at Home

Life is full of challenges. But problems should not depress us. Instead, they should teach
us lessons that make us become better and stronger persons. The following are some of the
common problems that we have to deal with:

 Sickness – when the member of the family gets sick, every member of the family
should show concern. Place the patient in a clean, pleasant, comfortably warm and
well ventilated room. Take care of the patient, give him the proper medication and
make him feel the love he needs for quick recovery.
 Unemployment – When the breadwinner of the family gets sick, retires or loses his
job, all members of the family are affected, the supply for the needs of the family is
lost. As one family, they should unite and put their efforts together to find other
means of living.
 Death in the family – Losing a loved one is not the end of the world. One should not
allow one’s self to be driven to the depths of melancholy.
 Parents’ separation – The abandoned spouse ( and children ) mourn alone by
themselves and are troubled by feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. This is where
they will need some counselling to prop them up and get them to move again on new
pathways of life.
Name: Jerson R. Wines Jr. Date Submitted: _________

Course/Yr & Section: BTLED-IA, 1A Subject: TEC 4


1. Write an essay that describes the family, helping each other, to promote the well-being of
the family.

- The quality of family relationships, including social support, providing love, advice, and care.
Strong families communicate well when it comes good and bad things, this allows them
to celebrate together when times are good and to talk about problems. Encourage
oneself each family members to talk to each other and listen, so everyone gets a
chance to express how they feel and also help us build trust and feel supported. Having
people around us who can share positive and difficult times can also help us manage
stress when things become tough. family members must treat one another like use
good manner, Help each other, Encourage each other,sticks together, Don't use rude
language and don’t put downs.You need to have a loving and caring family that will
support you and trust you.
2. Identify the effects of the given problems on your family. Suggest ways of solving them.

Problems Effects on your family Possible solution (s)

1. Unexpected calamity can cause children stress Listen to your portable

and traumawhen they saw radio for important updates
saw or witness their and instructions from local
parents stress. authorities and If
you have not been ordered
to evacuate, stay in
a safe area or
shelter during a  disaster.
2. Lost of financial support Families often struggle just Make a Personal Loan,
to meet their basic needs. find a job or make a small
business first.
3. Change of residence Family member may Only to habituate for the new
experience new neighbour, house
vicinities, environmnt and
4. Illness in the family Family member may Cure the family member who
experience pressure, hard have an illnes, or admit to
feelings,sadness,anxiety or nearest hospital.
5. Death in the family Whole family will thrown off It may help from other friends
to give comfort to the famiy.

6. Separation of parents may also display low self- You as member of the family
esteem, a general distrust make do to talk about the
of others, mood disorders, future, Try not to criticise or
socio-moral immaturity, speak badly of their
and inadequate social other parent

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