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The Laryrigosi~ope

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia

0 1999 Thc American Laryngological,
Rhinologicid and Otological Society, Inc.

Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke on

Objective Measures of Voice Production
Linda Lee, PhD; Joseph C. Stemple, PhD; Diane Geiger, MA; Rebecca Goldwasser, MA

Okjectiue: The effects of passive smoking on the variety of disorders in adults, children, and the developing
voice and laryngeal structures of 20 female passive fetus. Examples include decreased pulmonary function
smokers and 20 age-matchednonsmokers were exam- and respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, intrauter-
ined.Methods: The voice evaluation consisted of acous- ine growth retardation, early childhood illness (including
tic, aerodynamic, and videostroboscopic analyses. Re- sudden infant death), otitis media, and cancers of the
sults: Three passive smokers displayed mild edema or lung, cervix, brain, thyroid and breast (see reviews by
erythema. Passive smokers had higher mean flow rates
and shorter mean maximum phonation times during Lesmes and Donofriol and Witschi et al.4 1.
sustained vowels at comfortable, low-, and high-pitch Some side effects of ETS have been linked to changes
levels. However, means were only outside normal limits in laryngeal structure and function. Reports of throat irrita-
and significantly Merent from nonsmokers at high tion and chronic cough are ~ommon.~-ll ETS has also been
pitch. Variables such as the number of years and hours significantly correlated with squamous cell head and neck
per day subjects were exposed to environmental to- cancer,lz gastroesophageal reflux,l3 and laryngospasm.14
bacco smoke were considered. Concluswm The major- The deleterious effects of ETS on respiratory and
ity of the variables indicated that vocal fold structure laryngeal function have been reported. It may be hypoth-
and function were not adversely altered by exposure to esized that passive smoking may also influence voice pro-
passive smoke. Differences between these results and duction, whether directly from the smoke or indirectly
clinical observations are highlighted.
Luryngoscope,109:1531-1534,1999 from vocal abuse such as chronic coughing. If passive
smoking affects the voice, the public may need to be edu-
INTRODUCTION cated. Referrals to otolaryngologists may be warranted;
Passive or involuntary smoking is defined as the expo- speech-language pathologists may need to evaluate and
sure of nonsmokers to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) counsel those who are symptomatic. Therefore, the pur-
and its combustion by-products. ETS is divided into main- pose of the present investigation was t o study the effects of
stream smoke, filtered by the lungs and exhaled into the air passive smoking on acoustic, aerodynamic, and videostro-
by an active smoker, and sidestream smoke, circulated from boscopic measures of voice production.
smoldering cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.' Because of the low
temperatures of cigarettes left smoldering, sidestream METHODS
smoke contains larger concentrations of ammonia, benzene, Subjects
carbon monoxide, nicotine, and various other carcinogens The subjects were 40 women: 20 passive smokers and 20
than mainstream smoke.2 In 1990 the Environmental Pro- nonsmokers, matched for age to within 1 year. The age range was
tection Agency (EPA) classified sidestream smoke as a class 18 to 49 years (mean = 24.9)for the passive smokers and 18 to 48
A (cancer-causing, very hazardous) carcinogen.3 The EPA years (mean = 25) for the nonsmokers.
report stated that there is no safe threshold for carcinogens Prerequisites for subjects in both groups included no history
and warned that some proportion of nonsmokers breathing of laryngeal pathology or voice therapy and no history of active
smoking. Nonsmokers had never lived with a smoker or worked
sidestream smoke would develop tobacco-related cancers.
in a smoke-filled environment, and rarely encountered tobacco
Research involving passive smokers supports the smoke in any other setting. The number of years the passive
EPA warnings. Previous studies have linked ETS with a smoking subjects had lived with a smoker ranged from 2 to 38
(mean = 16.8).The number of hours the subjects were exposed to
~~ .~ smoke per day ranged from 2 t o 12 (mean = 4.3).
From the University of Cincinnati Department of Communication
Sciences nnd llisorders (L.L.), Cincinnati, the Institute for Voice Analysis
and Rehabilitation (J.c.s.), Dayton, the Cincinnati Center for Developmen- Procedures
tal Disorders ( 1 1 . ~),Cincinnati,
. and Abilities First (R.G.), Middletown, Ohio. All subjects received both written and verbal explanations of
Editor's Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication June 14, the procedures used in the investigation. They participated in iden-
tical objective voice evaluations. The evaluation included acoustic,
Send ('orrespondence t o Linda Lee, PhD, University of Cincinnati
Department ot'Communication Sciences and Disorders, M.L. 0394, Cincin- aerodynamic, and videostroboscopic analyses. Subjects were com-
nati, OH 45221-0394, U.S.A. E-mail: fortably seated in a quiet room during all phases of data collection.

Laryngoscope 109: September 1999 Lee et al.: Passive Smoking

Acoustic and aerodynamic analyses during sustained A 2 test was calculated for the videostroboscopic ratings. For
uowels. Acoustic measures of fundamental frequency, jitter, and each variable, subjects in each group with ratings of 1 (normal
frequency range were obtained using a Visi-Pitch (Kay Elemet- vibration) were compared with those who had ratings greater than
rics [Lincoln Park, NJ] model 6097). Aerodynamic measures of 1. Comparisons that were significant a t P < .05 are reported.
phonation volume, airflow rate, and maximum phonation time The videostroboscopy tapes were also reviewed by an otolar-
were obtained with a Nagashima Phonatory Function Analyzer yngologist to determine the presence of any laryngeal pathology.
(Kelleher Medical, Richmond, VA, model PS 77H). Related Variables. Pearson product correlations were
Acoustic and aerodynamic analyses were performed simulta- used to compare the number of years the subject lived with ii
neously. The Visi-Pitch microphone was placed at the end of the smoker and the number of hours the subject was exposed to
Nagashima air tube, approximately 4 in from the subject’s mouth. smoke per day with the acoustic and aerodynamic measures.
This placement provided a consistently reliable, clear signal and Significant correlations are reported.
proved preferable to the signal generated while holding the micro-
phone to the neck.
Data for the acoustic and aerodynamic measures were ob- RESULTS
tained from sustained vowels la/, Id, and Iul produced at an intensity Acoustic and Aerodynamic Analyses During
level between 75 and 80 dB SPL and at comfortable, high-, and
low-pitch levels. The high and low pitches were defined as the
Sustained Vowels
highest and lowest points in the frequency range in which phonation Results of the MANOVA revealed no significant
could be sustained. If an inappropriate level was chosen, models group effect for the combined variables at any pitch level
were provided to encourage a greater change from modal pitch. ( P > .05).The possibility remains that there were signif-
Frequency range. The Visi-Pitch was used to measure the icant differences between groups on one or more of the five
highest and lowest frequencies in the subject’s total range. Sub- ~ a r i a b l e s . 1Therefore,
~ post hoc univariate analyses of
jects glided from mid-range to either extreme, and were given variance were used to examine the differences between
multiple trials to obtain their best production. the two groups with respect to each of the five measures at
Videostroboscopic analysis. A rigid scope (Richard Wolf the three pitch levels. However, to guard against the pos-
Medical Instruments Carp., Rosemont, IL) was inserted into the sibility of a type I error, the probability level indicating
back of the subject’s oral cavity. Using stroboscopic lighting (Bruel
significant differences was reduced to .01.
and Kjaer [Naerum, Denmark1 4914) and a Wolf Saticon Tube
Camera (Richard Wolf Medical Instruments), a videotaped record- Means and standard deviations for the acoustic and
ing was made of the larynx and vocal fold vibration during the aerodynamic measures of fundamental frequency, jitter,
production of the sustained vowel lil a t comfortable pitch. A Panasonic phonation volume, flow rate, and maximum phonation time
Recorder (AG-6300) and Color Monitor (BT S 1900N) were used. for the two subject groups are presented in Table I. There
were no significant differences between the passive smokers
Data Analysis and nonsmokers in fundamental frequency, jitter, phonation
Acoustic and aerodynamic measures. Measures of fun- volume, or maximum phonation time at any of the pitch levels.
damental frequency, jitter, maximum phonation time, flow volume, The analyses of variance revealed that there were
and flow rate obtained during the voice analyses were averaged significant differences in the flow rates of the passive
across the three vowels for each subject. Means and standard devi-
smokers and nonsmokers at the high pitch [F(1,38)= 9.92,
ations were computed. The Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) was
performed using programs developed by SPSS-X,Inc. (Chicago, IL). P = .003]. The average flow rates of the passive smokers
Three MANOVAs were calculated, one for each pitch level. Homo- were higher than those of the nonsmokers at all three
geneity of variance was not problematic because of equal group pitches, but these differences reached statistical signifi-
sizes.15 Post hoc univariate Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs) were cance only at the highest.
computed. The main effects consisted of groups (passive smokers vs.
nonsmokers) and the score for each of the five measures.
The lowest and highest frequencies in the frequency range Frequency Range
were determined for each subject. The two extremes were compared Means and standard deviations for frequency range
separately (rather than calculating the total frequency range), be- are presented in Table 11. The analyses of variance re-
cause differences between subjects could occur at either end. The dif- vealed no significant differences between subject groups
ference scores for the two pitch levels were subjected to an ANOVA. at either end of the frequency range.
Videostroboscopic analysis. The videotapes of the strobo-
scopic analyses were evaluated independently by two speech-
language pathologists, each with more than 15 years of experience Videostroboscopic Analysis
in the area of voice disorders and expertise in videostroboscopy. The Videostroboscopic evaluation was conducted as the
subject group was not identified. In cases of disagreement, the subjects phonated at comfortable pitch. Slight abnormal-
examiners reviewed the tape together until consensus was reached. ities in vocal fold structure were present in three of the 20
Six dimensions of phonatory function were rated: the configu- passive smokers but in none of the nonsmokers. Two had
ration of glottic closure, the condition of the vocal fold edge, the mild edema; one had mild erythema. All subjects had
amplitude of the vocal fold movement, the mucosal wave, phase smooth, straight vocal fold edges. Fourteen of the 20 sub-
closure, and phase symmetry. Definitions of each of these dimen-
jects in each subject group demonstrated a posterior glot-
sions are contained in Colton and Casper.I6 A seven-point, equal-
appearing interval scale was used, with 1 representing normal vi-
tal chink; one in each group had an anterior chink; the
bration and 7 representing a severe deviation from normal. remaining five had complete closure.
Interjudge reliability was determined by rating the video- Mean ratings of amplitude of vocal fold movement,
stroboscopic evaluations of three randomly chosen subjects a the mucosal wave, phase closure, and phase symmetry are
second time. Ratings were in exact agreement for 19 of the 2 1 presented in Table 111. No ratings greater than 4 (of 7)
variables and within 1 scale point for the remaining two. were assigned to either subject group. Xa analyses re-

Laryngoscope 109: September 1999 Lee et al.: Passive Smoking

The Acoustic and Aerodynamic Measures of the Passive Smokers and Nonsmokers
- -~
Pitch Level

Comfortable High Low

Fundamental frequency (Hz)
Passive smokers 229 t 31 504 t 79 189 t 25
Nonsmokers 234 2 35 516 t 60 189 t 23
Jitter (%)
Passive smokers 031 t o 1 1 0 54 t 0 18 0 46 2 0 22
Nonsmokers 0332016 0 50 t 0.24 0 40 t 0 15
Phonation volume (ml)
Passive smokers 2,532 t 433 2,579 t 464 2,432 rfr 509
Nonsmokers 2,542 2 532 2,447 t 543 2,480 t 567
Flow rate (ml/s)
Passive smokers 144 ? 41 224 t a5 150 t 74
Nonsmokers 125 2 33 156 t 47 114 rfr 33
Maximum phonation time (s)
Passive smokers 19 t 7 13 2 6 20 t 7
Nonsmokers 22 -+ 6 1725 24 2 9
Note Values are mean t SD

vealed that there were no significant between-group dif- Certainly, tissue changes such as edema and erythema are
ferences on any of the measures of vocal fold vibration. consistent with some of the previously reported effects of
active smoking. Smoking cigarettes leads to chronic irrita-
Related Variables tion and an increase in vocal fold mass, especially on the free
The number of years the subject had been exposed t o vibrating edge of the folds.17J8 Although sidestream smoke
passive smoke was negatively correlated with flow rate at contains less tar than mainstream smoke, it is far from
the high pitch level ( r = -0.49, P = ,041. As the number of benign in constitution. Sidestream smoke carries more free
years the subject was exposed to smoke increased, flow nicotine and higher values of such substances as carbon
rate decreased at this pitch. The number of hours the monoxide, carbon dioxide, benzene, nitrogen oxide, and am-
subject was exposed to passive smoke per day was not monia.l9JO Kuller et al.19 concluded that sidestream smoke,
correlated with any of the variables at any pitch level. more toxic and carcinogenic in makeup than mainstream
smoke, would be the more harmful of the two if it were not
DISCUSSION diluted by environmental air. ETS has been linked with
Results of the present investigation indicated that laryngeal carcinomas12 and could have caused the more mi-
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke may contribute nor edema and erythema observed in our subjects.
to some minor changes in vocal fold structure and physi- The laryngeal irritation demonstrated by some of the
ology. Videostroboscopic evaluation revealed mild edema passive smokers may have contributed to the general pat-
or erythema in three of the 20 passive smokers. Higher tern of higher mean flow rates and shorter mean maximum
mean flow rates and shorter mean maximum phonation phonation times seen in this group. Hirano21 attributed
times werc observed in this group. However, all means greater mean flow rates and decreased maximum phonation
were within normal limits except for flow rate at high times to swelling of the vocal folds, which typically preclude
pitch level, where the mean was greater than 200 mL/s complete vocal fold closure. In the present study a significant
and differences between the passive smokers and non- correlation indicated that as the number of years subjects
smokers reached statistical significance. were exposed to ETS increased, flow rate decreased at high
Given the fact that the majority of measures were pitch. This finding may not be as contradictory to the general
within normal limits and that conditions such as edema and pattern of higher flow rates found among passive smokers as
erythema may be due to other forms of vocal misuse or it superficially appears. If these speakers had incomplete
abuse, we exercise caution in interpretation of the results. closure of the vocal folds at this pitch level, they may have
hyperadducted the laryngeal musculature as a way of com-
pensation. At high pitches, where the folds are already ad-
TABLE II. ducted with greater tension, such hyperadduction would be
Frequency Range for Passive Smokers and Nonsmokers. expected to decrease flow rate.
Sorensen and Horii”2 showed that the longer the time

Lowest Pitch (Hz) Highest Pitch (Hz)

and the more cigarettes a subject actively smoked, the
Passive smokers 154 t 27 1,130 2 197
greater the changes to the larynx. Based on this finding, we
Nonsmokers 144 t 17 1,152 t 234 hypothesized that the more years and hours per day the
___ - -

Nate Values are mean + SD subjects in the present study were exposed t o passive smoke,

Laryngoscope 109: September 1999 Lee et al.: Passive Smoking

TABLE 111.
Videostroboscopy Ratings’ of the Two Subject Groups.
Mucosal Phase
Amplitude Wave Phase Closure Symmetry
Passive smokers 1.66 ? 1.06 1.33 2 0.72 1.34 t 0.28 1 . 7 2 ? 1.11
Nonsmokers 1.25 2 0.40 1.20 t 0.39 1.10 ? 0.41 1.51 t 1.20
’1 = normal; 7 severely deviant.
Note: Values are mean t- SD.

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Laryngoscope 109: September 1999 Lee et al.: Passive Smoking


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