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English VII

Name: ___________________Yr. & Section:_____________ Date:_____________ Score:_______

Test I. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

1. He sand sweetly.
2. Mary is a very clever girl.
3. They went for a rather long walk.
4. The weather is unusually cold.
5. She came down too soon.
6. How brightly the full moon shines.

Past Participle
Test II. Write the participle form of the following verbs.
1. go - ________ 6. g0 - _______
2. sing - ________ 7. shake - _______
3. be - ________ 8. bite - _______
4. buy - ________ 9. drive - _______
5. do - ________ 10. swim - _______

Test II-B Write sentences in present perfect form.

1. They/ ask/ a question. -_______________________________

2. He/speak/English. -_______________________________
3. I/ be/ in my room. -_______________________________
4. We/not/ wash/the car. -_______________________________
5. Annie/not/forget/her homework. -_______________________________
6. We/play/ tennis/ at/school. -_______________________________
7. The/ girls/paint/ that mural. -_______________________________
8. Jeremy/calls/over the phone. -_______________________________
9. The dog/guides/ the students on their way home.-_______________________________

Dependent Clause/Independent Clause/ Not a Clause

Test III. Determine whether the underlined word groups are dependent clauses, independent clauses, or not a
clause. Write D for Dependent Clause, INC for Independent clause and NC for not a clause.

____ 1.Although it was raining, Maria went for a jog at Civitan Park.
____ 2.Brianna eats chocolate whenever she gets a poor grade in Math.
____ 3. After the flood, the family moved into a temporary shelter.
____ 4. While walking at the park, John saw a raccoon eating potato chips.
____ 5. Students enrolled in bachelor’s and associate’s degree programs must pass the Regents’ Test
as a graduation requirement.

Test IV. Read each sentence carefully and write the letter of the best answer.
___1. Receptionists must be able to relay information __x__ pass messages accurately.
a. or b. and c. but d. because
___2. I did not go to the show __x__ I had already seen it.
a. until b. because c. so d. but
___3. Mary is a member of the Historical Society ____ the Literary Society.
a. as b. or c. and d. but
___4. Read over your answers __x__ correct all mistakes before you pass them up.
a. or b. and c. because d. while
___5. Keep the food covered __x__ the flies will contaminate it.
a. or b. and c. until d. though
___6. __x__ he is thin, he is strong.
a. But b. As c. Though d. Because
___7. Susie__x__ phoned __x__ wrote after she left home.
a. either, or c. while, and
b. neither, nor d. though, or
___8. She has an unpleasant experience __x__ she was in Thailand.
a. but b. and c. because d. while
___9. The committee rejected the proposal __x__ they did not think it was practical.
a. or b. but c. though d. because
___10. John welcomed his guests __x__ offered them drinks.
a. and b. while c. until d. as
___11. Jill always studied hard. She earned only average grades.
a. but b. although c. however d. nevertheless
___12. Barry hoped to be a professional musician. He practiced daily.
a. since b. consequently c. for d. thus
___13. I read three magazines each week, I read two newspapers every day.
a. and b. moreover c. furthermore d. in addition
___15. She wants to be an engineer. She wants to be a chemist.
a. or b. and c. until d. though
___16. His dad has a terrible temper. He scares people.
a. so b. therefore c. because d. for
___17. He wants to be a politician. He can make changes in the law.
a. so that b. because c. and d. then
___18. My sister hates to stop at the mall. She cannot tolerate crowds.
a. so b. for c. therefore d. consequently
___19. I know exercising is important. I don’t allow any time for it.
a. nevertheless b. however c. although d. yet
___20. I loved Dawn__x___ she loved other guy.
a. but b. for c. and d. so

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