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I.CHAPTER AT A GLANCE: Infosys Foundation Chairperson Sudha Murthy was the first woman to be
hired by Tata to work on its shop floor, after she protested against the company's job advertisement which
mentioned "Lady Candidates need not apply". Born 66 years ago on August 19, 1950, Murthy sent a
postcard to JRD Tata in protest, and was later hired after an interview.

1. Peers – friends and classmates
2. Fuming – very angry
3. Pioneers- leaders
4. Academic- educational
5. Mindset-way of thinking
Q1. Who is the writer of this story?
Ans: Sudha Murthy is the writer of this story.

Q2. Where was the writer at this time? Was that her birthplace? What had she been doing there?
Ans: The writer was at IISc in Bengaluru. No, it was not her birthplace. She had been doing her post-
graduation there.

Q3. Why was she upset? What did she decide to do?
Ans: She was upset seeing the bottom line of the advertisement „Lady candidates need not apply” from the
famous automobile company Telco. She decided to write a letter to the top person at Telco about that

Q5. List the words used to describe JRD Tata. What does this reveal about the writer‟s feelings?
Ans: Simplicity, generosity, kindness and the care he took of his employees are the words used to describe
JRD Tata. The writer looked up to him as a role model.

Q7. How do you think JRD Tata felt when he received Sudha‟s letter?
Ans: Despite being an extremely busy person, JRD Tata valued a postcard written by a young girl seeking
justice. He respected the ambitions of that unknown girl, who had neither influence nor money.

Q8. Do you think Sudha had a right to feel angry?

Ans: Yes, Sudha had a right to feel angry as she had done extremely well in academics, better than most of
her male peers.

II. Read the extracts and answer the following questions:

Q1. “I was fuming as I went to my room…...”

a. Name the lesson and the writer.

Ans: The name of the lesson is „A Letter to JRD Tata‟ written by Sudha Murthy.

b. Who is the speaker of the above line?

Ans: The writer,Sudha Murthy is the speaker of the above line.

c. What does the word „fuming‟ refer to in the above line?

Ans: The word „fuming‟ refers to being very angry in the above line.

d. Why was the speaker fuming?

Ans: The speaker was fuming as she was upset seeing the advertisement.

Q2. “I did not know the ways of large corporate houses and their difficulties…...”

a. Name the lesson and the writer.

Ans: The name of the lesson is „A Letter to JRD Tata‟ written by Sudha Murthy.

b. Who is the speaker of the above line?

Ans: The writer,Sudha Murthy is the speaker of the above line.

c. What do large corporate houses refer to in the above line?

Ans: The large corporate houses refer to large business companies in the above line.

d. Why did the speaker mention that she did not know the ways of large corporate houses and their

Ans: The speaker did not know the ways of large corporate houses and their difficulties as she has hailed
from a small town Hubli and her world had been a limited place.

Q3. “He changed her life and mindset forever…….”

a.Name the lesson and the writer.

Ans: The name of the lesson is „A Letter to JRD Tata‟ written by Sudha Murthy.

b. Who is the „her‟ in the above line?

Ans: The „her‟ refers to Sudha Murthy in the above line.

c. Who is the „he‟ referring to in the above line?

Ans: The „he‟ referring the above line is JRD.

d. Why did Sudha Murthy feel that he changed her life and mindset forever?

Ans: Sudha Murthy felt that he changed her life and mindset forever by not only responding to the letter of
an unknown girl but also by giving her a job.

Learn Words (Pg 106)

Words from the texts.

1. Find words and phrases

a. advertisement

b. infrastructure

c. research laboratories

d. influence

e. mindset

Words related to career

2. Match the column

i) – d

ii) – a

iii) – f

iv) – b

v) – e

vi) – c

3. Complete the following sentences

a. in charge of

b. promoted

c. prospects

d. fresh challenge

e. dismissed

Learn to use the dictionary

1. nice- adjective- nicer- nicest

2. valiant- adjective- more valiant- most valiant

3. risky- adjective- riskier-riskiest

4. verb

5. noun

6. brave- adjective-braver- bravest

7. noun

Learn Grammar

A. Circle the correct verbs

1. reads

2. always do

3. work

4. cooks

5. walk

6. grow

B. Identify subject, verb or object


2. verb

3. subject

4. object

5. object

6. object

7. object

8. subject

9. subject

10. object


Read the extracts and answer the following questions:

1. “I was on my way to the hostel when I saw an advertisement….”

a. Name the lesson and the writer.

b. Who is the speaker of the above line?

c. What does the word „advertisement‟ refer to in the above line?

d. What was the advertisement?

2. “It is because we have never employed any women on the shop floor….”

a. Name the lesson and the writer.

b. Who is the speaker of the above line?

c. What does the word „shop floor‟ refer to in the above line?

d. Why haven‟t they employed any women?


1. Do you think Sudha had a right to feel angry?



1. What is more important in life- love or wealth

Ans: By now, we should understand that both money and love are important in life. After we have read
through the story, we know that love and money have their own functions in life and why we need both in
orders to thrive. Both can be important in their own way to make our life work.

Money should not be the main objective of our relationship. And financial success usually comes as a result
of a partnership that works, from love. That is why it is important to have both money and love. And we
need to learn how to make both works for you in life.

Every time we do something for the sole reason of earning money, we will feel empty inside. And every
time we do not have money, we will feel depressed and life can be tough. Money is not the objective of a
relationship, but often, money will affect the relationship in its own way.

2. What were the different opinions of the family members while inviting love, wealth and success to their

Ans: The different opinions were the husband of the family was quite excited when he heard to choose
among the three and asked Wealth to come in and fill their home with wealth. His wife disagreed and asked
instead for Success to come in. Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She
jumped in with her own suggestion and said would it not be better to invite Love and our home will then be
filled with love. They all agreed and the wife went out to invite Love to be their guest.


1. What is the meaning of the saying „One Man‟s Trash Is Another ‟S Treasure‟?

Ans: This saying is true in every essence as it points towards reality. The world, in which we live, has never
been perpetual. World moves, people change and so do their minds. Every individual in the world thinks
differently and that is one meaning of this essay‟s topic: „One man‟s trash is another man‟s treasure‟.

Nothing in the world is an absolute waste. As there is this beautiful notion; „It is not waste, until it is
wasted‟. Everything contains something in it that can be proven beneficial if used rightfully.

Human is always attracted towards things that are unacquainted to them and craving continually for them is
his nature. Likewise, nature has also provided human with full strength to grow and become better. But one
must always remember that on obtaining new things, we must not kick out the old ones as trash that can, in
one way or other, prove helpful or valuable to someone.

2. Write the summary of the story „One Man‟s Trash Is Another ‟S Treasure‟.

Ans: The story is about a refuse collector from Bogota in Columbia who has been saving books that have
been discarded and offering them to people in the less affluent areas of the city. It is a modern Robin Hood
tale, saving from the rich to share with the poor.

Jose Gutierrez has become known as the „Lord of the Books‟. He has been saving them from the refuse for
over twenty years now and has amassed a library of twenty thousand volumes. They pack the downstairs of
his home and he lends them out to his neighbourhood.

A world without books would be a barren place. As the Lord of the Books says, „There‟s nothing more
beautiful than having a book in your pocket, in your bag or inside your car.‟


पाठ- 13

बात आज की

1) कठिन शब्द:

मु लाकात

इं डडया







बले बाजी

डााँ ट





2) शब्दार्थ:

शब्द अथण अथण अथण अथण

कमाल अद् भु त कायण

करीब लगभग

गुल गायब

टारगेट लक्ष्य

धाकड़ दं बग

पुछ्क्ले बाद के

जु मला वाक्य

इं तज़ाम प्रबंध

समस्या परे शानी

अडनवायण ज़रूरी

3)प्रश्नों के उत्तर ठिखिए:

क) बड़ा आदमी ’शब्द का प्रयोग करने पर ले खक को क्या लगता था?

उत्तर -ले खक की मौसी जब’ बड़ा आदमी ’बनने की बात करती थीं तो ले खक यह समझता था डक वे उसकी
लं बाई बढ़ाने की बात कर रही थी।


ख) सोकर उठने पर ले खक ने क्या डकया ?

उत्तर -रडववार की सुबह ले खक जब सोकर उठा तो उसने सबसे पहले टे डलडवज़न खोला डिर दो-तीन डमनट बाद
पापा को जगाकर बताया डक पापा ,सचमु च कमाल हो गया । इं डडया मै च जीत गया ।


ग) सोने से पहले ले खक के पापा ने क्या कहा था?

उत्तर -सोने से पहले ले खक के पापा ने कहा था डक डबट्टे यह खे ल है और वह भी डिकेट का । इसमें बड़े -बड़े
कमाल हो जाते है । क्या पता आज भी कमाल ही हो जाए। अब सो जाओ और सुबह उठकर टे डलडवज़न पर
सुनना कमाल की खबर ।


घ) बत्ती गुल हो जाने पर ले खक ने क्या सोचा?

उत्तर -टी.वी .पर डििेट मै च दे खते -दे खते अचानक बत्ती गुल हो जाने पर ले खक सोने चला गया । उसने
सोने के डलए आाँ खें बंद कर ली थी और सोचने लगा डक अगर सचमु च कमाल हो ही गया तो वे लोग सब खू ब
मज़े में रहें गे ,डजन्ोंने भारत को जीतते हुए अपनी आाँ खों से दे खा होगा।

ङ) मे रा डप्रय खे ल -अनु छेद डलखखए (HOME WORK)



हमसे सयाने बालक

1) कठिन शब्द:




मां गडलक

थु का-फ़ज़ीहत






दु दणशा



बैंगलू रू


शब्द अथण अथण अथण

मै ला गंदा

तलै या छोटा तालाब

आस्तीन बाजू

चप्पत थप्पड़

खासा बहुत

जमघट भीड़-भाड़

कारगुजारी शै तानी

लज़्जा शमण

छोकररया लड़डकयााँ

डगरजा ईसाइयों का पूजा


प्रसार िैलाव

३)प्रश्ों के उत्तर डलखखए----

क) डमशा ने डननी को पानी में जाने से क्यों रोका?

उत्तर -डननी जू तों और फ्रॉक समे त पानी में बढ़ जाना चाहती थी और फ्रॉक गंदा हो जाता । डमशा को भय था
डक डननी की मााँ उसपर नाराज़ होंगी । इस कारण डमशा ने डननी को पानी में जाने से रोका ।


ख) डमशा डननी को क्यों मारना चाहती थी?

उत्तर-डननी का पााँ व एक गड् ढ़े में जाकर पड़ा और पानी उछलकर डमशा की फ्रॉक पर आया । फ्रॉक पर गंदे
पानी के छींटे पड़े और ऐसे ही छीटं े उसकी आाँ खों और नाक पर भी जा पड़े , इसडलए वह डननी को मारना
चाहती थी।


ग) दादी की दु द्णशा डकस प्रकार हुई?

उत्तर -डननी और डमशा की मााँ के बीच अच्छा झगड़ा हो गया । लोग घरों से डनकल आए । गली में भीड़ हो
गई ।धकम – धका की नौबत आ गई । दादी दोनों को समझाने का प्रयास करने लगी । वहााँ उनकी कोई
नहीं सुन रहा था । दादी भीड़ की धका – मु की में डगरते – डगरते बची ।


घ) डमशा तलै या के पास की डमट्टी क्यों हटाने लगी?

उत्तर -डमशा तलै या के पास की डमट्टी हटाने लगी ताडक जमा पानी के डलए आगे जाने का रास्ता बन जाए और
पानी गली की डदशा में बहने लगे।


ङ) सब लोग खु द पर लखित क्यों हुए?

उत्तर -सब लोग लड़डकयों के डलए लड़ रहे थे , पर दोनों लड़डकयााँ सब कुछ भू लकर डिर एक हो गई,डमलकर
खे लने लगी।इस कारं ण सब लोग खु द पर लखित हुए डक वे सभी बच्ों की तरह आपस में लड़ रहे है ।

डिया डवशे षण (ADVERB)

जै सा नाम से डवडदत है , डिया-डवशे षण शब्द ‘डिया’शब्दों की डवशे षता बताते हैं । जबडक डवशे षण शब्द डसिण ‘संज्ञा’
या ‘सवणनाम’ शब्दों की डवशे षता बताते हैं ।

जै से -रे लगाड़ी धीरे -धीरे आगे की ओर बढ़ रही है । इस वाक्य में ‘बढ़ रही है ’ से गडत, याडन डिया का बोध हो
रहा है । वहीं ‘धीरे -धीरे ’इस गडत की डवशे षता बता रहा है । इसका मतलब यह हुआ डक ‘धीरे -धीरे ’ एक डिया-
डवशे षण है ।

डिया-डवशे षण के भी चार प्रकार हैं –

१) स्थानवाचक डिया डवशे षण

इनसे डिया के होने के स्थान का पता चलता है ।

जै से – यहााँ , वहााँ , ऊपर, नीचे, सामने, पीछे , अन्दर, बाहर, कहााँ , जहााँ , इधर, उधर, डजधर, डकधर।

उदाहरण – मीनू शाम में कहााँ जाती है ?

२) कालवाचक डिया डवशे षण

डिया के होने के समय( या काल )का बोध कराने वाले अडवकारी शब्द कालवाचक डिया-डवशे षण की श्रे णी में
आते हैं ।

जै से – अभी, अभी-अभी, कभी, कभी-कभी, बार-बार, पहले , बाद, आज, कल, रोज, परसों, प्रडतडदन।

३) पररमाणवाचक डिया डवशे षण

डिया के पररमाण( डगनती या भार )का डनडित या अडनडित वणणन करने वाले शब्द पररमाणवाचक डिया-डवशे षण
होते हैं ।

जै से – थोड़ा, थोड़ा-थोड़ा, ज्यादा, कुछ, बहुत, पूरा, आधा, दजण नभर, डकतना, एक-एक करके, अडधक, अत्यडधक, रत्तीभर।

४) रीडतवाचक डिया डवशे षण

वैसे शब्द जो हमें डकसी डिया की रीडत का बोध कराते हैं , रीडतवाचक डिया डवशे षण कहलाते हैं ।

जै से – क्योंडक, अवश्य, अडनवायण, इसडलए, मात्र, अतः, नहीं।


संवाद ले खन (DIALOUGE WRITING)

संवाद-ले खन की पररभाषा-

दो या दो से अडधक व्यखियों के बीच हुए वाताण लाप या सम्भाषण को संवाद कहते हैं ।

दू सरे शब्दों में -दो व्यखियों की बातचीत को 'वाताण लाप' अथवा 'संभाषण' अथवा 'संवाद' कहते हैं ।

)1)रोगी और डॉक्टर के बीच हुए संवाद को डलखखए।

रोगी - अस्पताल में प्रवेश करते हुए

डॉक्टर -नमस्कार !आइए, पधाररए !कडहए, क्या हाल है ?

रोगी - पहले से बहुत अच्छा हाँ । बुखार( Fever) उतर गया है , केवल खााँ सी(Cough) रह गयी है ।

डॉक्टर -घबराइए नहीं। खााँ सी भी दू र हो जायेगी। आज दू सरी दवा दे ता हाँ । आप जल्द अच्छे हो जायेंगे।

रोगी - आप ठीक कहते हैं । शरीर दु बला हो गया है । चला भी नहीं जाता ।

डॉक्टर -कुछ डदन और आराम कीडजए। सब ठीक हो जायेगा।

रोगी - कृपया खाने को बताएाँ । अब तो थोड़ी-थोड़ी भू ख भी लगती है ।

डॉक्टर -िल खू ब खाइए। जरा खट्टे िलों से परहे ज रखखए, इनसे खााँ सी बढ़ जाती है ।

दू ध, खखचड़ी और मूाँ ग की दाल आप खा सकते हैं ।

रोगी -बहुत अच्छा !आजकल गमी का मौसम है; प्यास बहुत लगती है । क्या शरबत पी सकता हाँ ?

डॉक्टर -शरबत के स्थान पर दू ध अच्छा रहे गा। पानी भी आपको अडधक पीना चाडहए।

रोगी -अच्छा, धन्यवाद !कल डिर आऊाँगा।


)2)दो डमत्रों के बीच वृक्षारोपण पर हुए बातचीत को संवाद के रूप में डलखखए।

राम - नमस्कार रमे श !आप कैसे हैं ?

रमे श - नमस्कार !मैं ठीक हाँ । आप बताइए, आपके क्या हालचाल हैं ?

राम - भाई आजकल तो मैं वृक्षारोपण के कायणिम में व्यस्त हाँ ।

रमे श - वृक्षारोपण!

राम -हााँ , वृक्षारोपण!

रमे श - कहााँ हो रहा है ये वृक्षारोपण?

राम -यहीं अपनी कॉलोनी के सटे मै दान में ।

रमे श - तो मैं भी इस वृक्षारोपण के कायणिम में शाडमल होना चाहता हाँ ।

राम – कौन कौन से पेड़ों का वृक्षारोपण करना है ।

रमे श – मै तो आम और अमरूद के पेड़ों को लगाउाँ गा

राम – हााँ अच्छा है । छाया के साथ साथ िल भी खाने को डमलें गे ।


)3)मााँ -बेटी के बीच िास्ट िूड खाने से होने वाली हाडनयों पर हुए बातचीत को संवाद के रूप में डलखखए।

मााँ --बेटा, आज मैं ने न तुम्हारे डलए आलू के पराठे बनाएाँ है ।

बेटी --क्या? पर क्यों? मु झे आप मोटा बनाना चाहती है ।

मााँ --नहीं, बेटा। एक डदन खा ले ने से कोई मोटा नहीं बन जाता।

बेटी—मााँ ,मैं बाहर डपिा खा लूाँ गी।

मााँ --यह तुम्हारे स्वास्थ्य के डलए अच्छा नहीं है क्योंडक इससे कई रोग होते हैं ।

बेटी—मााँ , मु झे पसंद नहीं है । मैं तो बगणर ही खाऊाँगी।

मां --तभी तो हर दो डदन के बाद ही पेट ददण से परे शान रहती हो।

बेटी --मां , यह सब क्या िास्ट िूड की वजह से होता है ?

मााँ —हााँ , बेटा। इसडलए तो मैं तुझे हर रोज डटडिन दे ती हाँ । मैं, मां हं तेरी डचंता मैं नहीं कराँगी तो कौन करे गा।

बेटी -ठीक है मााँ , आज से बंद और मााँ िूड शु र।

मााँ -मे रा प्यारा बच्ा।


)4)अध्यापक और छात्र के बीच अनु शासन के महत्त्व को ले कर हुए बातचीत को संवाद के रूप में डलखखए।

अध्यापक" -सडचन तुम

प्रडतडदन डवद्यालय दे र से क्यों आते हो?"

सडचन" -सर, मैं क्या

ाँ मैं डजतनी भी कोडशश करता हाँ दे र हो जाती है ।"

अध्यापक" -सडचन क्या तुम अनु शासन का महत्त्व जानते हो?"

सडचन" -जी सर।"

अध्यापक" -क्या तुमने

डकसी महान पुरष की जीवनी पढ़ी है?"

सडचन" -जी सर।"

अध्यापक" -तुमने दे खा

होगा डक अनु शासन उनके जीवन का एक मु ख्य अंग है ।"

सडचन" -जी सर।"

अध्यापक" -यडद तुम एक योग्य व्यखि बनना चाहते हो तो अपने जीवन में समय की पाबंदी, ईमानदारी, वचन
का पालन करना, डनयमों का पालन करना आडद जै से मू ल्ों को अपनाओ। "

सडचन" -धन्यवाद, मैं आपके बताए हुए मागण पर चलने की कोडशश करू
ाँ गा। "


१) अपने प्रधानाचायाण को डचडकत्सा अवकाश( medical leave)के डलए आवेदन पत्र डलखखए।

सेवा में


मॉडनण स्कूल वसंत डवहार, नई डदली

डदनां क 15 माचण2018

डवषय - डचडकत्सा अवकाश के डलए आवेदन पत्र

माननीय महोदया,

सडवनय डनवेदन है डक मैं आपके डवद्यालय की पााँ चवीं कक्षा का छात्र हाँ । डपछले पााँ च - छह डदनों से मु झे बुखार
है । डॉक्टर ने इसे डवषाणु का संिमण(virus infection) बताया है ! बुखार से बहुत कमजोरी होने के कारण हमें
गहन डचडकत्सालय( intensive care unit) में रखा गया है | इस कारण मैं 15 माचण से 20 माचण के बीच होने वाले
परीक्षा में शाडमल नहीं हो पाऊंगा |

अतः मैं आप से अनु रोध करता हं डक मु झे 15 माचण 2018 से 20 माचण 2018 तक डचडकत्सा अवकाश प्रदान करने
की कृपा की जाए, डजसके डलए आपका सदा आभारी रहाँ गा ।

आपका आज्ञाकारी डशष्य (आपकी आज्ञाकाररणी डशष्या-for girls)

शे न

कक्षा -पााँ चवीं( अ)

अनु िमां क-२५


)3) अपने प्रधानाचायाण को पुस्तकालय में कुछ नए पाठ्यिम के पुस्तक मं गाने के डलए प्राथण ना पत्र डलखखए।

सेवा में,


दू न पखिक स्कूल

नई डदली।

डदनां क 15 माचण2018

डवषय—पुस्तकालय (लाइब्रेरी में कुछ नए पाठ्यिम के पुस्तक मं गाने के डलए पत्र


मैं तन्वी कक्षा पााँ चवीं( अ )की छात्रा ् हाँ । २ वषण हुए हैं कक्षा पााँ चवीं( अ )के पाठ्यिम में बदलाव आए है
मगर महोदय हमारे डवद्यालय के पुस्तकालय में अभी भी पुराने पाठ्यिम के पुस्तक है । एक भी नए पाठ्यिम के
पुस्तक नहीं है ।

अतः मे री आपसे नम्र डनवेदन है डक कृपया आप कुछ नई पुस्तक माँ गवाए ताडक हम डवद्याथी नई पुस्तकों को
पढ़कर आनं द प्राप्त कर सकें।


आपकी आज्ञाकाररणी डशष्या (आपका आज्ञाकारी डशष्य -for boys)


कक्षा -पााँ चवी(अ)

अनु िमां क-२५


1)अनु च्छेद िेिन– डबजली का संरक्षण ( save electricity)

आज के आधुडनक युग में मनु ष्य डबजली का उपयोग ज्यादा ही कर रहा है डजससे डक पयाण यवरण को भी नु कसान
पहुाँ च रहा है और डबजली उत्पन्न करने में प्रयोग होने वाले स्त्रोत जो डक एक बार प्रयोग करने से नष्ट हो जाते है
वह धीरे धीरे खत्म होते जा रहे हैं । व्यखि हर काम के डलए डबजली पर डनभण र रहता है । व्यखि डजतना डबजली
को बचाएगा उतना ही उसके पैसे की बचत होगी साथ ही पयाण यवरण को भी हाडन कम पहुाँ चेगी। हर व्यखि को
डबजली का खचण कम करना चाडहए और डबजली जो डक ऊजाण का एक रूप है उसे सरं डक्षत रखना चाडहए। कुछ
लोग डदन में भी घर में लाईट चला कर बैठे रहते है उन्ें चाडहए डक वह डदन में लाईट न चलाए और डजतना हो
सके उतना काम सूयण की रोशनी में ही करे । लोगों को सौर ऊजाण और पवन ऊजाण का प्रयोग करना चाडहए ।
घरों में बड़े बड़े बल्ब की जगह एलईडी बल्ब लगाए जाने चाडहए। लोगों को फ्रीज का प्रयोग भी सही तरीके से
करना चाडहए और टे लीडवजन भी जरूरत से ज्यादा नहीं दे खना चाडहए। अगर हम डबजली का प्रयोग सही से करें गे
तो उन क्षे त्रों में भी डबजली पहुाँ च पाएगी डजनमें अब तक डबजली नहीं है । हमारी डबजली की बचत डकसी गरीब के
घर में रोशनी कर सकती है । लोगों को डबजली के महत्व को समझना चाडहए और भडवष्य में भी पयाण प्त मात्रा में
डबजली उत्पन्न की जा सके इसके डलए अभी से कम प्रयोग करना चाडहए।


3)अनु च्छेद िेिन– पर्थटन का मह्त्त्तव (msiruot fo ecnatropmI)

पयणटन याडन घूमना, बस घूमने के डलए घूमना, आनं द प्राखप्त के डलए घूमना, डजज्ञासा समाधान के डलए घूमना।
ऐसे पयणटन में सुख ही सुख है । ऐसा पयणटन रोजाना की थका दे ने वाली डचंताओं को दू र करता है । पयणटन से हमें
दे श-डवदे श के खान-पान, रहन-सहन तथा सभ्यता-संस्कृडत की जानकारी डमलती है । पयणटन से हमें नई-नई
जानकाररयााँ डमलती हैं और ज्ञान बढ़ता है । हमें यह डवश्वास होता है डक "- डवश्व भर में रहने वाले हमसभी
मनु ष्य मू ल रूप से एक ही हैं । " राष्टरीय एकता बढ़ाने में पयणटन का बहुत बड़ा योगदान है । वतणमान समय में
पयणटन एक बहुत बड़े उद्योग का रूप धारण कर चुका है । डहमाचल प्रदे श, जम्मू-कश्मीर एवं उत्तराखं ड जै से
पवणतीय स्थलों की अथण व्यवस्था पयणटन पर ही आधाररत है । आज पयणटन सुडवधापूणण हो गया है । प्रायः सभी प्रडसद्ध
स्थलों पर होटलों, भोजनालयों, डवश्राम गृहों, मनोरं जन स्थलों एवं यातायात के साधनों की भरमार हो गयी है ।
कुछ पयणटन स्थल प्राकृडतक सौंदयण के डलए डवख्यात हैं तो कुछ का एक अलग ही धाडमण क महत्त्व है । कुछ पयणटन
स्थान ऐडतहाडसक महत्त्व है । हमें हर साल कहीं घूमने के डलए जाना चाडहए ।


4)अनु च्छेद िेिन – पु स्तकािर् का मह्त्त्तव (yrarbil fo ecnatropmI)

पुस्तकालय ज्ञान के मं डदर हैं । उन्नडत के सभी सूत्र पुस्तकालयों में रखी पुस्तकों में सुरडक्षत हैं । कोई भी डवकास का
इच्छु क व्यखि इनकी सहायता से मनोवां डछत उन्नडत कर सकता है । आधुडनक पुस्तकालय बहुत ही व्यवखस्थत होते
हैं । इसमें लाखों की संख्या में पुस्तकें संग्रडहत होती हैं । ये सारी पुस्तकें डवषयानु सार अलमारी में अलग-अलग रखी
होती हैं । डवद्याडथण यों को आरम्भ से ही पुस्तकालय का उपयोग करना सीखना चाडहए। उन्ें चाडहए की वे पुस्तकालय
की डनयमावली और व्यवस्था भली-भां डत जान लें और उसे बनाए रखने का दृढ संकल्प करें । छात्रों को चाडहए की
पुस्तकों को समय पर वापस करें । डकसी और को भी उस पुस्तक की आवश्यकता हो सकती है । पुस्तकों को
संभाल कर रखना चाडहए। डकसी प्रकार के डनशान या नोट पुस्तकालय की पुस्तकों पर नहीं डलखना चाडहए। कुछ
लोग पुस्तकों के पन्ने या डचत्र िाड़ ले ते हैं और अपने पास रख ले ते हैं जो की पूरी तरह गलत है । कुछ पुस्तकें
दु लणभ होती हैं , उन्ें चुराकर अपने पास रख ले ना सामाडजक संपडत्त की चोरी समझा जाता है । मं डदर और
पुस्तकालय दोनों में ही प्रवेश करते समय मन में भखि की भावना होनी चाडहए। पुस्तकालय में डकसी प्रकार का
शोर-गुल या बातचीत नहीं करनी चाडहए। गररमामय व्यवहार से ही पुस्तकालय का सदु पयोग हो सकता है ।



1. Fill in the blanks:

a. Area of a rectangle = length × ___________
b. Area of a square = _________ × _________
c. Volume of a cuboid = _______ × _______ × _________

2. Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 32 cm and breadth is 15 cm.

3. A park is 160 m long and 95 m wide. Mohit runs around it 7 times. How much distance does he

4. Find the area of a square whose side is 13 cm.

5. Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 19 cm and breadth is 14 cm.

6. Find the volume of a cuboid of length 5 cm, breadth 2 cm and height 4 cm.

7. How many square tiles of side 10 cm will be required to tile a path of dimensions 360 cm by 90 cm?

8. The perimeter of a rectangle is 186 m and breadth is 45 m. Find the area of a rectangle.


1. Find the cost of carpeting a room 12 m long and 8 m wide at 60 per square metre.

2. A swimming pool is 25 m long, 15 m wide and 10 m deep, how much is its volume?

3. A rectangular park is 220 m long and 190 m broad. Find the cost of fencing at the rate of 30 per

I. KEY WORDS AND DEFINATIONS (from the Textbook ,Pg.No. 143)

1. Transparent materials- Materials that allow all the light to pass through them are called transparent
2. Translucent materials- Materials that allow some amount of light to pass through them are called
translucent materials.
3. Opaque materials- Materials that do not allow light to pass through them are called opaque materials.
4. Shadow – The dark spot formed by a translucent or an opaque object when it blocks the light is
called a shadow.

1. What are transparent materials? Give two examples.

Answer- Materials that allow all the light to pass through them are called transparent materials. Example-
clean glass, clean water.

2. What are translucent materials? Give two examples.

Answer- Materials that allow some amount of light to pass through them are called translucent
materials. Example- coloured glass, dirty water.

3. What are opaque materials? Give two examples.

Answer- Materials that do not allow light to pass through them are called opaque materials. Example-
wood, mud.

4. Why do translucent and opaque materials form shadow?

Answer- Translucent and opaque objects form shadow because they can block light.

5. When is a shadow shortest?

Answer- Shadow is shortest during afternoon.

1. What is a shadow? What are the three things needed for a shadow to form?
Answer- The dark spot formed by a translucent or an opaque object when it blocks the light is called
a shadow. There are three things needed for a shadow to form.
a) A source of light
b) A translucent or an opaque object
c) A surface on which the shadow can be formed.

2. Write down the features of a shadow.

Answer- The features of a shadow are-

a) A shadow is always black.

b) A shadow shows only the shape or outline of the object.
c) The size of a shadow depends on the distance between the object and the source of light. It
also depends on the distance between the object and the surface.


Q1. Fill in the blanks

a. _________________________objects do not form shadows.

b. A shadow is _______________ during early morning.
c. The ___________________ of the shadow is same as that of the object.

Q2. Draw the diagram to show the formation of shadow.

Q3. Compare the three types of materials on the basis of transparency.

Q4. Give some examples of luminous and non luminous objects.


Q5. A ray of light falls on two different objects, a wooden plank and a glass sheet. Which of the two
will form a shadow and why?


I. KEY WORDS AND DEFINATIONS (from the Textbook ,Pg.No. 151)

1. Volcanoes- Cracks in the earth‟s crust out of which magma comes out is called a volcano.
2. Earthquakes – A sudden movement in a part of the earth‟s surface is called earthquake.
3. Focus – The point under the ground where the earthquake begins is called earthquake.
4. Epicenter- The spot corresponding to focus on the earth‟s surface is called the epicenter.

1. What are volcanoes?
Answer - Cracks in the earth‟s crust out of which magma comes out is called a volcano.

2. Name the three types of volcanoes.

Answer- The three types of volcanoes are Active volcanoes, dormant volcanoes, extinct volcanoes.

3. Give one example each of an active and an extinct volcano.

Answer - Example of an active volcano- Pacific ring of fire.
Example of an extinct volcano – Zuidwal volcano

4. What is an earthquake? How is it caused?

Answer- A sudden movement in a part of the earth‟s surface is called earthquake. It is caused by severe
shock waves that travel through the solid rocks from under the ground to the surface.

5. Give one example of an epicenter of an earthquake in India.

Answer- During the Gujarat earthquake of 2001, Bhuj was the epicenter.

6. What does a seismograph measure?

Answer- seismograph measures the intensity, direction and duration of earthquake.

7. Write one difference between tidal wave and tsunami.

Answer- A tidal wave is the periodic rise and fall of sea level but tsunamis are massive ocean waves
caused by undersea earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides.


1. Describe the three types of volcanoes.

Answer – The tree types of volcanoes are-

a. Active volcano- The volcanoes which may erupt at any time or have erupted in the recent past
are called active volcanoes. Ex- Pacific ring of fire around the Pacific Ocean.
b. Dormant volcano- The volcanoes which have not erupted for several years but could erupt in
future are called dormant volcanoes. Ex- Narcondam in the Andaman island
c. Extinct volcanoes- The volcanoes which are not expected to erupt in future are called extinct
volcanoes. Ex- Zuidwal volcano in the Netherlands.

2. What are focus, epicenter and aftershocks?

Answer –

Focus- The point under the ground where the earthquake begins is called earthquake.
Epicenter- The spot corresponding to focus on the earth‟s surface is called the epicenter. Ex- Bhuj is
the epicenter of Gujarat earthquake 2001.
Aftershocks – After the first big quake, smaller quakes or tremors may continue to occur. These are
called aftershocks.

3. Mention any three effects of an earthquake.
Answer- The three effects of an earthquake are-

i. It causes destruction of property. Buildings may develop cracks or even fall down. Trees get
uprooted. Many people lose their lives too by getting trapped under heavy slabs that have
ii. An undersea earthquake can cause tsunami.
iii. It can cause landslides and fires.


Q1. Fill in the blanks

a. ____________ scale is used to measure earthquake.

b. During ________________ tidal waves travel at a very high speed.
c. The volcanoes which can erupt at any time are called _______________ volcanoes.
Q2. What is lava? How it can be converted to lava?

Q3. Draw a diagram to show cross section of a volcano.

Q4. What is Olympus Mons?


Q5. What are the safety tips to be taken during an earthquake?

Q6. Paste the pictures or newspaper cuttings of any recent earthquake.


I. KEY WORDS AND DEFINATIONS (from the Textbook ,Pg.No. 159)

1. Pollution- Introduction of harmful substances into the environment due to human activities is called
2. Soil erosion- The removal of topsoil by wind or water is called soil erosion.


1. What do you understand by pollution?

Answer- Introduction of harmful substances into the environment due to human activities is called

2. Name the four kinds of pollutions.
Answer- The four kinds of pollutions are air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise

3. How does air pollution harm us?

Answer- It can cause harmful diseases in human beings. Ex- Asthma, lung cancer.
It can kill plants and animals.
It can also damage the buildings.


1. Describe the different types pollution.

Answer- There are four types of pollutions-

a. Air pollution- The contamination of air due to presence of harmful substances is called air
b. Water pollution- The contamination of water due to presence of harmful substances is called water
c. Land pollution- The degradation or destruction of the earth‟s surface and soil is called land
pollution. It can be caused by deforestation, soil erosion, overcrowded landfills etc.
d. Noise pollution- The presence of unwanted sound in the environment which is harmful for us is
called noise pollution.

2. What are the main causes of air and water pollution?

Answer- The main causes of air pollution are-

a. Exhaust gases emitted by vehicles due to burning of petrol or diesel.

b. Smoke emitted by factories due to burning of chemicals or coal.
c. Use of CFCs in refrigerator and air conditioning.
d. Cutting of trees

The main causes of water pollution are-

a. Dumping of untreated sewage (garbage) into rivers.

b. Use of fertilizers and pesticides in large quantity in agriculture.
c. Discharge of untreated industrial waste in rivers.

3. How is noise pollution harmful to us?

Answer – The harmful effects of noise pollution are-

a. Loud noise can cause temporary or permanent deafness.

b. Loud noise can cause hypertension, anxiety and headache.
c. Due to loud noise we can lose concentration and sleep at night.


1. Fill in the blanks
a. Emission of harmful gases from factories causes_________________.
b. _____________ is the major sources of noise pollution.
c. Dumping of ________________ causes land pollution.

2. Write the preventions for air pollution.

3. What are the causes of land pollution?
4. Write the preventions for noise pollution.

Q1. Ramu, the gardener is burning the dry leaves and dead plants of your garden. Will you stop him?
Why and what will be your suggestion.

Q2. Draw a poster to show any kind of pollution in your scrap book.



1. European
2. Traders
3. East India Company
4. Battle
5. Discontent
6. Uprising
7. Revolt
8. War
9. Viceroy
10. Defeat


1. Trade: the activity of buying and selling goods.

2. Textiles: Cloth or fabric
3. Handloom: a loom, or cloth weaving machine, that is operated by hand.
4. Revolt: an uprising of the people that attempts to overthrow the government


Ans 1. Portugal was the first European country to start trade with India in the 15th century. Portuguese
explorer Vasco-Da-Gama became the first European to discover the sea route to India and allowed Portugal
to establish a rich trade with India and Southeast Asia.

Ans2. Netherland, France and England.

Ans 3. The Portuguese started trading with India, mainly in spices. They were followed by the Dutch,
French and English traders. Soon, they started fighting against each other to get a bigger share of the trade
for themselves.

Finally, the British won the fight and formed the English East India Company in the year 1600 for trading
in India.

Ans 4.i) Declining of Mughal empire

ii)Emergence of several regional kingdoms and constant fighting between them.

iii)Defeat of Siraj-ud- Daulah in the Battle of Plassey.

Ans 5. The Industrial Revolution in Britain was bad for Indian wavers because the mill cloth made by
British Industries was sold in India. This was cheaper and of better quality ,so more and more people bought
it. As a result, the Indian handloom industry suffered and the workers became poorer.

Ans 6. One such unjust law was that if a ruler died without a child, his kingdom would be taken over by the

Ans 7. To load these rifles , the soldiers had to bite off the ends of the greased cartridges. A rumour spread
that the cartridges were greased with fat of cows and pigs. The Hindus regard cows as sacred and the
Muslims regard pig as unclean. So the rumour angered both the Hindu and the Muslim soldiers.

Ans 8. i) The British had superior weapons and military strength.

ii) Many Indians supported the British.


Ans : i) Indians were inspired by the bravery of those who fought against the British.

ii) It made them realise the injustice of British rule and the value of freedom.

iii) It made them aware that if they stood united, they could defeat the British and gain independence.


Q-1: Identify the the place where Vasco Da Gama landed.

Q-2: Name the battle which took place in the year 1757.

Q-3: Name three groups who were dissatisfied with British rule.

Q-4: Mention the names of a few prominent leaders of the Revolt Of 1857.

Q-5. Write a short note on Battle Of Plassay.

Q-6. “ The Revolt Of 1857 marked the ending of the company rule.” Validate the statement

Q-7. On an outline political map of India mark the following:

a. Calicut
b. Kolkata
c. Meerut
d. Delhi


5.Indian National Congress
10. Revolutionaries


1. Social: related to society and to people‟s lives.

2. Reformer: someone who wants to change and improve something
3. Nationalism: love of and pride in one‟s own country
4. Patriotism: strong feeling of love, respect and loyalty towards one‟s country.


Ans 1: Practices like the caste system, killing of female babies, sati and child marriage were evils that
divided the society and kept it backward.

Ans 2: They wanted to educate the people to remove the outdated customs and superstitions and the
removal of these were necessary for the progress of Indian society.

Ans 3: The revolt of 1857 made the people of India realise the injustice of the British rule and the value
of freedom. The people most affected by this thinking were the educated Indians. They became more
and more dissatisfied with the British rule. Many of these people ,and some Englishmen who supported
them ,came together in 1885 and formed The Indian National Congress.

Ans 4: At first the leaders of the Indian National Congress did not raise the question of freedom. Their
main demand was to bring reforms so that Indians could lead a better life under the British. They

were referred as the moderates. However, several other leaders were not in favour of such soft
approach. They wanted swaraj or self - rule for the Indians. They were called the radicals.

Ans 5: Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

Ans 6: The British were worried about the growing feeling of nationalism among Indians. At that time
,the feeling of nationalism was the strongest in Bengal. One of the ways in which they could prevent
Indians from uniting was to divide them on the basis of religion. So, in 1905 they decided to divide
Bengal into two parts – one for Hindus and the other for the Muslims.

Ans 7: The Indians protested strongly against the division of Bengal. The anger of the people gave rise
to the Swadeshi movement. Swadeshi means ‟own country‟. People appealed to use goods made in
their own country and boycotted British goods.

Ans 8: They imposed more taxes to recover the loses they suffered in the war.


Ans: We should not boycott foreign goods as it will affect the trade relation of India with other
countries.But at the same time we should try to use maximum local goods which will ultimately strengthen
our economy.


1. Mention the names of a few social reformers.

2. Identify a few moderate leaders and radical leaders from your book.
3. Where did the Indian National Congress held its first session?
4. Identify the state where the Swadeshi Movement started.
5. Name two groups from your textbook who participated in the Swadeshi Movement.
6. Write a brief note on the activities of the Revolutionaries.
7. Who started the newspaper called Kesari?



1. Low caste
2. Untouchables
3. Harijan
4. Satyagraha
5. Rowlatt Act
6. Non-cooperation
7. Civil Disobedience
8. Purna swaraj

9. Simon Commission
10. Quit India
1. Non-cooperation: a type of protest where you refuse to do things that someone wants you to do.
2. Committee: a group of people chosen to do a particular job.
3. Boycott: not to do or buy something to show protest.


Ans 1: After returning to India in 1915, Gandhiji travelled to various parts of the country.

Ans 2: In 1919,the British passed new laws called the Rowlatt Acts. Under these laws they
could arrest anyone without a trial.So Gandhiji asked people to oppose the laws. Demonstrations and
meetings were held all over the country.

Ans 3: After Jallianwala Bagh shooting Gandhiji launched the non-cooperation movement.

Ans 4: In 1922,the people participating in the Non-Cooperation movement in Chari Chaura in Uttar
Pradesh became violent. They set fire to a police station, killing twenty-two policemen. Gandhiji
considered this as a failure of the movement and called it off.

Ans 5: The Congress demanded Purna Swaraj after the Simon Commission visited India in 1928,a
committee under Sir Simon.

The meaning of Purna Swaraj is complete independence.

Ans 6: Gandhiji launched a massive Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930.He called on Indians to
refuse to pay taxes, especially the tax on salt, to the British Government.

Gandhiji decided to start the Civil Disobedience Movement by breaking the unjust „Salt Law‟ passed by
the British Government. He organised a peaceful march from Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to
Dandi on the sea shore.

Ans 7: At Dandi , Gandhiji and his followers made salt by evaporating sea water.Gandhiji was arrested,
but the Civil Disobedience Movement spread throughout India.

Ans 8: World War II broke out in 1939.The British declared war on India‟s behalf, without talking to the
Indian leaders. In protest, the Congress ministries in the provinces resigned.

Ans 9: Subhash Chandra Bose had been elected President of the Indian National Congress. He was
convinced that British would never leave India peacefully. He went to Japan and organised an army of
40,000 Indian soldiers known as Azad Hind Fauj or the Indian National Army.

Ans 10: India got its independence on 15 August 1947, but was divided into two nations- India and
Pakistan. Gandhiji was heartbroken. His dream of an united India had been shattered.


Ans 1: They did not want to help the British in any way until the British Government assured complete

Ans 2: It was an act of cowardice on the part of the British.


1. Explain the meaning of Satyagraha.

2. Write a short note on Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
3. How did people protest during Non-Cooperation Movement.?
4. What was the Simon Commission?
5. Write a short note on the Quit India Movement.
6. When did the British government pass the Government Of India Act?
7. On an outline political map of India mark the following:
a. Amritsar
b. Ahmedabad
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Dandi


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