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I heartily wish to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my

teachers and friends how they have helped me a lot for completing my

I am very grateful to my lecturer, PROF.

for their explaining and constant guidance throughout the project. I also
like to give thanks to our H.O.D., Prof for invaluable support
help me and to guide me whenever I needed.

I am very grateful to my teaching staff to guide me all over the degree

duration. They are very helpful to me, as I require help. I am also very
grateful to non-teaching staff to help me in laboratory in various ways.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to those friends whose

knowledge and time had been given to help me in many different ways.

----Mr. ---

 Introduction

 Existing System

 Proposed system

 Need of the System

 Objectives

 Scope of the System

 Tools and platforms used

- Hardware Requirements

- Software Requirements

 System Design

- ER Diagram

- Context Level Diagram

- Data Flow Diagram

 Modules

 Data Dictionary

 Input and Output Screens

 Limitations

 Bibliography

 An amusement park is a collection of rides and activities located

in a central area with no unifying theme and separate admission
or ticket requirements for each attraction. A theme park creates
an atmosphere and environment of no other place and time. It is
generally enclosed in a central area, with an admission price
paid at the gate allowing visitors access to all attractions.

 Amusement parks began in the Middle Ages (about A.D. 500 to

1500) when people gathered to sell and barter or trade goods
and to celebrate harvests. The modern theme park was invented
by Walt Disney in 1955 when he opened Disneyland in
California. He created environments in which visitors could
become completely immersed in an entertainment experience. 'I
here has been a rapid expansion in theme parks and in their
ability to more fully immerse visitors in an unforgettable

 In 21" century, there is a race amongst the prevalent companies

to be a name/brand in this entertainment business as this is the
one of the best income providing business. Hence the key all
this is the best management system, upon which the amusement
park management system is wholly dependent. Good
management system leads to more satisfied customer and staff,
which in turn adds up to profit and goodwill of the amusement
park. Moreover it is also important to assure security.
Existing System

In existing small amusement park, customers record are not

maintained employee details are stored in files manually, which
could be easily get misplaced or could be accessed by an
unauthorized person, but in proposed system we have to
computerize all the customers as well as staff records using this


 Lack of security of data.

 More man power.
 Time consuming.
 Consumes large volume of paper work.
 Needs manual calculations.
 No direct role for the higher officials.
 Maintaining records in register lead to data redundancy.

The aim of propose system to develop a system of improved

facilities. The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the
existing system. The system provides proper security and reduces the
manual work.
Following are the advantages of the proposed system:

 Security of data.

 Ensure data accuracy.

 Proposed control of the higher officials.

 Minimize manual data entry.

 Minimum time needed for the various processing.

 Greater efficiency.

 Better service.
 By using this system, in a large or a small Amusement Park Management
System, it will speed up the management process and will also ease the work
of managers and other management staff, providing them a well recorded
history and status of various, customers and other working unit of the
park, which will in turn help to design future plan for park extension.

 Today, time is so valuable that, even a second's loss can cost a loss of
knowledge and at this stage in time we all have a dire need for a fast
working and efficient way of managing our resources be it money, or human
resources, etc. Hence this system is that dire need of every Amusement Park
Management System owner, wherein all of amusement park management
Issues like employees' management, security, maintenance are
addressed and fulfilled efficiently.

 Small Amusement Park uses the traditional paper, to register and record all
their activities. And this traditional method is way too, time consuming,
error prone and non-durable. A better alternative is our Amusement Park
Management system where no paper work, no fear of damage to records, no
time consuming process, wasting money on papers and trained registrars.
Our system tries to provide a complete solution to these problems, as it is a
electronic material hence no fear is expected of it's getting damage
easily or losing it, also other problems found in traditional method like huge
storage is required for this record keeping, which is not the case in our
system, as it being stored on a small Hard Disk Drive. Also no money
conservation could be done by using our software, as there's no need for
paper and ink and other things like trained professional for record keeping.

 The most important need of using this system is security. Today In 21

century, terrorist activities has increased so it is amusement park
management responsibility to ensure proper safety of its customer when they
are in the park so it is important to keep proper record of people visiting the
park and also keep an eye on time to time maintenance.

The purpose of developing Amusement Park Management system is to
computerized way of keeping the record of various important aspects of
the park. Another purpose for developing this software is to generate the
report automatically at the end or as the purpose of developing
Amusement Park Management system is to computerized per

 It uses as an operating system.

 Less time consuming for data entry.

 Provides efficient and secure way for record keeping.

 Reports are generated easily and automatically on the basis of


 it is menu driven system with all the validation done of different

entities and avoids redundancy of data.

 The security in storage and access of information is provided by

the computerized system. The data cannot be deleted until it is
deleted by the human being, The data which is present in the
computer is having the backup and recovery facility.
 It is often consider that cost saving are an essential requirement for
economic fusibility of computer system application the main aim
behind computerized system is to save operational cost. Cost
saving should be
achieved by comparing the actual operational cost of manual
system and the total computerized system.

Scope of Proposed System

 The Amusement Park Management project deals with the

computerized of all records and factors related to amusement park.
 In amusement park management, customer's record is not
maintained and employees, maintenance and restaurant record was
maintained manually in files, which is quite a difficult job and also
time consuming process. Therefore, through computerization can
keep up day to day database and well performing transaction.
 The system provides the effective records of customers, verify
their identity. And also keep the details of employees working for
the park.
 If there are any changes they can be easily update through data
base. So, updating can be made and saved easily.
 The systems save lot of times and also provide accuracy.
 Through this system reports can be generated and from that reports
effective conclusions can drawn and management can take good
important decision.
Tools and Platform used

Hardware Specification
Processor 800 MHZ or above
Minimum Hard disk drive 100 MB or above
RAM(virtual memory) 128 MB or above
Color Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse Required

Software Specification
Front-end Microsoft Visual Studio .net 2008
Back-end Microsoft Access
Operating system Windows Platforms Only
System Design

System design is the process of defining the elements of a system such as the
architecture, modules and components, the different interfaces of those
components and the data that goes through that system. It is meant to satisfy
specific needs and requirements of a business or organization through the
engineering of a coherent and well-running system. It is widely used for modeling
software systems and is increasingly used for high designing non-software systems
and organizations.
Logical design
The logical design of a system pertains to an abstract representation of the data
flows, inputs and outputs of the system. This is often conducted via modeling,
using an over-abstract (and sometimes graphical) model of the actual system. In
the context of systems, designs are included. Logical design includes ER diagrams.
Physical design
The physical design relates to the actual input and output processes of the system.
This is explained in terms of how data is input into a system, how it is
verified/authenticated, how it is processed, and how it is displayed. In physical
design, the following requirements about the system are decided.

1. U Input requirement,
2. Output requirements,
3. Storage requirements,
4. Processing requirements,
5. System control and backup or recovery.

Put another way, the physical portion of systems design can generally be broken
down into three sub-tasks:

1. User Interface Design

2. Data Design
3. Process Design

User Interface Design is concerned with how users add information to the system
and with how the system presents information back to them. Data Design is
concerned with how the data is represented and stored within the system. Finally,
Process Design is concerned with how data moves through the system, and with
how and where it is validated, secured and/or transformed as it flows into, through
and out of the system. At the end of the systems design phase, documentation
describing the three sub-tasks is produced and made available for use in the next
Physical design, in this context, does not refer to the tangible physical design of an
information system. To use an analogy, a personal computer's physical design
involves input via a keyboard, processing within the CPU, and output via a
monitor, printer, etc. It would not concern the actual layout of the tangible
hardware, which for a PC would be a monitor, CPU, motherboard, hard drive,
modems, video/graphics cards, USB slots, etc. It involves a detailed design of a
user and a product database structure processor and a control processor. The H/S
personal specification is developed for the proposed system.

Customer Enquiry

to from

Restaurant provid Employee


generat do

Bill Maintenance

Details Entered

Accepted login
Details Entered Accepted customer
Details Entered Park Accepted employee
Details Entered Accepted maintenance

Details Entered restaurant


Detail entered 1.0 Details accept

Authentication Login

Confirmation Confirmation

Detail entered Details accept

Enquiry Enquiry
Enquiry Details
Confirmation Confirmation

Detail entered

Customer Details accept

Customer Details

Bill Detail entered Details accept

4.0 Bill

Bill Details
Confirmation Confirmation
Detail entered Details accept

Employee 5.0 Employee

Employee Details
Confirmation Confirmation

Detail entered Details accept

Maintenance 6.0 maintenance

Confirmation Details Confirmation

Detail entered Details accept

Restaurant 7.0 Restaurant

Restaurant details
Confirmation Confirmation
1. Enquiry

2. Customer details

3. Employee Details

4. Maintenance

5. Restaurant

6. Bill Details

7. Report

8. Search

9. Logout

Field Name Type Size Constraint

User Name Text 10 Not null

Password Text/number 10 Not null


Field Name Type Size Constraint

ENNO number 5 Primary Key

ENTYPE text 50 Not null

ENDESCRIPTION Text 50 Not null

ENCONTACT number 10 Not null

ENEMAIL text 20 Not null



Field Name Type Size Constraint

NO Number 5 Primary key

CNAME Text 15 Not null

CADDRESS Text/ 50 Not null


CCITY Text 20 Not null

CGENDER text 10 Not null


CEMAIL Number/ 20 Not null




Field Name Type Size Constraint

MNO Number 5 Primary key

MTYPE Text 15 Not null

MINCHARGE Text 15 Not null

MCOST Number 5 Not null



Field Name Type Size Constraint

ENO Number 5 Primary key

ENAME Text 15 Not null

EADDRESS Text/ 50 Not null


ECITY Text 20 Not null

EGENDER Text 8 Not null

ECONTACT Number 10 Not null

EDESIGNATION Text 15 Not null

ESALARY Number 10 Not null

EEMAIL Number/ 20 Not null


Field Name Type Size Constrain

RID Number 15 Not null

RNAME Text 15 Not null

RINCHARGE Text 10 Not null

RTOTALEMP Number 10 Not null

RTOTALAREA Number 10 Not null

RRENT Number 10 Not null



Field Type Size Constraint

BNO Number 5 Primary Key

CID Number 15 Not null

CNAME Text 15 Not null

ADULT Number 5 Primary Key

CHILD Number 5 Not null


1. Lack of centralized register for all the entries of mall details.

2. If the database goes down we can lose entire information .
3. Manual maintenance of documents.
4. Since the same data is compiled at different sections, the possibility of
tabulating data wrongly increases. Also if the data is more, validations
become difficult. This may result in loss of accuracy of data as the information
is stored in the paretic.

As this project is made in visual studio .net which is made offline, hence we
cannot have all the facilities like online project hence reduces its scope.

The project runs on platform because frontend and backend languages are

 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING :- By Rogers. S. Pressman


 VISUAL BASIC.NET Black Book : - By Evangeleous Petereous

 ASP.Net Professional : - By Wrox Publications

 MSDN 2002 : - By Microsoft

 Website :-

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