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The Guitar Method Based On The Laws Of Body Learning

Thank you for watching my YouTube performance of John Dowland’s

“Pipers Galliard” and King of Denmark’s Galliard”. Here is the mu-
sic to those pieces, with the fingering and notes I have used to play
them. `
I have developed methods of learning guitar which enable anyone to
learn to play the classical guitar well. These methods work for ev-
eryone who uses them. If you would like to know more about how I can help you
become good on the classical guitar (or any other style for that matter!), you will
find some information at the end of this document.

Piper’s Galliard

King Of Denmark’s
Pipers Galliard by John Dowland

fingering by Jamie Andreas

Here are the ways I can help you get bet-
ter on guitar:

Download my (FREE) “10 Best Ways To Get Better On

Get an assessment of your playing and find out what you

need to do to improve in our GuitarPrinciples Work-
shop Forum (FREE)

Get a deep understanding of why so many people

struggle with guitar, and why existing methods lead
you down the wrong path of development. Download
my FREE Report“Why People Struggle With

Change your guitar playing life forever by learning

the most effective and complete guitar learning system
there is, “The Principles Of Correct Practice For Guitar”.

It is the only method based on the scientific laws

of how the body learns, and when you are learning
guitar, you are really attempting to teach your fingers
to perform new and precise movements they have
never done before, using muscles that have never been
used in such a manner before.

Become a student of my “Classical Guitar Founda-

tion Course”! This is the most powerful classical
guitar course you will ever find, giving you the
real secrets of how to master this most demanding
style. It contains methods I have developed to
teach myself and my students how to build a
solid foundation and continue to make progress
through the classical repertoire. See students from
this course....

Webcam Lessons: I do webcam lessons with peo-
ple all around the world. They are extremely effec-
tive, and will jumpstart your progress.


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