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Item Constituents Summary of Benefits

Vit. A, C, E, Calcium, Iron, Help with the baby's development and growth: Iron can prevent anemia and calcium helps bones and teeth
Potassium,Phosporous grow strong.
Great for keeping a person hydrated and healthy. Vitamin C can help prevent cell damage and assist with iron
Oranges Vit. C, Folate absorption. Folate can help prevent neural tube defects, which can cause brain and spinal cord abnormalities
in a baby.
One cup of chopped mango provides
A baby born with vitamin A deficiency may have lower immunity and a higher risk of postnatal complications,
Mangoes 100 % of RDA of vit. C and 1/3rd of
such as respiratory infections.
RDA of vit. A
Getting plenty of fiber in a pregnancy diet can help ease constipation, a common pregnancy symptom.
Pears Fiber, Potassium, Folate
Potassium can benefit heart health for both the woman and baby. It also stimulates cell regeneration.
Vit. K, Calcium, Folate, Iron, Protein, Nutrient-dense pomegranates are also a good source of energy, and their high iron content helps prevent iron-
Fiber deficiency. Vitamin K is also essential for maintaining healthy bones. Reduces risk of any injury to Placenta
Avocados contain healthful fats that provide energy and help to prevent neural tube defects. They also boost
Vit. C, E, K, Potassium, B Vitamins, the cells responsible for building the skin and brain tissues of the developing baby. The potassium in avocados
Fiber, MuSF, Copper can provide relief from leg cramps, another symptom that is common during pregnancy, particularly in the
third trimester.
Vit. C, E, Polyphenols, Carotenoids,
Guava Eating guava during pregnancy can help to relax muscles, aid digestion, and reduce constipation.
Isoflavenoids, Folate
The high fiber content of bananas can help with pregnancy-related constipation, and vitamin B-6 can help
Bananas Vit. C, Potassium, B-6, Fiber
relieve nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
Vit. C, Fiber, Anti-oxidants, Healthy- Berries also contain lots of water, so they are an excellent source of hydration. Vitamin C helps with iron
Carbs absorption and boosts the body's immune system.
Eating apples while pregnant may reduce the likelihood of the baby developing asthma and allergies over
Apples Vit. A, C, Potassium, Fiber
Essential Minerals These can help prevent leg cramps and exhaustion during the second trimester of pregnancy
Item Summary of Problems
Pregnant women should minimize grapes particularly amid the last phases of conception as they additionally are found to hike up your body
Grapes temperature prompting undesirable complexities. Grapes also contain a compound called Resveratrol that can pose numerous difficulties by
imbalancing the hormones of a pregnant lady.
Can cause softening of the cervix leading to unsuccessful labour to miscarriage. It is believed that pineapple can get your body heated up rapidly
which can cause abortion or premature birth.
Stimulate an abortion hence is proved very dangerous to consume during pregnancy. Raw and unripe papaya contains a substance called latex,
which causes uterine contractions.
EggPlant (Brinjal) Can stimulate menstruation leading to complications
Unpasteurized Milk
Milk should be boiled before consuming as it kills germs and prevents disease causing microbes which can be harmful for growth of the baby.
and its Products
Sesame seeds stimulate the uterine muscle thus causing an expulsion of the fertilized ovum. It is advisable to avoid it during the first three to
Sesame Seeds
four crucial months of pregnancy.
Ajinomoto Can majorly affect the development of the brain in the fetus.
Fennel and You can use small quantity of these ingredients for taste but eating it consistently in large amount is a big no-no. These seeds contain high
Fenugreek Seeds measures of phytoestrogens, which fortifies the compression of the uterine
Refined Flour They have preservatives and chemicals to build their time span of usability which can harm the growing baby.+
Caffeine is a no during the first two trimesters. It is found that consumption of caffiene/ soda during pregnancy has been linked to a higher risk
Caffeine of childhood obesity. High levels of caffeine can also result in babies having a low birthweight. You don't need to cut out caffeine completely, but
don't have more than 200mg a day
The most dangerous food that can lead to miscarriage in early pregnancy is drumstick. It is bad for pregnant women because drumstick tree
contains alpha-sitostero
Aloe-vera can lead to pelvic hemorrhage which can further cause a miscarriage. It is best to avoid all kinds of aloe vera products during first
​Aloe Vera
trimester of pregnancy
This food is not only dangerous for pregnant women but for everyone. Potato when sprouted contains various toxins, harmful to the health of
Sprouted Potato
the mother and her baby. There is solanin in potato with green sprout and this can be harmful for foetal growth.

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