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Blooming Romance

Chapter 46


Edited by Erin & genesis, thank you for patrons~~

B city.

In some elite club.

Lin Yanchen arrived late. When he got into the private room, several of his brothers had already joined
together for a round of drinks. The mood was high.

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When those drunkards saw him, they immediately came to pull at him and scolded: “I thought that you,
President Lin, with such a busy schedule and so many affairs to handle would likely forget about us pack
of rogues. You still remembered to come ah?”

Lin Yanchen smiled dully: “Today is Old Zhan’s celebratory banquet. No matter what, I’d come.”

There were no outsiders present, just their seven or eight brothers who grew up together. When Lin
Yanchen played in a band, the group’s lead singer was Zhan Hongyu. It was this dear friend whose family
had suffered a reversal in fortune; not only did they become impoverished, they also were burdened
with a large debt. He didn’t abandon himself to despair, but he didn’t have any other means of making
money. He only had a good leather bag and a good voice. At the age of 19, he plunged into the
entertainment circle. He had good fortune in this respect. After seven or eight years, he had not only
paid off his debts in full, but also gained some fame. As a matter of fact, last year, he worked hard in
shooting a movie and won recognition. Last week, he went to some International Film Festival and won
the title of movie emperor.
This group of brothers didn’t alienate him even when he was in dire straits. They had helped him out a
lot. This time, he won a prize and they even held a celebration party for him. One bad friend even hung a
banner: “Congratulations to Mr. Zhan for being a salted fish turned over.” It was hung conspicuously on
a wall, looking very out of place, and he was forced into thanking them and taking a group photo with it.

Lin Yanchen said in a flat and odd tone, “Originally, I had an appointment to sign a business contract. I
especially pushed it back and hurried over here.”

When Zhan Hongyu heard this, he was stunned. He had spent so much time climbing up the
entertainment circle — he was not a person who wasn’t aware of propriety. He had long learned and
gained experience and asked nervously, “Ah? You didn’t need to do that? Maybe you can still hurry
back? “

Lin Yanchen said expressionlessly, “I’m lying.”

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Everyone burst out laughing: “Hahaha, Old Lin, your ability to play with people is quite impressive now

Lin Yanchen used to be the most playful one among them. He was a fiend in human form; when
wreaking havoc, it was all led by him. Moreover, he was the type that was spoiled rotten. He called
everyone out to play on the weekends. People thought he didn’t do his homework but in fact, he had
already long finished it. Usually, other parents referred to him as “that kid from another family,” but
everyone liked Lin Yanchen and loved playing with him.

At the end of the year before last, Lin Yanchen’s venture company went bankrupt. He didn’t like losing
face and hid from his brothers for a while. Everyone knew that he was embarrassed and planned to
search for him after a period of time… Then it turned out that Lin Yanchen was dating. Although they
didn’t know what kind of person they was, they had enchanted Lin Yanchen, truly moving him. Everyone
had also discussed when they should urge him to let his treasured wife out to show everyone. But Lin
Yanchen lost his love very quickly.

Losing his love this time was extremely serious. When they met again, they found that Lin Yanchen had
become a youngster with white hair… No one dared to mention the matter of love.

Lin Yanchen’s temperament had changed a lot. It seemed as if he had grown up overnight. Before, he
was more or less youthful, as if he hadn’t fully grown up, but now he had mellowed out.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen
by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the
gibberish parts.

Ktfs vlvc’a xcbk ktja tjv tjqqfcfv yfakffc tlw jcv tlr ojatfg yfobgf, yea atflg gfijalbcrtlq tjv fjrfv j iba. Rbk, tf
byfvlfcais kbgxfv lc atf ojwlis mbwqjcs jcv ugjvejiis jmmeweijafv qgbwbalbcr. Ktlr rewwfg, Olc Tjcmtfc kjr
rfca ab j vlraglma lc Jtlcj jr atf jmalcu vlgfmabg. Rba bcis vlv tf vb kfii, tf vlv fzagfwfis kfii. Jbcagjgs ab ktja
bcf wluta fzqfma, Olc Tjcmtfc kjr nfgs ubbv ja wjxlcu atfrf ofk qfbqif ktb vlvc’a kjca ab kbgx tjgv ylaafg. Cii
vjs ibcu, Olc Tjcmtfc kjr qgjlrfv ys atflg qjgfcar jr atf wbra wjaegf jcv mjqjyif. Pa uglcvfv jkjs ja atflg
fjgvgewr, ab atf qblca atja atfs tjv mjiierfr.

More than two years passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Yanchen seemed to have stepped out of the
shadow of losing his love. He worked normally and occasionally ate and drank with several brothers
when he had time. He could even crack jokes. It was also at this time that the brothers thought Lin
Yanchen was still that former Lin Yanchen, now grown into a better, more reliable man.

Everyone jeered rowdily, “Film Emperor Zhan go sing a song! Come, let’s choose a song.”

“It’s said that now having Film Emperor Zhan sing a song is worth two million yuan ah. Hearing it is
earning money.”

“Wow, that’s good ah. You can’t leave without singing eight or ten songs.”
“Then what do you want to hear me sing ah? How about songs from my album,” asked Zhan Hongyu.

“Don’t want to listen to that. It’s played everyday on the streets, my company’s employees play it, and
my mother sings them at home. I’ve heard it so much I’m going to puke. I want to hear you sing
something new.”

“That’s also good ah. I don’t want to sing those very much either. Otherwise, I’m going to puke.” Zhan
Hongyu said, “Here, I have 50 songs that I often listen to in the music app on my phone. You guys can
randomly say a number and I will sing the song with the corresponding number.”

All the friends joked, “Might as well just have you sing all fifty from beginning to the end.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhan Hongyu laughed heartily: “Hahahaha, you wish.”

They threw some dice and they got a six, six, and a five, which added up to seventeen, so he had to sing
song number seventeen.

Lin Yanchen was watching them laughing and making noise by the side. Suddenly, he heard Zhan
Hongyu check the song list, and say, “The seventeenth song is ‘Scarborough Fair.’”

At that time Lin Yanchen’s smiling expression froze, and he couldn’t smile anymore.

Everyone was happy; no one noticed that there was something amiss with him.

The music’s prelude started with a simple guitar sound, it was clearly a graceful piece. Yet, Lin Yanchen
felt that his softest place, that wound he had deeply buried within his heart and hidden, was abruptly
ripped open. As though blood dripped from it, it hurt to the point his teeth chattered.
Chu Xun. Chu Xun. Chu Xun.

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He sang this song for when his most beloved person in the world was leaving.

At that time, he was foolish and didn’t think deeply. Only later did he realize Chu Xun’s determination
and love.

At present, it was not Lin Yanchen’s personal occasion. He didn’t want to spoil his brother’s happiness.

But when he heard, “Remember me to one who lives there, he once was a true love of mine…,” he
suddenly fell apart. He truly couldn’t help it.

He didn’t want to listen to this song at all these few years. Hearing it now, he thought of a fuzzy
memory. At that time, he drank the fruit juice that Chu Xun had added sleeping pills to, but at first he
didn’t fall asleep completely.

He vaguely remembered that Chu Xun seemed to hold him then and sang Scarborough Fair to him.

Lin Yanchen suddenly stood up and said with restraint, “I… I’m not feeling well. I have to go out for some

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He walked farther and farther away, and sat down on a stool in the open-air leisure place, taking a deep

After a while, Zhan Hongyu came looking for him.

Lin Yanchen said, “It’s nothing. You don’t have to mind me.”

Zhan Hongyu sighed: “Then… If you don’t feel well, go home first.”

Lin Yanchen felt that he really couldn’t stay any longer and didn’t force himself to, saying, “OK, then I
won’t be polite with you, I’m going back.”

Lin Yanchen returned to his residence in City B.

Once he got home, he discovered his father working in the living room. When his father saw that he had
returned, he greeted him, “You’re back ah.”

Lin Yanchen nodded: “I’m back. Dad, have you eaten?”

“I’ve eaten.”

“I’m going upstairs to rest.”

“Going to bed so early today?”

“I’m a little uncomfortable.”

Although they still did things in a businesslike manner, at least their tension had eased immensely.
Unlike before when seeing each other, they would immediately become murderous.

A year and a half ago, his father had pulled him out of the pile of wine bottles he was in and put him in
front of the bathroom mirror. He forced him to look at his sorry appearance and scolded him: “You look
at your face now. Do you think the person you like will like how you look neither human nor ghost?”

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Lin Yanchen shook him off; his hair was messy and his eyes were red. He sat down dispiritedly against
the wall and covered his face: “The person I love is dead… He’s dead… Did you know?”

Dad sat beside him, hugged his shoulders, his voice choked with emotion, and said, “Sigh, I know… I also
understand…I also understand…”

Father and son cried together. The next day Lin Yanchen cleaned himself up and pulled himself together.

Dad was right. Chu Xun would definitely dislike him when he was that way.

Lin Yanchen only turned on the bedside lamp.

Within the darkness, there was a lonely and dim light.

Lin Yanchen sat in the misty light, took out the mounted portrait of Chu Xun, and stroked Chu Xun’s face
through the glass.

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He said softly, “Ah Xun, you asked me how long I would be sad if you left… I haven’t forgotten you at all.
I am still very sad, very very sad.”

“Have I changed for the better now? I’m working hard and living well, and I also don’t quarrel with my
father anymore. “

“Could I be considered a man worthy of being loved by you?”

🌺 Dan-dan Mein

Hello!!! I go by Dan-dan Mein (haha, get it because it's like danmei-n). I'm still a student struggling
through school who indulges in the lovely world of danmei to de-stress, and I hope my translations will
be able to help you do the same~ I offer bonus chapters for ko-fi (BYBOTE & WUY) and Patreon (BR &
TWF) donors, but thank you for any kind of support you give, be it monetary, commentary or just plain
being a fellow reader riding along the roller-coasters of dog-blood danmei with me :3

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🌺 LadySayuri

2 weeks ago

OMG. My poor baby Xiao Lin (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥)


🌺 TurtleshieldsPanda

2 weeks ago

I’m at work, can’t cry… can’t, it’s hard. Ow it hurts.

Thanks for the chapter.


Ju Ir

🌺 TurtleshieldsPanda

2 weeks ago

“Could I be considered a man worthy of being loved by you?”


That last line… Wuwuwu

*gives a whole roll of tissue*


🌺 arielasantoscarbonera

2 weeks ago

How I’ve been hating MC since he left!


🌺 smolgingerfox

2 weeks ago

Poor baby 😭😭😭😭


🌺 OHtheNovelty

2 weeks ago
fml 😭😭

Thanks for the chapter 😭


🌺 TiaF

2 weeks ago

reunite please!!

my poor fish heart can’t endure the suffering

Thanks for the chapter~


🌺 It’s.not.that.deep

2 weeks ago

This. Is. Torture. But. I. Can’t. Seem. To. Stop. Reading. What on earth does this make me? 🥺😭🤧


🌺 Dan-dan Mein

🌺 It’s.not.that.deep

2 weeks ago
masochist hehe


🌺 It’s.not.that.deep

🌺 Dan-dan Mein

2 weeks ago

Urgh Bites tissue even after two days I still couldn’t think of what to write as a proper reply cuz I can’t
even argue with you sadly waves a flag stating [TRUTH HURTS & I’M IT’S LATEST VICTIM]


🌺 Dan-dan Mein

🌺 It’s.not.that.deep

1 week ago

Just accept it~ -cracks whip-



2 weeks ago

When will they meet again pls TT


🌺 Yuu
2 weeks ago


Thanks for the chapter ❤


🌺 riquelmeyenifer

2 weeks ago



🌺 addictedtojrpg

2 weeks ago


My fucking heart. They needa hurry up and meet.

Thanks for the update



2 weeks ago
This torture me….. Even though i had read the mtl version, this translation more sad than the mtl. 😭
😭😭 poor my little heart, chu xun and lin yanchen should meet each other faster or i will died in



2 weeks ago

Nuuuuuuu, I’m so sad.



🌺 Vannie

2 weeks ago

Even if ai knew that Xiao Xun didn’t die, I am still crying! Q.Q

If we change the ending to BE this chapter would definetly the fitting last chapter, good thing this novel
is GE!



2 weeks ago

Omo! Only us readers, Baby Jiu Jiu, Chu Mama n Chu Papa, the hospital, and that ex-childhood friend
knows Chu Xun is still alive. Lin Y anChen, hold on. Hold on.
Such a sad chapter, but happy that Lin YanChen does not give up on living.


🌺 xXs4k0r4

2 weeks ago

Want spoiler.

When will they find each other? 😭😭😭😭😭


🌺 littleBun

2 weeks ago

Ahh!waterworks in effect again!! Thanks for the chapter



2 weeks ago

YES. Now if someone can make it hurt less,that’ll be great! 😭😭😭😭

🌺 Isola~

2 weeks ago

cries a waterfall Please reunite already~ sniff

Thanks for the update 💕


🌺 Myouki.kuroki

2 weeks ago

Aaaaaaaaa…. Please find him, Chu Xun!

I can’t bear the angst.. TT^TT


🌺 Jwel

2 weeks ago

I feel his pain and sadness. I cannot help but cry. I hope they get reunited soon. They deserve to be
happy with little jiujiu.

Thanks for the chapter


🌺 MoonStar
2 weeks ago




2 weeks ago

I’m crying for Mr Lin 😭


🌺 Zo Arai

2 weeks ago

My heart aches for LY…


Thanks for the update ❤️



2 weeks ago

*cries pitifully* Lin Yanchennnn ;____;

Thanks for the chapter *wipes tears*


🌺 Night

2 weeks ago

It’s been 2 years since then, my heart is aching for him!!😢😢😭😭


🌺 SDig23

2 weeks ago

Poor ML😭😭



2 weeks ago

Poor baby. Glad he somewhat attempted to move on but at least there’s hope for you ML! Thanks for
the chapter


🌺 Asher

2 weeks ago



🌺 celebiiiiiiiii

2 weeks ago

i hope they meet up next chapter!

Thank you for translating this chapter!



2 weeks ago

TToTT buhuhuhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuu…… that damn onion ninja!!!!


🌺 acrux

2 weeks ago

My heart. Can they please meet again? I can’t deal with this much longer. This is plain torture 😭😭😭


Rip lyc

2 weeks ago
Chu Xun : What Lin Yanchen? He couldn’t remember! Now he loved his treasured son the most every

LYC : “Ah Xun, you asked me how long I would be sad if you left… I haven’t forgotten you at all. I am still
very sad, very very sad.”



🌺 celebiiiiiiiii

2 weeks ago

I hope Lin Yanchen reunites Chu Xun next chapter! 🙏

Thank you for translating this chapter 💕


🌺 kleep

2 weeks ago

Baby Lin 😭. I’m a little mad a CX. I get it, but he should really look for LY.

Thanks for the great translation ♥️


2 weeks ago

My heart my soul😥



2 weeks ago

dang it, my eyes are swollen T, T



4 days ago

I am not crying I have something in my eyes!


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Discord Art Contest Winner

Congratulations to Ari!

Art is from Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin.

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It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

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Ch 201 - Extra 1: 18th World and 17th World (1)


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Blooming Romance

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Ch 72 - Help me warm up.

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It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

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Ch 18.4 - End of Main Text

Recent Comments

en_en on Seizing DreamsCh42 - Rainforest

Poor Kaikai 😭

Riham on Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

How many chapters are there in each volume?

Lunaxel on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to
smell so tempting.

Img really drama queen. Lol

LadySayuri on I Wasn't Born LuckyChapter 32

To the little yellow book..: The order is wrong!!

lolkk on Strategy to Capture That Scum GongCh51 - A Sweet Burden

Where are the happy endings ??

comixmcj on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to
smell so tempting.

What a picky ghost 😂

T-to....To..much.....Drama...... on Strategy to Capture That Scum Gong


VeiKyuu on Game, Live StreamChapter 59.2

Oooh they got japanese names.. are they sacrifices

BooyahBlue on The Film Emperor's Daily Live Cooking BroadcastCh100 - Semifinals – Part 2

Thank you for the chapter 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Pandorangeles on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want
to smell so tempting.
Lin Feiran natural scent 7w7


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2 months ago

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3 months ago

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Blooming Romance

Chapter 47

Edited by Erin & genesis

Chu Xun woke up at half past six sharp in the morning. Jiu Jiu, who was lying in the crib, was already
awake, but hadn’t made any noise. He was sucking on his fingers and quietly staring at the wind bells
hanging on the ceiling. After a hard struggle, they had finally helped Jiu Jiu form the habit of sleeping at
night and waking up during the day. Although there were still gaps in time, in any case, to the greatest
extent possible, they could still have a smooth and steady sleep. Jiu Jiu was not the kind of baby that
must be held when awake, so for the most part, this baby was relatively easy to take care of.

Jiu Jiu could recognize people slightly. When he saw Dad, he would grin. There were two little milk teeth
in his little mouth, like a little rabbit. He wouldn’t cry and make noise when a stranger held him. Chu Xun
felt that his baby was really a little slow-witted, but he would be very happy to see his dad, grandpa and
grandma he recognized and immediately smile.

Jiu Jiu held out his small hand to Chu Xun and waved it around: “Da, Dad…”

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He was now more than seven months old. He had just begun to learn to speak vaguely. He could only
utter some simple syllables, such as “ah” and “yah,” these meaningless sounds. The only word he knew
was ‘Dad’.

Chu Xun knew that he wanted to be held, but he didn’t hold him. Instead, he first added water to the
milk powder and tested the temperature before coming.
Jiu Jiu was happier to see his bottle than his father! His hands and feet danced happily and he babbled a
few baby words, as if thanking his father for making milk for him to drink.

Children’s happiness was very pure, very infectious. When he smiled, he looked even more like Lin
Yanchen. His bright and beautiful smile could light up your heart. Chu Xun also smiled slightly and shook
the bottle in front of him: “You little fool, still a little foodie.”

Jiu Jiu loved milk powder, rice congee, and fruit paste.

Chu Xun held Jiu Jiu in his arms to feed him. Jiu Jiu reached out to hold the bottle. At first, he was in a
hurry to drink. Chu Xun helped stroke his back. “You’re like this every time. No one is fighting over it
with you. So voracious.”

Jiu Jiu held the bottle and drank the milk happily. After he finished drinking it, he still wanted more and
pouted. Chu Xun wiped the milkstains by his mouth.

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Jiu Jiu was satisfied, smiling with curved eyes, clapping his hands: “Yi…yi…”

Chu Xun thought he was quite funny: “You even clap your hands? You’re this happy after having a drink
of milk ah?”

He left the bedroom with Jiu Jiu in his arms and opened the door to go out, when Chu Xiao Pang, who
was laying at the foot of the sofa, rushed over, wagging his tail and barking at the baby. His voice was
very loud. Some little babies would be scared by the barking of dogs, but not Jiu Jiu. He was not only not
scared, but on the contrary it seemed to poke at his funny bone – when he heard Chu Xiao Pang’s barks,
he would giggle like a string of silver bells ringing, which was pleasant to hear.

Chu Xun put Jiu Jiu on the sofa. Now Jiu Jiu could sit up and lean on the back of the sofa with some

Chu Xiao Pang barked twice. He laughed. He barked twice. He laughed again.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen
by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the
gibberish parts.

Jte Wljb Ujcu: “Qbbo kbbo kbbo kbbo……”

Ale Ale ijeutfv jcv ofii bnfg ab atf rlvf.

Jte Wec vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv tbk atf ilaaif obbi rffwfv jr atbeut ab yf ubbv biv oglfcvr klat Jte Wljb Ujcu, tjnlcu
remt j oec alwf qijslcu.

Jte Wec rbwfalwfr ofia Ale Ale kjr j yla rliis.

Before, Jiu Jiu would randomly drag and fling things; when a dropped fragrant sachet was smashed, he
paused, didn’t cry, and laughed.

On a different occasion, he ate a tangerine, but the tangerine was too sour. Turning around, he saw that
Jiu Jiu was looking at him with impatient eyes, having nothing to eat. He could only stick his little fist in
his mouth, yet it wouldn’t go in. Chu Xun split the tangerine and let him lick a bit. It was so sour he
quivered, wrinkled his little face, and even tears came out. Chu Xun panicked for a while, and at the
bottom of his heart, scolded his hands. He thought that Jiu Jiu would start crying in the next second. As it
turned out, the little guy was being foolish again and slowly began laughing again.
This was a cute little foolish egg.

Teacher Chu made breakfast and the family sat around to eat.

Because they were teaching Jiu Jiu how to sit, instead of putting him back in the crib, they put him in a
special baby chair and let him sit.

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The three of them had noodles. Jiu Jiu had a small bowl of milk and egg soup.

“Today it’s my turn to feed Jiu Jiu,” said the child’s grandfather anxiously, “Don’t fight with me for it!”

Chu Xun: “Teacher Chu, no one wants to fight over it with you.”

He took a small wooden spoon and scooped up the egg soup for Jiu Jiu to eat. When Jiu Jiu ate, he was
very proactive. He didn’t need to be coaxed at all. He ate the egg soup happily. As he ate, his mouth
squirmed, his eyes wide open, and he curiously watched his Dad eat noodles, watering at the mouth.

He hasn’t eaten that. He also really wanted to eat it, oh…

Jiu Jiu followed Chu Xun’s chopsticks with his eyes; Chu Xun saw him looking and laughed. He reached
out and pinched his little face: “Why do you want to eat everything?”

Jiu Jiu laughed: “Yiya, yiya…”

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Grandpa smiled: “My clever grandson, isn’t this called eating from one’s bowl while looking in the pot?”

Grandma was also amused: “Aiyo, this greedy little cat.”

Chu Xun laughed at him: “Only grew two teeth, and you still want to eat noodles.”

But he still broke a noodle with his chopsticks, took a small section about two centimeters long, and fed
it to Jiu Jiu’s mouth. Jiu Jiu was like a chick. When he saw his father’s chopsticks coming, he stretched
out his neck, raised his smiling face, opened his mouth, and waited to be fed. After eating, he was even

With this little baby, the family was joyous and harmonious every day.

After filling his stomach, Jiu Jiu crawled about on the soft carpet; after a while, when he was tired from
playing, he used Chu Xiao Pang as a cushion and lay on him, falling asleep.

Chu Xiao Pang lay on the ground, not daring to move at all.

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While the child was asleep, they could talk about adult matters.

Teacher Chu asked, “Didn’t you say you were preparing to work again? What’s your plan now?”
In terms of work, Chu Xun was still a little proud. Even though he had a gap of a year and a half after
resignation, as long as he went out, he was sure to be able to find a good job… Y City was not the city
where he used to work, but he also had connections. He contacted them and the other party was willing
to offer a job with a considerable salary, but he estimated that he would be rather busy, so he would not
have time to care for his child.

But no work meant no money to raise his child.

He wanted to do his best to find a job with some free time and a tolerable salary… but there was no
such good thing in the world.

At this time, Chu Xun heard that his master had become independent from the Zhuang family and
created his own company, which was located in Y City. It seemed that he even got the support of the
local government.

Chu Xun got in touch with his master.

His master had a rather rare surname. His surname was Liu,and his personal name the single word Ce.

Mr. Liu was rather surprised when he received Chu Xun’s phone call, and immediately worriedly scolded
him: “Why didn’t you discuss with me before resigning? After resigning, you even vanished from the
face of the earth, making people completely unable to contact you!”

Chu Xun rubbed his nose, embarrassed: “I had some… en… a situation that was inconvenient to

Mr. Liu snorted coldly and said knowingly: “It’s been this long and you didn’t look for me, but now you
are looking for me so suddenly. You are definitely a weasel with bad intentions. Do you want me to give
you a job?”
Chu Xun said, ” I saw it in the newspaper…”

Mr. Liu only pretended to be angry. He was originally already extremely worried for this person;
unexpectedly, Chu Xun sent himself to his door. The little apprentice he had taught himself, with his
character and capabilities, he could absolutely feel at ease.

He said, “When will you be free to work?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Xun looked at the sleeping Jiu Jiu, and thought of the expenses that made his head ache. He asked
tentatively, “Tomorrow?”

Mr. Liu made the final decision and said in a business-like manner: “Tomorrow, then. Dress up neatly.
First, you can be a secretary by my side. I’ll see if after you’ve disappeared for a year or two you’re still
sharp and nimble at work. Don’t rely on being my apprentice and think that I’ll protect you. “

Chu Xun didn’t think his master was joking.

He was stricter than anyone else. When he first joined the company, other employees in the same group
complained about the manager’s unkindness. He was the only one who worked diligently. Later, his
master only taught him, not caring about the others. Occasionally he also wondered if the manager
especially didn’t like him. Until one day, his master smiled at him and praised him for doing well.

Chu Xun had really pinched out some sweat: “I thought I would be scolded.”

His master smiled and said, “It’s because I care about you that my standards towards you were so high, I
was taking you in as my apprentice.”
When he said this, Chu Xun had become inexplicably nervous.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He hoped his return to the workplace would be smooth…

Jiu Jiu was sleeping soundly. When Chu Xun looked at him, he lost any bad temperament he might have
had. He gently poked his face with his fingers and said, “Dad is going to make milk powder money for
you, oh.”

🌺 Dan-dan Mein

Hello!!! I go by Dan-dan Mein (haha, get it because it's like danmei-n). I'm still a student struggling
through school who indulges in the lovely world of danmei to de-stress, and I hope my translations will
be able to help you do the same~ I offer bonus chapters for ko-fi (BYBOTE & WUY) and Patreon (BR &
TWF) donors, but thank you for any kind of support you give, be it monetary, commentary or just plain
being a fellow reader riding along the roller-coasters of dog-blood danmei with me :3

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🌺 TiaF

2 weeks ago

Jiu Jiu, such a cutie. ☺

Thanks for the chapter!


🌺 littleBun

2 weeks ago

When will ML know??? Thanks for the chapter


🌺 MoonStar

2 weeks ago

Thank you for the chapter! jiujiu sounds like a good baby! Hope his other dad gets to see him while he’s
still a cute little egg

🌺 addictedtojrpg

2 weeks ago

😭😭😭😭 wheres my fluff life together type chapters? Come back soon! Also baby Jiu Jiu is so precious

Thanks.for the updatee.


🌺 Phantom Shade

2 weeks ago

Jiu Jiu is such a cute little silly child. A baby who always laughs and smiles must be like a ray of sunshine
for the Chu fam. Such a cute little bundle of joy ><

Anyway, I hope things go well for Chu Xun at work and LYC finds these two quickly. He really needs it ;-;

Thanks for the chapter! 🙂


🌺 Mizushi

2 weeks ago

CX acts like he doesn’t care about ML, but we all know that every time he’s still thinking about him and
their son
Thank you for the chapter!


🌺 Asher

🌺 Mizushi

2 weeks ago




🌺 Mizushi

2 weeks ago




2 weeks ago

It’s so cute… but please think about his papa. ;_;



🌺 OHtheNovelty

2 weeks ago

Welp, poor ML is missing out orz

Thanks for the chapter! 😘



2 weeks ago

The baby is so Cute!


🌺 Yuu

2 weeks ago

Jiu Jiu is so cute and precious 🥰

Jun Jun, refuel!

Thanks for the chapter ❤

🌺 LadySayuri

2 weeks ago

Oh my! Such a cute bun~ ❤❤



2 weeks ago

Thank u so much for the update 😃 really looking forward for their reunion 😭


🌺 kleep

2 weeks ago

As someone who works with babies, I wonder if the author ever met one? A baby with and adjusted age
around 5 months knowingly say dad is a huge leap in logic.

However, as a reader who just needs to get over herself…so cute 😍

Thanks for the great translation ♥️


🌺 Dan-dan Mein

🌺 kleep
2 weeks ago

Lol magical author dust to make things more cute I guess? Perhaps Jiu Jiu didn’t actually know what he
was saying since the word for dad “baba” kinda sounds like baby speech anyway XD


🌺 kleep

🌺 Dan-dan Mein

2 weeks ago

Very true. Just a father’s wishful thinking hahahahaha.


🌺 Jwel

2 weeks ago

Jiu Jiu is so cute!

Thanks for the chapter


Pastry Pirate

2 weeks ago

Why are babies so cute!! 😭


2 weeks ago

I have a feeling that Mr. Liu is going to help our separated couple reunite! The sooner it happens, the
better!! 🤞🤞🤞



2 weeks ago

Hay naku!! Anong tagal naman nilang mag tagpo ulit!! 😥😥


🌺 celebiiiiiiiii

2 weeks ago

Is their reunion gonna be during one business meeting of Chu Xun’s master and Lin Yanchen? i hope
they talk about everything that happened or something

Thank you for this wonderful translation


🌺 Reall
1 week ago

I’m trembling from impatience, to find out what happens next!!!

Thank you for the chapters 💕


Discord Art Contest Winner

Discord Art Contest Winner

Congratulations to Ari!

Art is from Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin.

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It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

4 hours ago

Ch 201 - Extra 1: 18th World and 17th World (1)

4 hours ago

Ch 33

Don't You Like Me

4 hours ago

Ch 68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to smell so tempting.

Fake Dating the Amnesiac School Prince

5 hours ago

Ch 14

Blooming Romance

7 hours ago

Ch 51

Later, He Became A Royal Healer

14 hours ago

Ch 18 - The world is too cruel to bronze players.

Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

14 hours ago

Ch 286 - 《Profound Book of Poisons》

Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

14 hours ago

Ch 164.2 - Extra: Glorious Homecoming

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

14 hours ago

Ch 49.2

The Seeing Eye Dog

15 hours ago
Ch 33

How A Queen Was Made

16 hours ago

Ch 2 - Attribute Identified, Queen Shou~

Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating

17 hours ago

Ch 72 - Help me warm up.

Game, Live Stream

19 hours ago

Ch 59.2

The King's Game

19 hours ago

Ch 95 - [Mermaid XIII]


21 hours ago

Ch 32

Tianbao Fuyao Lu [Manhua]

22 hours ago

Ch 1.1 - Shadows of Old Times

What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me

22 hours ago

Ch 28 - You're killing me

Class Teacher System

22 hours ago

Ch 55 - Against heaven and earth (14)

Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

1 day ago

Ch 37 - Silly Rabbit

It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

1 day ago

Ch 18.4 - End of Main Text

Recent Comments

en_en on Seizing DreamsCh42 - Rainforest

Poor Kaikai 😭

Riham on Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

How many chapters are there in each volume?

Lunaxel on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to
smell so tempting.

Img really drama queen. Lol

LadySayuri on I Wasn't Born LuckyChapter 32

To the little yellow book..: The order is wrong!!

lolkk on Strategy to Capture That Scum GongCh51 - A Sweet Burden

Where are the happy endings ??

comixmcj on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to
smell so tempting.

What a picky ghost 😂

T-to....To..much.....Drama...... on Strategy to Capture That Scum Gong


VeiKyuu on Game, Live StreamChapter 59.2

Oooh they got japanese names.. are they sacrifices

BooyahBlue on The Film Emperor's Daily Live Cooking BroadcastCh100 - Semifinals – Part 2

Thank you for the chapter 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Pandorangeles on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want
to smell so tempting.

Lin Feiran natural scent 7w7


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Blooming Romance

Chapter 48


Edited by Erin and genesis

For Chu Xun, going back to work was like a formal return to real life.

No more willfulness.

Previously, he thought he was going to die, so he let himself go and shook the heavens and earth. Now,
the situation had changed. His future life was still long. He had to raise his child and support his parents.
How could he be reckless again?
Read more BL at

This was life.

He felt as if he had become scared again, but there were some changes.

When he was about to ‘die’, Chu Xun sometimes felt that if he could not endure it, then he should just
not endure. Life in this world was a short few tens of years, and he really was able to live freely as he
desired. But that didn’t mean he could just approach everything without apprehension.

It was too exhausting when he had a baby in his stomach; he had to raise the fetus. Later, after birth, the
baby was ill. It took seven or eight months of caring for Jiu Jiu until that difficult period could be
considered over. He was free and could now work… Actually, now he also had time to look for Lin

He didn’t have contact information, so he could only personally go looking. The baby was so delicate, he
couldn’t take him along. He could only start this journey alone.

Chu Xun thought it over and over for a long time. The only way was to fly to England and look around for
that manor. But it took a long time to get to the manor from the airport, more than an hour, and his
memory was not so extraordinary as to have remembered the route. Even if he went there, it would still
take a lot of trouble to find the manor.

But should he really go over like that?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen
by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the
gibberish parts.
He felt that Xiao Lin did love him, and maybe he would also love their child, but what about Xiao Lin’s

Qfgfc’a wbra glmt jcv qbkfgoei ojwlilfr ilxf atlr? Ktfs rtbeiv yf olcvlcu j kfii-wjamtfv kbwjc ab wjggs Olc
Tjcmtfc, gluta?

Lf kjr abb glmt ab yf j ubbv wjamt obg Jte Wec.

Fcifrr tf kbeiv tjnf ab mjggs tlr mtliv jcv qlaloeiis yfu ja tlr vbbg ab ulnf tlwrfio j rajaer?

Just thinking about it, Chu Xun felt that he was getting goosebumps… that would be too wretched.

He was no longer a dying man. He had a lot of worries for the future now. Could he really act recklessly
and risk everything this time? Were human hearts really able to stand such a test?

The other father of Jiu Jiu was Lin Yanchen. Regardless of whether Xiao Lin would accept him after
finding out, he should still let Xiao Lin know that they had a baby together…

But now was not the right time. Chu Xun couldn’t gather up the courage. Even if he wanted to look for
Xiao Lin, he didn’t want to go as a jobless vagrant. He should at least have a job, and he should be good
at it. Otherwise, what would he seem like? Someone knocking on their door, begging to be kept and
provided for like a mistress? Relying on Lin Yanchen to be able to eat?

Chu Xun felt that he was already this destitute, he should still keep that bit of self-respect.

Moreover, to be honest, merely having a job did not sound too pleasant. Even if he couldn’t be a vice
president as before, at the very least he should have the position of senior manager, right? He was just a
small secretary now, he still had no face to see Lin Yanchen.
For this reason, Chu Xun expended a lot of effort and worked hard.

Although, because of the child, he couldn’t leave early and return late. He could only take his work
home and look after his child while working overtime.

At the beginning, Chu Xun was too embarrassed to say it and was kept at the company by his master. He
worked overtime until nine or ten o’clock every day. The new company was busy. In fact, this was his
previous daily life. But after enduring half a month, Chu Xun couldn’t bear it anymore. He really missed
his baby too much.

Chu Xun had to tactfully ask his master, “Can I take these home to do?”

Read more BL at

President Liu could see the situation at a glance: “What? Someone at home waiting for you? You really
want to go home.”

Chu Xun thought about it and confessed: “I… I’m a father now.”

President Liu thought that at most he was dating someone. When he heard Chu Xun say that he was a
father now, he was shocked: “You are a father now? When did you get married? Why didn’t I know
about this? You didn’t even tell me this? Do you still see me as your master? This is too much. It’s no
wonder that I see you speeding to get home everyday. You’ve never been like that before. But having
children is not that big of a deal. What about your wife? Let her take care of the children, ah. She
doesn’t understand and is pressing you to go home to take care of the children?”

Chu Xun was asked so many questions, he was becoming embarrassed: “The year before last, after
resigning, many things happened… I don’t have a wife, but I have a child. He’s seven months old now;
because he was a premature baby, his body is not very healthy. I always keep thinking about him.”
President Liu was even more shocked: not married but had children? What was going on? No wife? He
knew that Chu Xun was not such an irresponsible person. He asked: “Were you preparing to have a
wedding afterwards?”

Chu Xun didn’t dare to say that the child was born by himself. He said ambiguously: “The child has no
mother… I’m taking care of the child myself, and my parents are helping me.”

Chu Xun was unwilling to say more so President Liu didn’t continue questioning him. When it came to
this, he couldn’t be unreasonable, so he said, “All right, but you have to properly finish your work.”

Please visit

Chu Xun relaxed the breath he had been holding and nodded, “Don’t worry, master.”

In fact, when he went back home, he also had to bury himself in his work, but when Chu Xun was tired,
he could go see his little darling Jiu Jiu. Jiu Jiu would either be sleeping or smiling at him, and he would
feel that his body was brimming with energy again.

Jiu Jiu especially liked to listen to stories. Chu Xun didn’t know if he understood them or not.

Teacher Chu used to be an educator. Now he was assigned the special duty of caring for this little baby.
He bought many children’s books. Every day, he held his obedient little grandson and read him stories.
When he heard the stories, he would become very obedient. Chu Xun felt that he simply liked others to
accompany him and talk to him.

It was gradually getting cold these days.

The news informed everyone to look out for the flu. Chu Xun was infected with a cold from his
workplace, but he didn’t care much. He took some medicine casually. But for fear of infecting Jiu Jiu, he
did not dare to hug or kiss his baby.
When he was leaving in the morning, Chu Xun wore a mask to check on Jiu Jiu. Jiu Jiu was holding his
foot, playing with it. When he saw his father, he grinned.

Read more BL at

Chu Xun also smiled: “Dad is going to work now.”

Jiu Jiu: “Yiyi.”

He pinched his little hand. It was as if Jiu Jiu was saying, “Goodbye dad.”

Chu Xun still worked while sick. He was very busy in the company and under a lot of pressure. He was
busying around when suddenly, he received a call from his parents: “Jiu Jiu has been coughing since this
morning and has a fever. We will send him to the hospital now. When you are free quickly ask for leave
and come over.”

At that time, Chu Xun was so scared that his hands and feet turned cold; his heart was so anxious it was
as if it were burning. He resisted the urge to rush to the hospital, calmly and quickly dealt with his work,
handing things over to others, and during the noon break, he rushed to the hospital.

The doctor said it was pneumonia.

🌺 Dan-dan Mein

Hello!!! I go by Dan-dan Mein (haha, get it because it's like danmei-n). I'm still a student struggling
through school who indulges in the lovely world of danmei to de-stress, and I hope my translations will
be able to help you do the same~ I offer bonus chapters for ko-fi (BYBOTE & WUY) and Patreon (BR &
TWF) donors, but thank you for any kind of support you give, be it monetary, commentary or just plain
being a fellow reader riding along the roller-coasters of dog-blood danmei with me :3

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🌺 TiaF

1 week ago

Oh, no! Baby don’t be sick!!

Lan Yichen where are you??

Thanks for the chapter!!


🌺 Isola~

1 week ago

Jiu jiu’s childhood and Chu Xun’s life has so many difficulties 😢 Looking forward to their “fortuitous”
reunion with Daddy Li Yan Chen.

Thanks for the update! 💕


🌺 OHtheNovelty

1 week ago

Thanks for the chapter! 😘


🌺 Super Huge Banana

1 week ago

Oh no! Poor baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Tsym for the great translation 💖💖

Pneumonia is notta joke

1 week ago


When I was a baby, I had pneumonia but my parents thought I had the common flu, when they finally
brought me to the hospital, I was critically ill. My mom described me as being hooked on to medical
equipment and was constantly fed medicine that she felt that if I had taken anymore, I’d die from too
much medicine instead. Ever since then, they’d just send me and my siblings straight to the hospital
when we got sick. I guess it left a mental shadow on them.

Thanks for the chapter!


🌺 Jwel

Pneumonia is notta joke

1 week ago

This is so true. My younger brother was a baby when he had pneumonia, i was only 8 that time and i
could feel the tense and gloomy atmosphere in the hospital. Doctor said it was deadly to babies. We are
glad he made it.



1 week ago



🌺 kleep

1 week ago

That would be so scary. I really hope he can reunite with LY soon. Although I’m sure there will be some
upset feelings. The joy of meeting will hopefully trump all that.

Thanks for the great translation ♥️



1 week ago

When will the main plot will start!!?? 🤔Haish.. this story really broken my heart 💔💔 so Now i want a
happy one😄😍

Ok!! We can’t blame Lan Yichen for he also miss his husband 🙁


🌺 MoonStar

1 week ago

Omg I saw “pneumonia” and literally went 😱


🌺 Yuu

1 week ago

Gosh poor baby 😭😭😭

Thanks for the chapter ❤


🌺 Jwel

1 week ago

Omg please be ok baby Jiujiu.

I really want him to find Xiao Lin.

Thanks for the chapter


🌺 mnj

7 days ago

Oh no!! Poor baby.

When is the reunion gonna happen?!

Thank you for the chapter!!😍🙂😍



7 days ago

I had pneumonia as a toddler. Don’t remember much abt having it but if it gets worse it can lead to an
ear infection or two. Poor Jiu Jiu :'(


🌺 Happy@Rding

6 days ago

Awwwweeee. Sweet Chu Xun worries about his son… Go find jiu jiu Papa Chu Xun!

Thank you for update!




6 days ago

Thanks for update, glad the bias let him at least be flexible but seriously 10pm Ot hours

Discord Art Contest Winner

Discord Art Contest Winner

Congratulations to Ari!

Art is from Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin.

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It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

4 hours ago

Ch 201 - Extra 1: 18th World and 17th World (1)


4 hours ago

Ch 33

Don't You Like Me

4 hours ago

Ch 68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to smell so tempting.

Fake Dating the Amnesiac School Prince

5 hours ago
Ch 14

Blooming Romance

7 hours ago

Ch 51

Later, He Became A Royal Healer

14 hours ago

Ch 18 - The world is too cruel to bronze players.

Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

14 hours ago

Ch 286 - 《Profound Book of Poisons》

Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

14 hours ago

Ch 164.2 - Extra: Glorious Homecoming

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

14 hours ago

Ch 49.2

The Seeing Eye Dog

15 hours ago

Ch 33

How A Queen Was Made

16 hours ago

Ch 2 - Attribute Identified, Queen Shou~

Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating

17 hours ago

Ch 72 - Help me warm up.

Game, Live Stream

19 hours ago

Ch 59.2

The King's Game

19 hours ago

Ch 95 - [Mermaid XIII]


21 hours ago

Ch 32

Tianbao Fuyao Lu [Manhua]

22 hours ago

Ch 1.1 - Shadows of Old Times

What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me

22 hours ago

Ch 28 - You're killing me

Class Teacher System

22 hours ago

Ch 55 - Against heaven and earth (14)

Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

1 day ago

Ch 37 - Silly Rabbit

It’s Actually Not Easy Wanting to be a Supporting Male Lead

1 day ago

Ch 18.4 - End of Main Text

Recent Comments
en_en on Seizing DreamsCh42 - Rainforest

Poor Kaikai 😭

Riham on Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

How many chapters are there in each volume?

Lunaxel on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to
smell so tempting.

Img really drama queen. Lol

LadySayuri on I Wasn't Born LuckyChapter 32

To the little yellow book..: The order is wrong!!

lolkk on Strategy to Capture That Scum GongCh51 - A Sweet Burden

Where are the happy endings ??

comixmcj on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want to
smell so tempting.

What a picky ghost 😂

T-to....To..much.....Drama...... on Strategy to Capture That Scum Gong


VeiKyuu on Game, Live StreamChapter 59.2

Oooh they got japanese names.. are they sacrifices

BooyahBlue on The Film Emperor's Daily Live Cooking BroadcastCh100 - Semifinals – Part 2

Thank you for the chapter 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Pandorangeles on Don't You Like MeCh68 - [Extra: The Drama Queen] I’m the pure sort and I don’t want
to smell so tempting.

Lin Feiran natural scent 7w7


© 2020 Chrysanthemum Garden

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