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What is career?

Career is an individual's metaphorical journey through leaning, work and other aspect of life. Your career
is your progress through life or a large part of your existence.

It is an individuals work related and other related experiences both inside and out side or organisation
that forms a unique pattern over the individuals life space. That is a career is who an individual is, it is a
definer of the individual.

Why choosing the right career is very important

Career is an intrinsic and most important part of a human's life. It is the whole being of the hu!an, it
determines your impact here on earth therefore it is of uttermost importance that's the right choice of
career is made on order to guarantee a happy, impactful life.

Your choice in career path should NEVER be influenced or controlled by the success of other though
they should stire your mind to succeed, parental insiatance, peer pressure, societal influence etc rather
a clear decision should be made on the account of tour passion, ability, skills, personality(character), will
to succeed and your individuality.

Your personal being, who you are is the most active factor that should shape your choice of career in life.
You are who you are, you are the most important person in you therefore your definition of yourself is
who you are, people may guild and put you to a right path of knowing who you are but they can never
determine who you are .

Choosing the right career is important because it will define you, set you on the right path to fulfilling
yourself, trigger the sense to make impact in life.

Factors that enables career choice

There are four major factors that determines the career choice of every individual on these four, every
other influencing factors are embedded. They are;

(a) Character

(b) Skills

(c) Ability

(d) Passion

CHARACTER: Toe character is how you behave, react,responds, and communicate with things,
situations and events that has happened to you, those that are happening to you. It is your reaction to
your environment and people, the approach to every and any given assignment character is how you
approach life daily. Character is You
SKILLS: skills may be inherent or acquired at a point in for growth stage in life. Some skills are
descovered either by self appraisal( most matured individuals) or by everyday association, desire to
acquire such skills, further association with people that has the desired skill.

Inherent skills are nature born, they are the skills an individual can and is able to do from a tender age
without stress or compulsion. Skill is a Definer

ABILITY: what can you do? How well can you do a thing? These are the questions of ability.the things
you can do without sterss, your ability is a definer of your character and skills. Ability is your know how.

PASSION : your passion entails those things you love, the things you crave to do, to have, to acquire,
the things you long to possess and the person you want to become.

Passion mostly determines yr career path, it is a strong factor it keeps you lively in the pursuit of career.
Passion is that strong feeling of enthusiasm and excitement for your career choice or the career you
want to choose . your passion is your drive to become relevant and impactful in life. Passion is Will

More on career

You’ve been asked a million times: “What do you want to do?” I’ve spent the last three years of my life
getting answers to that question, and here’s what I’ve learned.

1. Your decision matters

Think about the people you know. You can tell who loves their job and who doesn’t. If you enjoy your
work, it will be a lot easier to enjoy your life.

Here is an equation I did that showed me how important my career choice was. If you were to work from
age 23 to age 65, you’d spend 42 years on the job. If you work an average of 40 hours per week, 50
weeks per year, you would spend 84,000 hours of your life at work.

If you’re going to spend such a colossal amount of time working, it makes sense to be excited about it.

2. Take advantage of who you are

We are all unique in what we are good at, what we enjoy and what inspires us. For your career, it makes
sense to tap into what and who you already are. When it comes time to apply for a job, choose
organizations whose mission, goals and culture fit your own.

Knowing our strengths and motivators is not always easy. Here are 10 questions to ask when trying to
figure out your path.

• What am I good at?

• When am I energized?

• What classes do I enjoy the most?

• What do I like to do outside of school?

• What classes are easier to work hard in?

• What class work do I constantly put off?

• What are my strengths and weaknesses?

• What do the people in my inner circle see in me?

• What type of mark do I want to leave?

• What do I enjoy doing at work?

3. Follow your own road

When people are successful at things, we try to copy them. In careers, imitation doesn’t always create a
match.Unfortunately, there is no magic career equation. What motivates each of us is unique. Wherever
it leads, be true to yourself and follow your own road.

Brad VanAuken, the former head of marketing at Hallmark and current marketing and branding expert,
sums it up perfectly: “Society says achieve. Get more. More power. More money. Work harder.
Sometimes you’re asked to be obedient to things that make no sense. Rather than being obedient, be
authentic. Be the person you were meant to be, and follow the spirit within you.”

4. Get experience
You won’t know if you like a job until you try it. As a student, you have the opportunity to explore and be
exposed to many different ideas. Even better, there are people whose job it is to help you research your
choices, such as your teachers, professors and career service departments.

Mary Cameron Vangraafeiland, a publicist at Warner Brothers Pictures, says career evolution is “kind of
like dating. You learn so much about work by being out there and doing and seeing. You see the pros and

There are a lot of ways to get experience. Take a class or listen to a speaker on campus. Internships,
work-study, co-ops, alumni networks and volunteer opportunities are available. Or contact a local
company in your field of interest and ask to shadow someone. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn by
tapping into other people’s experiences.

5. Make a difference
People who love their jobs feel like they are making differences in other people’s lives. When you feel
you are making a difference, it is much easier to pour energy into your career.

Not everyone is going to make a difference by finding the cure for cancer or by moving to a developing
country. We all make our marks in unique ways.

You will make a difference by being passionate about whatever it is you do. You will make a difference by
being happy at work and at home, by being a positive example for others and by being authentic. And
when you make a difference, your ripple will be felt well beyond the surface

Factors that may Affect Your Career Choice after college ( university)

The Period Spent in College

The tricky thing about college is that, on one hand, you have to choose a specific course of study that can
sometimes dictate your entire future. On the other hand, it is also a time of self-exploration. Taking such
a big decision while not having a firm grip over your identity cannot be easy. The good news is that
nowadays it has become extremely common for graduates to choose a course of work different from
what they’ve studied. The change of heart often comes after realizing that a major doesn’t suit your
identities. Or more simply, you simply don’t enjoy it. Look to some of the other classes you took, the
clubs you joined. What else did you learn you really liked to do.
Economic and Social Conditions
During such a critical period in life, anything could happen. Of course, we’re talking socially or
economically. You could get into a serious relationship, become the main provider for your family. Like
many of those who pursue higher education, you or a friend could develop an anxiety disorder. As
situations of this nature arise, they usually push graduates to explore new career ideas as a means of
adapting to life. Some start looking for jobs that pay extremely well. while others may focus on jobs with
flexible hours. Many will spend the first couple of years trying out different jobs with different
requirements until they find the right fit.

Expectations Vs. Reality

While there is quite an extensive amount of research that goes into choosing a field of study, at the end
of the day it is often still a blind bet. Before going to college, it’s easy to look at the job you want from
the outside and admire it. However, over the course of their study, students get more and more
acquainted with what it takes, mentally, emotionally and academically to be successful in their particular
field. This often results in a lot of people changing their minds after graduating. That’s common and
normal. The sooner a person realizes that the job they thought they wanted wasn’t actually made for
them, the better.

Personal Interests
As we’ve mentioned, people go through intense changes in personalities during college years. James
Franco, for example, dropped out of UCLA to focus on acting. And as for Rowan Atkinson, known for
playing the beloved Mr. Bean, he discovered his passion for acting while working for a master’s degree in
electrical engineering. The point is, personal interests often change during those years. For some, it is as
minor as developing a passion for something and incorporating that within their area of study, like
environmental lawyers. And for others, it is so drastic it takes them in a whole different direction.

Sudden Opportunities
Life is unpredictable. Every situation that happens, good or bad, is just a simple confirmation that you
can’t really foresee what will happen or control the future. In today’s fast changing worlh opportunities
that took them off their planned career paths and into a totally different trail. Some will hear a call to
serve in the military. Others might get offered highly unusual jobs after answering a chance job posting.
A few may find their calling when presented with an opportunity to volunteer abroad. The scenarios are
endless and you must remember from the start that there is no telling where the journey through
college will take you.

To summarize, the central lesson we hope you’ve taken out of this article is that life is full of changes.
Just because you’ve chosen a specific course of study, doesn’t mean you have to stick to it. Likewise, just
because your social situation has changed doesn’t mean your options and potential have diminished. It’s
all about how you choose to adapt to your surroundings. Always keep in mind that the world is ever so
large and wide, there is a career path out there that suits your wants and needs.

Questions on character

 What words or phrases do you overuse?
 Do you have a catchphrase?
 Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
 Are you introverted or extroverted?
 What sense do you most rely on?
 How do you treat people better than them?
 How do you treat people worse than them?
 What quality do you most value in a friend?
 What do you consider an overrated virtue?
 If youbcould change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
 What is your obsession?
 What are your idiosyncrasies?
 How do you display affection?
 Mental handicaps?
 How do you want to be seen by others?
 How do you see themselves?
 How are you seen by others?
 Strongest character trait?
 Weakest character trait?
 How competitive are you?
 Do you make snap judgements or take time to consider?
 How do you react to praise?
 How do you react to criticism?
 What is your greatest fear?
 What are your biggest secrets?
 What is your philosophy of life?
 When was the last time you cried?
 What are your political views?
 What will you stand up for?
 Who do you quote?

Past andConflict
 What was your character like as a baby? As a child?
 Did you grow up rich or poor?
 Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?
 What is the most offensive thing you ever said?
 What is your greatest achievement?
 What is the worst thing you did to someone you loved?
 What are your ambitions?
 What advice would you give your younger self?
 What smells remind you of your childhood?
 What was your childhood ambition?
 What is your best childhood memory?
 What is your worst childhood memory?
 Did you have an imaginary childhood friend?
 When was the last time you were crushed with disappointment?
 What past act are you most ashamed of?
 What past act are you most proud of?
 Strongest childhood memory?

Family and friends

 Is your family big or small? Who does it consist of?
 What is your perception of family?
 Do you have siblings? Older or younger?
 Describe your best friend.
 Ideal best friend?
 Describe your other friends.
 Describe your acquaintances.
 Do you have any pets?
 Who are your natural allies?
 Who are your surprising allies?

Daily life
 What are your eating habits?
 Do you have any allergies?
 Describe your home.
 Are you minimalist or a clutter hoarder?
 What do you do first thing on a weekday morning?
 What do you do on a Sunday afternoon?
 What do you do on a Friday night?
 What is the soft drink of choice?

 How do you respond to a threat?
 Are you most likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?
 What is your character’s kryptonite?
 If your character could only save one thing from a burning house, what would it be?
 How do you perceive strangers?
 What do you love to hate?
 What are your phobias?
 What is your choice of weapon?
 What living person do you most despise?
 Have you ever been bullied or teased?
 Where do you go when you’re angry?
 Who are your enemies and why?

 Are you in a relationship?
 How do you behave in a relationship?
 Has your character ever been in love?
 Have you ever had any heart broken?

 Who or what is your guild spiritually
 Do you believe in the afterlife?
 What are your religious views?
 What do you think heaven is?
 What do you think hell is?
 Are you superstitious?

 What is your favourite animal?
 Which animal to you dislike the most?
 What place would you most like to visit?
 What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
 What isyouir favourite song?
 Music, art, reading preferred?
 What is your favourite colour
 Favourite food:
 Who is your favourite artist?
 What is your favourite day of the week?

Work, Education and Hobbies

 What are your hobbies?
 Educational background?
 Intelligence level?
 Do you have any specialist training?
 Do you have a natural talent for something?
 Do you play a sport? Are you any good?
 What is your socioeconomic status?

 What do you have?
 What would you want to have in the future?
 Name a few things you have now?
 Name a few things you would like to have in the future?
 What is their most treasured possession?

 What do you think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
 What is your view of ‘freedom’?
 When did you last lie?
 What’s your view of lying?
 When did you last make a promise?
 Did you keep or break your last promise?

 What is your character archetype?
 Who is your hero?
 Are you comfortable with technology?
 If you could save one person, who would it be?
 If you could call one person for help, who would it be?
 What is your favourite proverb?
 What is your greatest extravagance?
 What is your greatest regret?
 What is your perception of redemption?
 What would you do if you won the lottery?
 Do you believe in happy endings?
 What is your idea of perfect happiness?
 What sport do you excel at?

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