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Describe a foreign country you would like to go to:

As a big fan of traveling and I admire people who travel a lot, I do have a number of
favorite countries that I would like to go to. But one of those, which is the most
impressive to me is Korea.
It is a region in East Asia. South Korea is an extraordinary country filled
with beautiful beaches, thriving cities, ancient temples,
remarkable natural scenery and most importantly, friendly people
with ancient history. South Korea has come a long way since The Korea
War which ended in 1953. What pops up in my head first every time
Korea is mentioned is its combination of traditional beauty and
modern beauty.

From the Korean movies I have watched, I am crazy about Korea’s

autumn. Autumn is also the most optimal season to visit Korea when
all almost tree leaves turn yellow and orange and fall to the ground,
cover the whole large area and make the streets look so romantic.
Korea is also famous for delicious hot and spicy food such as rice cake,
kimchi, spicy noodle which are really worth trying. When visiting
Korea, people never run out of exciting things to do, for example:
enjoying Korean BBQ and drink Soju in cold weather, explore ancient
village on foot, check out Buddhist Temple, take a train to Busan to
enjoy infinite beaches and majestic mountains.

Not only famous for breathtaking landscapes, but also famous for
tasty cuisine Korea is definitely the top favorite country in my
checklist. I will visit and explore the country in the near future.

 What are the advantages of living in a city or big town?

A: I think it’s having access to local facilities really … local

shops as well as access to larger shopping malls in the city
centre … and if you’re well-off you can afford to live in the
suburbs away from the busy traffic.

 In your experience are city centres usually attractive

Mary: Some can be yes … especially those with a historical
interest … but sometimes they’re full of ugly office blocks … 
car parks … and residents living in poor housing … it depends
on the city doesn’t it?

 What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?

Penny: I suppose traffic congestion is a major problem … and
the growth in out-of-town supermarkets and mean lots of
town centre shops are closing down … plus a shortage of good
quality housing … I think these are the major challenges …

Describe a gift that took a long time to choose

Choosing a present for someone is usually a difficulty task because the more we love someone the more
cautious and careful we are with the gift we give him/her because we want to make sure the person
who receives
Well, now, i’m going to talk about a special gift that i took a lot of time to find and choose.  That gift
was for my Maths teacher at my secondary school, who i admired and considered as my second
mother. My teacher was born in September, but i had to think of what the gift  was from July.
Fortunately, it coincided with my summer holiday in Sapa. I immediately went shopping to look for
some special things when I reached there.

Unfortunately, there are a variety of products and I also do not know about my teacher’s hobby.
Therefore, finding a suitable job for her is extremely a challenge for me. After 2 days with
careful considerations, i decided to buy a scarf made from brocade fabric. It was sophisticated and
unique. I crushed on that scarf at the first sight. I was satisfied because at least, i had tried to find a
meaningful gift for my beloved teacher. And she seemed to love it a lot.

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