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Electrical potential energy and electrical potential, sources of electrical potential, electrical
potential and conservation of energy, calculation of electrical potential, related between
electrical potential and electrical area

Structured to fulfill one of the routine tasks

in the course Basic Physics

Name of Lecturer : Dr. Juniastel Rajagukguk, M.Si.

Aranged By : Group 2

Jeremia A S Napitupulu (4192421021)

Syifa khairunnisa (4191121003)





Praise and gratitude for the presence of God Almighty for His grace and guidance,
so that this task can be completed, both in terms of form and content. The preparation of this
paper is done as one of the routine tasks in the basic physics.

We hope that this paper will help increase knowledge and experience for the readers.
We admit that this paper still has many shortcomings, because we have very little experience.
If there are mistakes, we expect constructive criticism and suggestions so that the next can be
better. For all the attention, prayers and support of all colleagues, we say thank you.

Medan, Pebruary 2020

Drafting team
PREFACE ………………………………………………………………...……… i

TABLE OF CONTENT.……………………………………………………...…… ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ……………….……………………………….... 1

a. Background ………………………………………………………………….…. 1

b. Problem Formulation …………………………………………………...……… 1

c. Purpose ………………………………………………………............................ 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ………………………………………………...…… 2

a.Electric potential and electric potential energy..................................................2

b. the relationship between electrical potential and elecric area ...........................8.

CHAPTER III CLOSING ………………………………………………………...10

a. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………..…. 10

b. Suggestion ………………………………………………………………………...10

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………....11



Every day we often take advantage of the electrical potential in an electrical device such
as radio, television and even a computer or laptop. We also often use devices consisting of
components called capacitors. But we often do not want to know about what and how the
tools we use work, so that if there is damage or an error in using it, we are often unconscious
and fatal to the device. In addition, we often find it difficult to distinguish between electrical
potential and electricity, voltage, electrical resistance or strong electric current. But that is not
what we will explain in this paper, but what is electric potential and all of about them.


 What is electric potential and electric potential energy ?

 Where are the sources of electric potential ?
 What is the electrical potential and conservation energy ?
 How to calculate the electrical potential ?
 How is the relationship between electrical potential and elecric area ?

 To know electric potential and electric potential energy
 To know the sources of electric potential
 To know the electrical potential and conservation energy
 To know and can How to calculate the electrical potential
 To know the relationship between electrical potential and elecric area



 Electrical potential energy

Before it, we have learned about work and energy . and we have learned about
potential energy. The concept of energy is very useful in mechanics. The law of conservation
of energy enables us to solve problems without needing to know the force in detail. For
example the force of gravity pulls an object towards the surface of the earth. Both the force of
gravity and the strength of the gravitational field (acceleration of gravity = g) are directed
vertically downward.

If lifting an object against the gravitational force of the earth, that means we make an
effort on the object, and as a result the gravitational potential energy of the object increases
(figure 1). The concept of energy is also useful in electricity. The electric force F applied to a
charge The positive test q 'by a negative charge leads to a negative charge. Vector electric
field strength E = F / q ', also leads to negative strength. To move the test charge away from
the negative charge, we must make an effort on the test load. As a result the electrical
potential energy of the test charge increases (figure 1).

The concept of electric potential energy, similar to the concept of garavitation potential
energy. For this reason, we will derive the Electric Potential Energy formula as follows:
The work done by force (Fw), to move the test load + q ', from point P to Point Q is W = -Fw.
S = -Fw.Δr = -F. (R2-r1) W is a scalar quantity, the force F is given a negative sign (-)
because the Coulomb force is in the opposite direction to the direction of displacement Fw =
Fq = Coulomb force.

W = -k.Q q’/r1 2 x (r2-r1) = – kQ.q’/r1.r2 (r2-r1)

W = -k Q.q’(1/r1 – 1/r2)= k Q.q’(1/r2-1/r1)

W = k Q.q’(1/r2-1/r1) = Δ EP = EP2 – EP1

So the work done by W = potential energy increase.

In conclusion, Electric Potential Energy is an attempt by the Coulomb force, to move

the + q test charge from one point to another. If point Q, is infinitely infinite, so r2 = ˜ and 1 /
r2 = 0 then Electric Potential Energy can be formulated as follows: Electric Potential Energy
from two charges Q and q ’is:

Ep = k Q.q’/r,

EP termasuk besaran skalar

E = Energi Potensial Listrik satuannya Joule

k = Konstanta = 9.109 N C-2 m2,

r = jarak (m) Q + muatan sumber,

q’= muatan uji (Coulomb)

International system of units electric potential energy is the Joule and the international system
of units of electric charge is the Coulomb, so that the international system of units of electric
potential is Joules per Coulomb (J / C). Another name A / C is the Volt, is named after the
Italian scientist and inventor of the electric battery, Alessandro Volta (1745-1827).

 Electrical potential

A test charge can only move from one position to another that has a difference in
electrical potential as objects fall from a place that has a difference in height. The magnitude
that states the difference in electrical potential is the potential difference. The potential
difference of a test charge q 'transferred to an infinite distance with effort W is
Where V is the electric potential with units of volts (V). The difference in potential of
an electric charge at a point around the charge is expressed as an absolute potential or simply
called an electric potential. The electrical potential of an electric charge q at a point r distance
from that charge can be stated as follows :

From the equation above it appears that the electric potential can be expressed in
terms of the strength of the electric field, that is V = ER Different from the electric force and
electric field strength, the electric potential is a scalar quantity that has no direction. The
electrical potential generated by several source charges is calculated using the algebraic sum.
For n charges, the electrical potential is written as follows.

Note: the (+) and (-) signs of the charge need to be taken into account in calculating the
electric potential.

Electric potential difference

The electric potential at a point, for example the electric potential at point A Va ie, can not be
known because of the significant value is the change in electric potential. Changes in
electrical potential can be determined either by calculation or value measurements. Electric
potential changes when the charge q moving from one point to another. Suppose charge q
moving from point A to point B then changes the electrical potential is:

Vab is the electric potential difference between two points in an electric field, for
example, points a and b. Electric potential difference between points a and b (Vab) is equal
toeffortperformed by the electric force on an electric charge when moving from point A to
point B, per unit charge (Wab / q). Keep in mind that the work done by the electric force on a
charge q when moving from point A to point B (Wab) equal to the change in electric
potential energy charge q (ΔEP). Hence the above equation can be replaced by Wab ΔEP.
When an object is at a certain height above ground level so it has a gravitational potential
energy, in which the surface of the ground is used as a reference point. In this case the height
of the land surface and the gravitational potential energy right at the soil surface is set to be
zero. Similar to the gravitational potential energy, when we expressed a certain point it has an
electric potential is another point that should be used as a reference point, considering only
the electric potential difference that can be invaluable. Usually the ground (ground) or an
electrical conductor that is connected to the ground chosen as a reference point, where the
electrical potential at the conductor or electric potential in the ground, is set to be zero. So if a
point has a $ 12 Volt electrical potential then the electric potential difference between these
points with the ground is 12 volts. At 6 Volt battery, an electric potential difference between
the positive terminal to the negative terminal is 6 Volt. Because the unit of electric potential
difference is then Volt electric potential difference between two points is usually referred to
as the power supply voltage (voltage) .the equation above electric potential difference can be
written again as below:

If the charge q passing an electric potential difference Vab then the potential energy
changes by ΔEP. For example, charge of 2 Coulomb passing electric potential difference of
12 volts then the electrical potential energy changes by (2 C) (12 V) = 24 Joules. Similarly, if
the charge 4 Coulomb passing electric potential difference of 24 volts then the electrical
potential energy changes by (4 C) (24 V) = 96 Joules.
So the change in electric potential energy (ΔEP) is proportional to the charge (q) and
voltage (Vab). The greater the electrical charge and / or voltage, the greater the change in
electric potential energy. The potential energy associated with the ability to do business so
that if changes in electrical potential energy greater then the ability to do business is also
Electric potential difference equation above is still common. To get an electric potential
equation more detail then review the electrical potential difference in a homogeneous electric
field and electric potential difference caused by a single charge.

Electrical potential in a homogeneous electric field

Electric potential difference between two points in a homogeneous electric field, for example,
point a and point b can be calculated using the following equation:

Specification: Vab = electrical potential difference between two points, E = electric field and
s = distance between the two points.

Electric potential generated by a single charge

Electric potential at a point due to a single charge that produces an electric field, can be
calculated using the equation:

Note: Vab = difference in electrical potential between two

points, k = Coulomb constant, Q = single charge that gives rise to an electric field, r =
distance between charge Q and the point where the electric potential is calculated.


 Relation between electric potential and electric field

The electric field is a vector quantity while the electric potential is a scalar quantity. The
magnitude of the vector involves the direction so it is more difficult to calculate compared to
calculating the scalar quantity. To simplify the calculation of the electric field, an equation is
used which states the relationship between the electric field and the electric potential.

The potential difference equation that has been explained previously is rewritten as below:

Mathematically, effort is the product of force with displacement, where force is the product
of charge and electric fields. The relationship between effort, style and displacement is
expressed through the equation below:

If the two equations above are put together then a new equation is produced as below:

Note: E = electric field, Vab = difference in electric potential between two points, for
example points a and b, d = distance between two points.

The unit of potential difference is Volts and the unit of distance is meters so that the electric
field can be expressed in Volts per meter (V / m).

This equation can be used to determine the electric field (homogeneous) if known the
potential difference between two points and the distance between the two points. Based on
the equation, the electric field is proportional to the electric potential and inversely
proportional to distance. This means that the greater the electrical potential, the greater the
electric field and the greater the distance the smaller the electric field.
 Two-Piece-parallel Conductor Conductors

Two-striped parallel conductors are two parallel metal keeping connected to a battery
so that the two keeping can have the same charge but opposite the mark. This form of
keeping parallel is called a capacitor.

Between the two pieces, an electric field that is the same as the direction from the
positive to the negative will be produced. An electric field that is completely the same as this
is called a homogeneous electric field.

At a positive charge q, the electric force F = q E is directed to the right direction. To

move the positive charge q from A to B (to the left) we must apply force F 'which opposes
the force F, but the magnitude of F' is equal to the size of F (F '= F).

Outside efforts undertaken to move the charge q from A to B are:

WAB= qEd


 Loaded Ball Conductors

The electrical potential around or inside a ball of charged conductors can be

determined by assuming the ball's charge is at the center of the ball. Furthermore, the
electrical potential at points on a charged ball, as shown in the figure below can be
determined through the electric potential equation, namely:

VA = k . q / R ; VB = k . q / R ; VC = k . q / r

From the equations above can lead to that the electrical potential in the ball is equal to the
surface of the ball, so that:

VA = VB k. q / R for r ≤ R VC = k. q / r for r> R




From the analysis and discussion above, it can be concluded that the electric potential is
the potential difference of an electric charge at a point around the charge so as to form a
rotating electric charge from a negative positive, the electrical potential is also called the
electric voltage. the electric field is proportional to the electric potential and inversely
proportional to distance. This means that the greater the electrical potential, the greater the
electric field and the greater the distance the smaller the electric field.


This material abaout electric potential needs to be studied in more depth. This is so that
the electric potential can be mastered perfectly by students so students can easily apply it in
everyday life. Electric practicum needs to be done thoroughly not only on the rotation of rigid

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