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JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | September 2017 a JISMO 2017

Fill the circle on the answer sheet with the right answer.

1. I am a two-dimensional figure. I have 2 pairs of the same length of the sides and the 4 equal
angles. What am I?

A. Circle B. Square C. Rectangle D. Rhombus

2. How many times is 2 at compared to 2 at ?

A. 1000 times B. 100 times

C. 10 times D. 4 times

3. Find the number and calculate the sum of the numbers at 1000s, 100s, and 10s.

A. 16 B. 21 C. 13 D. 22

4. Look at the illustration on the right.

How many more minutes to 9:15?
A. 80 minutes
B. 100 minutes
C. 75 minutes
D. 20 minutes

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JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | September 2017 a JISMO 2017

5. Keiko made lines to fold a sheet of origami paper as illustrated below. How many squares
are there?

A. 10 squares
B. 8 squares
C. 6 squares
D. 5 squares

6. How many triangles and quadrilaterals are there in the picture below?

A. 8 triangles, 28 quadrilaterals
B. 4 triangles, 16 quadrilaterals
C. 6 triangles, 13 quadrilaterals
D. 2 triangles, 12 quadrilaterals

7. Selena had a bag of candies. On Sunday, she gave 8 candies to her sister. On Monday, she
gave the same amount of candies to her mother. On Tuesday, she gave 6 candies to her
schoolmates and the last 3 candies to her homeroom teacher. How many candies were
there in the beginning?

A. 13 candies B. 25 candies C. 17 candies D. 33 candies


The numbers in the picture above go together following the same rule.
Find the answer of A + B.

A. 8 B. 40 C. 42 D. 32

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JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | September 2017 a JISMO 2017

9. Mrs. Suzuki had 3 kg of sugar and used some of them to bake cupcakes. The scale below
shows the mass of the remaining sugar. How much sugar did Mrs. Suzuki use?

A. 1 kg 400 g
B. 1 kg
C. 1 kg 600 g
D. 2 kg

10. There are 40 students in Nick’s class. The number of girls is 8 more than that of boys.
If each girl gets 2 apples and each boy gets 3 oranges, find the total number of apples and
oranges that are distributed to Nick’s class respectively.

A. 48 apples, 48 oranges B. 32 apples, 72 oranges

C. 16 apples, 96 oranges D. 96 apples, 24 oranges

11. Shota has a book with 411 pages in total. He has been reading 18 pages every day for 3
weeks. How many pages remain?

A. 378 pages B. 133 pages

C. 143 pages D. 33 pages

12. Find the correct answer of each box.

A. , 15 B. , 15 C. , 16 D. , 16

13. Mr. Smith planted 27 trees along a circular pond. The distance between each tree is
8 m. Find the perimeter of the pond.

A. 232 m B. 208 m C. 224 m D. 216 m

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JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | September 2017 a JISMO 2017

14. Susan bought 18 apples, 36 oranges, and 30 pears to make gift parcels. How many parcels
can she make if she uses all the fruits? Each parcel should have the same number of the
fruits in total and the number of each fruit should be the same.

A. 4 parcels
B. 6 parcels
C. 8 parcels
D. 18 parcels

15. Look at the net diagram below.

Which of the following cuboids can be made?

A. B. C. D.

16. Answer the question regarding the numbers between 150 and 500. How many numbers
are there that have 0 in the 1s position?

A. 34 B. 35 C. 36 D. 37

17. Benny bought a 7-shelf furniture to store his books. He arranges

the books from the lowest shelf. He always puts 2 more books in
every lower shelf therefore, the higher the shelf, the lesser books
are there. If Benny puts 7 books on the 5th shelf from the
bottom, how many are there in the first shelf?

A. 11 books
B. 15 books
C. 13 books
D. 9 books

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JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | September 2017 a JISMO 2017

18. To go to the park from his house, Mark can take either a route past the station or the
bookstore. Which way is shorter, and by how long is the shorter distance compared to the
longer one?

A. Through bookstore, by 130 m

B. Through station, by 130 m
C. Through bookstore, by 70 m
D. Through station, by 70 m

19. Aisha saves 120 pieces of marbles. She donates half of them to an orphanage and wants to
share the rest with 7 friends of hers. If she gives her friends 8 pieces each, how many
marbles will remain?
A. 6 marbles
B. 4 marbles
C. 3 marbles
D. 2 marbles

20. Mick is 1 m 17 cm tall. When he stands on a 35 cm high block, his height becomes 9 cm
shorter than his mother’s. What is his mother’s height in m and cm?

A. 1 m 51 cm B. 1 m 61 cm
C. 1 m 41 cm D. 1 m 52 cm

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JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | September 2017 a JISMO 2017

Make the equation and find the answer.

1. There is a certain number, which is supposed to be divided by 7 but it was mistakenly

divided by 12. Therefore, the quotient became 9 with 4 as the remainder. Find the certain
number and answer of the correct calculation.

2. Find the number each shape stands for.

3. This year, Teena’s age is half of Samantha’s. In ten years Samantha will be 40 years old.
How old will Teena be ten years later?

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