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What kind of a mixture is water?

A lesson plan arranged by:

Charissa Kashian
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of EDI 431 - Science Student Teaching
Grand Valley State University
January 24, 2020
HS-PS1-7: Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass,
are conserved during a chemical reaction. ​[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on using the
mathematical ideas to communicate the proportional relationships between masses of atoms in
the reactants and the products, and the translation of these relationships to the macroscopic scale
using the mole as the conversion from the atomic to the macroscopic scale. Emphasis is on
assessing students’ use of mathematical thinking and not on memorization and rote application
of problem-solving techniques.]

Science and Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts


Using Mathematics and PS1.B: Chemical Reactions Energy and Matter

Computational Thinking The fact that atoms are The total amount of energy
Mathematical and conserved, together with and matter in closed systems is
computational thinking at the knowledge of the chemical conserved.
9–12 level builds on K–8 and properties of the elements
progresses to using algebraic involved, can be used to ---------------------
thinking and analysis, a describe and predict chemical ---
range of linear and nonlinear reactions. Connections to Nature of
functions including Science
trigonometric functions, Scientific Knowledge
exponentials and logarithms, Assumes an Order and
and computational tools for Consistency in Natural
statistical analysis to Systems
analyze, represent, and Science assumes the universe
model data. Simple is a vast single system in
computational simulations which basic laws are
are created and used based consistent.
on mathematical models of
basic assumptions.
Use mathematical
representations of
phenomena to support
Nature of Science (NOS)
1) Science demands and relies on empirical evidence.
6) Science has a subjective element.
7) There are historical, cultural, and social influences on science.
NOS Concepts 1 and 6: Students will be looking at river, lake, tap, and DI water to determine
what kind of mixture each type of water is. The water may look the same but by collecting some
evidence, the students will see that each type of water has some distinct differences. Students
may have different ideas on what type of mixture each water is and will have to listen to each
other’s opinions.
NOS Concept 7: Water quality is heavily influenced on the laws and policies surrounding the
environment, and there are current political controversies surrounding environmental law due to
climate change.

Students will be able to…
1. Identify heterogenous and homogenous mixtures, elements, and compounds.
2. Explain what a solution is.
3. Make a 0.5 M NaCl solution.
4. Give real life examples of heterogenous and homogenous mixtures and solutions.

1. The engage, explore, and explain all contain formative assessments while the students are
working through notes and activities.
2. The explore has an exit slip, which the instructor will use to evaluate whether or not they
learned how to identify elements, compounds, and mixtures.
3. In the elaborate, the students will have to complete a calculation involving molarity. This
will be evaluated as a part of objective 3. The students will also be evaluated on if they
correctly made a solution via a conductivity meter.

Requisite Knowledge
Students should know how to…
● Write and read chemical formulas.
● Write and read chemical names.
● Convert from grams X to moles X and vice versa.
● Convert from moles X to moles Y.
● Balance chemical equations.
● Convert between milliliters (mL) and liters (L).
Safety Considerations and Precautions
Students will be observing lake water and river water. Both of these will be kept in sealed
jars. The students should wash their hands after handling the jars. The lake and river water will
be washed down the drain in the lab.
Students will be creating sodium chloride solutions. Whenever the students are handling
chemicals or glassware, they will be wearing safety goggles. As for the sodium chloride
solutions, they will be disposed of using the Flinn Scientific Disposal Method #26b. The
solutions will be flushed down the drain with excess water. This solution will not cause harm or
irritation if the students come into contact with it.

Scientific Background
This lesson plan covers many things included in solution chemistry. The first is what
heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures are and how they are different. A heterogenous
mixture is a combination of different elements and/or compounds that is not even throughout. A
homogenous mixture is a combination of elements and/or compounds that is even throughout. In
a heterogenous mixture, the different pieces can be seen, and in a homogenous mixture, the
different pieces cannot be seen. Diagrams showing heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures
are shown below.

Solutions are a special type of homogenous mixture. A solution is a liquid mixture where
the solute is evenly suspended in a solvent. A solute is the minor component and the solvent is
the major component in the solution. In order to make a solution, the chemist must figure out
how many milliliters or liters of solution they want and what molarity they need to make it.
Then, the amount of grams of solute must be found. The most accurate glassware available
should be used when making a solution. In this class, it will be an erlenmeyer flask. First, the
glassware should be cleaned with soap and water, then rinsed with deionized (DI) water. Half of
the amount of solvent needed should be added in to the clean erlenmeyer flask. Then, the solute
should be added and swirled until dissolved. Then, the rest of the solvent should be added. The
bottom of the meniscus should be touching the correct volume. Then, the solution should be
swirled or mixed again to ensure that it is a homogeneous mixture.
Students will also be learning how to calculate molarity. Molarity is a measure of
concentration, which is equal to moles of solute divided by liters of solution. This is why the
solute is mixed into the solution halfway through: solids have volume and that must be
accounted for in the solution. A sample calculation for molarity and calculating grams from a
volume and molarity are shown below. Water is the solvent and sodium chloride is the solute.

1L 0.500 mol N aCl 58.44 g N aCl

50.0 mL × 1000 mL × 1L × 1 mol N aCl = 1.46 g N aCl

mol N aCl 0.50 mol N aCl

M = 1 L solution = 1 L solution = 0.50 M N aCl

Students will also be connecting their information to real-life situations, specifically

blood and lake/river/tap/DI water. Lake water and river water are heterogenous mixtures; the
solutes are not even distributed throughout the solvent (water). Tap water is a homogeneous
mixture, as the ions are evenly distributed throughout the solvent. DI water is not a mixture,
since it is pure water molecules. Blood is a homogeneous mixture. The red blood cells, plasma,
and white blood cells are evenly distributed throughout the solution and the human body. If
blood wasn’t a homogenous mixture, the human would not be able to survive.

One major misconception in this section is what an element actually is. Students may
think that an element is a part of the atom, or something that makes up an atom. They may also
think that an element is a single atom of one element. This means that if the student were to
describe the element copper, they would describe only one atom, not multiple atoms next to each
other. The recommendation for dispelling this misconception is to show and discuss particulate
and macroscopic diagrams of elements, compounds and mixtures, so the students see the
particulate differences between the three (Kind 2004). In this lesson plan, the students will be
working with particulate diagrams in both the explore and explain.

Overview and Objectives
This section introduces the students to different mixtures by using mixtures they are in
contact with every day. Students will be taking observations and predicting what kind of
mixtures they think the waters are. The students’ goal of this activity is to eventually answer the
question “what kind of a mixture is lake/river/tap/DI water?”
The following objectives will begin to be covered:
1. Identify heterogenous and homogenous mixtures.
4. Give real life examples of heterogenous and homogenous mixtures and solutions.

Technology​: Objectives and the daily schedule will be posted on Google Classroom.
Scaffolding​: Students are allowed to use technology to type or draw observations if they would

Materials and Set-up

● 2 jars filled with water from Lake Michigan
● 2 jars filled with water from the Grand River
● 2 jars filled with water from the Tap
● 2 jars filled with DI water.
● All jars must be labeled. The label should be on the top of the jar, so there is no
obstructed view of the water.
● Conductivity meter.
● 100 copies of the ​Water as a Mixture​ worksheet.
● Document camera and projector
● Set up two different stations:
○ Each station should contain four labeled jars - one of each type of water.

1. Greet the students for the day.
2. Introduce the new lesson. Tell the students that we are going to be analyzing mixtures for
the next few days.
3. Explain that they will be drawing what they think a sample of water looks like if they
could see everything, including a water molecule.
4. Draw a water molecule on the board so students know what it looks like.
5. Tell the students they must return to their seats after they’ve drawn their pictures.
6. Pass out the worksheet.
7. Allow the students to walk around and observe the water samples.
8. After the students return to their seats, have them partner up with an elbow or table buddy
and discuss what they think the water samples look like.
9. Push the students a little bit further. Show the students the conductivity meter. Explain
that where there are ions in solution, the conductivity meter lights up.
10. Using a conductivity meter, test each sample of water. Every sample except the DI water
should light up the bulb a little.
11. Ask the students if this changes their drawings (they should say yes). Allow the students
a few minutes to revise their drawings.
12. Have them partner up with an elbow or table buddy and discuss what they think the water
samples look like.
13. Ask if anyone would like to share their drawing and reasoning with the class. Allow
volunteers to project their drawing under the doc cam.
14. Allow students to share similarities and/or differences between their drawings.
15. After the students are done sharing, tell them that we will revisit this a little later in the
16. Remind students to ​keep this paper ​so they can refer to it later.

Guiding Questions ​- ​Sample student answers are not given because the answers are subjective.
● What do you see?
● Are the liquids all the same color?
● Can you see anything in the liquid?
● What do you think it would look like under a microscope?

Only formative assessment occurs in this section. The instructor will look at all of the students
drawings to get a sense of what they already know, and then use that information to tailor the
lesson to the students needs.

Overview and Objectives
In this section, students will be completing a card sort. In small groups, they will have to
use their previous knowledge to identify what elements, compounds, and mixtures are, and then
they will have to create their own definition of elements, compounds, and mixtures. The
following objectives will be covered:
1. Identify heterogenous and homogenous mixtures, elements, and compounds.
4. Give real life examples of heterogenous and homogenous mixtures and solutions.

Technology​: The daily objectives will be posted on Google Classroom and the worksheet for the
day will be posted. The students will use Google Forms to fill out an exit slip for the day as well.
Scaffolding​: Students will be put into small groups by the instructor. Students who are struggling
will be paired with students who are doing well and have the capabilities to help the struggling

Materials and Set-up

● 20 sets of ​element, compound, and mixture cards​ from teacherspayteachers.
○ Cards should be cut up and either paper clipped or put in envelopes.
● Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures. Oh My! Worksheet​.
○ Post this on Google Classroom the morning of the activity.
● Google form for exit slip
○ Post this on Google Classroom the morning of the activity.

1. Greet the students as they come in for the day.
2. Tell the students that they will be learning about elements, compounds, and mixtures
today. This activity will help them identify what different types of waters are
3. Explain the activity to the students: they will be working in assigned groups and
completing a card sort. The card sort needs three piles/groups: elements, compounds, and
mixtures. The students are to use their chemistry knowledge to figure out what each item
a. This is an in-class activity, so the students ​must​ finish the card sort before they
leave class.
b. When the students are done with their card sort, they must go on to Google
classroom and complete the worksheet and the exit slip. The worksheet may be
submitted as a group. If these are not finished in class, they will be homework.
4. Put the students into their assigned groups and pass out the cards.
5. Circulate the room and check on each group. Ask each group what criteria they are using
to sort their cards. If the students are struggling, use some of the guiding questions below.
6. When there are five minutes left of class, pull the whole group back together. If the
students’ have not finished the card sort for some reason, they will be allowed to take a
picture of their progress, and then come in before/after school to finish their work.
7. Remind the students to complete the worksheet (as a group) and exit slip if they haven’t

Guiding Questions
● What do you know about elements so far?
○ On the periodic table.
● Is salt an element?
○ No
■ Follow up: why?
● It's made of multiple things
● What do you know about compounds so far?
○ They involve multiple things?
■ Follow up: are the things attached to each other or just next to each other?
● Attached to each other.
● If students are really struggling, pull out the three molecular level cards. Ask what the
difference is between the three.
○ One is just one colored circles, another has two circles touching, and the third has
two different kinds of circles.
■ Follow up: which do you think works best with what you know about
elements? Compounds? Mixtures?
● Element - single circles
● Compound - touching circles
● Mixture - two different circles that are not touching
● When you mix something together what are you doing?
○ Taking two things and putting them together

Students will be given an exit ticket that has the students write their definitions of elements,
compounds, and mixtures. This will be a formative assessment to see what they came up with
during the activity, and if these definitions are accurate.

Overview and Objectives
In this section, the instructor will be defining elements, compounds, heterogenous and
homogenous mixtures, and solutions. The instructor will also be leading the students through
molarity and how to do calculations involving molarity. The following objectives will be
1. Identify heterogenous and homogenous mixtures, elements, and compounds.
2. Explain what a solution is.
3. Make a 0.5 M NaCl solution.
4. Give real life examples of heterogenous and homogenous mixtures and solutions.

Technology​: The instructor will be lecturing with the iPad and OneNote app. The daily
objectives will also be posted on Google Classroom.
Scaffolding​: The instructor will be giving a step-by-step guide for molarity calculations. There
will also be time for practicing and think, pair, share discussion time.

Materials and Set-up

● 100 copies of the ​Notes Sheet
● iPad and pen
● Projector
○ Test the iPad and projector to make sure everything is connected.
1. Greet the students for the day.
2. Tell the students that they will be taking some notes today, and they are welcome to take
them on their computer, use the notes guide, or take them on their own.
3. Pass out the notes sheet.
4. Ask the students to share their definitions for elements with the class. After three
students share their definitions, write out the definition.
5. After writing the definition, draw out a small molecular picture representing elements.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for compounds and mixtures.
7. Have the students brainstorm examples for hetero vs homogeneous mixtures and then
share those ideas with a partner. Have a few groups share out and write down their ideas
as they share. Share two scientific examples (homogeneous - steel/brass, heterogeneous -
8. Define solutions for the students and then pause for any questions.
9. Ask the students what they know about molarity.
10. If no student’s define molarity, define it and then write out the equation for it. Draw a
small diagram in the beaker to show solute vs solvent vs solution.
11. Walk the students through the molarity calculation, then give them three minutes to try
their own.
12. Walk through the Try Me! Problem after students have answered the question.
13. Discuss the making a solution steps with the students. Pause at the end for questions.
14. Walk the students through the example problem. Go especially slow through this. Give
step-by-step instructions.
15. Pause for questions.
16. Assign the pre-lab calculation for homework.

Only formative assessment is done in this section. The students are given multiple opportunities
to try problems on their own and to receive feedback from their peers and their instructor, if they
wish. The pre-lab calculation at the end is a part of the Elaborate, however it must be assigned
the night before so the students are ready for the next day.

Overview and Objectives
In this section, the students will be making a solution. This is a vital skill for the students,
as they will have to make solutions in the future. The following objectives will be covered:
3. Make a 0.5 M NaCl solution.

Technology​: no technology is used in this section.

Scaffolding​: students are allowed to use their notes if they need them, and students are allowed to
work in pairs.
Materials and Set-up
● 20 Erlenmeyer flasks
● Sodium chloride
● DI Water
● At least 5 balances
● Weigh boats
● Conductivity meter

1. Greet the students for the day.
2. Tell the students that they will be creating a sodium chloride solution today. They will be
working in partners to make their solution. Ask the students what a solution today. Have
them get out their notes if they do not remember. Students should say a solution is a
homogeneous mixture where one thing is dissolved in another.
3. They will be creating 50 mL of a 0.50 M NaCl solution. Their pre-lab calculations must
be checked by the instructor before they are able to begin weighing out their sodium
4. Allow the students to partner up and begin.
5. Circulate the room as the students make their solutions. Stop in on each group and ask
how their solution is coming along and if they have any questions.
6. When the students are done creating their solution, test it with the conductivity meter.

Guiding Questions
● What should you add first?
○ DI water
● If the solute does not fully dissolve, does that affect the molarity?
○ Yes (ideal). If no…
■ If molarity is moles over liters, and not all of the moles are in solution,
does that affect the molarity?
● Yes
● How can you get the salt to dissolve?
○ Swirl/agitate it
● How should the meniscus be touching the line?
○ The bottom of it should touch the line.

Each student’s solution will be tested with the conductivity meter. If they are not within
5% of the correct answer, they will be required to remake their solution. As soon as the students
make a solution with the correct conductivity, they will be checked off and given full points. If a
student has to remake a solution twice, they will be docked 10% of the points.

Engage: students will only be formatively assessed in this section. The instructor will look to see
what their drawings look like, especially looking to see how they represent mixtures and
Explore: students will be formatively assessed throughout the card sorting activity, and they will
be assessed through an exit slip. The instructor will look at the exit slip and see what their
definition of elements, compounds, and mixtures are after completing the card sorting activity.
This covers objectives 1 and 4.
Explain: the students will only be formatively assessed in this section. They will have
opportunities to try practice problems and then share out, and the instructor will use their
answers to judge whether or not more immediate instruction must happen.
Elaborate: the students will be assessed on the solution they create. They have to use their
knowledge gained throughout this lesson to correctly calculate the amount of solute needed, and
then create a solution. This will be tested with a conductivity meter to ensure that the students are
making solutions correctly. This covers objectives 2 and 3.

No textbook is used in this class.

Kind, V. (2004). Beyond Appearances: Students’ misconceptions about basic ... Retrieved
February 2, 2020, from

Supporting Materials
Engage: ​Water as a Mixture Worksheet
Explore: ​Element, Compound, and Mixture Cards​, ​Card Sort Key​, ​Elements, Compounds, and
Mixtures. Oh My! Worksheet,​ and ​Google Form​ for an Exit Slip
Explain: ​Notes sheet ​and ​Key
Elaborate: Pre-lab problem and key

Data-Supported Reflection/Next Steps

This lesson plan contained four objectives. The first asked students to identify
heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures, elements, and compounds, and the second asked
students to explain what a solution is. The third asked students to give real life examples of
heterogeneous mixtures, homogeneous mixtures, and solutions. The students accomplished these
three objectives in the engage, explore, and explain. Students analyzed different samples of
water, and then identified what each sample of water was. Three different drawing samples are
shown below.
In Figure 1, the student drew water molecules, sand, and dirt. After testing the water with
the conductivity meter, they added in the dissolved ions. They also correctly identified that Lake
Michigan water is a heterogeneous mixture. In Figure 2, the student drew in water molecules,
sand/dirt, and air bubbles, and they also wrote in bacteria, mud, and viruses. After testing the
water, they also noted that the light was brighter, and they added in dissolved ions. The student
also correctly identified the river water as a heterogeneous mixture. In Figure 3, the student
noted that the water was clear, and there were no visible items in the water. They also correctly
identified DI water as a compound, not a mixture. Students also participated in a card sort, in
which they had to separate elements, compounds, and mixtures. All students were able to
successfully complete the card sort.
The last two objectives were explaining what a solution is and then making a solution.
Students were able to successfully complete these two objectives after the explain and the
elaborate. Students were told the key components of a solution, and then asked to turn and talk to
their partner about what a solution is. From formative assessments during the turn and talk,
students were able to explain that a solution is something dissolved in another thing, or that a
solution is a homogeneous mixture where a solute is dissolved in a solvent. The students then
calculated how many grams of salt they needed to make their solution, and during the elaborate,
almost all students (two were absent) successfully made their solution.
For the three Nature of Science concepts, two of them were covered by the water
demonstration. The students and the instructor collected evidence (conductivity probe) to
determine what the different type of waters were (heterogeneous mixture, homogeneous mixture,
compound, element). The students also realized that science is subjective when looking at the
waters, for the lake and the river water looked similar, but one had a brighter light on the
conductivity probe because of the road salt. This is also shown in Figure 2, where the student
wrote, “brighter light” next to their drawing. For the third Nature of Science concept, the
students and the instructor discussed how humans influence the water quality. A few topics
discussed were microplastics in Lake Michigan, road salt in the Grand River, and fluoride in the
tap/drinking water.
Students were overall very successful in achieving the four objectives. Since the students
were successful, the instructor will be moving on to lesson 3, which is on the law of conservation
of mass.

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