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Wk 1

General Capabilities:

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding

Cross-curriculum priorities:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

ACDSEH001 Students will be able to: Formative Introduction: Padlet: class

1 : Depth assessment:  This is the first lesson on this topic, brainstorm
Study 1, Identify 5 different types collect and teacher will introduce the topic of
Investigating of tools used in mark the archaeology, and generate student Interactive
the Ancient excavating artefacts and worksheets to interest by brainstorming as a class where Scootle activity-
Past. describe their purpose on track progress archaeology is used in pop culture ‘Colossal Fossils:
How a worksheet. and assess if o Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Tomb The Dig’
historians students Raider, Atlantis (Disney Version),
and Analyse three reasons completed the Pirates of the Caribbean, National PowerPoint
archaeologis why archaeology is first and third Treasure, Journey to the Centre of
ts important to historical objective. the Earth YouTube video:
investigate research on a  Students will be presented with a YouTube Jurassic Park Dig
history, collaborative Padlet Informal video from Jurassic Park and describe Site
including brainstorm as a class. assessment: what tools and technology is being used,
excavation assess which 3 students selected at random will be Worksheet
and archival Define the study of students asked to tell the class one thing they
research archaeology in 15 words contributed found interesting from the video.
or less on a worksheet. quality Body
comments on  Students will receive a worksheet with
the Padlet and these focus questions on it
how they o What is archaeology?
worked o Where are fossils and artefacts
collaboratively found?
to create a o Define fossil and artefact
brainstorm o Why is archaeology important?
o How does archaeology help
 Teacher will present this content on a
PowerPoint including the method of
 Students will open the URL (uploaded onto
SEQTA) to an interactive game from
Scootle ‘Colossal Fossil: The Dig’ and will
use a series of tools to uncover a fossil
 When the interactive activity in complete,
students will access Padlet and contribute
to the brainstorm as a class, providing
answers to the following points:
o Types of tools
o The importance of archaeology
o Archaeologies contribution to
o How archaeology is used
 To conclude the lesson, students will hand
in their worksheets
 Teacher will conduct a short ‘Think, Pair,
Share’ in pairs, asking students what the
most interesting piece of information they
learnt in this lesson was
 Teacher will end the lesson with a quick
statement summarising the lesson and
tell students what they are doing next
lesson and what they need to bring
ACDSEH001 Students will be able to: Formative Introduction QR codes
2 : Depth assessment:  Teacher conducts a short review from the PowerPoint
Study 1, Distinguish the difference the source last lesson asking the following focus Source Analysis
Investigating between a primary and analyses will questions: Worksheet
the Ancient secondary source on a be marked to o What is a fossil? Sources
Past. worksheet. see how o Why is archaeology important?  Image
How students are o Where can we find fossils and  Article
historians Understand 8 different tracking and artefacts?  Letter
and types of sources and their how well they  Teacher moves on to the topic of today’s  Comic
archaeologis use to historical research grasped the lesson: Understanding sources.  Excerpt
ts on a worksheet. introduction to Body from an
investigate source  Students will learn about the different academic
history, Analyse the value of analysis. types of sources and how to analyse paper
including sources including the Marking these them: analysing a
excavation message, bias, elements will let the o Primary and Secondary sources source
and archival and reliability in groups. teacher know o Types of sources: letters, books,
research if the key photographs, newspapers, comics,
concepts ceramics, jewellery and
introduced accessories.
today need to o How sources guide historical
be recovered research
in future o Introduce skills on how to analyse a
lessons before source: Bias, Elements, Context,
they can be Reliability
 Activity 1: QR Museum.
o Teacher creates a ‘museum’ around
the classroom with a different
source behind each QR Code.
o In groups of 5/6, students will scan
the code and work together to
analyse the sources and fill out
their findings on a worksheet
o Students need to analyse the
elements, bias, context and
reliability of the source
 Teacher will gather student’s attention
and invite them all back to their seats
where they will hand in their worksheets.
 Each student will be given a sticky note
and they will have to write a question on
there and on the way out put it in a box.
Next lesson the student’s questions will
be answered during the introduction of
the lesson
 Teacher will provide a concluding
statement to the lesson and inform the
students of the next lessons topic.
3 ACDSEH001 Students will be able to: Formal Introduction YouTube clips of
: Depth assessment  Students will be introduced to the mode of example
Study 1, Create a documentary in (weighting video and how it contributes to the spread documentaries
Investigating groups of 5/6 about the 20%) of knowledge in the historical and
the Ancient process of archaeology to Students will archaeological field.
Past. present to the class be assessed  Teacher will show three short clips (1-2
How Explain the process of on: minutes) of different types of
historians finding and identifying -Ability to documentaries used for education iMovie and an
and fossils in different convey the Body iPad connected to
archaeologis locations around the course  Students will be taught the basics of using the projector to
ts world content from iMovie, including how to record, use demonstrate to
investigate the previous sound, music, backgrounds and the class how to
history, Identify how historians two lessons outsourced images and adding text into a use the app
including use archaeological into a video video.
excavation findings to contribute to using iMovie.  Students will then be given the task to An instructional
and archival their research -The quality of create their own 10-15-minute worksheet with all
research their content documentary in groups of 5/6, that will be the functions of
-The use of filmed during class time on school iMovie and how
iMovie grounds they will have the next two the use the app
techniques lessons to plan and film before presenting
-Ability to to the class
collaborate as  In their documentary, students are
a group and required to incorporate music, sound (can
-Oral include voice-overs) and optional
presentation outsourced images.
techniques  The documentary must include the
articulation, following information:
body o The excavation processes
language) o How historians use archaeological
o The impacts of not preserving
artefacts correctly
o One fun fact about archaeology
(could be on the topic about
excavation or archival research)
 The documentary must equally include all
members of the group to be featured in
the video
 Students will save their work and come
back together as a class
 Students will provide one thing they
liked/disliked about using iMovie and
teacher will conduct a Q+A.
 Teacher will conclude with a summarising
statement and tell students next lesson
they will be continuing with their

QR Code Generator. Retrieved from
New Philadelphia Archaeological Process. (n.a.). Tools used by Archaeologists. Retrieved from
Padlet. Retrieved from
Scootle. (n.a.). Colossal Fossils: The Dig. Retrieved from
School Curriculum and Standards Authority. (n.a.). Humanities and Social Sciences. Retrieved from
SilverMovies. (2018, Jan 14). Jurassic Park Dig Site [Video File]. Retrieved from

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