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good morning every on.

today i want to talk about sinuhe.

before starting the topic i would like to give some introductions about sinuhe.
sinuhe was the one of the famous doctors in ancient egypt who was living ages before us
and after a long and hard time he became special doctor of pharaoh.

the story of sinuhe begins from where his god mother catched him in a basket on a river
of nile and his god parents adobted him as they didnt had childeren and they loved him
just like they're child.
his god parents was poor people and he grown up in poverty stricer area in a city called
where his god father was doctor of poor people and he was helpin poor peolpe.
and so start of sinuhe was when for first time he went hs his father clinic and he helped
his father.
and that was the time when sinuhe felt that he wants to become doctor.
after he grown up his god father put him in school in amon template which was called the
house of livings.
but at that time he was so curios and he asked many questions which priest of amon didnt
like questions they suspend him for 2 years.
as at that time paraoh of eqypt was sick they specialist surger of pharaoh (pator) had to
open pharaoh head to cure his disease so he choosed sinuhe to help him in surgery.
after pharaoh in surgery sinuhe meets his pharaoh son and some one who's name was
hormheb which in future he became army commander.
after he finished his studies from house of living he got his own clinic and bought a
servent which had one eye and his name was capta.
but some they he fell in love with a despicable women who ruined his life and made him
to even sellin his parents graves.
and after that he realy had hard times after but one day he decide to run away with his
servent out of country and so they escape from egypt to sryia and as he was known doctor
at egypt and he was good in his job
in a short period of time he got famous in srya and got new home and newlife.
after some period of time he sees his old friend horm heb which was army commander.
so horm heb asked sinuhe to travel to other countries and get some information on other
countries militry as he was doctor and no one would doubt.
so he accepted and he traveled many countries and one of the countries was babylon
where he meets mina and fell in love with her but she was babylon king's
servent and so he helps her to scape and then sinuhe,mina and capta they go to kert where
mina was came from and they're had a god which priests training youths to dance in
fronth of cow cauz they belived they
that they have a god which is look like cow but under water and youth people after
dancing in fronts of cows can see they're god but after a time which was late after mina
went inside the tunnel where they belived they're god is and didnt come back they found
that they're cow head god is nothing than a big snake which priest was feedin him with
youth people. after that sinuhe and capta went bak to egypt to give the informations to
hormheb but at time there had been fight between two god in egpyt the old god amon and
new god aton which pharaoh worship
as people in tebs didnt accept aton akhnaton left tebs and went some where in egypt and
made his own new city and called it akhnaton city.
at that time sinuhe became pharaoh special doctor and was always with him.
but cauz akhnaton was ruling on the base of reality and judges and he didnt like to fight
horm heb was forced to kill akhnaton and he did it with help of sinuhe after akhnaton
horm heb became pharaoh but
after a period of time where sinuhe found out his mistake he became to dis agree with
horm heb.
horm heb exalt him from egypt and that was the time he started writing book.

that was all things that i could say i dont have any thing else to say .
i hope u liked it.

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