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my school

Final term Assessment Feb. 2020

Name : ________________________ Paper : Science

Class : Jr. I Date : . . 2020

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Total

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

i. We can see the _____________ in the daytime.
ii. The sun gives off bright ____________.
iii. The __________ shines on the moon.
iv. The moon has no ______________.
v. Stars are _______________ the Earth.
Q.2 Tick under Yes or No.
Yes No
1. Air is around us.
2. The sun is a star.
3. We cannot feel air.
4. When the air is warm, we feel cold.
5. Holes on the surface of the moon are
called craters.
Q.4 Choose the correct answer.

1. The Earth goes round the (Sun/Moon). 2. The Earth spins like a (top/plate).
3. The Earth is shaped like a (big/small) ball. 4. The Earth is a (star/planet).
5. The Earth gets light from the (Moon/Sun).

Q.3 Match the columns.

All living things Balloons and
Birds and aeroplanes To burn
A strong wind is called Need air
Air help things Fly in the air
We put air in A storm

Q.4 Mark which part of Earth will have day or night?

Q.5 Draw the different shapes of the Moon.

New Moon Half Moon Full Moon

Q.5 Draw the Earth which goes around the Sun in an oval path.

Q.6 Write these items under the correct heading.

milk, table, air, smoke, water, stone, steam, brick, mango, juice,

solid liquid gas

Q.7 Answer the following questions.

1. What are craters?
2. What gives us heat and light?
3. What is sun?
4. What are stars?
5. Name three phases of moon?
6. When can we see the moon?
7. In which direction does the sun rise?
8. Does liquid has fixed shape?
9. Does the moon have light?
10. In which direction does the sun set?
11. A solid is hard? Yes or No?
12. What is the time of the day when sun rises?

my school
Final term Assessment Feb. 2020
Name : ________________________ Paper : Science
Class : Jr. II Date : . 3 . 2018

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Total

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

1. Heat is a kind of _____________.
2. Three quarters of Earth is covered with ____________.
3. The Moon does not have ______________.
4. ______________helps us to do work.
5. All living things need ____________ to grow.
Q.2 Match the columns
Column A Column B
bottle opener to cut
Screw to plough
Scissors to open a bottle
Crane to hold two pieces together
Tractor to lift heavy things

Q.3 Tick ( ) the true statement and cross (x) the false statement.
1. There are four seasons in a year. __________
2. People wear warm clothes in summer. __________
3. The Earth is shaped like a square. __________
4. The Moon does not have air. __________
5. Machine does not helps us to do work. __________

Q.4 Answer the following questions. (short answers)

1. What is force?
2. How many seasons are there in a year?
3. What is the shape of the Earth?
4. What is the food of a machine?
5. Why do animals have hair or fur on their bodies?

6. How far is moon from the Earth?

7. What are names of the four seasons?
8. What are deep holes on the moon called?
9. What is heat?
10. Does moon have air?
Q.6 Label the layers of Earth.

Q.7 Draw the phases of moon and label.

my school
Final term Assessment Feb. 2020

Name : ________________________ Paper : Science

Class : Jr . III Date :
Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Total

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

i) We need______________ to do work.
ii) Our clothes wear out due to ________________.
iii) ________________ energy comes from burning things.
iv) _______________ is called red planet.
v) Plants and animals live on _______________.
vi) _________________ is closest to the Sun.
vii) ________________ is very hot.
viii) ________________ have space and volume.
ix) ________________ can change its states.
x) ________________ are always moving.

Q.2 Write true/false.

i) A solid can flow. ____________
ii) We can see air. ____________
iii) The shape of solid does not change. ____________
iv) Matter take up space. ____________
v) Heat can change a solid into liquid. ____________

Q.3 Choose the best answer.

1. Which soil holds the most water? (sand/ clay)
2. Which soil has less air? (sand/ clay)
3. It has fixed shape. (solid/ liquid/ gas)
4. A stone is ___________. (solid/ liquid/ gas)
5. It is hard. (solid/ liquid/ gas)

Q.4 Name the kinds of energy that is used in:

a) a fan ____________________ b) to make food in a plant __________________
c) a steamboat ____________________

Q.5 Write answer and also draw diagrams.

i) What is humus?
ii) Name the different kinds of soil.

iii) What is universe?

iv) What is star?
v) What is an orbit?
vi) What is matter?
vii) What is a solid hard?

viii) What is force?

ix) What is work?
x) What is gravity?
Q.6 Label the diagram.

my school
Final term Assessment Feb. 2020
Name : ________________________ Paper : Science
Class : Jr . IV Date :

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Total

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

i) ________________ is a non-magnetic material.
ii) ________________ magnets are used in telephones and loudspeakers.
iii) An electric spark in the sky is called_______________.
iv) Like charges __________________ each other.
v) Protons have a ________________ charge.
vi) Light travels faster than the speed of _______________.
vii) Unlike charges ________________ each other.
viii) A ________________ beam is used by doctors.
ix) A __________________ is an instrument that shows directions.
x) ___________________ gives material an electric charge.
Q.2 Write true/false.
i) Natural magnets are made of steel. ________________
ii) Plastic is an insulator. ________________
iii) Luminous bodies does not give off light. ________________
iv) Rubber is a conductor. ________________
v) The opposite poles of magnets attract each other.________________

Q.3 Choose the correct answer.

1. Electron have a _____________ charge. i) negative ii) positive iii) neutral
2. The sun gives heat and _____________ to the Earth. i) sound ii) electricity iii) light
3. The speed of light is ________________. i) 200,000 km/s ii) 300,000 km/s iii) 400,000 km/s
4. An object that can attract iron and steel is called a ______. i) metal ii) magnet iii) machine
5. Keepers stop a magnet from losing its ___________. i) magnetism ii) atoms iii) molecules

Q.4 Attempt any five questions.

a) What is everything on Earth made up of?
b) Name the particles found in an atom.
c) What is electric current?
d) What is force?
e) What is magnet?
f) What is magnetite?
g) What do machines do in order to work?

Q.5 Write answers.

a) What is conductor?
b) Describe how to magnetize a needle?
c) What is electrostatic induction?
d) What is lightning?
e) List some of things force can do?

Q.6 Name some machines that we use:

i) at home _____________________________________________________________
ii) in the office _____________________________________________________________
iii) on the road _____________________________________________________________

Q.7 Write attract or repel.

a) −−¿ = _______________
b) +−¿ = _______________
c) ++¿ = _______________
d) −+¿ = _______________

Q.8 Draw a compass

my school
Final term Assessment Feb. 2020

Name : ________________________ Paper : Science

Class : Jr . V Date :

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Total

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

i) _________________ break down dead plants and animals to form humus.
ii) ________________ is the best type of soil.
iii) The circuit contains a _________________.
iv) __________________ are used to control electrical circuit
v) Electrcity is made in a special building called _________________.
vi) A ________________ is an instrument which is used to find direction.
vii) _______________ and _______________ are non-magnetic metals.
viii) Matter has ________________ states
ix) Heavenly bodies that go around the sun are called ________________.
x) Space is the area beyond the Earth’s __________________

Q.2 Write true/ false.

i) Plastic is an insulator. ____________
ii) Electricity is made in power plants. ____________
iii) Magnetism is a visible force. ____________
iv) Topsoil is the best type of soil. ____________
v) Soft magnetic materials are difficult to magnetize. ____________

Q.3 Choose the correct answer.

i) Electrons have a _______________ charge on them. a) positive b) negative c) neutral
ii) Every atom has a nucleus surrounded by _________. a) electron b) proton c) neutron
iii) The outer layer of earth is called______________. a) topsoil b) subsoil c) core
iv) The removal of fertile layer of soil is called ________. a) erosion b) corrosion c) weathering
v) The flow of electrons is called ______________. a) current b) circuit c) switch
Q.4 Match the columns.
humus Has poor drainage.
Urea Is an organic fertilizer.
clay Is hungry soil.
Sandy soil Is absorbed by plant roots.
water Is a chemical fertilizer

Q.5 Attempt any five questions.

i) Which part of atom helps in producing electricity?
ii) What is magnetism?
iii) What is nebulae?
iv) What is magnetic force?
v) What is erosion?
vi) What is switch used for?
vii) What is an asteroid?
viii) What is galaxy?
Q.6 Attempt any five questions.
i) How stars are formed?
ii) What is solar system made up of?
iii) What are planets and moon made of?
iv) What is soil?
v) Name the components of soil?
vi) What is electrical current?
vii) What is magnetic field?

Q.7 Draw diagram.

Electrical circuit pg 82

my school
Final term Assessment Feb. 2020

Name : ________________________ Paper : Science

Class : Jr . VI Date :

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Total

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
i) Sound waves are caused by ________________.
ii) Sound cannot travel through _______________.
iii) ________________ are robot spacecrafts.
iv) ________________ orbit is an orbit of a satellite around the Earth.
v) Global positioning system is called ________________.
vi) A __________________ mirror is used as shaving mirror.
vii) A __________________ mirror curves outwards.
viii) A __________________ mirror gives a wide view.
ix) The squeezing together atoms is called __________________.
x) The splitting of atom is called_________________.
Q.2 Choose the correct answer.
i) A galaxy is a band of ________________. a) stars b) planets c) moon
ii) A shrill sound has a ______________ pitch. a) low b) high c) normal
iii) Great clouds of dust and gas in space are called a) stars b) planets c) neblue
iv) A bob tied to string is called a) yoyo b) pendulum c) waves
v) Fireworks have _______________ energy. a) chemical b) solar c) kinetic

Q.3 Write true or false.

i) In space there is no air. ___________
ii) AN orbit around the Earth is called geo-centric. ___________
iii) Concave mirror are used in car mirror. ___________
iv) Sound can be soft and loud. ___________
v) Regular to and fro movement are timber. ___________
Q.3 Match the column.
Object Description
Navigation Satellite A large space craft that stay in orbit
Communication Satellite Transmit data to aircraft to locate position
Astronomical Satellite Send back information about Earth
Earth observation Satellite Designed to study heavenly bodies
Space station Relay telephone messages, radio and tv signal

Q.4 Attempt all questions.

i) What is satellite?

ii) How does light enter our house during the days?

iii) How is speed of sound affected by changes in temperature and pressure?

iv) How are sound waves produced?

v) What is GPS. What is the function of GPS?

vi) What are fossil fuels?

Q.5 Attempt any five questions.

i) Can sound travel in vacuum? How you can prove it?
ii) What is timber?
iii) What are artificial satellites? How do they move in space?
iv) How do we get information about distant planets?
v) Describe the structure of human heart?
vi) When was the first man-made satellite was launched?
vii) Can energy be made?

Q.6 Draw and label polar and geostationary orbits.

______________________________ _____________________________
polar orbit geostationary orbit

my school
Final term Assessment Feb-Mar 2019

Name : ________________________ Paper : Science

Class : Yr . VII Date : . . 2018

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Total

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
I. River and lakes are sources of ___________water.
II. Frozen water (glaciers) is a kind of _______________ water.
III. Ground water makes ________________ % of total fresh water on Earth.
IV. Chest cavity is separated from abdominal cavity by _______________.
V. Fat molecules assimilated into _____________ acids.
VI. The flow of electric charge around the ________________ is called _______________.
VII. Work done by a battery on a ________________ to move it once around the circuit is called______________.
VIII. Opposition to the flow of current is called ______________ and its unit is _______________.
IX. Nasal cavities maintain ________________ and keep the air moist.

Q.2 Circle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following macromolecules are digested in the small intestine
Protein Lipid carbohydrate All of them
2. Movement in small intestine that churn the material to ensure mixing
Peristalsis segmentation abrasion None of these

3. Air is forced into lungs by contraction of:

diaphragm heart alveoli bronchi
4. Arteries receive blood
Oxygenated reddish Oxygenated bluish deoxygenated deoxygenated
reddish bluish
5. Deficiency of iron leads to
Heart attack anemia Artery blockage diabetes
6. Ocean water is not drinkable because;
It is polluted Has high salt It is not It is salt free
concentration filtered
7. The sludge is formed in
Coagulation Sedimentation Filtration Chlorination
phase phase phase process
8. The process of coagulation is used to remove
micro impurities macro impurities microorganisms Suspended
9. 1 kg is equal to
100g 1000g 1/100g
10. Pitch of sound depends upon:
wavelength amplitude frequency loudness

Q.3 Write true/false against each statement.

i) Lipase enzyme digest lipids. ____________
ii) The grinding of food into smaller pieces is called as chemical digestion. ____________
iii) The site of cellular respiration in alveoli. ____________
iv) Frequency is calculated by dividing 1 with time period. ____________
v) Human audible frequency range is higher than that of dog. _____________
vi) Sound comes from the same direction in stereo system. _____________
vii) Polluted water causes diseases in humans but dies not harm plants. _____________
viii) Ocean water accounts 90 percent of total water on earth. _____________
ix) Unwanted gases are removed out from water through filtration process. _____________
x) Water helps in elimination of waste material. _____________

Q.5 Answer the following questions. (Any 10)

I. What is sludge?
II. How does hydrochloric acid aid in digestion?
III. Give reason why you should not breath while eating?
IV. Differentiate between breathing and burning process?
V. How does loudness of a wave depends upon amplitude?
VI. Define distillation.
VII. Evaluate the role of ‘alum’ in water processing?
VIII. In which forms fresh water is present on Earth?
IX. Give the equation of chemical reaction to represent the process of respiratory in man?
X. Describe the role of enzymes in digestion?
XI. Differentiate between transverse and longitudinal waves?

Q.6 Attempt any four questions.

I. Describe the characteristics of sound with its diagram.
II. Discuss the sources of water?
III. Explain the distillation method and also draw its diagram.
IV. Classify the categories of impurities of water.
V. Differentiate between the inhalation and exhalation?
VI. Explain the time period and frequency?

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