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ruby [<replaceable>options</replaceable>] [--] <replaceable>program</replaceable>

require '<replaceable>library</replaceable>'
while gets # Read a line of input into $_
$F = split if $-a # Split $_ into fields if -a was specified
chop! if $-l # Chop line ending off $_ if -l was specified
# Program text here
while gets # Read a line of input into $_
$F = split if $-a # Split $_ into fields if -a was specified
chop! if $-l # Chop line ending off $_ if -l was specified
# Program text here
print # Output $_ (adding $/ if -l was specified)
Comparable FileTest Marshal Precision
Enumerable GC Math Process
Errno Kernel ObjectSpace Signal
Array File Method String
Bignum Fixnum Module Struct
Binding Float NilClass Symbol
Class Hash Numeric Thread
Continuation IO Object ThreadGroup
Data Integer Proc Time
Dir MatchData Range TrueClass
FalseClass MatchingData Regexp UnboundMethod
ArgumentError NameError SignalException
EOFError NoMemoryError StandardError
Exception NoMethodError SyntaxError
FloatDomainError NotImplementedError SystemCallError
IOError RangeError SystemExit
IndexError RegexpError SystemStackError
Interrupt RuntimeError ThreadError
LoadError ScriptError TypeError
LocalJumpError SecurityError ZeroDivisionError
BasicObject FiberError Mutex VM
Fiber KeyError StopIteration
# Print all modules (excluding classes)
puts {|x| eval(x.to_s).instance_of? Module}

# Print all classes (excluding exceptions)

puts {|x|
c = eval(x.to_s)
c.is_a? Class and not c.ancestors.include? Exception

# Print all exceptions

puts {|x|
c = eval(x.to_s)
c.instance_of? Class and c.ancestors.include? Exception
ruby -e 'puts Module.constants.sort.reject{|x| eval(x.to_s).is_a? Module}'
ruby -e 'puts global_variables.sort'
ruby -rEnglish -e 'puts global_variables.sort'
block_given? iterator? loop require
callcc lambda proc throw
catch load raise
format print puts sprintf
gets printf readline
p putc readlines
chomp chop gsub scan sub
chomp! chop! gsub! split sub!
` fork select system trap
exec open syscall test
abort at_exit exit exit! fail warn
binding set_trace_func
caller singleton_method_added
eval singleton_method_removed
global_variables singleton_method_undefined
local_variables trace_var
method_missing untrace_var
Array Float Integer String
autoload rand srand
autoload? sleep
ruby -n -e 'print if /^A/' datafile
print if $_ =~ /^A/
os = `uname` # String literal and method invocation in one
os = %x{uname} # Another quoting syntax
os = Kernel.`("uname") # Invoke the method explicitly
files = `echo *.xml`
pipe = open("|echo *.xml")
files = pipe.readline
fork {
puts "Hello from the child process: #$$"
puts "Hello from the parent process: #$$"
pid = fork
if (pid)
puts "Hello from parent process: #$$"
puts "Created child process #{pid}"
puts Hello from child process: #$$"
open("|-", "r+") do |child|
if child
# This is the parent process
child.puts("Hello child") # Send to child
response = child.gets # Read from child
puts "Child said: #{response}"
# This is the child process
from_parent = gets # Read from parent
STDERR.puts "Parent said: #{from_parent}"
puts("Hi Mom!") # Send to parent
open("|-", "r") do |child|
if child
# This is the parent process
files = child.readlines # Read the output of our child
# This is the child process
exec("/bin/ls", "-l") # Run another executable
trap "SIGINT" {
puts "Ignoring SIGINT"
fail "Unknown option #{switch}"
$SAFE=1 # upgrade the safe level
$SAFE=4 # upgrade the safe level even higher
$SAFE=0 # SecurityError! you can't do it
Thread.start { # Create a "sandbox" thread
$SAFE = 4 # Restrict execution in this thread only
... # Untrusted code can be run here
Dir.chdir File.truncate Process.egid=
Dir.chroot File.umask Process.fork
Dir.mkdir IO.fctrl Process.kill
Dir.rmdir IO.ioctl Process.setpgid
File.chmod Kernel.exit! Process.setpriority
File.chown Kernel.fork Process.setsid
File.flock Kernel.syscall
File.lstat Kernel.trap
def safe_eval(str)
Thread.start { # Start sandbox thread
$SAFE = 4 # Upgrade safe level
eval(str) # Eval in the sandbox
}.value # Retrieve result

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