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2 Cartography


4 Water Mill

5 Sundial

6 Doomwatch dragons

7 Egyptian Eye Makeup

8 Printing Press

9 Gunpowder

10 Eyeglasses

11 Microscope

12 Paper Money
13 Hourglass

14 Wheelbarrow

15 Spinning wheel

16 LED Light

17 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner

18 Telephone

19 Credit Card

20 Bionic Arm (Bioprosthetics)

21 3D Printing

22 World Wide Web/ Internet

23 WI-FI





29 Light Bulb

30 Airplane

31 Internet


33 WIG

34 Silk


Antikythera Mechanism

38 Wheel

39 ALARM CLOCK/Water Clock/Clepsydra

40 Transatlantic Telegram
Method of preserving/treating the
dead body
The study and practice of making maps.
Anaximander was the first of the ancient Greeks to draw a map of the known world and as such he
is considered to be one of the first cartographers.
Inventor/s: Ancient Egyptians
For writing purposes: Important because it was use for record keeping (most common)

- Metal shaping
- Agriculture
- Milling = to grind grain
Function: indicates the time of the day
and for the sake of hemicycle, it
specifies seasons as well as the time of

2000 years old Earthquake Detector:Invented by Chinese

astronomer Zhang Heng in 132 AD.
-used to protect the skin from the sun (kohl was believed to
repel flies and ward off infections,
among other things)
-offer protection against evil (eyes without makeup
were thought to be
vulnerable to the evil Eye)

Inventor: Johann Gutenberg

Function or Purpose:
● To address the need for publishing books that would spread information to many people at a
faster rate
● Also made works accessible to individuals who could not even write
Inventor: Ancient Chinese Alchemist

Around 850 AD, ancient Chinese alchemist were

experimenting with potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur, as they were trying to find
a potion for immortality but ended up creating an explosion. It was initially used for
fireworks before used in warfare.
Inventor: Alessandro della Spina
Function or Purpose:
● The ground quartz magnifying lenses could help people with long and
short sight

Inventor: Zacharia Janssen

Function or purpose: Humans can see smallest things as wide as a hair,suddenly we
saw a new world of living things in our water in our food and etc.

Paper bills were first used by the Chinese, who started carrying folding money during the Tang
Dynasty (A.D. 618-907) — mostly in the form of privately issued bills of credit or exchange
notes.They made paper money because their devalued coins were becoming too heavy to carry.
Inventor: Liutprand (French Monk - 8th Century AD)
Function or Purpose:
● Used to measure the passage of time
● It was ideal for ocean travel because the bobbing
waves didn’t affect its accuracy

Inventor: Shu Han, Zhuge Liang

Function or purpose: Wheelbarrow is designed to be pushed and guided by a single
person using two handles to the rear or a sail may be used to guide the ancient
wheelbarrow by wind. The modern user of the wheelbarrow lifts up the handles and
pushes the device forward, using the wheel to lighten the load. Wheelbarrows may be
used to transport garden soil.
Inventor: James Hargreaves
Function or purpose:
Early machine for turning fibre into thread or yarn

Invention: Light-emitting Diode

Inventor: Nick Holonyak invented the first visible LED light (color red) in 1962
Function / Purpose: It is a semiconductor device made up of gallium arsenide phosphide that emits
visible light when an electric current passes through it. The output can range from red to blue-
violet according to its wavelength.

Inventor: Raymond Vahan Damadian

Function or Purpose: Radiologic way of forming images of the anatomy and physiological processes
of the human body in both health and disease.

Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell

Function or purpose: Device that converts sound and electrical waves into audible relays, and is
used for communication.

The idea of the credit card came to Frank McNamara in 1949 while he was having dinner at a
restaurant in New York City. When it was time to pay the bill, McNamara realized he had forgotten
his wallet. McNamara negotiated his way out of washing dishes to pay for his dinner by signing for
it instead and promising to pay the restaurant back.

Inventor: David Gow (1993)

Function or Purpose:
To give a replacement arm to those who lost there arm from an accident, disease or war.

Inventor: Charles W. Hull (1984)

Function or Purpose:
> turn digital files containing three-dimensional data—whether created on a CAD or CAM program,
or from a 3D scanner—into physical objects.

Inventor:Tim Berners Lee Function or Purpose: It is an information space where documents and
other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext
links, and can be accessed via the Internet.

Inventor: John O’ Sullivan, Terrence Percival, Diethelm Ostry, John Deane, Graham Daniels

Function: WiFi is a technology that uses radio waves to provide network connectivity.
Quarantine, was derived from the Italian words quaranta giorni which mean 40 days.
Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious
disease to see if they become sick.

A device used to determine the cardinal points of the Earth, namely North, South, East and West

The earliest medieval European clockmakers were Catholic monks. Medieval religious institutions
required clocks because they regulated daily prayer- and work-schedules strictly, using various
types of time-telling and recording devices, such as water clocks, sundials and marked candles,
probably in combination.

To turn and break up soil
To bury crop residues
To help control weed growth

The invention and widespread adoption of the heavy plough was the most important element in
the agricultural revolution.

It was Joseph Swan who invented the first working light bulb on February 3, 1879

It helps you travel long distances in a short amount of time. INVENTORS: WRIGHT BROTHERS Orville
Wright & Wilbur Wright

Interconnects the world to share culture and ideas. Invented by ARPA for military purposes.

-known as the first writing system. -a system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols
which are carved on clay using wedge instruments. -allowed the sumerians to keep records with
historical value.

Worn for health and wellness rather than for aesthetic purposes.
Used to protect the shaved heads of the wealthy Egyptians from the harmful rays of the sun.
Considered cleaner than natural hair.

naturally produced by silk worms.

the Chinese were the ones who developed the technology to harvest the silk and process it to
produce paper and clothing.

1st Century AD
An “Aeolipile” or a “Hero’s Engine”
A steam turbine
Invented by Heron Alexandrinus

An ancient Greek analogue computer and orrery used to predict astronomical positions and
eclipses for calendar and astrological purposes decades in advance.
Could also be used to track the four-year cycle of athletic games
It is a complex clockwork mechanism composed of at least 30 meshing bronze gears.
INVENTOR: Ancient Egyptians
PURPOSE/INVENTION: To transport and fighting ships, and were in use long before western ships
that included such features ; used as trade vessels, by explorers, to transport cargo, and as

Invention: Wheel
Inventor: Mesopotamians
Purpose: To carry more load efficiently without exerting much effort. Wheels are used to move
something easier as there is less friction involved when pushing the object.
How it was invented at that time: Initially used as a pottery wheel, the ancient Mesopotamians
realized that it could also be applied to other things such as chariots, wheelbarrows, and many
invented by the Mesopotamians,
invented in 3500 B.C.
evidence suggests that the first wheels weren’t used for transportation, but as a pottery wheel at
Wheels were first discovered on an ancient wagon, where two ancient wheels were attached to an
axle, where they work simultaneously.

Alarm clock one of the most commonly used gadget these day, but in Ancient era Ctesibius an
ancient greek engineer, physicist and mathematician who lived in Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egypt
invented the first Alarm Clock or Known as Water Clock during the Ancient Era.
The water clock was invented with the purpose of tracking time. Ctesibus made a system of
dropping peddles on a gong to make a sound which is the first alarm clock. The dropping peddles
were set to end at a specific time.

Inventor: Guglielmo Marconi : First long-distance wireless communication

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