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Guidance Work Sample Rational

Suggested rationale for each work sample:

My work sample for Guidance is the classrooms safe space. It fits this category because it gives
teachers an area that they can guide children to use when they need a break from something or to just
calm down. I will use this in the future by giving children the option to use the safe space. I chose it as
the best example of my work because it provides an area for children to go and be alone knowing they
are safe. This area also prevents bigger issues or behaviors from happening. I learned about guidance
that there are many different ways to guide children’s behaviors. There are some ways of guidance that
work great for one child, but they don’t work at all for a different child. Children may just need to be
guided and told they are safe to make decisions that are best and safe for themselves. Children’s
behaviors are often mistaken and are they are often unaware if their behavior was in the right or wrong.
I’ve applied the knowledge I’ve gained by looking deeper into situations and trying to understand they
child’s behaviors at their level. My work sample shows my understanding of how it is possible to
guide children while creating a sense of self-discipline in a child by making the child aware of the
outcome from their action. If they hurt another child, showing them how that child they hurt is feeling
what they need to do to fix that situation.

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