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The Registry Preschool Credential

Self-Assessment: Diversity
Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.

Give examples of situations that show you treat all children with equal respect and consideration.
I talk to all children the same and do not show any type of favoritism towards one or another. I listen to
every child when talking to me and never ignore someone on purpose.

Give examples of situations where you offer activities and talk to children to build positive self-
identity and valuing of differences in children.
An activity would be in the morning everyone participating in the safe keeper box. Each child puts a
picture of themselves in the box so they know that they are safe and are committing to keeping
themselves safe throughout the day as well as others.

Give examples of situations where you are aware of and avoid using stereotypes in language
references – firefighter instead of fireman, etc.
An example would be when I talk about a nurse a always seem to refer to a nurse as a girl. It happens
out of habit but I need to remind myself as well as the children that nurses can be boys or girls.

Give an example of a situation where you did or would intervene when children might tease or reject
An example is when I was braiding a little girls hair she started teasing another girl with different hair
texture that her can cant be braided cause it looks different. I intervened and said everyone can have a
braid in her hair and showed her by braiding the other girls hair.

Give some examples of what you would consider to be stereotypical language or bias toward or
against a child or group, and how you might respond if you saw or heard these from adults or children
in your classroom.
Something that I would consider to be stereotypical against a child or a group of children would be
calling on the children that were able to do something that the other children couldn’t. I would pull the
teacher aside and explain to her my feelings about it because she may not even realize she’s doing it.

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Diversity
Describe the materials provided in the preschool environment to address a range of diversity (dolls,
play props, books, pictures, posters, play food, clothing items, etc.) Explain how the materials reflect
the lives of the children and families in your program as well as the diversity found in society,
including gender, age, language, and abilities – no stereotypical representations (images of members of
ethnic groups in only traditional garb or only females in nurturing roles, only males as construction
workers or doctors, etc.), reflect range of diversity, especially children and families in the program.
Give examples of materials that could be added.
Materials that are provided in the environment are dolls, foods, dress up clothing, books, posters, signs,
labels in different languages, and pictures of families. These materials reflect the lives of children
because it is different diversities that they come into contact with everyday and for them to realize that
all of these things are normal and none of them are seen as different to them. They realize that things
may look different but are a norm and part of everyday life. Materials that could be added are toys that
any child could play with including handicap especially out on the playground.

Scoring Guide
Scoring Standard
You must achieve a rating of at least 2 on each criterion to demonstrate competence.

Rating Scale
3 = All criteria are completed, with examples of situations given that illustrate skill in that criterion.
Descriptions provide clear evidence of mastery.

2 = Most or all criteria are completed. Some examples are given, but there is only partial evidence of
mastery of all criteria.

1 = Many criteria are only partially completed, with no examples given or only weak evidence of mastery
of some criteria.

0 = Incomplete form. Many criteria have little or no description or examples given to illustrate mastery.

Criteria Student Ratings Instructor Rating

Each section (box) of the Self- 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
Assessment is completed in detail which
meets this category
Each section of the Self-Assessment is 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Diversity
concise providing detailed examples of
each description.
Self-assessment demonstrates reflection 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
of the category offering examples and
Self -Assessment is clear and complete 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
with no grammar or spelling errors
Self-Assessment is on time and includes 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
a completed scoring guide
Total points Possible: ________/15 ___15_____/15

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