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The Constitution • The enduring challenges to Philippine

society may be rooted to colonialism,

1. The fundamental law, which establishes but not exclusively. This means our
the character and basic principles of the study of the Philippine past must be
government. focused not just in the colonial
2. The basic political principles on which a “periods” but also the nation-building
state is governed, making clear the efforts taken by Filipinos themselves.
rights of the individual and limiting the
powers of the government.

1. Does studying history help us solve

Eight constitutions that governed the today’s problems? How?
2. What are examples of societal issues
1. Biak-na-Bato (1897) that concern us today that could be
2. Malolos (1899) rooted in history?

3. Act of the United State Congress 3. How do we become productive citizens

by contributing to the discussion of
4. Commonwealth and Third republic national issues of the day?

5. Second Republic (1943)

6. The New Society and the Fourth
Republic (1973) 1. Yes, by showing us how these problems
developed through time, and the efforts
7. Freedom Constitution to solve them. If these efforts failed, we
may be able to learn from them and
8. 1987 Constitution
propose better solutions in the future.

2. There are many answers to this ‒

DISCUSSION POINTS constitution, agrarian reform, taxation,
election, and many others.
• History shows us the evolution of
Philippine institutions. The challenges 3. Contribution to the national discussion
these institutions face today may be is one thing. But what we contribute
overcome by tracing their development matters. Through studying history, we
in the past. could base our opinions on solid facts,
facts that make our assertions more
• History does not offer solutions to substantive.
problems of today. What it offers is
tools by which we can understand LESSON SUMMARY
today’s challenges.
• Philippine institutions evolved through
time. Through history, we are provided
with tools to situate and analyze the
problems that these institutions face

• It is through further retrospection that

we may be able to find solutions, but
we must not lose sight of present
conditions and variables.

LESSON OUTCOME The Biak-na-bato Republic

• Effectively communicate, using various - On November 1, 1897, a republic was

techniques and genres, their historical established by Gen. Aguinaldo in Biak-
analysis of a particular event or issue na-bato (now San Miguel de Mayumo,
that could help others understand the Bulacan).
chosen topic - It had constitution which was to take
effect for 2 years only.
• Propose recommendations/solutions to - It declared that the aim of the
present-day problems based on their revolutions was the “separation of the
understanding of root causes and their Philippines from the Spanish monarchy
anticipation of future scenarios and their formation into an
independent state.”
• Display the ability to work in a team and
contribute to a group project - The Biak-na-bato Republic lasted up to
December 15, 1897, with the the
conclusion of the “Pact of Biak-na-
Final coverage's - Lesson 4: 2

Biak-na-Bato Constitution (1897)

• On November 1, 1897, Aguinaldo was
1. Drafted by Isabelo Artacho and Felix again elected as President if Biak-na-
Ferrer and based on the First Cuban bato Republic.
Constitution. • On June 23, 1898 to January 23, 1899
he became president of the second
2. Made after a meeting of the
revolutionary government.
revolutionary government on
• January 23, 1899 he became
November 1, 1897 at Biak-na-Bato in
president of the first Philippine
town of San Miguel de Mayumo in
Bulacan where the Republic of Biak-na-
• Pres. Aguinaldo was captured by the
Bato was established.
Americans at Palawan, Isabela on
March 23, 1901. He surrendered and
the Philippines became a colony of the
United States.
- The Philippines Constitution is the - The political constitution of 1899,
fundamental law of the land. informally known as Malolos
- The President exercised legislative Constitution, was the basic law of the
power at the adoption of the 1986 First Philippine Republic.
freedom constitution. - It was written by Felipe Calderon y
- The 1987 Constitution was framed by Roca and Felipe Buencamino as an
the Constitutional Assembly. alternative to a pair of proposals to the
- The appointed members of the Malolos Congress by Apolinario Mabini
constitutional Commission and Pedro Paterno. After a lengthy
promulgated the 1987 constitution. debate in the latter part of 1898, it was
- In 1976 amendment to the 1973 allow enacted on January 21, 1899.
the incumbent president to hold the
position of president.
- Highly controversial issue in the 1973 Malolos Constitution (1899) 1st
constitution removing the president Republic
term limit.
- The 1935 constitution used by the - The Malolos Constitution was the first
Philippine government from the republican constitution in Asia.
commonwealth period until 1973. - It declared that sovereignty resides
- After 1973 constitution Modified exclusively in the people, stated basic
Parliamentary system of government civil rights, separated the church and
was installed under 1973 constitution state, and called for the creation of an
under Marcos regime. Assembly of Representatives to act as
- Malolos Constitution is the First the legislative body.
Republican Constitution in Asia. - It also called for a Presidential form of
- Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act. A law government with the president elected
modified the structure of the for a term of 4 years by a majority of
Philippines government by removing the Assembly.
the Philippine Commission as the - It was titled “Constitucion politica”,
legislative as upper house replacing it and was written in Spanish following
with Senate elected by Filipino voters. the declaration of independence from
- Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act. It is the Spain, proclaimed on January 20, 1899,
independence Law of the Philippines, and was enacted and ratified by the
introduced United State Congress which Malolos Congress, a Congress held in
provided for the Philippine Assembly. Malolos, Bulacan.
- Commonwealth is a form of
government under 1935 constitution.
The Malolos Constitution is unique for
Final 3 3 reasons
Malolos Constitution
- Because of the provisions making the
Assembly of the legislative branch
superior to either the executive or the - Senate is under the congress (100
judicial branch. elected senators; 2 senators per senate)
- Because it provided for a Permanent - House of Representatives is also under
Commission to sit as a legislative body the congress (435 elected rep. in total;
when the Assembly was not in session. reps based on each state’s population).
- Because it established a unicameral
legislature. Executive
- Calderon feared the predominance of - Carries out laws
the ignorant military elements which - President is under the executive
were solidly behind Aguinaldo. - Under president is the vice and cabinet
- Calderon made provision for the (cabinet is nominated by the president
creation of a Permanent Commission, and must be approved by the senate –
composed of Assembly delegates, with at least 51 votes)
which would sit as a legislative body
when the Assembly was not in session.
- By this method, the executive could not Judicial
usurp the powers that could make him - Evaluates laws
powerful enough to institute an - Supreme court is under the judicial (9
“oligarchy of ignoramuses”. justices nominated by the president and
must be approved by the senate – at
least 51 votes)
- Other federal courts are also under the

An Act of Congress is a statute enacted

by the United States Congress. It can
either be a Public Law, relating to the
general public, or a Private Law, relating
to specific institutions or individuals.
The term can be used in other countries
with a legislaturenamed "Congress",
such as the Congress of the Philippines.
Philippine Legal System – Government
3 branches of government: Tydings – Mcduffie Act
Executive Joseph Tydings and John Mcduffie
Judiciary - In 1934, the US Congress, having
originally passed the Hare-Hawes-
Legislative Cutting Act as a Philippine
- Make laws Independence Act over President
- Congress is under the legislative Hoover’s refusal, only to have the law
rejected by the Philippine legislature,
finally passed a new Philippine
Independence Act, popularly known as
the Tydings-Mcduffie Act. The law
provided for the granting of Philippine
independence by 1946.

Jose P. Laurel
- 2nd republic of the Philippines
- October 14, 1943 – August 17, 1945
- Era: 3rd president of the Philippines –
President of the 2nd republic
- Constitution: 1943 constitution

1973 Constitution
- Main purpose before Martial Law:
1. To reflect genuine Philippine
independence and sovereignty.

- Main purposes after Martial Law:

1. To change the present government
to parliamentary form.
2. To give Marcos more power and
postpone the incoming 1973

- Ratification was done through citizen’s

- Created in accordance with the
declaration of Martial Law and the New
- Lasted until the People Power
Revolution 1986.

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