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Roofing Contractor In Charleston SC: Metal Roof vs Asphalt Roof: The

Complete Comparison Guide

What Is The Difference Between Metal And Asphalt Shingle Roof?

Roofing Contractor In Charleston SC

Having a roof over your home is essential, and it may be argued that the roof is the most
important surface in it. It does not only protect the things on the inside and all other
portions of it, it also keeps its occupants safe. The roof prevents rain, sun, wind, hail,
and snow from hitting your head. They additionally intercept the majority of the
sunlight and help to give protection and insulation to keep your bodies warm in the
winter and cool in the summer. With such significant function it plays, it is very
important that your roof does not only look good in the outside, but also performs well
under seasonal stress.
A damaged roof can be expensive in a greater number of ways than just the repair costs.
The repair itself probably will not be cheap, but postponing important maintenance or
repairs can lead to deterioration and bigger, costlier problems down the road. A leaky
roof can leave your furniture damaged, your flooring ruined, and even bring trouble to
your electrical framework should you be unfortunate. In light of this, most home owners
give much consideration to the durability of a roof over anything else and when deciding
among the most reliable and durable roofing materials available in the market.
Asphalt shingles have long been recognized in the industry for their unwavering quality,
cost-viability, and ease of maintenance, making them the most popular roofing material
on the market today. But nowadays, there is a variety of options that also deserve
consideration—especially metal, the second most popular roofing material. Well, thanks
to its durability, prolonged lifespan, and a wide selection of styles and design.
Deciding between these two can be tough since both materials are great options for
residential roofing, but one may be better suited to your needs. Below are the differences
between metal and asphalt shingle roofing that can help you decide which roofing
material works better for you.

Metal roofs are built to last. The typical lifespan for a metal roof is around 30-50 years.
In fact, some metals, like zinc and copper, can last 100 years or more!
Typical asphalt shingle roofs, on the other hand, only last 12–25 years at most.
Metal roofs can endure almost anything Mother Nature tosses at them---they are highly
resistant to extreme weather, including hail (which can easily bruise and crack asphalt),
wind-driven rain, snow, and ice. They can also withstand winds up to 120 mph due to
the interlocking pattern of the panels. With these, you will see that they often come with
30- to 50-year guarantees, and even carry on with life expectancies of 40 to 70 years.
Asphalt shingles, on the other hand, will more likely be easily blown off of a roof, leaving
spots susceptible to moisture penetration. These come with 15-to 30-year guarantees,
depending on the region, environmental condition, and climate.

Ease Of Installment And Replacement

Shingles require less time and labor for both installation and replacement. Shingles
come pre-fabricated and ready to be instantly attached to the deck (unless cuts are
When it comes to installing a metal roof, you will need to handle finished panels that
could be unwieldy and inconvenient, attach the metal panels to the decking using screws
instead of a nail gun, connect the panels all together, and finally install the flashing
(usually consists of multiple metal pieces). All of this requires more time, work, and skill
on the part of the installer.

Initial Cost
Shingles are less expensive than metal roofing up front, typically less than half the price
of a metal roof, which offers a great deal to a lot of home owners. This fact alone
accounts for the vast majority of shingle installations.
Long term, however, a metal roof takes the lead and could spare home owners a great
deal of cash. You could end up having to replace your shingle roof two or three times
over the life expectancy of a single metal roof. Metal is also more durable (requiring
fewer repairs) and lower maintenance than asphalt shingles.

The level of maintenance needed to maintain a metal roof is usually minimal, especially
if your metal roof is properly installed. The manufacturer’s support guide will give
guidelines and instructions on the most proficient method to care for your new roof,
however, general maintenance would include looking for leaves, branches, and other
debris that could get stuck on the roof and in the gutters several times each year.
Asphalt roofs, however, require regular seasonal inspections, repairs, maintenance, and
shingle replacement.
Repair Cost
Asphalt shingles are easier to repair than metal panels. A roofing contractor can replace
a single shingle or fix an area with relative ease. Repairs are more difficult with metal
roofing since most of the metal used is made in sheets. It is also due to the manner in
which it is installed and how the sheets are connected all throughout.

Fire Resistance
If you happen to live in a dry region that is prone to wildfires like California and
southern areas near, you would be better off with a metal roof. Metal is noncombustible,
unlike asphalt.

One of the main benefits of metal roofing is that it is a lightweight material. For one, it is
simpler for the roofers to deal with and transport up on the roof during the roll forming
and installation process. Two, it does not weigh down and place more stress on your
building’s structure (unlike asphalt), which reduces frame damage and preserves the
integrity of the building over time.

Design Options
Both roofing materials offer a variety of color and design options for every residential
style. While shingle roofs have a traditional look of their own, at the present time, they
are being manufactured to mimic the appearance of slate, tile and wood shakes. You can
notice them with scalloped edges ideal for Victorian homes or with an earthenware look
suitable for a Mediterranean home. They also offer wide-ranging color palette and a host
of different finishes as well.
Traditionally, metal roofs were made of corrugated tin sheets (called standing-seam
metal) that invoke pictures of horse barns or sheds. But metal roofing—in zinc,
aluminum, galvanized metals and even copper in addition to tin— has made
considerable progress from the farm. You will see metal roofing that suits less rustic,
more refined structures, from contemporaries to Victorians, in a range of hues and
finishes, and in shingle, record, and shake styles.

Choosing The Better Material For Your Roof

Since you can almost certainly have the idea on what design you will need for your roof,
do not let the external appearance be the deciding factor; rather, choose the material
that will perform best for you.
CMS Roofing Contractors in Charleston installs both shingle and metal roofs. If you are
interested in metal, it is recommended to consider stone-coated steel. But if you are
leaning more towards asphalt shingles, consider the more durable architectural
shingles, which can last much longer than traditional shingles.

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