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An Analysis on the English Teachers Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension

Qualitative research
A. Background of the study
The language learning paradigm has experienced a shift since the change in the
1984 curriculum to the 1994 curriculum. This shift was marked by a change in learning
orientation when the 1984 Curriculum was implemented. When the 1984 Curriculum
was implemented, learning focused on mastering grammatical things. Meanwhile, the
1994 curriculum which was changed to the 2004 curriculum and then refined to the
2006 curriculum requires learning oriented to the development of 4 language skills,
namely: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Learning orientation on the four skills aims to improve students' ability to
communicate both orally and in writing. However, the state of English learning in
schools does not lead students towards the achievement of language proficiency.
According to Sumardi (in Sumardi, 1992: 206) in the learning process, teachers dominate
learning. Teachers provide more knowledge in the form of theory and knowledge of
language rather than prioritizing language skills both oral and written.
Maksan (in Sutama, 1998) stated that students could not be said to be able to
speak (English) properly and correctly, both verbally and in writing, at every level of
school, starting from elementary to high school. In addition, Alwi said (1999: 1)
"Speaking of the quality of language learning today, we honestly say that the quality is
still low." Various factors cause students to fail including failing in the UN. Like the low
interest of students to learn English. Many students do not have the motivation to learn
One strategy that must be managed and implemented by the teacher when
approved in class is the reading strategy. Wallace (1992: 57) states that reading
strategies are a process of unity that cannot be subdivided into part skills. This means
that as a process, the reading strategy discusses how to process text that will vary with
the text, the reader's purpose, and the context of the conversation.
The importance of reading strategies is discussed implicitly in the 2006
Indonesian National Curriculum. In this curriculum, stated as the goal of teaching
reading, as one of the four main skills, in English in junior high school is to seek help for
students to read and get messages which is read from certain reading texts (BSNP,
2006). Related to the essence of this curriculum, Nuttal (1996: 4) This means about the
process of how to convert messages from text. In the same vein, Nunan (1999: 249)
revealed that a significant amount of time, money and effort was spent on reading
teaching in primary and secondary schools throughout the world.
From understanding the meaning of the text, the reader needs an understanding
strategy. This is supported by (Hillerich, 1983: 125) which states the main purpose for
reading is understanding. This means what is meant by a strategy to break the written
text. Many strategies for studying teaching reading have been developed by experts
such as Hillerich (1983), Tierney (1990), and Anderson (1999). The theory of reading
strategies was also proposed by Brown (2001) which provides an assessment of reading
strategies related to bottom-up procedures and top-down processes. Meanwhile,
Logsdon (2007) puts together the PQ4R Strategy which stands for Preview, Question,
Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review to help students improve reading comprehension. In
addition, Barnet (1988), Wallace (1992) and NCLRC (2007) pre-read, while reading-and
post-reading activities.
This strategy determines the important role of a teacher to achieve the goal of
understanding teaching reading. In general, there are two basic responsibilities of a
teacher in teaching language in the classroom; to provide a rich language learning
environment and support students in language use (Lindfors, 1989). This means that an
English teacher must make two components in a specific teaching reading teaching
reading. Regarding the teacher's role in understanding reading, Wallace (1992: 58)
discusses the teacher with strategies that will facilitate the reader in the reading course
to obtain results in the form of answers to questions that understand how to read the
reading assignment.
Departing from the problem has not been achieved the purpose of teaching
reading comprehension above, many experts put forward the reasons and causes why
did this happen. Strategy of understanding of a text between a learner and learner
others, for example, are believed to be one of the causes. There are those who are able
to understand the entire contents of the text with good and there are also them, with
conditions and text the same, only being able to understand part of it. So that, some
experts argue that to understand the text in a manner. Well, readers need a powerful
reading strategy. Based on the learner's knowledge of strategy reading good
understanding, they will try to choose and use the most appropriate strategy. The
selection and use of the right strategy is possible is one of the supports of success or
may also reduce the understanding of the text being read.
There are several results of research that show that the diversity of strategies for
teaching reading there is a negative influence on the ability of understanding readers in
addition to some are positive. For example, there are studies that have found that
teaching techniques that require readers to read word-text is no longer suitable for all-
time the student. Lecturer efforts to involve the background of the the learner's
knowledge in teaching reading. Understanding very positive effect on developing rates
reading skills.
Related to many previous studies have provided a portrait that discusses the
strategy of reading, researching, thinking it is important to discuss more about the
strategies of the teachers used and provide responses to students about the strategies
of teachers who are in the discussion of reading. In this case, this study supports
understanding English and students who are learning to read in the right texts in one of
the junior high schools.

B. Identification of the problem

C. Limitation of the problem
D. Formulation of the problem
E. The Objectives of the study
F. The significance of the study

Background of the study

Find 2 theories
3 jurnal
Summarize background

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