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A Type of Friendship: “Best Friends”

Have you ever heard a person saying that he or she doesn’t have friends? Of course, this is a
big lie. Making friends is part of us. We find and make friends in every season of our life:
childhood, school life, university, work, and so. And being always with us, all of them have had
a great significance in our lives. Can we imagine a life without friends? No, it wouldn’t be
worth living like that. Friends are very important although sometimes, according time goes by
and we understand things clearly, we see that there are many types of them, but even in that
great group of different kinds of people and behaviors, there’s one in who we can trust and
count no matter the situation. In this essay, I’m going to talk about best friends.

Do you like playing soccer? Who can be the best person to play with but your best friend? A
best friend is that person that you will never regret of having met him or her. It’s someone that
has become in a very important part of you, a partner that has accompanied you not only in
happy moments but in the hard ones too, and someone that having known you needed help,
his hand was always willing to help you. That’s what a best friend is. Perhaps, you can know a
lot of people and call some of them your “friends”, but a best friend is somebody special. And
what can make a “friend” a “best friend”? You usually have many things in common with your
best friend. Maybe both can be good at cooking or can be used to going to the movies every
week, but there’s something true and this is what connect them: both enjoy being together.
Liking the same movie, playing video games together, go running in the mornings or even hate
their father’s talking about life are just a little part of their friendship. Remember, loyalty and
sincerity are the funds of a good friendship.

So if you are still angry about not having been invited by your “best” friend to his party, BE
CAREFUL because perhaps, he or she can be just one of those many “friends” we meet in our
lives but not real friends. Having real friends is a gift and we have to be grateful for having met

-What’s a best friend?

-Will best friends be always with us?
-What’s the difference between a friend and a best friend?
-How important do I consider my best friend?
-A person without friends doesn’t exist.
-Best friends have many things in common (likes and dislikes)
-There are many types of friends.
-What are the bases of a real friendship?
-What do I enjoy doing with my best friend?
-A best friend cannot want or make something bad for you.
-Best friends enjoy being together.

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