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Subject : English Score Parent’s sign

Description : Mid Term Test

Name :
Grade :

Put the words in brackets into the gaps, mind the positive or the negative forms
Example: ___________ your books ( to open )
Answer : Open your books!
1. ___________ upstairs ( to go )
2. ___________ in this lake ( not / to swim )
3. ___________ your homework ( to do )
4. ___________ football in the yard ( not / to play )
5. ___________ your teeth ( to brush )
6. ___________ during the lesson ( not / to talk )
7. ___________ the animals in the zoo ( not / to feed )
8. ___________ the instruction ( to read )
9. ___________ late for school ( not / to be )
10. ___________ your mobile phone ( to switch off )

Put in the correct question tag!.

Example : Peter works in the shop, ___________ ?
Answer : Peter works in the shop, doesn’t he ?

1. She is collecting sticker, ___________?

2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ___________?
3. You have cleaned your bike, ___________ ?
4. Jhon and Max don’t like Maths, ___________?
5. Peter played handball yesterday, ___________?
6. They are going home from school, ___________?
7. Mary didn’t do her homework last Monday, ___________?
8. Joni is a teacher, ___________?
9. Kevin will come tonight, ___________ ?
10. He was a clever student in your class , ___________ ?
Write a short reply for each questions!
Example : Did You speak to Kate ? Yes , I did
1. Have you been to Brazil? Yes, ___________
2. Do you play golf? No, ___________
3. Does Jhon play rugby ? Yes, ___________
4. Can you speak German ? Yes, ___________
5. Are you coming with us ? No, ___________
6. Do we have English homework today? Yes, ___________
7. Is Mary a teacher? No, ___________
8. Are your parents from Egypt? Yes, ___________
9. Has Jhon returned the car? Yes, ___________
10. Did she go to New York last week? No, ___________

Complete the following the sentences with the correct “ questions words”
Example : ……… will meet the student’s parents next week? The teacher
Who will meet the student’s parents next week ? The teacher

1. …………… do they study every Tuesday morning? English

2. …………… does the teacher explain the lesson? In front of the class
3. …………… doesn’t Harry go to school? Because he is sick
4. …………… T-shirt do you like, red or blue ? The red one
5. …………… cooks rice in the kitchen? Mother

Arrange the words to make a correct sentence

1. Go / now / home / will / I

2. Give / the present / tomorrow / we / him / will
3. Was / in hospital / last week / he
4. In Greece / spend / I / will / next year / my holiday
5. Tonight / want / to the cinema / to go / we

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