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Performance Review – UNIT 31 (LINKED TO UNIT 1)

This document should be completed at the end of the project. This allows students to
record the reflection and evaluation of their own learning through the project and to
consider their individual performance.

Name: Jack O’Hara

Project title: THE WAR FOR EARTH

• What was the project supposed to accomplish?

The project was created with the intention of showing thee issues of climate change
in a different light. I intentionally avoided using the documentary format to make
sure that younger audiences were able to see the message in a way that is easier
for them to follow along with while also showing an older audience the same
message in a new way to hopefully atch their attention, too.

• Did the project succeed in its aims? How do you know? Specifically, please
outline any evaluation and assessment undertaken.

I feel as if the project has succeeded in it’s aims because out of all of the people I
have shown they have enjoyed the approach that I have taken and have said that it
has gave them a new understanding for the global epidemic known as climate

• What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the
project (e.g. initial inception, project activities and project outcomes) from a
range of perspectives.

I think that most, if not all of my project was well worked or went to plan. From the
initial idea, the finished product has not changed much since then and has even
gotten better in some aspects. It was also nice to get out and get a look at the park
because it had been a while since the last time I had visited. I feel as if it inspired me
to do that sort of thing more often as I have been back a few times since then in my
own time outside of making this project.

• What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was
there timely identification of issues and resolution during the project

One of the constraints I had with making this product was the final edit; it was
much more challenging than I had initially thought it would be and I had to work
harder to get the idea that I had in mind for the finished product whenever I had
started it. Another one of the constraints was filming the scenes with the fish tank. I
would’ve liked to reshoot both of the scenes to add more movement into them but
haven’t been able to do so because the weather has not been good enough since.

• What did you learn from undertaking the project?

During the duration of this project, I have learned not to doubt the ideas that I
have. They might be harder to pull off than I expected but I learned not to give up
on them and to push through, do the hard work and the idea will come together in
the end.

• How would you rate your performance as project manager?

I think that I did well as a project manager as I have brought together an entire
project by myself, other than being on screen and being an actor in my film. I feel as
if I was able to create a project that is of an acceptable standard with no help from
the outside. To me, that is a big achievement.

• What strengths and weaknesses of your performance did you identify?

One of the strengths of my film would be the manner in which it was laid out. A lot
of my class decided to go down the route of a documentary and I think my film
wouldn’t have stood out if I had also done a documentary-type film. Another one of
the strengths of my film would be the fact I did most, if not all of the film by myself.
Finally, I think that the camera work for most of the scenes were another strength
in my film.

One of the weaknesses of my film, as stated before, would be the way that I shot
the scenes with the fish tank. I think that it was a good idea but I don’t think that I
had enough movement in those scenes to properly pull off the look and idea I was
going for with them. Also, I feel as if it would have been a better project if I had
somebody else narrate my project as they would have been more comfortable
doing it. However, I feel as if it was also a strength that I was able to push myself
out of my comfort zone for it.

• How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?

I think that this film will inform and support my professional development as it has
given me the confidence to trust in my own ideas and to not back down from them,
even when they seem too hard for me to be able to accomplish. That was the most
valuable thing that this project has taught me.

• What has changed since the first submission of this project?

For me, the biggest changes in my project would be the fact that I have made each of the
fish tank scenes shorter whilst also adding in another segment that was about Inch Island
and how climate change is effecting it. Also, I added in more archived footage to show the
serious nature of the problem we are facing as I would not have been able to realistically
capture that myself.

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