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8/16/2017 Impact Of Globalization: The Good, The Bad, The Inevitable

Impact Of Globalization: The Good, The Bad, The Inevitable TOP UDEMY COURSES:

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Globalization is not a new concept in the world. It may be
farther along and adv ancing at a faster rate than ev er Top Excel Courses
before, but globalization has been around for hundreds and,
arguably , thousands of y ears. The Silk Road spanned one- Learn Excel With This GIF Tutorial
six th the diameter of the planet – literally connecting the
West and the East – and began during the Han Dy nasty Become a Web Developer from Scratch! (8100+
(roughly 200 B.C.). students)

Integrating a global economy is nothing new, but the Advanced Excel Training (42,660+ students)
modern implications in global business are bigger and
stranger than ev er before. Below we ex amine what it means Coding for Entrepreneurs (4810+ students)

to play a part in a global market, but y ou can bring y ourself up to speed with this course on the
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geography of globalization and how it simultaneously shapes our cultures
and economic relationships. Advanced Java Programming (735+ students)

What, Exactly, Is Globalization?

There are two way s of looking at globalization. One is as an accidental or inev itable affect of economic growth;
industry , technology , communication, etc. A s the economy grows, it is only natural for a global market to How to Build an iPhone App from Scratch for Non-
become established in prev iously local areas. For this to happen, free trade and the free mov ement of capital Technical People: Your quick and dirty guide
are essential. Globalization is not just ex pansion; it is, as Merriam-Webster nots, “an increasingly integrated
global economy .” For integration to occur, economic freedom is necessary . Ex pand y our knowledge of our Excel Formulas: 10 Formulas That Helped Me
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global economy with this five-star course on finding success in global business.
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The second way of looking at globalization is as a deliberate process, and this is almost certainly more accurate.
Y es, there is a degree of inev itability inv olv ed, but this is due in large part to the agreements made between Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn in 2014
nations, between corporations, etc. Business wants globalization and it has almost single-handedly caused it to
happen. The Silk Road was not a humanitarian effort. It was about a v ision of business. A nd these v isions How to Add Ringtones To Your iPhone (Updated
become grander and more easily conceiv ed as technology and politics progress so fast that globalization does, for iOS 7)
after all, seem inev itable.
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There is not one purpose of globalization; there are many , many more than I can list. But from this point
forward I want to abandon this general talk of globalization and focus solely on the economy ; or, more Drupal vs Joomla vs WordPress: CMS Showdown
specifically , globalization and business. [infographic]

So why do businesses activ ely work to make globalization happen? A n initial answer is easy : cheaper Making an App: 6 Things You Should Consider
production costs and more consumers to sell to. Globalization has a hand ev en in the smallest businesses (at Before Getting Started
least, in first-world countries). A nd where do these businesses go for cheaper production costs? China is the
cliche ex ample, but other popular options include India, Brazil, Russia, Mex ico, Boliv ia, Indonesia and a 10 Fórmulas de Excel para ser Más Productivo
number of Eastern European countries.

The first company I worked for when I liv ed in New Y ork employ ed about 1 5 people, y et all of our production
was out-sourced to China. Ev en a small business can benefit from the incredible production sav ings to be found
ov erseas, and this (along with the obv ious fact that there are more people to sell to) is why businesses activ ely
and aggressiv ely promote globalization.

If y ou need help ex panding y our own business, this course on international expansion will
help you formulate an action plan to expand business through
international sales and partnerships.

In the end, globalization is all about competition. Lower production costs? That’s a competitiv e adv antage.
More consumers? A nother competitiv e adv antage. Untapped markets, different serv ices, inv estment
opportunities . . . all competitiv e adv antages. A s soon as the first company went global, ev ery one else had to
follow suit to keep up. Globalization is about growth, sure, but it is also about establishing the ultimate
competitiv e position: div erse resources, div erse interests, div erse markets, div erse acquisitions; in a word, a

portfolio so div erse it can only be attacked piece-meal, i.e. the prov erbial “unsinkable ship.”

If y ou’re anx ious to learn how to create y our own competitiv e adv antage, check out this post featuring 1/3
8/16/2017 Impact Of Globalization: The Good, The Bad, The Inevitable
If y ou’re anx ious to learn how to create y our own competitiv e adv antage, check out this post featuring
7 competitive positioning tips and strategies.

The Benefits Of Globalization

For some people, globalization is sy nony mous with world destruction. In the end – who knows – may be this
will be true. But in reality there are many good things that hav e resulted from globalization. In this section, I
will still focus on the economy , but I would also like to touch on some social adv antages, as well. For more

information regarding the positiv e impact of globalization, check out this blog post on the benefits
of globalization in the modern era.

More Efficient Markets

Many A mericans do not appreciate how efficient our markets are (efficiency here meaning supply and demand).
These efficient markets allow economies to grow, and in a global world, when one economy grows, it spurs
growth in all the other economies that are connected to it. In this way , rev erberations of success are felt across
the world, ev en when they are most profound in one area. Needless to say , this is a v ery good thing.

Wealth Equ ality

This is partially a result of what I just mentioned, but wealth equality around the world goes much deeper than
that. Perhaps a better phrase than wealth equality is “standard of liv ing.” Globalization does sev eral things
nobody can deny : it creates jobs, it improv es infrastructure and it allows more people to liv e at a higher global
lev el ev ery day (access to medicine, clean water, food production, housing, etc.).

Friends With Benefits

Globalization results in partnerships between countries and organizations. This makes relations much more
stable between both. A greements are agreed to, and as long as these are upheld, a kind of world-cooperation is
sustained. Hav ing these friends with (economic) benefits prov ides both stability and security for countries that
wish to remain peaceful and prosperous.

This course taught by Dr. Bentkowska (PhD Economic Sciences) focuses on

the research of legendary economist Paul Krugman and how international
trade creates and affects a new geographic economy.

New Solu tions

Globalization allows important processes to happen more efficiently and important ideas to become reality .
There is a certain irony inv olv ed in this, howev er. For ex ample, globalization is going to allow the world to
work together to (hopefully ) solv e our apocaly ptic env ironmental predicament; but of course, this
predicament is a result of globalization.

Still, it allows the human race to push forward, which at this point we must recognize as a necessity of our
species. Progress is written in our DNA , and globalization has allowed us to accomplish truly incredible things
(the International Space Station being one of the most far-reaching).

The Disadvantages Of Globalization

Because globalization is 1 00% inev itable, we must tell ourselv es that the benefits outweigh the disadv antages.
But do they ? It depends where y ou’re coming from, but let us first take a look at what these disadv antages are

before we form an opinion. Get a different opinion from this post by Nick Gibson on the pros
and cons of globalization .

Com petition: Som eone Has T o Lose

Unfortunately , while competition is generally thought to be a good thing, it does not come without a sour side.
If I were to say , “Some companies won’t surv iv e because of globalization,” then y ou might say , “Then they don’t
deserv e to surv iv e; that’s the beauty of it; the companies worth sticking around usually do.”

I won’t deny the truth in that, but what about the borderline monopoly that the largest companies in the world

hav e created for themselv es? A pple, Ex x on, Google, etc. Whereas they were once innov ators, they are now so
big that politics and strategy are more important than innov ation. The result of this is that smaller companies
with innov ativ e ideas hav e an incredibly difficult competing. A nd how can they ? If they ’re lucky , they ’ll be
bought out and walk away with a pay check; if not, they ’ll just be crushed, often purposefully , by a competitor
that is literally a billion times bigger than them. 2/3
8/16/2017 Impact Of Globalization: The Good, The Bad, The Inevitable

For tips on nav igating international relations, inv est in this International Relations 101 course
that approaches the subject from a strategic economic perspective.

Wh en T h e Hom e T eam Loses

I was raised in what was once the A pple Capital of the World: Winchester, V A . Ov er the last two or three
decades, this title has (inev itably ) been stripped from us; first it was by Pennsy lv ania, but then Pennsy lv ania
had it stolen by China.

So now China is the A pple Capital of the World. They produce the cheapest apples, which account for

roughly half the world’s supply of apples. A lot of people up and down the East Coast lost
their jobs, but here’s the kicker: China isn’t allowed to ex port apples to the U.S. This might change
soon , but for the time being, China is able to put a lot of people on the East Coast out of business without ev en
selling apples in the same country.

The lesson of the story is that another country can do what y ou do better and put y ou out of business without
ev en looking y ou in the ey e. That’s globalization. But to be fair, the damage we’v e done to China and the benefits
we took adv antage of (cheap labor) are v astly more significant. Sorry , did I say “to be fair”?

Env ironm ental Dev astation

I hardly need to spell this out, but I will add a thought or two. Globalization has created a global-sized need for
energy and industry , and this need has been abused and ignored to the ex tent that the future of life as we know
it has been brought into question. Y ou may or may not believ e in global warming, but y ou cannot deny the
ex istence of the conv ersation. Does the fact that this conv ersation is happening not say something in itself?

Hav e we bulldozed our planet into trouble? Obv iously , y es. The argument against this fact is that we
could not possibly hav e caused so much destruction to our enormous planet. The facts say otherwise: we’ve

logged over half of the world’s tropical forests. A nd as far as how difficult it would be to
change the composition of the atmosphere? The atmosphere ends a mere 60 miles abov e the surface of the
Earth. It’s just not that v oluminous. It’s not limitless. It’s actually small, and when we work together globally ,
ev en the negativ e side effects of all the amazing things we accomplish are, in a word, globalized.

Good, Bad, Inevitable

Unfortunately , or may be fortunately , globalization is simply and utterly good, bad and inev itable. Hopefully
the good will out-weigh the bad, but the continued ex istence of both is inev itable. Because of this, we are better
off accepting the truth and, like we do best, mov ing forward. But make no mistake: env ironmentalism is gaining

speed. Whether y ou want to join the cause or just be on the front lines of a new opportunity , this course on
energy, economics and the environment can help you make your choice.

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