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Lauren Johnson| English III Syllabus| Athens Drive High School| 2019-2020
Website: LaurenJohnson-EnglishIII.Weebly.Com

Mrs. Lauren Johnson

English III Syllabus

Athens Drivel High School


Welcome to English III where students will learn about literary elements,
stylistic devices, modes of writing, vocabulary, as well as grammar and
usage rules.


Elements of Literature: Essentials of American Literature, Fifth Course

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Literature textbooks and or novels will be used in the classroom only due to
lack of availability.  As always, the student is responsible for any school
materials loaned out to him/her.  The student will be responsible for
reimbursing the district for any lost or damaged items.


As part of the Athens Drivel High School English Department Curriculum

requirements, students are required to read in class and at home.
Independent reading is the reading students choose to do on their own. It
reflects the reader’s personal choice of the material to be read as well as
the time and place to read it. Independent reading is done for information
or for pleasure. No one assigns it; no one requires a report; no one checks
on comprehension

Facts on Why Reading is Important….

 Extensive reading was linked to superior performance on measures

of general knowledge, vocabulary, spelling, verbal fluency, and
reading comprehension.” – Cunningham and Stanovich, 1998
 “In one of the most extensive studies of reading yet conducted,
Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding traced reading growth to reading
and reading volume. They found that the amount of time students
spent reading was the best predictor of reading
achievement.” – Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988)
Mrs. Lauren Johnson| English III Syllabus| Athens Drive High School| 2019-2020
Website: LaurenJohnson-EnglishIII.Weebly.Com

 “It is clear that reading early in life are critical factors in student
success,” – Anthony W. Marx, president of the New York Public
Library, New York Times (2015)
 “Students not reading well in third grade are 4 times more likely to
drop out.” – Students First, Statistics About Education in America
 “Differences in volume of pleasure reading between good and poor
readers is massive.” – Cunningham and Stanovich, 1998
 “Differences in reading volume make an independent contribution
to growth in reading and language skills.” –  Mol & Bus, 2011
 “Research consistently shows strong correlation to reading &
academic success at all ages” – National Center for Educational
 “Variation in time spent reading can further widen the gap in
achievement between good and poor readers. Avoiding this
dynamic is one reason why early intervention for reading problems
is so important.” – Biemiller, 1999


Students will have a daily journal topic which will require them to respond
and analyze news articles, and literary works that present information
about current issues and medical events.  Students will be expected to
analyze, evaluate, synthesize and apply information after providing critical
thought to the topic. A minimum of one paragraph (at least five sentences
using APES is required for each entry.) A composition notebook is required
for journaling.  Journals will be checked twice per quarter.


Please see school wide grading policy:

Note late penalty on assignments (not including tests and quizzes):

Academic: minus 10 points daily

Honors: minus 20 points daily

English III Percentage Distribution

Academic: 30% Compositions 30% Assessments, 30%Classwork, 10%

Mrs. Lauren Johnson| English III Syllabus| Athens Drive High School| 2019-2020
Website: LaurenJohnson-EnglishIII.Weebly.Com

Honors: 35% Compositions, 35% Assessments, 20% Classwork, 10%



Each student is expected to complete all assignments in on or before the

due date. Incomplete assignments can be completed at home with points
deducted. Remember, daily homework is independent reading and
reviewing of daily objectives. Incomplete homework will definitely be
reflected on overall scoring.


Cheating is not tolerated.  If the teacher suspects cheating, the paper(s) will
be taken up and the student(s) will choose: 1) take a zero, or 2) reschedule
and complete an alternative assignment/ exam/quiz for a time within two
school days of the infraction.  If the teacher knows cheating is occurring,
the grade will be a zero with no opportunity given for the student to make
up the work.  Students caught cheating on a major assignment will
automatically receive a referral.  Please be reminded that plagiarism is


-          Always bring your supplies

-          Respect yourself and others

-          Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings

-          Follow directions the first time they are given

High School students have been in the education system long enough to
understand appropriate and inappropriate classroom behavior.  If a student
is disrespectful (such as class disruptions, foul language, discourteous or
rude remarks) the following actions will be used:                         
Mrs. Lauren Johnson| English III Syllabus| Athens Drive High School| 2019-2020
Website: LaurenJohnson-EnglishIII.Weebly.Com

                                                First offense – Warning

                                                Second offense – 2nd Warning and Call to


                                                Third offense – Referral to assigned


If at any time inappropriate behavior is of a nature that requires the

intervention of a third party in order for the class to continue with the least
amount of disruption, the instructor reserves the right to remove the
student via referral to the office.


Students are encouraged to remain in the classroom unless teacher

provides a hall pass given a pass.


Teacher:  Lauren Johnson


Conference Period: 2nd Block


-          Read and respond to classic literature and current issues.

-          Write essays of various formats and genres.

-          Refine grammar and usage skills and extend vocabulary

Mrs. Lauren Johnson| English III Syllabus| Athens Drive High School| 2019-2020
Website: LaurenJohnson-EnglishIII.Weebly.Com

-          Complete a major research project.

-          Expand personal reading

-          Complete assignments in an organized manner.

Class Literature Perusal (in order):

- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

- Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller (As time allows)


Composition Notebook
1 ½ “ – 2” Ring Binder
Dividers (4) 



Please provide the information below and note the contact method you
prefer so that I may contact you if needed.  I am often able to respond to
emails faster than to phone calls during the school day.

Contact #1_______________________________  Relationship to



            Phone #______________________  email_____________________________

Contact #2 ______________________________  Relationship to student


Mrs. Lauren Johnson| English III Syllabus| Athens Drive High School| 2019-2020
Website: LaurenJohnson-EnglishIII.Weebly.Com

            Phone #______________________  email_____________________________

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to your
child’s progress in class or you have any questions pertaining to the course.

Please sign below to indicate you have read and understand the English
Department Syllabus:

Student Name_________________________________________   

Student Signature______________________  Date____________

Parent(s) Name________________________________________

Parent Signature_________________________  Date__________

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