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Create a Admin Portal having these pages:

1. Admin Dashboard: Show the number of Student and Subject. There should a bar graph showing
number of student per class(1-12).
2. Subject: List all the subject and option to add a subject. The subject can me made active and de-
active from here. Only active subject will be display in other pages.
3. Admin Profile: Upload profile image, FirstName, LastName, Email ID field which can be updated
NOTE: For start set admin details as First name = Admin, Last name = System, Email Id =
4. Result Page:
a) Dropdown: having all registered student list.
b) List all Subject name as label and a textbox beside every subject in which admin will fill
the marks. A submit button
c) On clicking submit button the marks of the chosen student from dropdown will be saved
in data. If any textbox is empty, then save marks as 0. If mark is already saved before
then show the save mark for that student.
5. There will be a menu bar on top of every page in admin portal having link to above pages:
Dashboard, Subject, Profile, Result.
6. Logout Button

Create a Student Portal having these pages:

1. Sign up Form:
a) FirstName (Textbox, no blank, no special character except -, *, ').
b) LastName (Textbox, no blank, no special character except -, *, ').
c) Class (Dropdown having number from 1-12, by default class 5 will be selected).
d) Roll number (Textbox, only number allowed).
e) Subject (Dropdown with multi select option, multiple subject can be selected).
f) Email Id (Textbox, no blank, validate the syntax)
g) Register Button (on button click do the validation of all the control with asp, for validation
don’t use JavaScript, Save all data in DB, duplicate email Id registration in DB is not allowed,
student and admin email Id can’t be same).
2. Login Page: On login there will be 2 textbox where student or admin will put their email id as
username and 2nd for password. On clicking login button, the user will be verified whether the
use is student or admin and details are ok or not, after that forward user to respective
3. Student Dashboard: Profile detail of the student will be listed here but read only. There will be
an edit button, on clicking that open edit profile.
4. Edit Profile (same as sign up form and change the button to update). Add option to upload
profile image which will display in the right top menu bar.
5. Result Page: Show the result of the student(subject wise marks, total and percentage).
6. There will be a menu bar on top of every page in student portal having link to above mention
pages: Dashboard, Result.
7. Logout button

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