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Swot analysis of Bhatbhateni supermarket

Bhatbhateni is a leading supermarket and departmental store chain in Nepal. Bhatbhateni
operates as a private limited company.  Since 1984 A.D, Bhat-Bhateni has grown from a ‘single
shutter’ 120 sq. ft. cold store to become the leading supermarket and departmental store chain in
Nepal, and the highest tax payer in the retail sector since 2008 A.D. with more than 50,000
customers daily. It has developed a reputation for continuous improvements, every day low price
and a product offer second to none. There are currently thirteen(13) leading supermarket and
departmental stores conveniently located in central Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Pokhara, Chitwan,
Dharan and Butwal. Mr. & Mrs. Min Bahadur Gurung started Bhat-Bhateni cold store in 1984.
Son of a farmer with six siblings, Mr. Min B. Gurung had a successful banking career after
completing his university education. He had the vision and courage to leave this job to lead Bhat-
Bhateni in a full-time capacity following the expansion to a two floor (3,000 sq. ft.) supermarket
in 1992.

The opening of the Maharajgunj superstore in September 2008, then three stores opened in
Koteshwor-kathmandu, Chuchepati-Bouddha , Krishna Galli-Pulchowk in 2011 A.D., Pokhara
Store opened in 2012, Anamnagar, Balaju and Kalanki stores opened in 2014, Chitwan and
Dharan stores opened in 2016, similarly Butwal store opened in 2017 set the current benchmark
for the business, with over 4,500 combine staff helping customers choose between 150,000
products across a 10,00,000 sq. ft. sales area.

Having achieved more than most people can hope for in a lifetime, Mr. Min B. Gurung has
only just started. An ambitious expansion plan will see many new stores in Kathmandu and
across Nepal over the next few years and a new warehouse unit has opened at Baluwatar. The
Bhat-Bhateni story has only just started.

All stores are open from 7:30am to 8:30pm, 7 days per week and offer a full range of
150,000 products from 1000 local and international suppliers including a wide range of
groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables; a broad range of leading international liquor, toiletries and
cosmetics brands; and an extensive choice of kitchenware, clothing, sports, toys and electrical
items. Furthermore, both premises include excellent value jewellery stores that offer a wide
range of gold and silver ornaments in both traditional and modern styles.More than 50,000
people visit the stores daily and benefit from a 7-day return/exchange policy. With over 4,500
combined store staff, consistent merchandising and assured customer service is guaranteed.

Vision – To be the best retailer in the hearts and minds of customers and employees

The motto of Bhatbhateni is – “Save time Save money”.

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