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A study by Mata, et al (2016) entitled “Investigating the Influence of Product Perception

and Geometric Features” investigated the relationship between the desire to own a product and

the perception of the product, the sample product used was a vase. It was found that the desire to

own a product was related to the product’s beauty, expensiveness, elegance, appeal, femininity,

rarity and dynamics. Additionally, the use of an automated mixed model analysis revealed that

aesthetic features, perceptions and ownership have general rules which apply across gender and

culture. This resulted to the recommendation of giving importance towards the aesthetic aspect

of the product to improve the perception of consumers and taking into account the culture of the

target market. Although, the design rules discussed by Mata, et al (2016) are essentially useful to

the present study, it will not be given emphasis since the present study focuses on the buying

preferences of the target market and the factors that influence their preferences.

In line with Mata’s study on product perception, is a study conducted by Saleem, et al

(2015) entitled “Product Perceived Quality and Purchase Intention with Consumer Satisfaction”

supports the findings of the previous study. This study measures product perceived quality’s

impact on purchase intention with level of satisfaction. As a result, it was found that these

variables were significantly related. This can be used for management and marketing guidelines

for the improvement of product quality. The study’s findings resulted to the recommendation of

giving priority to meeting the customer’s perception of a product. Similarly, the present study

also investigates the preferences and perception of the consumer when purchasing a product and

the purchase intention which is included in the EBK model. Distinctively, the present study gives

focus on the target market’s preferences and perception. Also, the purchase intention is given

less focus in the present study.

On the other hand, a study on product development specifically in the food and fashion

industries, was conducted by d’Avolio, et al (2017) entitled “Analysing Product Development

process and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) features in the Food & Fashion industries”.

The results from this study would help food and fashion companies to support their business

analyses on their product development process and increase their understanding on how the use

of the product lifecycle management could improve their product development process. As a

result, focusing on the product development process, customer-centric product design, product

innovation, and the management of product lifecycle and high number items to improve the

quality of the product was reccommended. Comparatively, product quality as basis for consumer

preference on purchasing a product is also discussed by the present study. Different from this

study, the present study will not focus on the product lifecycle management since Pagusi Co.’s

Drizzle Toes is a newly introduced product.

Research Respondents

The researchers will select parents residing or working in Cebu City to be the respondents

of the study. The researchers will come up with a total of 120 respondents. Also, the division of

the respondents will be parents whose joint income with their partner is between Php 15,000 and

below, between Php 15,001-30,000, Php 30,001-45,000, Php 45,001-60,000, Php 60,001-75,000,

Php 75,001-90,000, Php 90,001-105,000, Php 105,001-120,000. Specifically, 15 respondents

will be selected from each division.

Code of Ethics


We give utmost priority towards the satisfaction and safety of our customers. We provide

satisfaction through providing products with outstanding quality, variety of options and

reasonable prices. We also ensure satisfaction to our customers who transact or interact with our

company by providing a hospitable service. Moreover, the safety of our customers is our number

one priority. We provide safety through ensuring the product’s flawlessness to avoid injuries due

to misuse. We also provide sufficient information to our customers about the products offered.

Additionally, we ensure safety and satisfaction by offering product warranties to our customers.

We listen to our customer’s needs and concerns regarding our company and/or product. We also

ensure the loyalty of our customers by being consistent with the quality of products offered and

the innovation initiated by the company.

Society or the Wider Community

We embody the principle of social responsibility in our operations. We are socially responsible

through our advocacy of being environmentally concerned and cautious. Through embodying

social responsibility we are mindful of the livelihood of those individuals or organizations

affected by our operations. We take part in the activities or programs initiated by the heads of the

community also we actively support the actions taken by the community for the welfare of the

greater population.

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