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Table 3.1

Gender of the Respondent

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 47 39.2
Female 73 60.8
Total 120 100.0

From the above table we can infer that gender of the respondent is male respondents are

39% and female respondents are 60%.


Age of the Respondent

S.No Age Frequency Percent

1 18-25 Yrs 6 5.0
2 26-30 Yrs 39 32.5
3 31-40 Yrs 31 25.8
4 41-50 Yrs 29 24.2
5 51-60 Yrs 8 6.7
6 Above 60 7 5.8
  Total 120 100.0

From the above table we can find Age of the Respondent, it is 18-25 years of 5%, 26-30

Yrs of 32.5%, 31-40 Yrs of 25.8%, 41-50 Yrs of 24.2%, 51-60 Yrs of 6.7%, and remaining 5.8%

of respondents are Above 60.


Education of the Respondent

S.No Education Frequency Percent

1 Illiterate 9 7.5
2 High School 46 38.3
3 Degree 32 26.7
4 Master Degree 19 15.8
5 Others 14 11.7
  Total 120 100.0

From the table interpret Education of the Respondent, it like to 7.5% of Illiterate, 38.3%

of High School, 26.7% of Degree, 15.8% of Master Degree, 11.7% of respondents are other

Table 3.4

Marital Status of the Respondent

S.No Marital Status Frequency Percent

1 Married 48 40.0
2 Un married 72 60.0
  Total 120 100.0

From the table we can find Marital Status of the Respondent it is 40% are married and

remaining 60% of unmarried.

Chart 3.4

Profession of the Respondent

S.NO Profession Frequency Percent

1 Govt Employee 10 8.3
2 Private Employee 32 26.7
3 Self-Employee 40 33.3
4 Student 32 26.7
5 House Wife 6 5.0
  Total 120 100.0

From the table discussed Profession of the Respondent is 8.3% of Govt. Employee,

26.7% of Private Employee, 33.3.% of Self-Employee, 26.7% of Student and remaining 5% of

House Wife.

Monthly Income of the Respondent

S.No Monthly Income Frequency Percent

1 Upto 10000 13 10.8
2 10000-15000 43 35.8
3 15000-20000 37 30.8
4 20000-25000 15 12.5
5 25000-30000 12 10.0
  Total 120 100.0

From the table interpret Monthly Income of the Respondent, it discussed Upto 10000

earning people are 10.8%, 10000-15000 is 35.8%, 15000-20000 are 30.8%, 20000-25000 are

12.5% and next 10% people are earned 25000-30000.


Status of Usage

S.NO Status of Usage Frequency Percent

1 Less than 1 Year 13 10.8
2 1-5 Year 43 35.8
3 5-10 Years 37 30.8
4 10-15 Years 15 12.5
5 Above 15 Years 12 10.0
  Total 120 100.0

From the table discussed Status of Usage the bank, from the respondents point out Less

than 1 Year usage are 10.8%, 35.8% are 1-5 Year, 30.8% of people 5-10 Years, 12.5% are 10-15

Years and remaining 10% are Above 15 Years.


Nature of Bank

S.No Nature of Bank Frequency Percent

1 Private Bank 61 50.8
2 Public Bank 59 49.2
  Total 120 100.0

From the table interpret nature of bank, it is 50.8% of Private bank and 49.2 % of Public

bank used.

Attribute of Bank

S.No Attribute of Bank Frequency Percent

1 Quality of Service 13 10.8
2 Technology used 43 35.8
3 Trust 36 30.0
4 Location 16 13.3
5 Type of Bank 12 10.0
  Total 120 100.0

From the table interpret Attribute of Bank like, Quality of Service is 10.8%, Technology

used35.8%, Trust is 30%, Location is 13.3%, and the Type of Bank is 10%.
TABLE 3.10

New Techniques in Banking

S.No New Techniques in Banking Frequency Percent

1 Reduce time of Transaction 16 13.3
2 Cost effectiveness 45 37.5
3 Ease of use 39 32.5
4 Technology Savvy 20 16.7
  Total 120 100.0

From the table find New Techniques used in Banking based on Reduce time of

Transaction said 13.3%, Cost effectiveness reason of 37.5%, Ease of use is 32.5%, and the

Technology Savvy is the 16.7%.

Chart 3.10

New Techniques in Banking

TABLE 3.11

Computer Usage Level

S.No Computer Usage Level Frequency Percent

1 No Knowledge of Computer 10 8.3
2 Beginner 33 27.5
3 Average Knowledge 39 32.5
4 Advanced Computer 32 26.7
5 Expert 6 5.0
  Total 120 100.0

From the table identified, Computer Usage Level of bank in No Knowledge of Computer

is 8.3% of respondents, Beginner stage of 27.5%, Average Knowledge of 32.5, Advanced

Computer usage of 26.7% and finally Expert are 5%.

Chart 3.11
Table 3.12

Computer usage Technology

S.No Computer usage Technology Frequency Percent

1 Connected to internet 109 90.8
2 User E-Mail 41 34.2
3 ATM/Debit card service 60 50.0
4 Credit card service 31 25.8
5 Online Banking 31 25.8
6 E-payments 39 32.5
7 Electronic fund transfer 31 25.8

From the table said Computer usage Technology is Connected to internet is 90.8%, User

E-Mail are 34.2%, ATM/Debit card service are 50%, Credit card service and Online Banking are

25.8%, E-payments are 32.5%, and remaining 25.8% of Electronic fund transfer.
Chart 3.12

Computer usage Technology

Electronic fund transfer


Online Banking

Credit card service

ATM/Debit card service

User E-Mail

Connected to internet

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Frequency Percent
Table 3.13

Frequency of bank usage

S.No Frequency of bank usage   Frequency Percent

Nil 31 25.8
ATM 1-3 times 45 37.5
1 3-8 times 44 36.7
Nil 33 27.5
Internet banking 1-3 times 45 37.5
2 3-8 times 42 35.0
Nil 30 25.0
Telephone banking 1-3 times 46 38.3
3 3-8 times 44 36.7
Nil 30 25.0
Mobile Banking 1-3 times 47 39.2
4 3-8 times 43 35.8

From the table discussed about frequency of bank usage, it is ATM usage are 25.8% are

not used, 37.5% are 1-3 times used, 36.7% are 3-8 times used. Then the internet banking usage

of 27.5% are not used, 37.5% are 1-3 times used, 35% are 3-8 times used. Next the telephone

banking usage of 25% are not used, 38.3% are 1-3 times used, and 36.7% are 3-8 times used.

Finally the mobile banking usage are 25% are not used, 39.2% are 1-3 times used, 35.8% are 3-8

times used.
Table 3.14

Level of satisfaction

S.No Level of satisfaction Frequency Percent

1 Security for ATMs 40 33.3
2 Online filling 57 47.5
3 Protection of banking transaction 30 25.0
4 Privacy confidentiality 38 31.7
5 Care of collection 26 21.7

From the table inferred, level of satisfaction of the respondents are Security for ATMs is

33.3%, Online filling is 47.5%, Protection of banking transaction is 25%, Privacy confidentiality

is 31.7%, and remaining 21.7% are Care of collection.

Chart 3.14

Level of satisfaction
Care of collection

Privacy confidentiality

Protection of banking transaction

Online filling

Security for ATMs

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Frequency Percent
Table 3.15

Satisfaction of Technological Service

S.No Satisfaction of Technological Service Frequency Percent

1 Yes 23 19.2
2 No 51 42.5
3 cannot say 46 38.3
  Total 120 100.0

From the above table discussed about Satisfaction of Technological Service like to

satisfied in 19.2% of respondents, and Not satisfied with 42.5%, and remaining 38.3% of

respondents are cannot say the level of satisfaction.

Chart 3.15
Table 3.16

New technology Success

S.No New technology Success Frequency Percent

1 Very High 1 .8
2 High 1 .8
3 Average 18 15.0
4 Low 58 48.3
5 Nil 42 35.0
  Total 120 100.0

From the table interpret new technology success of the bank is high level and normally

high in .8%, average of 15%, low of 48.3%, and Not successes in 35%.
Chart 3.16
Table 3.17


Suggesti Frequen Perce

S.No on cy nt
1 No 39 32.5
2 Yes 81 67.5
  Total 120 100.0

From the table find overall suggestion of the respondents are not give 32.5% and 67.5%

are gave a suggestion.

Chart 3.17

1. Nature of Bank * No of Transaction

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “No of Transaction”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “No of Transaction”.

Table 3.18

No of Transaction
S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 6 55 61
2 Public Sector 3 56 59
  Total 9 111 120

Table 3.19

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .976 a
1 .323
Likelihood Ratio .995 1 .319
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and No of Transaction.

2. Nature of Bank * Quality of Notes

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Quality of Notes”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Quality of Notes”.

Table 3.20
Quality of Notes
S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 6 55 61
2 Public Sector 6 53 59
  Total 12 108 120

Table 3.21

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .004a
1 .951
Likelihood Ratio .004 1 .951
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count

is 5.90.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Quality of Notes.

3. Nature of Bank * Conveniently located

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Conveniently located”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Conveniently located”.

Table 3.22

Conveniently located
S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 18 43 61
2 Public Sector 21 38 59
  Total 39 81 120

Table 3.23

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square
.506a 1 .477
Likelihood Ratio .507 1 .477
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the conveniently located.

4. Nature of Bank * Promptness of card delivery

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Promptness of card


H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Promptness of card


Table 3.24

Promptness of card delivery

S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 36 25 61
2 Public Sector 45 14 59
  Total 81 39 120

Table 3.25

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square
4.070a 1 .044
Likelihood Ratio 4.114 1 .043
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Promptness of card delivery.

5. Nature of Bank * Problems faced at initial stage

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Account information

and balance”.
H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Account information and


Table 3.26

Account information and balance

Nature of Bank
S.No Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 51 10 61
2 Public Sector 56 3 59
  Total 107 13 120

Table 3.27

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square
3.971a 1 .046
Likelihood Ratio 4.177 1 .041
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.39.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Account information and balance.

6. Nature of Bank * E-Payment

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “E-Payment”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “E-Payment”.

Table 3.28

S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 58 3 61
2 Public Sector 59 0 59
  Total 117 3 120
Table 3.29

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 2.976 1 .085
Likelihood Ratio 4.134 1 .042
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.48.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the E-Payment.

7. Nature of Bank * Due instalment Enquiry

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Due instalment


H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Due instalment Enquiry”.

Table 3.30

Due instalment Enquiry

Nature of Bank
S.NO Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 57 4 61
2 Public Sector 56 3 59
  Total 113 7 120

Table 3.31

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .118a 1 .731
Likelihood Ratio .119 1 .730
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.44.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Sin greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject the null

hypothesis. Less than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis.

Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association between Nature of

Bank and the Due instalment Enquiry.

8. Nature of Bank * Statement Request

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Statement Request”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Statement Request”.

Table 3.32

Statement Request
S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 18 43 61
2 Public Sector 11 48 59
  Total 29 91 120

Table 3.33

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 1.932a 1 .165
Likelihood Ratio 1.948 1 .163
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Statement Request.

9. Nature of Bank * Pleasant musical background

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Pleasant musical


H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Pleasant musical


Table 3.34

Pleasant musical background

S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 45 16 61
2 Public Sector 42 17 59
  Total 87 33 120

Table 3.35

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .100 a
1 .751
Likelihood Ratio .100 1 .751
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 16.23.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Pleasant musical background.

10. Nature of Bank * Reasonable no of voice prompts

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Reasonable no of voice


H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Reasonable no of voice


Table 3.36

Reasonable no of voice prompts

Nature of Bank
S.No Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 59 2 61
2 Public Sector 58 1 59
  Total 117 3 120

Table 3.37

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .309a 1 .579
Likelihood Ratio .315 1 .575
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Reasonable no of voice prompts.

11. Nature of Bank * Voice Direction / Online transaction

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Voice Direction / Online

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Voice Direction / Online


Table 3.38

Nature of Voice Direction / Online transaction

S.No Bank Satisfied Un satisfied Total

1 Private Sector 59 2 61
2 Public Sector 58 1 59
  Total 117 3 120

Table 3.39

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .309 1 .579
Likelihood Ratio .315 1 .575
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.48.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Voice Direction / Online transaction.

12. Nature of Bank * Provide attiditional Options

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Provide attiditional


H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Provide attiditional


Table 3.40

Provide attiditional Options

S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 60 1 61
2 Public Sector 54 5 59
  Total 114 6 120

Table 3.41

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 2.950 a
1 .086
Likelihood Ratio 3.194 1 .074
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.95.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Provide attiditional Options.

13. Nature of Bank * Reward Point

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Reward Point”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Reward Point”.

Table 3.42

Reward Point
Nature of Bank
S.No Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 60 1 61
2 Public Sector 59 0 59
  Total 119 1 120

Table 3.43

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .975 a
1 .323
Likelihood Ratio 1.361 1 .243
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Reward Point.

14. Nature of Bank * Prepaid Mobile recharge

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Prepaid Mobile


H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Prepaid Mobile recharge”.

Table 3.44

Prepaid Mobile recharge

S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 59 2 61
2 Public Sector 52 7 59
  Total 111 9 120

Table 3.45

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 3.187 a
1 .074
Likelihood Ratio 3.350 1 .067
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.43.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Prepaid Mobile recharge.

15. Nature of Bank * SMS Alert

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “SMS Alert”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “SMS Alert”.

Table 3.46

SMS Alert
Nature of Bank
S.NO Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 58 3 61
2 Public Sector 57 2 59
  Total 115 5 120

Table 3.47

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .175a 1 .675
Likelihood Ratio .177 1 .674
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.46.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the SMS Alert.

16. Nature of Bank * Transaction status

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Transaction status”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Transaction status”.

Table 3.48

Transaction status
S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 53 8 61
2 Public Sector 56 3 59
  Total 109 11 120

Table 3.49

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 2.323a 1 .128
Likelihood Ratio 2.408 1 .121
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.41.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Transaction status.

17. Nature of Bank * Expensive

H0: There is no significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Expensive”.

H1: There is significant relationship between “Nature of Bank” and “Expensive”.

Table 3.50

S.No Nature of Bank
Satisfied Un satisfied Total
1 Private Sector 6 61
2 Public Sector 4 55 59
  Total 10 110 120

Table 3.51

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .367a 1 .545
Likelihood Ratio .369 1 .543
a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.92.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Since the p-value is greater than our chosen significance level (α = 0.05), we do not reject

the null hypothesis. Rather, we conclude that there is enough evidence to suggest an association

between Nature of Bank and the Expensive.

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