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Page 1 Basic Algebra Study Guide for the Math Basics

How to Prepare for the Questions Involving Basic

Algebra on a Math Test

General Information
The ancient Greeks laid the foundations of mathematical reasoning using logic and
geometry to explain complex patterns and relationships. About a thousand years
later, Persia had its own “renaissance” and a man named Muhammad Al-Kharizmi
began developing a new form of math known as al-jabr—what we know today as
algebra. Its principles lie on using symbols (variables) to represent unknown
quantities in equations. Today, in addition to the logic of the Greeks, algebra is the
standard language of mathematics used in calculus, statistics, and even geometry,
to name a few.

Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities

In contrast to geometry (the study of shapes), algebra uses a combination of
numbers and symbols to make up expressions, equations, and inequalities. You
have to know some of the basic symbols when dealing with algebra.

SymbolMeaning+plus, addition,
positive−minus, subtraction, negative× or ⋅times, multiply÷ or /divide by,
division=equals^ or 2to the power of, exponent<less than>greater than
An expression is a combination of numbers and/or variables without an equality
sign. Think of it this way: a mathematical expression can be viewed as an english
phrase. It’s not the whole sentence, just part of it. Here are some examples of

When you read them, you’ll find they don’t make a whole sentence: there is no
subject, verb, and direct object. The number 5 is just “five”. There are more parts
here, but 2x+7 is just “two x plus 7”. And 45−x22y is just “the difference of
45 and x squared divided by two y.”
When confronted with expressions, there isn’t much you can do to them. The
directions to a problem will only say to simplify.
There are certain algebraic properties you can use when simplifying.

mmutative (addition or multiplication)3+2=2+3 or 5⋅x=x⋅5associative (addition or
multiplication)3+(2+6)=(3+2)+6 or 5⋅(6⋅x)=(5⋅6)⋅x
Once two expressions are compared using an equals sign, the sentence is
complete and an equation is formed. For example, the equation 2x+7=13 is a
full sentence “two x plus 7 is 13”. When faced with an equation, the directions will
usually be to solve the equation. To do this, isolate the variable by performing a
series of operations to both sides of the equation at the same time, keeping the
equation balanced. This is the basic truth of algebra: “Whatever you do to one side
of the equation, you must do to the other side.” You’ll use these properties of
algebraic equalities when solving.

xpressionreflexivea=asymmetricIf x=3⋅2, then 3⋅2=xtransitiveIf a=b and b=c,
then a=csubstitutionIf a=b, then a may be replaced by b in any expression.addition
prop of equalityIf a=b, then a+c=b+csubtraction prop of equalityIf a=b,
then a−c=b−cmultiplication prop of equalityIf a=b, then a⋅c=b⋅cdivision prop of
equalityIf a=b, then a÷c=b÷c
Inequalities are formed when two expressions are compared with an inequality
sign instead of an equals sign.
Common inequality symbols:

bolmeaning<less than>greater than≤less than or equal to, at most≥greater than or
equal to, at least≠not equal to
Just like an equation, inequalities are solved. However, there is one major
When multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative value, you
must flip the inequality sign
Let’s see why this makes sense. You know that 3>−1. But let’s multiply both
sides of the equation by −1. Now, −3>1 is not true, but −3<1 is.

Algebraic Concepts
Equations and expressions are split into things called terms: numbers, variables, or
products of numbers or variables. Terms are separated from each other by addition
or subtraction.
A variable is just a letter or symbol used to represent an unknown quantity.
Usually, we use letters like x, y, or a, among other letters. Sometimes we use
greek letters like α,γ,or θ (alpha, gamma, or theta) when writing about
unknown angles. We use the word variable because the unknown value can
change (or vary) depending on the rest of the expression or equation.
A constant is any number by itself, not connected to a variable. It’s called a
constant because its value doesn’t change, like a variable. In the
expression 4x2+5x+6, the constant term is 6.

Occasionally, variables have multipliers assigned to them, like 5x or −3z. These

multipliers are called coefficients. So, 5 is the coefficient of 5x and −3 is the
coefficient of −3z. Sometimes, a variable stands alone, like y, but in that case,
the coefficient is 1 because y is the same as 1y.
Like Terms
An expression might contain like terms: terms that have the same variable(s) with
the same exponent. To combine like terms, simply add or subtract the coefficients.
So, you can combine any terms with the same variable, like 2x and 4x, being
sure to notice the sign in front of each. But, you cannot combine 2x and 4y,
because they do not have the same variable. Here’s an example:
Simplify: 4x+2y−3x
In this case, 4x and −3x are like terms (same variable, no exponent to worry
about). Let’s use the commutative property to move some things around:
Now, combine the like terms: 4−3=1 so 4x−3x=1x

Here’s a more involved example to demonstrate a deeper understanding of
combining like terms.

Simplify: 12x2−3xy+4x−2y2+5x2−5xy+4xy2+2y2
First, use the commutative and associative properties to group like terms:

Then, combine those like terms:

Note, −8xy and 4xy2 are not like terms because, while they have the same
variables, each variable doesn’t have the same exponent.

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