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Curriculum Development (Educt.

2nd Sem SY 2019-2020


I. Reflect

Reflect deeply and answer the questions below.

1. Do you think there are advantages of doing a school- based evaluation of a

curriculum? Why?
One advantage that I see in a school-based evaluation is that the stakeholders get to see what
aspects of their implemented curriculum are working and what are not. This means a lot in
knowing its effects. In addition, this kind of evaluation is suitable in special circumstances
2. We often see in school brochures the word ACCREDITED attached to the name.
What benefits will the school derive if its curricular programs are accredited?
I think schools work on having their institutions be accredited for the primary reason of quality
education. Accreditation is the tool used to monitor, assess and evaluate the quality of
education students receive. This attracts stakeholders to enter and engage with the school. It is
somehow a proof of credibility and excellence in teaching and service. Being accredited also
results to financial aid opportunities for the construction of more classrooms, improvement of
facilities, and additional materials. For the graduates, it helps in achieving the workplace they
want to get into as employers prefer those who are from accredited schools. Lastly, the
accreditation process is a way for a school to have a look at the programs’ strength and
weakness for sustainability and improvement
3. Why is there a need to pilot test, monitor and evaluate curricular programs?
Pilot testing is a process that measures whether a program will be effective and will gain quality
results when fully implemented. It is a way to see the strengths and loop holes of the curriculum
and how they can be addressed. Also, it acts like a signal if the curriculum is to be implemented
with confidence and readiness. Monitoring means being hands-on in implementing the program
to ensure that all components work and function. It allows us to see what aspects are to be
retained, altered, or modified. The evaluation part is making judgments about the effectivity and
quality of the program. This also would earn feedbacks from all stakeholders for maximum
quality of a curricular program. All these three contribute to the success of a program and to
achieving its aims and goals.
II. Reflect
1. How would you describe a school curriculum where the intended outcomes do not
match with the implemented activities and the achieved outcomes?
The intended outcome should be measurable and specific. Without measurable outcomes,
experiential learning activities cannot be successfully planned or evaluated. All intended
outcomes should serve as a bridge between the issue of concern and the needs of the learner.
They serve as a guide to learning, a guide to instruction, and a guide to evaluation.
2. In writing your lesson plan, would you consider matching the intended, implemented
and achieved curricula? Why?

Yes, because to measure achieved curriculum we need to consider the ff.: 1. Do the learning
outcomes achieved by the learners approximate the level of performance set at the beginning of
the curriculum? 2. Are the learning outcomes achieved higher or lower than the objectives set?
3. Do the achieved learning outcomes reflect the knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills intended
to be developed? 4. How many percent of the learners in the same class perform higher than
the level set at the beginning? 5. Do the curricular outcomes reflect the goals and the
aspirations of the community where the curriculum was implemented?

III. Reflect
1. What is your concept about criteria and criteria for curriculum assessment?
Criteria area a sets standards to be followed in assessment. Specifically, as they apply to
curriculum, criteria are set of standards upon which the different elements of the curriculum are
being tested. The criteria will determine the different levels of competencies or proficiency of
acceptable task performance.

2. What do you mean by your concept on criteria?

What I mean in my concept on criteria is that it serves as a guidelines or basis on standards to

be followed for decision making.
3. Were there some areas you have examined to get your ideas? How did you
There were some areas that I have examined to get the idea about criteria in curriculum
assessment, like for examples in areas of subject like, Principle of Teaching 1 and 2,
educational technology 1 and 2 and such, wherein they always consider all things about
curriculum which is one of the major factor for the success of teaching and learning process.
Another example is the Educational Technology, now that we are in 21st century they integrate
the technology in teaching and learning process. In that way how to conceptualizes ideas.
4. Is there another way to think about the criteria for curriculum assessment?
Yes, I believe that there still another way to think about the criteria for curriculum assessment
because everything is continually changing.

5. How are your concepts different from others?

My own concept and the concept of other are not different from each other. There are many
similarities although there is still a minimal difference. The reason why I say this is because we
are all depends on the basic or primary knowledge in a curriculum development. We based on
the given information of it.
1. What is your definition and description of assessment strategies and tools in
assessing curriculum?
According to Lucas and Corpus (2007), assessment as a process of gathering information about
students’ learning and then analyzing and interpreting them for the purpose of making
decisions. They further assert that assessment may involve, among others, activities such as
administering different kinds of written observation of behaviour or performance, examination of
work samples, use of checklist, and interview. Okano, as cited in Cohen et al. (1997) stresses
that assessment is being used, on the one hand, for educational improvement, increase school
effectiveness and curriculum reforms, and on the others, for political control of teachers,
students and curricula, centralized policy making, narrow accountability, credentials, educational
selection, and the determination of life chances in competitive markets. Through the use of
above information as a foundation of our learning, we define assessment strategies as a
process, methods, or techniques that can be used to determine the quantity and quality of
students’ learning development in terms of three domains (cognitive, affective, and
2. What do you mean by your own definition and description?

What I mean in my definition and description of assessment strategies and tools, is,
assessment strategies are the structure through which students’ skills and knowledge are
assessed. To do this, you have to utilize different tools. The selection of strategy is determined
both by what is to assessed and the reasons or purposes for the assessment. And also,
assessment strategies is somehow similar to some teaching strategies.
3. How did you arrive at your definition and description?

Arrive to this definition and description by depending on the general facts or primary information
about curriculum assessment. And also, I depend on knowledge that I gain from the other
subject areas and other sources.

4. What does your description imply in terms of your beliefs and values?

My definition and description implies that in assessing curriculum, you should not only base on
cognitive-based assessment but also to affective-based assessment. You should also consider
the affective characteristics and or qualities as factors towards a comprehensive assessment.
5. How do your definitions and description differ from the rest of the group?
We have some similarities, because, we all depend on fixed information, general facts and
truths about curriculum development through our experiences, observations, and also because
of different resources.
6. How else can you describe the different assessment strategies and tools?
The quality of any assessment depends first and foremost on the clarity and appropriateness of
the definitions of the achievement target to be assessed it cannot assess academic
achievement effectively if we do not know and understand what that valued target is.

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