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Student’s name: INGLES II-B


PRESENT SIMPLE ( negativa)

1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones con el presente simple, con especial atención a
la 3ª persona singular).

1. Peter no vive en Granada, él vive en Barcelona.

2. Karem y Rod no trabajan en esta tienda.
3. No nos gusta el colegio.
4. Susan no juega al volleyball en el equipo del colegio.
5. ¿ Te gusta el batido de chocolate? No, me gusta el helado.
6. Ben y Fred no viven en Jaén, viven en Granada .
7. Tony trabaja en el hospital, pero no es médico.
8. Laura no juega al tenis, pero juega al volley ball.
9. Manolo no vive en Salamanca, vive en Málaga
10. Javier no trabaja en Martos.
11.Nuestros profesores no fumen en el colegio.
12. No trabajo en el colegio, pero juego al fútbol allí.

2.- Haz estas frases negativas, usando don´t / doesn´t:

- You speak Arabic. - Bill plays the piano very well.
- We agree about most things. - Alan & John live near me.
- My father writes novels. - Barbara works in London.
- Henry likes old books. - I play chess.

3.- Completa en forma negativa con el verbo que te dan:

- It ________ (snow) very often in San Francisco.
- I like football, but I _________ (like) cricket at all.
- She lives in Japan, but she ________ (speak) a word of Japanese.
- Sorry, I ________ (remember) your name.
- He works in New York, but I ________ (know ) what he does.
- We ________ (want ) a big flat – just one bedroom.
- Phil ________ (work) very hard, but he makes a lot of money.
- Ann’s parents ________ (think) I’m the right man for her daughter.


4.- Elige el verbo correcto de los dos que aparecen en negrita en cada frase.

- Most shops usually open/opens at 8.30 and close /closes at 6.00

- The banks doesn’t/don’t usually close at lunchtime.
- Many children has/have a computer at home.
- The New York subway usually work/works very well.
- It don’t/doesn’t often snow in California.
- Most people don’t/doesn’t work on Sundays.
- The capital city, Washington, have/has a population of about one million.
- Many people in Los Angeles speak/speaks Spanish.
- Schoolchildren don’t/doesn’t usually wear uniform.
5.- De las siguientes frases, hay 2 correctas y 10 con errores. Corrige los errores de
las que creas que están mal, y deja igual las correctas:

- David never take the bus to work.

- Go you to the Office everyday?
- My car don’t work when it’s cold.
- What time the film starts?
- Ben’s sister don’t speak French but Ben do.
- How many eggs you want for breakfast?
- Does the 9.30 train stop at every station?
- What does do your father?
- I not write many letters. I usually have for lunch?
- How much do these apples cost?
- Charlie plays basketball but he doesn’t enjoys it.

6.- Escribe frases sobre los siguientes personajes, usando los verbos que te dan
entre paréntesis:

- A lion (run, eat, have, sleep)

It _________ a tail.
It _________ very fast.
It _________ a lot.
It _________ fish.

- Marc, aged 6 months (read, cry, live, drink)

He_________ with his Mum and Dad.
He ________ orange juice.
He ________ a lot.
He ________ books.

- The Sahara desert (shine, rain, fall, live)

The sun ________ every day.
Not many people _________ there.
The temperature __________ at night.
It __________ very much.

PRESENT SIMPLE II ( afirmativa / 3º persona singular)

7.- Completa con los verbos entre paréntesis, en presente simple, siempre y cuando
sea necesario:

o 1.- Jane ______ (read) the newspaper, but I ______ (read) only books.
o 2.- Fred ______ (cycle) to work, but his wife _______ (go) by car.
o 3.- Mark ______ (say) he _____ (do) a lot of fishing, but he never _________
(catch) anything.
o 4.- Jeff ______ (buy) his food in small shops, but Jane _____ (do) it here.
o 5.- Diana _______ (like) Physics, and she always ______ (pass) the exams
o 6.- Susan ______ (live) in Leeds, but she _______ (work) in Bradford.
o 7.- I _______ (leave) work at 6:00, but John _______ (finish) at 7:00
o 8.- For breakfast, Ann _______ (eat) cereal with milk and then she
______(have) some toast.
8.- Completa estas frases con la 3ª persona del singular en presente:
- Tom ________ (catch) the bus to school at about 9 o´clock.
- It often ________ (rain) at this time of the year.
- She usually ________ (have) lunch at about 1 o´clock.
- My father _______ (fly) to the USA regularly.
- He often ________ (arrive) at work late.
- She __________ (read) the newspaper twice a week.

9.- Escribe oraciones en 3ª persona, usando esta información:

Ruth Clark: jog – twice a week.

Neil Peters: cycle – every day.
Mary Thomas: swim – every weekend
Bill Brown: play tennis – once a week
Susan Brown: eat cereals for breakfast – every morning.

Ruth _______________________________________________

Neil ________________________________________________

Mary _______________________________________________

Bill _________________________________________________

Susan ______________________________________________

PRESENT SIMPLE ( afirmativa / 3º persona singular)

10.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones con el presente simple, con especial atención
a la 3ª p.Sg).
o 1.- Nick trabaja en el supermercado.
o 2.- Mary y Jonas viven en Londres. ¿ Dónde vives tú?
o 3.- El padre de Helen juega al fútbol los martes.
o 4.- Yo estudio matemáticas los martes y jueves.
o 5.- Vivimos en Manchester en Julio y Agosto.
o 6.- Susan trabaja en un hospital.
o 7.- Estudio inglés todos los días.
o 8.- Mis padres viven en Valencia.
o 9.- A Liz le gusta la música clásica.
o 10.- Siempre tomamos el desayuno en la cocina.
o 11.- Voy al cine con mis amigos los viernes.

11.- Completa estas frases con la 3ª persona del singular en presente:

- He ________ (work) in a bank every day.
- She ________ (study) very hard in the evenings.
- He ________ (watch) TV at the weekends.
- The film ______ (finish) at 10:00 o´clock.
- She _______ (go) to work by bus.
- He ________ (speak) Italian and English very well.

12.- Ordena las siguientes palabras:

- eats / dog / too / your / much.
- Live / I / that / house / in.
- Bank / Ann / in / a / works.
- Badly / violin / plays / the / very / Susan.
- Scotland / those / from / children / come.
- Young / very / look / you.

13.- Escribe la 3ª persona de los siguientes verbos:

work, pass, go, say, fly, know, wash, do, buy, cry, rain, teach, have, copy, marry,
cook, touch, play, study, miss, stand, fix, stay, try.


14.- Completar con preposiciones IN, ON AT estas frases:

1.- We all go to Wales ____ the weekend.
2.- I usually go skiing ____ February.
3.- She finishes school ____ 1997.
4.- I don’t like driving ____ night.
5.- I usually stop working ____ 5.00 ____ the afternoon.
6.- It gets very hot here _____ summer.
7.- I finish University _____ June.
8.- My new job starts ______ April 17th.

15.- Completa usando IN / ON :

1.- What do you do ___ Sundays?
2.- The classes start ___ September
3.- My job starts ___ April.
4.- I go to school _____ Mondays.
5.- Carol plays ____ the evening.
6.- I work ____ Christmas day.

16.- Completar con preposiciones IN, ON AT estas frases:

1.-We all went to Wales ____ the weekend.
2.- I usually go skiing _____ February.
3.- She finished school ______ 1996.
4.- My mother usually comes to stay ______ Christmas.
5.- I don’t like driving _____ night.
6.- Our garden looks wonderful ______ the spring.
7.- I usually stop work _____5.00 _____ the afternoon.
8.- I finish University _____ June.
9.- I last saw her ______ 1998.
10.- Carola was born _____ 8.25 ____ the evening _____ Thursday 17 TH April 2000.
11.- I´m never hungry early ____ the morning.
12.- It gets very hot in here _____ the summer.

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