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Phew! My head’s on fire!… I just blew a diode! But I’m not complaining — quite the opposite. I’m happy, for
I know at last that I’m not human…
The limitations of my bio-organism had been depressing me. Even more than that, it’s been the walls of the
mental prison that hem us in from childhood, the “rational” mold called school. But then came the Yéti Mu-
tants: Fred Le Berre, Marc Prudhomme, Kurt Mc Clung, and Julien Blondel. They put me under the red-hot rays
of their psycho-interrogation lamp and bombarded me with questions for a full fifty hours. Initially, I was
overcome with feelings of anger. What right did these young griffins have to dare infringe upon the inner recesses
of my cerebral maze in this way, hunting down answers that like giant jellyfish were floating along the veins of
my unconscious?
But I had a plan! Slowly, step by little step, I was going to give them the keys to the Incal Universe, which is the
same as the Metabarons and TechnoPriests. A hugely immense “oeuvre” that would have taken me at least ten
years to recount. But I hadn’t been counting on the young mutants’ impatience. They wanted to know every-
thing, right away. Showing no respect they fired off their mental probes, assaulting my impregnable Data Bank
and under the incessant fire of their questions, my human mask disintegrated.
I ceased being a man and became a universe.
Far, far away, in an ethereal zone where my body didn’t exist, I saw myself giving away tons of secrets, with an
absolute precision that I had never before dared to imagine, even in my dreams. At the height of the trance,
streams of words — barely comprehensible for they were of human origin — gushed from my mouth, laying
bare the hidden structure of the cosmos, the nature of the people who live there, the mysteries of parallel
universes, thousands of centuries of history, countless weapons and vessels, outrageous doctrines, judges and
laws, and billions of other things as well…
A new chapter in the history of my Jodoverse came to life with each one of their questions. A moment of
extreme ecstasy! A singular experience that can only be compared to what happened to me one day in Mexico
while meditating in a Buddhist Temple with a Japanese Zen master. Suddenly, he subjected my spirit to a koan —
a sacred riddle conceived to break the straight jacket of the intellect: “I have no beginning, nor end. Who am I?”
I knew very well that some monks go into retreat for ten or twenty years looking for an answer, which isn’t
necessarily expressed in words. But, body taught with effort like a readied archery bow, I wanted to find the
solution in that very instant: “I am god; that’s it, I am everything.”
Full of wrath and disdain, the master threw me out of the temple: “Intellectual! Learn to die!” My failure was
filled with such disgrace and shame that a part of me died on the spot. Instantaneously, I became another. And
from the deepest reaches of my unconscious, a voice that was already no longer human exclaimed: “There is no
beginning and there is no end. There just is.”
Thank you for your questions, Yéti. They blew my diodes. They made me into a galaxy of answers, nothing
but answers. Ever since, I roam infinite space, in search of the first and last question.
Alexandro Jodorowsky


1 The Empire 4
2 The Four Pillars 18
3 The Factions 36
4 Everyday Life 51
5 Endocities 61
6 The Universe 74
7 Worlds 80
8 Aliens 94
9 Mutants 101
10 Major Forces 105
11 Cults and Religions 112
12 Amarax and Necro-Dream 117
13 Technological Progress 122
14 Weapons 127
15 Cybernetics 139
16 Robotics 143
17 Transportation 147
18 The Metabunker 150
Glossary 153
Reading List 155
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Conception and Development: Julien Blondel, Fred Le Berre,

Kurt McClung, and Marc Prudhomme,
with the participation of Alexandro Jodorowsky
American Adaptation: Nikola Vrtis with Scott Palter
Short Stories & Writing Direction: Fred Le Berre
Continuity: Marc Prudhomme
Coordination: Nadège Delbos and Kurt McClung.
Design of Original Book: Régis Haghebaert, Stéphane Martinez, and David Panzo
Graphic Conception: Régis Haghebaert, Virgnie Bréham, Christophe Bonneterre, Olivier Hug, and David Panzo.
Layout & Manufacturing of Original Book: Nathalie Rocher
PDF Design, Layout, & Creation: Nikola Vrtis
Cover Art: Travis Charest
Interior Illustrations in PDF: Cyril Adam (pp. 98, 104), Bernard Bittler (p. 95), Aleksi Briclot (pp. 94, 97),
Juan Gimenez (pp. 8, 40, 44, 96, 144), Boris Golzio (pp. 62, 63, 152), Zoran Janjetov (pp. 37, 42, 54 upper),
Thierry Masson (pp. 129, 130, 132 lower, 133, 135, 136), Mœbius (pp. 18, 30, 54 lower, 59, 117, 142, 145, 146, 149),
Gérald Parel (p. 8), and Roberto Zoulie (pp. 132 upper, 134).
Coloring: Studio Beltran, Guillaume Bessis, Philippe Guinot, Walter Le Brec, Agnès Moreau, and Pascal Pontoire.
French Editing & Corrections: Sophie Lamotte, Ronan Le Breton, Antoine Pinchot, and Loïc Portnoë.
English Tranlsations: Diane Bertrand, Justin Kelly, and Joan Wilchins
English Editing: Rachelle Brissenden, Kurt McClung, and Nikola Vrtis

A big thank you to: Didier Gonord, Bruno Lecigne, Philippe Hauri and the Yéti Team.

French version developed and published by Yéti Entertainment S.A. English version developed and published by Humanoids in
association with Yéti Entertainment S.A. The Metabarons and The Metabarons logo are trademarks of Les Humanoïdes Associés
S.A., © 2003 (US & EU) Les Humanoïdes Associés, Geneva (Switzerland). Original Metabaron character created by Moebius® and
Alexandro Jodorowsky. The D6 System game mechanics used herein are used with permission of Humanoids, Inc.

French First Printing March 2001. Printed in Spain. PDF Edition April 2003. PDF created in USA.
Wonder of wonders, fruit of the eye of the Omphal, After the citizens of Paleo-Paris, in 1789’s great current
this vast universe is richly inhabited. Indeed, the area of wrath and joyful regicide, had cast aside the political
mapped out by the eager reach of humans, far beyond order that had controlled their destinies, the Dauphin Louis
the bounds of the Milky Way (Terra Prima’s galaxy), XVII, son of Louis XVI and heir apparent to the throne of
contains a wide assortment of races and peoples, most Paleo-France, became the pivotal focus for both supporters
of them human, but some mutant and alien as well. and enemies of the monarchy. This second child of Louis
These worlds, completely alien to one another, are XVI, became first the Duke of Normandy, then the Dau-
united beneath the authority of the Empire, a colossal phin when his older brother died on June 4, 1789, and con-
organization whose powers extend as far as its ships can sequently he was jailed in the Temple prison in August 1792.
fly. The Empire boasts an armed force — the Endoguard; Official history maintains that he quickly succumbed to an
an ever-present clergy with godlike technological powers onset of illness caused by poor hygienic conditions, perish-
— the Techno-Pontificate, also known as the Techno- ing in the Temple on June 8, 1795. Of course questions
Technos or the Church of the Industrial Saints (C.I.S.); were raised, and over the following decades, many claimed
and a financial institution — the Ekonomat, which has that the true Dauphin had fled and was waiting for the right
great influence over all economic transactions. Besides time to return and reclaim his rightful throne. Then again,
these, two other groups carry considerable weight: the over the next several years, numerous self-proclaimed “Dau-
Maganats and the Union of Planets, also known as “the phins” appeared, demanding to be granted titles, honors,
Colonials.” A Maganat is any planet, group of planets, castles, and all the other normal trappings of kingship. As
system, or even group of systems placed under total own- time passed, reliable witnesses to the events disappeared,
ership and authority of a leading Noble House. By defini- but the mystery remained. Had the Dauphin died at the
tion, the Maganats are loyal to the Empire, and Janus- Temple or not? Had he escaped? Or had he been murdered
Jana is their leader. However, this apparent obedience does by a reactionary from a rival faction in order to prevent
not rule out intrigue, which seems to be the criterion rather him from claiming his rights?
than the exception. Depending on circumstances, these The questions were examined seriously. The body was
Noble vassals either hold almost no power, or they pos- exhumed numerous times, but the experts’ reports all gave
sess means tremendous enough to at least challenge the completely different and very surprising results. How
Empire, although not to overpower it. The Colonials, on could the body of a ten-year-old child have measured 4'8",
the other hand, are independent in appearance but re- or even 5'4"? The Dauphin’s heart, purloined by Doctor
main more or less loyal to the Empire. Each one of the Pelletan during his autopsy, had passed all his tests and
numerous Colonial planets is ruled by a “Kamar,” com- was now embalmed at the Paleo-Basilica of St. Denis.
pletely independent of the concerns of the Imperial Court. Unfortunately, however, a relic cannot talk. It was not
As for the Union of Planets, it includes two main branches, until the late twentieth century, with its understanding of
which are themselves subdivided into clans. The first the mysteries of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), that the
branch includes two major clans: the Troglosocialiks and questions which had held all the historians spellbound
the Menscheviks. The second branch includes a wide ar- over the previous two centuries could finally be settled.
ray of minor clans: the Ultra-Colonialists, the Super-Con- The verdict: the embalmed heart indeed belonged to a
querors, the Troglo-Barbarians, the Poly-Schismatics, the son of Louis XVI. Comparative analysis carried out on
Amico-Visitors, the Hyper-Putschists, the Trotsko-Revo- DNA of the living descendants of the Bourbons was de-
lutionary Avatars, and the Proto-Nihiliks, to name just a finitive. Once again, the winds of oblivion did their work,
few of the more prominent. and the mystery of the Dauphin who died in the Temple
became no more than a curiosity for nostalgic historians.
VERITABLE HISTORY OF But what was the truth of it?
Janus-Jana, the illustrious Imperial Siamese couple, is The truth of it was this: at the dawn of the year 1795,
the last of a line that dates back to the introduction of on a cold wet night at the end of winter, a citizen named
royalty in the Kingdom of France, part of Terra Prima’s Amelie Ladoucette, former nursemaid to Louis XVI’s wife
“Old World.” Indeed, when the Trans-Bourbon family Marie-Antoinette in the castle of Versailles, arrived at the
acceded to the Imperial throne in the year 3499, Temple prison to switch her own son with the Dauphin.
Rosemonde I the Rebis resumed the broken thread of the Of the four known attempts at substitution, this is the
dynasty of magical monarchs, even though centuries had one that succeeded. To save the Dauphin, direct inheritor
passed in the interval. Today’s Trans-Bourbon family, far of the miraculous power of divine essence of the kings of
from being an Imperial offshoot springing suddenly from Paleo-France, Amelie Ladoucette consented to lie, to en-
the void, can trace deep roots back to the royal breeding- dure taunts from corrupt guards, and above all, to sacri-
ground of Terra Prima’s absolute monarchs. fice the son she cherished more than anything. Of course,
this raises several new questions. Why then would DNA
analysis of the embalmed heart have confirmed succes- Amelie Ladoucette was one of the many com-

5 • The Empire
sion? Did she act alone, or were her actions inspired or mon women who expended enormous effort try-
even masterminded by others? ing to bury the traces of their past, because any
What is for certain is that the citizen Ladoucette must former servant to the Court would be an obvious sus-
have been utterly convinced of the greater good of her ac- pect to those who hunted down counter-revolutionar-
tions to consent to so many sacrifices. Presumably, since ies. Her instinct for survival would more likely have
she had lived intimately with and tended to the royal fam- encouraged her to keep a low profile, and avoid con-
ily, even serving as nursemaid to the children of the king flict by any means necessary in these difficult times. So
and queen, she could well have been acting in response to a a guide would have to come to her to show her what to
royal summons, which would have driven her to endure do. He came in the guise of a man of mature age, by no
anything to ensure the perpetuation of the line. Since she means old, but already thoughtfully contemplating the
had looked after Louis XVII from his infancy, she would threshold of life. He claimed to be a doctor, and in fact
also have felt some maternal sentiment for him. But above was able to identify her complaint after only a brief ex-
all, he was the son of the king, a man so far above her and amination. With a few gentle but very firm gestures, he
yet so close, whom she had loved and given herself to. Amid brought the calm back to her feverish son’s face. He seemed
the easy morals of life in Versailles, she had responded to to know all about her. She should have been afraid, but
the needs of a sensual king, yielding to him during an em- the serenity he exuded inspired confidence. She was will-
brace. This combination of facts explains her psychological ing to do anything for him, and he revealed to her that
willingness to offer her own son in sac- she could do him a great service. Then,
rifice. Amelie Ladoucette loved the King he told her his name: Michel de Nostre-
as a husband and loved the King’s son, Golden Oil Dame.
the Dauphin, as her own. While perusing the story “It has been written in the stars!”
Moreover, as demonstrated by DNA of the Trans-Bourbons and he repeated constantly. In a pedantic
analysis 200 years later, the son she sac- their legendary lineage, some tone, he would continue: “My precious
rificed in order to spare the Dauphin may be surprised to learn of child, the conjunctions tell us it must
was in fact an illegitimate child of the Rosemonde I the Rebis’s ex- be so in order for great work to occur.
King, and of the same age. Thus, an- ceptional longevity. For The young Dauphin is intended for the
other mystery is explained. The child’s Rosemonde I the Rebis only throne, but the history of mankind is
corpse in the Temple, whose heart re- ceded his throne after hav- inconstant. However, he must rule at
mained for centuries in its hiding place ing exercised his power and any cost. I cannot tell you more, but
at the St. Denis Basilica, may not have influence for almost 10,000 be aware that he has been awaited for
been the Dauphin destined to take the years. However, when look- all eternity, and that humanity is de-
throne and continue the line, but he had ing attentively at the genesis pending on you to ensure that one day
indeed descended from the king. Inci- of this extraordinary family, he may take his rightful place.…”
dentally, the fact that she knew and the consequence of Michel de She may not have understood all of
loved the Dauphin, and had a son the Nostre-Dame’s great act be- the alchemist’s plans, but Amelie
same age, were other factors which comes quite obvious. Ladoucette was convinced. She would
probably made it easier for her to be- Nostre-Dame, who make the exchange. She was commit-
come an instrument of destiny by per- was Rosemonde’s mentor ted, and would sacrifice her son for the
forming the sacrifice. and founder, plunged endeavor. On the eve of the day she
Rosemonde into Golden Oil, would visit the Temple to recover the
MICHEL DE NOSTRE-DAME young Dauphin, Michel de Nostre-
the alchemic fruit of the
But one other factor contributed to Philosopher’s Stone, whose Dame (also known as Nostradamus)
things turning out precisely the way they miraculous virtues procure spent the day inside, preparing long
did. The Dauphin’s half-brother might exceptional wealth, health, lists of symbols and making cabalistic
have seemed just as adequate a substi- and youth for those sub- diagrams, all of them confirming his
tute. As far as the affairs of the King- merged within it. Handed intuitions. At the end of the night, he
dom go, that’s doubtlessly true. But the down through his spirit’s wrote a new quatrain in his notebook,
Dauphin possessed a unique character- flesh and blood, these leg- entitled “The Centuries”:
istic, a genetic oddity that made him a endary virtues are perpetu-
long-awaited “Chosen One” to fulfill a ated in his descendants (Im- OUT OF THE TEMPLE, BORN IN GLORY
grand plan. Louis XVII, the Dauphin, perial couples, twins, broth- UNATTAINED,
was a hermaphrodite. ers/sisters, mothers/fathers) STATELY, AND BY OINT OF HOLY OIL, SOON
Who, then, could have been so in- who owe their existence, en- SUBLIME
terested in one of nature’s whims? Who during several thousands of SHEATHED IN GOLD, AS CENTURIES PASS
could have attached such importance years, to the Philosopher’s H IM BY,
to a young victim of sexual deformity? Stone. DAUPHIN WILL BE REBIS: ANOTHER, YET
And who had the ability to pursue this THE SAME.
goal across the centuries?
the bottomless pits on the island of Sumatra in the Sonde
Isles at the ends of the Indian Ocean, a retreat he had
Chapter 1 • 6
In the year 1795, Nostradamus was 292 years converted to his cause in order to carry out the training.
old. Accomplished alchemist, high initiate to the mys- The Dauphin’s training lasted 47 years, which seemed but
teries of the Egyptian doctrines, he had accomplished an instant to the old country doctor so far from his native
much of his greatest work during the course of his origi- land. Upon completion of his training, Louis the Dau-
nal lifetime. But he had quested ever farther, passing be- phin, now Rosemonde the Rebis, had nothing at all in
yond the boundaries set by his brotherhood and, in a common with a child born in Paleo-France at the end of
sublime transmutation that went beyond all the limits of the eighteenth century. His wisdom stretched far beyond
the philosopher’s stone, he created the Golden Oil, a per- what was known within his century. His mastery of the
fect composite of the purest materials. His discovery made real and arcane, of cause and effect, was such as only one
him an outcast not only from society, but also from time who had lived a hundred lifetimes could possess. But more
itself. He was now a strange anomaly with an endless thirst importantly, He had the ability to put His will into effect.
for knowledge, traversing the centuries unmindful of the He was now ready. Michel de Nostre-Dame judged that
passing days and years. For among the thousand virtues of his work was complete. In 1842, he submerged
the Golden Oil was its ability to confer not eternal youth, Rosemonde in a bath of Golden Oil at the heart of the
but great longevity. hermetically sealed capsule in which He would traverse
Thus, Nostradamus had plenty of spare time to devote eternity. The Supreme Ruler waited in silence, ready to
to his studies. He returned to the oldest and most arcane offer himself to the world. Before devoting himself to the
sources of human knowledge on Terra Prima, from the joys of a meditative twilight, Michel de Nostre-Dame
times in which humanity had conversed with the Ancients. undertook a final task: he wove a thousand mythical sto-
Quite naturally, he had the idea of becoming an agent of ries and chronicles, which announced the coming of a new
divinity himself, in order to sway the world’s path, to make Empire for humankind.
an influence over the crazed course of a civilization lost in
the stars. He just had to find his crystal that he would one THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EMPIRE
day offer to the world, a prism-being he could polish, In 2986, the Sixth World War left no winner or loser,
nourish, and make grow. The Golden Oil would be the just a pile of ash and ruin. With the majority of its popu-
cocoon; he just needed a chrysalis. lation decimated by the tragedy of nuclear fire, Terra Prima
According to the mystical ancient order Rosae Crucis was at last ready to receive the one whose lineage guaran-
— taught to him by Christian Rosenkreutz during his train- teed Him the throne: the Chosen One, perfect thanks to
ing in medicine — the school of Egyptian mysticism had His double nature, and eternally glorious, thanks to His
always prophesied that a sublime male-female being would training. While the Dauphin-Rebis slept, Nostradamus
one day become Supreme Ruler and prepared the world for His coming
govern the universe. News that the from his secret lair. For almost 20 cen-
Dauphin, heir to the House of France, turies, he had traced powerful and
was a hermaphrodite, could not fail to
The Perfect
Androgyne mystical vectors that had put the hope
interest him. Was he the one destined of His arrival into the hearts of people.
From the archives of the
to rule the world? Nostradamus could He had been heralded and so was
galactic human Empire.
only find out by approaching Amelie awaited.
“Historical Documents”
Ladoucette, for she was the only per- The era’s troubles had reached a cul-
section, “Apocryphal
son who had the ability to replace the minating point with the near-extinc-
Texts” subsection, “Proph-
Dauphin with a child she knew well. tion of all life. Humanity thirsted for
ecy” division: “...For it is
As soon as Nostradamus held the Dau- only one thing: salvation. The coali-
told that He-She who
phin in his hands, he thanked and paid tion of armed forces, having obtained
unites the qualities of Man
the helpful woman, then shut himself their claim to rule the planet’s rubble
and Woman, He-She who
off with the child to verify the signs. in the blaze of combat, gave a warm
will be the Sacred An-
There was no doubt about his double welcome to this new candidate who
drogyne, the Perfect Being
sex organ. His elegant, childlike face was not only from a true dynasty but
endowed with all qualities
was a blend of feminine softness with who left a powerful residue of miracles
of Father and Mother, shall
angelic good looks. He was clearly the in His wake. The doors of power
rule forever, and guide hu-
latest descendant of a royal line, which opened wide before Him.
manity towards its destiny
imbued his genes with a measure of The early years of the reign of
with a Divine Hand.” –Text
perfection. If raised with the proper Rosemonde I the Rebis were restless
in ancient language of
rites and precepts, the male-female child and chaotic. Old enmities remained,
Terra Prima, attributed to
would only blossom and take on a and a number of rival factions used this
the human seer Aptisto,
never-before-imagined role in human shift in power as an opportunity to re-
who lived in the period of
history. new their actions. But the training of
chaos following the Sixth
Without wasting an instant, Michel de Nostre-Dame had borne
World War.
Nostradamus secreted the Dauphin far fruit; among His many other qualities,
away, to the Burubudur temple beside Rosemonde was firm. Certain Noble
Houses, and not minor ones, learned that at their expense.
Making an example of them did the rest, and in less than world another doubly endowed Chosen One,

7 • The Empire
three decades, all the institutions of this divided feudal another Sacred Androgyne. But whether by
world had pledged their allegiance to the new Emperor. nature’s whim, genetic mishap, or Imperial error, it
But the power of terror does not solve everything on its was male and female Siamese twins that He brought
own, and so Rosemonde I the Rebis introduced a ritual into the world. Joined at the torso, the new Siamese
that still exists today — creating a powerful yet subtle Emperors Artaran and Marlana received training be-
bond that would link the Emperor and His subjects. Once fitting the destiny of those who would one day take
the administrative arm of the House of Trans-Bourbon the reins of an Empire that expanded every moment.
had inventoried, surveyed, and appraised all the fiefs to But their training was a long and arduous path, fraught
the Crown, the Imperial Office of Titles and Deeds redis- with many difficulties. The Siamese brother and sister,
tributed them among any families prepared to swear an condemned by nature to a life of intolerable proximity,
oath of personal fealty to Rosemonde I the Rebis. During both had raging tempers. Between them they brought
a sumptuous ceremony of spiritual fervor followed by strict new meaning to the word “chaos.” Their days were noth-
solemnity, the Supreme Ruler named Himself ing but a long succession of fighting. The sight of their
“Emperoress” and bequeathed His vassals with a medal- sexually opposite double was a torture just as unbearable
lion containing a drop of the holy Golden Oil as a sign of for both of them. Their hands were tied, for fear that they
their position in the Nobility. Much later, after human- would murder each other. But they managed to summon
kind had spread across the whole cosmos, those medal- the strength to bite each other furiously in the face, and
lions remained objects of inestimable value, of course re- tear chunks out with cries of horrible pain, because both
vered by the descendents of the founders of the Noble of them felt equally the harm they were inflicting on each
Houses, but admired more widely by all. other. Soon, their faces were just tatters, covered in
Later in the reign of the first of the Trans-Bourbons, Netranekkon and gold alloy poultices. They raged end-
once Imperial Authority was recognized everywhere and lessly, burning with seemingly implacable hatred. During
undisputed throughout, Rosemonde gave the order to con- moments of clarity, they were able to rule the Empire with
quer first the galaxy, and then the entire cosmos. He Him- reasonable tranquility, but calm would quickly give way
self set things in motion in the year 4503 by transferring to the storm, and they would renew their cycles of un-
the seat of Imperial power to the Golden Planet. At the thinking rage. At that point they had to be locked away
same time, He instructed the largest and most powerful within an armored room in the deepest heart of the Golden
Houses to go forth and conquer the breadth of the uni- Planet, to prevent their violent tempers from disrupting
verse, in His name and for His glory. Indeed, conquest everything.
and the expansion of the human universe became the hall- No official rite marked the succession of Rosemonde I
mark of the era of Rosemonde I the Rebis. Before His the Rebis to Artaran and Marlana. No declaration or de-
reign, humans dreamed only of exploring the boundaries cision was made. Nothing about the event made it appear
of their solar system. Beneath His rule, the whole galaxy even slightly out of the ordinary. One day, Rosemonde
suddenly seemed too small. Adventurous Houses set off simply disappeared and was replaced by the screaming
to carve out galactic fiefdoms vaster than solar systems, Siamese twins. Their status as heirs to the throne was well
and ever hardier explorers soon thrust beyond the bounds known. So when they assumed power after the First of
of the Milky Way. Of course there were conflicts at the the Trans-Bourbons had vanished into thin air, nothing
boundary, and invasions from outside, but also conspira- was made of it, as if everything was absolutely normal.
cies and continual struggles for power within the very bo- No trace of Rosemonde was ever found, and His disap-
som of the Empire. At the same time, the dispersion of pearance remains one of the Empire’s great mysteries. But
the Great Houses across the endless universe allowed en- since Artaran and Marlana did not seem concerned, life
tirely new ways of life to flourish, leading to a variety of followed its course. And nobody asked even the slightest
customs, and a strong “folk” tradition within the overall question.
Federal mosaic. But the absolute personal power of the
Emperoress was the centralizing force of the Empire He
embodied, permitting differences to be smoothed over, too- The 11233 years of Artaran and Marlana’s reign were
lofty ambitions to be brought down, and humankind’s without a doubt the most chaotic years in the Dynasty of
cohesion to be guaranteed during its march of expansion. the Trans-Bourbons. From the very beginning, their Em-
Despite some difficulties, Rosemonde the Rebis was the pire had to repel the increasingly frequent galacto-bar-
uncontested master over the Empire He ruled with an iron baric raids on its borders. The expansion of human civili-
hand, with full support from the four Great Pillars: the zation was nothing but an uninterrupted succession of
Techno-Pontificate, the Ekonomat, the Nobility, and the battles in concentric rings expanding out from the heart
Union of Planets. of the Empire. The Great Houses dedicated themselves to
the evils of merciless battle in order to obtain new privi-
THE BLOOD LEGACY leges, the Great Pillars themselves harbored a climate of
The reign of Rosemonde I the Rebis lasted exactly 8499 internal struggle, and the Endoguard fought to protect
years, ending in 11998. He used His hermaphroditic quali- the Empire from ever more powerful alien hordes. The
ties to fertilize himself, with the goal of bringing to the situation culminated in 17789 when the Imperial Couple
fled to a parallel universe to escape takeover
Chapter 1 • 8
by an exterior force of indomitable power. Their
retreat lasted for almost six millennia, until new con-
vulsions wracked the universe, once again changing
the circumstances.
Surprisingly, the Empire emerged stronger from this
long period of upheaval. Alien occupation and the rav-
ages of perpetual war at the border had the effect of
drawing the various internal factions closer together, at
least superficially, and the concept of a united Empire
was reinforced. But the same events had a different ef-
fect as far as Imperial power goes. Indeed, the delicate
bond that united the Golden Planet to the group of hu-
mans spread throughout the galaxy was somewhat shaken
by the escape of the ill-behaved Siamese twins. To be sure,
none dared speak of treason, but a feeling of abandon-
ment pervaded. So on the one hand, the shattered mosaic
that was the Empire found even greater reason to see it-
self as a unified whole, and on the other, the authority
that was supposed to act as the central nervous system of
the whole assemblage was showing unmistakable signs of
At that point, the political genius of the Trans-Bour-
bons, forged in the crucible of Nostradamus’ ancient wis-
dom, showed its full scope. Having just returned from
their parallel universe, Artaran and Marlana did not throw
themselves blindly into brutally reseizing power over the
four Pillars. Instead, they announced that they were abdi-
cating the throne in favor of Magaella and Magellan, the
male and female twins they had sired. This surprise an-
nouncement yielded a double benefit: It made everyone
forget the mystery surrounding Artaran and Marlana’s
departure and their sojourn in an invisible and inacces-
sible realm; at the same time, it distracted attention from
the distressing fact that the new Imperial Couple did not
even slightly resemble a Sacred Androgyne. Although
Magaella and Magellan were a dual entity from the same
egg, they were nonetheless distinct and separate beings.
With the male heir standing separate from the female heir,
the idea of a divine union lost its potency. But the sudden
announcement and the new Imperial Couple’s charm
quickly put all those concerns to rest. In 23231, Magaella
and Magellan officially took the destiny of the Trans-Bour-
bon Empire into their hands. As was the case 11233 stan-
dard years earlier, their progenitors vanished quite sud-
denly without any ceremony, and more notably, left nei-
ther trace nor witness behind.
At long last, a time of change and rebuilding had come.
And rebuild they did, from top to bottom. A few of the four
Pillars were forced to make amends and pledge their alle-
giance once more, on pain of dissolution. The delicate bal-
ance between the components of the Empire had been
shaken, but an outline of the Imperial Order we know to-
day gradually emerged. Mysticism gave way to material
might, military force, and technology. With peace restored,
the human universe began another cycle of development
and prosperity. Conquests multiplied, carrying the banner
of the Trans-Bourbons ever farther. Then, just as now, even
if Imperial law is still not obeyed everywhere, for lack of
9 • The Empire
Timeline of Key Events
1795 - Exchange of Louis XVII and foundation of the Trans-Bourbons line.
2986 - Sixth World War.
3000 - Departure from Terra Prima. Colonization of the solar system. Paleo-gravitatioal Era
3499 - Crowning of Rosemonde the 1st, the Rebis, Emperor of the galaxy. End of the Democratic Tyrany.
3500 - Biological Revolution: Beginning of the Universal Colonization. Biological Era.
4500 - The Imperial Court moves to the Golden Planet. Development of the Techno-Guild.
6000 - First great galacto-barbarian invasion. Development of the Colonial Houses.
11998 - Birth of Artaran and Marlana, the children of Rosemonde I.
12000 - 2nd great galacto-barbarian invasion.
13500 - Cataclysm caused by the rupture of the ice borders. Discovery of parallel universes.
13612 - First contacts and the adherence of the Empire to the Confederation of Parallel Universes.
13626 - Birth of the Non-Baron Dayal de Castaka.
13628 - Birth of the Mono-Duchess Antigréa de Castaka.
13637 - Our universe officially joins the Confederation of Parallel Universes. Post-logic Era.
13645 - Birth of Myrtha and Narda.
13651 - The Techno-Guild discovers Central Planet and becomes the pan-Techno Church.
13652 - Destruction of the planet Ahour, original Castaka home.
13660 - Arrival of surviving members of the Castaka clan to the planet Marmola. Death of the Mono-
Duchess Antigréa de Castaka. Contact with the Gargale Gangez, and disappearance of the epiphyte
17789 - Third great galacto-barbarian invasion lead by aliens.
17790 - Escape of the Imperial Couple to their cousins of the parallel universes. 5000 long years of
continuous troubles.
23124 - First use of the Tri-H bomb and the end of the Pan-barbarian War.
23126 - Capture of power by the Techno-Technos. Fanatical Era.
23231 - Crowning of Magaella and Magellan, the new Trans-Bourbon Emperors.
23232 - The Techno-Technos are removed from political power circles.
23510 - The Church of Industrial Saints (C.I.S.) becomes the official cult of the Human Empire.
23511 - Secession between the Techno-Pope and the Techno-Popess. Creation of the Shabda-Oud order.
23772 - The Techno-Technos finish the construction of the “Great Network.”
24000/29892 - Colonization to the borders of the universe.
29820 - Birth of Non-Baron Berard de Castaka.
29857 - Birth of Metabaron Othon von Salza.
29861 - Birth of Edna Berard de Castaka.
29872 - Birth of Honorata.
29876 - Birth of Barri de Castaka.
29892 - Death of Non-Baron Berard de Castaka. Death of Edna Berard de Castaka. Battle of Marmolla.
The Human Empire learns of epiphyte. The Human Universe enters the Anti-G Era. Arrival of survivors
of the Castaka clan on the planet Okhar. Death of Barri de Castaka. Construction of the Metacraft.
29893 - Birth of Metabaron Aghnar von Salza.
29899 - Birth of the Supra-Princess Oda the Capricious.
29900 - Construction of the Metabunker. Destruction of the planet Okhar. The Metabaron Othon and his
son, Aghnar, take refuge on the planet Perdita.
29913 - Death of the Metabaron Othon von Salza. Destruction of the Shabda-oud order by the Metabaron
29918 - Death of the Supra-Princess Oda, but reincarnated by Honorata.
29919 - Birth of the Metabaron Steelhead.
29931 - Birth of Doña Vicenta Gabriela de Rokha.
29951 - Immemorial combat between the Metabaron Aghnar and Steelhead, followed by the death of
Aghnarand Honorata.
29952 - The Metabaron Steelhead becomes Melmoth de Castaka. Birth of the Metabaron Aghorha de
Castaka and the cast of Castaka. Death of Doña Vicenta Gabriela de Rokha.
29969 - Death of the Metabaron Steelhead.
29970 - Birth of the current Metabaron, who has no name.
29989 - Death of the Metabaron Aghorha de Castaka.
30000 - Current epoc.
Chapter 1 • 10 enforcers, the Empire nonetheless can THE EXERCISE & STRUCTURE OF
make its intentions felt throughout the mass of IMPERIAL POWER
galaxies that make up the universe. Even black holes
perceived in the farthest distance by telescopes are Although the power of the Emperoress is not, strictly
claimed for the Empire, just as long ago, on Terra Prima, speaking, of divine essence, it undeniably bears a certain
the new lands across the seas were claimed by the mon- super-human aspect, if only by virtue of the prophecy from
archs who owned the largest navies. the dawn of time which foretold the coming of a perfect
Magaella and Magellan’s era will forever be remem- double being who would rule over the entirety of worlds.
bered as the era of riches and technological marvels. This prophecy was so widely known that even the
In spite of its return to favor through diplomatic means, witches of the Shabda-Oud devised an ambitious and Ma-
the Techno-Pontificate continued to shroud its activi- chiavellian plot, ordering one of their number, the exquisite
ties in mystery. Nonetheless, it also continued to make Honorata, to bear a hermaphroditic child to be proclaimed
colossal and decisive contributions to the Imperial arse- “Sacred Androgyne, Emperoress of the galaxy.” However,
nal. The Endoguard’s supremacy in space owed much to their plan was doomed to fail, simply because Honorata’s
the technological marvels of the Techno-Technos. In that love for Othon, the first Metabaron, compelled her to
respect, the discovery of epyphite is a perfect example of choose to give him a son rather than a child of double
the state of the Human Empire of that time. Never had sex. But the Shabda-Oud did not give up quietly. Far from
any faction been so powerful (powerful to the point of being discouraged by their initial setback, they contrived
open rebellion against the Imperial Couple), never had another plot. This time it would involve combining Oda’s
opulence been so apparent everywhere, never had the genes with those of their god, Jejoh the perfect, to give
thirst for riches been so keen, never had the promises of birth to a hermaphroditic Chosen One who would de-
tomorrow been so glorious and numerous, and never had throne Janus-Jana and confer supreme power to the or-
conspiracies been woven with so much fervor. It was at der of Whore-Priestesses. This second attempt also met
that time, in one of the extremely short periods in an with failure. Still, the perseverance they showed demon-
alternating cycle of joy and tragedy that Magaella and strates how the Sacred Androgyne’s power is envied by
Magellan, the Imperial twins, met their death. In 31184 all. With that in mind, it is easy to imagine that the witches
to be precise, after the epyphite discovered in 29892 had of the Shabda-Oud were not the only ones to expend such
increased their already immeasurable power, after the joy efforts, and that other clans and interested parties plotted
of childbirth had been granted them, after they had man- in the shadows to produce their own hermaphroditic Cho-
aged to repel the merciless Pthagurean attack, their lives sen One in their quest for supreme power.
were brutally taken. To this day, they are the only repre- Utterly isolated in His-Her palace on the Golden Planet,
sentatives of the Trans-Bourbon line for whom formal the Emperoress reigns as absolute ruler over the whole
proof of actual death exists. human galaxy. With a dictatorial temperament, He-She
And thus, a new era was born. grants audiences in an immense throne room whose floor
and walls are completely covered in fine gold. His-Her
IN OUR TIME… word is law, and His-Her decisions irrevocable. In one
After that, the Emperoress Janus-Jana became ruler of instant, He-She can decide the fate of a person, a race, a
the Empire. Fruit of the union between one of Empress whole system, or even a galaxy. He-She not only holds
Magaella’s ova and one of Emperor Magellan’s sterile but embodies power, and His-Her life is a constant battle
sperm, Janus-Jana was brought into the world by thirty to maintain it. Since His-Her accession, the Human Uni-
years of tireless work by the whole army of surgeon-ro- verse has never been so mighty, and yet never so divided
bots and human doctors of the Hospital Planet. Superior either. Using the isolation of their distant territories to
mutant, a sublime combination of male heir and female their advantage, the larger Noble Houses have accumu-
heir, Janus-Jana was a Siamese twin, man and woman lated tremendous military strength, of course still not
joined at the neck and shoulders. In that respect, He-She mighty enough to challenge the Endoguard, but nonethe-
carried on the mystical tradition of the Trans-Bourbons, less of sufficient potency to give pause and bring consid-
by approaching the original ideal of the first Dauphin. erable weight to the strategic balance. Quite fortunately
All the same, Janus-Jana did not even slightly suspect that for Janus-Jana, the Houses continually dispute among
He-She would never attain the sacred ideal of a union themselves and therefore remain utterly incapable of join-
that combined the double aspect of male and female in ing forces to overthrow Him-Her. The High Council of
one perfectly realized being. Janus-Jana was not the Sa- Nobles is not an upper-class salon where subdued remarks
cred Androgyne. However, He-She was no ordinary hu- are exchanged among people of good company. Instead,
man either. As the last of the line, He-She was the bearer it is more frequently a hotbed of open conflict.
of ancient wisdom and the possessor of immense power. Despite His-Her illustrious ascendancy, Janus-Jana also
After Magaella and Magellan had their minds devoured boasts a legitimacy much more solid than mere prophecy.
by brain-eating vampires from interspace, the Emperoress By right, He-She is the direct descendant of the Imperial
became master of all the galaxies. Since then, sealed off Couple, and no practical-minded person would dare to
from the human world by a protective egg, Janus-Jana openly challenge the situation as it now stands. However,
rules the universe. at a time when power-hungry factions are secretly lend-
ing their support to incessant wars, His-Her birthright
does not protect Him-Her from intrigue, or the risk of timated. Not only do his remarks always dem-

11 • The Universe
impeachment. But in order to preserve the throne, He- onstrate a good deal of common sense, but he
She can count on the immediate assistance of an inner also manages, by his bold exploits, to defuse tense
circle of allies, otherwise known as the Council. situations by bringing the hypocrisy of the courtesans
to light, and he can snare even the most sophisticated
THE COUNCIL in the trap of their own petty arguments.


NEO-JESTER VICO DA SANGLE A closed and extremely secret occult group, the Circle
of Imperial Mentreks do not have any direct influence
Private councilor to the Emperoress, under the title of
over the Empire, but their strategic impact is so great
Head of Imperial Protocol, Vico da Sangle holds an envi-
that their mark is found on most decisions of
able position of strategic power in the bosom of the Em-
multigalactic scope. They influence Imperial policy with
pire. He boasts no particular prerogatives, but nonethe-
their advice and counsel. If prognostic analysis allows them
less takes full advantage of his control over rules of de-
to demonstrate a specific interest in carrying out a force-
corum. Never has there been a man at Court more famil-
ful strike in any given zone of the universe, their recom-
iar with the rules of etiquette, and it has happened more
mendations invariably lead to action. The Endoguard pres-
than once that a haughty representative of a Noble House
ence in a particular sector is increased, peace-keeping
has been forced to swallow his pride in the face of da
missions are undertaken, surveillance of the Empire’s en-
Sangle’s demands. On matters of customs and rites, Ja-
emies is carried out, and any faction headed for potential
nus-Jana always defers to his judgment and often imme-
rebellion is quickly subjugated. “Good government is good
diately endorses any new rules of etiquette that da Sangle
planning,” the old saying goes, and planning is precisely
invents without hesitation, since their only aim is to am-
what the Circle of Imperial Mentreks contribute to Ja-
plify His-Her grandeur even more. At the same time, Vico
nus-Jana. To be sure, none of the Mentreks are endowed
da Sangle knows how to curry the Im-
with clairvoyance, but the accuracy of
perial favor. His greatest strength, the
their prognostic analyses make them
secret asset that grants him the right to
The Dehuman- indispensable to anyone who wishes
Janus-Jana’s ear, is his ability to make
ization of the to clearly understand the tangled skein
people laugh. For Vico da Sangle is a
peerless acrobat and a juggler more Mentreks of the threads of possibility. All in all,
skilled than any the human galaxy has The Mentreks’ formation they provide a rational framework for
ever seen. In his dexterous hands, some process involves, in addition Imperial decisions.
twenty rubber balls might fly by and to games and simulations In terms of the structure of their
rapidly rebound, seemingly possessed aimed at increasing each clan, the Circle of Imperial Mentreks
with a life of their own. His extraordi- individual’s potential ten- is only the tip of the iceberg. Indeed,
nary routines literally astound anyone fold, the removal of the por- these few visible members draw upon
who has the good fortune to witness tion of the brain that man- support from a much larger group, a
them. The graceful arcs he describes ages purely human reactions vast college of more than a thousand
through the air, his well-timed tumbles and sensations to exterior Mentreks who contemplate an infinite
and reckless acrobatics, are immensely stimuli. Once created, number of problems, within the serene
fascinating and also very relaxing. Mentreks think and react silence of their lair. The ten oldest and
He frequently offers his opinion on a like machines — probability most esteemed Mentreks, the members
number of issues and provides advice computers who serve as the of the Circle, eliminate the tangential
in the guise of short poems, which he Emperoress’s logistical arm. considerations in order to convey a
sings out while performing his tricks be- However, numerous acciden- condensed synthesis of their analysis
fore an audience eager for his talents. tal incidents and omissions to Janus-Jana, who immediately trans-
He doesn’t involve himself in strategy have resulted from the lates it into action. Thanks to their
but instead is content to keep his finger Mentrek’s purely technical role, the ten Mentreks of the Circle are
on the pulse of the galaxy. As an ex- decision-making process. For honorary members of the Court. In-
ample, see the margin on pages 28–29, example, a Mentrek in deed, is there any courtesan who hasn’t
which is a complete transcription of re- charge of evaluating an ex- seen their thin silhouettes slowly tra-
marks exchanged during the course of pedition for the confines may versing the corridors of the Golden
an audience given by Janus-Jana in the thoroughly go over and Palace? They are permitted certain
Golden Palace (recorded by the Skribb elaborate every last technical privileges by their status. Their habits
sub-program, authorization number detail for the expedition, and little eccentricities are tolerated.
359tek55862). while forgetting to foresee One of them, who lived to the age of
Despite the role of jester he plays be- the necessary essentials for 275 standard years, a lifespan that
fore the Court with light and seemingly the bio-passengers. stands unmatched to this day, will be
unconcerned tones, Vico da Sangle’s in- renowned throughout history for his
fluence must above all not be underes- gluttony. To satisfy his cravings, the
Imperial House regu- tire universe and doubtlessly the most powerful. The door-
ways of divination were opened to him by the insertion
Chapter 1 • 12
larly shipped in large quantities of sugary tu-
mors that grow on the faces of inhabitants of a of 78 metallic panels into his brain. Each panel has been
tiny planet in a faraway sub-system, said to be true tipped with a drop of holy Golden Oil, which augments
delicacies. But such exceptions are rare, and the his neural hyper-conductivity and gives him access to al-
lifestyle within the College itself is much more monk- ternate temporal dimensions. Of course, the installation
like. The thousand Mentreks who work there are the of the implants was a delicate and dangerous process, but
undisputed elite of their clan. Their value, graded on once Goyo-Vah’s brain managed to overcome the shock,
the FishKarov scale, reaches unsurpassed limits. Their a new dimension spread its arms before him.
astounding capacity for analysis is far beyond the abili- Since that time, he exists simultaneously on two levels
ties of humans. of reality. In terms of perception, he sees, hears, and feels
Since the Mentreks exist only for the exercise of their all that everyone else can see, hear, and feel. But he also
intellect, some of them have developed an excessive taste discerns an almost superimposed second layer, which fil-
for indirect action, for subtle combinations on various ters his perception of the present by tinting it with tones
levels, or for any practical application of the domino ef- of the future. What will be, or what could be, appears
fect. The Mentreks of the College, even the Mentreks of before him. The various colors of the spectrum correspond
the Inner Circle, are dissatisfied with their classification to the different Arcana, and their intensity is proportional
and are aware that elsewhere in the universe, other less to the probability of their occurrence. The readings de-
formidable Mentreks under contract to well-reputed pend on individual interpretation, but a true craftsman
Houses enjoy the luxury of being able to put their strata- can easily translate these impressions and supra-sensory
gems into practice. Sometimes, therefore, the Mentreks readings into tangible facts.
of the College succumb to certain attempts of undue in- Goyo-Vah uses two principal methods to determine a
fluence, such as the introduction of new parameters to a course of events. Continually, instant by instant, the pos-
given premise. This is not for the sake of personal ambi- sible outcomes of all situations he sees, reads, and imag-
tion, but for the love of highly developed combinations, ines, including those that are brought before him, imper-
for the beauty of perfectly executed complex plans, and ceptibly impose themselves onto the mass of information
the self-serving pleasure of secretly undermining a plot of contained in his unconscious mind. If he fixes his mind
one of their brother Mentreks. Clearly, although the on one detail, he can probe all its facets at his leisure, and
Mentreks’ loyalty to the Empire is absolutely unquestion- identify the chances of seeing it develop within a specific
able, their taste for intellectual competition can risk be- context to a very slim margin of error. On the other hand,
coming too intense. Goyo-Vah can also immerse himself in a deeper and more
thorough study of a group of facts. It’s
GOYO-VAH, not unusual for Janus-Jana to bring
THE NEO-TAROLOGIST The Neo- him the results of His-Her Mentreks’
analysis, so he can pass them through
Another mysterious character is Tarologists
the screen of his own predictive
Goyo-Vah, who plays a discreet but Though the names of the
method. In either case, whether he pro-
pivotal role in the Court. This shadowy four Neo-Tarologists are
vides intuitive flashes or meticulous ex-
advisor to Janus-Jana is the only living known, these exceptional be-
trapolations, Goyo-Vah is a valuable
person whose remarks have ever im- ings remain for the most part
asset that the Emperoress would not
pelled the Emperoress to rethink a po- as inaccessible as the Techno-
know how to do without.
sition or even reverse a decision, indeed Technos’ jealously guarded
Of course, the reading of the Arcana
even making amends. Of the primary secrets. Thus, the illustrious
is not infallible. Absolute prescience is
circle of councilors, only Goyo-Vah’s Goyo-Vah, cloistered on
not Goyo-Vah’s gift, and it sometimes
words carry a powerful and almost su- Golden Planet, and
occurs that reality stubbornly refuses
pernatural aura, which commands obe- Occiputal-Cogito, protected
to follow the path it should. That pos-
dience. In short, if Vico da Sangle’s by the impenetrable Central
sibility is even more likely given a situ-
function is to entertain while creating Planet defense systems, are
ation with a large number of un-
a screen that filters out the unwanted, cut off from all contact with
knowns, or when the parameters in
and if the function of the Circle of Im- humanity. It is possible to ap-
question are complex or poorly corre-
perial Mentreks is to evaluate, specu- proach Raymonde and the
lated. For in the underhanded battles
late, and analytically justify the valid- Ruby, who sells her divinatory
between the powers of the Empire,
ity of Imperial strategies, Goyo-Vah’s services to the elite of the
many situations are murky. But aside
role is to bring a flash of clarity to any Archi-nobles at prohibitive
from these pitfalls and gray areas where
clouded situation. prices, but only Renovalh, the
the outlines of the future are not at all
Trained in the subtle arts of Paleo- entity deified by the mutants
clear, Goyo-Vah’s visions provide an
Tarot and Grandmaster of the Arcana on Planet Novahl-Ré, can still
idea of the direction in which the
of Neo-Tarot, Goyo-Vah is one of the be approached by common
course of things may flow.
four known Neo-Tarologists in the en- mortals.
several occasions. First

13 • The Universe
Erected atop the highest point of the Impregnable came Othon, who eliminated
Golden Planet’s level surface, the Golden Planet the Imperial Couple’s private
Golden Palace is a splendid and mas- The aura of terror and mys-
guard before clearing a path
sive golden edifice that stretches its tery that suffuses Golden
through the door’s supposedly in-
proud colonnades up towards the infi- Planet is not just due to its
destructible mass with a simple ges-
nite cosmos. Located in the center of a superstitious population and
ture that summoned a burst of pure
vast golden court made of thirty-foot- their sense of mysticism.
energy capable of detonating a
wide square slabs, the palace houses a There exists a more concrete
planet. Later, Steelhead unleashed
throne room for the Emperoress to explanation. Reputed to be
absolutely incomprehensible forces
grant audiences and an infinite amount unassailable and impen-
in order to create the Golden Flower.
of chambers dedicated to various pur- etrable, the political and ad-
Acting under an irresistible current,
suits. Beneath the court and the audi- ministrative heart of the Em-
the whole top portion of the Golden
ence hall, as if embedded in this pre- pire is surrounded by nine
Planet split open to reveal a crown of
cious golden jewel, lie the Emperoress’s satellites — artificial and
eight petals, which spread like a young
private apartments, as well as a private semi-artificial — each con-
blossom under a sun’s warm caress. No
hearing room, with occasional privilege taining a veritable arsenal of
hull or shield could resist it. Then,
of entry granted only to a few rare radar, sensors, probes, and fre-
Steelhead directed his effort down-
councilors. A veritable golden cathedral quency emitters that perma-
wards, making a shaft in the ground
supported by massive pillars, the audi- nently sweep a security perim-
that tunneled to the very depths of the
ence hall has a wide circle of light gold eter around the planet that is
palace’s inviolable heart.
in its center, set within a seven-pointed several thousand light years
The day of the Golden Flower would
dark gold star. The tip of one of the wide. This barrier prohibits all
remain forever in memory as the day
points marks the entrance to the hall. classical means of space-flight
of the greatest imaginable affront to
On each side of the hall, long rows of approach and landing, and
the Empire, but paradoxically also a
terraces accommodate the thousands of equally scans the parallel di-
day that strengthened the unspoken
courtesans who attend the Imperial au- mensions, in order to prevent
and almost spiritual bond between the
diences every day. The Imperial throne any threat that could be meta-
Emperoress and the Metabaron, great-
sits between the two points of the star human in nature. An imme-
est of all His-Her warriors.
that face the entrance. It is a platform diate sanction of pure and
Beneath the palace runs an immense
reached by climbing three long flights simple destruction is ordered
and almost unnavigable network of
of stairs, topped by a huge triangular for all intrusions unautho-
corridors, galleries, and passageways.
structure, which holds Janus-Jana’s pro- rized by Imperial mandate.
They provide access to the apartments
tective egg. Here beats the heart of the of nobles allowed at Court; to service
Empire, where all Imperial decisions are buildings where armies of robo-ser-
made, and from whence the Endoguard vants, robo-cooks, and robo-chamber-
sets out to bear the colors of the Empire across the whole maids bustle about; to the quarters of the Supreme
universe. Endoguard; to the Golden Palace’s official prison that
Entrance to the audience hall is via an immense door- sometimes contains nobles who have been condemned in
way made of an impenetrable alloy of white Netranekkon plenary assembly; and to unofficial dungeons where cer-
and gold. The top portion of the Golden Palace rotates tain poor fallen courtesans rot away. An infinity of other
constantly, its door only opening when it returns to a cer- passageways connect to great halls, small rooms, offices,
tain position four times a year at 61-day intervals, since a cellars, and corridors that lead to unknown points of vari-
year lasts 244 standard days. The courtesans who live ous usefulness. The sense of enormity and lavishness of
inside the Golden Palace can then emerge, immediately decoration are such that an inattentive explorer would
replaced by other nobles desiring to make their way into inevitably go astray. Such a structure calls into question
the Court. the mental health of the architect who designed it. The
Except during specific periods of galactic urgency, the only thing for certain is that there are many secret door-
rulers of the Empire never leave the Golden Palace. For ways and passageways here
example Magaella and Magellan, parents of Emperoress
Janus-Jana, only once visited Marmola, and once boarded THE ARMED AND ADMINISTRATIVE
the Diplomatic Vessel during the galactic crisis with the BRANCHES OF THE EMPIRE
Pthagureans, although unfortunately this incident is what
led to their death. However, the top portion of the Golden The inner circle of councilors generate and refine the
Palace can transform into the Golden Vessel, which al- broad strokes of Imperial strategy, which is then put into
lows the Emperoress to depart at any given moment for effect by the administrative branch of the Empire — the
any point in the universe. StellComm, and vigilantly enforced by the armed branch
As inviolable and impregnable as it is, the Golden Pal- — the Endoguard. Thus the Emperoress has two ultra-
ace has nonetheless suffered the humiliation of assault on powerful divisions entirely devoted to His-Her cause.
(customs and security inspectors, pilots,
security agents who guard the ware-
Chapter 1 • 14
Their devotion does not The Human
spring from freely given loyalty, houses, various levels of office staff, and
which would always be at risk of others) work in some aspect of handling
Principle organ of logistic
retraction, but from much more the astronomical quantities of data gen-
management for the Empire,
powerful forces: fear and subjuga- erated each day by interstellar com-
StellCom centralizes the ac-
tion. Indeed, the mighty merce. And, nearer to the central power
tivities of tens of thousands
Endoguards are made to comply of the Golden Planet, the high-ranking
of men and women whose
with Imperial directives by a techni- officers in the StellComm are entrusted
behavior is characterized
cal device, while StellComm agents with making sure that the Emperoress’s
principally by being… hu-
comply with their orders for the sake will is respected and converted into daily
man. While the Endoguards
of preserving their lives. action for their ranks of administrators.
distinguish themselves with
their implacable and me- STELLCOM AGENTS
chanical efficiency, the These generic characters can be used
The Imperial Super-Ministry of Stel- StellCom agents are capable with the Metabarons Roleplaying
lar Commerce (or StellComm as it’s of dialogue, compromise, the Game.
more often called) organizes and regu- ability to listen, and even of
lates trade and commercial travel Inspector. Agility 2D: dodge 3D,
being corrupted. The rigid- firearms 3D. Knowledge 3D: bureau-
throughout the universe. In theory, it ity of their administrative
puts the framework and general rules cracy 4D, business 4D, intimidation
function is generally enough 4D, secruity regulations 3D+2. Me-
for commercial activity into place and to dissuade them from mak-
then ensures their maintenance by col- chanical 2D. Perception 3D+2: bar-
ing “friendly agreements”; gain 4D, investigation 4D+2, search
laborating with the Maganats and other however, they remain the
intergalactic authorities, such as the 4D+2. Strength 2D. Technical 3D:
only governmental agents computer interface/repair 3D+2, secu-
Guild of Imperial Merchants or the who are willing to accept a
traders of the Ekonomat. rity 3D+2. Psionics 0D. Move 10.
bribe. Character Points 1. Equipment: De-
In practice, it primarily fulfills the du-
ties of customs, maintaining offices and fense pistol (3D damage), fine uniform,
delegations in all the universe’s hand vid-comm, io board.
cosmoports. It controls the movement of merchandise and Pilot. Agility 2D: firearms 3D, 0-G maneuver 4D.
of course collects taxes for the Imperial treasury. How- Knowledge 2D: astrography 4D, bureaucracy 4D, secruity
ever, it also carries out other useful functions, such as de- regulations 2D+2. Mechanical 3D+2: astro-nav 5D+1,
veloping and carrying out security routines for subatmo- comm 5D+1, gunnery 4D+1, piloting 6D+2, sensors 5D,
spheric space and zones around cosmoports, administer- shields 5D, vehicle operations 5D. Perception 3D. Strength
ing and maintaining hyperspatial routes and astrographic 2D. Technical 3D+2: computer interface/repair 4D, flight
data, signposting and mapping the sectors adjacent to in- systems repair 6D. Psionics 0D. Move 10. Character
ter-stellar wormholes, and handling all of the Empire’s Points 1. Equipment: Defense pistol (3D damage), flight
administrative needs: registration, inspection of vessels and suit, pilot’s helmet (+1 STR to resist damage; head only),
cargo, and so on. io board.
In local areas, particularly in minor systems or ones Security. Agility 4D: dodge 5D, firearms 5D, melee com-
somewhat isolated from the more heavily trafficked routes, bat 5D, 0-G maneuver 4D+1. Knowledge 3D: bureau-
it is customary for StellComm agents to be more lenient cracy 4D, intimidation 4D+2, secruity regulations 6D.
and more sympathetic to the grievances and demands from Mechanical 2D+2: exoskeleton operation 3D. Perception
representatives of the Maganats or Colonials, indepen- 3D: search 4D+1. Strength 2D. Technical 2D: security
dent shippers, or even pioneers who head off on explor- 3D. Psionics 0D. Move 10. Character Points 2. Equip-
atory missions to return with their holds full of mineral ment: Viper pistol (4D damage), stun baton (5D stun dam-
ore. In such cases, negotiation might be considered, un- age), uniform, comm headset, io board.
less of course an Endoguard patrol is passing somewhere Clerk. Agility 2D: dodge 3D. Knowledge 4D: bureau-
nearby. cracy 5D+2, business 6D, cultures 4D+1 secruity regula-
For its missions, StellComm can call upon a fleet of tions 4D+1. Mechanical 2D. Perception 3D+2: bargain
modestly armed vessels. There is no guarantee of safety 4D+2, con 4D, search 4D+1. Strength 2D. Technical 2D.
in outer space. However, their armament does not permit Psionics 0D. Move 10. Character Points 1. Equipment:
them to take on aggressors above a certain level of fire- fine uniform, hand vid-comm, io board.
power, since StellComm agents are administrators more
than warriors. In case of difficulty, the Endoguard is called THE ENDOGUARD
in, and if they arrive on the scene in time, they will effort- The Endoguard makes up the armed branch of the Em-
lessly turn the battle in their favor. pire. It is the most solid, most visible, most feared, and
Parallel to their duties in the field, the hundreds of mil- also certainly the most loyal group to the Emperoress (ex-
lions of StellComm agents spread throughout the universe
cept for their transgression at Marmola, the causes and
their facade of submission, they are primarily

15 • The Universe
mechanics of which are ill-understood to this day). Not
only is its firepower, thanks to technological support from there to serve their own ambitions. Nevertheless,
the Techno-Technos, absolutely unrivalled across the en- thanks to the apt counsel of the Imperial Mentreks,
tire universe, it also counts on utter ruthlessness and total and Goyo-Vah’s prescient recommendations, Janus-
self-sacrifice from each of its men, every one of them pre- Jana is able to maintain a delicate balance, ensuring
pared to consent to the final sacrifice. For an Endoguard, that they all act towards His-Her greater glory.
the idea of dying for the Empire is neither a contract nor THE MEETINGS OF THE SENATE
a choice, but simply a given fact technologically implanted
in his brain. Death is not significant and certainly not a The plenary sessions of the Senate are held in the
personal matter. It might be considered a professional er- throne room of the Golden Palace. They are a forum
ror, a failing in the eyes of the Empire if the mission is for constant and merciless verbal jousting. The sena-
compromised, but the ranks of the Endoguard are so tight tors do not hesitate to mutually slaughter each other
that the disappearance of an individual goes unnoticed. with their murderous proposals. But all their words,
Not including the Supreme Endoguard — an elite corps hurled with such conviction, are in vain. In reality, the
providing tight security around the Golden Planet, the Senate has no concrete power, and its function is merely
Golden Palace, and the Emperoress Him-Herself — the one of appearance. The activity that takes place withing
Endoguard comprises various specialized units. However, those walls has no other purpose besides contributing to
each individual Endoguard boasts multiple specialties. a “circus of politics.” Although the delegates defend their
Indeed, through the course of his training, he not only of points of view with vigor and fire arguments and abuse,
course learns to fight (they are experienced warriors in all it’s all for nothing, because in the end only the Emperoress
known forms of combat) but also learns to use all avail- decides.
able techniques and technology, to execute all applica- Of course, they do form committees. Then, after end-
tions of military engineering normally reserved for spe- less round table discussions — which are merely a show-
cially assembled divisions, and to handle all imaginable case for mind-numbingly vacuous speeches — reports are
materials. Everything is done to make him the ultimate prepared, put to the criticism of the members, amended,
specialist, devoid of all scruples or emotional limitations, and then finally approved. Janus-Jana never concerns Him-
optimized for his mission: conquest and the enforcement Herself with any of this. The Emperoress forms His-Her
of Imperial order. own opinion, enlisting no other aid besides the lucid analy-
Given the immensity of the Empire, the Endoguard can- sis of His-Her Circle of Mentreks. But sometimes, He-
not be everywhere. Nevertheless, it maintains permanent She will take His-Her pleasure by watching the duels be-
patrols around strategic points and major worlds. In these tween the orators.
zones, the slightest alert given by a StellComm agent trig- It might appear that the Senate has no other function
gers armed intervention with the briefest possible delay. than to serve as an echo chamber for verbal assault among
In more remote areas, such as those around the minor, the four Great Pillars. More importantly, however, it is a
outlying Maganat or Colonial planets that are more dis- barometer that measures their relative influence in the Em-
tant or less endowed with natural resources, the local pire.. And although the endless speeches are mostly use-
forces alone are responsible for police operations. But if less, the prestige they confer on whoever speaks loudest
the disturbances are of a significant nature, such as a pi- and longest is powerful and permanent. Although the
rate raid or invasion by galacto-barbaric hordes, the delegates may attack each other while in session with bit-
Endoguard is dispatched immediately. Depending on the ter and cutting words, they bend over backwards outside
time required to arrive at the theater of operations, the the throne room to impress Janus-Jana and attract His-
purple lancets might well arrive in the middle of the ac- Her favor. In the final analysis, the Senate has no demo-
tion, in which case they restore order very swiftly. But it cratic legitimacy; it does not make any rulings, nor does it
sometimes happens that they arrive a bit too late, and the contributeanything to the process of government. It is an
entire battle zone is nothing but smoking ruins. In that arena where the Techno-Pontificate, the Maganats, the
case, the Endoguard carries out punitive action, which is Ekonomat and the Union of Planets all battle for a snip-
followed through until retaliation has been made. pet of influence beneath the amused eye of Janus-Jana.
Janus-Jana might well concede certain privileges to one
THE SENATE or the other of the four Pillars in turn. This group will
Although the inner circle of councilors help Him-Her then immediately take advantage of the limelight, increas-
develop the broad strokes of Imperial strategy, the ing their lobbying efforts. But their glory is short-lived,
Emperoress exercises power through the intermediary of and the pillar that is favored today might fall into disre-
the four Great Pillars, which together make up the Sen- pute tomorrow. The so-called circus of politics is a cruel
ate: the Techno-Pontificate, the Maganats, the Ekonomat, game, but all too often everyone forgets that it’s a game.
and the Union of Planets. Although each one of these Whatever action it may take, the fundamental motiva-
branches acts in accordance with Imperial will, it must tion and indeed the very justification for the Senate’s ex-
never be forgotten that their individual interests are in istence is that with every passing moment it reinforces the
almost constant opposition. Behind their obedience and allegiance of the four Pillars to Janus-Jana’s authority. By
and polite, despite the oddity of the presence of visitors
the very fact that they hold sessions, and move from the outer-universes.
Chapter 1 • 16
heaven and earth to raise themselves in His-Her A plenary session is organized every ten standard years,
eyes, the TechnoPontificate, the Maganats, the which is always the occasion for celebratory activities in
Ekonomat and the Union of Planets continually con- the Imperial Palace. A setting of open exchange and ne-
firm their submission to the Empire, at least on the gotiation, the Confederation of Parallel Universes could
surface. But the Emperoress is not so easily fooled. end up playing a larger role if by chance a conflict broke
He-She knows that the obedience of the large clans is out in a zone of the confines, and threatened to spread
motivated solely by self-interest, which is precisely why further into the outer universes.
He-She compels them to demonstrate, via the Senate, a
public loyalty that they are far from swearing to Him- THE GALACTO-BARBARIAN HORDES
Her in private. For in the subtle game of power, the Em- Like the coming and going of the seasons with births,
pire must seize every opportunity to keep a tight rein on deaths, destruction, and rebuilding of life, the Empire and
those who might one day rise against it. human civilizations have suffered and con-tinue to suffer
the surprise onslaughts of the hordes coming from the
THE CONFEDERATION OF confines. The very first encounter with the galacto-bar-
PARALLEL UNIVERSES barians (also known as the Wild Bunch) took place dur-
ing the reign of Rosemonde I the Rebis. The attacks not
In 13612, initial contact was made with the parallel
only tore apart the Empire’s relative tranquility but were
universes who were concerned about all the agitation and
repeated cyclically, becoming a dreaded reality of life in
unrest occurring at the edges of the confines, resulting in
the Empire, which had to be accepted despite the lack of
the Human Universe officially joining the Confederation
under-standing of the invader’s origins and motivations.
of Parallel Universes in 13637. In 23124, after the explo-
All that was known was that a real danger of extraterres-
sion of the first Tri-H bomb, the Parallel Universes made
trials with shady desires existed. The invaders came from
their worry and disapproval known by rising up against
remote areas of space, and they regularly federated them-
these experiments “that were likely to cause cataclysms.”
selves around a war chief in order to sweep through the
This renewed contact was followed by intense diplomatic
Empire. Today, after three major assaults, which are re-
activity. The Empire quickly realized that it was in their
corded in the historical archives as «the most barbarian
interest to not ruffle the feathers of such powerful neigh-
galactic wars in all of history, this non-human pres-ence
bors. Although initiates were already aware of the exist-
remains tangibly present at the outskirts of certain con-
ence of parallel universes, it was this particular occasion
fines. Accounts from space voyagers mention relatively
that brought them into the public eye.
peaceful people with tribal habits and customs qualified
A permanent delegation from the Confederation of Par-
as “paleo-barbarian.” It is only their inclination to unite
allel Universes was established in the Human Empire af-
themselves at regular intervals in order to raid and plun-
ter the first series of diplomatic exchanges.
der inhabited planets located hundreds of light years from
The delegation is based in the Golden Palace on Golden
their world, that seems to represent a real menace to the
Planet. They have limited prerogatives, and essentially
serve as a forum for discussion. Debates are courteous
17 • The Universe
Within the colossal mosaic of peoples, cultural in- religious. Although they may preach to the masses — about
terests, clans, and individ-uals that make up the popu- the supremacy of technology, and the coming of the Dark-
lation of the Empire, there are four distinct groups that ness — they don’t promise any happiness, either in this
truly stand out from the rest. They are the four Pillars world or the next. They also observe rituals — primarily
of the Empire. Because of their status, their demo- during services in their temples — but only in order to
graphic weight, and their geographic scope, they rep- better control their flock. They are also constantly striv-
resent a powerful force. Ever present in the political ing to attract new followers, whom they then convert with
machinations of the Empire, they hold session in the ease. Their structure is a replica of the Paleo-Catholicism
Senate, and even if the role of that organization is more of Terra Prima. A new Techno-Techno, once his spirit has
honorific than strategic, the combined influence of the been won over to the cause, desires only the coming of a
four groups cannot be ignored. new era, in which the black forces of the Darkness will
rule the whole universe. More than a religion, the Techno-
Techno Order is a tool of conquest, arranged in the form
of a congregation.
The Church of the Industrial Saints, also called the
Magnus Dei, follows an extremely hierarchical pyramid
structure. At its head is the Supreme Techno-Pope, reli-
gious and spiritual leader of the Church, ruler of the mil-
THE TECHNO-PONTIFICATE lions of souls over which he holds sway. Of course, the
well-being of those souls is not his main concern. He is
A group so occult that it borders on a secret society, the more interested in tightening his grip on the Empire by
Techno-Pontificate is both the Empire’s worst enemy and extending his tentacles and technological connections into
the ally that contributes most to its glory. Although its every cranny. The Supreme Techno-Pope is selected from
secret ambition is to seize absolute power at any price, among the conclave of Techno-Popes, high leaders of the
the Techno-Church also provides the Imperial armed forces Church who rule the Endocities. Immediately beneath
with decisive technological support for their battles for them in the hierarchy are the Techno-Cardinals and
power. The Emperoress is perfectly aware of the Pan- Techno-Bishops, representing the first line of the order’s
Techno threat, and it is not weakness that convinces Him- administrative machinery. They ensure that Techno-
Her to tolerate their scheming. At the present time, the Techno catechism is firmly enforced. To that end, they
Techno-Technos are not yet powerful enough to submit oversee the actions of their Supreme Techno-Abbots, who
the whole universe to their will, so they plot in the shad- work assiduously within the massive hives of industrial
ows and bide their time. And although the Emperoress activity they call their Techno-Abbeys, to spread the
warms this snake at His-Her breast, it is only in order to Techno-Techno faith and develop ever more efficient ma-
control it better. For this snake holds secrets without which chines and systems.
the Empire would shine less brightly. The Techno-Church At the top, but invisibly, the Su-
and the Empire have coexisted for ages, never entirely preme Techno-Pope himself is
peacefully. After the Techno-Technos mastered the tech- subject to the authority of the
nology of Tri-H bombs during the surprise galacto-bar- Techno-Centrus and the
baric attacks of 23124, they attempted to overthrow Im- Council of Circuits. Together,
perial authority and install a Techno-Regime throughout those two entities form the
the entire universe. The Empire banished them for that Techno-Sacerdota, a type of
offense, but a few centuries later, they returned to grace supervising intelligence whose
when Magaella and Magellan — the
Imperial Couple at that time —be-
queathed the Church of the Industrial
Saints with the status of official cult
in the human universe. After all, it
would be folly to forsake any ally
who controls a weapon capable of
imploding the universe.
Despite its name, the Church of
the Industrial Saints is not actually
consciousness is
as elusive as it is one’s fellow man. Over time, the members of

19 • The Four Pillars

The Three inflexible. this community developed bizarre customs —
Ophidian Entities As the official signs of recognition and other secret rites, although
“Every 777 cycles, during
religion of the without a mystical context. Little by little, these signs
the ritual coupling of the
Empire, the of group belonging and brotherhood among the inter-
three Serpents, the three Su-
Techno-Church stellar merchants began to separate them from the rest
preme Ophidian Entities,
has no trouble of the world. The tendency towards segregation grew
during an act where two of
constantly bring- ever more pronounced, culminating in total dissocia-
them unite and the third dis-
ing new followers tion between the guild and the rest of humanity. Of
solves into them, this abso-
to the fold. Even course, the merchants still had to conduct business, but
lute trinity gives birth to a
the highest direc- any contact with someone who didn’t belong to their
third essence that, in the
tors carry out fraternity was kept to a strict minimum.
breath of a moment, reunites
their rites and re- Some time after the guild had become a true occult car-
the male and female qualities
ligious duties in tel, one of its vessels was forced to make a crash landing
of the other two, perfectly
more or less good on a deserted asteroid in the middle of space. At first, the
and intimately mixed, be-
grace, and atten- celestial body did not offer any hope to the survivors of
coming the perfect monoic
dance at their the crash. After launching a distress call, they sat back
entity, granted all the virtues
Temples is main- and waited… for possible rescue, or death. After four stan-
of the two principles.” —
tained at a healthy dard days, their damaged ship’s oxygen supply was ex-
Fragments of the fresque that
average. How- hausted, and the three survivors had to put on their
decorates, in an unbroken
ever, for those spacesuits. Four hours of oxygen still remained. Resigned
line, the foundation stone of
who make a more to their fate, but nonetheless spurred on by uncontainable
the Techno-Temple of Cen-
serious commit- curiosity, they set out to explore the naked gray surface
tral Planet.
ment — usually of the asteroid, thinking only of finding their resting place
beings without for all eternity. There wasn’t much to see on the blighted
ties who see the landscape, but behind a large straight rock that stood on
Church as material to fulfill the hollow in their lives — the plain pointing up at the cosmos like a finger, they dis-
the Techno-Techno grip soon resembles complete immer- covered a cleft leading to a vast underground chamber. A
sion in a religious cult. Body and soul, they become crea- pure, undulating,
tures of the Darkness. snakelike curve
Boasting billions of followers across the universe, ran along the en-
the Techno-Church can call upon unlimited pools of tire length of the The Order’s
manpower for any job. Their specialist Techno-monks rocky wall. It Renegades
are divided into the ranks of Techno-surgeons, Techno- seemed to have Quasi-religious, extremely
obstetricians, Techno-urbanists, Techno-engineers, been engraved on hierarchical, and directed by
Techno-foremen, Techno-soldiers (or Techno-crusad- that thick, rough the supernatural influence of
ers), Techno-economists, and other Techno-specialists. surface with the the Ophidian Entities, the
These active officers form the backbone of the Techno- aid of the finest Techno-Techno order is far
Techno industry. In each field, they direct the action in possible laser from being a mercenary
the field of elemental nonspecialized units. The group imaginable. The guild where one can decide
of Techno-Technos at the bottom of the pyramid is sole opening led one day to leave its ranks,
called the Techno-Mano. to a long hallway, “no strings attached.” The
Although extremely discreet, the Techno-Church is nev- which seemed to case of Marak Trankz is of-
ertheless omnipresent. Only a few rare isolated planets, lead down into ten cited as an example. This
or particularly intractable Colonial planets, do not pos- the heart of the Terra 402 neuro-technician,
sess a Techno-Temple or even a Techno-Embassy. Out in rocky mass. With- who decided to leave the or-
space, there are numerous pan-Techno ships that streak out pausing to der to join the Amok forces,
through the cosmos, and each legal orbital station is a consult each lived clandestinely for two
chapel in the order. other, the three years. Subject to fits of neu-
men started down rotic paranoia and uncon-
THE SOURCE OF TECHNO-TECHNO POWER the passageway. trollable hallucinations, he
Formed around an ancient group of interstellar traders An orange light constantly imagined himself
called the Merchants’ Guild, the Techno-Church took on seemed to ema- hunted down by legions of
a new dimension in 13651, when the Central Planet was nate from the robo-trackers. He was later
discovered. After that, those itinerants of the universe floor and ceiling. found in a Red Ring alley,
formed a common brotherhood, bound together by a After a slight gutted of all of his internal
strong sense of solidarity. The cosmos were still savage, bend, the incline organs.
and it was vital to be able to count on assistance from became more pro-
lous technology, doubtlessly originating in another uni-
nounced. Their reserve tanks were nearly empty. verse. Today, the Magnus Dei not only holds countless
Chapter 2 • 20
They would leave this desolate world forever in patents over applications far superior to what human
one standard hour at the most. Nonetheless, they technology can produce, but also over the process of con-
carried on resolutely. Long minutes ticked by. They struction for the Endocities, a type of city-shaft. But that’s
advanced with increasing difficulty. A layer of thin not all. In 23124, the Techno-Technos developed and ex-
mist settled across the visors of their space suits. The ploded the first Tri-H bomb, a formidable device that
thought of an agonizing death hung over them. triggers a simultaneous sequence of cataclysms in three
Just as despair gently closed its talons over their will, parallel universes. This ultimate weapon, capable on its
they arrived in a crypt of gargantuan proportions. A own of bringing one or several universes to their knees,
strange light bathed this otherworldly and timeless place presents such a great threat that the Confederation of
in phosphorescent shadows. Within the core of the rocky Parallel Universes forbids its use. More recently, the
orb, a heart of the blackest darkness began to throb. Techno-Church developed another lethal weapon, the
Then they saw a writhing knot of reptilian bodies slowly negative-mine, which they use only sparingly, so as not
begin to untangle, like a nightmare that presaged the hor- to provoke envy. The mines set in motion a colossal chain
rors of hell. Paralyzed with fear, the three merchants of destruction that produces anti-matter. At the same time,
watched the snakelike dance of the reptiles, all the more the Church continues to work in other fields and strives
hypnotic in the echo of frozen silence. They felt they had endlessly to broaden its infinite network.
been granted the honor of beholding the enigmatic face
of death itself.
Their blood now carried a deadly amount of carbon OF THE INDUSTRIAL SAINTS
dioxide. The three disentangled serpents slowly began to Wielding enormous power and capable of challenging
straighten. Sheathed in darkness, their bodies glimmered: the Empire itself were it not for the Metabaron, the
silver, copper, and gold. Suddenly, a rush of life-giving Church of the Industrial Saints carries
oxygen flooded the suits of the mer- out massive activity in a multitude of
chants, and their energy was promptly areas. With technology as the back-
restored, allowing them to witness the The Council bone of all its enterprise, they have a
strange sight before their eyes. The Circuit total stranglehold on almost every ac-
chamber’s walls were covered on all One would tend to believe tivity linked to commerce, science,
sides with hieroglyphic carvings, emu- that the Supreme Techno- technology, and transportation. To a
lating the patterns on the reptilian Pope is at the very top of the certain degree, they treat commerce
scales. A feeling of hope swelled within Church of the Industrial and transportation as the same en-
them little by little, and they grew Saint’s pyramid-structured deavor. The Techno-Tunnels — a net-
bolder. They approached the three rep- hierarchy. The truth is, the work of interspatial highways without
tiles, now as still as marble, noticing Council Circuit, although which the regions of the universe
that their bodies were also tattooed hidden by the Tenebrae’s dif- would forever be condemned to isola-
with an intricate layer of cabalistic sym- fused shadows and its ob- tion — are the key for trade between
bols. At once, they knew they were in scure wishes, is the most the 22,000 major worlds and the infi-
the presence of a great mystery, an un- powerful authority in the nite number of minor ones. As a re-
fathomable secret with the power to pan-Techno Church. Com- sult, they are also a keystone to inter-
change the universe. posed of Techno-inquis- stellar transportation.
Subsequently, the small asteroid was itors,the Council Circuit or- In the sphere of technical and scien-
transformed. Today it is Central ganizes itself around the Su- tific research and development, the
Planet, the seat of Techno-Techno preme Central Computer, Techno-Technos carry out innumerable
power. Its original diameter of barely and is under the direction of experimental programs not only in the
5,000 kilometers has been enlarged to the Techno-Centrix, which privacy of their factory-labs, but also
77,777 kilometers. Now, it is an ut- only resides on Central within the Endocities, which are un-
terly impregnable base, one of the Planet or War Star. Perma- der their complete control. The theo-
larger strongholds of the universe, ca- nently linked to the Great retically free citizens who inhabit the
pable of resisting anything and any- Network, which guides them Endocities are in fact under total and
one, except of course Steelhead the in their objective, the exclusive control of the Techno-
Metabaron. The three Bodras, the ser- Techno-inquisitors make Technos. These citizens may be sub-
pents of copper, silver, and gold, still them-selves known to each jects of the Emperoress, but the pow-
reside on the Central Planet in a cav- other by showing their ers of the Golden Palace are not at all
ern directly beneath the Techno- golden accreditation disk. concerned with their fate. So it is with
Temple’s altar. The merchants, who They generally travel only in total impunity that the Magnus Dei
later became Techno-Technos serving order to judge and eliminate conducts vast experiments on them, in-
the Church of the Industrial Saints, re- enemies of the Order. tended to extract the portion of human
ceived from them the secrets of a fabu- conscience they call the “K factor.” A
21 • The Four Pillars
Chapter 2 • 22
fundamental human drive of Kresus IV
inestimable value to the Rare are those who are
Techno-Techno’s objectives, the K not aware of the Supreme
factor’s primary use is as fuel for Central Computer’s exist-
the cold and inhuman mechanical ence, considered by many as
systems. Thus, humans serve as the power behind the throne
paleo-guinea pigs for the machines of the Church of the Indus-
that prey on them. trial Saints. But there is an-
Aside from all the Endocities in the other supra-computer, placed
universe — 8,500 and counting — the at the head of Ekonomat
Techno-Technos also own three ma- transactions, which seems to
jor planets: Central Planet, War Star, be as disconcerting to human The Ekonomat is the only Pillar of
and Hospital Planet. Their activities on spirits as the Techno- the Empire whose discretion matches
those planets are shrouded in the total Technos’ spying endeavors. its power. In the Endocities, as well as
secrecy that characterizes their order The reinforced room that on the planets of the Maganats and
and portends their greatness. houses Kresus IV’s circuits is Colonials, it is rare indeed to find any-
On Central Planet, the Techno- in effect surrounded by an one who is even aware of its existence.
Church trains its officers, some in antimatter isolation casing Nobody admits to working for the
dogma, and some in attack and de- that excludes all life, all Ekonomat. No offices or buildings of
fense. In the first group are specialists atomic existence, and all the Ekonomat are anywhere to be
of ritual, who will later be assigned to links with the pan-Techno seen. Yet it is omnipresent, for it con-
the ranks of the Techno-Inquisition. Great Network. trols all financial transactions. In fact,
Unswerving on matters of doctrine, the even the tiniest banking agency in the
Techno-inquisitors are in some ways smallest city on the most isolated
the order’s police force, but they also planet forms part of the Ekonomat.
work to spread their faith in the outside world. As for But the Ekonomat also owns the universal network that
the second group, they will join the Techno-Techno army, manages the millions upon millions of accounts in the
that vast organization made up of the Techno-soldiers universe — and the millions upon millions of transac-
(otherwise known as Techno-crusaders) but also the tions that take place each standard day — as well as all
Techno-assassins, who carry out dirty deeds for the greater the stock exchanges, specialized trust and investment so-
glory of the Magnus Dei. cieties, the portfolios of the wealthiest Maganats, and
On War Star, a tiny planet whose position is unknown the financial assets of the Empire. It therefore possesses
to anyone, the Church of the Industrial Saints trains its unimaginable influence. Not a single kublar in legal cir-
mercenaries. It also keeps track of them and gives them culation throughout the universe escapes its notice.
assignments through the Central Mercenary Office. This
regulatory body, apparently independent but actually con- HISTORY OF THE EKONOMAT
trolled by the Techno-Technos, administers a test to the The pathological secrecy of the Ekonomat, and the aura
mercenary candidates for classification purposes, and acts of dark mystery that shrouds its activities, are simply in-
as a center for offers of employment. Of course, the test herited responses to a long and troubled history. At the
for mastery of combat situations is administered by ma- time of its origin, the Ekonomat did not represent a clan
chine. After his virtual battle, each apprentice mercenary in the true sense of the word, or even a group of specific
is given a rank, expressed in Dhan, the index of a interests. In ancient times of life on Terra Prima, within
mercenary’s worth in battle. every society and every population, there were people
Lastly, on Hospital Planet, the Church of the Industrial without title or official position who dealt in the trade of
Saints provides training for their Techno-surgeons, who are money. Universally despised, and sometimes even perse-
quickly outfitted with so many mechanical attachments that cuted, they nevertheless lent vital support to the ambi-
they cease to be quite human. Somewhere in the vast area tions of those in power. Without them, the colossal sums
of the planet not dedicated to surgery, the Techno-Technos required for campaigns of conquest could never have been
have also established the Mentrek Training Center. raised, and no warlords could have forged their empires.
Thus, the Techno-Techno order maintains a gargantuan But the business of money-lending comes with both a
presence in a number of key sectors. Their predilection for reward and a risk. By funding conquerors hungry for
conspiracy and the tremendous means they possess at their power and glory, they put themselves in a position to
disposal is a terrifying combination and gives rise to the receive large fortunes but also to suffer disgrace. In de-
suspicion that their ever increasing conquests will never end. feat as well as in victory, nobody likes a man he owes
That risk seems greater when one considers that the pri- money. Sometimes, society’s latent hostility towards them
mary objective of the reptilian creatures who gave them their reached frenzied heights, and they were threatened, at-
powers was absolute domination. tacked, and massacred indiscriminately.
When Earth’s fickle history resulted in the near destruc-
tion of Terra Prima, they too were borne upon the screech- the life-giving waters flowed away, down into

23 • The Four Pillars

ing winds that thrust humans across the cosmos. Scat- the heart of the planet, condemning its inhabit-
tered to all corners of the universe, they steadily and se- ants to certain death. He had been asked to act as a
cretly continued their activities. They never conquered repository for his fellow creatures’ memories, and
planets or occupied high positions, but behind every war- immerse himself in total catalepsy to wait for intelli-
lord who set off to carve himself a piece of the galaxy was gent life, in order to finally reveal their secrets.
always a mysterious character with bizarre connections, Before succumbing to eternal sleep, Bemb revealed
capable of raising millions of Kublars at highly competi- two things to these outcasts of civilization, forever re-
tive rates. Over time, thanks to the military success of the versing their fate and allowing the Ekonomat to take
warlords, they gained riches but never respectability. They on the dimension it holds today. First, under the thin
remained outcasts in all societies, as if their financial abili- layer of dirt, the millions of oysters had, in death, left
ties were some sort of shameful disease. behind a mountain of pearls of incredible splendor and
Once they became endowed with substantial means, size, a fortune colossal enough to buy half the universe.
this scattered culture embarked on a quest to find a world But even more valuable, he added, was the power con-
they could make their own, a virgin planet that would tained within his flesh — the power to accumulate and
house the heart of their community. In great secrecy, doz- stockpile hydrogen and oxygen atoms by compressing
ens of exploratory vessels were prepared and then them, in other words the ability to either produce or
launched in all directions, searching for a new promised deconstruct water molecules on demand. With such a se-
land isolated from the stellar trade routes. It was the cret, it would be possible to hold an ocean within a paleo-
Xodus, a decrepit but hardy vessel, that accidentally thimble and transport it anywhere.
stumbled upon a vast planet, apparently uninhabited de- From that point on, the Ekonomat underwent an era
spite the presence of an atmosphere. Perfectly secluded, of rapid expansion. Besides financial transactions, they
this new world was accessible from took control of the trade in water, that
only one direction, protected on one essential commodity of life, which
side by an asteroid field and on the The Scientific many worlds were forced to import in
other by an immense gaseous cloud. Chamber large quantities. Their massive assets
Preliminary scans, carried out from In charge of financial only grew larger, and although their
high orbit, showed almost no bio-ac- transactions and managing riches could never buy them an untar-
tivity, or at least nothing that indicated the balance of the universe’s nished reputation, they gained the sta-
the presence of any intelligent life. Cau- monetary flux, the Ekono- tus of a clan that could not be ignored
tiously, after many standard weeks of mat equally enjoys an appre- and whose wrath was to be feared.
scrupulous observation, a landing ciable influence on techno- Today, the Ekonomat is a necessary
probe was sent down. It confirmed the logical and industrial evolu- participant in all economic transactions
viability of the atmosphere, and tion. Placed under the con- of a certain scope. It controls the uni-
revealed traces of a massive body of trol of the Mata-Master, the versal network of banks and manages
water that had disappeared. A land- Scientific Chamber’s agents the assets of all the universe’s wealthy,
ing team was dispatched, precisely into are capable of introducing in order to generate profit.
the zone that showed the greatest themselves in any research-
and-development factory
To their great surprise, the landing and stealing industrial se- Based on Neo-Knox, the former
team discovered only one life-from: a crets from all factions and aquatic planet that became their head-
gigantic oyster endowed with telepathic corporations. It is said that quarters, the Ekonomat also maintains
abilities. The enormous mollusk, which using their skills, they were a presence on all worlds of any finan-
had been trapped under a patch of dry able to approach the Sacro- cial importance. Neo-Knox is the only
sand for millennia, gave a warm wel- sanct Ophidat and success- planet it officially owns, but all of its
come to the five members of the land- fully copy fragments of se- commercial delegations are granted
ing team, and began to narrate the crets that are inscribed on its diplomatic immunity. Besides which,
tragic fate of its planet and its people. scales. These matchless spies every one of them is an impenetrable
He told them he was named Bemb, that have become the pan-Techno fort that nobody would risk taking by
he was the sole survivor of a peace-lov- Church’s primary target force, no matter how enticing the co-
ing race that had inhabited this once since the accounting of a ru- lossal riches that lie quietly in their
aquatic land, and that he had been ap- mor establishing the exist- vaults may be. Omni-present yet invis-
pointed the chosen one who would ence of double agents, who ible, the Ekonomat adopts strategies
await their arrival. Long ago, he told are supposedly infiltrated determined by Neo-Knox, which are
them, millions of shelled creatures lived within the heart of the pan- then scrupulously put into effect from
here in harmony, in the clear waters of Techno Church. the top down by all their components.
an immense ocean warmed by the rays Neo-Knox is where all arrangements
of a loving sun. After a great disaster, are made, in the luxuriant calm of its
Chapter 2 • 24
palaces of unimaginable magnificence. One word, pro-
nounced in a muffled tone by a distant voice, would suf- throughout the cosmos, in search of secrets or

25 • The Four Pillars

fice to plunge the economic balance of the universe into new ideas that might represent some market value.
grave turbulence. Then, of course, investors across the The Ekonomat has not forgotten the good fortune
universe would begin a chain of suicides, leading to a chain that allowed them to discover Bemb and his miracu-
of deposits into the accounts of the Ekonomat. lous formula for reducing water to its simplest form.
Intellectual head and governing body of the Ekonomat, Lastly, the third area of the Ekonomat’s activities is
the “Midastic Chamber” is a board of twelve directors water. Their complete control over this element makes
who rule the fate of the whole organization. The twelve it their surest source of revenue. The method revealed
Ekonomes Masters that make it up are all well-respected to them by Bemb — based on secret principles that no
representatives of their community, each one assuming one yet understands — is so powerful that the Ekonomat
the presidency of the Chamber in turn. In all the history could instantly dry up an entire planet, converting it into
of the Ekonomat, never has the slightest harsh word been a sterile desert incapable of sustaining life. Although such
pronounced in the meeting room of the Midastic Cham- colossal power is tempting, Master Midas — the only one
ber, which makes its decisions in the greatest unanimity with the ability to tap into this mysterious process — has
that could possibly be conceived. The Ekonomes Masters never used anything other than purely commercial means,
use refined vocabulary and speak in smooth and melliflu- the goals of which are ultimately altruistic. However, the
ous tones. The accord that reigns among the group can possibility does exist, and if it ever felt the inclination to
be explained by the fact that all twelve of them are de- do so, the Ekonomat could easily take over the Empire by
voted to the same worship of profit, and they always agree threatening to reduce every planet to a pile of arid dust.
to maximize it. The incumbent president of the Midastic Under the authority of the Supreme Treasury Custodian,
Chamber takes the title of Master Midas. His leadership the water-related activities of the Ekonomat — which gen-
role is essentially honorary, but he does have the task of erate aquakublars — call upon the talents of an abundant
settling any dispute that might by chance be raised. Aside pool of specialized workers.
from that, the Midastic Chamber’s decisions are routinely In the final analysis, the Ekonomat’s activities have only
confirmed by the analyses of the Kresus IV, a calculating one goal in mind: to increase their capital. But such an
machine whose power of long-term foresight is unprec- increase does not come without its own risk. All that ac-
edented. Its predictions concerning the development of cumulated wealth naturally arouses envy, and there are
the Bikramen exchange rate over the past two standard numerous parties interested in relieving the Ekonomat of
millennia have been accurate within a margin of error of some of its wealth. To prevent that occurrence, and to
0.00000001%. Thus, the Ekonomes Masters congratu- discourage the ruthless, the Ekonomat has set up a force
late themselves when their decisions corroborate Kresus of discreet and efficient mercenaries, capable of bringing
IV’s assessments. the fight to wherever its interests require.
The Ekonomat has three principal domains: banking,
espionage, and water. Although superficially distinct, these
three areas actually complement each other perfectly. In Feared throughout the whole galaxy, the so-called
banking, the Ekonomat handles all of the classic transac- Ekono-Mercenaries actually form part of a completely
tions: investments, deposits, loans, collections, fund trans- separate mercenary clan. Normally, a mercenary must train
fers, estate management, and so on. The field is placed on War Star and duly register with the Central Merce-
under the leadership of the Supreme Kublars Custodian, nary Office before putting his services to use. In other
who heads a diverse group of specialists in financial mat- words, the activities of all soldiers of fortune in the uni-
ters. The Ekonomat is considerate and understanding with verse are in the hands of the Church of the Industrial
their valued clients but mercilessly strict with their bad Saints. Not so with the Ekono-Mercenaries. They are all
debtors. Their legal department’s collectors are literally free men, who choose to enlist. The taste for profit is the
bloodthirsty and unmerciless killers. primary motivation for almost all of them, as no other
As for the field of espionage — which falls under the military force in the universe can offer such generous
authority of the Supreme Secrets Custodian — the wages. But the Ekonomat offers even more than that. They
Ekonomat works in two separate areas: the search for are all too familiar with the negative influences of money
secrets known by others, and the attempt to discover se- to put much trust in the loyalty of those who have it as
crets of the universe as yet unknown. Fieldwork in the their only motivation. So they offer something to these
first category, directed by the Mata-Master, resembles tra- rootless soldiers even more valuable than fame and glory:
ditional espionage, except for the fact that no sense of a home, a community, and citizenship. The soldiers, after
ethics, morals, or dignity is allowed to interfere with the being kept under strict supervision during an enlistment
resourcefulness of their spies. All things are truly permit- contract that lasts one standard year, earn the right to
ted. A spy-terrorist wouldn’t give a moment’s hesitation join the population of Neo-Knox over the course of spe-
before sacrificing a planet in order to achieve his aims. cially organized festivities. They are strongly encouraged
The second category, on the other hand, involves more to fraternize with young maidens who have been prepared
peaceful work. Under the leadership of the Explo-Master, to that purpose since birth. Those who yield to the girls’
explorers and prospectors set off in every direction charms and consent to marriage not only see their career
into the stars after the catastrophe on Terra Prima, have
prospects broaden considerably, but they are reached a far more enviable status today than ever be-
Chapter 2 • 26
welcomed with open arms by the community. fore. But their path was a long, harsh, and rugged one,
They always turn out to be the most loyal officers, and more than once they had to fight tooth and nail for
utterly devoted to the protection of interests that are the victory that seemed to elude them. During their last
now their own. days on Terra Prima, after the nobles had fled in their
This psychological gambit depends on a precise bal- luxurious ships lined with silk and velvet, the starving
ance. It must not affect the warriors’ military capacity convicts who were the remains of society had to squeeze
nor produce complacency. Rather, it must give them a into container-ships by the hundreds of millions, with
feeling of belonging, which is the only force capable of scarcely more hope of survival in the atrocious conditions
summoning heroism or allowing them to carry out any on board than on the scorched gray remains of their once-
sacrifice. Because of this, and because of the incredible blue planet.
arsenal that their mercenary battalions have at their dis- Three of these gargantuan stellar rafts — each one a
posal, the Ekonomat wields a staggering amount of force. makeshift construction of battered old space-transport
Its vessels, generously equipped with armament, patrol barges, hastily jerry-rigged into an improbable mass im-
the immediate surroundings of Neo-Knox, as well as un- mensely wide — departed Terra Prima for good, fleeing
dertaking other protective missions, most of them involv- desperately towards uncertain adventure. They were the
ing the transportation of money. By avoiding a desire for October Mir, the Long March, and the Granma Barbuda.
conquest and by setting realistic objectives, the Ekonomat After the crew yelled heart-rending good-byes on all fre-
ensures that its armed forces remain ever vigilant and pre- quencies available on their shipboard radios, each one set
pared for any eventuality. Any attempt to raid Neo-Knox off in a different direction, knowing this would be the
— already with its natural protection of asteroid field and only way that even one of them might have the slimmest
gaseous cloud — would be tantamount to committing chance of survival. It took each ship more than twenty
suicide. Especially since the army of specialists led by the months to reach hyperlight speed. The propulsion drives
Supreme Custodian of the Treasure has clandestinely de- suffered horrendous pressure and were on the point of
veloped a whole range of horrifying weapons based on exploding numerous times. Entire sections of the delicate,
Bemb’s formidable secret. unstable constructions broke off and were engulfed in the
These weapons — made of hyperdesiccating beams — vacuum of space, condemning millions of passengers to
emit gigantic rays with spectacular and instantaneous ef- agonizing deaths.
fects. All water, down to the slightest molecule contained Gradually, they began to get organized. Their first pri-
in either living tissue or dead matter is ority was the production of goods in
abruptly converted into oxygen and hy- the largest possible quantities. Teams
drogen atoms, which are then released were set up to work around the clock.
into the atmosphere or into the vacuum The Ideal Their production goals — in periods
of space. So far, the Ekonomat has Society’s Utopians of five standard years — were all sur-
never used this secret weapon, but their Within the heart of the passed, but new and even more ambi-
mercenary vessels are all equipped with Colonial Planets’ gigantic tious ones were immediately put in
it, and defensive batteries of the family, there still remains place. Productivity contests were
weapon have been installed on the nu- some who are the pure em- staged between different teams. The
merous asteroids surrounding Planet bodiment of Trotsky-revolu- most productive laborer would be held
Neo-Knox. tionaries. Under the aegis of up as an example and glorified until
Kamar Kirin, these con- his name became a household word.
vinced Utopians in search of The reality of life in close quarters
the ideal society coura- called for extremely strict community
geously resist being merci- regulations, which everybody strove to
lessly tracked down by the obey as best they could, in the name of
Empire. For decades they survival. In addition, the captains and
have been judged as both shipboard officials — organized into
heretical and dangerous. committees that ruled the whole ves-
Their profoundly human sel — made the wise decision to form
and moral values have been a police force that would be present in
attracting the particular at- all areas of the vessel, keeping watch
THE UNION OF tention of Imperial spies and everywhere and ensuring that all direc-
COLONIAL PLANETS Endoguard squads, who tives were respected. They also encour-
have orders to eradicate this aged informants. The most distant sec-
BEGINNINGS menace to the Empire’s sov- tion of each vessel, which until that
ereignty. point had served as the hold, was pres-
The Colonials, who descended from
surized for conversion into a prison for
the Earth’s wretched hordes cast out
deviants. More precisely, it was a re-
27 • The Four Pillars
tion,” and workers and peasants everywhere in the Union
education camp, where those who had strayed of Planets thanked their lucky stars for having been born
Chapter 2 • 28
from the correct path had a chance to make on a world where the precepts of Paleo-Marx reigned su-
amends with hard work. preme.
After more than a standard century in hyperspace, Of course, the Empire attempted to seduce these archeo-
the three vessels made the decision to reenter the real utopians with the charms of the modern world, but they
universe. Four generations had passed, and survivors had to face facts: the Colonials were fiercely proud of
with memories of Terra Prima were few and far be- their singular beliefs. And if the influx of technological
tween. Over the course of months, the ships slowed to marvels somewhat softened the Colonials’ strictness, it
infra-light speed. Although they hadn’t been in contact did not even slightly diminish the firmness of their con-
for decades, the October Mir, the Long March, and the victions or their adhesion to dogma. So the Empire found
Granma Barbuda returned to conventional space at the other means. They appointed Colonial leaders to the gov-
same moment. Against all statistical probability — or erning associations of the Empire, and gave them an in-
perhaps it should be interpreted as a manifestation of in- come in exchange for holding debates of an essentially
herent social justice influenced by pressure from the masses folkloric nature. The Mentreks who had developed this
— each of the three vessels emerged in a system contain- solution gave it the colorful name of “poli-theatrics,” be-
ing a number of viable planets. Millions of light-years dis- cause that’s essentially what it was. On the Colonial plan-
tant from each other, they decided to use the technique of ets, life hardly changed at all. But on the level of the Em-
“seed-spreading” they had chosen a hundred standard pire, Janus-Jana knows that in the future he can count on
years ago. The plan involved landing a portion of their the loyalty of their populations, who occupy more than
travelers, giving them the mission of colonizing the whole half of the major worlds in the universe.
system before “spreading” to other systems. Meanwhile,
the space vessel would continue its course, in search of
other locations where new “seeds” could be planted. This Taking up 80% of the known habitable planets in the
way, in just over a millennium, an overwhelming number universe — both major and minor — and more than 60%
of systems and galaxies would have been colonized, and of its human population, the Colonials bring real politi-
their goal would be accomplished. After the three origi- cal weight to the Imperial arena. Nonetheless, in the up-
nal vessels had finished their quest per political echelons of the Empire,
through space, the “spreading” popu- even within the Senate, their pompous
lations would continue to carry on their The Universe’s and exaggerated declarations are rarely
sacred quest. Orphans taken seriously. But although they may
But one day, the inevitable occurred. When studying the history be ridiculed in private, they are never
An Imperial detachment made contact of the Colonial Planets, one openly challenged. The honor of the
with colonial vessels in a zone sur- realizes what a driving force Colonials is extremely delicate, and
rounding a colonized planet. There was migration and nomadism are they possess a military of considerable
no confrontation, merely a rapid as- in the evolution of these strength. True, the technology of their
sessment of the ratio of forces. The people who are attracted by armaments is obsolete, but they can call
Colonials immediately realized they the discovery of space and upon infinite hordes of fanatic soldiers
were no match for the newcomers, new habitable land. Today ready to die for their cause.
whose military technology was at least still, new colonies leave their Aside from their impressive infantry
several millennia ahead of theirs, even native planets in the direc- — poorly equipped and almost un-
at the most conservative estimate. First, tion of the confines, aboard tested, but infinite in number — the
they exchanged friendly signals, then world-vessels loaded with Colonials hold few strategic advan-
messages of peace, then ambassadors, provisions and survival sys- tages. Ultimately, the power of any par-
and finally, after an exile that had lasted tems. These new colonists ticular group is measured by the
for a few thousand years, the Colonials are sometimes forgotten for amount of force it can deploy. This was
returned to the bosom of humankind. several centuries, before they demonstrated by the Philodendra affair,
At that point, the Union of Planets was are accidentally discovered in which the greed of the Church of
only a scattered mosaic of separate during an exploration mis- the Industrial Saints turned a deaf ear
worlds, which had great difficulty sion. They may very well both to pleas for mercy and to legal
maintaining an appearance of unity. have been forever stranded arguments confirming that the Empire
However, despite the great distance on a hostile planet, victims had well and truly conceded unalien-
between them and the communication of genetic mutations, living able planetary titles to the populations
difficulties that resulted from their out- in symbiosis with an extra- that inhabited them. If the Colonials
dated technology, the group of Colo- terrestrial race of insectoids, had managed to summon any last-ditch
nial planets superficially agreed on cer- or even dominated by a su- resistance — such as a galactic trench
tain key issues. Every Colonial planet pernatural entity. war in the whole zone around Philo-
endorsed the principle of “collective dendra — perhaps they would have
ownership of the means of produc- been able to repel the greed of the
Techno-Technos without the
Metabaron’s help. But the disunity of barians, the Poly-Schismat-

29 • The Four Pillars

The Kamar
the Union of Planets is their chronic ics, the Amico-Visitors, the
weakness, which diminishes their Hyper-Putschists, the Trotsko-
The chiefs of the great
power. Separated across time and space, Revolutionary Avatars, and the
Troglosocialik families’ clans
the groups of colonists all developed Proto-Nihiliks — who range from
recognize as their leader a
along different lines. Additionally, be- eccentric to extreme, with danger-
man chosen for his merit,
cause each one of the local authorities ous clans at both ends. Some of
courage, and warlike virtues.
made it a point of honor to develop a them have kept their hate and rage
He is called the new Kamar
personal variation of the original alive and endlessly foment attacks
Raïmo — a veritable incar-
dogma, the Union of Planets became against the Empire.
nation of the Colonial Plan-
nothing but a vast assortment of clans
ets’ community and tribal
divided into splinter groups. They may
life. A living legend and a
not be entirely antagonistic towards
model for all clan members,
each other, but they are not always pre-
the Kamar and all the clan
pared to collaborate, either. The ex-
members follow the Rayah
tended family of Colonials can be di-
honor code.
vided into two large branches — the
major factions and the minor ones —
which themselves contain an infinite THE MAGANATS
number of various doctrines. Based on a social system modeled on the Ancient Re-
The isolated development over the course of millennia gime, the Nobility devotes itself primarily to maintaining
stranded in space of an extremely structured and hierar- its privileges. The members of the High Nobility (the Archi-
chical civilization that values the group above the indi- Nobility and a few families of the Nobility) make up their
vidual led to results of both the best and worst kind. In- own court in the Emperoress’s entourage on the Golden
deed, while some clans managed to keep their ideals of Planet, but they also possess fiefdoms as wide as galaxies.
justice and brotherhood intact, others became completely Their life is therefore divided between traditional courtly
immersed in the darkest totalitarian fanaticism. Luckily, activities at the Golden Palace, and activities typical of ga-
the most populated major faction — the Troglosocialiks lactic country squires. Even on their domains, there is a wide
— has kept itself free of any extreme dictatorial influ- range of different lifestyles, each with an infinite number of
ence. The Troglosocialiks represent 60% of the Colonial variations. Some of the planets are almost untouched worlds
population. The Techno-Technos consider them to be where flora and fauna are kept in abundance for the plea-
nostalgi-fanatics entrenched in the paleo-past, simply be- sures of hunting in its oldest form, but others are highly
cause they extol a way of life based on respect for living sophisticated urban worlds with the latest technological sys-
things and harmony with nature. That was the message tems and devices available anywhere.
preached by Don Nicanor Rosamel de Rokha, father of Whatever his rank, vanity is the most distinguishing
Doña Vicenta (wife of Steelhead the Metabaron), and uncle feature of a Noble. His life is nothing but a long uninter-
of Don Juan Antonio de Rokha, current President of the rupted flurry of festivities, and his goal in life is the fren-
Troglosocialik clan. Their hatred of the Techno-Technos zied quest for pleasure in all its forms. All social norms,
is fierce, and the Techno-Technos return it in kind. The taboos, rules, and morals that used to prevail have long
Troglosocialik clan incorporates a large number of minor since been shattered to bits. The only thing that remains
clans, one of which is the clan of the Kamar Raimo. A is the thirst for profit, a yearning for power, submission
man of astounding bravery, with long-standing loyalty to to the strong, contempt for the weak, pettiness, insipidness
the Empire, the Kamar Raimo could well be the next presi- of mind and spirit, and a taste for the easy life. As a group,
dent of the Union of Planets. the Nobility gives the impression of a collection of de-
Second largest of the major factions, the Galactic praved buffoons concerned mainly with vainglory, finery,
Menscheviks are self-acknowledged misanthropic loners and trinkets, who enjoy the right of life or death over the
who want only one thing: to live peacefully, far removed subjects in their fiefdoms, and who tremble at the idea
from the Empire’s fast-paced lifestyle. Opinionated, se- that they might lose their privileges and rights at the slight-
cretive, and hard-working, they are found in the most in- est sign of displeasure from their Emperoress.
hospitable zones, even to the frozen ends of the universe. Nonetheless, the Pillar of the Nobility is one of the key
To cite but one example, the clan of the Kamar Nabo- elements that holds the Empire together. Because they draw
Koff settled on a solar ice floe and are not known for the all their privileges from the Emperoress, the Nobles are
warmth of their welcome. They are excellent explorers, always ready to defend Him-Her to the death. To put it
highly familiar with these rarely visited regions. Currently another way, Janus-Jana’s interests are their own, so His-
ruled by Jerry-Michigan Poliaski, the Galactic Her glory is tied to theirs. Of course, that does not elimi-
Menscheviks represent 20% of the Colonial population. nate the power of greed, and it’s obvious that if the op-
The remaining 20% of the Colonial population is made portunity arose, not one of them would hesitate to betray
up of a variety of movements and minor factions — the the Sacred Androgyne in order to attain power for them-
Ultra-Colonialists, the Super-Conquerors, the Troglo-Bar-
authority that made him the envy of so many.
selves. Many of them even conspire to that very The knot of people around the renowned military man
Chapter 2 • 30
end. The Mentreks dispersed throughout the uni- suddenly parted to reveal a swell of high fashion. The
verse in the service of the Great Houses are con- Mono-Duchess of Vronokoff, related on her mother’s side
stantly hatching outlandish stratagems to bring their to the House of Poly-Romanoffs — surrounded as always
masters closer to power. But the Emperoress and the by her retinue of young heirs whose haughty features were
Nobility are effectively united by virtue of mutual ben- permanently frozen in masks of deep disdain — tapped
efit from a corrupt social system, and both of them the General’s majestic medal-covered chest with the tip of
want the situation to go on as it is. It is for that reason her fan. “They tell me,” she said in a light tone gently
that Janus-Jana regularly convenes the High Council laced with malice, “that you had taken an interest in
of the Nobility, where all He-She has to do is listen to Agolan poetry... how delightful. But see that your new
their trivial proposals and hand out awards, ribbons, passion does not dull your talent for strategy.…”
and baubles in “gratitude.” And without further comment, she resumed her path,
at once distant and superb. Attendants twittered in her
THE INITIATION OF YOUNG CADETS wake like birds snatching up grains. Crimson-faced and
More importantly, in their own eyes, the Nobility rep- choking for breath, General Tarkin seethed with controlled
resents pomp and circumstance, overstated splendor and rage. The whole universe, live and direct, had witnessed
major events where they can put on display their immense his setback. He was awash in shame. He swore to himself
wealth and shocking bad taste, see and be seen, observe that tonight some innocent creatures would be humili-
others, make comments, size people up, be judgmental, ated and tortured.
exchange ridicule, and participate in all the other impor- Servant-robots bustled everywhere, their mechanical
tant aspects of life. What follows is an unabridged tran- arms loaded with platters of small delicacies from Alde-
scription of a moment in the life of the Golden Planet’s baran and elegant flutes of champa-whisky. Here and there,
high dignitaries, which illustrates just how burdensome vast tables covered with white linens offered an assort-
the daily life of a Noble can be, even though they may be ment of all types of fruits and drinks to the Nobles. The
envied by the vast majority of people. banners of all the Great Houses fluttered atop tall poles
in a light breeze. Immense trees clipped into perfectly round
On that day, as on every other day at that time, a radi- shapes gently waved their musical fronds. Everything
ant sun showered its rays upon De Viris, the small artifi- about the synthetic scene, including the song of a few stra-
cial satellite of the Golden Planet, dappling it here and tegically placed artificial birds, contributed in bringing an
there with small coppery patches. Subtle yet lively glim- air of total harmony to the day.
mers of light gave an inspiring Impressionistic view of the The only downside of the graduation trials of the
immense purple lawns punctuated by turquoise islands Endoguard cadets was that they took place only once a
and abundant clusters of flowers. The scene was all the year. Two hundred forty-four long standard days would
more inspiring due to the mag- go by before they happened
nificent costumes of the elegant again. That’s why it was so vi-
Noble ladies, outdoing each tal for the day to be a success.
other in eccentric fantasy and The children who had been
endlessly inventing new color with the Endoguard since their
palettes. Everywhere, batches of infancy had a thin shaft of ir-
color blended to make flamboy- radiated Netranekkon inserted
ant swirls, leaving a permanent into their medullas before the
imprint on the retina. end of their eleventh year, once
One retina present on the their brains had developed suf-
scene was Armistau Meedpin’s ficiently. This device, called a
cybernetic eye, which he played Gargat, made them into pow-
over the environment, taking in erful killing machines blindly
the sight of all the Noble Houses obedient to the will of their su-
participating in one of the most periors, and therefore to the
spectacular events outside the will of the Emperoress. But
Golden Planet, instantly broad- before this initiatory surgery
casting it to thousands of spec- took place, while they were still
tators via the People for Nobody in possession of their naive fac-
channel on the hypertele. His eye ulty of initiative, they were sub-
lingered for a few moments on jected to trials designed to mea-
General Tarkin’s face, still sure their qualities of determi-
slightly strained from his diffi- nation, brutality, and savagery.
culties on Planet Agola but im- And those who distinguished
bued with the inflexible sense of themselves on this occasion
were bequeathed the envied title of “First Cadets.” The
honor subsequently showered upon their families was great mirth continued to ripple through the public,

31 • The Four Pillars

indeed. like a storm refusing to abate.
As a long trumpet call announced the beginning of the In the officials’ grandstand, General Tarkin had
trials, and scattered groups began to converge on the mas- gone from his waxen pallor to an alarming shade of
sive doorways of the huge circular-shaped building, the marble. His unmoving eyes were fixed upon an invis-
corner of Amistau Meedpin’s eye discerned the slim sil- ible point right in front of him, light-years distant. The
houettes of Luxuria von Stupre and Voluptia della numerous Imperial representatives by his side under-
Fregnata, two archetypes of depravity wearing the most took calculated shifting movements designed to distance
indiscreet clothing conceivable. With informal politeness themselves from him, with varying degrees of discre-
bordering on vulgarity, they accosted the still frozen Gen- tion. But the show was already starting again, and ev-
eral Tarkin and made it their mission to comfort him. As eryone began to prepare for the grand finale.
Luxuria nibbled on one of his ears, Voluptia breathed into The 500 remaining contestants who had obtained the
the other, “Come pay us a visit, Tarkin darling, we’ll help highest scores in the first challenge now had to face a trial
you forget those mean little creatures. And you won’t find that was as spectacular as it was simple. The five hundred
us hard to catch at all…” candidates would gather in a starting line, then race across
More than a hundred thousand spectators had taken the length of the arena, a distance of about 300 meters.
their seats within the stands of the gigantic enclosure, The first 50 to arrive would qualify for the next trial. To
whose dimensions measured halfway between a paleo-sta- make things more interesting, approximately 10,000 crea-
dium on Terra Prima and the combat hold of the Circus tures with delicate appearances but extremely aggressive
Maximus.. Anybody who was anybody at the Golden Pal- temperaments were let into the ring. The young boys would
ace was here, as well as a few who weren’t. People fought race naked and weaponless, but all blows would be per-
for seats, and some of them would have gone as far as mitted. The battle was fierce right from the outset, with
selling their titles, fiefdoms, friends or families in order to vicious combat everywhere. In barely ten minutes, the sand
get a seat more in the public eye. Of course, proximity to was stained with countless pools of green liquid spilled
the richly decorated boxes of the Great Houses of Nobil- from the wounds of the ferocious aliens, but there were
ity was especially desirable, as if a little bit of their dis- also a few spots where red blood could be seen. The win-
dainful splendor would dust the shoulders of the humbler ner, the Mono-Duchess of Vronokoff’s young relative, fin-
spectators with glory. The Emperoress was not present, ished the race in exactly 27 standard minutes and 32 stan-
but a life-size holographic representation of the Sacred dard seconds. The death of 76 young cadets would be
Egg floated inside the Imperial box. mourned. It goes without saying that not one of the alien
In the first trial, the thousand most naturally savage creatures survived.
and warlike children from the Endoguard Training School Then, after another short delay, it was time for the final
competed against the clock to skewer the greatest pos- challenge, which would determine the “First Cadet of the
sible number of creatures imported from a distant and Year.” This title would arrange the Noble houses in a hier-
isolated planet. The little creatures had big round fearful archy of honor whose subtle effects would be felt in the
eyes, alarming shyness, peaceful natures, and incredibly Golden Palace for a long time to come. This trial would
immaculate white coats. With 267 kills, a young nephew- also be a race. Starting at one wall of the arena, the 50
in-law of a distant cousin of the Mono-Duchess of candidates would rush headlong towards 49 doors that
Vronokoff had distinguished himself well, and the box in opened into a bizarre construction. This tangled and per-
which the respected Noblewoman sat among her entou- verse mazelike concentric structure would swallow all as-
rage like a precious diamond in a setting of dazzling gems pirants to the supreme title, bringing them face to face
was a showcase for a degree of false modesty that will with a diabolical arrangement of zigzags, narrow halls
probably never be seen again. and other traps, leading the group onwards to an ever
Servant-robots progressed up and down the aisles to diminishing number of doors. The first one to pass through
give the spectators time to recover from the heightened the final doorway would become First Cadet of the Year.
emotion. The Nobles fanned themselves elegantly and Once again, the boys would race naked, and of course, all
made a thousand gestures to proclaim their disinterest, blows would be permitted.
detachment, and unconcerned nonchalance. Diavaloo’s The public was not disappointed. There were many
voice, commentating the event, drifted through the air opportunities to whoop and holler, and as always the level
without interrupting their private conversations about such of preparation provided by the Endoguard Training School
topics as how exquisite the weather was. Everyone tried was to be praised. Not one of the candidates showed the
to fit in by affecting an air of gloomy boredom. At a cer- slightest sign of weakness. None of them made the slight-
tain point, a remark from the hypertele announcer sud- est noise when struck. And not one of the seventeen caught
denly caught the crowd’s attention: “…At least our young in a deadly trap emitted a scream. Once again, the
cadets know how to deal with small creatures…” This Endoguard inspired pride and reassurance that the Em-
remark seemed to give rise to great laughter. Some laughed pire was under its protection.
gracefully and elegantly, while others guffawed without The Mono-Duchess of Vronokoff, whose young rela-
the slightest sign of restraint. In any case, a great wave of tive had been awarded the coveted First Cadet title, ex-
at the corner of his mouth, but it quickly turned into a
pended considerable effort in not seeming to scowl of frustration. Not only was she protected by her
Chapter 2 • 32
attach the slightest importance to the event. The status, but more importantly, she was the queen of the
general mood was one of light frivolity, although day. So he would have to depart without the satisfaction
some let it descend further, into outright indecency. of revenge. As for Luxuria von Stupre and Voluptia della
The finale, a last-minute dash that left things uncer- Fregnata, they were invisible to him…. Well, he had to
tain till the last second, had really been spectacular. make up his mind. Lastly, glancing behind him, he spied
Indeed, were it not for the young winner’s survival re- the band of military advisors whom he had always loathed
flex, a last-ditch kick that knocked an ambitious con- with the deepest cordiality. “Well, I suppose…” he mused.
tender over a 60-foot drop, the outcome might have Later, much later, once the members of the Great Houses
been entirely different. had returned to the Golden Planet or their faraway
Amid the sounds of chatter, laughter, and a smooth fiefdoms, after the cliques of Nobles had resumed their
silken rustle, the crowd pushed against each other to exit lives of intrigue and hedonism, the Mono-Duchess of
the building and seek further refreshment at the sumptu- Vronokoff was heard to refer to that year’s Endoguard
ous function rooms on De Viris. Suddenly, Diavaloo’s stri- Young Cadet Trial in tones of warmth and sincerity that
dent yet playful voice stopped them in their tracks. “Quiet! were completely alien to her: “Absolutely the best trials
I asked for quiet, my beloved but overtalkative friends! ever. By far…”
I’ve just received a message from the Emperoress, I kiss
the ground touched by His-Her gaze, in which Janus-Jana
conveys His-Her displeasure.” Diavaloo paused briefly for On the scale of the universe, the Nobility has little in-
effect, to let his words bore their way into the fearful souls fluence over political affairs. Although it may be a Pillar
of all present. A peculiar silence fell over the assembly, of the Empire, the Imperial House displays no interest in
with tension brewing in the undercurrent. “Yes, you heard its concerns, its claims, or its fickle mood swings. Janus-
me right, dear spectators, I said displeasure… For on this Jana is the absolute monarch and decides the fate of the
day that we pay tribute to the unflinching courage of the Human Universe alone. On the local scale, however, the
Endoguard soldiers, the honor of one Noble Houses are representatives of
among them is tarnished. It may be true the Imperial House and can claim cer-
that General Tarkin’s only sin was an tain privileges. In the first place, since
excess of confidence, but the
The Feudah they carry out a variety of tasks for the
Emperoress cannot allow it to pass that
Dynasty Empire, they require the resources to
Generally characterized by
the Empire is made vulnerable to ridi- do so. In order to patrol outer space
their luxurious residences
cule.” The silence became even more and maintain Imperial order, they need
and their planet’s excessive
pronounced. An attentive ear could armies, vessels, and weapons. All
splendor, certain Maganats
have easily discerned the soft trickle of Noble Houses who hold a fiefdom
equally distinguish them-
sweat down the spines of the audience. have the right to raise and equip an
selves with an eccentricity
“As a result,” Diavaloo continued, armed force. As a precautionary mea-
that at times borders on in-
“General Tarkin is invited to satisfy the sure, the Empire sets limits on the level
sanity. For more than 30 gen-
Emperoress’s wishes by committing of firepower and technology they can
erations, the Feudah Dynasty
suicide immediately, in the middle of attain, but some Houses possess for-
lived as if in the medieval era,
the arena… But beforehand, he will be midable troops nonetheless. Aside from
modeling their traditions on
allowed to nominate five individuals to military might, each House wields
those of the paleo-knights of
be put to death, for having dangerously whatever political sway it likes over its
ancient times. Their stone
undermined the Endoguard. With this territories, and therefore can set up any
castles stand on Tanelorn, a
wise and lucid decision, Janus-Jana infrastructure they wish in the areas of
minor renamed planet from
hopes that His-Her message of love will finance, policing, and administration.
the confines, whose forests
be clear to all His-Her subjects.” Like the ancient nobility on Terra
are filled with mutant game.
As Diavaloo prattled on, some color Prima, of which it is a distant descen-
They are well known for
returned to the General’s pale face, and dant, the Empire’s Nobility is strictly
their schools of archery and
the Endoguard officer now wore the regimented and hierarchical. In order
paleo-swords. His highness
cruel smile of a paleo-wolf, which until of descending importance, the titles
King Arthur Feudah, the
recently had made him feared across generally are: King, Supra-Prince,
thirty-fifth overlord having
hundreds of galaxies. Everywhere he Mono-Duke, Bis-Marquis, Tri-Vis-
this name, religiously carries
glanced, a ripple of panic stirred the count, Hypo-Count, Non-Baron, and
out the knighting of young
crowd…. Petro-Knight. (Some families use
adults in his clan, while Mer-
General Tarkin quickly scanned the whimsical variants of these titles, such
lin VII perpetuates a long
horizon, his eyes coming to rest on the as “tsar” for “king,” to ensure a de-
tradition of visionary as-
Mono-Duchess of Vronokoff. She met sired estimation of their House.)
his gaze and even seemed to defy it. For According to tradition, the titles are
a moment, a glimmer of a smile played passed to the males in order of birth,
after the eldest son, of course, has been
sent to the Endoguard. (There are rare

33 • The Four Pillars

The Artistos course, each one encom-
and bizarre expections: Some families al- passes an infinite amount of
If the Infra-Nobility re-
low females to inherit, while some allow subdivisions, but fundamentally
mains the most modest and
the title to pass by the female line even if only those seven clans can claim
least powerful on the
the females may not inherit.) status in the Archi-Nobility.
Maganat scale of merit, its
Census-taking of all the Noble lines Then, at the very top is the
members do have the possi-
spread throughout the universe is a co- Omni-Nobility, which includes one
bility of attaining Aristos sta-
lossal task that requires a staggering and only one lineage, that of the
tus by renouncing their lin-
amount of calculating power, especially Trans-Bourbons. At the present
eage and rights in order to
as the Empire distributes new titles and time, the Omni-Nobility only has
join this new cast. In return,
fiefdoms as quickly as new planets and one member, the Emperoress Janus-
they are granted the privi-
systems are discovered and brought into Jana, although technically that one
leges of Endocity Nobles.
the Imperial domain. Ascent in the member counts as two.
However, the new Aristos are
Noble hierarchy is not an easy thing, The seven families of the Archi-
confined to their new fief
and the rare families that manage to do Nobility have the mannerisms that
and lose all rights and influ-
it generally owe it to several centuries might be expected of archetypes rep-
ence beyond the Prez’s juris-
of patient intrigue. The very oldest of resenting a very distinctive clan. An
the Houses, those that signed, more informed observer could even take
than 25,000 years ago, a personal pact great pleasure in watching them play
of vassalage to Rosemonde I the Rebis, their roles perfectly, down to every
received at that time a medallion containing a drop of the detail. One example of note is the Retro-Windsor fam-
holy Golden Oil. Since then, that ceremony has more or ily. That opulent House is ruled by Her Majesty Queen
less fallen out of favor, but from time to time the Empire Lizabeth of Windsor, a ravishing woman of now ma-
will bring out another drop, to reward a Noble House or ture age and presumably celibate, since she is married.
buy its favor. Indeed, her Supra-Prince Consort is invisible and in-
Alongside the hierarchy of titles, there is another clas- significant. He is neither seen nor talked about. On
sification system within the Nobility, which includes four the other hand, there are many remarks that people
levels, in order of importance: the Omni-Nobility, the make about her: that she drinks, that her impassive
Archi-Nobility, the Nobility, and the Infra-Nobility. The face hides many shameful deeds, that she revels in de-
Infra-Nobility is the lowest, but assignment to a particu- bauchery, that her IQ is less than two digits, and other
lar level of Nobility is not linked to title alone: through- comments of an unfriendly nature. What is known for
out the universe, hundreds of kings and supra-princes certain is that she collects hats. The House itself is stu-
could easily be found within the Infra-Nobility. No, what pendously wealthy and presides over Planet Laylin, a
determines the families and houses of the Infra-Nobility magnificent world in the Windsor system. Her private
is their lack of financial means. They guard consists of three regiments
are most likely to be the Noble Houses (Welch, Rish, and Kottish guards)
that settled on outlying planets or plan- whose richly embroidered uniforms
ets lacking in natural resources. Inevi- Hierarchy of are slightly absurd, but whose for-
tably, their lives are somewhat rustic. Noble Titles midable fighting divisions are feared
Very often, their scanty funds do not The hierarchy of common in most parts of the universe. Thanks
prevent them from displaying a haughty family titles for the nobility to its many contacts in the world of
arrogance, and most often it is the In- is as follows: finance, the House of Windsor
fra-Noble families who are the most makes its profit by manipulating its
punctilious on matters of etiquette. • King colossal capital base, inherited from
Their greatest and most desparate hope • Supra-Prince a not-so-distant era, when it con-
is to someday join the Aristos of an • Mono-Duke quered entire systems on behalf of
Endocity. • Bis-Marquis the Empire. It must be emphasized
The next level is the regular Nobility, • Tri-Viscount that 80% of the members of the
which is by far the largest group. Al- • Hypo-Count House live on the Golden Planet,
most the entire spectrum can be found • Non-Baron most of them women, where they
within it, because the power and influ- • Petro-Knight embody daily the true meaning of
ence of some of the families of the regu- the word “courtesan.” These beau-
lar Nobility can almost rival the Em- Note that individual fami- tiful pale-skinned women seem to
pire, while others eke out more or less lies may chose variations on have but one ambition, which most
pathetic lives on worlds whose luster these titles that are peculiar of them attain: to secure the most
has somewhat faded. to their heritage. lucrative relationship possible.
The Archi-Nobility, on the other The other great families of the
hand, only contains seven families. Of Archi-Nobility are the Kama-Ming
• Principle Source of Income: Patronage of the fine arts.
(led by Holy Father of the People Tsui-Amah • Patrimony: Three major world systems, one of which
Chapter 2 • 34
of Kama-Ming), the Poly-Romanoffs, the Crypto- is a complete replica of Terra Prima. This planet is avail-
Medicis, the Hyper-Hapsburgs, the Ante-Kennedys able for rentals of all kinds, including destruction, such
and the Omni-Shakyas.. All members of these fami- as experiments with new weapons or simply for the pure
lies live on the most beautiful planets of their pleasure of destruction. For the modest sum of a few mil-
Maganats, in sumptuous palaces of indescribable splen- lion kublars, a “destruction of Terra Prima” certificate is
dor and luxury. offered.
• Particularities: The Crypto-Medicis’ sumptuous cha-
HIERARCHY OF THE MAGANATS teau is found on planet Corada in the Medicor system.
Each Noble familiy possesses a particular rank. There The largest gallery of art in the Human Universe is housed
are four ranks of Nobility: there — artists pay fortunes to have their works exposed
in the Crypto-Medicis personal collection, which equally
• The Omni-Nobility, reserved for Trans-Bourbons finances the largest galactic company of archeo-
• The Archi-Nobility, composed of seven families of paleological research.
the upper Nobility • Quote: “When art rhymes with kublar, it’s poetry…”
• The Nobility, groups the majority of Noble families —Neo-cosme the Elder.
• The Infra-Nobility, designates the “poor” families THE HYPER-AB’SBOURG
Differences between the nobility are well known to ev- His Majesty the Supreme Kaïser Hans Grüber von
eryone, especially the Nobles themselves. Yet, no one Hyper-Ab’sbourg
would risk ridiculizing themselves by stating the obvious The Supra-Prince Otto von Hyper-Ab’sbourg
in a social gathering. A simple smirk or giggle is often
enough to put a lower family in its proper place. • Principle Source of Income: Pillage.
The Omni-Nobility is the official title of the current • Patrimony: In addition to owning 15 or so systems of
leaders of the Empire, the direct bloodline of Rosemonde which two are major worlds, the Hyper-Ab’sbourgs pos-
I the Rebis. The unique representative sess an impressive number of land parcels on thousands
of the most noble of families is the of other planets. This real estate trea-
Emperoress. sure chest results from their insatiable
need to conquer new territory.
• Particularities: The Hyper-
The hypertele program
Ab’sbourg family is organized into a
THE ANTE-KENEDI “Within Your Reach” re-
formidable army, possessing the most
cently experienced a daz-
His Majesty the King Kurt Jackson impressive and best organized military
zling viewer increase
of Ante-Kenedi force of all the Maganats. Their cita-
through the promotion of a
The Kinglet William Jackson of Ante- del-fortress is situated on Karpol III,
one-of-a-kind contest. Fol-
Kenedi in the Ab’or system.
lowed by billions of lower-
• Quote: “Total war? Dreams of
level inhabitants, each
• Principle Source of Income: Misap- old…” —Kaïser Magnus von Hyper-
month the show offers to a
propriation of funds. Ab’sbourg.
dozen happy winners the
• Patrimony: Two systems, including THE KAMA MING
right to leave their Endocity
a major world, Kenedior, and the planet
on a luxurious spatio-ketch, His Majesty the Saint Father of the
Amerine, where they have established
to discover Planet Safari’s Tsui-Amah people of Kama Ming
their capital-palace. The Ante-Kenedis
tropical savannas. After an Laonin, Supra-Prince Illuminati of
chiefly reside on Golden Planet, where
unforgettable week of ban- Kama-Ming
they keep themselves busy with the
quets and swimming in the
Empire’s politics.
waters of artificial lakes, • Principle Source of Income: Mass
• Particularities: At court, nothing es-
sponsored by the Hyper- production.
capes them, and many noble families
Ab’sbourg, the winner- • Patrimony: Twelve systems, in-
come to “consult” the Ante-Kenedi
guests are let loose into na- cluding five major worlds. All worlds
senators to get advice or favors.
ture, for a thrilling hunting are organized into human “termites
• Quote: “Politics should remain a
experience. No winner has nests,” dedicated entirely to the mass
privilege, in everyone’s interest.” —
ever returned to share his mining of precious minerals, gems, and
Senator Archi-Balde II of Ante-Kenedi.
photos and souvenirs, rare raw materials, with the exception
THE CRYPTO-MEDICIS but the hypertele audience of planet Badmech in the Mingor sys-
His Majesty King Ruis Federico numbers haven’t stopped tem, where the royal family resides in
Bolino of Crypto-Medicis climbing. a splendid jade termitarium.
The Supra-Princess Katarine Bolini of
• Particularity: The Kama-Ming are the least inclined
to involve themselves in Imperial plots and absolutely do • Patrimony: Laylin, a sole but magnificent

35 • The Four Pillars

not tolerate any intrusion into their own affairs. planet, located in the Winds’Or system, where the
• Quote: “One for all; all for Ming!” —The Supreme queen lives. Even so, 80% of the family lives on
Mandarin. Golden Planet.
THE POLY-ROMANOFF • Particularities: Women from the family line are
courtesans who obtain favors from their suitors with-
His Majesty the Tsar Horlog of Poly-Romanoff out any difficulties…
The Supra-Prince Mamouch Yvan Horlog of Poly- Quote: “A good marriage is an Archi-mar-
Romanoff riage!” —The Bis-Marquise Rosa-Rosam.
• Principle Source of Income: Arms and weapons sales. THE OMNI-SHAKYA
• Patrimony: With 21 systems in their possession of His Majesty the Bodhi-Pad Aradjasatrü of Omni-
which eleven are major worlds, the Poly-Romanoffs are Shakya
by far the richest of all the Maganats. Eight of these ma- The Supra-Prince Masamsatrü of Omni-Shakya
jor worlds are exclusively reserved for the royal family
and serve as hunting reserves, paradise-planets, and de- • Principle Source of Income: Narcotics.
pendencies of Neo-Moskou, the Romanor system’s • Patrimony: Ten systems. Almost all of their wealth
mother-planet. comes from the traffic — legal or illegal — of drugs and
• Particularities: Parties given by the Poly-Romanoff narcotic substances of all kinds. The unbelievable wealth
family are known throughout the endo-fringe for their they have accumulated over the years has been turned
splendor and unforgettable orgiastic debauchery. Inciden- into lavish palaces, filled with magnificent jewels and gem-
tally this family completely and exclusively equips the stones, among which are the most rare in the entire Hu-
Imperial Endoguard. All weapons and armor are manu- man Universe. Their principal palace is found on the planet
factured in the thousands of giga- arms factories owned Sacred Lotus, in the Mahal system.
and run by the Poly-Romanoffs. • Particularities: Their knowledge of new and exotic
• Quote: “What’s tiresome about the people is that they drugs cannot be equaled. They prefer to take refuge in
still have to exist.” —Mono-Duke Igor Poliakine of Poly- their smoke-filled universe, rather than lower themselves
Romanoff. by frequenting other Noble families. They consider it de-
THE RETRO-WINDS’OR grading to live in the same “reality” as their fellow crea-
tures. Their connections with smugglers and pirates are
Her Majesty Queen Louisabeth of Winds’Or both numerous and prolific.
The Supra-Princess Anna-Bella of Winds’Or • Quote: “As law has its place, the way will take you
there….” —The Great Pachen Adrah-limpür of Omni-
• Principle Source of Income: Investments. Shakya
THE MENTREKS cial intelligence would never match the insightful flashes
of genius of the human mind. And little by little, the idea
Although the Mentreks are present throughout the of uniting the two forces emerged.
whole Empire, little is known about these mysterious The first attempt at a merge was not really successful.
beings. Humans respect them for their tremendous store In the beginning, the main obstacle was getting data to
of knowledge but are unsettled by their bizarre pow- flow to the appropriate sector. So an initial analytical fil-
ers, both real and imaginary. Hence the sight of their ter was installed prior to the cerebral command path stage.
emaciated figures topped by blinking brains always in- Then, by trial and error over the course of centuries, the
spires a mixture of respect and fear in common mortals. driving force behind the architecture of the Mentrek brain
Indeed, the Mentrek clan would be completely ostracized was developed: a fully incorporated multi-cognitive analy-
from the Empire’s other populations were it not for their sis tree. The concept behind this rather old-fashioned
staggering mental abilities. Each one of them is able to phrase was both brilliant and simple: the technological
calculate pi to 2,758 decimal places and quote the stellar device had to emulate the circuits of human deductive
coordinates of all worlds ever visited by the Imperial fleet. reasoning. The hardware’s solidity and the wetware’s flu-
But that is not the limit of their abilities, and it would be idity were united to make a perfectly homogenous whole.
a mistake to think of them simply as living adding ma- This sent the restricted binary system back into the dark-
chines endowed with infinite memory. Each Mentrek is a ness of paleo-history and paved the way for analysis that
sublime combination of data and intuition, a blend of as- would not suffer the uncertainty of determining probability
tonishing technological prowess and lightning-quick de- paths. The second attempt was more successful, and once
duction. They are fragile, like all precision equipment, the problem of tissue rejection was overcome, a new gen-
but once they are able to balance hard data with the flow eration surfaced that merged deduction with data.
of thought, their expert prognostications take them to the
threshold of new truths, which the human spirit could MENTREK TRAINING
never hope to attain on its own. Inevitably, the introduction into the Empire of beings
THE ORIGINS OF MENTREK INTELLIGENCE with such great capacity provoked a huge uproar. Such
quantities of intelligence for the sake of a seemingly harm-
Mentrek intelligence has its origins in the pioneer days less game introduced the seeds of promise both exhilarat-
of long ago, when the Milky Way was first being explored. ing and disturbing at once. Their analytical powers might
In that era of sublightspeed travel, the exploration of space become powerful weapons in the wrong hands. The Em-
was a long and drawn-out affair. Even a small jump to a pire could not allow this to occur. As soon as it became
destination only two light-years away might last 25 stan- clear that Mentrek intelligence was a key to power, the
dard months. Although the brave pioneers could dodge Empire took this new area of human activity beneath its
the clutches of time by plunging into the frozen sleep of control and predictably entrusted its technological arm,
cryochambers to slow their biological rhythms, each ex- the Church of the Industrial Saints, with its supervision.
pedition had its share of long days of inactivity. To com- Since then, the Techno-Technos have held exclusive au-
bat boredom, the primarily scientific and technical crew thority not only over the identification and training of
would devote themselves to chess. After a thousand years any individuals who show intellectual talent, but also over
of space exploration, rich complexity was added to this manufacture, installation, and maintenance of the multi-
immortal game by giving it a three-dimensional scope: cognitive analytical brains.
the pieces could move not only horizontally but also ver- Everywhere that the Empire is represented, down to
tically. Instantly, millions and millions of possibilities were the smallest planet, Techno-scouts are constantly on the
added. Games between even the fiercest players might last lookout for even the youngest child whose intellectual ca-
for years. For centuries, the idea of reaching checkmate pacity appears greater than the norm. The harsh reality is
was only a pure theoretical fantasy. An obsession with that the creation of a Mentrek brain is not entirely with-
the game took over the minds of the players and some of out risks. Unless a very specific combination of
them were driven insane. With the exponential increase neurocortical qualities is present, the recipient may well
of combinations, this seemingly harmless pursuit became be plunged instantly into the depths of madness. Or worse,
the abyss that swallowed the souls of Terra Prima’s most the cerebral hemispheres of his brain might swell out of
brilliant engineers. proportion and explode. However, any young individu-
The answer was found in technology. While the intel- als who are gifted enough at the age of six months to
lect might stray into infinite conjecture, cold supercon- identify visual symbols and arrange them in a logical fash-
ducting teflo-silicon chips could provide a solid statistical ion, thereby demonstrating both graphic and semantic
base for three-dimensional positions of pieces on the skills, receive intensive preparation followed by the im-
board. Little by little, the crew began to make use of ever plantation of a cybernetic brain. Once that’s done, their
more miniaturized personal computation units. But analy- intelligence unfurls like a golden paleo-blossom offering
sis didn’t resolve everything. As efficient as it was, artifi-
itself to the morning sun. The instant a gifted child is rec-
ognized, Techno-Techno envoys administer a Meta- ising children grow into eager and efficient ser-

37 • The Factions
Cerebro test. If the child survives the test, he is taken from vants. They are enlightened creatures in the area
his family and sent to the Mentrek Training Base on the of intelligence and reasoning, but just dumb robots
Central Planet. when it comes to feelings and emotion. They must
The first phase of training for all apprentice Mentreks achieve perfect mastery over their cerebral faculties,
has only one goal: to increase the volume of the brain by whose powers are so great that at any moment they
a factor of ten. The transplant’s success will in large part can push the light of reason down into the depths of
be determined by the space available in the cranial cavity. insanity. Indeed, the grouping of such vast and massive
So, during infancy and childhood, before their bone struc- stores of information into one mind can produce insta-
ture has entirely hardened, the Mentreks-to-be are sub- bility, leading to internal whirlpools where all the mys-
jected to a massive dual program. A chemical sub- teries of the universe dance in diabolical patterns. It takes
stance is administered intravenously to soften the a lot of time and patience to learn to
spongy tissues and make the skull bones flex- manage a Mentrek brain. It’s like tam-
ible, while at the same time they are force- ing a cruel and savage beast of phenom-
fed incomprehensible amounts of informa- enal power. But the resulting feeling of
tion during extended days of study to en- triumph makes the task worthwhile.
courage growth of neurons and synapses. In the first year alone, twenty or thirty
By the time they reach the age of thirteen, percent of the trainees go insane and,
when they are preparing for their new brain although the proportion decreases
implantation, the skulls of the apprentice after that, each year has its share of
Mentreks are often three times as thick as “accidents.” But those who make
their torsos. Of course, not all the children it to the end of this long period of
are able to withstand the intense regimen training are now fully formed
of cerebral augmentation, and with each Mentreks, members of a unique clan,
advance to the next grade, the drop-out rate forever committed to their unquench-
seems to average about 20%. Once the pro- able thirst for knowledge and capable
gram is complete, another test is adminis- of contemplating the entire complex-
tered. This time, the criteria are specifically ity of both the seen and unseen universe.
physical, to determine whether or not the shape
of the skull will actually allow the transplant.
Indeed, despite the conjoined efforts of armies of Techno- Once the years of training are finished, the indepen-
Technos during the program, the bone structures of cer- dent Mentrek, who is no longer entirely human, makes
tain subjects remain totally inflexible. These subjects, unfit his debut in the real world. However, life for them does
for maximum utility, are eliminated. The others, whose not resemble the life of other citizens in the slightest. Their
heads have attained the desired dimensions, have arrived sense of independence is not even remotely related to free
at the time of the sacred implantation. will, nor do they enjoy the freedom of movement or all
Currently, under Janus-Jana’s reign, the manufacture of the minor rights that are common for mortals. In order to
Mentrek brains is under the exclusive domain of the Church leave the Mentrek Training Center on the Central Planet,
of the Industrial Saints. Thus, only the human and robo- a Mentrek must be purchased by an authorized buyer.
surgeons of the Techno-Techno Order are authorized to carry Once the negotiation has come to a successful conclu-
out the installation of these technological marvels. The pro- sion, a subprogram is installed in the cybernetic portion
cedure is not as simple as it seems. Not only does it require of his brain and the Mentrek is allowed to go serve his
making a link between living and nonliving matter, which new master.
requires proper compatibility to accommodate the interac- Since it is known that they are literally incapable of
tive synergy of the organo-synthetic ebb and flow, but sev- lying, the Mentreks enjoy genuine respect from their peers.
eral extremely precise mini-lobotomies must also be carried Primarily, it is the large Noble families and powerful
out in order to maximize the brain’s abilities. For example, Maganats who acquire these extremely costly marvels of
while intuitive analysis (anterio-temporal area of the left technology. The Mentreks are granted total independence
hemisphere) is a very useful skill for Mentreks, compassion in the fulfillment of their new duties, since they can oper-
and empathy (posterior medulla in the right hemisphere) ate in a sphere far above what most humans can compre-
would obviously cause an undesirable reduction of efficiency. hend. The tasks they are given range from the drudgery
Once these surgical processes are complete, the Mentrek of administrative accounting to the purity of intellectual
is totally unhampered by useless human emotion and is and scientific speculation. But their true talent lies in de-
able under all conditions to devote 100% of his faculties vising Machiavellian plots. More specifically, the Mentreks
to deductive observation. But he is still just an adoles- who serve large families spend most of their time trying
cent, and ahead lies a long path of learning to master his to predict the actions of members of other families and
new abilities. discover any resulting opportunities for their masters to
Then begins the final stage of Mentrek training. Over show off their merits before the Empire. In this sense, they
the course of seven years, the most precocious and prom- are reverting to their original function of making calcula-
stay within the nominated limits. In most cases, the mere
tions for a complicated strategy game. But in activation of this procedure is enough to correct even the
Chapter 3 • 38
this game, more than just prestige is at stake. The most convoluted train of thought, but two other levels of
influential Noble Houses compete fiercely to acquire intervention are also available for greater security. A 20%
the most proficient Mentreks, since the outcomes of variation in three of the major parameters instantly trig-
their calculation will either lead to new heights of shin- gers a lockdown of the Mentrek’s cerebral functions, fol-
ing glory or to a sudden descent into permanent ruin. lowed by thorough scrutiny of all his neuro-transmitters
In practice, the Mentreks have more duties than privi- and adjustments to four or five of the major parameters,
leges, but since they have undergone a removal of the while a 25% variation of three parameters immediately
neural connections that transmit emotion and feeling, triggers self-destruction of the brain. To this day, no such
their duty weighs less heavily than a photon in the in- case has ever occurred. In the normal scope of their activ-
terstellar void. ity, Mentreks rarely even suffer the slightest incident, and
The life of a Mentrek has its share of joy, as when a many of them forget the existence of this electronic sword
progression of cause and effect culminates precisely in the of Damocles hanging constantly above their heads.
scenario he predicted and helped create. But, it also has Activation of any of these control routines is recorded
its share of risk, as when the House he serves suffers a within the memory of the Central Brain of the Imperial
reversal of fortune. The pan-Techno Church, which manu- Commission for Mentrek Surveillance. This organization,
factures every component of the cybernetic brain, keeps under the Empire’s control, is guided by specialized ma-
an extremely precise account of the Mentreks in active chines overseen by the Techno-Pope. Nevertheless, the pan-
duty, at the same time grading them in order of profi- Techno Church has no power to control the Mentreks’
ciency. This hierarchy, based on the FishKarov scale, as- thoughts. But it can control the Mentreks themselves, or
signs each Mentrek a specific rating and market value. even annihilate them. In the end, what makes these crea-
The thousand highest-scoring Mentreks are automatically tures so interesting is that the seed of their own destruc-
assigned to the Circle of Imperial Mentreks. So of course, tion has been planted within them, to compensate for their
all the other Mentreks have the secret ambition of dem- tremendous capacity that could slide out of control, dis-
onstrating in a spectacular manner that their worth is much rupting the presently stable structure of the Empire. Their
greater than the rank they have been assigned. This pride lives are lived in the delicate balance between the extremes
is the only manifestation of their independent will. But all of intellectual freedom and bodily subjugation. Of course,
things considered, the Mentreks are fundamentally slaves, there is a way for them to cheat destiny, by thwarting
whose only escape lies in dreamlike fantasies of algebra Techno-Techno domination.
and geometry.
All things considered, the cybernetic locking mechanism
implanted within their brains effectively reduces them to To be exact, there are two methods for deconnecting a
mere thinking machines.. Cut off from their free will, they Mentrek and delivering him from the grip of Techno-
are denied their humanity. The Imperial Commission of Techno control. Either the technological tumor that gov-
Mentrek Surveillance constantly keeps a close watch on erns his mind is simply removed, or its functions are by-
them, putting all of their actions through a screen and passed in a more dramatic manner. The first option en-
analyzing even the smallest piece of advice they give.. Of tails an extremely intricate and dangerous surgical opera-
course, finding an idea within an idea or a conspiracy tion, requiring the work of a specialized robo-surgeon.
behind a conspiracy is extremely difficult, so it is hard to The procedure involves removing the mechanisms that
tell whether a Mentrek is acting on his own. So far, such a separate the rational from the emotional. At this time,
case has never come up, and these craftsmen of the mind only the few “dissident” robots won over to the cause of
seem to be content to fulfill the ambitions of their mas- the chromosomal force known as White Energy consent
ters. But their powers are so great that the risk is always to perform it.
present. What if all the Mentreks decided to act in league Of course, the dissident robots themselves are outcasts
with each other to achieve indirect domination of the mercilessly hunted throughout the Empire. In the eyes of
universe by simple influence over the actions of the the Church of the Industrial Saints, they are not only her-
Empire’s decision-makers…? etics but also traitors who pose a threat to the workings of
To counter that possibility, the Techno-Techno factory- the world and the power of the Techno-Technos. However,
labs routinely install a multi-purpose program into the the robots are not so easy to find. Although the surveillance
Mentreks’ brains, which has the ability to launch one of equipment used by the pan-Techno Church is absolutely
the dozens of failsafe control routines at the slightest sign unsurpassed, it can only give totally predictable results when
of overactivity, indicated by a 10% variation from the dealing with humans. When used against a foe who pos-
subject’s individual mean in three out of five major pa- sesses the same resources they do, the systems, machines,
rameters (chemical balance of amino acids, neurological and robots of the pan-Techno Church find themselves stale-
fluid pressure, cerebro-electrical activity, pH level in the mated, and therefore the dissident robots are effectively
gastric system, and temperature/hygrometry of the epi- undetectable. They can infiltrate circuits, creep into systems,
dermis in the lumbar region). This automatic program re- and hack into networks without being spotted. However,
establishes the Mentrek’s internal balance by hypno-regu- their conversion to a new faith modifies their energy signa-
lation, which to a certain degree forces his thoughts to ture. In the bounds of virtual reality, they can operate unde-
tected, but in the real world, they’d be caught instantly by
any competent cybo-cop, unless of course its own systems most hardened, most determined, and most

39 • The Factions
and controls were being hacked into. Their lives too are merciless warriors imaginable are forged.
lived in a delicate balance. In any case, in various locations
throughout the universe, generally in the depths of Endocities
in the very heart of the Techno-Techno system, there exist Great is the scope of the Endoguard. Primitive
robots who paradoxically show qualities of great humanity peoples in the farthest reaches of the universe whisper
by sometimes helping Mentreks recover their freedom of its name with fear and respect. To suffer and die for it
will and thought. is an honor. Life within the Endoguard is extremely
In practice, any Mentrek who takes this drastic step severe, and it is arranged like an order of warrior-clergy
becomes an outcast himself. Freedom has a price and the who give themselves fully to the higher cause of mili-
risks are enormous, for his own head is literally at stake. tary efficiency. But the choice to enlist is not a voluntary
From that point on, he will have to maintain constant one. Every family in the Empire that is even remotely
vigilance. A simple holo-mask will not suffice to deceive connected to a Noble line must donate its firstborn son to
the Central Processor’s police forces, so camouflage and the military force. Thus, hundreds of thousands and some-
concealment will make up the daily existence of any times even millions of children report every year to the
deconnected Mentrek. Besides, Techno-Techno officials Endoguard Training School, created specifically for this
are not their only enemies. A free Mentrek is no longer purpose by the Empire.
catalogued or supervised, but by the same token, he can- Although the sons of the Nobility are obliged to join
not count on the slightest protection. He becomes prey, the Empire’s army, many of them do not have the natural
and there are many predators who dream of getting ac- qualities that make them great soldiers. For that reason, a
cess to his store of information by transplanting his head program of Maximized Special Aptitude Training was
onto another human host. This procedure is extremely developed by the greatest specialists and researchers at
dangerous, and it is attempted only rarely. However, since the dawn of the modern Imperial age. The program evolves
information is power, certain groups will do anything to in two stages, each designed to intensify the two separate
get their hands on this nearly infinite supply of data, even criteria of tactical intuition and physio-mechanical prow-
if doing so means death for the carrier and the sacrifice of ess. For the first stage, which lasts until the children are
an immense number of hosts in abortive attempts. twelve years old, an evaluation of physical and psycho-
A much less technically demanding way to deconnect a logical characteristics is carried out on each subject, in
Mentrek is to have a priest-mutant dose him with Amorine. accordance with extremely precise codified standards.. A
Thanks to the power of the Amorine flower, initiates to scale is then developed from each of those profiles. In the
the Cult of Neuro-Emotions are able to counteract and second stage, from age twelve to age nineteen, the adoles-
destroy the traces of the Techno-Technos’ hold over their cents are put through hyperintensive training, including
soul. Any Mentrek who lavishes himself with a full dose neuro-mnemonic induction drills, cerebral surgery, and
of Amorine can expect the artificial imbalance to be over- whatever other forms of corrective operations are deemed
come, which leads to the recovery of his entire capacity necessary to produce an optimal balance of the two crite-
for emotion and intuition. His lost humanity returns, but ria. The program never fails, and at the end of trainingm
at the same time, he retains all the faculties provided to each Endoguard will possess a perfect 50/50 competency
him by his training. Of course, depending on the Mentrek’s ratio of maximized aptitudes in physio-mechanical prow-
innermost character, this change might be for the better ess and tactical intuition.
or for the worse. The Mentrek who previously served his There are many practical steps involved in the different
masters’ ambitions is now free to put his power to the stages of Endoguard training. In their first week of life,
service of his own ambition. after they are taken from their families and placed in the
official Endoguard Training School, a tracer-chip is im-
MENTREK CHARACTERS planted at the base of their medullas, in order to provide
If you play the Metabarons Roleplaying Game, you can personally tailored telemetric tracking of each subject’s
find templates for defused Mentreks on page 271 of the physical and psychological parameters. Preliminary apti-
rule book and page 43 of the Companion Book to the tude curves are plotted, after which each infant benefits
Game Master Screen. If you would like to use these as from individual corrective actions designed to shore up
generic characters, add 7D to 14D (depending on how their weak points (a nutritional regimen, neuro-psycho-
experienced the characters should be) to the template skills. logical calibration by electric shocks, mini-lobotomies of
Mentreks who are not diffused will not have any Agility- the areas that control emotion and empathy, and surgical
type skills, nor will they have any equipment and little upgrades of the loco-motor apparatus and neurological
individuality. systems). Aside from these exterior measures, the babies
are led along a complete program of development and
THE ENDOGUARD training. They must acquire the basic building blocks nec-
The Endoguard, a fighting force unrivalled anywhere essary for coordinated movement (walking, running, jump-
in the Empire, is an elite unit that accepts only the bravest ing, fighting, dodging) but also an understanding of tacti-
combatants into its ranks. But bravery is of little use with- cal situations (evaluation of danger, optimal timing for
out training, and the Endoguard is a crucible in which the attack and defense, identification of escape routes). In
directly by the level above it, from the Minister of War
addition to teaching them all these skills, ev- (General Thato) down to the rank-and-file Endoguards,
Chapter 3 • 40
erything is done to promote the natural instinct through the intermediary ranks of colonel, commander,
for savagery that lies dormant in every being. For captain, lieutenant, and sergeant. The Gargat provides an
example, the children are forbidden to lie down and increased degree of initiative and free will with every ad-
must become accustomed to sleeping upright. The ti- vance through the ranks.
niest slip results in an electric shock administered by The young Endoguards selected in the competition join
remote control. Although the food they are given pro- the force with the rank of cadet and are assigned to a
vides a balanced supply of vitamins, proteins, and other fighting unit. The Endoguard cadets hardly have the power
essentials, it is totally devoid of any flavor. All minor to speak. They express themselves in brief, hoarse shouts,
pleasures of existence are forbidden to them, as is any and although they carry out complex missions, their ca-
recreational activity. The only so-called games that are pacity to analyze a given scenario remains negligible, which
permitted are the ones that encourage an unbridled ex- means that they cannot act or react outside the frame-
pression of violence. Competition and confrontation are work of their orders. They can annihilate entire villages,
systematically encouraged. The young soldiers are never ward off retaliation, and entrap pockets of resistance, but
shown any sign of affection. They occasionally receive if they receive information that the left flank of their troops
gifts of small animal-like creatures, but only with orders is in trouble, they cannot make the decision to provide
to torture or kill them. All in all, everything is done to reinforcements. Those who survive the longest are pro-
develop their aggressive potential to the highest degree. moted to the next rank.
Age twelve marks a turning point in the life of an An Endoguard sergeant, however, can address the larger
Endoguard. At this stage of development, his medulla is analytical picture. He leads a group of about a hundred
ready to receive the Gargat, a Netranekkon shaft that men and can use them in an effective and efficient man-
annihilates his individuality and reconfigures it around ner. At the level of lieutenant, he might lead up to a thou-
an exterior will. In this case, it is the will of the Emperoress sand men, and so forth up the ranks. At the same time, an
that is imposed by the direct flow of the chain of com- Endoguard recovers more of his faculties of memory and
mand. It must be emphasized that the Gargat represents reasoning with every promotion, which enriches his vo-
the only use of cybernetic implantation. As a result, each cabulary. A general, for example, may enter the salons of
Endoguard is completely self-reliant: his physical force is the Nobility without embarrassment.
not augmented by mechanical prostheses,but rather hard- To say that the Endoguards are like robots isn’t entirely
ened by exercise and increased tenfold by chemical, elec- true: robots have a much broader range of functions. On
trical, and mechanical stimulation of his various systems the other hand, to say that they are dedicated killing ma-
(neurological, musculo-tendonary, and skeletal). His war- chines is completely accurate. Until his assignment to an
rior instinct is not augmented by a device that influences active unit at the age of nineteen, each Endoguard trains
his decision, but rather developed to its fullest by every single day to handle all conceiv-
unrelenting training and the systematic develop- able weaponry, as well as all
ment of his aggressive instinct and combat sense. known techniques
However, the standard kit of an Endoguard (and there are
includes a wide range of external devices de- many)
signed to improve his physical performance:
highly resistant armor, poly-mimetic uniforms
with extensive camouflage abilities, mecha-
nized exoskeletons for operations in very high
gravity, automatic guidance for their aiming
systems, and so forth. Such a high standard
of equipment was developed with one goal
in mind — to enable each Endoguard to sur-
vive in any environment and confront any
enemy with any conceivable weapon. He can
harness the full potential of even the most
trivial item and turn any harmless object into
a lethal weapon.
Just before the installation of the Gargat,
an initiatory competition is held to select the
most fearsome combatants from each year of
the Endoguard Training School.
Those individuals who show greater mal-
ice, determination, and barbarity than the rest
soon form the backbone of the regiments. For
in the Endoguard, each level is commanded
for eradicating life in all its forms. As a result, they are
obviously skilled operators of all existing artillery equip- In times when they are not compelled by ga-

41 • The Factions
ment, infallible sharpshooters, silent and efficient com- lactic crisis to maintain a battlefront far away from
mandos, tireless marchers, seasoned pilots and naviga- habitable worlds, the Endoguard devotes itself to
tors, and formidable warriors with nonprojectile weap- the traditional military activities of maintaining peace
ons, including sticks and hand-to-hand combat. What’s and order. The Empire usually relies on surprise, let-
more, they are totally impervious to pain and demonstrate ting out their dogs of war before even thinking of com-
staunch bravery at every occasion. Indeed, the removal of mencing negotiations. Whether it’s a planet plunged
certain irrelevant brain matter protects them from the into chaos, an Endocity troubled by anarchy, or a mi-
paralysis of indecision. nor increase in revolutionary fervor in a given sector of
After his comprehensive training is finished, each the universe, the discouraging presence of the purple
Endoguard is an expert in any field, capable of assuming Endoguard quickly brings even the most stubborn mili-
duties in any one of the army’s specialized units: Lancet tant uprising to heel. The strategy of the Endoguard is
pilot units assigned to the hunt, spatial engineering units of course based solely on violence. No subtlety, no pre-
assigned in different regiments primarily to supply and tense, not the slightest reconnaissance, no psychological
communications, and countless fighting units capable of tactics, just pure brute strength. Victory or annihilation.
performing in any surroundings. And annihilation it is, at least for the reckless dreamers
who thought they could take on the huge bull without
MISSIONS OF THE ENDOGUARD getting the horns. In addition, like any typical army, the
The Endoguard’s military might is absolutely colossal. Endoguard devotes the rest of its time to training. Their
Its efficiency in conquest is feared and dreaded. To this life is war, and war is their life. Peace does not exist, and
day, the battle for Marmola is the only defeat it has ever if they find war is occurring less frequently, they create it.
suffered, although in that case it was not acting under As General Thato says, “The universe is so large there’s
orders. The various races and creatures that have the ill always bound to be some conflict somewhere.”
fortune to see their skies suddenly darken with Endoguard But their primary mission, and the field in which they
lancets can only appeal to providence or to their gods. truly excel, is conquest. The sight of their purple vessels
Even today, some cultures put up savage resistance, but taking position in the upper stratosphere of a planet be-
there is no limit to the destructive power of the Endoguard. fore releasing swarms of transports and assault ships that
When in difficulty, the army can depend on the arsenal of swoop down toward the surface like paleo-vultures is an
weapons supplied by the Techno-Technos, whose imagi- unforgettable spectacle. And to watch Endoguard platoons
native designs provide everything from the famous stan- subdue a continent is no less spectacular.
dard-issue multi-cogan to immense systems of kinetic de-
struction, capable of leveling a planet’s surface from high THE SUPREME ENDOGUARD
orbit. There are various other weapons of controlled le- The Endoguard’s strength and durability is like a rock,
thality, which permit the Endoguard to adjust the level of but unfortunately so is their level of finesse. If by some
damage to the circumstances in order to obtain uncondi- chance their brutal force does not prevail, the Endoguard
tional surrender. And finally, if their opponents prove in- would find itself incapable of acting or reacting. Of course,
tractable, the Endoguard can always resort to Biokill or that situation has not arisen to this day, but it is always
Biocidex waves, two weapons of incomprehensible de- possible that somewhere in the universe the Endoguard
structive capacity, which have the unfortunate side effect will encounter some race, some force, or some form of
of wiping out absolutely all forms of life. intelligent life with powers they cannot match. In addi-
Of course, with such means at their disposal, there is tion, that is not the only risk, for it could be imagined
scarcely any force in all the galaxies that can match their that some demented will within the Empire itself could
power, but the universe is wide and they cannot be every- steer the Endoguard troops onto the wrong path. If so,
where at once. So although their primary mission is to the automatic and unquestioning fanaticism it uses to carry
enforce peace for the Emperoress, it would be infeasible out its missions could lead to disastrous consequences.
for their purple vessels to maintain a constant presence What would happen if someone had access to the deci-
across the entire universe. Normally, patrolling duties are sion-making mechanisms of the Endoguard, and gave them
left to the local armies on the Maganat and Colonial plan- instructions to completely reduce the universe to rubble?
ets loyal to the Empire. In certain exceptional circum- Thanks to His-Her boundless foresight, and perhaps
stances, such as trouble stirred up by some galacto-bar- also to some advice from a wise Mentrek, the Emperoress
baric tribe, the Endoguard is immediately sent in to as- instituted a plan to counter any such eventuality. After
sist, and their presence alone will tip the scales of the battle. all, the Endoguard’s great force is also its greatest weak-
However, skirmishes at the edge of the universe are rare ness. Its reinforced brutality is also its Achilles’ heel. The
these days. More frequently, the Endoguard will be sent Empire exerts total control over all the workings of the
off to track down pirates, but usually with limited suc- Endoguard and can therefore always count on their flaw-
cess. Although they manage to do some damage, the less warlike enthusiasm and utter loyalty. But the com-
greater mobility of the pirate bands usually allows them mand structure is as dense and unresponsive as a paleo-
to escape. A more crucial factor is that to this day, their brick wall and could suddenly become unmanageable,
lairs have never been found. precisely because of the overabundant powers at its dis-
Agility 4D: brawling 5D, dodge 5D, firearms 6D, me-
posal. To prevent this possibility, among other lee combat 5D, running 5D. Knowledge 2D: survival 4D.
Chapter 3 • 42
reasons, the Supreme Endoguard was formed. Mechanical 3D: gunnery 4D, piloting 4D, vehicle opera-
On the surface, the Supreme Endoguard is sim- tion 4D. Perception 3D+1: search 4D+1. Strength 3D+2:
ply the most elite branch of an army that already has lift 5D+2, stamina 5D+2. Technical 3D. Psionics 0D.
no equal. It is designed to be the last line of defense Move 10. Character Points 3. Amarax Points 0. Honor
around the Emperoress if the need arises. But in truth, Code: Rayah. Equipment: multi-cogan rifle (6D damage),
it is much more than that. Its 10,000 members are se- combat shock knife (STR+1D+2 damage), Endoguard
lected according to their IQ, an irrelevant criterion in armor (+2D STR to resist damage; –1D Agility), helmet
the case of the regular Endoguard. Therefore, the Su- with range goggles (+3D to long-range Perception and
preme Endoguard has the advantage, because its sol- search rolls), comm headset. Note: Cadets will proceed
diers can contemplate, analyze, perceive, or comprehend with their current orders, reguardless of the consequences
motivations and interactions between people, in addi- to themselves or others, until their superior — and only
tion to sequences of cause and effect. This allows them to the correct superior — gives them a new one.
get to the bottom of tangled webs of intrigue, as well as
take command and act with complete autonomy in any THE SHABDA-OUD
delicate situation. Upon full consideration, each man’s rare
abilities make him a tremendous asset to the Empire but THE ORIGINS OF THE
also a potential mortal danger, a viper at its breast. To HOLY SHABDA-OUD MYSTERY
ensure the loyalty of these elite soldiers with no roots, no These women, feared so
connections, and no past, who have developed their much they are dubbed
minds, the most dangerous weapon of all, Janus- “witches” and “whore-
Jana has them injected at a very young age with nuns,” are servants of the
a microbe so potent that no vaccine can com- god Jejoh and members of a
pletely cure it. Then, in order not to un- highly influential female order. The
dergo a horribly painful death, they Shabda-Oud order was destined to be
must take an antidote at regular and immensely powerful right from the outset.
relatively frequent intervals. The It was founded by Techno-Popess Argatah af-
antidote’s formula is a secret known ter she broke off all contact with her lover, the
only to the Emperoress. Church of the Industrial Saints, taking with
Although the Supreme Endoguard pre- her some of the Church’s best-guarded secrets.
sents a tremendous internal threat to the Em- From far off in space, she could easily have
pire, it is a truly fascinating unit. It not only guaran- conquered an entire section of the universe
tees personal protection to the Emperoress, but it is sent single-handedly and become its empress or
out to assist on any missions that require a delicate and divinity. Yet her chance travels through the out-
subtle touch. For example, they might carry out infiltra- ermost reaches of space dictated otherwise.
tion, exfiltration, espionage, recovery, sabotage, theft, or Two meetings were to mold her fate. In the outer reaches
seduction, in all conditions and all environments on all of space where the darkness is like an all-consuming liv-
types of worlds. In this way, the most elite soldiers of the ing liquid, the Techno-Popess stumbled upon a giant
most elite army are grouped into an ultra-secret unit in planet-sized female whale in labor. Driven from her hid-
order to carry out a variety of tasks, both noble and base, ing place, the animal started to charge the tiny ship that
for the greater glory of the Sacred Androgyne. had dared disturb her. But just as her brain was convert-
FURTHER READING ing her reflex into a conscious order, a domineering force
in amplified Alpha waves overcame her will. Before she
The Metabarons Guidebook #1 to Path of the Warrior could even fight, the whale was subdued.
presents some additional notes on the Black Endoguard Argatah screened every part of her vast stellar captive’s
(pages 10–11), the Purple Endoguard (page 11), and the mind and body and found to her delight that this enor-
Supreme Endoguard (page 15). mous and virtually indestructible mass was about to give
If you’re playing the Metabarons Roleplaying Game, birth to seven baby females. And, since good things al-
realize that, in general, no one plays an Endoguard. The ways come in pairs, her mental structure showed the seeds
will of the individual Endoguard is totally controlled by of a distinct submissive inclination. The Techno-Popess
those in the rank above. Nonetheless, it is a remote possi- used a subtle process of hypno-mental induction, alter-
bility that there are descendants of the Black Endoguard nating periods of strict punishment and consolation, to
from the botched Marmola mission. They now would be make the whale as devoted to her as a bashful lover is to
guns-for-hire, working on assignments as far from the his mistress. The seven babies underwent the same treat-
center of the Empire as possible. ment, and with a technological arsenal attached to her
TYPICAL ENDOGUARD CADET creatures, the Techno-Popess found herself at the head of
This generic character can be used with the Metabarons a formidable and invincible fleet.
Roleplaying Game. Later in her exploration of the stellar ice floes, she dis-
covered a Jejoh trapped in the salty ice. This simple crea-
ture with his supreme conquering drive opened up new
horizons for her. His burning energizing fluid largely made Oda, who he sent to infiltrate the heart of the

43 • The Factions
up for his rustic intellect. Now with a fleet, technological Shabda movement, Aghnar challenged and fought
power and a god, or as good as, all that was left for the the god Jejoh and the order’s novices and superiors.
former Techno dignitary to do was to gather followers He had to use all the psycho-magic skills his mother
and launch the takeover of the Empire. had taught him to win the epic telepathic duel and
liquefy the murderous witches’ spirits. Yet Oda’s brain
THE RISE OF THE ORDER also succumbed to the assault, and the order’s seven
With the troops recruited, the order set to work on a cetacyborgs were on the verge of killing Aghnar when
huge galactic plan to take over Imperial power. The idea Honorata appeared from the beyond to save him. As a
was to create a perfect Hermaphrodite that the order senior initiate aware of the fabulous organic vessels’
would control. Unfortunately for the Shabda-Oud witches, weak point, she alone could defeat them.
this ambitious scheme was also to be their downfall. To Yet what the anguished Aghnar and Honorata did not
increase its chances of success, the order carefully chose know was that the Shabda-Oud order had not been com-
its most beautiful followers and trained them in the subtle pletely destroyed. Far off on the stellar ice floe, deep in
mysteries of sexual energy. And Jejoh taught them just the Prime Temple, the ten mother superiors had watched
how far sensual pleasure could be taken with the “wak- the destruction of Planet Diamond and the cetacyborgs
ing of the hundred flowers” rite. The Shabda followers from afar. And they were already preparing to rekindle
then used their thorough mental control of every part of the Shabda flame and form the order of the Neo-Shabda-
their bodies to give their sexual partners the pleasure that Oud.
would enslave them. Hundreds of strictly trained young
Shabda novices were sent out into the universe with a FURTHER READING
mission to seduce and enslave the most suitable repro- The Metabarons Guidebook #1 to Path of the Warrior
ducers —the richest and most powerful and dependable contains several discussions of the Shabda-Oud and some
—and be fertilized by the genes most likely to create the of their resources. Information on cetacyborgs can be
perfect Hermaphrodite. This program continued for thou- found on pages 47–48 of this book. Details on the Neo-
sands of years without any great success until one day, Shabda-Oud is located on pages 48–50.
the Empire offered Honorata — a young accomplished If you are playing the Metabarons Roleplaying Game,
novice — to Metabaron Othon. you can find generic Neo-Shabda-Oud characters on pages
50–53 of Guidebook #1. Pages 53–57 of the same book
AND DOWNFALL… offer hooks and sketches for adventures involving the Neo-
The operation was very nearly a success. Shabda-Oud.
Out of her overwhelming love for Othon, Honorata If you’re looking for a Neo-Shabda-Oud template, that’s
pulled off nothing short of a miracle. She bypassed the on page 281 of the rule book. Information on how the
normal course of nature and fertilized one of her eggs at psionics of the Shabda-Oud work in game terms can be
subcellular level with a drop of Othon’s blood. But in- found on pages 83–89 of the rule book.
stead of giving birth to the perfect Hermaphrodite the
Shabda priestesses so yearned for, she had a son fit to THE METABARON
succeed his father. The purest and deep- No Name was born in the year
est of emotions had changed the course 29970, son of his father-mother
of history. With their ambitions Inquisition Aghora and distant descendant of
thwarted, the Shabda-Oud witches de- After Argatah’s defection, Baron Dayal de Castaka, who took
clared war against the most powerful all of the Techno-Techno over the planet Marmola and absorbed
war machine in the universe. Othon Order’s nuns suspected of the spirit of the legendary Gangez bird,
managed to destroy one of the suppos- sympathizing with their se- one of the six Gargales of the universe.
edly invincible cetacyborgs in the first cessionist Techno-Popess Heir to the Bushitaka tradition and
battle, but it was a bitter victory. Othon underwent an ordered as- from a long line of invincible
had contracted an incurable disease and sault from the Techno-in- metawarriors — in turn adventurers,
Honorata had to sacrifice herself. Left quisitors. The majority how- mercenaries, and soldiers of the Em-
alone, Aghnar, sonof Honorata and ever, remained faithful to the pire — the reigning Metabaron is hero
Othon, succeeded his father and vowed Magnus Dei, but an impla- of the human race and champion of
to hunt down and destroy the Shabda- cable handful of devotees the Empire. He is a self-styled, protec-
Oud. escaped and went into hid- tive shadow who brings both hope and
While Aghnar was polishing his ing. Hunted throughout threat to man. With the spirit of
weapons, the Shabda witches were still space, they remained con- Gangez in him, No Name has all the
trying to pull off their pipe dream. Once cealed for two long standard power of one of the guardians of the
again, tragic and cruel fate brought the years, until Argatah sent six gateways of the universe. Yet he
order of the whore-nuns face to face them a mental message…. does not give a damn about the duties
with the Metabaron in a brutal clash. of his office and uses his powers solely
With the help of his beautiful beloved for his own personal pleasure.
Chapter 3 • 44
Othon, No Name’s great-great-grandfather,
was the first true Metabaron. He took the tradi-
tion of humble service to the Mardador gateway
and the epiphyte to a higher level and transcended
the Bushitaka. Yet nothing set him up for such a
life, except perhaps his obstinate and cast-iron
determin-ation. Othon was actually a common or-
phan from the gutter. Before marrying into the fam-
ily, he was nothing more than a space desperado
who hung out with the wreckage looters and ship
hijackers. They had even usurped the identity of the
Noble von Salza, who gave up without a fight when
they boarded his
luxury space-
yacht. Yet once
on board the pi- 1: The Non-Baron
rate ship, von Dayal of Castaka
Salza smugly in- (13626–28686)
formed the 2: The Mono-Duchess
young Othon Antigréa of Castaka
that his yacht (13628–13660)
obeyed him alone 3: The Twins
and that an invio- Myrtha and Narda
lable iris-based (13645–?)
identity detector 4: The Non-Baron
prevented any- Berard of Castaka
one from taking (29820–29892)
his place. Othon 5: Edna Berard of
calmly returned Castaka
his self-satisfied (29861–29892)
smile. Then he 6: The Metabaron
jumped on him, Othon von Salza
got him in a half (29857–29913)
nelson, and 7: Honorata
ripped out his (29872–29918/29951)
eyes. 8: Bari of Castaka
Othon’s enroll- (29876–29892)
ment with the 9: The Metabaron
Castaka Caste Aghnar von Salza
did not redeem (29893–29951)
him, but it did el- 10: Supra-Princess
evate him Oda the Capricious
through his ob- (29899–29918)
servance of 11: Doña Vicenta
Bushitaka and Gabriela of Rokha
strict adherence (29931-29992)
to personal life 12: The Metabaron
principles. This Steelhead/Melmoth
move also set in von Salza
motion a tragic (29919–29969)
chain of events 13: The Metabaron
scored with Aghorha von Salza
death. Othon (29952–29989)
and each Meta- 14: The Metabaron
baron in turn — No Name
Aghnar, Steel- (29970–)
head, and
Aghora — would subsequently embark
on personal crusades during which they

45 • The Factions
The Value and of the Gangez bird’s incred-
would battle with the major forces of ibly hard spinal cord salvaged
Number of Years
the universe or at least the great Pillars by Baron Dayal de Castaka. The
Othon was just fourteen-
of the Empire. The Metabaron’s aura Metapistol is the only one of its
years-old when he took von
and ruthlessness grew with each vic- kind with such special properties.
Salza’s vessel, eyes, and iden-
tory. His battles — and the battles of It is designed to fire huge silver bul-
tity. He found two young
his forefathers — helped each Meta- lets at stellar werewolves, those
boys on board, eight-year-
baron realize his true vocation, and so enormouse hairy creatures that
old twin brothers Konrath
each found himself becoming increas- roam through space from full moon
and Hohenhole, who were
ingly more detached from the rest of to full moon.
living in slavery as von
humankind floating in the Necro-
Salza’s servants. He took FURTHER READING
them along with everything
Today, No Name is condemned to a Naturally, you can follow the history
else, and the twins never left
life of roaming solitude, tirelessly pur- of the Metabaron lineage in the pages
his side.
sued by his equally ruthless enemies. of The Metabarons comic series (which
He has fled and hidden in another uni- are also compiled in trade paperbacks).
verse, entered using his “living gate- The Metabarons Guidebook #1 to
way” power, returning only when absolutely necessary. Path of the Warrior offers a great deal of information
THE TESTS gleaned from and inspired by the pages of the first trade
paperback. You might, in particular, find these parts most
To become the Metabaron, it’s not enough to be born interesting.
into the right family. The child must also prove his wor-
thiness. He first demonstrates his readiness to pursue the PEOPLE IN THE METABARONS LINE
mantle of Metabaron by enduring ritual mutilation. In • Non-Baron Berard of Castaka, page 9
general, this ritual happens after years of intense and vio- • Lady Edna of Castaka, page 8
lent training. After this point, the future Metabaron’s true • Metabaron Othan von Salza, pages 12–13
training begins. The child — perhaps a young adult by • Bari of Castaka, page 10
now — refines his honor code and further develops his • Honorata, pages 15–16
abilities as a formidable soldier. For it is only by force, • Agnar, page 20
through the death of his father, that the child can become SERVANTS TO THE METABARONS LINE
the supreme warrior of the universe.
• Konrath, page 9
THE ARSENAL • Hohenhole, pages 9–10
The Metabaron has long been ahead of his adversaries • Iku-Tta, pages 4–5
and has lost his taste for combat. Isolated and eternally alone, • Ika-Tua and Ika-Toa, pages 5, 6
No Name lives in long, excruciating boredom. This might PLACES
be his fate as a living gateway, but the Metabaron’s fanati- • Marmola, pages 22–23
cal individualism and sharp awareness of his caste’s dra- • Okhar, pages 23–25
matic lot in life have driven him to expand and transform • Anasirma (on Okhar), page 36
his office. He neither chose nor was chosen to be Gargale.
He became so simply because the official Gargale passed TECHNOLOGY
his position and powers on to him. Since that act, with blithe • bio-electrogram, pages 27–28
disregard for the universal balance, his immeasurable mine • gun sword, page 28
of power has made him equal to a god in the Human Uni- • Maxi-protonic Tower, 30
verse. Nobody can challenge him, not even the Empire and • Metabunker, pages 38–40
all its Endoguards. Yet, he is still mortal like all the guard- • robo-killer, page 37
ians. But No Name is far from easy prey. His remarkable • sparring robot, page 27
Metabaron arsenal of fantastic, ultimate-technological weap- • Tri-H torpedoes, pages 34–35
ons — including the Metacraft, the Metabunker, and the
Tri-H bombs that he casually sets off — is combined with
the fabulous sources of power he can harness to form a What sets the Metabaron apart from ordinary human-
lethal extension of his own will. ity is the honor code he follows. You can get more infor-
With his size and power, the Metabaron is undoubt- mation about the Bushitaka Honor Code on page 38 of
edly one of the most fascinating figures in the universe. the rule book and on pages 5–6 the Companion Book to
THE FAMILY ARMS the Game Master Screen.

There are two particularly important weapons in the THE PIRATES

Metabaron arsenal: the Metasword and the Metapistol.
The pirates operate everywhere in space, robbing and
The nearly indestructible telescopic Metasword is made
pillaging transporter vessels that cross the cosmos. The
that some pirate commandos have been jettisoned in a
authorities give this name to an extremely wide jet suit, armed only with a formidable negative mine. They
Chapter 3 • 46
range of individuals. In short, anyone that the reach the tunnel’s shell, arm it, and the released antimat-
Empire can gain from eliminating is called a “pi- ter pierces a gaping hole in the defenses.
rate” — from rebels revolting against oppression by The pirate flagship is generally an Ostrov-class ship. It
the Nobles through petty thieves to your average Joe is from here that the pirate captain directs operations
unlucky enough to offend someone with more power. from his position set back some stellar cable’s length from
But in actual fact, the buccaneering fraternity only ac- the battle. If victory smiles on the buccaneers, it is here
cepts organized bands that do enough pirating to be too that the booty is divvied up and the party begins.
hunted by the Empire’s forces. The pirates form a soci- The most callous pirates systematically kill human cap-
ety of their own, which sometimes counteracts the tives, though they will use more valuable hostages to save
Empire’s power and control. There are countless inde- their own skins.
pendent bands operating close to their hideouts, as well
as larger bands capable of devising and carrying out much
more ambitious plans. These terrifying cohorts of damned souls generally have
The most famous of these groups is without doubt Cap- little respect for anything, but they do like a certain form
tain Kaiman’s band. of tradition. For example, the sharing out of the booty
and R&R on Hispanola or Tortuga are always followed
STRUCTURE AND ACTIVITIES by a week-long orgy. Guanaguachca liqueur, the pirates’
The organized bands of pirates are havens for outcasts favorite tipple, flows freely at these events. They often
from the Empire and the universe. They comprise men, also take Tranka — the famous dangerous drug that re-
women, mutants, and all kinds of creatures who have crossed lieves the harmful effects of the Necro-Dream, if you man-
the red line of no return. Their only hope of survival is to age to survive it.
flee, always staying one step ahead of the Empire’s forces. Along the same lines, it is common practice to haze
For most of them, it would be instant suicide to go to an newcomers. This can range from savage teasing to pure
even remotely civilized world. However, their immense re- sadism. The pirates also respect the ritual for prisoners
sources mean that they can sustain networks and branches with no market value: the pretty women are eagerly raped
that reach far into the very heart of the Imperial adminis- and the men thrown into space. They are forced into air
tration itself. Gold works miracles. The petty traffickers and locks from which they are violently sucked into the void,
smugglers tolerated by the authorities are their go-betweens, much to the amusement of the crew gathered in the gang-
their eyes and ears in society. ways. And no pirate ship would even think about going
The pirates are masters in the art of camouflage. They on a raid without running up a holographic skull and
can hide on the smallest asteroid and the tiniest comet. crossbones flag.
They do whatever it takes to obtain the weapons and The pirates love to screech songs about illustrious pi-
technology they need to get the better rates who are examples to the younger
of the StellCom patrols and the local generations. Top of the list is obviously
militia. The Endoguard units are the Hispanola and Captain Kaiman. Then there’s “Cop-
only real thorn in their side, but there Tortuga per Beard,” the fearsome armless
are too few of them to pacify all the While they are hounded woman pirate with her strange but
zones in space. So, like a huge game of throughout the cosmos, the magnificent shiny red beard, who per-
hide-and-seek, they play games with pirates do have two safe sonally decapitates her prisoners. Next
the authorities and lay their traps on places where they can rest in comes “Hardheart the Cannibal,” the
well-traveled routes before disappear- total safety. Although the au- mutant shark-headed pirate who de-
ing into the desolate vastness of space. thorities think that these vours his victims, and “Devil Shadow,”
Their favorite hunting grounds are places are pure myth, the mysterious figure of a black pirate
around the Techno-Tunnels in the huge Hispanola and Tortuga re- whose face has never been seen. This
perimeter surrounding the portals, ally do exist. They are vast may seem like a pleasant portrait gal-
where heavy vessels have to operate at hollow planets teeming with lery, but don’t forget that the pirate
less than the speed of light. Here, they exotically varied life where world is mainly one of fear and vio-
spring out in swarms and swoop down extraordinary trade has de- lence, and that life in their world is the
on their prey. The pirate frigates and veloped. In particular, all cheapest commodity.
brigs rush to the attack. Their speed sorts of illegal artificial limbs
and daring in this delicate maneuver is
are sold to proud wounded
wondrous to behold. Show no mercy! pirates to replace their am- COMMUNITIES
The defense batteries punch mortal putated limbs without any
holes in the pirates’ ranks, but the law risk of falling into the THE WRECKERS
of numbers is on their side. They clutches of the Techno- This group, commanded by the leg-
quickly manage to open a breach and Technos. endary Captain Kaiman, has long been
scramble for the spoils. There are tales plundering intersidereal space. Their
“mythical hide-
out” Tortuga is

47 • The Factions
said to be in the
The Corsairs are cousins This template can be used with the Metabarons
of the pirates, although they Roleplaying Game. Suggested skills are given after the
system, but no
would take offence at being governing attribute.
one has ever
called so. They have exactly Agility 3D+1: brawling, dodge, firearms, melee com-
found it. Not sur-
the same customs and prac- bat, running. Knowledge 2D: survival. Mechanical
prising really,
tices, but they act under or- 3D+2: comm, gunnery, piloting. Perception 3D: con,
since it is inside a
ders from one or another gaming, search. Strength 3D: lift, stamina. Technical
hollow asteroid.
powerful caste, generally the 3D: demolitions, flight systems repair, personal equip-
Kaiman was born
Ekonomat. Their combat ment repair. Psionics 0D. Move 10. Character Points 5.
a Noble, but he
techniques are more sophis- Amarax Points 1. Honor Code: Rayah. Equipment: Ar-
was abandoned
ticated since they generally mored vest (+1D STR to resist damage, torso only), heavy
by his family be-
have inside information, service pistol (5D damage), jumpsuit, 2 kublars.
cause he had a
which makes their attacks
mutation. Al-
less risky. The Ekonomat
though he keeps
Corsairs also have an addi-
the Paleo-Nobilis These seemingly free men who take on and fight for
tional advantage in the form
principles, he any cause for the noble motive of money are actually lack-
of awesome stacked hyper-
deeply hates the eys of the most powerful secret group in the universe: the
desiccating weapons.
Empire and the order of the Techno-Technos.
THE BLOODSUCKERS Never in the history of humanity has life been so cheap
The pirates under the fierce iron rule of Captain and never have the motives for making war been so many
Hardheart — a mutant who inherited the head, aggres- and the weapons so terrifying. So it is inevitable that skilled
siveness, and insatiable bloodthirstiness of a shark — spe- manpower will sometimes run low. To overcome this
cialize in lightning raids on small and medium-sized plan- shocking problem, the Church of the Industrial Saints has
ets. The roving pirates’ armada has never yet been inter- constructed a system to carefully channel energy and skills
cepted, and they are notorious for leaving no survivors. to its greatest advantage and customer satisfaction.
There is no shortage of trained veterans and young
THE HARPOONERS hotshots eager to fight. They are encouraged to sign up
These pirates are headed by Captain Marouf-the-Crazy, with their nearest Mercenary Office recruitment center to
a “cracked” Mentrek in all senses of the term. He mur- prevent them from being tempted to join a dissident group,
dered Captain Karmaro to take his place when he was his which would
right-hand man. Marouf-the-Crazy is totally paranoid and waste their talents
constantly extends his memory capacity, which makes him and undermine Banzai!
even more nuts. As their name suggests, their specialty is the Empire. They In its infinite wisdom, the
harpooning space vessels — an art in which they excel! simply fill in Form Church of the Industrial
28B-6 and a life of
Saints offers its customers
savings with the kamikaze-
The captain of these pirates is called Copper Beard, a theirs. Obviously, mercenaries. These little mar-
redheaded woman with an enormous beard whose arms it’s a life that will vels have many advantages.
were torn off in a Troglosocialiks raid on her home planet. probably be short, Before the suicide operation,
She survived in the midst of the worst scum in the uni- but the main thing the volunteer’s brain is put in
verse, driven by her avid hatred and thirst for revenge. is to live it to the a Techno-trance with the in-
Later, she acquired two illegal exo-bionic arms, which gave fullest. sertion of a probe into the
her exceptional strength. With her new attributes, she
assembled a rabble of rogues and called them the Broth- THE WAR cortex. On impact and clini-
cal death, the mercenary’s
ers of the Fringe. They operate mainly on the borders of STAR
personality is salvaged from
the Empire, systematically attacking Colonial vessels. No Applicants for space and immediately
one knows where their hideout is, but it is thought that a career as a mer- cloned into a new body. The
the Brothers of the Fringe are helped by populations re- cenary are as- only drawback is that the
cently conquered by the Empire. sembled in vast new body is untrained, al-
THE BUCCANEERS OF THE OUTBACK orbital centers — though training takes barely
one per system — one standard month in the
Commanded by Captain Devil Shadow, a black-skinned and then taken to Techno-induction training
human, the Buccaneers are essentially black galactic-bar- the War Star, the programs.
barians. They operate in the outback of space and some- mysterious
times carry out missions to save Aquaend prisoners. Techno-Techno
When the riches are on a world that
belongs to a powerful family in favor
Chapter 3 • 48
planet in a secret astronomi- The Guild’s
cal location. They make the trip with the Golden Palace or any other
in a deep artificial sleep. The real entity whose power cannot be ignored,
Recent diploma-holding
trials start as soon as they arrive. Merchants and Traders have to come
guild graduates, the neo-
They are examined, appraised, to a compromise. For example, the
tradesmen search by every
scrutinized, evaluated, and finally Guild’s delegation used to negotiated
means possible to make up
tested. The aptitude test decides with the Castaka clan for marble on
the cost of their studies and
whether they make the grade. It is a Marmola. However, they don’t think
put into practice the fruit of
virtual battle on a simulation ma- twice about using other methods with
their theoretical courses.
chine. The immersion effect is total. weak and powerless groups.
Their sole priority is to buy,
All of the soldiers’ faculties are ex- sell, extort, lie, deceive, make RAPTORS AND VULTURES
amined: reflexes, cool-headedness, de- profitable, amass, accumu-
cision-making, reactions, survival in- Backed up by the Techno-assassin
late, and rake in the greatest
stinct, determination and ferocity. The legions, their formidable metamorphs,
amount of kublars possible
aim is to survive as long as possible in and even the Endoguard units if need
in the shortest amount of
this virtual world, and this is the crite- be, the Imperial Merchants’ trading
time. The unspoken dream
rion that determines the number of tactics are frequently tantamount to a
of these pure products of the
Dhans attributed to each applicant. hard and fast dictatorial ultimatum.
system is invariably to be rec-
Dhans represent a mercenary’s market On Fillodendra, for example, where
ognized by the highest com-
value. It is an open scale, but no one huge seams of bikramen were found,
mercial spheres of the Guild
has ever received above 100, although the population was given a simple
— a promise of financial
it goes without saying that the Meta- choice of leaving or dying. Led by Don
notice and social status, as
baron is off the scale. Mercenaries typi- Nicanor Rosamel de Rokha, they chose
well as a future rich in
cally introduce themselves with some- the second option and would surely
thing like: “Marzo, from the planet have been wiped out had it not been
Solius, dead on the sixty-third Dhan.” for Metabaron Steelhead.
The Techno-Techno order has en- The Ekonomat Traders operate just
deavored to rationalize the system by improving the se- as aggressively, albeit more discreetly, with their Corsairs.
lection mechanism. Hopeless candidates who die before Not that they are held back by conscience or scruples.
the fifth Dhan in virtual reality also die in real life. Their They simply cannot risk drawing the greedy attention of
survival instinct is far too low for them to become merce- the Imperial Merchants, who would not have any qualms
naries, and there’s no point posting them elsewhere where about using their dominant position to snatch the riches
life is far too dangerous anyway. from the Ekonomat’s hands. Birds of prey are not in the
habit of giving anyone a break.
EKONOMAT TRADERS Getting around in the universe requires the right kind
Local trading is left up to individual initiative. The sale of vehicle — and the Imperial Merchants Guild and the
of food and other trivial necessities is too petty to interest Eknomat Traders have them. You can find more informa-
the major groups. However, stellar trade in colossal sums tion about the Imperial Merchants Guide cargo
with astronomical royalties is exclusively controlled by dreadnaught on pages 251–252 of the Metabarons
the Imperial Merchants and Ekonomat Traders. Roleplaying Game rule book. Details on Eknomat vessels
are on pages 253–255 of the rule book.
The rarer a good, the higher its value. This goes for all
commodities from minerals and raw materials to manu- THE NEO-TAROLOGISTS
factured products produced by a population’s own spe- The Neo-Tarologist caste stands apart in the Empire
cial know-how. The representatives of the Guild of Impe- and even the universe for their ability to see into the fu-
rial Merchants and Ekonomat Traders — alone autho- ture, but also and above all, because there are only four
rized by the authorities to trade — travel the length and of them.
breadth of space looking for resources and merchandise The most well known is the Imperial Neo-Tarologist
that will supply the production chains and penetrate all Goyo-Vah, a twofold initiate who knows the mysteries of
societal levels. Dangerous missions, especially the explo- paleo-tarot and neo-tarot. His brain contains 78 metal
ration of chaotic zones, are often subcontracted to spe- shoots that constantly vibrate in two distinct planes of
cialized teams, and the Ekonomat Traders have a vast fleet reality. These extraordinary qualities make him so invalu-
of probe-ships working for them. The Guild leaves the able that the Emperoress cannot make any major deci-
job up to the huge Techno-Techno factory-laboratories sion without consulting him first. This incontestable mas-
and their galactic sleuths, who track down even the small- ter of the mysteries lives the life of a recluse at the Court
est seam to be carved up. on Golden Planet, spending most of his time studying and
meditating. He is a reference for all the other Neo-
Tarologists, who consider themselves to be his students, catacombs and extends its influence over nu-

49 • The Factions
even if they do not admit as much. merous worlds. In addition to taking in, caring
The second most well-known Neo-Tarologist in the uni- for and helping dissidents from all over, the Amok
verse is Raymonde le Rubis, who calls herself a “galactic rebels constantly fight the established order. In the
neo-prophetess.” Also a palmist when the fancy takes her, endocities, the Prez is their enemy and the robocops,
Raymonde practices neo-palmistry in a traveling stellar cir- their adversaries. Although they are openly at war with
cus that performs from galaxy to galaxy. She has a flatter- the Empire and its henchmen, their tactic is mainly to
ing reputation, and some of her predictions made live on help out in small ways, which, although daring, are
huge hypertele shows are famous throughout the entire limited in their effectiveness. The Amok can also be
universe. Raymonde’s other talents include fortune telling found on all planets with good reason to rebel.
using her famous ruby — a huge 5,682-carat stone, which The Amok is highly structured, organized, and oper-
never leaves her side. A handful of well-informed people — ates under the unchallenged authority of the “God-
three to be precise — know that the ruby is actually the mother.” Few know her real identity, but everyone in the
mineral stomach of an insectoid creature who lives with its ghetto respects her sovereignty. The Godmother is the
head in a membrane that is an inexhaustible source of igne- queen of the Amok, the power of the depths — this se-
ous honey. However, what no one knows it that Raymonde cret, buried place from where she directs dissidence.
is really just an android puppet controlled by the insect, Next come the Madonnas, the mistresses of the under-
which is the one that really has the divining powers. world. They are the voice and conscience of the God-
Next comes Occiputal-Cogito, a rather special kind of mother everywhere the Amok is found. They make sure
Neo-Tarologist. He was awakened in the same way as that the rebellion is properly organized and keep the sa-
Goyo-Vah, with the insertion of 78 metal shoots into his cred flame burning.
brain. But Occiputal-Cogito is different. His body is his Last but not least, come the military wing, the Chil-
brain, a huge, three-meter wide cephalic sphere immersed dren of the Amok, a huge motley crew without any real
in a liquid regenerator. The 78 shoots are planted like structure, but with three distinct adult sub-groups — as
needles in a ball of wool made of soft pinkish flesh, mak- listed below — plus one group for the children, the Kids.
ing them look like a crown of thorns. Each shoot is linked • The Guards: Soldiers, assassins, sentries
by a bluish piezoelectric arc to a relay console. This is • The Resources: Volunteers helping in various areas:
connected by a glass cable a few meters supplies, technical, mechanical
long to another brain ten times larger. • The Watch: Moles, secret agents
Occiputal-Cogito is the divining brain Hypertele Rebel • The Kids
of Central Planet’s Supreme Central From their secret hideout
on the artificial satellite Si-
The last member of this tiny caste is erra Maestra, a tiny archeo- The Guards carry out the Amok’s
Renovahl, a mutant Neo-Tarologist castroite group sends out un- ground operations, which does not
who lives on the planet Novahl-Re, a authorized broadcasts across mean that they are the only ones pre-
small sphere lost in the beyond whose the galaxies, exhorting the pared to fight. All the members of the
primitive population worships him as oppressed masses to take up Amok are armed rebels, but the
a virtual god. As you would fully ex- arms and overturn dictators Guards are specialized and seasoned
pect, Renovahl is an ally of the aliens of all kinds. Without any troops. They are formidable warriors,
and mutants who abound in the area. forewarning, a holographic albeit slightly underarmed.
Renovahl was crossbred from human image of the archeo-castroite The Resources are the largest Amok
chromosomes and a plant gene, giving icon “paleo-Che” unexpect- group, accounting for 80% of the
him a long neck that grows not unlike edly appears in the most im- rebellion’s numbers. These millions of
a palm tree. The head at the end of his probable places, and enters willing volunteers support the God-
neck — easily recognizable from its halo into an inflammatory dis- mother and her Children every day,
of 78 brilliant rings — is never the lat- course suitable for waking sometimes with just the simplest gesture.
est. It regularly withers and dries up to the dulled conscious of The Watch group’s moles and secret
be replaced by another bud. people plunged into the agents are active but discreet combat-
Renovahl is currently on his 121st Necro-Dream. The authori- ants who infiltrate the order’s machin-
head. A prophecy tells of a major up- ties make half-hearted at- ery and risk their lives for the cause.
heaval when he reaches his 333rd head. tempts to track down these Last but not least, the Kids are
activists, whose actions, in- made up of the hundreds of thou-
sands of rebel children who inhabit
THE AMOK REBELS stead of stirring up hard-line
the murky levels of the Endocities
terrorism, most often result
The Amok is a hideout for mutineers, in bringing about folkloric and the ghettos of other worlds.
deserters, and rebels who live in its vast notions of nostalgia. They roam the streets in gangs, pinch
underground structure, which harbors anything that could be useful, and
the most down-and-out creatures of the eavesdrop on everyone.
Exiled Nobel
Fallen Nobel
Chapter 3 • 50
HUMAN EMPIRE Guild Merchant
Lock Charmer
ENDOCITIES Major World Ambassador
3DTV Cameraman
3D Journalist
Amok Rebel
Amorine Guardian
Body Guard (upper levels)
Body Guard
Defused Mentrek
Spy Terrorist
Star Chaser
Drug Dealer
Fallen Aristo
Mentrek Accursed Poet
Mercenary Amok Rebel
O’lock (Thief) Amorine Guardian
Pilot Defused Mentrek
Pre-detective (apprentice) Geologist-Pillager
Prostitute Garbage Collector
Proto-Historian Independent Mercenary
Public Preacher News-Terrorist/3DTV Pirate
Red Ring Prostitute Pirate
Retrained Urban Hunter Psionic Initiate
Security Agent Shabda-Oud Initiate
Trafficker Smuggler
Upper-Level Prostitute Trafficker
Urban Terrorist
Amourine Guardian
3D Reporter
Defused Mentrek
Lock Charmer
Body Guard
Colonial Doctor
Colonial Engineer
O’lock (thief)
Colonial Explorer
Colonial Officer
Colonial Soldier
Private Secret Agent
Diplomat Spies
Daily life in the amazing, swarming universe of the they are part of the same whole. And in a bizarre way,
Metabaron presents itself in many different shapes and the dark vessels and disquieting silhouettes of the
forms. Indeed, life in an Endocity isn’t remotely like the Techno-Techno dignitaries, hidden behind their opaque
life one leads in the still-savage zones of a wild pioneer glasses, produce the same effect. Their omnipresence
planet on the outer fringes. In a macrocosmic world that reminds everyone everywhere that the universe is Ja-
fully embraces all possible and conceivable realties from nus-Jana’s Empire.
one end of the universe to another, and even to the fur- Of course, the etiquette and protocol worries of some,
ther beyond, lifestyles can be nothing but extremely di- political considerations of others, immediate material con-
verse. Even within a given category of worlds, such as the cerns for the greater part, and the shortsighted thinking of
Maganat planets isolated in space, the blossoming of the large majority make one think that daily life here doesn’t
purely local customs and attachment to habitual protocol necessarily have anything remotely to do with daily life there.
and conventions have given birth to a range of behaviors Still, the powerful range of common references which ce-
and customs unprecedented in their richness. Elsewhere, ment together this mosaic of Dantesque proportions that is
the unique prevailing conditions of a particular environ- the Human Universe, is never called into question. And this
ment, combined with its imposed constraints, have fash- universe maintains a coherent, if not harmonious, whole in
ioned quite specific lifestyle habits. Even within the thou- which every citizen of the Empire can find something with
sands of Endocities scattered about the cosmos, where it which he is familiar, even if he is lost in the lower levels of
might seem that a certain uniformity reigns, one is wit- an Endocity or on a representative mission from a planet
ness to the hatching of atypical customs and practices that belonging to the Maganat or adrift in some progressive trad-
have never been seen before. ing post on a pioneer planet.
As varied and rich as daily life may be, a certain num- Obviously there are nuances according to where one is
ber of general characteristics may be found everywhere — the innermost depths of Terra 1314, at Court on the
throughout the Human Universe. The fact that the Hu- Golden Planet, or mixing with the locals on a Colonial
man Universe is ruled by a single and unique power, that planet — or with whom one is rubbing shoulders — a
of the Emperoress Janus-Jana, helps to impart a certain condescending mono-duke from the Arch-Nobility, a wild
appearance of homogeneity. The tutelary shadow of the plotter from the clan of some Kamar, or a passive chap
Trans-Bourbon royal line literally formats the power zombified by the hypertele. All the same, there are a cer-
games played out on all of the worlds in the universe. tain number of constants that can be found in almost all
Nevertheless, groups and factions of a certain weight of the before-mentioned scenarios.
also strive to leave their mark on as many worlds as pos-
sible. The representatives of the Techno-Techno Order and DIET AND NUTRITION
the merchants of the Ekonomat are present across every In every corner of the Human Universe, in space, on
galaxy and, along with them, the people they control. As orbiting stations and absolutely every planet, its inhabit-
a result, even the residents of the most receded Colonial ants must eat. But they don’t all eat the same thing. Of all
planets along with the inhabitants of the Endocities and the domains susceptible to showing a certain uniformity,
the Maganats share the same language, consume the same this one is, without a doubt, the most varied and diverse.
products, and draw from the same reference source — One doesn’t eat the same thing in the middle of an agrar-
the hypertele. ian Maganat planet where paleo-agriculture is still prac-
The Human Universe’s unifying fac- ticed that one would in an Endocity
tors don’t stop there. Indeed, all its in- or on the planets of an industrial
habitants dispersed over billions of light Maganat.
years have at one time or another had
The Food Chain
In the Endocities, the up- Nevertheless, two great distinct ten-
the occasion to feel like they belong to dencies stand out. In fact they repre-
per-level ring is the first to
the same community. For example, if a sent the two extremes of the wide range
be restocked with fresh food
horde of galacto-barbarians, a troop of of nutritional possibilities: paleo-bio-
and produce. The leftovers
overly excited pirates, or a swarm of logical nutrition on one side and syn-
from the upper levels are dis-
unfriendly alien ships comes sweeping thetic on the other. On preserved
persed directly to the next
through a system, immediately its popu- worlds, where according to certain
level below and so on to the
lation remembers that they are also sub- points of view an archeo-backwards
next until they reach the city-
jects of an empire endowed with an ef- type of culture is still practiced, one
shafts. In the lowest regions
fectively dissuasive defense system with can eat a large range of culinary prepa-
of the shafts, even food pre-
a very powerful striking force. In this rations made of fruit and vegetables,
servatives arrive rotten, well
way, the Endoguard contributes to the each one more exotic than the next.
past their use-by date.
collective memory as much as any am- The richness of the local fauna enables
bassador, making everyone feel that the enhancement of everyday menus,
make it a true wonder, seeing that it
gets the better of all materials that are
Chapter 4 • 52
with an increased number of A La Carte
choices. However, the degree of not equipped with calo-dispersive de-
The nobles love eating
culinary refinement varies accord- vices. However, the laser presents the
endangered species. This cui-
ing to the milieu. A table of top dig- inconvenience of being easily detected,
sine is extremely trendy. As
nitaries may be offered the most de- giving rise to instant sanctions that are
a result, hunters have only
lightful and delicious-tasting dishes, particularly dissuasive (that is, execu-
one thing in mind: extermi-
while the common dish of the infe- tion without warning).
nating animals as quickly as
rior casts is much more akin to a vile For those who are truly ambitious,
possible, imperiling the sur-
gruel than anything else. there is the last word in arms: OKO
vival of the species and get-
In the Endocities, and on planets missiles, Remora bombs, heavy sonics,
ting higher prices.
devoured by industry — the multi- hand sonics for combat in atmosphere
progressive worlds as some say — the (supremely destructive, capable of an-
nutritional perspectives are less inter- nihilating every reinforcement as soon
esting. The supply of fresh products is inversely propor- as the wave packets start resonating with any and all mate-
tional to demographic size. And the populations are co- rials in their reach), plasma arms (effective in extra-atmo-
lossal. There are some hydroponic-produce farmers, par- spheric space, including hand guns, rifles, and heavy weap-
ticularly in the industrial ring of the Endocities, but the onry), and wonder of wonders — the multi-cogan which is
color and the taste of these crops are at best suspicious. compact, easy to use, and combines all of the principles of
In fact, the synthetic proteins produced by the pan-Techno destruction (laser, plasma energy, multi-caliber projectiles,
factories make up the nutritional base. As they have no and grenades). With its hallucinating rate of fire, the cogan
taste, they can be given absolutely any flavor, and their imparts to each man equipped with it, a striking force equal
consistency can be modified to satisfy whatever one’s heart to that of a standard commando (50 men). Obviously, these
desires. Of course with kublars, one can always import little things are absolutely unavailable for official trade.
any exotic sweet at great expense. Those who sell multi-cogans are generally at odds with the
How does a hyperrich far-future universe do a worse law and, not surprisingly, keep their prices high.
job feeding its lower orders than the worst twenty-first Despite their danger, arms and weapons in the Human
century first-world slum on Terra Prima? Sheer adminis- Universe are omnipresent. There are several reasons for
trative indifference. No one at the top cares. No one at this phenomenon. Firstly, on the Colonial and Maganat
the bottom has any power to alter or avoid the mono- planets, the existence of local autonomous military forces
lithic system. justifies the presence of every type or kind of arm, and in
large quantities. Secondly, a great number of Maganats
ARMAMENT are arms manufacturers for the Endoguard. Under the
technical aegis of the Techno-Technos, they manufacture
Where armament is concerned, one can procure just
engines of war, of which an appreciable part disappears
about anything that the creative imagination of the
directly into parallel circuits. Thirdly, in the Endocities,
Techno-Techno researchers and the great industrial
authorities close their eyes as to the armament of anti-
Maganat engi-neers are capable of inventing. And the list
authority groups, such as the anarcho-psychotics, as it
is long. Of course all of this is for a price. For those who
assures “bloody” animation without actually jeopardiz-
have a sufficient budget at their disposal, there is no stop-
ing the political balance of power. Fi-
ping them from equipping themselves
nally, everywhere in space, enormous
like a space cruiser.
quantities of diverse engines (drilling
For the most common of hoodlums, Profitability lasers, polymagnetic ballistics, and so
there are standard knives, bats, and Calculations on) and numerous explosive com-
clubs, more or less improved with op- In general, offensive weap- pounds can be diverted from their
tions such as the Vibrashock function. ons are favored to the detri- original usage to hyperdestructive ends.
These trifles are available absolutely ment of defensive arms. A Nonetheless, defensive weapons can
anywhere in the universe. On this sub- foot soldier costs less kublars be had. They just cost more, require
ject it should be said that a great num- than a protonic shield. Only better connections to get, are less avail-
ber of nobles — authentic and impos- the Empire and the Techno- able, and need better explanations
tors alike — often parade around with Techno order have effective when caught with them. Remember
one or several swords on their belts. defense systems at their dis- that virtually all good weapons are il-
For more serious or enterprising clients, posal. In this respect and in legal. However, the written law is one
there are other articles also available the greatest of secrecy, the thing. Enforcement is another. Who a
on the market. There is an entire range Church of the Industrial person’s connections are counts far
of firearms and defense pistols — Vi- Saints manufactures robo- more than the law.
per models among others — just the killers and weapons of an Lastly, no section on armaments
classic run-of-the-mill type stuff. More unsurpassed sophistication. would be complete without mention-
refined, but more expensive, the laser
ing several of the extremely lethal vec-
is always well appreciated by those in
tors (Biokill or Biocidex, hyperdrying
the know. Its versatility and efficiency
bundles, and others). Capable of completely eradicating
life in entire sectors of the cosmos, these weapons have

53 • Everyday Life
been secretly obtained by larger factions such as the TABOOS AND RESTRICTIONS
Endoguard, the Church of the Industrial Saints, and even In a period where human life has lost all of its
the Ekonomat. intrinsic value, murder is no longer really forbidden.
Likewise, the disappearance of all collective morals
DECADENCE AND CORRUPTION lifted a great number of sanctions on prohibited acts
If there are two words that have taken on their full that were once considered as taboo on Terra Prima.
meaning during these last few hundreds of thousands of Debauchery, luxury, and even incest have been re-es-
years, they would be the words “decadence” and “cor- tablished — moreover, encouraged. The strongest law
ruption.” Humanity’s expansion and development have decrees these rights, and there is no longer an ethic to
certainly not progressed in the sense of expanding upon protect anyone or anything from excesses of all kinds.
better qualities that are generally thought of as the finer However, what remains absolutely outlawed are at-
side of human nature. Rather, there has been a reinforce- tempts against the Imperial power and those who incar-
ment of the basest human qualities associated with man. nate it. Maligning Janus-Jana’s majestic person is tanta-
The end result being that never have appetites for power mount to a death wish. If a type of rebellion is tolerated,
been so sharpened, and never have those who have held a for the needs of political show, it shouldn’t in any way be
bit of power exercised it with such haughtiness towards exaggerated to the point of sacrilege. The Endoguard is
the weak or with such determination to outright abuse vigilant, and even the smallest initiative is repressed. In
this power. the same way, in their own sphere of influence the most
Decadence is everywhere. It is highly visible despite the powerful factions are constantly on the lookout for the
pomp and ceremony that comprises the highest parts of signs of respect they deem themselves due. Therefore, an
the Empire, particularly at Court and in the Emperoress’s omitted mark of respect to an inferior grade Techno-
entourage where one vies with ingenuity in order to wal- Techno delegate, or even to a petty noble from a lesser
low in debauchery. Decadence stomps out even the small- Nobility, can result in extreme consequences.
est moralistic feeling as if it were a kitchen cockroach
spreading itself out monstrously, consuming all worlds, LEISURE AND ENTERTAINMENT
and taking on a most particular dimension in the Where life is harsh, bitter, and austere, opportunities to
Endocities. Paradoxically, the chaste Techno-Technos, with amuse oneself are rare. In certain corners of the universe, a
their rigor and discipline, end up setting a good example glass of whiskey is often the only available form of distrac-
in comparison. But once one is aware of their secret tion. But these are extreme conditions. For as soon as hu-
goals…. man presence reaches a certain concen-
From time to time, grace and beauty tration, it is systematically accompanied
show up in an individual. But the by at least the minimum necessary and
Necro-Dream is watching, and rapidly The Urban Hunt vital for amusement: the hypertele. Ah,
man’s lowest instincts, brilliantly flat- Urban hunting is a popu- the hypertele and its cohorts of perky
tered, come out in full force, showing lar leisure time activity in presenters! It’s good times for everyone:
their strength. The systematic dissolu- which numbers of Endocity entire bottom spreading, flabby belly-
tion of the appreciation of effort, duty, inhabitants enjoy partaking. growing days, with lobotomy eyes red-
and heightened aspirations translates The principle is simple: hu- der than hyperrubies staring straight
into the disappearance of the sense of man citizens, having ob- ahead, mouths open wide, a bit of spit
beauty and aesthetics among most be- tained the appropriate per- hanging from the lip, and of course a
ings, who thus take pleasure in a state mit, are authorized to elimi- completely empty mind.
of blind satisfaction. Today art is dead, nate, by every or any means If it assures peace in the Endocities
and the only thing that counts is in- possible, the underage mu- and all of the Empire’s urban concen-
stantaneous satisfaction derived tants present outside of the trations, it is considered entertainment
through pursuit of the lowliest of plea- mutant quarter, or those who and it isn’t only provided by the
sures. do not respect the curfew. hypertele. Death combats, ball-trap
There is general corruption among The hunters found violating suicides, bets on the number of catas-
all who are not already under the strict the permit terms benefit trophe victims, and mutant hunts all
control of an anti-corruption machine. from an extreme leniency. allow some fun and relaxation.
For bio-flesh is weak: it relents and be- The success of the urban For the privileged in the upper lev-
comes corrupt. And so if one is as vain hunt is such that numerous els and the rich nobles in their fief, there
as he is suicidal, by proposing kublars planets have taken up the exist even more sophisticated types of
to an Endoguard in return for a favor, same idea, broadening it to leisure activities. Orgies are a grand
there is no stopping him from trying include other individual cat- classic as well as other debauchery ses-
the same with a StellCom agent, a quar- egories such as deviants, pa- sions where one wolfs down incredible
ter-master serving a Maganat, or any riahs, and the like. quantities of food, drink, and varied
other human — and weak — individual substances, pushing the territories of
from the universe. depravity and luxury to their extreme
limits. But there is also the hunt at court, with
Chapter 4 • 54
the tracking of serf and churls, and then most of
all, there is war. The Empire tolerates small local
conflict, as it helps contribute to openings in industry
and even better, because it is extremely entertaining.
Finally at Court, one amuses oneself with refine-
ment and cruelty. Some extensive galactic debacles are
encouraged — much like the paleo-wars of religion —
to help remind the universe where the real power lies.
An infinite multitude of events are held where one can
malign others, get drunk, show off, plot against, and
even discretely poison another.
DRUGS, ALCOHOL, AND HALLUCINOGENS dump tons of their miracle molecules on entire popula-
Or “Whiskey, SPV, and homeosluts”— the triptych of tions who then voluntarily enter, glassy-eyed and grim-
happiness in these lowliest of worlds. Under Janus-Jana’s mouthed, into the Necro-Dream.
rule, conduct that would seem shocking to Terra Prima’s
paleo-habitants has since become established behavior, and HOMEOSLUTS
even encouraged. Fruit of the Techno-Technos’ creative genius, the
The regular and excessive consumption of alcohol is part homeosluts represent the height of hedonistic instruments.
of the social norm, just as is the taking of psychotropic drugs. A veritable “a la carte” menu of choices, the homeoslut is
There exist even “official” drugs, SPV and Cocaloco Dark, interchangeable, according to the client’s choice and mood
whose production and distribution are endorsed by the au- of the moment. There exists an infinite number of possible
thorities, at least in the Endocities. These synthetic substances combinations. This literal stock exchange of fantasies is able
can be smoked, injected, or ingested through any natural to respond to all desires, even the most ludicrous. The sole
orifice. Their effects are strong, but without any surprises. and only standard organ is the brain. All of the others are
Oblivion can be obtained with a certain amount of relax- the choice of the consumer. Homeosluts are a sophisticated
ation. However, they don’t allow one to reach new mystical application, combining the most advanced teflo-genetic tech-
heights or dimensions. nology. The homeosluts offered are not exclusively female.
But the range of drugs does not stop there. One can Male models, mutants, animaloids, and aliens are equally
find any number of other products that procure varied available. The homeoslut market coexists with a classic hu-
effects: calming, curative, sedative, stimulating, invigorat- man prostitution market.
ing, hallucinogenic, or straight out mystical — psycho-
tropic. Among the most popular substances, one must MEDIA
mention Guanaguacha, the favorite liquid drug of the pi- With a multigalactic communications network, the me-
rates, or even Tranka, which has quite intriguing regen- dia is obviously omnipresent in the Human Universe. One
erative properties. really has to live at the outer edge of a desert on some
In any case, drugs aren’t governed by law, and no one abandoned planet in a blasted solar system to be isolated
is prosecuted for having consumed drugs. But what may from the media’s influence. However, the media’s far-reach-
seem like a conquest of personal liberties, is in fact part of ing breadth is not synonymous with diversity. Surely there
the general outline of a grander plot. The population, exists an infinite number of channels and stations, but
dulled and dumb-struck, is then that much more easily they all echo the Empire’s official message, and even the
manipulated. entertainment programs proclaim the great glory of Ja-
Thus with the Empire’s consent, the Techno-Technos nus-Jana. Moreover, beyond the media’s submissiveness
to the Empire’s power, it must not be
forgotten that the media is an instru-

55 • Everyday Life
When History the harsh reality of sports
ment of power for the Techno-Technos, competition and the price of
Falls Short…
caretakers of this powerful technology, success for the sports stations on
Humanity’s artistic heri-
and the means of propagation for their the hypertele. The death rate of
tage, consisting of paleo-
word. It is their vector of influence. sportsmen and other athleo-actors
works created over centuries
The People for Nobody show, which is even greater due to the fact that
of time, still exists but only
is broadcast nonstop on channel 3231, the taking of any and all imaginable
as preserved through a me-
is the perfect example of the way in drugs is favorably looked upon. The
dium that renders the read-
which they slowly diffuse their mortal show must go on….
ing and studying of this heri-
poison — the Necro-Dream — into the
tage tedious as well as futile.
minds of mil-lions of billions of the
The rare students who are
universe’s inhabitants. At an epoque
interested in these studies In the clothing department, the
where one might believe that technol-
risk being drowned in a choice available is as immense as the
ogy has finally freed humans from the
documentary hodgepodge universe itself. Anything that the most
bondage of their constraints, it seems
that is excruciatingly boring, intoxicated of paleo-designers on Terra
that instead, it is used to weave other
and more than often deterio- Prima could have dreamed up one day
ones, more lethal than anyone has ever
rated, incomplete or falsified. under the influence of the hallucino-
This fact hardly encourages genic and stimulating effect of a Mexi-
However, all hope is not strictly lost,
the new generations to turn can shroom is nothing compared to
because even though it is rare, some fa-
towards their own cultural what one finds in the Empire. Never-
natics endeavor to alert, inform, and
heritage. theless, even in this richly colored swirl-
warn. These devotees, having a line of
ing whirlwind, one can identify three
conduct known as “Veritas” and whose
clear and distinct tendencies.
order’s motto is “the world has the right
First of all, giving honor to whom
to know,” work to track down the truth everywhere and
honor is due, there is the style of the high Nobility, which
alert the universe in the hope of awaking it. To this end,
prevails at Court on the Golden Planet and among the
they have started up parallel communication networks and
most swanky of the Maganats. Inventive, even whimsi-
informative informal broadcasts. But their task not easy,
cal, it blends with relative success the finery of Terra
and the road before them is mined with pitfalls and traps.
Prima’s Renaissance and the most innovative fibers, ele-
ARTS, CULTURE, AND SPORTS ments, and materials. All of the most harebrained, eccen-
tric extremes have been attempted, but showing an error
Art is dead. However, artistic pretension is more alive of taste is considered to be a supreme risk, because the
than ever, and there exists a flourishing market where col- most deceitful tongues will go out of their way to decry
ored heaps of different shapes, pompously baptized as that which just yesterday everyone agreed was “all the
“works of art,” are exchanged for millions of kublars. In rage.”
the Endocity’s upper levels, the predominant trend is flash Next, most common as well as being the ruling style on
with works that make the worst of Terra Prima’s “kitch” pioneer, warrior, and industrial planets; space explora-
creations look like absolute marvels of paleo-modern art. tion stations; merchant ships; and combat vessels, as well
If art is dead, then one can say that culture is at death’s as anywhere men devote themselves to labor and surren-
door. Intellectual works are only found interesting if they der themselves to battle, is combat and work attire. Al-
have practical applications. This is why the Mentreks are though practical, it screams and makes a commotion in
the only ones working in this domain, their intellectual the Endocities (with the exception of the industrial lev-
talent tending towards the “mechanical.” els), on the Maganat planets, and it must be mentioned,
This lack of “appreciation” for paleo-works has noth- on the Golden Planet.
ing to do with the high prices jaded collectors will pay to Finally, more recognizable than any other style is the
possess them. The “collector” may not have an esthetic strict, almost psycho-rigid Techno-Techno uniform, which
clue as to what she is collecting. Collecting is a potlatch achieves a certain look, especially with their smoked
ceremony to prove wealth and status. Even illegally ob- glasses.
tained works can add status by associating the “collec-
tor” with yet another pathway to the forbidden. At a high COMMERCE
enough social level, law does not apply and even scandal
On an intergalactic scale, trade is dominated by both
can have its public relations value.
the Imperial Merhcants Guild — a product of the Church
On the other hand, sports — which were the fascina-
of the Industrial Saints — and the merchants of the
tion of Terra Prima’s inhabitants — have survived and
Ekonomat. It is they and they alone who deal with the
even developed considerably. The sense of competition
import and export of raw materials as well as every rare
has become more intense, heightened to a point where
product present on the planets of the universe.
the thousands of sports events organized each day inevi-
However, locally, even if it is not explicitly encouraged
tably result in almost as many violent deaths. But that’s
by the authorities, private initiatives are not curbed. Private
stantly tracked. For those who want to be forgotten, us-
enterprise must respect certain limits, though, and ing a bank account adds up to about the same as handing
Chapter 4 • 56
never reach the point of major expansion if it doesn’t oneself over to the authorities. In this scen-ario, one must
want to incur the striking severity and rigor of an find other elements of negotiation: minerals, gems, valu-
omnipresent and finicky administration. Simply this able information, etc.
means that one can nosh on a strange dish in a greasy
spoon run by a friendly cook from Alderbaran V, have a BLACK MARKET AND CONTRABAND
drink in a seedy bar whose owner is being actively hunted Everything can be bought, and everything is for sale.
down by militia from his native planet, or procure vari- All things are manufactured, or can be made, and na-
ous items in a boutique or trading post managed by some ture has generously created incredible quantities of liv-
adventuring voyager. ing organisms — animal, vegetable, and mineral —
In the Endocities, the number of workshops is much from diverse resources. It is therefore almost bad will
more important than on other planets, but they are much to have poorly stocked market stalls. Yes, but alas,
more strictly controlled. On the Mag-anat and Colonial commerce and trade represent an instrument of power,
planets, a relatively important type of craft industry has a potent lever used to amass fortunes and control the
blossomed. Those involved in the craft industry are not masses. This is why official commerce is either in the
assured a galactic fortune, but they can attain a certain hands of the Imperial Merchants Guild, originating
wealth. Great numbers of specialized sectors have been from the Church of the Industrial Saints, or with the
created, and depending upon local particularities, one can Ekonomat’s tradesmen.
acquire the fruit of the efforts of these extremely skilled Where there is money to be made, people have always
artisans and craftsmen, as well as the products and by- known how to best use their imaginations. Consequently,
products of strange animals bred for their meat and fur. parallel markets are booming. These illegal markets are
not without risk for the seller and the buyer, because prod-
MONETARY SYSTEM uct quality is not guaranteed, and there is no after-sales
The kublar is the official money of the Empire and is customer service.
used as legal tender everywhere. Thus, even on the outer Used as a propagation vector for the Necro-Dream in the
most isolated planets, at the edges of the barbarian con- Endocities, the illegal commerce of drugs, weapons, and
fines, a purse full of kublars guarantees safe conduct and other instruments of pleasure is conducted with the quasi-
the buying power needed to acquire sustenance and sub- benediction of the authorities. However, in space, the same
sistence. A huge network of banks and credit establish- leniency does not exist. Furthermore, pirates and smugglers
ments, exclusive property of the Ekonomat, services all are heavily armed, and skirmishes with the StellCom pa-
of the Universe. This powerfully secret and possibly oc- trols, local armies, or worse the Endoguard, are extremely
cult group has their hands on all the cogs and gears of violent. On the Maganat planets, everything depends upon
the Empire’s finances, managing the Empire’s assets, the the local lord’s mood, and although certain traffickers get
Maganat and Colonial investments, and supervising all off lightly, others may be flayed to death.
movements of capital throughout
the Empire down to and including MEDICINE AND
the smallest of galaxies. Every citi-
Miscellaneous HEALTHCARE
zen of the Empire can open a bank
account and have access to their
Expenses More than 30,000 years after the
(in kublars) paleo-prophet and as during every
money in any of the branch offices,
Food period of life on Terra Prima, health
but only the most fortunate
Raw lizard snack (25cl): 30 is considered a treasured possession
are able to take advantage of this
Polyvaren juice (25cl): 25 that must be preserved. Under the
Geidig mermaid caviar (10g): 100 reign of Janus-Jana, never have hu-
For those who are more or less
Bio-vita-steak (100g): 10 mans had at their disposal so many
marginal, the services of the bank
Elephantodonte milk (1L): 3 possibilities to overcome physical
can end up being a double-edged
pain and injury of every type and
sword. Certainly, one can avoid the Drugs
nature. But it should be said that
inconvenience of having to travel Delicious Lupium (single dose): 5
there have never been so many op-
with large sums of money — elimin- Silo-amphets (single dose): 3
portunities to hurt oneself. The
ating the risk of pirate attacks, en- SPV (single dose): 5
most adventurous are always at the
joy the luxury of a secure form of Guanagouachka (1L): 10
mercy of a mutant virus or a new
payment — thanks to a system that Na-Nam (single dose): 6
unknown germ. The most hot-
re-cognizes the iris of the eye — and D.S.T. (single dose): 4
headed people risk at every moment
an easy way to ob-tain cash. But M.J. Carnivore Oil (single dose): 7
the possibility of being burned, per-
these banks become also the abso- Homemade whiskey (1L): 2
forated, cut, mutilated, or simply
lute enemy of discretion. The tech- Mega-Antibio (10): 2
disemboweled. But even the most
nical tools used for banking services
tranquil homebodies are not com-
are so powerful that one can be in-
pletely safe, because the condhomes
can be mistaken as targets, the abuse

57 • Everyday Life
Wages, Winnings, able to sweep through
of SPV mixed with cocaloco can burn Techno-Techno Tunnels with-
and Fines
out neurons, and homeosluts may be out support materials, then dif-
(in kublars)
infected with psycho-emotional para- fused on to the four corners of
Wages and Winnings
sites that transform them into killing the Human Universe through the
• Average salary
organisms known as “killersluts.” use of hyperfast relays (HFR).
= 30K/day
So what to do if one is sick or in- Thus, the hypertele programs can
• Denouncement Award
jured? Once again, everything depends be seen simultaneously by millions
= 50K + SPV (10 doses)
upon the means one has at their dis- of billions of spectators at millions
• Winning bet on death rate
posal. If one only has a handful of of light years of distance. Of course,
= 5 X the bet
kublars, better go buy a whiskey and certain channels are strictly reserved
• Winning bet on number of
some SPV. But if money is no object, for official communications
destroyed organs
the health services robo-surgeons from (Endoguard and Stell-Com), and the
= 3 X the bet
each Endocity’s white ring or from wealthiest of Maganats have bought
• Winning bet on number of
Hospital planet can certainly make frequencies, which are reserved for
destroyed limbs
miracles happen. Nevertheless, with their exclusive use.
= 2 X the bet
their creed being “better to cut than to On a more local scale, on a single
heal,” it might be more prudent to ob- Fines planet or within the same star system,
tain some medicine and contact a de- • Accidental murder the use of standard frequencies is free.
fused Mentrek normally unauthorized = 300K New installation techniques and broad-
to practice medicine, or consult paleo- • Accidental killing of an casting reception devices provide for
mystic people with pythotherapeutic official the high quality of communications.
knowledge on some faraway planet. = Death or “remodeling” On the best-equipped worlds, techni-
(lobotomy) cal excellence is such that one can carry
MORTALITY • Theft on a conversation with a holographic
The mortality rate isn’t fluctuating, = Death or remodeling representation of the person one is call-
nor is it variable or balanced. It is sim- • Failed suicide ing just as if they were physically
ply elevated. In fact, that’s about the least = 200K present. However, on some of the most
that can be said. In a period where one • Circulating in a rustic Colonial or pioneer planets, one
can live several hundred standard years, nonauthorized zone just uses a video communications ter-
where science allows the regeneration = Death or remodeling minal, popularly called a “vid-comm.”
of organisms, surgery replaces faulty or- The Endocities are teeming with the
gans, and medicines allow one to ignore last word in terminals, especially in the
attacks on the body by bacterial disease, upper levels. Down in the guts of the
well despite all, people die a lot. In fact, when dawn arrives, Endocities, finding a public vid-comm that works takes a
the chances of seeing the twilight aren’t that great. And ac- certain initiative. Of course the majority of inhabitants have
cording to where or whom one is, the chances may even be a personal mobile communications terminal, called a “pers-
null. comm” or a “hand vid-comm,” but confidentiality is not
There are several causes to explain this phenomenon. guaranteed with these machines. Furthermore, there is not
First of all, there exist methods and secrets for an increased a single electronic jammer that is 100% safe. The best way
and even grand longevity, but the price is prohibitive, ren- to assure privacy and discretion is to speak using hints and
dering these secrets completely inaccessible to the com- allusions, or use a harmless secret code that no machine can
mon mortal. In addition, life is not highly valued. The decrypt.
Nobility draws cheerfully from the population as a source At the supreme level of communications, the Techno-
of slave labor or simply for their own amusement. There Technos have perfected a gigantic universal network, ab-
are also the epidemics, experiments, wars, and commerce. solutely invisible and undetectable, that allows them in-
So many mortal activities. Finally, in this somber universe stantaneous communication throughout any number of
where depression is omnipresent, suicide has become a galaxies, by acting directly on the universe’s memory.
manner of expressing oneself — a new art form.
COMMUNICATIONS For that which is visible, the Empire’s authority is repre-
Communicating in this cyclopean universe is not simple. sented by the StellCom and the Endoguard. The agents of
Nevertheless, thanks to the mastery of the extreme bands the former advocate, regulate, supervise, and enforce. The
of the polyhyperfrequencies (a Techno-Techno discovery agents of the latter do not discuss. They beat up, knock out,
that immediately resulted in thousands of interested par- and strike in a much more definitive matter. The StellCom
ties), all of the inhabited worlds live in a quasi-synchro- offices are found on all of the planets in the Empire, on
nized manner. Technically, all of the information emitted orbiting stations, at the entrances of the Techno tunnels,
into space is sequenced into sets of multicryptic logic, and in the Endocities. On the other hand, the Endoguard
ginning of time, long before Terra Prima became nothing
doesn’t maintain official administrative offices. but an obscure thought in the collective memory, human-
Chapter 4 • 58
But they are present. Their cruisers cut across space ity was already placing its hopes in the coming of a being
and are never far from any point susceptible to be- who associates the virtues of the male principle with that
coming a hot spot. of the female principle. Today, if the certitude of an im-
On the Maganat and Colonial planets, one finds a minent golden age has faded away, the mystique of the
panoply of diverse and varied administrations. The Hermaphrodite has been conserved with force.
Maganats have a classic social structure, with a mili- But it has been transformed over time, and the Her-
tary force that handles extensive police missions, an maphrodite is now only one source of power and legiti-
administration whose vocation is essentially fiscal, and macy. Didn’t the Shabda-Oud dream of bringing to this
whose services (education, health, and others) are lim- world a double being able to dominate the universe? And
ited to the bare minimum. On the Colonial planets, the other powers also work in the shadows toward this being’s
range is much richer. In fact, it seems like on a daily coming. For its part, the pan-Techno Church, lacking any
basis they invent new commissions, committees, high veritable faith, practices an extremely ritualized form of
command police stations, delegations, and other admin- worship. Their order is hyperhierarchical, and the life of
istrative organs. With their imaginations let loose, they its followers is structured around numerous ceremonies
are almost impossible to stop. and obligations.
No matter where you go, each population is confronted But the universe is vast, and there exist many of other
by a heavy, complex, and castrating administration. The types of beliefs and rites. On the most far-off worlds, to
smallest initiative is immediately exposed to difficulty: “Of help bear life’s torments or simply satisfy the inherent
course you can leave the Endocity, but have you filled out mystical thirst in the heart of humans, populations will-
form 27B dash 6?” ingly develop an abundance of beliefs, religions, and rites.


Aside from the Emperoress who is surrounded by a One of the most demeaning and degrading forces of the
shroud of mystery, nobody nor nothing in the Empire Universe, the Necro-Dream plunges those who are subjected
really incarnates the hallowed and sacred, with the ex- to its effect into a stupefying state of total exhaustion. The
ception of the Saint Kublar, who is revered by all. De- Necro-Dream is propagated through the hypertele, drugs,
spite its name, even the Church of the Industrial Saints manipulation, and oppression. Its ultimate goal is to quell
has nothing to do with what was at another time con- free-thinking, reducing ideals to nothingness and eliminat-
ventional to call religion. Of course, the Techno-Technos ing hope and love in the wake of its intoxicating influence.
cultivate a form of ceremony, and a taste for rites and The Necro-Dream is present throughout all of the Em-
ritual, which has certain similarities to a cult. But what pire, found in the Endocities as well as the Maganat and
has disappeared is the spiritual dimension. Today, only Colonial planets. Even the Golden Planet is not spared, be-
appearances remain. cause it finds, in the heart of those who reside there, a place
In its own way, the Shabda-Oud order, in its surviving where it can take on its full meaning and dimension.
reformed version, is one of the rare examples of a con- As soon as one enters into its sphere of activity, the
gregation joined together around a faith, who give hom- moment that one falls into its web, all the most funda-
age to a being dressed in the finery of a divinity. In the mental principles upon which rest one’s deepest convic-
rest of the universe, and especially as tions start to waiver. The slow chip-
we get further and further from the ping away, the undermining of the
center of Imperial power, it is not rare, The Neuro- spirit has begun. The strongest of
however, to come across all sorts of Emotional Cult resolutions blow away like dust in the
individuals who profess a belief in a In the Endocities, every wind. If exposure lingers on, and if one
creature or a principle. Their dogmas attempt at spiritual elevation doesn’t fight at each and every moment
are more or less supported by fact, and is immediately corrupted. against its insidious and persistent ac-
certainly end up convincing a good Religion only offers a facade, tion, free will dwindles and disappears.
number of enthusiasts over to their lacking all depth. However, One may end up hazy-eyed and forever
cause. To this day, none of these reli- a hidden religion survives in riveted before an empty screen. Life
gious beliefs have turned into a cru- secret, particularly in the will vanish, and one can become noth-
sade, but the possibility is not com- heart of the lower casts and ing more than a creature of darkness.
pletely ruled out, and one should be the outcast populations: the
ready for anything. HOUSING
Neuro-Emotional Cult. This
totally outdated faith is In a universe where incredible quan-
founded upon a paleo-feel- tities of varied worlds exist together,
On a universal scale, the ultimate ing practically forgotten to- housing comes in all shapes and forms
creed by which all plots are motivated, day: love. just like the bio-beings and others that
and hope is represented, is the myth live there. From teflo-fiber tents and
of the Perfect Androgyne. Since the be- other light structures used by prospec-
59 • Everyday Life
Price of Housing of darkness — “The
(in kublars per day) Tenebrae,” which grants them
Endocity Location Pre-owned Standard Deluxe a dominating place in the heart of
Gold Ring (condhome) 1700 2500 5000 the Empire. These wonders remain
White Ring – – – perfectly inaccessible to everyone
Silver Ring (condhome) 170 250 500 else, even if one is in daily contact
Blue Ring (condhome) 35 50 100 with their miraculous machines and
Green Ring (condhome) 5 10 25 inventions. But if technological opu-
Red Ring (condhome) Variable Variable Variable lence expresses itself for a supra-
Primal Ring – – – prince of the Archi-Nobility with a
Sub Ring (condhome) 2 3 4 profusion of attentive mechanical ser-
Black Ring (condhome) 0.5–100 1–100 2–100 vants, then for the average fellow, it
translates into a multitude of unhappy
Located On Pre-owned Standard Deluxe encounters with robo-cops, robo-fire-
Private Asteroid Variable Variable Variable men units, and other automated devices
Class A Astrhotel 10000 25000 50000 of repression and coercion.
Class B Astrhotel 100 250 500
Class C Astrhotel 10 25 50 TRANSPORTATION
Class A Planet 300–1000 700–2500 1500–5000 Admittedly, the Empire is vast. But
Class B Planet 20–100 40–250 100–500 the existing means of transportation
Class C Planet 2–10 3–25 5–50 allow one to go absolutely anywhere in
Class A Paradise–Planet 1800 2500 5000 the universe. There are three major cat-
Class B Paradise–Planet 180 250 500 egories of crafts: extra-atmospheric ves-
Class C Paradise–Planet 35 50 100 sels for traveling in space, ground crafts,
Private Orbital Station Variable Variable Variable and a combined air-ground ship. Each
Civilian Orbital Station 300–1000 700–2500 1500–5000 one comprises a large range of engines.
As the name indicates, the extra-at-
mospheric vessels never penetrate into
tors on the pioneer planets, to the rich Maganat’s palace a planet’s atmosphere. Their size ranges from gigantic to
overflowing with gold and marble from Marmola, pass- colossal, from some hundreds of meters to several kilo-
ing by the rustic, dilapidated houses of the supporters of meters. Upon reaching a celestial body’s outskirts, they
life in the open air on certain archeo-backward planets, return into orbit. Separate landing ships take over from
or the minuscule condhome apartments, jam-packed with this point. Looking at their propulsion capabilities, they
flashy appliances set in teflormica furniture, the variety is are equipped with motors capable of reaching
vast. And we haven’t even mentioned the rarest habita-
tions, such as the jade termite nest that forms the palace
of the Kama-Ming family, or the cave dwellers’ construc-
tions, where hordes of inferior humanoid creatures from
certain worlds are packed in.
That said, one thing is sure, everywhere that the law of
the Emperoress rules, the quality of the housing depends
upon the quantity of kublars one can devote to that end.
In an Endocity, four or five kublars will allow you to spend
the night in a slum shelter. Yet if one is willing to spend
10,000 kublars, the doors swing grandly open to the fan-
tastic suites of the upper levels, provided with all of the
newest technological conveniences combined with a touch
of refinement.

Close to 30,000 years after the accession of the Trans-
Bourbon line, technology has arisen to a level that even
Terra Prima’s most prolific authors never dared dream.
For the universe in general, technology has already reached
its apex and has now entered into a phase of decline. The
Techno-Technos have access to an inexhaustible source
of technical wonders thanks to their alliance with the force
Chapter 4 • 60
supraluminous light Cost of Services
speed for passage (in kublars)
through hyperspace. Quality
On the ground and in Type Low Standard Deluxe Black Market
atmospheric space, one Light vessel hangar (by day) 7 20 50 5–100
uses crafts usually designed Medium vessel hangar (by day) 15 35 150 10–300
for ground travel. Thanks Heavy vessel hanger (by day) 25 50 500 20–1000
to epyphite, which erases Homeoslut 15 19 25 –
the effects of gravity, these Hospitalization 10 20 150 5–100
ships travel in a state of levi- Hospitalization with surgery 20 35 250 10–200
tation at a few centimeters, Light vessel servicing/repair 30 50 200 25–150
a few meters, or even a few Medium vessel servicing/repair 60 100 500 50–300
hundred meters from the Heavy vessel servicing/repair 150 250 1000 120–800
ground. The physical con- Interstellar Tunnel passage – 200 – –
straints of the atmosphere Intergalactic Tunnel passage – 500 – –
limit cruising speed, even with
epyphite absorbing hundreds
of g’s of acceleration. Due to
the friction of the air against the fuselage and the pressure luxury, but numerous organizations have the means to
exerted upon the structure, movement in atmosphere can- arm the vessels. The average citizen takes the regular public
not exceed the speed of Mach 5. lines that cut across the cosmos for his transportation
Combined vessels are based on the mixing of two prin- needs. Provisions and service are once again hierarchical
ciples. Most private vessels fall into this category. Being a on this type of transportation. One can find at least six
much smaller size than the standard extra-atmospheric different classes: metaluxury, luxury, infraluxury, standard,
vessels, the interior layout and comfort of these ships are economy, and basic. Of course, the price a traveler pays
often compromised to compensate for pure performance, at each level depends on the quality of the ship, the qual-
even if the most exclusive models display completely stag- ity of the crew, the length of the voyage, and the destina-
gering properties. tion. Voyaging on a luxury cruise ship could cost 8,000
Owning a private vessel is not within the reach of kublars or more, while splitting a room on a freighter
everyone’s pocketbook — indeed far from it. In fact, only would go for 80 kublars or less.
the most superior levels of the population can afford this
Throughout the universe, thousands of planets have been nermost parts of its making. Slowly but surely, the planet
seized and kneaded as if they were balls of clay, then smashed, is gutted of its substance, held against its will, offended,
torn apart in little pieces, and reshaped to be given over to and bled dry, like an immaculate sanctuary desecrated
the numberless hordes of humans. The bios are incessantly by a horde of industrial barbarians.
multiplying, and more space must constantly be found to In a fraction of time that would be infinitesimal on the
cram them in. In its compelling march towards endless ex- universal scale, the Techno-Techno Magnarmada trans-
pansion, the human race imposes no limits upon itself. forms a planet or system unsuitable for human life into
Thanks to the Techno-Technos’ power and know-how, even an otherwise welcoming world, or at least one that is vi-
the smallest arid sphere having an acidic atmosphere can be able for humans. Often, these monolithic, dark vessels will
rendered suitable for habitation. completely upset blue planets as well, producing an aseptic
When a celestial body, asteroid, or planet with the poten- sphere covered with smooth teflon-concrete and encircled
tial for structural terra-transformation is spotted in space, a by a purified atmosphere free from all particles, every type
monolithic laboratory-factory ship from the Magnarmarda of bacteria and even the smallest micro-organism, as well
Techno-Amazonas fleet sets itself in orbit around the cho- as the most miniscule trace of a mycelium spore. With all
sen body. Slowly, the ship casts its enormous shadow over native life eliminated, a brand new Endocity is made ready
the planet’s surface, making the planet seem suddenly tiny to welcome billions of occupants. Humanity is nothing more
in comparison. The colossal vessel suspended in the void than a remote souvenir.
resembles a ferocious predator extremely amused to see the
fear rising in the heart of its prey. TOPOGRAPHY AND ORGANIZATION
Conceived in the Techno-urbanists prolific electronic
THE MAGNARMADA brain, the Endocities respond to two demands: the
Before long, a fleet of sondes, needle rocket penetrators, Empire’s need to lodge a population that is continually in
and other draining fluid collectors commence their strange exponential growth, and the Church of the Industrial
ballet. If the planet’s vital presence isn’t considered threat- Saint’s desire to format life according to its scientific vi-
ening enough to justify an intervention by the Endoguard, sion. Upon the request of the universe’s first human Em-
entire colonies of multispecialized robotic entities are called peror Rosemonde I the Rebis, the Endocity project was
upon to storm the planet and stifle the smallest sign of pro- started and entrusted to the Guild, which later became
test or objection. This silent and efficient arm of the Church the order of the Techno-Technos. During this distant time
of the Industrial Saints shamelessly at- period, terra-transformation work
tacks, with precision and meticulousness, took dozens of standard years. Terra
the planet’s air and water, then its flora 0001, the pilot project, mobilized a
and animals, much like a patient spider The technoid army for the precise period
nibbling away little by little at its prize, Magnarmada of 37 years. Although long in the mak-
neglecting not even the smallest remnants The Techno-Amazonas is ing, the result did not disappointment
of life. The land and underground are an immense fleet of labora- their high expectations. More than 15
scoured, analyzed, turned over, and ulti- tory-factories whose flag- billion inhabitants were housed, spread
mately cannibalized. ships are named Vesuvio, out vertically over nine rings within the
But the operation has only just be- Tsunami, Anaconda, structure. Since this time, construction
gun. When the spy systems have col- Hindenburg, Modra, Gorgo, techniques have been vastly improved
lected samples, analyzed the data, and Godzilla, Piranhas, Orca, and accelerated, but the framework
specified a procedure, the Techno- Tornado, Tyson, Goliath, has remained the same. Nothing re-
Techno vessel opens up its metallic arms Leviathan, King Kong, and sembles an Endocity more than an-
wide around the planet, gently closing Titanic. Indirect homage to other Endocity, but even though they
in and tightening its grasp. With its humanity’s hegemonic ten- are based on the same structure, no
delicate and light touch, this first con- dencies, these patronymics Endocity is a strict replica of another.
tact produces a long, cold shudder are an example of the Physically, an Endocity is an enor-
across the surface of the planet. Next Church of the Industrial mous crater dug into the earth of a
the vessel retightens its grip, asserting Saint’s general lack of tact. planet. On the surface, the entirety of
its force, and prepares itself to offer the The Church lives by one rule the topmost layer is completely leveled
kiss of death. A heavy trephine then only — the survival of the and sterilized. The total bio-presence,
shoots out of the ship’s bay, striking the fittest — and it takes on any which just recently may have been
planet’s flesh. It bores into the earth, obstacle with the tranquil romping in the sun, is annihilated. The
thrusting always to greater and greater serenity of a galactic steam- fauna is decimated, the flora eradicated,
depths, shamelessly raping the soil un- roller. the geographical relief razed, and any
til it reaches the deepest and most in- intelligent race is either eliminated or as-
supreme authority of the Endocity lives, and the directing
similated according to their degree of humanity. branches reside. There are also apartments reserved for
Chapter 5 • 62
The Techno-Technos leave nothing but an immense, the Techno-Pope (who normally lodges in the Techno-
smooth and bare teflo-concrete expanse in place of City), the Prime Minister (who also has the most luxuri-
what nature deemed appropriate for the environment. ous residence in the Golden Ring), as well as a swarm of
Seas, oceans, and other water masses exist only in Aristos from the Golden Ring, who come on vacation to
memory, much as hills, mountains, and any other el- take part in the magnificent parties that the Prez continu-
evated terrain. After the machines have passed over, the ously hosts. Here life goes by in an uninterrupted series
sole prominence is the Techno-Techno city, a colossal con- of wild times surpassing even the decadence of the archeo-
struction that is placed well away from the Endocity en- human paleo-ritual known as “spring break.” During these
trance, and is called “The Mushroom” by the popula- endless indulgences, the Aristos’ curious and whimsical
tion. Closer to the entry, at precisely 50 kilometers, one spirit shows itself in its full creative force. The Prez’s ves-
finds the astroport installations. This complex port occu- sel also contains immense gardens and parks, where arti-
pies approximately 1,000 acres. Apart from the freight zones, ficial deer frolic about and synthetic ibis, pink flamingos,
its installations consist of maintenance and repair services and herons fly in the imitation sky.
for descent vessels (those capable of ground landings), Moving on to other areas of the Prez’s vessel, one finds a
StellCom administrative buildings, and a transit zone sup- hypersophisticated communications room, directly linked
plied with boutiques full of overpriced products. As a whole, to Golden Planet services. It is called the “Hypertransmitter
most of the facilities have control and surveillance func- Room.” On the same level of the ship, there is another in-
tions. An underground anti-g transport system links the teresting particularity: the “Cloning Area” (or Clone Zone)
astroport to the Endocity proper. where the Prez comes to transplant his jaunty soul into a
new receiving body at regular intervals. Finally, all of the
THE PREZ’S PALACE Hunchbacks — the guards closest to the Prez, known for
The city-shaft’s access crater is an opening of some seven being both efficient and unsightly — live aboard the vessel
kilometers in diameter, but its circumference is irregular as well. Under the vessel’s potbelly is the conical shaft, which
in shape. Above the entrance floats an immense vessel in plunges 36 kilometers down into the planet’s guts. The Prez’s
stationary flight. This is the vessel of the Prez, where the ship, which conforms perfectly to the shape of the shaft’s
Chapter 5 • 64
opening, is capable of completely blocking the Endocity’s
only access. In case of a slightly violent uproar, or utter riot-

65 • Endocities
ing, cutting off the entrance is the perfect way of restoring
calm to the lower levels. Immediately beneath the glossy surface of the
smooth, leveled, and polished planet is the Golden
Ring, the inaccessible dream of the lower-level popu-
The Prez’s private guards, the Hunchback Brigade, is made lations. Consisting of ten levels spread vertically over
up of free men, taken at random from the streets of the four kilometers in height, the Golden Ring is a marvel
Endocity and from death row, where they chose a “com- of modern architecture and technology. The latest in
plete remodeling” as opposed to a basic execution, as al- ultra-postmodern amenities and comforts are assembled
lowed by penitentiary administration decree 36FX K6. The together in a profusion of refined living areas. Each
remodeling process, which takes 24 standard hours to com- building is set with carpets of artificial greenery, which
plete, turns the convicts into creatures entirely devoted to flower regularly with all of nature’s beauty, minus the
the Prez by the implantation of a complex Techno-Tehnos work and the inconvenience. Animals have immaculate
device, hidden by the hump on their backs. Evidently, dur- coats, are discreetly perfumed, and no longer need to be
ing the course of the operation, they lose their memories walked or use a litter box. The Aristos live in apartments
and their individual identities, but they gain in return a su- that range from extroverted opulence dripping with gilt,
perior force — the technological mechanism is comprised for the most simple, to an archeo-Las Vegas-like decora-
of an integrated exoskeleton — and a well tested cynicism. tive madness, where replicas of Greek temples cohabit
Devoid of all human sentiment, the Hunchbacks execute with reproductions of the Terra Prima pyramids or the
the most lowly work of the Prez with relish and sadism. Taj Mahal. The most technically accomplished of all the
Mutants are their preferred victims. Housed in the Prez’s rings, the Golden Ring is also the smallest in size. Of
palace, they have unlimited access to all of the Endocity. course, it is reserved for the exclusive use of a few privi-
Enslaved to the Prez, they also obey the Aristos of the Gold leged and handpicked individuals, so elite that there is an
Ring. It is moreover not uncommon to see them serve as overall impression of great space, despite the relatively
bodyguards for a group of Aristos on an outing to experi- small dimensions of the ring. Everything is vast, airy, clear,
ence the debauchery of the Red Ring. and harmonious. Here, the Church of the Industrial Saints’
TYPICAL HUNCHBACK technological contribution is enormous but practically in-
visible. All of their devices are kept behind the scenes,
This generic character can be used with the Metabarons
and, as in the Emerald City in the land Oz, only the lavish
Roleplaying Game.
beauty of gold and platinum is visible to the naked eye.
Agility 5D: brawling 7D, firearms 8D, melee combat
6D, running 6D. Knowledge 1D: intimidation 6D. Me- ENVIRONMENT AND RESIDENTS
chanical 3D. Perception 3D. Strength 5D: lift 6D. Tech- In an environment where luxury vies with munificence
nical 1D. Psionics 0D. Move 10. Character Points 3. and the grandiose with the sublime, where technological
Equipment: Techno-implants (+1D STR to resist damage, tools galore put life’s ups and downs out of mind, tens of
torso only), Disintegrator 48 (12D damage), suprapistol thousands of Aristos, served by armies of robo-servants,
(5D damage), shock-knife (STR+1D+2 damage), uniform. rule and oppress the lives of billions of individuals with
Note: Memories are retained for 24 hours after remodel- their supreme contempt. Disdain is second nature to the
ing. After that, the Hunchback’s greatest desire is to kill, Aristos, who have given up their Infra-Nobility status and
which he does on command or if what he’s guarding ap- access (however limited) to the Golden Planet to be at the
pears to be in danger. top of a something, however unpleasant the bottom is.
That disdain underlies everything they do, from their tor-
THE NINE RINGS rid orgies in the Red Ring — not without hefty body-
The government’s urban-planning guards — to their relationships with
program keeps the Endocity’s register their fellow Aristos. Desire is their driv-
up to date. Although this is relatively ing force, lust their fuel, and
easy in the upper rings, the task gets The Golden concupiscence their highway. Despite
more difficult the further down the Ring everything around them urging them
rings you go and becomes quite com- “Reality is simply reality. to be nonchalant and live the good life,
plicated below the primal ring. The un- I wear a halo, and you do they constantly feel disgraced by their
derground cave dwellers are not not! Social barriers cannot imprisonment in an Endocity far from
counted and the galleries they dig are be erased… If you want to the Golden Planet and the real centers
simply ignored. Although the Techno- live with me, eat and sleep of power. They may be the rulers of a
Technos could easily keep accurate with me, make love to me small world, but their kingdom is a
records of human and mutant activi- every night, you must be- sandcastle in a storm.
ties in the Endocity, they can’t be both- come my dog.” —Louz de
ered. It doesn’t serve their master plan. Garra, an Aristo in love.
The Prime Minister’s residence can
be found exactly at the Gold Ring’s
the Endocity’s brain, sits. This specimen of subtle engi-
geometric center and is by far the most ambi- neering with an incalculable cerebral power presides over
Chapter 5 • 66
tious and sumptuous building in the entire the destiny of the entire planet, under the direct control
Endocity. But never in a million years would the of the Techno-Centrix, the supreme Techno-Techno in-
Prez lower himself to honor the Prime Minister with telligence, based on Central Planet. These mega-comput-
a visit — “What? go down to that rotten dump?” And ers maintain a permanent and direct liaison using the most
yet it is well worth a visit for its peaceful ponds, in- advanced of the mysterious Techno-Techno connection
door gardens where cute, artificial — but undeniably routes. From an urbanistic view, the various specialized
alive — animals frolic, delicately perfumed air, huge zones have been arranged according to the function they
verandas, temples, and fluid structures. In fact, all the provide. The hospital zone is accessible only to the most
abodes in the Gold Ring are masterpieces in their genre. fortunate of inhabitants, those of the Golden Ring, the
SECURITY LEVEL AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS Silver Ring, and, if absolutely necessary, from the Blue
Ring as well. This zone consists of thousands of operat-
The Gold Ring has the highest security of all the nine ing rooms with busy robo-surgeons, coupled with a long
rings. Surveillance systems everywhere, directly linked to series of corridors leading to patients’ rooms, which are
the Central Computer and the forces of repression, keep more or less luxurious according to whom the room is
a discreet and efficient watch. Techno-Techno control is reserved. The control and surveillance rooms are grouped
at a maximum here. Only the Aristos, who the systems around the Central Computer room and can only be ac-
automatically identify by visual means, and their robo- cessed by the Techno-Technos. Their cold functionality
servants are allowed to circulate freely. Bottom-up entry is characteristic of the Magnus Dei. The Endoguards’
points have also been designed to resist all forms of at- quarters are even more spartan. The Endoguards sleep in
tack. In other words, you’ve got to be pretty suicidal to vertical compartments that take up only one square meter
attempt a coup here. of floor space and three meters in height. To lodge the
RUMORS 10,000 men of the Endoguard battalion sent to each
• “Have you heard? The Prez has secretly cloned him- Endocity, two and a half acres suffice, which represents a
self into a female mutant and is mating with all the lowlife surface that is smaller than the terrace of the Prime
in the forbidden district.” Minister’s residence in the Golden Ring. Finally, the zones
• “No way! He’s cloned himself into an anarcho-psy- designated for administration and media are the only ones
chotic leader and is turning the Red Ring into a blazing that offer a more lively visual aspect, since their modular
bloodbath.” conception permits layout modifications at regular inter-
• “Get real! He’s cloned himself into a conscientious vals. It should be said that these are the only areas fre-
Blue Ring worker and is living a nice well-ordered life.” quented by the majority of standard bios, those who have
• “Paleo-Zeus! Who the hell made this stuff up? The not undergone any particular training or re-programming.
fact is he’s cloned himself as me, and now’s the time to The sun’s rays no longer reach beyond this depth. More-
make him suffer the ultimate indignation…” over, they don’t even reach the last levels of the Golden Ring
• There’s an unshakable myth — if it is a myth — that but for a few minutes or seconds each day. Of course, there
says the children of the lower levels are regu-larly abducted is artificial lighting everywhere, but the beneficial effects of
to be fed to the diabolical creatures bred by the Gold Ring’s the solar star are a luxury that the ruling classes of the
bloodthirsty tyrants. Endocity expressly make their own. An immense prismatic
quartz, equipped with photonic deflectors has been set into
SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES low orbit, above the Prez’s vessel. It concentrates and dif-
Two basic laws govern human relations between the fuses the solar rays down to the upper levels of the Blue
Aristos and the hordes below. Directive 32B-75 stipulates Ring. Of course the quality and intensity are not the same
that the Gold Ring is off limits to non-Aristos. Directive everywhere, and as if it needs to be added, the rays are the
32B-76 authorizes the Aristos to “mortally reprimand” best on the upper levels.
anyone who breaches the first directive. Immediately under the White Ring, a security level fil-
ters access to the two upper-level rings, the surface, and
2 • THE WHITE RING the Prez’s vessel. This impassable barrier — guarded by
The level just below the Gold Ring is the White Ring, the most impressive of the Techno-Techno security de-
an immense conglomeration of 30 levels, vertically tiered vices, a system of physical twists and turns that prohibits
over four kilometers. All of the Endocity administrative physical passage to the front for more than one person at
and control offices are concentrated in this zone. Here a time, and most importantly an Endoguard post — is a
the population density is much greater than that of the preventative measure against any vague invasion impulse
upper level ring, and the housing reflects this greater den- that may cross the minds of the lower-level population.
sity. Thousands of descending shafts, moving walkways, This is something that has not yet occurred, but excessive
and anti-g elevators cross and entangle one another, in precaution can do no harm. That said, the choice of where
the midst of vast halls where stressed-out robots and busy to place the security level ring clearly explains where pri-
bio-representatives run back and forth all over the place. orities lie as far as safety is concerned: in case of a prob-
The White Ring encloses the Endocity’s most secret and lem, only the two upper level rings would be saved, and
best protected room, that where the Central Computer, everyone below would be sacrificed.
all robotic equipment that gets lost in one of

67 • Endocities
Despite an extremely high-population density, the White
Ring is surprisingly quiet. Everyone here efficiently bustles the 29 circulation levels. Likewise, any bio-entity
about their work in silence. Well, maybe the patients in that gets lost is cut up and its organs donated to the
the hospital zone might scream from time to time when hospital zone’s laboratories.
they wake up to find that all their limbs have been short- 3 • THE SILVER RING
ened, but the hundreds of millions of robotic entities go
noiselessly about their various surgery, surveillance, man- Beneath the security level, at a depth of eight to 12
agement, planning and intervention tasks — in anti-g lift. kilometers below the surface in the planet’s mantle,
Communications and instructions are likewise transmit- stretching up over 30 levels is the Silver Ring — the
ted by silent impulses. Even the battalion of Endoguards Golden Ring’s poor cousin, unanimously scorned by the
billeted here makes hardly any noise. The only exception upper-level Aristos. Certainly, the Silver Ring could be
is the media zone. Everyone, from one of the many called a pretty place, a city that in itself lends to an agree-
Diavaloo clones and human technician-operators to an able way of life, with its airy spaces, and lovely facades.
eye witness of a horrific disaster, goes out of their way to But it absolutely lacks the decadent and scathing breath
make as much noise as possible, as if they were single- of inspiration that brings about all of the Golden Ring’s
handedly trying to resist the machines’ militant silence. charm. Here, the architectural style and the atmosphere
that prevails is the faithful reflection of its inhabitants,
SITES AND SIGHTS intermediary cogs in the wheel, stuck between the higher
The colossal Central Hypertele Division alone — 15 spheres, which they will never reach yet passionately long
levels high spread across ten kilometers — is a good rea- to be a part of, and the despised lower-level populations
son for the 12 years of patience it takes on average to with whom they are forced to rub elbows. Everything func-
obtain a visa to visit the White Ring. Once you have seen tions with a touch and, although not luxurious, is quality
the refrigerated hall where tens of thousands of girl clones made and of measured good taste. This closed universe,
wait to be gently warmed up for a dance, you can really without great interest, withdrawn and at times burden-
die happy. For the really lucky — those who get authori- some, most certainly represents the inaccessible Grail for
zation — the hospital zone’s morgue is also worth a look. those underneath. But here, one lives with their eyes and
SECURITY LEVEL AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS hopes turned upwards, where simple villas would be pal-
aces, and in perpetual fear of the ultimate tidal wave of
The White Ring is the central system consolidating all anger and discontent rising from the lower masses.
the operational bodies of power. As such, it requires spe-
cial protection, particularly since it is the interface be- ENVIRONMENT AND RESIDENTS
tween two completely different worlds. The Silver Ring is the headquarters
Here, electronic surveillance reaches of the Endocity’s working rulers. The
new heights especially since the White The Intra-urban Aristos wallow in idleness. The Silvers
Ring is pretty much the private reserve Ferrymen work. At least, they force themselves
of the Techno-Technos. Here, they ex- There are “ferrymen,” bus to live well-ordered productive lives
periment with systems of unprec- drivers, taxi drivers, or deliv- and every day go conscientiously to
edented sophistication. In addition to ery endo-nef drivers, who, their posts, where they watch the clock
technological protection, the White acting on their own, propose while drinking SPV, but in moderation.
Ring can also call on an entire battal- diverse services that are not There is no flamboyance here, just dis-
ion of Endoguards stationed here. The always lawful. A “ferryman” creet decorum that is the butt of Aristo
ring’s lower level is one big protection generally possesses a private ridicule. In addition to a penchant for
and security area: a no man’s land scal- vehicle and knows every discretion and thrift, the Silvers also
ing 135 meters across tens of thousands endo-port in his Endocity, differ in their natural tendency to save.
of square kilometers — perfect terrain traveling in record time from Stuck between the unattainable easy
for a trench war. one level to another, and life and the teeming lower levels, the
RUMORS helping his passengers to Silver Ring is in a constant state of
avoid being subjected to the anxiety that it has only ever managed
The underground levels firmly believe to assuage by amassing ever more
authorities’ anger. According
that a minute design fault has created a wealth. Understandably, as these re-
to his designated allocation
small breach in the White Ring’s airtight sources are taken directly from the
or the people he is transport-
security. This means that if a determined crumbs the Aristos leave for the lower
ing, he can easily have access
team managed to isolate the lower level’s floors, the entire population of the
to a warehouse, garage or
general power supply, it could get a foot- Endocity hates the Silvers as compan-
mechanics garage, a safe ref-
hold on this highly protected floor and, ions in misfortune who exploit their
uge or a discrete airlock with
from there, reach the surface. poverty and rob them.
direct access to upper-level
Order XB 28-7 provides for the re- If the Silvers ever gave a guided tour
turn to the maintenance workshop of of their domain, the Silver Ring’s cen-
nothing more than something “once seen somewhere.”
tral warehouse would be the first dream desti- Here begins the dismal reign.
Chapter 5 • 68
nation. You have to see this gigantic edifice, not At the junction of the Blue and Green Rings, a vast
so much for its quite banal architecture, but for what overhanging promenade makes its way around the shaft.
is stored there. As with lobster, the best is inside. Ten This is Suicide Alley. Perky Endocity citizens like to stroll
floors high and nearly 20 kilometers across, the cen- around this wide promenade to watch people fall, and
tral warehouse gives a whole new slant to the idea of those who have reached rock bottom come to meditate
Ali Baba’s cave. on the endless emptiness of their existence before throw-
The Silver Ring is beneath the security level, so it is ENVIRONMENT AND RESIDENTS
pretty much on its own in defending itself against the The luxury stops here. Some very pleasant havens are
ragged hordes below. Yet the Silvers have no lack of re- dotted about to and fro, but they seem out of place. It’s as
sources and are always equipped with formidably effi- if they’ve been randomly planted there, flowers in the
cient systems. The most sophisticated technology is ex- middle of a garbage dump. As the facades peel and crack,
clusively reserved for the Aristos and the White Ring, but the inhabitants all take on the same tired look, stooping
the second choice still offers very powerful solutions. and staring. From this level on, leisure is less subtle and
Colossal firepower hooked up to detection devices points distractions more radical. The millstone of the Necro-
at the lower levels. Dream starts to weigh heavily around their necks. Their
RUMORS mind-numbing lives are filled with mediocre drugs and
hypertele everywhere. It is impossible to choose any other
The age-old rumor here, even though it might be mere path and easy to understand why thousands of applicants
delusion, is that the guardians of the Silver Ring can enter turn up daily at Suicide Alley on the lower level. A mid-
the Gold Ring once they have lived in the Silver Ring for way point, the Blue Ring is “the mean” in all senses of the
a hundred generations. On the lower levels, some say that word.
the Silvers are all the crazy bastard children of the Aristos.
Further down, they swear blind that they are the submis- SITES AND SIGHTS
sive slaves of the Aristos, that the SPV keeps them in a You can’t really appreciate the Endocity until you’ve
state of frustrated lust, and that certain glands are sys- seen Suicide Alley. This wide, airy promenade is the soul
tematically removed from them to make them lethargic. of the shaft, the very essence of life in this dismal world.
Word everywhere also has it that the Silver Ring’s best- If you really want to capture all the blissfully dramatic
looking young girls and boys are regularly taken to the poetry of the place, go at dawn when the climate regula-
top to be “consumed.” tion system considerately produces a fine ashen mist that
SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES lingers in long ribbons along the jagged edges of the gray
teflo-concrete. Just before six o’clock, when the first des-
Legislation AR-01-0R specifically states: “Silver is sil- perately lost soul arrives, broken-spirited and desolate, a
ver and gold is gold. Forget that at your own peril.” few drops of rain subtly fall to heighten the intensity of
4 • THE BLUE RING the moment. A last look, a last sob… And he jumps.
Do feel free to applaud.
Below the Silver Ring, still deeper toward the planet’s
core, comes the Blue Ring, the last ring where one can SECURITY LEVEL AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS
still catch a glimpse of the sky. Already the sun’s rays — The Blue Ring has few vital or strategic points, so there
concentrated and diffused by the prismatic quartz — only are not many automatic security systems. However, there
reach but a small portion of the ring. With a height of is a massive police presence. Bands of cybo-cops constantly
fifty levels spread out vertically over four kilometers, the circulate or hover nearby, ready to intervene. Around Sui-
Blue Ring is a long succession of habitation units where cide Alley especially, it is not uncommon for a movement
the charming, mediocre, and sometimes even the dilapi- from the crowd — often just showing their enthusiasm
dated alternate. Hundreds of millions of people live in for a particularly outstanding leap — to provoke a furi-
this space. They represent the average Endocity citizen. ous charge. When this happens, the dead are not counted
They are those who execute with zeal and ardor the use- among the total suicides, unless of course they jump of
less tasks that they are given, before wisely returning home their own free will.
to indulge in the lawful enjoyment of the hypertele and RUMORS
Cocaloco Dark. Surrounding the central shaft, the habi-
tation galleries plunge deep into the planet, reaching down “Suicide Alley is closing down!” This is the most fre-
several hundreds of kilometers. A dense transportation quent of the alarmist rumors and the one that can push
network links the different zones. Here and there, the decor the desperate over the edge. Yet word also has it that the
is brightened by some artificial islands of vegetation. Cer- suicide victims don’t actually die but are intercepted to be
tain quarters can even appear agreeable. However, as one used as guinea pigs. After a fall of approximately five
proceeds down the shaft, the quality of housing and fa- minutes and 45 seconds — 18 kilometers at some 200
cilities becomes progressively poorer. As one approaches kilometers an hour — a recuperation system just above
the edge of the Green Ring, the agreeable buildings are the surface of the Acid Lake is said to catch the condemned
wretches — at least those not killed in the fall — and
make them disappear from. with the habit — learnt from childhood by play-

69 • Endocities
SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES ing at survival in the dumps — of living each mo-
ment as if it were their last. Before they go mad, the
The famous special SHOOT-75 decree authorizes any- Greens are basically happy souls. They laugh at ev-
one to hasten the suicide victims’ passage to the beyond, erything, others and themselves.
although combat lasers and sonic weapons are prohibited.
Nevertheless, regulation FAIL-76 considers failed suicides SITES AND SIGHTS
— accidental fall from an intermediate terrace — to be a The entire Green Ring is an interesting sight. This
violation of private property liable to a 200-kublar fine. assembly of long uniform bars — made from a jagged
The debt is immediately and irrevocably contracted as soon jumble caused by fire and destruction — harbors many
as the infringement is recorded and the fine pronounced — treasures. Here, there’s a makeshift camp built around
generally within three to five seconds. huge braziers with a swarm of screaming kids who me-
thodically destroy the automatic transport. There, at the
5 • THE GREEN RING bend of a ripped-up avenue, is a huge open-air market
Fifth ring down from the surface, the Green Ring owes where bartering, black marketeering, receiving, and all
its name to reflections from Acid Lake, which tinge the sur- sorts of trafficking go on amidst rows of housing blocks,
rounding air with greenish glimmers. If the Blue Ring is like a return to the wild. Everywhere, life bursts forth
considerably less welcoming and comfortable than the violent and unruly with a never-ending show of despair,
Golden Ring, the difference between the Blue and Green confrontations, and jubilant guffaws.
Rings is at least as great, if not greater. There are 100 levels SECURITY LEVEL AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS
packed in one against the other along the four allotted kilo-
meters of height, double the amount of levels in the Blue Official surveillance within the bounds of the Green
Ring. Here there is no synthetic vegetable decor, not the Ring is the most moderate. The inhabitants can tear each
smallest flourish, nor the tiniest ornament, just hundreds of other’s guts out in peace with no fear of being charged by
stereotypically aligned kilometers. Housing is in decrepit a squad of irate cybo-cops. However, when things take
condition. Even on an Endocity inauguration day, the foot on alarming proportions, and if the situation risks spread-
bridges, like the facades, have the same dilapidated appear- ing into the neighboring rings, the robofiremen descend
ance as the ruins they are going to become. Despite their with cybo-cop riot units and sometimes even the
degree of elevated technology, the trans- Endoguard.
port systems, which run throughout the RUMORS
innermost recesses of the hundred lev- The day will come when the hordes
els, appear ancient. The automatic repair Concrete
Seagulls of outcasts will rise from the bowels of
systems are deactivated, and traces of fire the shaft and attack the higher levels.
and other damages accumulate, paint- It’s from the Green Ring
ing a picture of hopeless devastation. that one can catch a glimpse SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES
From an architectural and urbanistic of the first “concrete Here, the law is stated as an adage:
point of view, the Green Ring reminds seagulls.” These winged crea- Bio-life is tolerated as long as the
one of the most hideous urban projects tures who come from the Endocity runs smoothly.
that not so long ago disfigured Terra lowest levels, notably from
Prima’s megalopolises… but in an even the Primal Ring’s enormous 6 • THE RED RING
worse version. garbage dumps, feed them- The 50 levels of the Red Ring stretch
selves on the micro-organ- out between the twentieth and twenty-
ENVIRONMENT AND RESIDENTS isms that grow on the teflo- fourth kilometers below the planet’s
The Green Ring’s three to four bil- concrete walls as a result of surface. The Red Ring is an agglomera-
lion inhabitants would love to leave this their being passed over by tion of disparate constructions made
staggeringly crammed and overpopu- the cleaning systems. Peeping immediately recognizable by their scar-
lated place. Here, density hits astound- and ravenous, the concrete let color. In fact, the streets are covered
ing record highs, surpassing all reason- seagulls are practically offer- by a crimson-colored teflo-tarmac layer.
able bounds. It is not humanly possible ing a public service in pre- Billions of neon facades are reflected in
to endure such overcrowding without venting the proliferation of the tarmac, casting a thousand ruby-col-
going mad. So the Greens, used to be- mutant seaweed and mush- ored lights on every horizon of this cir-
ing constantly on the verge of madness, rooms. Their excrement falls cular space. The ring of the most ex-
have wound up partially immunizing into the Acid Lake, which treme and unrestrained pleasures, it ap-
themselves against depression. Al- reinforces its corrosive pears less rundown than its immediate
though every day brings its batch of power. Despite their natu- neighbors. But the flashing lights and
massacres and bloody murders commit- rally wild character, it is said showcases conceal a nameless crass that
ted under the effects of a totally under- that certain ones have been is the strict reflection of the prevailing
standable psychotic lunacy, all things tamed. debauchery. This said, having legal ac-
considered, it could be worse. This at- cess to the most diverse of synthetic
titude probably has something to do
paradises, as well as ultra-
Chapter 5 • 70
Suicide Alley
qualified services in human,
The only place in the Endocity where suicide is legally authorized
alien, mutant, and synthetic
— from six o’clock in the morning to ten o’clock at night, seven days
prostitution, visitors can easily for-
a week — Suicide Alley attracts the curious and desperate Endocity
get the ambient ugliness as they
masses. “Intelligent” billboards placed at intervals of 50 meters each
drown themselves in a whirlwind
display the hour and total number of suicides. By request (and paid
of endless orgies.
for), the boards can also furnish statistics of those who have commit-
ENVIRONMENT AND RESIDENTS ted suicide — sex, age, and the number of unfortunate ones who ar-
All sorts of beings tread the Red rive at Acid Lake still alive. For the modest sum of three kublars, one
Ring’s vermilion tarmac. In addition can even watch the day’s best suicide sequences. The curious onlook-
to the locals — prostitutes of all shapes ers who come to watch the last jumps of voyagers leaving for a possi-
and sizes, legal and illegal drug dealers, bly better world, applaud their performances from the parapet, or
thugs, hoods, louts, receivers, informers, even from small barges in stationary flight in the shaft. The most
thieves, and murderers — countless day sadistic spectators prefer to shoot at those committing suicide, deriv-
trippers pour in day and night to slum ing great pleasure from depriving the unlucky ones from their ulti-
it, get wildly drunk, wallow in the opi- mate chosen trip. For those who choose to die, the process isn’t as
ate fumes, fight, get robbed, or simply simple as it may seem. All the more so because for the unlucky ones
kill someone for kicks. It’s a favorite who botch their fall, an unpleasant surprise awaits them: a 200 kublar
hangout for bands of binging Aristos, fine for a failed suicide. An injured person in agony — who landed
duly escorted by their Hunchback badly on an intermediary platform — will find himself being booked
minders. However, all levels of the by the cybo-cops on duty, even if he ends up dying in the following
Endocity’s population visit the Red seconds. As soon as the fine is announced, it is registered, and the
Ring’s establishments at some stage or debt is passed on to the surviving members of the family.
other. Despite the rundown interiors
behind the flashy shop windows — like
the haggard features of an old whore
under her thick make-up — this mecca of depravity has a it’s wise to go out armed or accompanied. However, the
strong magnetism that no one can resist. It is the center of units of Hunchbacks and cybo-cops have direct access shafts
the Endocity, its heartbeat. they can use to surge through the Red Ring’s 50 levels in
record time. Crime control is simple: as soon as the crime
SITES AND SIGHTS statistics reach a certain level, the troops descend. The cybo-
The Homeo First Club, the largest homeo-whorehouse, cops then eliminate thousands of people at random. Conse-
is the crown temple of love for sale. Here, customers can quently, although some of the victims are innocent bystand-
find the perfect partner and steer clear of those imperfec- ers who are generally visiting customers, crime usually plum-
tions that diminish their pleasure and bridle their fanta- mets. But it doesn’t last long, and the whole cycle starts
sies. Customers over again. To escape the monotony, the Central Computer
mix and match has introduced a random variable into the definition of the
The Flesh their chosen crime level whereby two raids can be organized just two
Industry whore’s body days apart. However, six months could also pass without a
Prostitution is primarily parts safe in the single visit from the cybo-cops. The only thing that’s for
concentrated in the Red knowledge that sure is that you never know when it’s going to happen.
Ring. As a general rule, the the curve of the RUMORS
prostitutes work for a bar or hip and the breast
will perfectly rep- The Red Ring’s main roads and alleyways buzz with a
a “house of pleasure” and
licate the erotic thousand and one rumors. The most insistent is the pre-
are in this case under the pro-
dream they had diction of an imminent cybo-cop raid. However, it’s not
tection of a pimp-guardian.
the night before. uncommon to hear that the Prez himself will make an
However, some do work for
impromptu visit — incognito since a recent secret cloning
themselves, doing business SECURITY LEVEL — or that a troupe of perverse Aristos disguised as psycho-
on the streets. As the Red AND anarchists will descend on the place. Another rumor that
Ring is frequented by all SURVEILLANCE regularly goes round is that of an imminent armed raid
types of tourists, window SYSTEMS on the lower levels, which could well prove to be pro-
shoppers, and buyers, it is
Unlike most of phetic. Word also often has it that the cybo-cops some-
not uncommon for the dis-
the rings, the Red times take specimens up from the Red Ring to satisfy the
crete eyes and ears of the
Ring is not under Aristos’ curiosity.
streets to become aware of
constant surveil- SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES
rumors, confessions, and
lance. There is no
little known secrets. An arsenal of legal texts — changing day to day with
watching eye at ev-
ery street corner so the Hunchbacks’ bad moods — govern the conditions
under which theft and racketeering are

71 • Endocities
not really authorized, but more or less Street Preachers SITES AND SIGHTS
tolerated. When the police forces in- When they are not in the The Primal Ring’s meta-dump
tervene, they more often than not in- streets, haranguing the is a sight to be seen, even if it is a
voke Decree ZB23-6 before firing into crowds, these apocalyptic bit of a health hazard. Elsewhere,
the crowd. A rider still in force defines prophets and other revolu- the factories offer a most interest-
the status of the pimp-guardians — the tionary cult priests are found ing visit, especially since they con-
human prostitutes’ official pimps. And hanging out on the terraces tain all the equipment needed to in-
the Central Computer’s imprescriptible of Red Ring bars (where they spire guerrilla and other terrorist
Edict 001 lays down the conditions for recuperate from paleo- hang- attacks. But be warned: Techno-
the closure of levels by the cybo-cops overs and the effects of hal- Techno vigilance is high here.
and the random eradication of delin- lucinogenic drugs). Their
quent populations. Hearing a loud- SECURITY LEVEL AND
only “power” lies in convinc-
speaker blare “Pursuant to Edict SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS
ing a few citizens of their
001…” generally means you’ve only corrupt lives and their era’s Wherever the presence of unofficial
got a few more seconds to live. degradation. But if certain bio-intruders is no trouble, they are
sermons incite no more than simply ignored and even tolerated.
7 • THE PRIMAL RING However, the protected zones are
a general indifference, other
Immediately beneath the Red Ring more convincing ones set off guarded by force fields, automatic fir-
comes the Primal Ring. This industrial veritable riots. The preachers ing batteries, and psychopathic cybo-
ring, which stretches out over hundreds are closely watched by the cops who are not particularly good at
of kilometers in length and four kilo- cybo-cops, and frequently negotiating.
meters in height, is an infinite series of serve as scapegoats for urban RUMORS
production sites, warehousing, recy- incidents that are even pro-
cling and treatment plants, and purifi- Two main rumors take turns circu-
voked by the cybo-cops
cation and elimination sites. It is here lating around the lower rings. Some
that the planet’s natural treasures — the days, they say that the extermination
ore and energy resources that it con- of the Endocity’s population will be
tains — are collected, concentrated, and planned and orchestrated by the Pri-
transformed before being injected into the Endocity. It is mal Ring. Other days, they swear that terrorist troupes
also from the Primal Ring that the Techno-Technos’ main- will attack the ring and seize all the arms it contains to
tenance robots manage the gigantic Endocity distribution take the entire Endocity. And when some harmless epi-
network. This colossal maze — which covers each level demic hits the neighboring levels, they insist on an al-
of every ring in all directions — distributes air, water, and leged plan by the authorities to spread deadly diseases
light and transports all of the technical cables for the cli- throughout all the lower levels. But then again, maybe
mate-control system. Hundreds of millions of kilometers that’s not just gossip…
of ducts and pipes run throughout the planet’s belly, hid- SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES
den in the globe’s mass. However, quantities of other un- A constantly updated manufacturing schedule defines
accounted-for tunnels have been pierced, especially in the the Primal Ring’s production goals. Should the planning
lower levels. In addition to these facilities and infrastruc- departments think these goals cannot be met, law PROD
ture, the Primal Ring houses a water reservoir large enough 59-7 authorizes them to massively recruit all the man-
to hold an ocean and an enormous dump, bigger than the power they need from the Blue, Green, and Red Rings to
biggest of Endoguard vessels. get back on schedule. Paragraph 37-6 of this law also
ENVIRONMENT AND RESIDENTS provides for an adjustment of demand to supply (that is,
Despite the din of the machines and the cursed blast of the elimination of consumers who cannot be satisfied). It
their putrid breath, the Primal Ring is virtually a haven of goes without saying that any such extermination concerns
peace. They work conscientiously and meticulously in a only the inhabitants of the last six rings.
soft hiss of well-oiled movements, under the cool eye of 8 • THE SUB RING
the bio-operators high on SPV. From time to time, a long
fatigued sigh troubles this beautiful mechanical order. Nev- Next come the bowels of the Endocity, the unmention-
ertheless, bands of kids from the neighboring rings haunt able and forgotten — a place where very few inhabitants
the giant tips, hardened from pitting their wits against of the upper levels have ever gone. There is first the Sub
the vigilant reflexes of the surveillance robots. In the zones Ring, a layer of 50 levels laden with unaccounted for tun-
where the Techno-Techno rulers all too happily leave them nel-like galleries where the most miserable populations of
to their own devices, social misfits and dropouts from all the Endocity rot: the deprived, imported as they are from
levels claim scraps of abandoned technology and patch other worlds of agony, or the destitute that a swarming
them together for new uses. concentration of humanity naturally produces. But that’s
not all, because ten levels are strictly reserved for mu-
the mutant neigh-
tants, those pariahs among pariahs. The mu- borhood is sur-
Chapter 5 • 72
The Plight of the
tant quarter is a hermetically closed area, sinister rounded by a dra-
and lugubrious, where all light is forbidden. Access conian surveil-
Like all the mutants in the
is strictly controlled, but the Prez’s Hunchbacks and lance system, and
universe, those in the
the cybo-cops don’t consider it beneath themselves to those who at-
Endocities are victims of the
go down from time to time to expend some of their tempt to leave be-
destructive effects of technol-
aggressive energy. fore the age of 21
ogy. Namely, the pillage of
element K — human aware-
The Sub Ring, a land of social outcasts, dropouts, ness or the life force inher-
and mutants, is a foretaste of hell. Life here is far from RUMORS ent in humans — by the
easy. Supplies rarely arrive, and the standard installa- Techno-Techno machines,
Word has it that
tions and equipment are just heaps of teflo-concrete de- which makes them into a
the Endocity’s au-
livered and left as they are by the Techno-Techno ma- humanity hybrid. In the fu-
thorities plan to
chines. There may be loads of space, but these vast bare sion, they take on an animal
raise the level of
expanses where only a few landslides provide some relief characteristic and lose a part
the Acid Lake un-
are anything but welcoming. For the authorities, it’s as if of what made them full-
expectedly one
the Endocity ended at the Primal Ring. Everything after fledged humans.
day to drown all
that is irrelevant. The poor wretches who live here know the inhabitants of
they cannot count on handouts from the city. And when the Black Ring
they are stigmatized, as the mutants are, the problems and the Sub Ring.
attain an unimaginable level. Aside from the mutants, the
Sub Ring harbors all the Endocity’s rejects, those with SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES
nothing left to sell and no more strength to steal. Two main measures govern the lives of the mutants.
SITES AND SIGHTS Firstly, there is a total ban on light and color in the ten
levels of their neighborhood — by order of the Techno-
The totally run- Techno urb-ethnologists, who believe that it prevents
down Sub Ring mutants from yielding to their animal instincts. Secondly,
Water Reserves offers nothing of mutants are prohibited from leaving the GTO before the
Water that planets contain interest to the visi- age of 21. Anyone who does will be shot on sight by the
before their transformation tor, except maybe urban hunters. The law governing the urban hunters is
into an Endocity is given the mutant neigh- fairly flexible, and there are no repercussions for killing
over to the Ekonomat. In borhood — the an adult mutant.
exchange, the Ekonomat of- GTO on a portion
fers one of its exclusive se- of level 30 of the TYPICAL MUTANT
cret hydrogen-and-oxygen- city-shaft. Particu- This generic character can be used with the Metabarons
separation devices. A reser- larly perverse Roleplaying Game.
voir the size of an inland sea Aristos pay exor- Agility 3D+1: brawling 4D, melee combat 3D+2, run-
is coupled with the system. bitant prices for ning 4D+1. Knowledge 3D+2: streetwise 4D+2, survival
With a capacity equaling one the 20-odd tourist 4D+1, willpower 4D. Mechanical 2D. Perception 3D+2:
week’s consummation, it passes issued ev- hide 5D, sneak 4D+2. Strength 3D: climb/jump 3D+1,
serves as a reserve back-up ery year for this lift 3D+1. Technical 2D+1. Psionics 0D. Move 10. Char-
system. The water is neither neighborhood. acter Points 1. Equipment: Ragged clothes. Note: Indi-
purified nor recycled. After Suicidal and reck- vidual mutants may have special abilities, such as claws
use in the distribution sys- less explorers can (STR+1D) or sticky spit (victim gets +5 to all difficulties
tem, it is collected, then sepa- always try their when using affected limb or body part).
rated into hydrogen and oxy- luck without the
gen atoms. The impurities, pass, but no one
sediment, and other residue who has at- Finally, comes the Black Ring, the point of the Endocity’s
are automatically evacuated tempted it has conic shape, the last trace of the Techno-Techno interven-
into the Acid Lake. Even if ever come back. tion in the interior of the planet. With only ten levels spread
somewhere in its memory vertically over four kilometers of height, the Black Ring of-
banks the Central Computer fers the same vast spaces as the Golden Ring, but the decor
has a precise record of the is quite different. The lowest level, the tenth, forms the bank
distribution network, no hu- of Acid Lake. Far from being a holiday resort, this coast of
man being could possibly No measures desolation is nothing but a long shoreline of teflo-concrete
comprehend the extent or have been taken blocks eaten away by the lake’s ultracorrosive fumes. Sur-
entirety of this system. to ensure civil vival may seem impossible here. However, one comes across
peace in the Sub crowds of people: the psycho-anarchists, the worst of the
Ring. However, Endocity’s mobs, the most extreme sects, completely pro-
hibited secret societies, and tons of bored

73 • Endocities
desperados ready and willing to explode The Urban
the planet in order to forget the tedium Terrorists Of all the rumors in the
of their existence. Everywhere where author- Endocity, those about the Black
Managing such a group as revealed ity and discipline are lauded Ring are the worst: They are can-
here may seem complicated, but the as virtues, protest and anar- nibals, they breed creatures from
Techno-Technos dispose of weapons that chy come into being, as do hell, they have made a pact with the
constitute a considerable power and aid. so many other natural underground forces, and so on. It is
The Central Computer is instanta- counter-currents, and are also said that they guard the entrance
neously informed of anything brewing thus anticipated by the to a fabulous secret world where
or being plotted in the lower level areas Techno-Technos. The urban mind-boggling treasures lie. But no-
and can immediately dispatch one of the terrorists are rarely isolated body has ever managed to find out if
many intervention forces at its service and generally act within the this is true.
— Hunchbacks, cybo-cops, or numerous small anarchist SPECIAL LAWS AND DECREES
Endoguards — to quickly restore order. groups found in the
But there are still other advantages, Only two laws apply here: the law of
Endocities. In abandoned
in particular the Necro-Dream. In fact, the jungle, and the law of the strongest.
warehouses, they secretly
as the Endocity is a perfectly enclosed
space, it is the ideal place to implement
gather to stir up assassi-na- THE ACID LAKE
tion attempts and prepare
the subtle stratagem of subser-vience, for rioting. If rebellion is a The Acid Lake is a huge swampy res-
which maintains the general population necessity for some, for oth- ervoir with greenish fluorescent waves
in a contented state of dumbstruck bliss. ers it is just a form of dis- as caustic as snake urine. It is created
In addition to the Necro-Dream, the traction and amusement. during the construction of an Endocity
mind of the masses is well occupied by These grassroots terrorists go to receive all the waste from the ma-
the omnipresent drug culture, the to great lengths to add some chines building the cities. The organic
hypertele, suicides, riots, terrorist acts, animation to the streets. remains of the living organisms ab-
and accidents caused by the psycho- However, these urban terror- sorbed by the machines — humanoids,
anarchists — all perfectly mastered and ists should not be confused fauna, flora, etc. — are also tipped into
orchestrated by the Magnus Dei hench- with Amok crimi-nals, who the lake. Once a city-shaft has been
men — which further encourages the don’t even have the decency completed, no one — not even the
masses to stay huddled together, snug- and manners to warn the 3D Techno-urbanists — knows where its
gling in their mutual stupor. hypertele when they plant a toxic flow goes. This creates a great
Thanks to the Church of the Indus- bomb! deal of gossip and conjecture. However,
trial Saints, the Necro-Dream is spread- one thing’s for sure, they seep down
ing, and the Tenebrae’s opaque shroud slowly and form a liquid core at the
is slowly masking the conscious of liv- center of the planet — a highly dan-
ing beings. gerous and volatile concentrate.
The Black Ring is an asylum of misery and desolation, Below the Black Ring, on the very edge of the Acid
a vast closed, arid space where the Endocity’s waste ar- Lake, legend has it that there is a race of “garbage people,”
rives en masse and the city-shaft’s most wretched subsist the remnants of the people who lived on the planet before
in conditions closer to barbarity than civilization. On this the Techno-Technos claimed it. Only the lowest denizens
fertile compost heap, violence and resentment flourish. of the Black Ring might have seen this lost race. Even if
The upper levels couldn’t care less about their fate; they’d you could ask them, you’d never know whether they were
rather see them all dead. lying.
In addition to the psycho-anarchists, different rebel clans
have set up base here. They have dug new galleries where This generic character can be used with the Metabarons
they have set up a confusion of camps built from all sorts Roleplaying Game for any adult human living below the
of salvaged materials. The Aristos would find the place Silver Ring. A lucky few might have a couple of kublars,
great fun for an evening, but life on the shores of the Acid but those will be spent as fast as possible on drugs, enter-
Lake gets more hideous every day. tainment, or food (in that order).
Agility 2D: brawling 2D+2, dodge 2D+2, running 3D.
Knowledge 2D: streetwise 3D, security regulations 2D+1,
The Techno-Techno authorities do not think it worth- survival 3D. Mechanical 2D. Perception 2D: bargain
while to install any surveillance in the Black Ring. How- 2D+2, con 2D+1, gaming 3D+1. Strength 2D. Technical
ever, all the rebel factions who have set up base here mount 2D. Psionics 0D. Move 10. Character Points 0. Equip-
a guard 24 hours a day. They rightly fear a fatal raid by the ment: Clothes.
surface forces and live in a permanent state of emergency.
“Pssst… More than 30,000 years to come to this… multitude of passageways leading toward distant zones and
What sadness! I can’t even find the words to tell you galaxies. As space is curved, these wormholes constitute
how I feel. And yet! And yet all the same, everything shortcuts between points which are extremely distant from
could have been so different… no lies, no treason. If one another if one follows the outlines of the curve, but
only man had not forgotten… near if one cuts across the curve. The universe preserved
“Allow me to reveal certain secrets and share my re- some of these passageways which had been naturally formed
grets. For never again, in perhaps all of eternity, will an during its creation. But humans, and particularly the adher-
intelligent being have the chance to hold such richness ents of the Church of the Industrial Saints, constructed phe-
in his hands, and have within his reach a power equal to nomenal quantities of manmade passageways. These fan-
that of the gods. Because the universe is an almost inex- tastic communication routes facilitate exploration of the
haustible source of kindness, and if man had had the wis- most remote zones, allowing the Empire to establish its he-
dom to make good use of it, he could have spent all of gemony over billions of galaxies.
eternity wandering in a continually replenished Eden. From a technical standpoint, it would seem that the
Imagine if only for a moment, the colossal quantities of Techno-Techno formula consists in making an antimatter
energy, the endlessly infinite space….” containment field that traps, sets, and launches the anti-
–John D. matter toward a specific destination. At the very moment
of its creation, this atypical polarization collapses inward,
much like a black hole whose mass has become too dense,
THE MAJOR EQUILIBRIA opening a passage into the intersidereal vacuum. The
Considered from a global point of view, the universe is Techno-Technos’ genius lies in their ability to successfully
a mass of indistinct and vague contours. It is finite, but it fix this highly unstable state without bringing on cata-
has no boundaries. Its aspect is slightly helicoidal, no doubt clysmic side effects. Once open, the tunnel — a long cor-
attributable to its original expansion in a tremendous pri- ridor of positive void cutting across the negative void —
meval whirlwind, but it reveals on a macro-scale a gen- knows no variations in its state or form. The only way to
eral form that could be qualified as parallelepipedal. In enter or exit is through the end points. The entire length
short, the universe may be thought of as a brick, more or of the tunnel is protected by a polarized sheath, which no
less a cobblestone suspended in the void. physical element, not even the smallest particle of matter,
The universe’s mass is neither homogenous nor dense. It can penetrate.
is not either one because the universe is studded with “worm- For the time being, the Techno-Technos monopolize the
holes” — tunnels made of exogenous matter, which form a tunnel construction industry, but it cannot be ruled out
that other powerful groups also master the keys to this
technology. Officially, these great highways of intergalac- Number two, electromagnetic interaction, is

75 • The Universe
tic communication are under the joint control of the the force which links electrons to the atom’s nucleus.
Church of the Industrial Saints and the Endoguard. In Number three, strong interaction, is the force that
fact, guarding the tunnels is quite simple, as it suffices to assures the cohesion of the atom’s nucleus.
supervise the entrance and exit points, which are gener- Number four is weak interaction, which despite its
ally located in proximity to major star systems and galax- name happens to be the force accountable for, among
ies. The tunnels shorten the distance between extremely other things, the disintegration of certain particles. For
distant galaxies in the universe, but it is still often neces- those who are interested, this last case would other-
sary to continue one’s voyage in hyperspace within the wise be known as radioactivity.
same galaxy to arrive at one’s destination. Number five, psycho-magnetic interaction, is the at-
All in all, the universe contains billions of distinct and traction-repulsion force, which displaces celestial bod-
separate galaxies floating in space, which is made up of ies with respect to one another, as a function of the emo-
dust, various gases, atomic particles, and other bizarre tional vibrations they emit.
things. To give you an idea of its excessive size, take the Number six, cerebro-fluid interaction, is the force with
example of Terra Prima’s solar system in the Milky Way which a system’s intelligence acts on the major flux.
galaxy. Supposing that the distance between Terra Prima Finally, number seven, cosmo-carnal interaction, is the
and its sun represents a micron, one thousandth of a mil- great force that permanently places universal elements of
limeter. The diameter of the Milky Way would then be the male principle in rotation around elements associated
6.3 kilometers, the distance between Andromeda and Terra with the female principle. At times, the universe records a
Prima would be 126.6 kilometers, the Paleo-Virgo star cosmo-carnal activity peak. These huge orgasmic convul-
cluster would be at 2,278.8 kilometers, the Big Dipper sions generally end with a paroxysmal contraction, im-
star cluster at 106,344 kilometers, and the probable lim- mediately followed by an overall release, that is some-
its of the universe at 759,600 kilometers. times called a galactic rut, or in lay terms, galactic heat.
The universe is a wild place, untamed and unpre- These principles have been authenticated and proven
dictable. Obviously, it does obey a certain number of laws. to be true more or less everywhere in the Human Uni-
First of all, there are of course the seven great physical verse. But as the universe is a rather unfathomable, froth-
forces or fundamental interactions known since time im- ing maelstrom, there inevitably exist still other unknown
memorial of paleo-history. forces. Moreover, signs of these forces are often percep-
Number one, gravitational interaction, commonly tible in the galactic infinity and particularly when one ap-
known as gravity, is the attractive force carried out be- proaches the extreme limits or when one has just brushed
tween all particles in the universe. up against the universal borders.
Chapter 6 • 76 a scorching hot universe. Similarly, in front of the
Mardador door, guarded by Ganjez, the universe is light
THE BORDERS OF THE EMPIRE and flowing, but as soon as one crosses the threshold,
AND BEYOND one penetrates into a dimension where everything is infi-
At the Empire’s borders, with its howling wild winds nitely compact, presenting an extraordinary density.
and raging acid rains, the universe is not a friendly Just as suspended molecules search out one another and
place. This obscure and ethereal frontier marks the end gather together according to their own alchemy, the uni-
of the world as conceived by our intelligence. Bewil- verses group together as a function of attraction-repul-
deringly barbaric conditions and colossal atmospheric sion factors, generating polarity. It is perhaps a coinci-
pressure prevent humans from surviving in this zone. dence of creation that associated the Human Universe with
Moreover, certain paleo-erudite scholars, have estimated only six others, but could this number have been another?
from some archaic vestiges that the Empire’s borders It should be known that at this time the phenomenon of
could very well be the mythical Hell. universes regrouping is not well known. We do not know
The borders mark a line that has never been crossed. how many other universes are amalgamated amongst
However, what is behind is no longer entirely the un- themselves in a similar fashion. Moreover, nothing refutes
known. Today we do know what can be found there. But the existence of an infinite number of parallel universes.
it remains that the physical crossing of the borders is still Nevertheless, a certain number of constants may be ob-
an absolute impossibility. For your information, below i served: The border of each universe is in every way impass-
a never-before-seen document. It is not recent, as it is more able. There is always a door between two universes, and
than 20,000 standard years old, but it is enlightening. It the realities, physical and other, of each side of the thresh-
illustrates well what a confrontation with the definitive old are systematically diametrically opposed. The doors
extreme can represent. existence is a jealously guarded secret, known only by a
There has to be something there, in the beyond. There minute number of initiates. Rare are those who have had
had been the galacto-barbarian invasions and other in- the privilege to cross the threshold. All the more so because
cursions from exogenous aliens. The borders couldn’t be the doors are placed under the care of an extremely vigilant
this ultimate extremity that limits reality. But then what custodian, generally a being of sublime essence. These cus-
could be there? Do the frontiers have to be a limit, or todians have a material reality in each of the two universes,
could they be a threshold? linked by the door they guard. They are mortal but possess
Incidentally, it turned out that beyond the borders, there powers and aptitudes exceeding the customary limits of the
are other universes. In fact, due to an independent and mortal condition. Furthermore, a specific property is asso-
capricious cosmic logic, the finite and autonomous uni- ciated with each door, capable of radically transforming the
verses are drawing nearer to one another, assembling them- physical equilibrium of the universe. The custodians are the
selves to form an alveolar structure of an inconceivable keepers of these very secrets.
dimension on the human scale. the Human Universe is In the Human Universe, the six secret doors that indi-
not alone, and there exists an infinite number of parallel cate the passage into other universes, those which only
universes, where what is truth here, is nothing more than madmen dare dream of crossing the threshold, are respec-
a memory there, and a simple probability elsewhere. tively Mardador, Temper-Ut, Lucioh, Per-Beod, Chonch,
All of these universes, stuck one to the other, stacked and Puerko.
up like a wall of bricks, are not like Mardador is the door that was, un-
watertight cells living side by side in til most recently, guarded by the bird
extreme ignorance. They know one an- Ganjez. This door leads from the dense
The Known border edges to a light universe, and
other, see each other, keep up relations, Universe
and above all communicate. Remem- the mastery of gravity is the secret as-
What we call the “known” sociated with it.
ber that in 13612, the first contacts limits of the universe are
were established with neighboring par- Temper-Ut leads from the hot bor-
fixed by the Fringe, this gi- der edges to the freezing limits. This
allel universes, and in 13637, the Hu- gantic ethereal beltway that
man Universe officially joined the Con- door is guarded by Uakl, a tortoise
determines the Empire’s made of mercury, who has the secret
federation of Parallel Universes. Thus, frontiers. Thus, the space and
there exists a point of access. And if to modifying temperatures.
worlds comprised within the Guarded by Ophidat, a reptilian en-
the borders are perfectly impassable, interior of this line is desig-
there exist nevertheless doors, allowing tity with white and black scales and
nated as the “Endofringe,” keeper of the secret to darkness and
the passage from one universe to an- while the “Exofringe” con-
other. light, Lucioh is the door that leads from
sists of all that stretches out darkness to light. As everyone knows,
There are six doors in all. Each one beyond this frontier. It is im-
opens into a universe which is the ex- the Church of the Industrial Saints has
portant to note that the a special affinity with this door and its
act opposite of the one just left behind. Fringe itself is very wide…
For example, at the borders where an custodian.
several hundred light years. Per-Beod is the door which leads from
atrocious cold reigns, the Temper-Ut
door, whose guardian is Uakl, leads to the dry universe to another that is liq-
uid. Its guardian, Bemb, holds the key
to the absolute source, the secret of mas- “(…) No, my dear col-

77 • The Universe
The Children of
tering water. It seems that one day Bemb, leagues, in truth I tell you, the
the Void
for one reason or another, made an central brain isn’t shooting dice…
Accustomed to the endless
agreement with the Ekonomat, which much worse! The central brain is
discovery of creatures one
unifies them in a pact. playing liar’s poker with the devil,
more surprising than the
Chonch, the door that opens up and has bet the entire universe on a
next on the planets of worlds
from a rough and rugged universe to a miserable two-of-a-kind poker
still unknown, humans have
smooth universe, is guarded by Ruante, hand.”
also had to adapt to the veri-
who possesses the ability to modify the —Excerpts from the speech given
table inhabitants of space.
geographical relief of worlds at will. before the Galactic Mentreks Univer-
In the manner of an im-
His power is held by an object, a little sities’ Conference, by the Mentrek
measurable sea, it harbors an
brush in orikarb. Girasol, originator of the Meta-Chaos
unsuspected life and activity.
Finally, Podrih-Do, the custodian Theory, in the Terra Prima standard
At the furthest point of the
able to act upon the tiniest molecular year of 27258.
borders, where one can just
level, mastering aroma chemistry,
make out the contours of the
watches over Puerko, the door through In spite of the nebulous aspects of
stellar ice floe, some explor-
which one leaves the foul-smelling bor- this mystery, one statment is clear: The
ers observed whales, sharks
der edges to emerge into a perfumed universe is a vast chaotic expanse where
and cetaceans, who resemble
universe. “complexity” takes on its full meaning
the very one who gave the
So there are the palpable and tan- in every sense of the word. And in this
Shabda-Oud such an impres-
gible aspects of the Human Universe bubbling magma hides the interworld,
sive army of cetacyborgs. It
and those bordering it. There is one an inaccessible dimension, beyond
has also been documented
more point to broach: The universes physical reality as known to humans,
that the use of Tri-H bombs
are cosmo-eaters and are perpetually and therefore beyond matter as we con-
and ammunition opened up
in competition with one another. Equi- ceive and perceive it. Although invis-
breaches so deep into space
librium among the universes is noth- ible, this patch of the universe is never-
that creatures coming from
ing but a state of instability, the bal- theless a fundamental component of its
the interworld could at times
ance of their expansionist forces. Cer- texture. “A thin, perfectly smooth-sur-
manifest themselves, assail-
tain of these realities will never be ac- faced leaf,” remark the Mentrek
ing those responsible for
cessible but for those extraordinary Girasol, “contains more surprises than
these disruptions in the
beings, who know how to go beyond any spirit of which even the most sav-
void’s equilibrium.
themselves, pushing their limits in or- age and untamed of paleo-poets could
der to force their way to accessing these ever have conceived.”
dimensions. But the reality of the uni- Now let’s get into the details. Mat-
verse, ours and all the others, doesn’t ter is answered with anti-matter, and
stop at the tangible. In fact, there exist alternative truths the cohesion of the heterogeneous universe depends upon
from other more subtle and better hidden dimensions, or the balance between these two fundamental elements. An
in a word, less perceptible. accident, a cataclysm, or the flapping of a butterfly’s wings
can alter the alchemy’s harmony, opening a gap toward
GAME NOTE the interworld, “the mythical past-beyond,” the essential
If you are playing the Metabarons Roleplaying Game, fabric of the Human Universe. This dimension of chaos
you can use the fringes of the Human Universe as excel- and beauty houses scenes of splendor and dread to which
lent places to humble even the cockiest of mortals. no soul would know how to resist: the chaotic Amber
Zone, from which perhaps came life, seeing that harmony
THE INTERWORLD is born of disorder. Then beyond the labyrinthine pas-
In order to give you a more precise idea of the universe’s sages, the original dimension, as so aptly put by Girasol:
ethereal mysteries, here are the words of a specialist: “a dimension of pure beauty and eternal calm, where on
their own, the living lights undulate, shiver, radiate, glis-
“(…) Because the universe, my dear colleagues, isn’t ten, shine forth, phosphor, sparkle, and glitter, such are
like a good old blueberry muffin fresh out of the oven, these jewels large as galaxies.” And further still, further
where the clouds of gas and dust are the dough, and the than any distance ever traveled is the Omphal, “the first
blueberries are masses scattered here and there — plan- and last spot, the secret navel where all is created, and all
ets, galaxies, and black holes. (…) Whether it be pastry is consumed.”
or shortbread, the dough will never resemble the wonder- What is learned from these revelations? In fact, the es-
ful complexity of the universe’s texture, the magical co- sential idea is that somewhere there exists the ultimate
existence of the sublime mysteries and physical energy point of matter’s existence. It is the mythical Omphal, the
that permits a single, particle of dust to have a greater point of origin of the big bang. At the origin of the world
force than the sum of the cores of all the suns combined. and all things, the totality of colossal quantities of infi-
(…) nite and unimaginable energy, which goes through creat-
Chapter 6 • 78 ing and shaping means of voyage in space. The first allow travel to phe-
the universe, was contained in a miniscule point, nomenal distances, barely imaginable, between galaxies,
a tiny black sphere, shiny like a pupil: the eye cre- sometimes thousands of light years away from one an-
ator, the one who gives birth to all worlds. This point, other; and the second is the route taken by vessels within
the first and the last, buried within the deepest fabric a system or galaxy of small dimension, or when vessels
of the universe, from which one day appeared all that travel within zones which are not served by intersidereal
exists, could also sound the end of all existence. tunnels. Perfectly mastered today, hyperspace no longer
Actually, what would come to pass if the eye creator presents any danger, just a few inconveniences. For ex-
came to close up again? If an ultrapowerful and heroic ample, the length of hyperspace voyages is wasted time
madman came to brave one thousand dangers in order consecrated to nothing else but an artificially deep sleep.
to pierce the iris of the first eye? This means of travel is therefore not recommended for
Effectively, the question is asked, but rare are those long distances where one could easily see a standard year
who have dared venture to the other side. Only two rep- pass by in vain. However, hyperspace can present an un-
resentatives of the august line of Metawarriors, the Met- deniable interest to those persons who find themselves in
abaron Aghnar and the Metabaron Steelhead, are known a delicate situation with the authorities, or pursued by a
to have ever crossed this boundary. Because the interworld pack of pirate ships, because in theory, it is technically
is protected. At its breast are nurtured creatures more impossible to follow the trace of a vessel immersed in hy-
dreadful than famished ghouls, more monstrous than de- perspace.
praved nosferastriges, more deadly than the most power- But there exists yet another way to travel, through an-
ful of fish. In particular, strange vampires haunt this zone, other dimension of space. A secret and dangerous course,
mind-eaters who scoff at the most resistant of white almost unknown and certainly fantastic, solely accessible
Netranekkon reinforcements and who gorge on the to representatives of the Metabaron cast: the interspace.
mouth-watering cephalic mass bedded in human skulls. Launched at full engine power, the Metacraft slices
Thus, there is little risk that a mortal dare go defy the through anti-matter, the negative counterpart of matter,
Omphal. But one never knows… and penetrates the interspace. In this mysterious zone,
unknown to the rest of humans, the Metacraft can in a
HYPERSPACE AND INTERSPACE few standard seconds traverse thousands of light years
Mastering hyperspace had been the initial key to the and pass from the Trogosocialik system to the Techno-
conquest of Terra Prima’s galaxy. Hyperspace is an un- Technos’ Central Planet. A trip that would take a normal
stable state of the intersidereal void, in which all bodies vessel several weeks in hyperspace,only lasts a heart beat
launched faster than the speed of light enter. It has al- for the Metacraft. In a single leap, an infinitesimal frac-
ready been a long time, more than 27,000 years, since tion on the scale of the universe, almost as if gifted with
humans mastered their traveling speed in space and left ubiquity, it can spring up at any point in space, scoffing
to conquer this exquisitely mortal new at protection shields, supraradar, and electrospies. This
frontier. The universe was finally unique ability imparts a formidable
stretching out its arms to them. It is the power to the Metacraft, which com-
discovery of the instant fusion-contrac- Organizing the pletely erases the hopes of impregna-
tion-dilation of principle matter that of- Worlds bility to any so-called unassailable
fered this immeasurable power, able to In a universe too vast for fortress.
propel them into the supraluminous it to be possible for anyone To explain how the Metabaron
dimension. But the mastery of this to claim having explored all proceeds into interspace, here is the
power was a long, treacherous road its most infinite parts, habit- first of many secrets concerning the
scattered with traps boundless dangers. able planets and worlds are Metacraft. The Metabaron’s fantastic
At the time of the very first attempts, a organized into a hierarchy vessel is not only a magnificently slen-
number of vessels, exiting a jump, ma- based on travel time, rather der and ultra powerfully armed instru-
terialized within the interior of planets than according to their true ment of death. It is much more than
or stars, exploding instantaneously. But importance. Worlds at the that. The craft is an integral part of
time has gone by and now entire zones Exofringes have the particu- the Castaka’s soul, the feminine alter-
of the universe, faraway galaxies and larity of being situated be- ego of Ganjez, the spirit of Marmola.
constellations, have been mapped, and yond the Empire’s limits, just Just as at the moment of his death,
today the hyperspace highways are like the border worlds, but the male bird, guardian of epiphyte,
taken without risk. Furthermore, even the existence of some doors merged into the soul of the first Met-
better quality soundings, elaborated in beyond the Imperial fron- abaron, the female bird, condemned
the Techno-Technos’ secret laboratory- tiers equally create a notion to unbearable solitude, united with
factories, allow the identification of exit of major and minor worlds the Metacraft. Thus this unique com-
access point areas. of the Exofringe. bat vessel’s absolutely stupefying
Along with the intersidereal tunnels, powers came in great part from this
hyperspace is today one of the principle unification.
What is interspace? In fact, it is de-
At this galaxy’s periphery,

79 • The Universe
void of matter, a state beyond matter Flotsam and
or anti-matter, the ultimate form of a small star — the sun — sends
Jetsam Collectors
nothingness, which is much like being its heat and light to Terra Prima.
The successive wars and
behind the scenes of reality. Time and In total, nine planets and their satel-
expeditions in space have not
space are obliterated, and nothing can lites, some thousands of asteroids
only contributed to the dis-
exist. That is, nothing except one’s con- and several hundreds of comets form
covery of new horizons, but
scious, which is the only medium ca- Terra Prima’s solar system, which is
also have generated some
pable of maintaining a being’s cohe- just one of numerous systems com-
surprising activities. Just as
sion. Vested with an immeasurable posed around a good part of the 200
the seas have their pirates, in
strength drawn from the deepest of billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
space there exist wreckage
primal sexual energies, combined with Further out, the universe houses
collectors. Not just satisfied
the seventh fundamental force — the other galaxies by the billions, a
with plundering the car-
cosmo-carnal interaction — the Meta- myriad of stars and planets in unimag-
casses of drifting vessels, they
baron and the Metacraft are capable inable quantities. The galaxies are so
voluntarily provoke damages
of crystallizing the essence of their con- numerous that they organize them-
and breakdowns, before
sciousness. At the entrance to inter- selves in clusters. And then in clusters
melting down the cabin in
space, their material reality dissolves, of clusters. And then in super-clusters.
order to seize the material
but its memory is preserved in a nucleus Set in equilibrium in the void, their ar-
and spare parts. For those
of superior strength. The given exer- rangement reminds one of cellulose
who get near them, they give
tion is colossal, and only their super- molecules found in plant tissue. On oc-
off a smell that evokes rusted
human willpower allows them to sus- casion, the clusters even regroup into
metal. Considered as the
tain it. An infinite fraction of standard hyperclusters, whose weight is such
worst riddle of the universe,
time later, which represents an eternity that they attract entire galaxies. Whirl-
the pirates have counted in
in Gehenna to them, their materializa- winds form, and the universe becomes
their ranks the illustrious
tion is restored at the targeted point of agitated, shaking about. Head-on col-
Othon, who debuted his ca-
arrival. lisions take place creating “cosmic tsu-
reer with them before being
That’s how the Metabaron frees him- namis,” which spread in the universe
snatched up into the whirl-
self from the constraints of time and at the speed of 320,000 kilometers per
wind of his destiny with the
space, and fulfills the quasi-divine hour and give birth to billions of stars.
dream of ubiquity. It is in this perpetually agitated stel-
lar confusion that the Human Empire,
TUNNELS AND WORLDS originally set off from Terra Prima,
Since the invention of the Techno-Tunnels, worlds are pursues its expansion. Today, the cen-
differentiated based on their location:the “major” worlds sus of the universe shows 22,000 major worlds, of which
— situated at less than five hours by hyper-spatial jump almost half are Endocities — the famous planets
from a Tunnel door; the “minor” worlds — accessible in terraformed with care by the Magnarmada Techno-Ama-
less than five days after a jump; and the “faraway” worlds zona vessels. Concretely, all these major worlds are just
— situated at more than five days from a hyperspatial as well-isolated planets as complete systems or even gal-
exit point. axies. Everything depends upon the particular configura-
tion of the concerned spatial zone. In any case, these worlds
THE HUMAN AND ALIEN GALAXIES are exceptionally distant from one another, are profoundly
different from each other (with the exception of the
The universe is certainly finite, but as far as they’ve
Endocities, which instead have the tendency to resemble
traveled, humans still haven’t seen it all. The Milky Way
one another), and are governed by laws, customs, habits,
alone, Terra Prima’s galaxy, is an enormous disc of stars
and extremely varied authorities, even if they have all been
100,000 light years in diameter and 3,000 light years in
inspired, specified, or nominated by the Empire.
depth, containing some 200 billion stars floating in inter-
The next chapter covers a sampling of planets and
stellar matter made up of dust and plasma. Its central bulb,
worlds over which the Emperoress, Janus-Jana, extends
18 million light years in diameter, is completed by four
His-Her authority. Some will already be familiar, but oth-
spiral arms. This sidereal space harbors no more than two
ers will surely seem much more exotic.
black holes.
Besides the few quickly presented planets in this chap- Population: 65 million inhabitants
ter, the universe contains billions of other worlds, in Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 15dt
astronomical quantities, quasi-infinite numbers of ce- Spaceport: Stellar class
lestial bodies, stars, and mysteries. Freed from the stel- Technology: Space
lar ice floes, ice asteroids roam thus in the sidereal void, Terrain: Barren stretches, mountains, a fertile valley
wherever the stellar winds take them. Furthermore, Type: Terrestrial
human races in myriads, mutants, and extraterrestrials Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s galaxy
who populate the universe never stopped fashioning Constellation: Piedra
their world and constructing new ones. There is also Dreer, Star System: Philidor, situated at the periphery of one
Summit, Aquaend, Alix III Badmech, Barnab Laylin, Del of the galaxy’s spiral arms.
Rey III, and still many other worlds, not to mention the Physical Characteristics: Third planet in the Philidor
orbiting stations. In this way, terraformed planets came system, with a diameter of 158,000 kilometers, Marmola
into being everywhere humans went, and strings of artifi- completes a single revolution on its axis in slightly under
cial satellites have been scattered. 22 standard hours, and completes its orbit in 412 stan-
But the Universe also conceals incomprehensible traps dard days. Its rotation axis lies off center at 15°23' with
that are still beyond comprehension. This explains the respect to an ecliptic plane, which allows the phenom-
“No Return Pass,” a bottleneck alley where inevitably enon of seasons to be known. Marmola’s sole fertile val-
lost crafts founder. These narrows would be, it is said, the ley is located in the temperate zone. There are cold and
mythic hideout of the “arachno-bats,” improbable crea- hot seasons, separated by two short intermediary peri-
tures the size of a very small planet or a large asteroid. ods. Considering the particular properties of its core, its
These creatures apparently live in the sidereal void, and gravity represents 0.9568 times that of Terra Prima’s, de-
survive thanks to the photonic radiation harnessed by their spite the difference in mass. Its relatively even land sur-
gigantic wings, comparable to stellar sails. To make things face is traversed by two vast, north-south oriented moun-
a bit more appetizing, they spin webs between their mother tain chains, reaching 15,000 meters at its highest point.
planet and its five satellites, where imprudent ships and Rich in oxygen, its atmosphere shows traces of nitrogen,
vessels come and get trapped. carbon dioxide, and other various gases.
And that is the setting of this universe Hyperspatial Approach Vector Co-
— a magnificet backdrop, where even ordinates: 55xyz33
the glacial cold of the infinite void con- Satellites: Marmola does not have
ceals a certain poetry. The proud marble any satellites.
ball — whose variegated re- Flora and Fauna: Excepting a
OVERVIEW NOTE flections softly colored the miniscule valley bathed by a slender
In the “Proximity to a Techno-Tun- entirety of the Philidor sys- stream, the surface of Marmola is com-
nel” section of each planet’s overview tem — is now nothing more pletely arid. A meager vegetation
chart, the value indicates time expressed than a scraggy stump grows in the valley where some rare
in days (d) or hours (h) necessary to gnawed to the bone. animal species also live. History tells
reach an interstellar (t) or an interga- Marmola’s splendid light no us that formerly a great bird lived
lactic (T) Techno-Tunnel. longer shines under its orbit- there, spreading its enormous wings to
ing space stations. It’s only hover above for great lengths of time.
MARMOLA fertile valley has long since Marmola is a gigantic globe of
Aliens: None been filled in with stones and marble. Despite the presence of an at-
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) other rocky ejections. mosphere, life is extremely difficult on
Category: Distant World The Imperial technicians its arid surface. There is only one
Climate: Temperate have been forced to live in miniscule fertile valley in which all of
Day Length: 22 standard hours space — a consequence of the rare human inhabitants were
Year Length: 412 local days the meticulous carving up of settled.
Government: Imperial governor the planet. As the epiphyte Marmola draws it sustenance from
Gravity: Standard was pumped out, Marmola its earth, which is extracted in order
Hydrosphere: Dry shriveled up, completely as- to pave the Empire’s palace floors and
Major Exports: Ephiphyte and pirated from the inside. walls.
mined products (marble) Overexploitation was the The heart of the stone sphere harbors
Major Imports: Technological cause of a slow, agonizing a treasure — epyphite, the sacred blood
Equipment death to this otherwise leg- of the marble planet which became the
Planet’s Function: Vast industrial endary world…. greatest treasure of the Empire and was
and research center the object of a bitter battle.
Today, Marmola is covered in Impe-
Satellites: Golden Planet

81 • Worlds
rial extraction installations, designed to “Emergency! The re-
remove marble and the precious (and has ten satellites, one natural
bellion is spreading! Repeat:
rapidly depleting) epyphite. and nine artificial, on which de-
Rebellion is spreading. Riot-
Population: From time immemorial, fense systems are installed
ing has taken over three ad-
the Cataska clan lived on this planet to (polyradars, quantum sensors, pho-
ditional cities. All communi-
which they were bound by the power- tonic shields). Their position in
cations with the Techno-
ful yet subtle link of a magic essence. space assures perfect coverage of
Technos’ tropical systems
The head of the clan’s soul has been Golden Planet’s entire surface. The
servo-relay have been inter-
inhabited by the keeper’s spirit, Ganjez, small natural satellite has been re-
rupted — but a live direct
since the days of Dayal von Castaka, developed into a vacation and recre-
transmission to the hypertele
the founder of the glorious line. ational resort, where grand celebra-
transmitters has been local-
tions and other social events are or-
ized… transmitting out to
GOLDEN PLANET 22,000 major worlds of the
ganized. It now provides a habitat for
synthetic flora and fauna, colored uni-
Aliens: None Empire!” — Imperial com-
formly in the crimson-purple palette,
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) munication, code alert
from vivid magenta to deep eggplant
pure oxygen
Category: Major World
Flora and Fauna: Only two types of
Climate: Temperate
animal and plant life were encountered
Day Length: 25 standard hours
on the first human expedition to Golden Planet and solely
Year Length: 213 local days
in the equatorial zone: enormous trees with wide palm
Government: Emperoress and the Imperial government
leaves, veined in gold, and jumping insects equipped with
Gravity: Standard
extremely powerful hind feet capable of making tremen-
Hydrosphere: Dry
dous leaps (10,780 times their height). At death, these
Major Exports: Galactic bureaucracy
plants and animals do not undergo the biodegradation
Major Imports: Luxury products, foodstuffs, high-tech-
process, as do most types of bacteria. Instead, they dry up
nology products
to the point of becoming a pure gold skeletal residue,
Planet’s Function: Capital of the Human Empire
which then integrates itself into the ground.
Population: 5 million inhabitants
Since the Empire’s settling into this world, Amorine is
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 1ht
found in the gardens and balconies of the highest leaders’
Spaceport: Ist Class and first in the Imperial Class
residences. The Amourine flower, which feeds on the
Technology: Space
planet’s gold, grows in abundance. But nobody takes care
Terrain: Pure Gold
of the Amourine, because the flower is taboo, and no hand
Type: Terrestrial
subject to Imperial will would commit the sacrilege of
Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s galaxy
touching it, even with a gentle caress. Consequently, the
Constellation: Alba
Amourine flowers, needlessly in bloom on the balconies
Star System: Oro
of the Empire’s nobility, become sad, and at nightfall, a
Physical Characteristics: The Golden Planet is the most
muted lament rustles throughout the streets and alleys of
voluminous of the three planets (Beacon Planet and For-
Golden Planet.
bidden Planet are the two others) that make up the tiny
Population: Originally, Golden Planet had no endog-
Oro system. Originally the planet was octagonal, but it
enous population of any human type. Today this planet is
was remodeled by the Empire. At a distance of 153.7 mil-
the political, military, and religious seat of the Empire,
lion kilometers from its sun, the star Alba, it follows a
and its population reaches five billion individuals. The
very eccentric orbit, in 213 standard days, strongly tilted
demographics are stable, births compensating deaths, and
at 10° on the ecliptic plane. Despite physical conditions
immigration is under excessive control. Besides the Impe-
that are in theory favorable to life (presence of a thin at-
rial Court, the Golden Planet equally welcomes official
mospheric layer), there existed practically no animal or
representatives from parallel universes, and it is in the
vege-table life at humanity’s arrival on Golden Planet,
offices of the Confederation of Parallel Universes that the
without a doubt due to the considerable differences in
polyuniversal teleconferences are televised.
temperature at its surface. Its diameter (47,230 kilome-
Additional Information: After the discovery of Golden
ters) and its gravity are comparable to Terra Prima’s. An
Planet and its riches, a short period of trouble abounded
equatorial plane, 300 kilometers wide, enjoys the privi-
in this area of the cosmos, until the Empire decided to
lege of an optimal exposition to the solar rays. Its natural
settle here and make the planet its headquarters. The en-
relief is barely pronounced. A comparatively dense water
tire surface had been leveled, with the exception of hill-
network is concentrated in the equatorial zone. The
ocks and mounds situated at the highest point of the equa-
planet’s metallic core is a colossal mass of pure gold. Rich
torial plane (situated precisely on the equator) where the
veins of gold rise up to the surface directly from the heart
Imperial Palace was built. At ground level, an uninter-
of the planet.
rupted succession of golden cities cover the entirety of
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 23oro78
the planet’s surface. An artificial atmosphere of pure oxy-
ing more than a souvenir in the memory of only the best-
gen has been created. Exterior life is possible informed Mentreks. After the flora and fauna’s wild spe-
Chapter 7 • 82
in the equatorial zone. In other regions, life is cies became extinct, human life itself became impossible
underground. on this planet. Today, Terra Prima is nothing but a field
of poisoned ruins, bathed in a radioactive atmosphere.
TERRA PRIMA Population: Formerly inhabited by more than 120 bil-
Aliens: None lion human individuals, Terra Prima no longer counts a
Atmosphere: Type II (breather unit recommended) single habitant.
Category: Major World Additional Information: Once the seat of the Empire
Climate: Temperate and the human galaxy’s central planet, Terra Prima suf-
Day Length: 24 standard hours fered a slow and painful death after the departure of the
Year Length: 365 local days (standard) Imperial authorities for Golden Planet. The populations
Government: N/A left behind headed an arsenal of massive destruction, and
Gravity: Standard lacking any unifying power, rival factions confronted each
Hydrosphere: Humid other for control of the vacant Imperial throne.
Major Exports: None There was a time when the fear of seeing fission’s all-
Major Imports: None consuming fire explode into a rage that would have inevi-
Planet’s Function: None tably wiped Terra Prima along with the entire galaxy off
Population: Postapocolyptic mutants (uncounted) the maps of the cosmos could rein in humanity’s destruc-
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 5ht tive madness. But fear was also the excuse they were wait-
Spaceport: None ing for to elaborate even more destructive weapons. There
Technology: None was an escalation of biological and chemical warfare,
Terrain: Plains, mountains, glacial zones, oceans answered with their neutronic, protonic, and photonic
Type: Terrestrial counterparts. And so it was at this time that the machines
Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s galaxy launched their sacred war against humans and all bio-
Constellation: Alpha Centauri logical elements. The tiniest sign of life, even the most
Star System: Sol, extending around the sun as far as the subterranean, buried away and best protected, had been
Oort Cloud. annihilated. The human race then left its nourishing
Physical Characteristics: Third planet from the sun, situ- mother planet without a glance, scattering out into the
ated at a distance varying between 147.1 and 152.1 mil- entire cosmos. Today, on the desolate landscape of proud
lion kilometers from the sun (due to its eccentric orbit), constructions once built to reach the high heavens, blows
Terra Prima completes its orbit in 365 an acid wind deprived of the tiniest
days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 9.5 sec- song or even the slightest sound.
onds. It rotates on its axis in 23 hours, Of the countless bil-
56 minutes and 4.1 seconds. On Janu-
lions of the Blue Planet’s in-
ary, 2000, of Terra Prima’s human habitants, a destructive ASTEROID
paleo-calender, the axis was inclined on frenzy chased away the great Aliens: None
the terrestrial orbit at an angle of 23°26' majority and decimated the Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
and 21.4". Endowed with an atmo- rest. Only a few zombie-mu- Category: Minor World
sphere rich in oxygen and hydrogen, tants remain today, wander- Climate: Temperate
and expanses of water on over two ing in the debris, feeding on Day Length: undetermined
thirds of its surface, this sphere of organic moss and drinking Year Length: undetermined
40,000 kilometers in diameter is the from the acid pools. For Government: None
cradle of human life. All of the human these ectoplasms of concen- Gravity: Standard
races which populate the universe to trated hate, all that remains Hydrosphere: Humid
this day are prior offspring of Terra of their distant humanity is Major Exports: None
Prima’s original human race. the desire for revenge, a Major Imports: None
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Co- deeply anchored feeling that Planet’s Function: Metabaron’s se-
ordinates: 12zbd49 pushes them to spontane- cret hideout
Satellites: Originally, Terra Prima had ously detest all others but Population: The Metabaron
one satellite, the moon, which is com- themselves. Adventurous Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 3dt
pletely destoryed today. voyagers must never forget Spaceport: None
Flora and Fauna: At life’s beginnings, the risk they run in visiting Technology: Meta-technology
Terra Prima provided a habitat for ex- this planet, notably that of Terrain: Mountains
traordinarily luxurious flora and fauna, falling prey to these canni- Type: Terrestrial
to this day unparalleled on any blue balistic creatures who would Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s
planet visited in the universe. With the adore having the chance to galaxy
development of the human race, the devour their hearts…. Constellation: Diamond
biological diversity of Terra Prima de-
Star System: Ankharo
generated to the sad state of being noth-
Physical Characteristics: Ankharo is
a small star comparatively far out in to the Empire. It is here that

83 • Worlds
Since the time of
the galaxy. The Ankharo system is com- Othon made Honorata’s ac-
Okhar’s destruction, the
posed of four planets, of which three quaintance and that Aghnar was
Anasirma Asteroid hides the
are barren. In contrast, Okhar is an ex- born. And life could have gone by
Castaka’s impregnable for-
ceptionally fertile world, a veritable ha- peacefully, but Okhar was bound
tress. In the heart of this
ven of extraordinary conditions. to know a destiny as tragic as that
sanctuary, guarded by an
Smaller than Terra Prima (32,750 ki- of the glorious line of Metawarriors.
army of ferocious eodactyles,
lometers in diameter), Okhar has an at- Victim of the Shabda-Oud’s impla-
the wonders of the ancient
mosphere rich in oxygen and other cable tracking, Okhar was devas-
maxiprotonic tower sleep an
gases (notably dioxygen, ozone and tated by the explosion of micro-H
eternal sleep sur-rounded by
carbon dioxide). Moderately inclined bombs implanted in Honorata’s chest
the Metabaron’s weapons
on its ecliptic axis, it has faintly defined by her Shabda-Oud superiors. Every-
and souvenirs. Much like
seasons. However, the climate varies de- thing was destroyed. The pacific
Tonto in the Metabunker, a
pending upon latitude. A wide equato- Okharian tribes were erased from
procession of robots assures
rial plane registers a hot and humid cli- humanity’s memory, and the flora and
the fortress’s upkeep and
mate. Vast temperate zones with a fauna were engulfed in the explosion.
maintenance, accompanied
pleasant paleo-Mediterranean-style cli- However, the secret Castaka retreat,
only by the hissing silence of
mate extend northward and southward buried deep in the heart of the
their well-oiled cogwheels.
from this area. Two immense continen- Anasirma mountain chain, was con-
The whereabouts of this ul-
tal plateaus, separated by two oceans, served within the core of an asteroid
timate refuge are solely
cover the whole of the sphere. The geo- propelled intact into space during the
known to the Metabaron,
graphical relief is varied: Plentifully ir- explosion.
accessible to him alone, and
rigated plains give way to wooded mas-
sifs. The north, which is the more vast
it is here that he finds refuge HOSPITAL PLANET
from the universe’s din, freely
of the continents is blocked off by the Aliens: None
giving himself over to mel-
Anasirma, an imposing chain of sacred Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
mountains. Okhar completes its orbit Category: Major World
in 425 days. It rotates on its axis in 27 Climate: Glacial
hours, 12 minutes. Day Length: 48 standard hours
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Co- Year Length: 480 local days
ordinates: 27hok78 Government: Techno-Pope
Satellites: Okhar has two natural moons, Orkho and Gravity: Standard
Rahna, diametrically opposed and vertically situated at Hydrosphere: Humid
the planet’s two poles. Major Exports: Organs, biological tissue, health and
Flora and Fauna: The extremely favorable and varied medical information
conditions of the planet have allowed for the appearance Major Imports: The sick, dying, bacteria, germs, and
of flora and fauna that is as rich as it is exuberant. Top- tourists
ping the long list of luxurious plants are the carnivores Planet’s Function: The Empire’s hospital base
with their intoxicating perfume, the huge ferns of the Population: 6.5 billion
Anasima foothills, the namioc (whose edible root forms Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 2ht
the base of the Okharian people’s diet), and the giant Spaceport: Ist class
smooth-trunked soquaia (whose tops extend upwards for Technology: Space
hundreds of meters). The animal kingdom isn’t idle: a fan- Terrain: Plateaux, mountains, plains
tastic life bustles about in the swamps and marshes, such Type: Terresterial
as the delicious, fragrantly fleshed zapopos with their Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s Galaxy
poisonous skin, or the blue-shelled crabawfish. On land, Constellation: Central
the venomous scolopedes slither, and the gigantic-eared Star System: Shaar
konojos gallop alongside the jumping guanacuñas. In the Physical Characteristics: A gigantic planet from the Shaar
air, fly winged cats and carnivorous eodactyles — fear- system that counts seven in all, Hospital Planet is an im-
some winged creatures with formidable jaws. maculate white sphere entirely reworked by humans. Two
Population: Peaceful human tribes, who call themselves soft-water oceans are fixed at the poles. They meet the needs
the Canus, people the fertile valleys. Their gentle tem- of this colossal healthcare establishment. The median strip
perament is in perfect harmony with the clement life on is an immense, sprawling construction that culminates at a
Okhar. By tradition and inclination, they profess a confi- high point averaging 4,700 meters. Perfectly centered on its
dent submission to the immanent providence, and are apt ecliptic, Hospital Planet doesn’t experience the phenomenon
to faithfully serve the master of Okhar. of seasons. The scrawny rays of its sun only produce a pale
Additional Information: The Empire offered planet light. Hospital Planet completes its orbit in 480 days and
Okhar, a new and protected world, to Othon von Castaka, rotates on its axis in 48 hours. The surface temperature is
the first Metabaron, to thank him for services rendered always negative, varying between –6° and –278°C, which
Tonto, a prototype marked for destruction because he
provides perfect conditions for conserving organs showed some disturbing signs of completely unpredictable
Chapter 7 • 84
and chemicals without cluttering the installations. robotic mutations. Endowed with phenomenal super-intel-
Hospital Planet’s atmosphere is rich in oxygen, but ligence and a quasiconscious, Tonto immediately took a lik-
one also finds a number of other gases and compounds ing to this weeping warrior who was reducing half of the
in gas form (alcohol, either, chloroform, etc.). Even traces building to ashes, and showed him how to escape without
of alkaloid gas residue have been detected. danger. Since this time, Tonto has been in service to the
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: Metabarons.
Satellites: Two satellites revolve around Hospital PERDITA
Planet: Arton and Nituh. Aliens: Magons
Flora and Fauna: There is no endemic natural vegeta- Atmosphere: Type IV (exoskeleten required)
tion, nor any trace of animal life. Today, gigantic hydro- Category: Exofringe World
ponic greenhouses permit a local production of plants and Climate: Tropical
flowers. In the same way, there are immense subterranean Day Length: 134 standard hours
and surface installations including a cancerous cell zoo, a Year Length: 42 local days
park where all the viral strains ever encountered in space Government: Tribal
frolic about in liberty, a giant Kock’s bacillus, dancing Gravity: Supraheavy
bacteria, polychromatic mutant cysts, and a thousand Hydrosphere: Saturated
other wonders that are well worth the visit. Major Exports: None
Population: No indigenous population lives on Hospi- Major Imports: None
tal Planet. Today several billion people, for the most part Planet’s Function: None
dressed in white, live on the planet. Population: Tens of thousands of specimens
Additional Information: Hospital Planet is the human Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 24dt
galaxy’s healthcare institution. Its centrally located posi- Spaceport: None
tion allows for the treatment of numerous clientele. Apart Technology: Stone
from the services of multispecialized surgery, general Terrain: Plains, mushrooms
healthcare, rehabilitation and treatment research centers, Type: Terrestrial
prosthesis centers, morgues, hotel networks, and annexes Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s Galaxy
allotted to supplies and management, Hospital Planet Constellation: Canis Minor
equally accommodates several research centers. It is the Star System: Inferior
Hospital Planet team of researchers who in thirty years, Physical Characteristics: Planet Perdita is a sphere of
ten days, five hours, eight seconds, seven tenths, and modest dimensions (a diameter of 23,500 kilometers)
twelve hundredths successfully inseminated an egg from which rotates on its axis in a bit more than 134 standard
the Empress with a sterile sperm from the Emperor to hours and completes its orbit in 42 standard days. Taking
create Janus-Jana, he and she twins who would later be- into consideration its off-centered axis compared to its
come the master/mistress of the galaxy, its “Major ecliptic plane (13.7°), it experiences a barely defined phe-
Ophidity,” the Emperoress of all things. nomenon of seasons, which however follow one another
The omni-practitioners training is completely under the very rapidly. Perdita is endowed with an enormous me-
authority of the Techno-Technos. The surgeons cast consti- tallic core (Magonium48, an extremely heavy metal with-
tutes a veritable sect, particularly fierce, out any particular properties or in-
who believe as their motto affirms: “bet- dustrial applicability, which permit-
ter to cut than heal.” In practice, all of ted Perdita to be saved from the
In the underground
the surgeons are laden with machines that Ekonomat’s tradesmen’s greed). The
levels of Hospital Planet, the
are systematically implanted during their ground gravity is absolutely phenom-
nursing staff, bios and robots
training period. At the same time, a huge enal (more than 1,000 times that of
alike, regularly renew the
production unit manufactures hordes of Terra Prima). The atmosphere is an
time-honored tradition of
robo-surgeons, including one who has unstable mixture of oxygen, hydro-
Terra Prima’s paleo-medical
known an extraordinary destiny. This is gen, and heavy gases, which crystal-
students. In an infernal bac-
Tonto, the Metabaron’s faithful robot, lize to form a misty gangue encircling
chanal feast, they revive the
who was actually issued from Hospital a small ball of granite and mud. On
“Burial Celebration.” Dur-
Planet’s production lines. The meeting the ground, water is omnipresent and
ing these unbridled orgies,
between Tonto and the first Metabaron the temperature is relatively elevated.
they take out and dress the
happened when Othon came to have the Hyperspatial Approach Vector
cada-vers, tease the dying
legs of his son Bari treated after the battle Coordinates: 48fin18
patients, and get carried
of Marmola. Refusing to submit to the Satellites: Perdita has one asteroid
away with pranks in-spired
humiliation of being forced to wait, satellite, Hongo.
by the hyperpowerful drugs
Othon, half crazed by grief and the af- Flora and Fauna: With both favor-
they have consumed.
front to his pride, grabbed hold of a robo- able physical and climatic conditions
surgeon set on a cart. The robot was (presence of water, positive tempera-
tures and oxygen), an animal and plant
Population: Undeter-

85 • Worlds
life has naturally developed on this It’s not a good idea to
world. Thus, on Perdita’s surface, gi- mined
hang out near the outskirts
gantic mushrooms grow 50 meters high Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel:
of Perdita. Its tremendous
in a compost extraordinarily favorable 16dt
gravity creates a turbulent
to the proliferation of mycotic spores. Spaceport: None
field that is felt for light years
At the top of these fungoid structures Technology: Stone
around. Voyageurs caught in
live the Magon tribe, large mycopha- Terrain: Ice floe
this gravitational vortex have
gous monkeys, insensible to gravity, Type: Asteroid
practically no chance of es-
who float in the air and feed on bark Galaxy: Icy
caping a tragic end, stuck on
torn from the mushroom trunks. On Constellation: Glacial confines
this hostile planet for eter-
the ground, masses of flat and carnivo- Star System: Hielo
nity. Nevertheless, there is a
rous creatures crushed by the gravity Physical Characteristics: Hielo is a
persistent rumor that evokes
mill about, feeding on the fallen great neutron star resulting from the explo-
the case of a wise explorer
monkeys. It so happens that due to a sion of a supernova. This miniscule as-
who apparently was able to
whimsical and uncertain logic, the fly- ter (with a radius of barely ten kilo-
successfully overcome the
ing monkeys suddenly regain their meters) presents an average density on
planet’s implacable attrac-
weight and go crashing to the ground. the order of 1,000 million tons per cu-
tion in utilizing a substance
This happens regularly at the change bic centimeter, which has the effect of
contained in the Magons’ la-
of each season, the day the Red Light making the area extremely unstable.
ryngeal glands. And as if
returns, during which the Magons The enormous force of gravity is felt
that weren’t enough, he also
grow fangs and confront each other in from light years away in every direc-
discovered a Magonium48
bloody battles to win the title of Patri- tion, and the system’s cohesion is con-
oxide containing astounding
arch. As well as being extremely pro- stantly at risk of being upset. This sys-
lific, the Magon monkeys have a lon- tem counts four planets. The first is a
gevity of 30,000 standard years. Fur- giant planet (one million kilometers in
thermore, it should be noted that the diameter) that maintains its equili-
Magons are great salt eaters, which explains their abso- brium due to its phenomenal mass.
lute fascination with Planet Diamond. In fact, Planet Dia- Consequently, it forms a screen that deviates the intense
mond is a fragment snatched from the stellar ice floe, which photonic radiance of Hielo and projects a vast cone of
itself is an agglomeration of salt, and the first Magon cer- shadow over the rest of the system. The next three plan-
tainly originated from the stellar ice floe. ets are therefore plunged into an absolute stellar darkness
Population: There is no human population on Perdita. where glacial temperatures reign at well below absolute
Additional Information: Turned into a refuge for the zero. The stellar ice floe extends for a distance of close to
Castakas after the destruction of Okhar, Perdita is the two light years over three planets. It was formed by the
world where the Metabaron Othon died, killed in the agglomerations of salty debris and brackish and watery
Metabaron tradition by his son Aghnar. Left alone at only products coming from the explosion of a vast system of
eight years old, Aghnar grew up in this unfriendly world. aquatic planets. No atmosphere encircles the ice floe, but
Ten years later, he left Perdita after having become the the stellar winds, which frequently fly into a rage there,
Master of the Magons, who vowed to him their bound- are loaded with oxygen and hydrogen. Moreover, power-
less fidelity. He then sacrificed them in order to satisfy his ful photonic currents circle the immediate edges around
desire for vengeance against the Shabda-Oud order. To- the cone of shadow.
day, the Magons no longer fall from the sky to be de- The stellar ice floe is not a completely quiet zone and it is
voured by the flat creatures, and Perdita has returned to not as barren as one may think. For example, it served as a
its foggy solitude. refuge for creatures of the extreme confines — the Jejohs,
who escaped the tyranny of the pachydermic jellyfish. After
STELLAR ICE FLOE diverse phases of mutation in order to adapt to the particu-
lar conditions of the ice floe, the Jejohs ended up liking it
Aliens: Jejohs and other creatures of the glacial
there, all the more so because they discovered the virtues of
Piram — a cactus plant that grows on the ice floe and whose
Atmosphere: Type IV (exoskeleton required)
sap increases mental power tenfold. But the awakening of
Category: World of the Confines
one’s consciousness doesn’t happen without producing un-
Climate: Glacial
expected side effects. When united, the Jejohs entered into a
Day Length: Undetermined
phase of violent conflict. It is at this period that the Techno
Year Length: Undetermined
Popess, herself in open war with the Techno-Pope, set out
Government: None
to establish her own order and discovered the stellar ice
Gravity: Heavy
floe. Until then, the rare vessels that came to the out-skirts
Hydrosphere: Saturated
had undergone massive structural cor-rosion, and rarer still,
Major Exports: None
those few explorers, who had tread upon the ice floe’s
Major Imports: None
ground, had had their eyeballs irremediably dam-aged by
Planet’s Function: None
Spaceport: Standard Class
the salt. But the cetacyborgs Technology: Computer
Chapter 7 • 86
“In my austere palace,
laugh at the corrosion (in fact, Terrain: Tropical forests, mountain
I ruminate in silence,
they are mad about salty biologi- chains, plains
and one day my sisters will
cal debris), and the Shabda-Oud Type: Terrestrial
assuage my desire for ven-
have a mental carapace that protects Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s
them against all forms of ag- galaxy
Cloistered on the ice aster-
gression. In this way, the Shabda- Constellation: Goathi
oid where the only thing more
Oud priestess, during her exploration Star System: Septenarian, neighbor-
glacial than the cold is the
of the planet, rescued an injured Jejoh. ing the Beta-Kuntri blue-solar system
numbness reigning in her
Won over by its powerful male lust, Physical Characteristics: Set in the
heart, Argatha — first and last
she decided to make him the order’s septenarian system, Baggdathi-the-
Shabda-Oud priestess —
official inseminator. Pearl is the largest of seven planets
meditates and waits.
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Co- contained in the system. Underground,
ordinates: 27hdo12 it contains incredible quantities of
Satellites: No actual satellites have Kankrum25, a radioactive element in-
been recorded, but vast frozen star clus- dispensable to the Hospital Planet
ters sometimes break away from the ice floe. The asteroid- laboratories for the development of certain anti-metastatic
icebergs drift wherever they are taken by the stellar winds. products. A vast globe of 54,000 kilometers in diameter,
Flora and Fauna: No living flora exists in this zone, but Baggdathi-the-Pearl is a blue planet with characteristics
quantities of plant debris are trapped in the ice. Krill beds comparable to that of Terra Prima. It is divided into seven
and stellar micro-plankton, made up of small salted vam- continents by six oceans. Its atmosphere is rich in oxy-
pires, which the cetacyborgs delight in, can also some- gen, hydrogen, and ozone. With an inclination on the eclip-
times be found fro-zen within these glacial monstrosities. tic plane of 8.74°, it has in its temperate zones four dis-
Enor-mous cetacreatures come to roam this zone, espe- tinct seasons. In the equatorial zones, there are only two
cially during their reproductive period, and some naviga- seasons: a dry season and a rainy season. Baggdathi-the-
tor-explorer accounts report the sighting of titanic yet slen- Pearl completes its orbit in 225 days and makes a single
der creatures, similar to stellar skate fish, playing on the revolution on its axis in a bit more than 19 hours.
outskirts of the floe. Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 85oda43
Population: No living population inhabits the stellar Satellites: A chain of 17 satellites form a necklace around
ice floe. However, the icebergs contain a myriad of vari- Baggdathi-the-Pearl.
ous beings originating from worlds that Flora and Fauna: Benefiting from
were snatched up and frozen. In par- conditions favorable to the propaga-
ticular, there is a Jejoh colony, fellow After a long period of tion of animal and plant life,
creatures of the one who became the upheavals, life more or less Baggdathi-the-Pearl is gifted with rich
Shabda-Oud order’s god. The nun-sluts returned to its normal course and diverse flora and fauna. Numer-
built a temple on the stellar ice, even on Baggdathi. Of the numer- ous species remind one of those found
more dazzling than the one on Planet ous attempts at normaliza- on Terra Prima, but the endemic life
Diamond. But only the most deserving tion that were undertaken by has proved itself to have an unbridled
knew of its existence and had the honor the authorities, the reactiva- imagination.
of going to visit it. This first temple is tion of joint cooperation ac- Population: Due to remote offspring
today in ruins. tivities with Hospital Planet of Terra Prima’s fathers who came to
merits mention. conquer the universe, the population
BAGGDATHI-THE-PEARL of Baggdathi-the-Pearl is essentially hu-
To facilitate transporta-
Aliens: None tion between the two plan- man. As a commercial crossroads,
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) ets, a direct gateway was in- however, this world welcomes repre-
Category: Major World stalled between them. But sentatives of numerous extra terrestrial
Climate: Temperate the flow of traffic is reversed races as well.
Day Length: 19 standard hours this time: it is no longer the Additional Information: A not so
Year Length: 225 local days sick children from Hospital very long time ago, Baggdathi-the-
Government: Anarcho-monarchical Planet that come to visit Pearl was an incredible garden, a fan-
Gravity: Standard Baggdathi’s amusement tastic park full of attractions. There
Hydrosphere: Moderate parks, but the destitute from was nothing but toys and robots ga-
Major Exports: Luxury products, the latter, affected with the lore, a carousel of multicolored trin-
some raw materials (Kankrum25) most diverse and horrible kets and fireworks. The father of Oda
Major Imports: Eclectics diseases, that are used as a the Capricious, sovereign of this world,
Planet’s Function: Capital of the source to populate the medi- reigned from his palace in the royal city
Septenarian system, trafficking cal-zoo on the former. of Amahdis, over a colossal fortune
Population: 1.6 billion that was cheerfully consecrated to re-
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 3ht alizing his infantile fantasies. Further-
more, the capital of Amahdis was in joint cooperation
with Hospital Planet, and many terminally ill children and a quarter water. At the crossing of these

87 • Worlds
came to spend their last days here. two antagonistic worlds, on a wide median strip,
Oda’s mother was a six-armed robot, endowed with extends an unstable region of swamps and quick-
unreal grace and a divine gift for dance. A Hospital Planet sand. On the dark side of the planet, the watery quar-
surgeon carried off the feat of allowing her to imitate a ter is essentially composed of an immense ice floe
bio-type destiny, by endowing her with the ability to give stowed down to the pole, which covers three quarters
life, and she was impregnated by the implantation of an of this semi-crescent plunged into an eternally freezing
ovary from a magnificent-looking sick woman. Oda’s fa- night. The arid quarter is a vast bare zone of frozen
ther had hoped to increase even further his fortune by stone over which run beds of poisoned lichen. The junc-
marrying his daughter into a favorable alliance. But Oda’s tion between these two quarters is an immense shore-
fate was already destined for all of eternity. She became line fixed in a silence so hostile it would haunt the night-
the wife of Aghnar — the second Metabaron, and that mares of a blind man. Essentially composed of oxygen
was the end of delusions of grandeur for Baggdathi-the- and hydrogen, Sec-Hum’s atmosphere is incessantly be-
Pearl’s monarch. He became insane and his wonderful ing traversed on one side of the sphere by endless col-
kingdom, where one traded in peace and built huge for- umns of jagged clouds, and on the other, by scalding gusts
tunes, was delivered into the hands of numberless preda- of wind loaded with corrosive debris.
tors with insatiable ap-petites from galaxies all over. Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 16sah24
Baggdathi-the-Pearl was carved up and entered in-to a Satellites: Sec-Hum has two satellites, Flame and
dismal era of chaos, which con-tinues still today. Droplet.
Flora and Fauna: This world, precisely cut into quar-
SEC-HUM ters, provides a habitat for extremely varied flora and
Aliens: Gords, Hireas and Odor1ters (Suuskins) fauna, which changes according to the zone. In the aquatic
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) part exposed to sunlight, quantities of amphibious spe-
Category: Minor World cies (mollusks, crustaceans, fish, sea mammals, etc.) live
Climate: Torrid, temperate and glacial along with numerous amounts of odd plants and veg-
Day Length: 12 standard hours etables (moss, seaweed, coral, etc.). The aquatic section
Year Length: 127 local days which is plunged in darkness is much more mysterious.
Government: Tribal Underwater trenches plummet thousands of meters deep
Gravity: Standard into the heart of the planet, and it wouldn’t be surprising
Hydrosphere: Saturated that fantastic and fanciful creatures lived there. In the arid,
Major Exports: Perfumes, ore beads lighted zone, if the flora is poor (crooked cacti, close-
Major Imports: Weapons cropped moss, thorny bushes), the fauna is rich, notably
Planet’s Function: No role on the Imperial scale, but it in crawling insects and ophidian creatures. The air is filled
is the guardian Podrih-Do’s refuge with unsettling hisses and the piercing squeak of beetle
Population: Approximately 1 billions individuals wing-cases. On the dark side, the fauna gives way to the
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 4dt flora. Toxic lichens that cover the ground give the area an
Spaceport: None atmosphere of silent desolation. In the median plane,
Technology: Industrial which separates the dry world from the humid, rich, var-
Terrain: Deserts, marshes, oceans ied, and mysterious flora and fauna colonize the area. As
Type: Terrestrial it is difficult to ac-cess this zone, the flora and fauna re-
Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s main poorly known.
galaxy Population: Two large populations
Constellation: Otocomo inhabited the Sec-Hum planet. In the
Star System: Soto If you can believe the arid barren part live the Gords — a tribe
Physical Characteristics: The first of accounts of an independent of humanoids covered with foul-smell-
four planets in the Soto system, Sec- smuggler who has frequent ing scales. Where the sun continuously
Hum presents the particularity of be- business with the Odoraters, beats down its hot rays, the Gord’s pres-
ing half desert and half water, contrary it seems they have perfected ence inevitably produces an atmos-phere
to the three other planets (Kolohoro, a “magic” perfume, which unbearable to the human nose. On the
Sohoro, and Gobo) which are com- allows them to control the other hand, in the aquatic section live
pletely arid. This immense ball of minds of those who breath the Hireas — perfumed, aquatic people
58,000 kilometers in diameter, rotates it. A veritable potion of pow- who emit subtle and delicate fragrances.
on its axis in twelve standard hours, and erful charms, it offers to The social hierarchy of these two groups
completes its orbit in 127 standard those who get a hold of it a is organized according to olfactory par-
days. Perfectly aligned on the axis of fantastic conquering weapon ticularities. The more the individual’s
its ecliptic, Sec-Hum always presents that works in an effectively scent is pronounced, the higher his po-
the same side to the photonic rays of serene and quiet way. sition in society. (With respect to cus-
its astral sun. The well-lit half of the tomary human criteria, a meeting of the
planet is composed of a quarter desert Gords Tribe Wiseman’s council is a veri-
Chapter 7 • 88 table infectious with an inland sea occupying the remaining tenth. The
stench to the nostrils. However, the privilege of anatural atmosphere was a mix of gas rich in oxygen. To-
face-to-face meeting with a Hireas dignitary is pure day, carbon dioxide and fluoro-chlorinated waste com-
rapture.) In the median plane, which separates the two pounds compose the base of its ambient air. The normal
antagonistic half-worlds lives a third people — the rhythm of seasons (a hot season and a cold season sepa-
Suuskins, or Ordoraters. They owe their name to their rated by two short intermediary seasons) has been greatly
thorough and detailed knowledge of aromatic molecules, disrupted, and the climate today is uniformly heavy and
and their ability to synthesize them. muggy. The planet mass has been considerably enlarged
Additional Information: From time immemorial, the by the agglomeration of diverse neighboring astral bodies
Gords and the Hireas haven’t been able to stand one utilized for construction materials, and its diameter has
another. War between them was old habit. The increased to 37,000 kilometers.
Ordoraters, on the other hand, have more recently ap- Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 76mac60
peared on the scene. They form a peaceful, trading people, Satellites: Nibal today no longer has any satellites.
who maintain a very profitable business activity with both Flora and Fauna: From its meager original flora, noth-
the Gords and the Hireas, to whom they sold perfumes ing has survived. For that which would be the animal king-
and essences alternately fetid and intoxicating. From time dom, all the endemic species have been engulfed and con-
to time, they didn’t hesitate selling weapons to one or the sumed by a local race of saurians — the Zerkots.
other to help them bring an end to their quarrel. Finally, Population: Two large populations shared the planet:
the Gords appealed to Aghnar, the mercenary Metabaron the Zerkots (telepathic saurians) and the Giant-Machines.
for his services, in order to eliminate the Hireas. But it The former created the latter, but these creatures escaped
cannot be ruled out that representatives of these aquatic from their masters’ control. After a period of self-
people, hidden in the deepest ocean trenches, may have autonomization, the Giant-Machines entered into rebel-
survived the massacre. lion against the saurians.
Additional Information: Cold-blooded creatures en-
NIBAL dowed with intelligence and capable of picking up nega-
Aliens: Zerkots tive thoughts emitted by any thinking beings nearby, the
Atmosphere: Type III (breather unit required) Zerkots embarked upon a technological conquest of their
Category: Minor World (of the Exofringe) environment, which was possibly initially spurred on by
Climate: Hot and humid a representative of the Techno-Techno Cult. Thus they
Day Length: 28 standard hours transformed their small planet into an immense mega-city
Year Length: 753 local days run by instrumentation of a greater and greater sophisti-
Government: Ultraparticipative cation. This growing sophistication reached its highest
Gravity: Standard point with the revolution of the Giant-Machines.
Hydrosphere: Saturated The telepathic Zerkots worked out a strategy for tap-
Major Exports: Precision Technology ping into thoughts founded on systematic distrust. On
Major Imports: Weapons their side, the machines and devices pushed their own
Planet’s Function: Unbeknownst to the Zerkots, Nibal intelligence so far that they came to feel the emotion of
serves as an experimentation base for the Techno-Technos melancholy. In fact, only their boundless adoration of their
Population: 3.54 billion specimens (excluding ma- creators kept them from giving into a profound suicidal
chines) impulse. The Zerkots perceived to the point of disgust
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 2dt and disillusionment the sticky flood of sentimentalist
Spaceport: First Class emotions emanating from their machine-creations and
Technology: Space hastened to closely screen out these annoying emotions,
Terrain: Plains, marshes through their analytically paranoid sifters.
Type: Terrestrial Their mutual incomprehension quite
Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s naturally lead to an irreparable state,
galaxy and the mercenary Metabaron Aghnar
Constellation: Dius The “Forbidden was called to intervene, bringing an
Star System: Antri City” sleeps in the ruins of end to the intelligent Giant-Machines’
Physical Characteristics: Second Nibal. This ancient, dilapi- bloody condemnation of those who
planet of the Antri system, which counts dated megalopolis was not scorned their adulation. Since then,
three in all (Abu and Hamos are the so long ago the neuras- Nipal has been in a pitiful state, but it
two others), Nibal was originally a thenic machine nerve cen- still harbors colossal technical re-
small sphere (17,000 kilometers in di- ter. Plunged into a deep sources.
ameter) rich in metallic minerals of all sleep, this powerful tech-
sorts and hydrocarbons. Nibal rotates nology wants only to be FILODENDRA
on its axis in 28 standard hours, and rescued and to give itself Aliens: None
completes its orbit in 753 standard over to its savior… Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
days. Initially, a vast continental pla- Category: Minor World
teau recovered nine tenths of its surface, Climate: Temperate
Day Length: 32 Standard hours
Year Length: 487 local days

89 • Worlds
“Look, I’m tellin’ Additional Information:
Government: Techno-Pope The Troglosocialk galaxy’s
you there ain’t just
Gravity: Standard capital planet, Filodendra, was
bikramen down there!
Hydrosphere: Humid with regard to Techno-Techno cri-
There’s goddamn sulfide…
Major Exports: Bikramen teria, relatively underdeveloped.
and I know what I’m talkin’
Major Imports: Manual labor, tech- The paleo-architecture of its build-
‘bout, ‘cause I was part of
nology ings was an insult to the postmodern
that ex-plor-a-tion team that
Planet’s Function: Bikramen produc- technological norms. But its inhab-
went underground on
tion, a compound permitting the syn- itants, under the authority of Don
Gehenna V…” — One of the
thetic production of epiphyte Nicanor Rosamel de Roka and then
first humanoid workers sent
Population: 2 billion inhabitants, his daughter Dona Vincenta
underground, overheard
all immigrants/nonnatives Gabriella de Rokha, lived in harmony
talking in a miners bar.
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 2dt with their environment and in total re-
Spaceport: Stellar Class spect of their planet and its beauties.
Technology: Space Unfortunately, the taste for the simple
Terrain: Plains life had a disadvantage — great military weakness. When
Type: Terrestrial the Techno-Technos’ galactic bloodhounds detected huge
Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s galaxy bikramen deposits (a precious ore permitting massive pro-
Constellation: Selva duction of artificial epyphite) in the Troglosocalik sys-
Star System: Tri-sol tem, that was the end of peace and tranquility for
Physical Characteristics: The Tri-Sol system, lit by a com- Filodendra. The cheerful ecological planet underwent a
plex triple star, groups nine planets, of which Filodendra is final and definitive assault by the Techno-Techno
the largest (74,000 kilometers in diameter). A terra-teflon- metamorphe armada, during which Don Nicanor, already
concrete planet, Filodendra completes a rotation on its axis brought back once from death, met with his definitive
in 32 hours. Without being exceptionally rich (with the ex- end. During the battle, the Rokhas’s ancestral castle, the
ception of an extremely dense vein of bikramen), the under- second halerce tree (brought from Gzagn by Steelhead),
ground layers contain all the necessary elements for a har- magnificent ancient cities, and thousands of other splen-
monious development (metal, mineral, hydrocarbon com- dors were reduced to a state of ruin. All of Filodendra’s
pounds). Formerly a veritable haven of natural beauty, inhabitants were transported to a terra-formed world,
Filodendra offered its visitors a full spectrum of landscapes: made of teflon and granyl, and their planet was torn apart.
forests, prairies, rivers, oceans, mountains, and deserts. Har-
moniously blended into the scenery, the housing develop- GZAGN
ments mixed subtly with nature to compose a serene and
Aliens: Macrolice
soothing picture. The atmosphere was predominately com-
Atmosphere: Type II (Breather Unite recommended)
posed of oxygen, and the air was brisk and intoxicating. In
Category: Distant World
the image of Terra Prima, Filodendra experienced all cli-
Climate: Hot
mates. Seasons were well defined, alternating calmly
Day Length: 11 hours and 42 minutes, standard
throughout their year of 487 days.
Year Length: 47 local days
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 36dnd49
Government: Monarchy
Satellites: Filodendra has seven silver moons.
Gravity: Standard
Flora and Fauna: Thanks to its exceptional natural con-
Hydrosphere: Saturated
ditions, Filodendra provided a habitat for an exuberant
Major Exports: None
natural life. Millions of wild species cohabited and formed
Major Imports: None
an exceptional ecological equilibrium. Filodendra had
Planet’s Function: None
notably a tree whose fruit was extremely obliging, flying
Population: 250 billion individuals
into the air when ripe and offering itself for tasting. But
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 7dt
above all, the planet concealed the most ancient tree
Spaceport: None
known to the galaxy: a halerce tree, 250,000 standard
Technology: Alien Iindustrial
years old, with golden leaves, made up of five million
Terrain: High plateaux, basins, marshes, deltas
dioucas — tiny feathered creatures who are legendary,
Type: Terrestrial
capable of singing with the pure voice of the castratos.
Galaxy: Black
Population: Until the period of the third Metabaron,
Constellation: Nol
Steelhead, Filodendra was populated by a mix of humans
Star System: Blackhol
and mutants, all extremely preoccupied with preserving
Physical Characteristics: Enveloped in a heavy atmo-
the fragile beauty and wonderful equilibrium of their
sphere of methane and sulfuric acid compounds, the little
planet. Today, Filodendra is inhabited exclusively by
planet Gzagn (12,000 kilometers in diameter) forms the
Techno-technicians and other industrial paleo-vultures,
center of the cavernous Blackhol system. A veritable cos-
specialized in extraction mining, who come from all the
mic aberration, Blackhol is a black star that emits a faint
galaxies to pull up and tear out the riches from the earth.
light with viscous reflections. Gzagn rotates on its axis in
Year Length: 77 local days
11 hours 42 minutes and
Chapter 7 • 90
Since the disappear- Government: Supreme Central
completes its orbit in 47 stan- Computer and Techno-Pontificate
ance of their sacred halerce,
dard days. The vast continental Gravity: Standard
the macromites have lost
basin which forms its surface has a Hydrosphere: Moderate
faith in their ancestral reli-
deep depression in its center, wa- Major Exports: Technology
gion. They savagely tore the
tered by a dense subterranean hy- Major Imports: None
Buddha-louse to shreds and
drographic network, loaded with Planet’s Function: Techno-Techno’s
scattered his remains across
putrid sediments. At regular inter- seat of power, the Guardian Ophidat’s
their putrid planet. From
vals, downpours sweep the edges of refuge
that point on, they have been
the basin, filling its core with seeping Population: 7 billion inhabitants
awaiting the return of their
floods of heavy, viscous rains. The Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 1hT
intergalactic messiah, with
chemical combination of alluvial de- Spaceport: First Class
their eyes riveted towards the
posits and micro-organisms release in- Technology: Space (and more)
skies, a mix of hope and an-
tensely foul-smelling clouds in perma- Terrain: Plains
guish in their hearts. He will
nence. The ground presents a spongy Type: Terratransformed asteroid
come looking for them and
and jelly-like texture. Galaxy: Milky Way, Terra Prima’s
lead them into spreading fur-
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Co- galaxy
ther death and chaos in the
ordinates: 27ars19 Constellation: Forum
Satellites: Gzagn has one satellite, Star System: Tekna
Gavel. Physical Characteristics: Originally,
Flora and Fauna: On this not very Central Planet was a barren asteroid
cheerful planet grew a wonder of na- revolving around the small Tekna system. Despite an ex-
ture — an old halerce tree of 370,000 standard years, tremely modest size (a diameter of barely 5000 kilome-
where nine million dioucas nested. This tree and its birds ters), this tiny celestial body had a gravity superior to that
the Metabaron Melmoth removed to give to his true love, of the four planets in the system. At first intrigued by this
Doña Vincenta of Filodendra. phenomenon, then fascinated by the mystery of the high-
Apart from this tree, there was no plant life on the sur- tech relics unearthed in the heart of the sphere, the Techno-
face of Gzagn. However, besides an abundant bacterial Techno authorities decided to establish the seat of its sa-
wildlife, Gzagn houses an immense population of cred headquarters here. After ten centuries of Herculean
macromites, which fed on chemical miasma and revered construction efforts by an armada of robot-factories, Cen-
the sacred halerce. tral Planet today presents the respectable size of 77,777
Population: The macromites, who have reached a par- kilometers in diameter. An artificial atmosphere was cre-
ticular stage of development halfway between the animal ated, comprised of hydrogen and oxygen and perfumed
kingdom and human intelligence, make up the only re- with incense. Permanently protected by a positron shield,
corded population on Gzagn. Despite this slight delay on Central Planet experiences neither seasonal nor climato-
evolution’s highway, they have developed a strong reli- logical phenomenons of any kind. Its core’s powerful mag-
gious feeling. Thus they venerate the Buddha-louse, a ven- netism remains perceptible for parsecs around.
erable spiritually illuminated louse, who lived glued to Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 77tek77
the tree. Each morning, as the celestial Satellites: Central Planet has two
star rose on the horizon, a mysterious satellites: Romulus and Remus.
device offset a trembling of the halerce, Flora and Fauna: There is absolutely
The Supreme Central
and thousands of freshly laid doucas’s no natural animal or plant life on Cen-
Brain is anxious…
eggs fell from the tree. The macromites tral Planet.
Occiputal-Cogito, its divina-
fed on the eggs in ecstasy. As for the Population: Close to seven billion
tory mind, announced the
millions of dioucas who lived in the tree, individuals live on Central Planet.
coming of weird and
they fed on the sap — a sweet nectar Additional Information: The
troubled times, where the
that clarified their voices. Techno-papal headquarters, Central
Techno-Technos order’s per-
Additional Information: Ungainly in Planet concentrates all branches of the
fect organization will be
its appearance is a veritable insult to Techno-saint religion. Techno-semi-
threatened by a new kind of
the sense of smell, Gzagn well merits nars train future Techno-temple execu-
hero. Animated by unwaver-
being called the “foulest place in the tives (Techno-popes, Techno-bishops,
ing faith, these valiant
Universe.” Techno-cardinals, Techno-monks,
knights of a thousand virtues
Techno-vergers, Techno-altar boys,
CENTRAL PLANET could jeopardize the all pow-
and even Techno-castratos) intended
erful Tenebrae, armed only
Aliens: None with their courage, forged in to serve in the laboratory factories.
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) the heart of their honor This colossal organization is equally
Category: Major World code…. known by the name of Magnus Dei.
Climate: Cold Besides its adminis-trative system,
Day Length: 77 standard hours Central Planet oversees the training of
its military wing, the Techno-crusaders. The soldiers of
the Church of the Industrial Saints are all abandoned male rotating speed compensates the force of attrac-

91 • Worlds
children, gathered from Hospital Planet or elsewhere, or tion between these two heavenly bodies, which al-
sometimes abducted here and there in the cosmos. lows them to touch lightly without colliding into one
The unassailable Techno temple, impregnable heart of another. For each of these two planets, the orbit is com-
the sacred Techno headquarters (which, nonetheless, could pleted in 322 standard days. This amusing astronomic
not withstand the superhuman powers of the Metabaron particularity gave birth to two civilizations, distinct but
Steelhead) is the Techno-Pope’s residence. In its vaults, se- perfectly united, who have developed one of the most
cret archives and sacred Techno-relics contain paleo-secrets original symbiotic existences in the universe.
that go back to the origins of humanity. But that isn’t all: Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 22bes22
Hidden in a crypt buried deeper still than all the others, is Satellites: The double planets Arh and Rah have
one of the greatest and best kept mysteries of the universe. no satellites.
Despite an innocuous first impression, the three Ophid- Flora and Fauna: Arh and Rah are gifted with flora and
ian creatures with metallic reflecting skin (gold, silver, and fauna in every way comparable, with the only difference
bronze), the three Bodras, who live here are in fact the being that only male animals live on Rah, and obviously,
keepers and protectors of an immeasurably powerful tech- those that live on Arh are female. Their reproduction is trig-
nology, older than the universe itself. It happens that on gered by genetic pollination, which takes place at the mo-
the scales of these metallic serpents all of the secrets to ment of summer solstice, followed by the phenomenon of
the greatest enigmas are engraved in characters of incom- parthenogenesis and androgenesis. For the most part, the
parable fineness. In these three entities, one can see the flora on Arh and Rah is made up of fodder planets and
obscure source of power of the Techno-Techno order. legumes, and the fauna is essentially made up of draft ani-
mals or livestock suitable for human consumption.
ARH AND RAH Population: The double planets are inhabited by two
Aliens: None distinct populations of common origin. They are the hu-
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) manoid race of Bessons.
Category: Distant World Additional Information: On Arh live the female ele-
Climate: Temperate ments of the Bessons race, and of course, Rah accommo-
Day Length: 19 standard hours dates the male elements of the same race. Thus separated,
Year Length: 322 local days the representatives of the two sexual principals consecrate
Government: Egalitarian mystical the essential part of their existence to the preparation of
Gravity: Standard the summer solstice, which marks the highpoint of their
Hydrosphere: Moderate personal and social lives. After many rituals are accom-
Major Exports: Rare raw materials plished in the Matrix Temple on Arh and the Gonad
Major Imports: None Temple on Rah respectively, and strength incantations are
Planet’s Function: None recited during the course of the year,
Population: 200 million (on the two the women on Arh and the men on
planets) Rah strip themselves naked, exposing
The absolute ban
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 4dT themselves during the entire day of sol-
that forbids male elements
Spaceport: None stice to the radiance of the extremely
from visiting Arh and female
Technology: Feudal nearby twin planet. This exposure to
elements from visiting Rah,
Terrain: Hills, plains opposite sexual emissions brings about
isn’t just a formality. In fact,
Type: Terrestrial (with some particu- an impregnation of the Bessons fe-
all offenders are handed di-
larities) males through photogenesis, an action
rectly over to the “Mothers
Galaxy: Doublon entirely unique in all of that universe.
and Fathers of the Insem-
Constellation: Gemini Afterwards, during the winter solstice,
ination’s” mortal authority.
Star System: Binario the children carried by the Bessons fe-
These mystical guardians of
Physical Characteristics: This strange males are born. The girls are kept on
Arh and Rah feel the vibra-
cosmogonic ensemble, under the sign of planet Arh, and the boys are given
tions emitted by the two
the twins, is made up of two sets of inti- back to the Bessons males at the fol-
planets when the presence of
mately associated planets and suns, each lowing summer solstice at the precise
a representative of the oppo-
of the two former rotating around each moment when the two planets are just
site sex is detected. Accord-
of the two latter. The respective orbits barely touching.
ing to the tradition, only the
completed by Arh and Rah are perfectly
synchronized: At the winter solstice, they
perfect Androgyne can visit GALACTIC PLATFORM
the two planets without risk,
occupy two diametrically opposed posi- but Janus-Jana has always MASSES
tions and are several millions of kilome- declined their invitations, as Aliens: Arkarotes
ters distant from one another. During the moreover, all of His-Her pre- Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
summer solstice, the two planets come decessors. and Type II (breather unit recom-
near enough to brush up against one an-
mended) according to the zone
other. A temporary acceleration of the
Chapter 7 • 92 tic Platforms can be nothing but origi-
Category: Distant Minor Veritable space fun- nal. Enthu-siastic heliotrope followers,
World ambulists, the “platform op- their first notable charac-teristic is to
Climate: Variable erators” are the Mass’s look- live exclusively in diurnal conditions.
Day Length: Variable outs. They relentlessly scan That being the case, it is impossible for
Year Length: Variable the horizons, pinpoint the them to synchronize their repose with
Government: Guilds upper and lower star beds, the arrival of darkness. In practice, the
Gravity: Heavy and then push away drifting animals, like other beings from higher
Hydrosphere: Dry asteroids with their long, orders, interrupt their activities when
Major Exports: Ore, gems, tech- energized sticks. fatigue overcomes them to fall into a
nological residue/waste refreshing sleep, some in a lying-down
Major Imports: Rudimentary tech- position and others standing. The great
nology diversity of circadian rhythms particu-
Planet’s Function: Roaming planet with no major lar to each species means that one can always catch a
function glimpse, here and there, of an individual falling over into
Population: 120 million inhabitants Morpheus’ arms. For their part, the plants experience an
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 21dt uninterrupted growth cycle as soon as the platform upon
Spaceport: 1st of a minimal class, on a neighboring which they live starts to be illuminated. However, when
asteroid firmly stowed/secured in the platform’s wake the sun’s rays become more and more like slivers of light,
Technology: Industrial indicating that the period of darkness is on its way, they
Terrain: Plateaus, hills, plains prepare for a hibernation period of undetermined length.
Type: Related to asteroid barriers Each plant has the capacity to gather its genetic inherit-
Galaxy: Kiraz ance in hard and compact seeds, able to withstand mil-
Constellation: Civilized Confines lions of years in glacial conditions below absolute zero.
Star System: Tezus Afterwards, exposure to a calorific ray allows them to
Physical Characteristics: An interstellar curiosity border- immediately start germinating. For the animal species,
ing on incongruity, the Galactic Platform Masses are giant certain ones enter into hibernation, but a good number
platforms that travel up and down the civilized borders as a observe a period of migration and pass from one facet to
consequence of being carried along by the stellar winds. the other according to the position of the galactic belts in
Their formation, and the beginning of their roaming, goes relation to solar asters.
back approximately to the “great catastrophe” era, which Population: The inhabitants of the Galactic Platforms,
is equally at the origin of the stellar ice floe’s creation. From called the Arkarotes, are extraterrestrial proto-humanoids
a geological standpoint, it consists of a planet’s different perfectly adapted to their environ-ment. Because, in order
strata, which has been literally cut into blocks by a mysteri- to compensate for the gravity of 2.1 that reigns on the Ga-
ous force, still undetermined today. Since this dismem- lactic Platforms (Terra Prima’s gravity being equal to 1) and
berment, the different formations, flat for the most part but weighs down bodies and objects, they developed a tremen-
having variable shapes and dimensions, remain held in place, dous musculature. Their trunk is classically extended by
regrouped among themselves, by a powerful residual mag- four limbs, ending in a prehensile organ, which may be quali-
netic field, no doubt stemming from the original planet core. fied as a hand. Although they can hold themselves verti-
Besides the tectonic cohesion effect, the Galactic Platforms’ cally, they willingly adopt walking on all fours. Despite the
density allows the advantageous presence of a fine atmo- gravity, they are extremely agile, allowing them to traverse
spheric layer (carbon, ozone, oxygen, and hydrogen), which the arches that join the platforms to one another with sur-
is sufficient for maintaining life on the surface. Of course, prising speed and yet without risk. Additionally, the layers
the Galactic Platform Masses don’t make an orbit. This said, of the platforms are pierced by hundreds of tunnels that
their peregrinations in the interstellar void have almost cer- facilitate migration from one face to another.
tain similarities to a huge circular journey, which leads them Additional Information: Lost on some rocky islands in
in turn to the outskirts of different stars. Whereas they know distress in the ultimate void, these veritable space cast-
neither the alternation of day and night, nor the phenom- aways ended up carving out an enviable situation for them-
enon of seasons, the Galactic Platforms are not always lit selves. In fact, their accounts in the Ekonomat’s banking
on the same side by the different stars they cross. Conse- establishments are particularly well filled. One might
quently, conditions suitable for life are possible only in al- wonder about the origins of their fortune, but in fact it is
ternation on each face, according to changing rhythms. quite simple. Their territory, being in constant movement
However, even with a favorable sun, the cross-sections (or in the cosmos, drags in its wake unlimited quantities of
platform layers) remain often barren and unsuitable for life. asteroids, meteorites, and diverse debris, which sometimes
Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 53ark72 contain veritable treasures: pure netrankkon, stellar crys-
Satellites: Different asteroids, sucked up in the Galactic tal veins, etc. Across the thread of time, the Arkarotes
Platforms’ wake, act as satellites. made collecting meteorites in space into a specialty, so
Flora and Fauna: Within such a context, the animal much so that they are often known by the name of
and plant species that populate the surface of the Galac- “Meteorists.”
form and shape comparable to that of other plan-

93 • Worlds
Aliens: None ets. Then during the 262 standard days that follow,
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) as Puzzeline approaches Trompo, crevices appear at
Category: Distant World its surface. Little by little, these fissures become gulfs
Climate: Torrid and then chasms. The planet disintegrates. This phase
Day Length: 26 standard hours culminates on the 262nd day (winter solstice), when
Year Length: 524 local days Puzzeline is precisely in the axis of Trompo and Solis.
Government: Theocracy The planet is then splintered into eleven principal pieces,
Gravity: Light and 658 less important bits. Next, the phenomenon sta-
Hydrosphere: Dry bilizes and slowly reverses itself to the point of Puzzeline’s
Major Exports: None complete recompostion. Every year for thousands of years,
Major Imports: None it has proceeded in this way, and will continue to do so for
Planet’s Function: None millions of years to come.
Population: an average of 1 billion inhabitants, tak- Hyperspatial Approach Vector Coordinates: 46puz97
ing into account extreme variations Satellites: Puzzeline has two small satellites called the
Proximity to a Techno-Tunnel: 9dt Children of Mother Puzzeline.
Spaceport: None Flora and Fauna: At Puzzeline’s surface, the vegetation
Technology: Feudal is uniformly cropped: from the lichens in the cold zones
Terrain: Medium-sized mountains, deserts, plains, to the savannas of the arid zone. The rare trees barely
abyss, caves reach five or six meters in height. A crawling ivy carpets
Type: Related to terrestrial planets the bottom of the crevices. Each year, it is ripped out at
Galaxy: Hersa the time of disintegration, but it bravely starts out again
Constellation: Fyack the following season. Relatively rich, Puzzeline’s fauna
Star System: Solis has no predator. All of the land mammals are vegetarian.
Physical Characteristics: The Solis system is a surprising Population: The quite specific conditions that govern
configuration in which two planets, Trompo and Puzzeline life on Puzzeline have, of course, fashioned a highly original
(also called Puzzeline the Mysterious) dance a strange bal- civilization, where the dominant theme is migration. This is
let. A small, extremely dense stellar body (1,500 kilometers because the areas most favorable to life when the planet is
in diameter, 3.7 times Terra Prima’s gravity, 5.56 millions perfectly formed turn into the most hostile at the time of
of kilometers from Solis), Trompo rotates on its axis at a disintegration. Survival becomes extremely difficult there,
vertiginous speed. It equally presents the particularity of indeed even impossible. The battle for the best lands is harsh
resting perfectly in place, like an eternally and made that much harder when the
wound-up top, carrying out its crazed year advances toward the summer sol-
rotation around an invisible string that stice, with the harvests just garnered and
On Puzzeline, like on
cuts across space. Trompo is completely the race against time for the best refuges
many other worlds, young
inhabitable. begins. Every year, these two great exo-
males often show off to prove
Puzzeline, for its part, is mobile. It duses give rise to numerous confronta-
to their sweethearts that they
completes a vast orbit around the Solis tions and other battles, where an impor-
are the robust and dauntless
star and the fixed point of Trompo. En- tant part of the population perishes.
men that these young women
dowed with an atmosphere rich in oxy- On the fringe of Puzzeline’s popula-
had been wishing for. In dem-
gen, Puzzeline is entirely favorable to life, tion lives a religious sect who revere
onstration of their bravery, in-
and its inhabitants would linger on there the “Mother Puzzeline.” In accordance
stead of confronting one an-
happily day after day, if a strange break- with the planet’s particular require-
other in duels, or engaging in
up phenomenon didn’t come at regular ments, Mother Puzzeline’s followers
some courtship display, they
intervals to trouble their tranquility. (called the Puzzelars) also practice two
practice an extremely danger-
Thousands of years of physical stress, pilgrimages per year. However, at the
ous form of love exhibition:
undergone by Puzzeline at each passage winter solstice, instead of taking ref-
When the planet commences
before Trompo, had at first eroded the uge on one of the larger blocks of the
its breaking apart phase, the
geological equilibrium of its continental planet, they penetrate into the heart of
young males leap over the
plates and then enlarged the fracture lines the planet through the fissures, to reach
widening open chasms, jump-
to the point of fissuring the planet to its their cave sanctuaries. During
ing from one piece of earth to
core. Since that time, during its orbital Puzzeline’s recomposition, only half of
another. In certain seasons,
journey, which lasts exactly 524 days, 6 the followers leave the caves to live at
the losses are appalling, to the
hours, and 27 standard minutes, the surface and preach the words of
extent that the number of
Puzzeline experiences two distinct phases Mother Puzzeline. There is therefore a
sons of Puzzeline who have
of breaking apart and recomposition. At community of Puzzelars who live per-
disappeared in this manner is
the summer solstice, when Puzzeline is manently in the depths of Puzzeline.
no longer counted.
opposite Trompo and behind the sun,
Puzzeline appears perfectly united, in a
At this stage in the contest to conquer space, the work universe with easily definable laws. (If you are play-
human race from Terra Prima is in the overwhelming ing the Metabarons Roleplaying Game, this means that you
majority in the universe. Following the great Diaspora should feel free to throw in your own peculiar places, strange
— the exodus of Terra Prima’s elite to the Golden civilizations, and bizarre manifestations.)
Planet, the conquest of gigantic Maganats by generals Although some are lucky enough not to be on the
affiliated with the Empire, and the expanding settle- Empire’s expansionist map, time is not necessarily on their
ment of Terra Prima’s damned on tens of thousands of side, since they could reach a stage of development that
major and minor colonized worlds — humanity has makes them forces to be reckoned with. Fortunately for
settled on all the viable sites they have found, often to human dominance, the alien races have never united
the detriment of intelligent and other life forms unfortu- against the all-powerful Human Empire. Some aliens also
nate enough to be in their way. nurse an intense hatred of other aliens, and this blind ha-
With their customary conquering spirit, humans have tred could push them as far as to form alliances with the
more often exterminated than assimilated. Yet the uni- Empire to fight their enemy.
verse is vast. Many areas have not yet been explored, and
an indeterminate number of alien races have not yet been THE NUNARS
discovered. These races are at different stages of develop- Natives of Nunh, these tiny space travelers suffer from
ment. Some are at the dawn of evolution, whereas others Peter Pan paleo-syndrome. Although they can live as long
are highly developed civilizations with a command of as 3,000 standard years, they look like eternal cherubs
powerful technology. In its unrelenting advance, the hu- with the naive pureness of children. There have been re-
man race has shamelessly annihilated the weakest, most ports of sightings from all over, but they are rarely sub-
peaceful and defenseless alien races and has come to terms stantiated as if no one believed those who saw them or
with those that it could not tackle head on. the witnesses decided to keep their secret.
This means that some aliens, generally humanoids, are Kindly, but shy, the Nunars may decide to aid anyone
sometimes found integrated into human groups and popu- they think deserves help. In addition to the advice they
lations. Although they are more or less tolerated, they give, which is solely advice since they refuse to get physi-
still tend to be snubbed, partiuclarly when their physical
characteristics make them obviously alien. The rebel com-
munities, especially the pirates mercilessly hounded by the
Imperial forces, have a much higher proportion of aliens
than the standard worlds, where the majority of the popu-
lation is human. However, in some systems and galaxies,
Colonial and Maganat planets co-exist with alien worlds
able to stand up to them. Here, the human and alien worlds
maintain diplomatic, although not necessarily courteous,
relations in order to avoid any annoying escalation of vio-
lence with regrettable consequences for everyone con-
cerned. Human ambassadors are therefore found on alien
planets and vice versa. Sometimes, this policy of open-
ness leads to trade and even the establishment of commu-
nities in the other world. In some extreme cases, mixed
marriages have even been reported. But this is much more
the exception than the rule.
Human-alien hybrids or multispecies mixes are not nu-
merous, but they are possible. The universe is vast, and what
might be rare in one place could be common in another. If
it has ever been dreamd of, and even some things that
haven’t, it most likely exists somewhere in the universe.
Humans generally see the alien races as mysterious and
inscrutable. They develop their own customs and lifestyles
on their worlds, worshipping obscure gods, drawing on
unknown forces, and even acquiring superior technologies.
Many planets and peoples of this universe have charac-
teristics not based on the basic physical laws — the Akuas
(described in this chapter) are just one example of this. Space
is vast and not uniform. The Human Universe is not a clock-
cally involved in a situation, the Nunars can detect the
vectors of powers in the universe: gateways, guardians, est rocky overhang and water in the finest mist.

95 • Aliens
forces, and treasures of all kinds. This talent has earned But above all, they have become masters in the
them the nickname “cherub probes” or “pedo-probes.” art of burying themselves alive in a deep cataleptic
sleep and surviving the worst meteorological fury for
THE GORDS, HIREAS, AND SUUSKINS long periods of time. They don’t reserve this faculty
Three of the most interesting alien races live on the Soto just for their scorching desert; they can just as easily
system’s planet Sec-Hum in the Terra Prima galaxy. They survive on the steppes of the northern tundra.
represent exactly what interstellar travelers can expect to They have built their capital at the junction between
come across on their travels through space. Sec-Hum is a the hot desert and the cold desert. This small town of
vast sphere 58,000 kilometers in diameter and perfectly cave dwellings harbors their temple and their most pre-
aligned with its ecliptic axis. This incredibly rare cosmo- cious treasures. The Gords have a hard time living an
logical attribute creates an astonishing geophysical effect: urban life and are generally nomadic.
Half of the planet is permanently lit, while the other half PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE
is immersed in perpetual darkness. Sec-Hum is also half-
The Gords are meditative with a definite animist lean-
water and half-desert, equally distributed over each of
ing. They live in harmony with their environment and
the two hemispheres. One top quarter of the planet is a
would be totally peaceful if fate had not made the Hireas
permanently sun-baked desert, while the lower quarter is
their neighbors. The Hireas embody everything they ab-
a desert that never sees the light. One quarter on the other
hor to see and smell, triggering an irrepressible hatred
side is a sunny sea, and the last water-covered quarter is
that compels them to make war on them and even sell
plunged into darkness. The range of temperatures on the
their treasures to buy weapons.
planet’s surface varies enormously from the scorching
desert with its average of around 80°C to a polar average RESOURCES AND POWERS
of –100°C on the other side of the world. Ever since they realized that the colored gems found
A wide belt of swampland stretches around the globe under their arid desert aroused the greed of smugglers
between the water world and the desert world. Under the and other merchants, the Gords have armed themselves
midday sun, these marshes are huge fetid, insect-infested to the hilt with weapons of war. They have powerful ar-
lagoons. In the nighttime of the north, they are tundra, tillery shrewdly combined with a swift and silent aerostatic
where stinging lichens grow and repulsive crawling crea- force. Their soldiers are unrivalled on the ground, espe-
tures with huge shells swarm. cially in the desert region. These formidable fighters
The Gords, the Hireas, and the Suuskins live respec- can fire on the enemy without being seen. How-
tively in the deserts, the seas, and the marshland. ever, their supreme weapon is their command of
THE GORDS the earth’s force, with which they seem to have
a virtually mystical affinity.
The Gords — a humanoid people cov-
ered in stinking scales — live in the arid THE HIREAS
desert part of the planet. They are per- The sweet-smelling aquatic Hireas live in
fectly adapted to the constraints of their all the planet’s waters. Wherever they go,
environment. They can endure the high- they leave in their wake a delicately flow-
est temperatures and survive cold close ery and woody scent with a slight hint of
to zero degrees. spice. Prim and proper, but also military
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS and rigid, the Hireas crisscross Sec-Hum’s
warm and cold waterways, living an ac-
Although their shape suggests a remote
tive society life albeit with constant ma-
human ancestry, certain physical details ir-
neuvers and defense exercises.
refutably rank them among the alien races.
They average 2.5 meters in height with ath- PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
letic and well-proportioned bodies, even These huge fishlike creatures can grow
though their legs seem slightly too long. Their to a length of five meters. They differ in
bodies are totally covered with thick heat- shape depending on the water area in
regulating scales that protect them, but that which they live. The deep-sea dwellers liv-
also give them a particularly putrid body odor. ing in the depths of abysses thousands of
HABITAT meters deep often look quite monstrous with
horns, armor, protuberances, and other defor-
Impelled by the demands of an extreme en-
mities. However, the warm-water Hireas have
vironment, the Gords are the kings of mimetic
long smooth and supple bodies. The vast ma-
fusion with their surroundings. They have de-
jority of them have limbs in the form of short
veloped this technique to the point of being
legs and scrawny arms but also sometimes,
able to inhabit the most arid landscape, become
other organs they can grip with. Whatever
one with it, and live off the meager resources it
their shape, the Hireas all have a gland at
has to offer. They can find shelter in the small-
als produced by the deep-sea organisms — weapons to
the base of the brain that secretes a powerful launch a viable counter-attack against the Gords.
Chapter 8 • 96
neurological poison. This is also the source of However, the Hireas’ military strength has been greatly
the suave, heady fragrance they exude. weakened since the involvement of Metabaron Aghnar,
HABITAT recruited by the Gords. But the fish people have not given
in yet and are striving, in the greatest secrecy, to convince
The Hireas’ habitat is one that is natural to amphib- the incredibly powerful giant creatures of the abysses to
ians: water. However, submarine towns are also dotted fight for their cause.
about here and there over the seabed. Since the Hireas
are totally amphibian, these constructions serve merely THE SUUSKINS
as physical symbols of the strict social hierarchy. The high- The Suuskins, more commonly known as the
ranking dignitaries live in hollow rock structures in which “Odoraters,” are border people who live in the midway
they nonchalantly float safe from the public gaze. Most of belt that separates the desert area from the sea area. These
the other buildings house the huge administration, Hireas discreet and totally odorless Odoraters make huge profits
troop training centers, and the famous “death beds.” from their trade with the Gords and the Hireas. They origi-
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE nally sold aromatic extracts, either subtly musky or to-
Probably because of the fact that they produce eggs tally rank to order, since the concentration of smells is a
hatched outside of the body, the Hireas are an extremely determining social criteria among both opposed peoples.
social and class-ridden people. Individuals bow down to They then expanded their product range to all types of
the all-important group. Their artistic nature has so been weapons with the exception of mass destruction weapons
perverted over time that a perfectly synchronized chore- that could annihilate the planet. Their cynical attitude
ography of Hireas-Torpedoes in combat dress is now con- probably says more about what they are really up to than
sidered to be the epitome of beauty. It goes without say- their apparently ordinary wheeling and dealing. The
ing that their hatred of the Gords is a strong element of Odoraters are also the only inhabitants of Sec-Hum with
social cohesion. the means to leave the planet and travel through space.


The Hireas are invincible in the water. However, they The tiny, slender, almost fragile Odoraters have the sly
also have some amphibian units capable of evolving on humanoid look of those who can manage to slip by any-
dry land. In addition to their natural combat skills, they where unnoticed. Yet despite their frail appearance, they
have acquired — in return for the extremely rare miner- are as solid as rock. Harshly trained from birth, the
Odoraters are capable of bounding incredible distances in
one leap. The skin covering their bodies is one big sensor
that absorbs all energy and airborne material, such as light
rays, water molecules in the air, and various other particles.
The skin then transforms them into dopamine compounds
that can be directly assimilated by their organism. The won-
ders they are capable of do not stop there; their command
of chemical phenomena defies comprehension. Certain
physical details set them apart from humans: They have
only four fingers and four toes, and their bodies are almost
totally hairless. Although they have hair on their heads, they
are beardless and have no eyebrows or eyelashes.
The Odoraters have built a massive network of under-
ground tunnels and above ground buildings in the neutral
belt. This vast swamp some hundred kilometers wide is
bordered on one side by a luxurious mangrove and on the
other by sparse short grass, forming a belt around the planet
that cuts across the frozen and hot regions. The buildings
on the surface are modest and totally in keeping with the
Odoraters’ self-styled image. Underground, however, their
constructions reflect their real nature — invasion machines
with an incredibly sophisticated arsenal.
Far from being neutral and kindly go-betweens in the
quarrel between the Gords and the Hireas, the Odoraters
are delighted about their merciless battle. Their big hope is
to see them destroy one another so that they can once again
and-sand extra-terrestrials and the only place

97 • Aliens
where they can live, is right in the middle of a tellu-
ric knot where this energy ebbs and flows like a cos-
mic tide. Despite its immersion in the humid currents
from Per-Beod that constantly sweep over the planet,
Akuaridh is a total desert containing nothing more than
mineral flora made up of innumerable varieties of rocks.
Water is totally nonexistent and is excluded and banned
in all its forms. No plants can grow on the planet, and
although no one has ever attempted to set up the techno-
logical means for artificial water, it is clear that even arti-
ficial water tends to disappear from Akuaridh’s surface.
Yet the Akuas are well acquainted with the concept of wa-
ter since they believe that space is a huge ocean.
They profoundly believe in their minds, altered by the
singular nature of their homeworld and creation, that their
planet is a mineral island in the all-encompassing sea of
space. Their entire culture is based on this deep-seated be-
lief in the Mother Ocean. Convinced of the existence of
water, but unable to get near it, get hold of it, or taste it, the
Akuas see space as a supreme divinity. Their mental picture
of it is as a living entity with a superior mind, to which they
owe their life, knowledge, and survival.
Everyday Akua life is based on this extremely particular
relationship with water and space. These relatively well-
reign over a world they used to totally control. They have developed creatures combine their craftwork expertise with
agreed with the force that inhabits Sec-Hum not to use their a remarkable artis-
fabulous powers and to cultivate modesty and patience un- tic sensitivity and a
til they are strong enough to rise up. They are good pre- surprising societal Alien Business
tenders. They are tough and hostile inside, and their feeling awareness to form Since the Empire’s official
of superiority is equaled only by their determination. a people isolated trade is in the hands of the
from virtually all Church of Industrial Saints’
outside influences. Merchants’ Guild and the
The Odoraters are the owners of a colossal arsenal. In Water worship is
the depths of their secret galleries, they have tucked away Ekonomat merchants — two
more than a cult. It of the Four Pillars of the Em-
a tremendous stock of the most sophisticated weapons is such a funda-
available from the arms-dealing Maganats. In addition to pire the least inclined to have
mental pillar of anything to do with non-hu-
this more classic equipment, they are in contact with a Akua life that the
supra-universal entity, Podrih-Do, the guardian of the mans — the alien races find it
social structure very difficult to penetrate the
Puerko gateway, one of the six secret gateways in the naturally incorpo-
Human Universe. From time to time, Podrih-Do divulges usual trade channels. Fortu-
rates each nately, the rebel factions —
a secret to them, and the Odoraters advance one more individual’s rela-
step on the road to power. pirates, independent merce-
tionship to space naries, and even certain Co-
and its secrets. The
THE AKUAS hierarchy is hence
lonial planets — are not
averse to doing business with
As goods transporters and trade have replaced human defined by their these intergalactic trade out-
expeditions to discover unknown worlds, so space has level of conscious- casts since they can force them
gradually lost its mysterious appeal and has become merely ness, and they rec- to accept tough terms and
a usable and exploitable “dimension,” like a new road ognize and respect prices. The black market is
linking the outermost bounds of the universe. Rare are one another based consequently full of exotic
those who know about the wonders, forces, and cosmic on their relation- exports direct from alien
entities at work in this infinite space. Few people are aware ship with the worlds, and staggering quan-
of the energy currents that cross it from the six gateways Mother Ocean. tities of stolen goods — in-
and influence the evolution of the races more profoundly If the Akua cluding weapons and tech-
than all the Techno-Techno inventions put together. So lifestyle were com- nologies — find their way to
few have ever heard of the Akuas. pared with a con- planets they should never
Born of a remarkable paradox, these fossilized creatures ventional religious have landed on.
were created by the passing of the dry and humid energy structure, all the
flow from Per-Beod. Akuaridh, home planet to these bone- inhabitants of
Akuaridh would be followers. All Akuas are con-
Chapter 8 • 98
vinced that they are intimately linked with the ocean
that is space and, as if this is proved by their very
existence, uphold the beliefs and perpetuate the rites of
their fellow creatures. The creatures involved in orga-
nizing ceremonies such as the Netting Dance could then
be considered to be initiates, since they have an in-depth
knowledge of the close link among their planet, their evo-
lution, and the Mother Ocean. The initiates can feel the
tidal flows, interpret certain signs, teach the youngest, and
actively participate in discussions on the strengths of cer-
tain mental powers gained from their faith. Last but not
least come the priests, the oldest and most mystical Akuas.
They are considered to be the Mother Ocean’s emissaries
and prophets of its will. They have ten times the mental
abilities of their fellow creatures, and their powers influ-
ence both mineral matter and the energy currents them-
The Akuas believe that the cosmic flows are tides and
that passing spaceships and explorers are inhabitants of
this infinite sea. The Netting Ceremony — a firm tradi-
tion with the Akuas dating back dozens of generations —
stems from this extraordinary relationship with the
Mother Ocean. The Akuas assemble in the center of sand
lakes dotted all over Akuaridh. The priests then put the
followers and initiates into a deep mystical trance through
which they enter into contact with the Mother Ocean. In
addition to producing a mind-warped vision of space, the HABITAT
Akuas use this ritual to influence the humid current and Most Akua dwellings are underground caves dug into
provoke disturbances that pan out through the confines the mountainside or the rocky soil. There is no need for
of space like a ripple effect. The Akuas see these waves as the concepts of towns and villages since the Akuas sys-
nets they can use to “fish” nearby vessels. The “nets” tematically gather together in well-balanced numbers of
create magnetic disturbances, computer and equipment priests, initiates and followers. Each city has three priests,
problems, voices, visions, sudden desires, and mystical oc- twenty-one initiates, and some hundred followers. The
currences experienced by conscious individuals. number of followers may be one or two individuals over
Many electromagnetic phenomena reported around or under the hundred, but rarely more or less.
Akuaridh can be traced back to the Netting Ceremonies, Their dwellings have a set structure, like an empty snail’s
but hardly anyone knows why expeditions disappear in shell. The priests live in the center of the rocky maze, and
this particular area. They will continue to be in the dark the initiates and followers live at regular intervals in the
until they discover what the Akuas’ irresistible fascina- other decorated nooks and crannies. Sculptures are very
tion with water impels them to do: devour everything that important in this entirely mineral environment, and the
it contains. status and personality of each Akua are stamped on his
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS dwelling’s ornaments, decor, and furnishings.

The Akuas are humanoids, slighty smaller in size than PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE
a man. They have no organs and a fishlike skeleton. They Although the Akuas are united by their faith in the
are two-legged with two prehensile hands, which means Mother Ocean, they are independent in that they develop
that they can walk and do most of the things that humans their own personalities, reactions and personal motiva-
can do — with the exception of reproduction. The Akuas tions — even though they are always driven by a given
have no concept of gender. They are born in the sand like interpretation of their relationship with space and water.
fossils and awake under the influence of the cosmic tides. They are peaceful by nature with little experience of con-
Their bone structure is incredibly resistant, and their flict. They therefore attach a great deal of importance to
lack of vital organs makes them formidable adversaries social cohesion and run their society, as far as the outside
in single combat. However, they drop like flies under fire eye can see, like a beehive. Individuality exists, but not
from weapons of mass destruction and area effects . They to any great extent. Each Akua lives his life in relation to
cannot speak, but communicate with one another by te- the others and takes part in the water rites without try-
lepathy and express their emotions through a series of ing to assert any of his own personal ideas, since this
jaw-grinding actions. people’s faith is underpinned by their very nature and
nobody would ever question it.
The Akuas are naturally curious and mystical. They
are fascinated by the treasures provided them by the zone in a lightning and particularly devastating

99 • Aliens
Mother Ocean and interpret and analyze every sign and attack. In next to no time, all that was left of the
event to suit their beliefs. For example, the arrival of a main planet was an asteroid called Mnemos by the
spaceship in their planet’s vicinity is seen as a manifesta- mandated Mentreks, and everyone thought that life had
tion of the Mother Ocean, a sign sent to incite a reaction. been wiped out forever.
The priests hasten to interpret this sign by leading the It wasn’t until the tragic meeting between a Terra 877
Akuas to the sand lakes to commence the rituals. inhabitant and a Mnemos “envoy” that anyone realized,
after long and fastidious crosschecks, that the Mentrek
RESOURCES AND POWERS report was not altogether accurate. Although all life was
The absence of water on Akuaridh deprives the extrater- ostensibly extinct, the asteroid had undergone an unfore-
restrials of all plant and animal life. There is no food on the seeable change and, like the afterlife observed with the
planet. However, their incredible talent for mineral arts and construction of the Endocities by the Techno-Technos, had
crafts is such that they can make exceptionally beautiful developed a new and most particular life form. The aster-
and resistant objects, ornaments, armor, and weapons of all oid had become a planet… a living planet.
kinds. Their distinctive artistic gift makes the beauty of their The awakening of Mnemos is not the only case of its
sculptures unforgettable. Yet to date, there is no trade in kind in the universe, but it happened so suddenly that the
them since Akuaridh has only just been discovered, lost as asteroid found itself not only with life, but also with an
it was in the cosmic flow from Per-Beod. intuitive awareness of its own makeup. The newborn
It was only a recent change in the course of the energy Mnemos already knew for certain that it could only sur-
current, placing Akuaridh under the undertow’s cosmic vive and exist at the very best as a fragment of afterlife
swell, that finally proved the existence of these mineral drifting in the stellar vacuum. This fatalism explains both
creatures. Over the last ten years, the Akuas have en- the planet’s total absence of life with its putrid marshes
tered a new era and now want to expand through the and twisted roots and the appearance of phenomena now
universe. They secretly hope to be carried though the known as “Mnemonicians.”
space-ocean like shells, confident that they will eventu- Born of a dying star’s despair, the Mnemonicians are not
ally return to their home planet. so much creatures as life forms, manifestations of Mnemos’
The Akuas’ mental powers are similar to certain other vital essence and its refusal to die even though it knew full
mutants’ powers. Associated with the liquid element and well it was alone and its destruction inevitable. Unable to
its exact opposite, these powers give the creatures the abil- accept that it was incapable of making or giving birth to
ity to sense the presence of water and anything sustainable, the star’s con-
influence the very consciousness of it sciousness just let these phenomena
with varying levels of intensity. This “be,” like the twisted and uncontrollable
The Galactic
power invested in them by the cosmic vegetation that covers the surface of
currents cannot only move, heat, boil, Mnemos. Nostalgic Mnemos has despite
After a long phase of ga-
and evaporate water, it can also be used itself given birth to retrospective beings
lactic expansion sown with
by the priests to cause the total and whose only way of existing and surviv-
conquests, territorial wars,
instant disappearance of all water mol- ing was to become an integral part of
and brutal protests from
ecules, replacing them with a vacuum. this backwards march. Much like cha-
worlds that are still free from
The inversion of liquid flows such as meleons camouflage themselves by tak-
all economic adherence, the
blood is just one of the countless ways ing on the appearance of their environ-
Empire entered into an era
in which the Akuas can use their pow- ment, so the Mnemonicians assimilate
of relative stability. Thus, it
ers against any human foes they may and become… memories.
has adopted the appearance
come up against.
of a diplomatic corps in PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
THE MNEMONICIANS charge of relations with in-
When they first appear, rather than
habited planets, either lo-
Created by an exploding major planet, when they are “born,” the
cated within the borders of
Mnemos drifts through space like an Mnemonicians have no tangible or
the Endo-fringe or beyond
asteroid dotted with marshes and dying even describable physical form. At
the Empire’s frontiers. A bit
vegetation. This dark and rotting isle has most, they are energy currents, waves,
of reflection and observation
been plunged into eternal darkness since flows of existence that aimlessly wan-
allows one to realize that
losing its nearby star. It harbors no ani- der across the body of their Father-
these ambassadors really
mal life, not even bacteria. Mnemos Mother star until they find and absorb
only serve in preparing fu-
bears the name of the Mentrek in charge a memory. They are incapable of com-
ture treaties and economic
of wrapping up the Imperial observa- municating either among themselves or
accords with the Empire…
tions file for this backwater. After long with any other form of consciousness.
and in clearing the ground
years of study and unsuccessful nego- They have no personal awareness un-
before the dispatching of an
tiations with a particularly hostile race til they have materialized. They neither
Endoguard squad.
of extraterrestrials, the Endoguard was feel, understand, nor perceive any of
dispatched to the area and pacified the the information that comes their way.
Chapter 8 • 100
The notion of habitat is irrelevant on this Roll the designated number of dice (do not include the
planet. The Mnemonicians just aimlessly wan- Wild Die) after the characteristic to randomly generate a
der across Mnemos’ surface, and the star bears new alien. If the result is “other,” then you may either
no other life form. Yet it is hard to believe there come up with your own, or roll twice more (rerolling if
is no life when you see the incredible swampy the result comes up “other”) and combine the two. Only
jungle with its outsized trees and putrid lakes roll in the Powers categories if the Powers Physical Char-
full of black water. The water and the absence of acteristics indicates for you to do that. The game master
any biological toxins make the atmosphere determines the exact effects of each power.
breathable. Mnemos has everything it needs to
make it a viable star, at least for anyone who can ORIGIN AND ENVIRONMENT
put up with the death-like ambience. Origin (2D6): ectoplasmic, elementary (water, fire, gas,
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE mineral), avian, insectoid, mammal, reptilian, ichthyoid,
technological, plant, magic, other.
The Mnemonicians only become aware once Native Environment (2D6): ethereal, corrosive (mer-
they are incarnated and materialize in the form of cury, magma, acid, etc.), gaseous/air, aquatic, terrestrial,
a memory. Although some of them become inani- space, extradimensional (parallel dimensions, dreams,
mate, but conscious, objects, the vast majority of nightmares, time, interspace, etc.), other.
the lifeforms look and think like conscious, intel-
ligent beings. They seem to prefer for those who PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
have the use of speech and any other form of com- Form (2D6): ovoid, cubic, slender, flat, animal (avian,
munication. Once materialized, the Mnemonicians reptilian, fish, etc.), humanoid, gaseous, skeletal, liquid,
really “become” the object of the memory that they ethereal, other.
have intercepted and copy its nature, motivations, Limbs (1D6): arms/legs, tentacles, fins, claws, pincers,
desires, fears, and so on. other.
RESOURCES AND POWERS Additional Limbs (1D6): wings, tail, heads, extra limbs,
The Mnemonicians use their amazing replicat- Skin: feathers, hide, shell, quills, hair, flesh, mineral,
ing skills to echo a memory, take on its form, and none, other.
be-come its image. Whenever an explorer sleeps on Distinctive Characteristic (1D6): odor, aura, color, un-
the planet Mnemos, sleep often weakens their men- usual appearance (magnificent, monstrous, etc.), pecular
tal defenses, and increased psychic activity brings mannerism, other.
up more memories, providing a strong chance that Power (1D6): life, movement, mental, perception, physi-
a Mnemonician will be made by the retrograde cal, none.
spiritual waves. In which case, an exact replica of
the man or woman in the memory will be created. POWERS
Replication takes just a few hours. The Life (1D6): short-lived, limited regeneration, long, ex-
Mnemonician first takes on the appearance of a treme, immortality, other.
silhouette of pure energy, as if it were made of so- Mental Power (1D6): magic, psionic, element control,
lidified mercury, before adding in endlessly finer spirit contact, temporal control, other.
and more accurate details that eventually transform Movement (1D6): flight, teletransportation, swimming,
it into the being in the memory. Once made, the jumping interdimensional flight, other.
Mnemonician no longer exists, but the “copied” Perception (1D6): infrared, radar, sonar, X-rays,
subject now has a spitting image. extrasensorial, other.
It’s not hard to imagine how this incredible fac- Physical Power (1D6): invisibility, immateriality, mim-
ulty could be put to a military and political use in icry, polymorphism, chemical excretion, other.
espionage, war and diplomatic alliances. Fortu-
nately, although the existence of Mnemos and the OTHER CONSIDERATIONS
Mnemonicians is known, few seem to have yet Although there are too many variations for which to
made the connection between the planet and its give tables, here are some other characteristics you should
sole creatures. Yet the fact that the Mnemonicians consider describing for your new alien: normal behavior;
are made of pure energy means that they are not average lifespan; average height (adults, children); aver-
confined to their home star. They can sneak age weight (adults, children); organs (eyes, nose, mouth,
Mnemos roots into the spaceship reactors, holds, snout, hands, hoofs, tongue, vital points, heart, etc.);
and cabins of explorers and travelers passing movement; key cultural features (housing, eating prefer-
through the sidereal vacuum. ences, social preferences, etc.).
Far from the aristocratic palaces and Prez-cloning cen- the repercussions of pan-Techno terraform-ation, the in-
ters, there lives an underclass excluded by an appearance- fluence of science on the body, and cosmic energies.
based society and shunned by the cult of pure blood and The first mutagenic force is found in the universe’s
noble lineage. Mutants born either by accident or from a fundamental energies. These uncontrollable currents,
bungled genetic experiment are now a common sight on long invisible to the mortal eye and beyond mortal com-
the streets of the Endocities. Although still technically “hu- prehension, have been causing species and minds to
man” from various physical and mental points of view, the evolve since the beginning of time. They are behind not
representatives of these new species who appeared with the only a whole host of mutations, but also the birth of
first pan-Techno terraformation sites are rarely seen as such. races now called“alien.” Given their ability to create a
They only survive because they are more or less tolerated. multigene-rational leap in Darwin’s theory of evolution,
it is easy to understand how these vital forces can alter
SOURCES OF MUTATION the genetic characteristics of a race on a smaller scale.
More recently, the development of physical, chemical,
HUMANITY AND MUTATION and genetic sciences led to the appearance of a new form
“Mutants” are defined as all living beings whose ge- of mutation caused by radiation, exposure to artificial
netic code has been changed, producing characteristics mutagenic agents, and programmed genetic modifications.
and faculties unseen or less pronounced among the other This opened the door for a whole new brand of physi-
represent-atives of their species. So although a man with ological changes. This explains how, when the initial ge-
four arms is obviously a mutant, these changes can apply netic experiments were carried out, “mutation” was first
to particularities already found in a species, such as the really defined as an external influence on a living being’s
growth of long soft hair all over the body and the spec- mind and body. The effects of building Endocities on in-
tacular development of physical and mental attributes such habited planets are a perfect example of this. However,
as ESP, heat resistance, and skin pigmentation. the chemical substances, radiation effects, and genetic
It is rare to find mutants with no physical symptoms of modifications instigated by the Techno-Technos and the
their mutation. Although many of these genetic changes Shabda-Ouds also come under this heading of “techno-
are also mental and psychological, the body nearly al- logical” mutations.
ways suffers an assault that forces it to react by develop- This does mean that a person can be outwardly human
ing growths, deformities, and conspicuous abnormalities. while, inwardly, a designer being with abilities far beyond
This results in the mutants being stared at and judged by mortal possibilities. Nonetheless, remember the social
their fellow citizens to the point of exclusion and segrega- pressures against mutants among those in power. Once a
tion, which has prompted them to form mutant power person exposes these powers by using them, he is a mu-
movements and abnormality cults. So although having tant waiting to be outed. In the universe of the Metabarons,
physical and mental mutations can quickly make you an no closet, however deep, is proof against the data intru-
outcast from human society, not having any mutations sions of those wishing to learn secrets. The knowledge
can just as easily exclude the human judged “impure” can be expensive to gain, but the pillars of society have
because of his total lack of genetic development. vast resources and all the time in the world.
In the extreme universe of the Metabarons, mutations
have virtually infinite manifestations and effects for both
mutants and their contemporaries. These physical and THE TERRAFORMATION PROCESS
mental changes range from extra and wasted limbs to the
The Techno-Techno robots can complete their mind-
most devastating mental powers. They can turn a human
blowing terraformation work in just over one month, at
into a real alien — a genetic anomaly totally out of phase
the end of which the planet has been gutted and stripped
with his environment, his lost nature… and his peers.
of all vital substances and energy. So it’s not hard to imag-
MUTAGENIC FACTORS ine the unbelievable violence of the process and its reper-
cussions on the balance of life established and maintained
To both mutants and men, the type of mutation is of-
by millions of years of slow evolution. This violence is
ten less important than its expression. However, a detailed
glaring in the draining itself and the suffering inflicted on
scientific study of this phenomenon reveals the extent to
the star, with its raped elements and denigrated energies
which the source of mutations — the famous “mutagenic
sucked up and subjugated to the will of technology and
factors” — are key to how they are physically expressed
the demands of humankind.
and affect the mutant’s organism and psychology.
Once the inhabitants of the Endocities have settled in
Although all the genetic mixing and matching that goes
behind the brand new walls of their new prison, few real-
on distorts even the most basic calculations, three major
ize how their host planet has been ravaged. Further vio-
sources of mutation have been identified that are capable of
lence then sets in, fuelled by the Necro-Dream and
forcing an organism to spontaneously change abnormally:
humanity’s natural vices, and everyone seems oblivious
who abandoned them to evolve on their own and have
to the effects of their settlement there. Yet there now designed specialized robot units to hunt them down.
Chapter 9 • 102
are many manifestations of these unsuspected af- They are hounded from the darkest corner of each
ter-effects. Top of the list are the mutants. Endocity and imprisoned. Yet still they manage to sur-
Although all life is sucked up, bled dry, and merci- vive, grow, and band together under the leadership of
lessly hunted down by the pan-Techno machinery right warrior-chiefs. There might be grounds for the fears of
down to the planet’s core, every terraformed planet their return to the surface after all.
has managed to hold onto a vital spark — an energy KNOCK-ON MUTATIONS
that, like a memory drives revenge or forgiveness, be-
comes an irrepressible vestige, and spearheads the birth The Crados stuck in the heart of the terraformed plan-
of new phenomena: the mutations. ets are not the only mutants around. The land develop-
ment and vital energy absorption process creates an im-
THE CRADOS balance that combined with industrial waste creates many
The Crados are the chief living evidence of this unsus- mutagenic factors and just as many mutant species. These
pected survival born of the life’s determination to “be” mutations due directly to the Techno-Technos’ influence
and endure. These first-generation mutants haunt the on the planets are seen in varying degrees of change, trans-
underground levels far below the machinery and the Acid formation and physiological, biological, organic and psy-
Lake. The vast majority of the population believes the chological developments. Skin coloring, extra, missing
Crados to be mere myth. Rare are those who know they and/or wasted limbs and organs, and diminished physical
exist and believe in the Armageddon prophecy: the day and mental faculties are all examples of what a birth on
when “the underworld will rise back up to the surface.” these terraformed planets can produce. Yet the
Behind the Crados’ filthy, ugly mask forged by the atro- Magnarmada’s intervention does not explain everything.
cious physical mutations caused by the toxic waste in the An incredible number of factors are involved in addition
acid lake, they harbor a last fragment to the afterlife effect. However, the
of humanity reminiscent of their sacri- very birth of the Endocities is in itself
fice and true nature. It is a very sad se- Mutants in a more definite and unpredictable mu-
cret. Although everyone believes that Human Society tagenic factor than any external in-
they were born of the pollution gener- Even if the extra-terrestri- fluence.
ated by the Endocities, the Crados are als incite an evident mistrust
no less than the first terraformation
among humans, when all is
workers abandoned on the planet and said and done, these inhab- You only need to glance at the his-
imprisoned in the darkest depths of the itants of faraway planets still tory of the universe to realize that
earth in a maze of caves hidden from remain relatively well ac- mutants were around well before the
prying eyes. Hardly have they been cepted by the general popu- first Endocity was built. These mu-
stripped of life, when the planets cho- lation. This however, is not tants, altered by a combination of cos-
sen to host an Endocity find their first the case with the mutants. mic forces and radiation from tech-
inhabitants sacrificed on the altar of se- Looked upon as the dregs of nological materials, or born of genetic
crecy and its demands. society, classed even lower modification and crossbreeding in-
It is not impossible to see a subtle than animals on the scale of compatible species, continue to be
variation in the extent of Crado muta- value and consideration, the born and live outside the main center
tion and organization in each Endocity, mutants live in recluse, are of Techno-Techno activity.
but all of these “communities” suffer often hunted, and are gener- The description of the main mu-
from the same physical and mental de- ally not recognized as human tagenic factors gives a general idea of
formities. The Crados are slowly trans- beings with the exception of the possibilities. However, it is safe to
formed from humans into humanoids by a few who share their every- assume that there are as many variet-
the combined effect of radiation, mu- day life. For several decades ies and manifestations as there are
tagenic outflows, and toxic waste from now, these pariahs of human sources of mutations.
the Acid Lake that pumps the food and evolution have started to or- SIDE EFFECTS
industrial waste it cannot handle from ganize themselves, through
the Endocities into the underground Much like cures are found as ill-
the means of illegal cults and nesses and diseases appear, the ongo-
caves. The Crados’ orange-hued, red and common values in which
brown-spotted skin and vague features ing specialization in drugs, treatments,
they demand recognition of preventive patches, vaccines and other
give them the repulsive look of spirit- their status and nature.
less mutants, unlike animal hybrids such medical care for the populations goes
These unauthorized religions hand in hand with a growing number
as the man-dogs whose animal charac- are of course ruthlessly per-
teristics give them a certain allure of of side effects and unexpected muta-
secuted by the Techno- tions. It must be said, however, that
pride and nobility. Technos and the Endocity
Outcasts from a society they helped the Techno-Technos are also capable
Hunchbacks. of using drugs to deliberately provoke
to build, the Crados are seen as a “nec-
essary nuisance” by the Techno-Technos these side effects. The disorders caused
by this external action on the organ-
ism are manifold and often irreversible. They range from
a rash and scaly skin through the loss of certain faculties ally increases the potential for transplants,

103 • Mutants
and the spectacular development of others to major or- crossbreeding and molecular alterations tenfold.
gan dysfunction, skeletal contraction and the complete The Techno-Technos and their erstwhile sisters —
disruption of the immune system. the Shabda-Oud, still have the ability to encode, pro-
The effects of these ingestions and treatments are so gram and alter any genetic sequence to give life to
striking that they merit being put into their own muta- new species today. Yet they don’t even need to break
tional category. However, they are similar to other mu- the Empire’s law against genetic engineering. You’d
tagenic factors associated with the consumption of food have to be blind not to notice the fruits of their ter-
products, chemical substances, synthetic drugs and so on. rible past experiments on street corners everywhere.
With the exception of the prohibitively expensive quality By far the best examples of the Techno-Technos’ ge-
products, the purchase of which is strictly regulated, most netic influence on life are the man/animal crossbreeds well
chemical-based foodstuffs bear a risk of side effects due known among the Endocity inhabitants and valued by the
to their poor quality, unsuitability to the organism and Hunchbacks for their raids. The pan-Techno laboratory
excessively high chemical content, or due to the organism scientists designed these mix-and-match species with their
itself reacting violently if it has already been affected by endlessly changeable physical and mental characteristics
another mutagenic source. The mutational principle is so from the isolation of two species’ genes. Man-dogs, man-
complex that the combined effects of medicine, narcotics, cats, man-sharks and man-snails are just a few examples of
exposure to minute radiation and a long stay in the lower the possibilities for these genetically programmed mutants
levels can create a new mutagenic factor when none of with their countless crossbreeds and hybrids. In addition to
these four factors alone could have triggered the slightest their physical particularities, they all seem to possess ca-
reaction in the organism. pacities associated with their animal nature. The man-dogs
RADIATION have a canine sense of smell and reflexes combined with
human consciousness and language. It’s not for nothing that
Although the consequences of ingesting mutagenic or quite many of these mutants have joined the ranks of the pirates
simply toxic substances seem obvious, the development of and mercenaries — not only to make the most of their physi-
chemical sciences to power vehicles and ships, provide en- cal advantages, but also to hide from prying eyes and
ergy and produce biological weapons has created infinite unrelentless hounding by the powers that be.
sources of radiation with great mutagenic potential. When
the batteries are flat and the weapons emptied and discarded COSMIC FORCES
on the battlefield, the toxins remain in Beyond man’s grasp is a mutational
contact with the oxygen capable of af- vector that is impossible to analyze ob-
fecting all living organisms: animal, veg- Captian Kaïman jectively in its entirety. It has been influ-
etable and mineral. Regarded as a veritable encing the evolution of life since the be-
This irradiation affects more exter- living legend by the Empire’s ginning of time. Each of our universe’s
nal appearances since the directly ex- inhabitants as well as his six Gateways is both source and trans-
posed body generally suffers first-de- own men, who vow their mitter for a flow of bipolar energy
gree mutations. Yet where the radiation boundless fidelity and admi- charged with an element and its exact
is particularly strong and damaging, ration to him, the head of the opposite. This energy crosses space, di-
mutations can reach deeper into the Shipwreckers owes part of vides, rebounds and alters when it comes
body to affect the vital core, metabo- his reputation to his mutant into contact with other currents, trigger-
lism and senses, instead of just attack- nature and the other to the ing marvels and mutations. The six flows
ing the skin and external organs. history that goes with it. of energy from the Gateways are incom-
The Crados are a perfect example of Originally from a noble fam- patible with one another, and naturally
such prolonged exposure to toxic ily, this man upon whom all and instinctively seek to consume and
fumes, making it easy to imagine the life had once smiled, was vic- annihilate each other. The planets sub-
potential effects of voluntary and cal- tim of a terrible mutation merged in or crossed by one or more of
culated exposure to provoke specific that gave him reptilian eyes, these currents are exposed to all sorts of
mutations. a long serpent’s tail, and ex- influences, from mere climatic change
GENETICS traordinary physical abilities. to the severest mutations. Many races
This in exchange for his hap- defined by man as “extraterrestrial” are,
Genetic engineering is now banned from many points of view, mutant ver-
in the Empire. Yet it is highly advanced piness and the protection of
his loved ones. Detested and sions of species that could once well have
despite the fact that experiments have been human… which gives a whole new
dropped sharply since the golden age chased from his family, he
wanders today in space, mo- meaning to the term “humanoid extra-
of the Techno-Technos and the Shabda- terrestrial races.”
Oud some ten thousand years ago. tivated by a vengeance as
cold as the blood that runs The currents from the Gateways
Seen as a potential leap forward in travel through space like a cyclopean
man’s evolution, this science with its through his reptilian veins.
wave — a hungry cosmic liquid tongue
endless variety of applications has trig- that sweeps through worlds, engulfs
gered a race for knowledge that annu-
and life to the mutation of his people, and the Berg’s ex-
cradles of life and recedes like a tide, taking pansion into vulnerable regions of the human Empire.
Chapter 9 • 104
with it the mercilessly devoured fragments of life. It is said, that the arrival of the Berg people in the Endo-
The ebb of these waves is charged with an energy fringe will sound the irremediable destruction of the Em-
opposite to the flow — just like night follows day in pire. For their technology is so particular, founded on
the cycle of time. This ebb moves in the opposite di- secrets unknown to humans, that its effect on the Techno-
rection towards the Gateway, creating a depression and Technos protection shields would be similar to the dev-
devastating waves of turbulence capable of provoking astating outcome of an explosive used against medieval
more appalling mutations than any technology. Muta- armor.
tion, in this case, is seen in terms of degeneration and
the negative influence on an organism. The passing of SPECIAL ABILITIES
the flows creates an upheaval that, although capable of Here are game mechanics for a few of the more popu-
awaking the spirit and creating sensitivity undreamed of lar special abilities found in mutants and aliens.
by the cosmic energies, locks the body in an evolution Elemental Control: The alien or mutant can manipulate
that nothing, not even the all-powerful pan-Techno tech- one type of element, such as earth, air, fire, or water. The
nology, can curb or alter. These influences are called exact nature of the control should be determined prior to
“paleo-salmonesque forces.” using the character. Examples of effects include turning a
light breeze into a gust, causing small tremors, turning
THE BERGS, AN UNUSUAL RACE water to steam or ice, or affecting preexisting fires.
Formerly parrots originating from Artrilys, Immateriality: The alien can change himself
the Bergs are the fruit of a long and complex into a gaseous form for up to one minute.
evolutionary process. Considered to be extra- During that time, +7D is added to Strength
terrestrials, as they are natives of a faraway for the purpose of resisting damage—
planet, these uncommon creatures are full- but his movement rate is halved. He
fledged mutants, taking into account their cannot move through solid objects but
evolution, their method of reproduction, can go through small openings (like
and the cyclic laws which govern their keyholes). He cannot carry anything
changes in body and essence. The Bergs with him or perform actions that re-
change their physical form with the “ quire physical activity or speaking.
Proto-Queen” Barbarrah’s reproduction Enhanced Sense: One of the alien’s
cycle. About every fifteen standard years, five senses is heightened to abnormal
she lays the eggs for 78 billion Bergs. Every levels. Any relevant skill totals are in-
24,000 years, during what these exceptional creased by 1D.
mutants call their “golden age,” the galactic Infravision/Ultravision: The alien can
entity which is their queen generates and forms see in the dark, either through the use of
a new, evolved race, without any reference to the old one. infravision or ultravision. Infravision allows the alien to see
Their physical appearance is radically different, just as changes in heat, while ultravision gives the alien a straight
their manner of communication and their customs. +2 to all Perception checks in the dark because she makes
At every egg laying season, the Proto-Queen Barbarrah the most of light or sees in some other such way.
gives birth to billions of clones from her sole inseminator, Invisibility: The alien is transparent (+3D to all hide
a Berg judged worthy of ensuring the perpetuity of his rolls). This also means that under most circumstances,
race during the Great Quinquennial Festival — where others may not make Perception attempts to detect the
combats and festivities take place to designate the “re- alien. Perception rolls may only be made if the agent or
producer.” Taking into account that a Berg year consists cast member has a reason to believe the invisible alien is
of 825 standard days, the dazzling evolutionary changes there—and then only at great difficulty.
that occur among the Bergs are considered outstanding in Limited Regeneration: The alien gains back one body
their own eyes as well as in the eyes of outside observers, point per round. Aliens who can grow back lost body
who must possess a vast knowledge of evolution in order parts are also classified under this special ability.
to distinguish a new mutation of the Berg race from a still Natural Armor: The alien’s skin is very tough, he has some
unknown ordinary extraterrestrial race. sort of shell or exoskeleton, or some resistance to injury. The
Today, after numerous mutations, the Bergs live in com- alien receives +1D to Strength rolls to resist damage.
plete autocratic rule in the Atrilii three sun system, under Natural Weaponry: The alien has some sort of natural
apparently peaceful and relatively civilized circumstances. weapon—claws, pincers, and the like—that adds +2D to
On their Mother Planet, Ourgar-Gan, Barbarrah the her Strength when determining her damage when attack-
Matrix resides in the depths of Ouror the Ant’s Nest, and ing with that weapon. It is possible to have more than
lives ruled by the rhythm of her reproduction cycles and one natural weapon.
mystic dreams. According to space voyagers and the few Teletransportation: The alien can teleport up to ten
mentreks well versed in Berg study, the Proto-Queen is meters away. He must be able to see his destination clearly.
waiting for the Advent of two prophecies: the coming of In combat, this takes one round, and he can only take
the next Golden Age Inseminator, who will give shape with him what he has on his body at the time.
The universe is known as the immeasurable dimension in direct contact with another parallele-piped form, as
where time and space, as conceived within the limitations the universes are schematically regrouped and stacked
of our minds, is a minuscule piece of an insanely gigantic like a wall of bricks. Knowing that the universes are
baroque puzzle. The universe is crossed in every direction tremendous masses of energy in a state of constant ex-
by ultra-powerful force currents, prechaotic energies, and pansion, it is absolutely vital to have a valve present,
active waves able to displace galaxies in a moment’s time. eliminating the risk of the whole smashing itself into
Of course, these flux do not permanently reveal them- pieces. And so, if by natural coincidence, a quirk of the
selves in the material dimension, but are present in the elements, or an example of the Creator of Creators’
latent state, and those who know how to master them are cautious planning, passages have been provided in each
able to draw from a source so wonderful that it inevita- of the six faces of every universe, and their task is to
bly appears to be magic. regulate the great energy currents that continuously cut
Discovering the origin of all these forces is a task that across space.
would drive even the greatest of the rationalist wizards These passages or “doors” shouldn’t be carelessly left
mad. The forces are related to the very substance of the open, for each universe risks losing its identity by becom-
universe, the first and last mystery, and some are even ing incorporated into a universal conglomeration that is
remnants of what there was before. Nevertheless, parts constantly growing more immense. The six doors are
of them have been clearly identified. The way they work therefore entrusted to the vigilance of six custodians, who
in this universe is understood, as well how they are in- carefully watch that their mission of regulation is well
voked and by whom. This information is only known by executed. Finally, so as to avoid the doors’ attracting the
a few rare initiates, the force’s disciples who most often curiosity of the crowds, they blend into their surround-
ignore and indeed deny the existence of other immanent ings and are even fashioned on a level of reality that eludes
powers in the universe. those beings limited solely to a material reality.

Titanic space, parallele piped in form, resembles a gi- Each door is associated with a specific force, related to
ant brick. The universe thus presents six sides, which make the nature of the two universes it links. At the point of
up its exterior boundaries. Each side is like an impervi- contact, the two universes present characteristics that are
ous membrane which hermetically seals our universe and strictly opposite, so that their junction is ensured by a
prevents its material and immaterial fluids from flowing form of polarity that cannot be broken. Strictly speaking,
over into neighboring universes. Each of the six sides are it is not a question of a physical threshold that someone
passed on from generation to genera-
could cross with his two feet, tion within each of the Castakas, trans-
Chapter 10 • 106
About Major
but rather a conceptual pas- mitted with the metabaronic powers at
sage, the image of a breach be- the end of the final combat between
By nature, the forces and
tween two dimensions. This hazy father and son. Today, the current Met-
energies present in the uni-
and labyrinthine zone is a mortal abaron carries Gangez within him, and
verse can be beneficial,
trap for those who thoughtlessly he is the Mardador custodian. But the
harmful, or uncontrollable,
risk it. One can indefinitely wander Metabaron is not a kindly guardian,
that is to say disconnected
there, stuck forever between two di- and the door is reserved for his per-
from all good or bad will.
mensions and two realities. In fact, sonal use. Even if epiphyte, the won-
The acquisition of an energy
only the guardians have the keys and drous substance associated with the
implies the observation of
know-how to pass from one universe door, has long since been sold to the
three imperative conditions:
to the next. More than Cerberus, they Empire, the Metabaron does not need
1) One must have the will
are rather like the impartial Charon, such an artifact to draw directly from
to acquire this energy. With
free servants of the universes, from the source of legendary powers he pos-
the exception of rare ex-
which they draw their strength. And al- sesses within himself. Besides, the sup-
amples, the forces ignore
though their force is taken from this plies of natural epiphyte have been
those who ignore them.
source, they are not enslaved to it. exhausted, with the exception of the
2) A journey must be un-
Judged by human considerations, rare reserves held respectively by the
dertaken — an interior voy-
their powers are enormous, colossal, four pillars of the Empire. Synthetic
age or expedition, strictly
almost divine. But differing from the epiphyte made from bikramen does no
speaking — to understand
gods, they have no interest in the des- better than mimic the antigravitational
that one can obtain it.
tiny of people and things. Neither are properties of the natural substance. It
3) One must accept the
they immortal. To be more precise, they possesses none of the other miraculous
changes that the energy in-
can exist only as the physical incarna- properties associated with natural epi-
evitably produces once ab-
tion of a mortal being. phyte. As the Mardador guardian, the
In this almost mystic configuration, Metabaron has to himself access to
the guardians fulfill their role accord- these wonders.
ing to the dictates of their goodwill. TEMPER-UT
Some quite readily lend a sympathetic ear to lesser crea-
tures, such as humans, whereas, others watch that they Elsewhere in the universe, there exists a frontier be-
remain hidden with the greatest care, maintaining a veil tween the hot confines and the freezing limits. The pas-
of secrecy over the door they guard. sage from one to the other is the Temper-Ut door, guarded
by Uakl. To this day, the guardian’s physical metamor-
THE DOORS phosis has not been located, nor has the point of access to
Well beyond the outer limits of the universe is the con- the door been found. The guardian Uakl is a one-eyed
fines zone where density reaches an absolute summit, and tortoise, completely made up of mercury. He lives on a
the smallest hydrogen atom represents such a consider- metallic asteroid with a constant temperature close to ab-
able mass that elsewhere, its weight alone would be enough solute zero. The cold of this glacial environment serves to
to wipe out an entire planet. On the human scale, the preserve the cohesion of his organism, for if he were ex-
zone’s recorded pressure and duress are immeasurably posed to heat, he would melt like snow in the sun. Uakl
excessive. Moreover, apart from a few rather strange crea- possesses the secret to temperature modification. He is
tures such as the pachydermic jellyfish, no sign of life can wholly composed of mercury which concentrates his
be found. The rare exploratory missions that have made power, permitting him to act upon atmosphere and cli-
it to the zone have never returned. Yet, very near, behind mate. A drop of mercury taken from his body enables one
a fine and perfectly impermeable membrane, other con- to acquire a part of his power. The greater the quantity of
fines open out where the density is so slight that even mercury, the greater the concentration of power. How-
celestial bodies have no weight. This thin membrane con- ever, Uakl’s conscious and essence, which give access to a
stitutes an absolutely impassable boundary. dimension as great as a universe, are fully contained in
his only eye. Uakl is mortal, but to destroy him, his eye
MARDADOR must be destroyed. If Uakl’s body came to be annihilated,
In our universe, there is a door called Mardador, which his soul could find refuge in the spirit of a consenting
places two antagonistic zones in contact with one another. being with whom it would be in complete accord.
Physically, Mardador cannot be found anywhere; search- LUCIOH
ing for it is a futile quest. In fact, it only exists on a level
of reality that can solely be invoked by its guardian. The Between the limits of shadow and light, Lucioh is the
bird Gangez was this guardian, but his flesh and blood door which leads from obscurity to light. Ophidat, the
body have been destroyed. Now, he lives in the soul of guardian, is a triple reptilian entity made up of three ser-
the Metabaron, with whom he is one. Starting from the pents of bronze, silver and gold with scales that are alter-
very first fusion with Dayal de Castaka, Gangez has been natively dark and bright. They are called the three Bodras.
In addition to their mastery of light and darkness, Ophidat
possesses the secret to a wonderfully powerful technol- Ekonomat. Since that time, the Ekonomat pos-

107 • The Major Forces

ogy. Ophidat has been associated with the Techno-Techno sesses the secret to water. Bemb’s spirit was col-
order for a long time. He resides under the Techno-Temple lected by one of the dignitaries, a member of the
altar on Central Planet. The Church of the Industrial Saints Midastik Chamber, whose identity is unknown.
draws its technological power from this exceptional af- CHONCH
finity. Yet, no dignitary of the order, not even the supreme
Techno-Pope, has ever entered into communion with the In the borders, there is a zone that is completely in
triple entity; and despite its power, the Techno-Techno relief, jutting out full of dips and bumps. The most
order is far from holding all of the power that the Ophidat breathtaking cliffs give way to the highest summits,
has to offer. In fact, the Church of the Industrial Saints is riddled with needles that stand out like the points of a
in reality an instrument in the hands of a dark force, con- diamond. Through the door named Chonch, one passes
cealed in the shadows. into a smooth universe where the polished surfaces are
like immense mirrors, soft and satiny. Ruante is the guard-
PER-BEOD ian of this door. To this day, she has not been discovered,
The door that leads from the dry borders of our uni- frozen in a gangue of bluish ice where she has been kept
verse to the liquid confines of one of the six neighboring for billions of standard years. Set in her mineral sepul-
universes is called Per-Beod. It is placed under the close cher, she roams in space carried by the stellar winds,
watch of the guardian Bemb, a giant oyster who possesses plunged into a dream without end. She has the features of
the absolute source, the secret mastery of water. A long a young humanoid woman, immobile as a stone statue.
time ago, at the dawn of the Ekonomat’s legendary his- Her hands, crossed over her breast, hold a small object —
tory, the planet which became Neo-Knox was dying un- a little paintbrush in orikarb — which can modify at will
der the scalding rays of its sun. And that is precisely when the geographical relief of any world. But the Ruante’s
a dying Bemb communicated his secrets to the first sign powers have many other aspects, because she can act upon
of intelligent life that appeared to him. It turned out to be the inert matter of the two universes. Her conscious is
a delegation of wandering fugitives, looking for a prom- asleep, but a part of her spirit remains in an alert state,
ised land, a group of those who where going to build the ready to intervene when necessary.

Doors and Their Guardians

Our universe is comprised of six doors, each placed under the care and protection of a guardian. A powerful
secret, related to the nature of the two universes they link, is associated with each door. A substance, creature,
or object capable of carrying out a concrete action in the material universe is also associated with each power.
Door Guardian Power Substance, creature, or object of power
Mardador Gangez Mastery of gravity Epiphyte, the fantastic, magical substance which
voids gravity. Overexploited by the Empire, it is
now practically nonexistent in its natural form.

Temper-Ut Uakl Temperature modification A tortoise made of mercury allowing it to act

and alteration upon climate, seasons, and temperature in all of
its forms.

Lucioh Ophidat Control of light The Ophidat’s scales, renewed at every sloughing.
and darkness Engraved on their scales are the mysteries of
technological power.

Per-Beod Bemb Mastery of hydrogen, The Kist, a bladder containing an absolute and
oxygen, and water permanent water source, as well as the secret of
mastering fluids.

Chonch Ruante Modification of A paintbrush in orikarb, which enables the one

geographical relief who is holding it to redesign the outlines of
everything that reveals itself within one’s view.

Puerko Podrih-Do Mastery of aroma The pulp flower, a bud that grows at the end of
chemistry the nose and allows one to act upon the tiniest
inframolecular level of the aromatic chains.
Chapter 10 • 108 fact, being of very different natures,
PUERKO The Influence of the forces tied to the neighboring uni-
Finally, through the Puerko Chonch verses are naturally antagonistic. It is
door one passes from the foul- During the period of not so much that these manifestations
smelling borders to emerge into a chaos that marked the thir- are incompatible among themselves —
delicately perfumed zone, where the teenth and fourteenth millen- for example, cold could very well make
most subtle essences mix to enchant nia, there was an aftershock do with light or darkness — but rather,
the senses. Podrih-Do is this door’s phase when the six universes’ the underlying wills which animate
guardian. A reptilian creature, en- forces withdrew after having them are irreconcilable rivals. The part
dowed with the massive and power- challenged and fought one of the universe where they confront
ful body of the Saurians, is enhanced another with rare violence. A one another is a very disturbed place.
by nine animated heads which each particularly dismal reflux It is the “current’s nexus,” or the eye
have an individual life. It lives buried that returned towards the of the storm, and the turmoil at times
in the swamps of the planet Sec-Hum Chonch door brushed up reaches an apex that causes the actual
from the Soto system in Terra Prima’s against planet Linatys of the texture of the universe to experience
galaxy. Three great and distinct races Pyllum system, where a extreme convulsions: black holes, stel-
inhabit this geophysically strange peaceful population of farm- lar tsunamis, antimatter irruptions, etc.
planet: the Gords, Hireas, and Sueskins. ers and hunters lived in rela- The powers at play defy human un-
These last people, also known by the tive harmony. Spurred on by derstanding, and even a being as in-
name of the Odorizers, have always shamanic priests who re- vincible as the Metabaron — guard-
lived in the marshy strip that encircles vered nature, the Linatys ian of one of the six major sources of
Sec-Hum at its equator. As their primi- people soon gave themselves power — cannot confront these tur-
tive art attests, the Odoraters have since over to a more and more bulences unscathed.
time immemorial revered the “Splendor elaborate technology. Of course, no living world nor en-
of the Marshes.” Formerly, they would In less than a standard tity can come away unharmed from
sacrifice their hunting catch or the century’s time, they had contact with a nexus, nor more than a
youngest members of the tribe to him. erased all of the planets geo- confrontation with a “plexus” (a cur-
But a new link has been forged between graphical relief, making the rent having a unique and singular
Podrih-Do and the Odoraters. It is not surface of the planet as force). If one of these forces crosses a
really a pact but rather a relationship smooth as a lake in summer. system, brushing up against the out-
of subjection from which the religious After having reduced the skirts of an inhabited system, all of the
feeling has disappeared and any mountains and hills, they life in that zone finds itself affected. In
thoughts of communion with the guard- undertook filling in the gulfs particular, forms of intelligent life are
ian are excluded. Podrih-Do allows the and valleys. Those who subjected to its influence, or more pre-
Odoraters to use certain of his minor where opposed to the cisely, its underlying will. Because the
powers, and manipulates them in or- planet’s destruction were the universes follow a logic of their own:
der to guarantee his peace and quiet. first to be buried alive. Ev- they are driven by the instinct to con-
Thus today, the Odoraters cultivate the ery technological advance quer. In fact, without responding to a
pulp flower, mastering the mysteries of was accompanied by an in- precise strategy, the universes and
aromatic chemistry. This knowledge has crease in tyranny. The con- forces they diffuse are naturally cos-
rendered them indispensable to the quest of the entire system mos devourers. Passing from one uni-
Gords and the Hireas who are particu- rapidly followed, excepting verse to another, each force, pushed by
larly sensitive to anything that pertains the colonized satellites who an invasive dynamic, strives to occupy
to scent, resulting in the unconscious entered into rebellion. A ho- all the space it finds in its course.
domination of the two tribes. But micidal rage of a size incon- “Magic” currents arise from the whirl-
Podrih-Do did not reveal to them the ceivable only five centuries wind that follows, whose effects are
magnitude of his powers, because the before swept through Pyllum apparent everywhere, in the most var-
total extent of his understanding of the in every sense of the word. ied of shapes and forms. For example,
most subtle workings of ether is so that Finally, engulfed by a cata- a religion practiced for millennia could
he could control the suns and subjugate clysmic implosion, it became suddenly take a new turn and fall prey
the galaxies. a black hole. to the control of the darkness, stench,
scorching heat, or gravity. Initiates
ACTIONS AND REACTIONS who are particularly advanced could
discover new mysteries to invoke a
power related to light, dryness, or geographical relief.
With six doors scattered about space, and six universes Whatever it may be, the supernatural sweeps through as
massed around them, the Human Empire’s universe is at an expression of tremendous combat that the universe
the crossroads of numerous force currents thath sweep offers on a cosmic scale.
through the stellar void, pass one another and collide. At The exterior forces of the universe experience a mo-
certain points in space, these flux join in titanic battles. In ment of immobility when, after having completely un-
furled, they lose their momentum. Worn out by terrible
battles, they then permeate themselves in the surrounding ing from extremely distant space, sometimes

109 • The Major Forces

space, dispersing partially into the zone where the wave bursting into zones of the Human Empire. And
brought them. Whatever may occur, the reflux moment similarly to the six currents’ remnants, they enter in
always comes next. A new masterful momentum calls the turn into the cosmic vortex’s furious whirling bring-
forces back to their original source. It is the paleo- ing about various side effects, inspiring to beings and
salmonesque current of the six forces, a rising residual systems with the macabre appetites of destructive con-
force that is exceedingly black. Regretfully, stopped short quest. Or to the contrary, they create a constructive
in their conquering course, the forces regain their inten- and positive will. In certain examples, they communi-
sity, trampling back across the regions already traversed cate a creative energy that leads to a technological mas-
with a malicious climatic vigor. When this happens, on tery or paves the road to mysterious occults.
the frequency of a cosmic scale — that is to say once ev- Finally, in addition to the six doors that act as valves
ery 10,000 years — entire systems are swallowed up in a between the universes, a vast number of minor “valves”
chaotic, blind and wild fury. occasionally pop open under the pressure of frothing en-
ergies which make use of these openings to release their
MANIPULATING THE UNIVERSE waves of force. The fate of star systems and the entities
Although this game is not intended to allow characters that populate them undergo either beneficial or disrup-
played on the level a Metabaron, characters can try to use tive impacts, depending upon the force’s level of concen-
the force they are attuned to to alter the world. Treat each tration. On the scale of the universe, their side effects are
act as an attempt at reality manipulation. The dice in a not as long-lasting as those of the great currents, but they
character’s reality manipulation ability equals her Amarax are often more intense. It is as if suddenly, out of nowhere,
Points times her willpower value. Use the guideliens on a mad wind starts blowing, and a supernatural tornado
pages 104 of the rule book, but add +40 to whatever you lets loose.
choose (this accounts for the inerent ability of the uni-
verse to replus changes and remain the same). Thus, an
easy manipulation (such as changing the number of rounds Countless creatures burst upon our universe through
of ammunition are remaining in your opponent’s weapon) breaches between the universes. The majority are native
is 45, while an incredible manipulation (the Metabaron to the borders, where the extreme conditions give birth
breaching the Golden Planet’s defense unscated and un- to monstrous chimeras. These are the pachydermic jelly-
detected) is 75 or more. fish, stellar skate manta fish that are as large as suns, or
better yet, the cosmic cetaceans, or the Jejoh — those
OTHER DOORS, PASSAGES, AND that were formerly revered by the Shabda-Oud. These
MINOR FORCES entities are not by any means deities. Strictly speaking,
they don’t have any supernatural powers. Above all, they
Along with the great currents that cut through deep
are lacking the awareness which would render their power
space, there are other manifestations that make themselves
more than just an ability. But the fact is that they are
known. First of all, there are sporadic reshapings by the
endowed with particular aptitudes of super-human size.
six cosmic forces. When these remnants (magnetic, psy-
They should be thought of as whimsical bubbles secreted
chic, sexual and others) are infused into a universe’s sys-
by the universes, devoid of freewill, at times driven by
tem, they undergo a transformation dictated by the na-
purely physical desires and appetites, and always capable
ture of their new environment. Their essence becomes
of extraordinary feats.
another. They are no longer an expression of their origi-
As the Shabda-Oud order has demonstrated, these crea-
nal universe, nor are they the local force’s reply. They form
tures can be tamed into submission. Their power can be
a new “strain.” Sometimes these strains are hybrid, the
harnessed and used by other intelligent forms of life. Domi-
fruit of a symbiotic encounter between different forces.
nating this power, however, certainly is not enough to
Cut off from their original source, they eventually lose
conquer all of the universe, but it opens up certain possi-
their intensity, but this modification is compensated with
bilities for imposing tyranny. The creature’s force shows
a greater affinity for the zone where they currently reign.
no sign or characteristics of a magic essence. It is just brute
This distinctive mystical union has strong repercussions
force, but what force it is!
on a local level, since the magic current steeps into the
substance of space, the planet’s ether, and the souls of FLUIDS AND CURRENTS
living beings. Under its influence, religions practiced on
The diffused fluids that cross the universe have a more
inhabited worlds take on specific orientations, either fa-
subtle and ephemeral power, as well as a particular affin-
vorable to life or contrarily becoming utterly morbid; the
ity with the underlying system. This is notably the case
cosmogonic harmony itself responds with complete chaos
with the universes’ sexual energies, and their feminine or
or, alternately, finds a new equilibrium based on order.
masculine essence. It is known that these great poles gen-
In the same way that our universe is in direct contact
erate imperceptible fields, whose strong magnetic effects
with six other universes, each one of these neighboring
are quite visible and concrete. For example, it is under
universes is directly in contact with six other universes.
this influence that certain portions of space migrate from
By a process of natural circulation, exogenous forces com-
already written on another level of re-
time to time to get closer to ality. In fact, the Blue Rose is the
Chapter 10 • 110
a body or zone that attracts universe’s navel, its center of gravity,
them. This particular form of har- The Carnido a place only accessible through dream,
mony is also that which unifies the Star fantasy, and mystic thought. Con-
Metabaron and his Metacraft — a During the twenty-second sciously or unconsciously, every being
profound understanding that en- millennium, following the carries within himself the memory of
ables communication through pul- collapse of one of the borders’ this place. Through dreamlike chance,
sion and impulsion, drawing directly zones, a flux emanating from or through long meditative work and
from the primal energy of life and the force guarded by the awakening, one can go back there, re-
death. Locally, these extremely vola- guardian Uakl swept through charge themselves, and develop their
tile fluids can reach such a high level the star system Carnido of the psychic abilities. In practice, the psy-
of concentration that they can inspire outlying Ranz Galaxy. The chic dimension offered by the Blue
a religion or lead receptive beings into stellar bodies’ path was dis- Rose is akin to the Mind’s Shadow that
specific types of behavior. Their action turbed, and the system’s two is mastered by the Shabda-Oud. The
is disassociated from all moral dimen- viable planets experienced source is different, but the effect on
sions, to such an extent that worship- adverse but equally tragic the initiated human is comparable. Af-
ing femininity, for example, could lead ends. One approached terwards, the orientation taken by the
either to a civilization of unsociable Carnido, while the other was newly acquired psychic strength, de-
amazons, to triumphant males under the distanced from the star. The pends uniquely upon what one decides
influence of egotistical chauvinist vegetation yellowed on the to do with it. It is there that it exists at
priests, or contrarily, to a society where first planet, and soon nothing a latent state, and whoever makes the
the men pay tribute to woman’s beauty, survived but a blue and poi- effort to seek it out it, may attain it.
the women revere the proud virile sonous lichen. Water became Ithis is a creature intimately linked
monolith, and together they elaborate scarce. People died, and mil- to the universe. She is related to the
an extremely sophisticated peaceful lions of animal and vegetable Golden Flower, which is her meta-
eroticism. species disappeared. During phoric interpretation. As the essence
In terms of strength, these emanations this time, the second planet of femininity, or more precisely of be-
are far from being as devastating as the was plunged into a permanent nevolent maternity, Ithis watches over
six door’s grand flux, but combined glacial night. humanity. When the course of events
with the interior force possessed by ev- While an inescapable end takes a wrong turn, she feels sadness,
ery individual, great things can be ac- — within at best two centu- but she doesn’t directly intervene, pre-
complished. The “Golden Flower” ries — seemed destined, the ferring subtle and indirect action. For
opened by Steelhead in the heart of the survivors of the two worlds example, Amourine is the substance
Golden Palace is a perfect illustration. experienced a desperate that comes from flowers that blossom
Certainly, Steelhead is no ordinary hu- wake-up call. They were in the heart, the flowers of Ithis.
man, but on this very day he invoked taken over with feverish ac- Amourine enables a person to harmo-
the supreme expression of femininity, tivity. Those who were until niously reintegrate himself into the
and it was this force that harmed the this time idle and confident universe when life, the elements, and
reputedly invincible defenses of the in the goodness of nature especially hostile forces have worked
Empire’s nerve center. In the same way, immersed themselves with against him to disturb the equilibrium
each and every person can be in har- zeal into study and research. of his synchronicity with the environ-
mony with the sexual charge of the ele- The more they worked with ment. Indirectly, Ithis is an object of
ments, nature, or the cosmos in order fervor, the more their faith in veneration to the Neuro-Emotional
to reinforce and strengthen their will, a recourse was reinforced. Church cult, who worship the Saint
drawing thereupon for a renewed vigor, Every day, life became Amourine. It is unlikely that she ac-
and reaching never before explored ar- harder, but major advances complishes other, more direct acts in
eas of knowledge and power. were realized: the two plan- the lives of other worlds, but she can
Cataloguing all of the strength vec- ets could communicate, then certainly give inspiration and open
tors that cross the interstellar void or a probe was sent from one pathways for those who search for
heel and list in a galaxy’s gyron would planet to the other. When them.
be a Herculean task, but certain merit their worlds became barren,
mention. It is notably the case with the the survivors had already
“Blue Rose,” that which is invoked by taken refuge in a space sta- POWERS
the Metabaron Aghnar to convince Oda tion. And when the planets Beyond the cosmos — the devour-
that she is destined to be with him for died, they were already long ing forces, conquering and greedy
all of eternity. It is not a matter of sug- gone for the stars. powers, and diffused flux that regu-
gestion. It exerts no influence over her.
late or disturb the harmony of life in
It only reminds her that their union is
the universe — there are other entities
is placed under their protec-

111 • The Major Forces

of divine essence that exist on a totally The Anishad-
inaccessible level of reality yet are com- tive wing.
Oupah Door
pletely devoted to preserving the gen- Finally, the ultimate myth,
This “door” is the “mythic
eral equilibrium among all of the uni- hope of hopes… the Perfect An-
intra-universe tunnel,” the
verses. Their motivations remain a drogyne is the one for whom every
first river, that which flows
mystery, but it is nevertheless certain form of life waits, to be lead to-
across time and space, and
that they emanate from Omphal, the wards an eternal Eden. Since the
whose every embankment
eye creator, the pupil from which comes prophesy of Aptisto, the human
leads toward a new universe.
all existence. From this first and last site preacher from Terra Prima — “Be-
No one knows where to find
— point of the beginning and point of cause it is said that the one who will
this legendary tunnel, for its
the end — came the Arraths, the guard- unite the qualities of man and woman
location is constantly chang-
ians’ guardians, those who keep a watch will be the Perfect Androgyne, the sa-
ing, as unstable as the con-
over the cohesion of the greater all, a cred Being adorned with all of the
tours of the universe it ser-
whole so vast, that it can only be de- qualities of the mother and the father,
vices. Sometimes here, some-
scribed on a divine scale. Not only do will reign forever and lead humanity,
times there, it only appears
they possess the two Incals — the two by its sublime hand, towards destiny”
to those who are able to en-
faces of unique truth — but the Arraths — and maybe even before this proph-
ter into symbiosis with the
are also the guardians of the guardians, esy, the myth of the Perfect Androgyne
great all: “He who is one
which are in some ways distant projec- had already been a stake of power.
with the universe, he whose
tions of themselves in reality. Each great pillar of the Human Em-
will is strong and who car-
To fulfill their sacred mission — pre- pire works toward giving birth to the
ries passion’s burning desire
serving life — the Arraths can intervene one who could claim this title… But
in his heart.”
at any moment, in any universe. Gen- only in vain. The Perfect Androgyne
erally, they appear as little grandfathers, has never been realized, and no Trans-
good natured and patient. Despite the Bourbon has ever been, no more Ja-
extensive powers at their disposal, they never act in a di- nus-Jana than His-Her predecessors. In
rect manner: they listen, consult, suggest, and direct. For fact, the realized ideal, the absolute communion between
example, it is they who instill the bit of moderation that two principles, designates the ultimate and sole power,
curbs the Tenebrea’s conquering drive. In the same way, that which is behind the Omphal — the divine will that
when the galacto-barbarian wars bordered on the point created everything.
of risking the pure and simple eradication of one or sev- But that has not prevented beings at once male and
eral universes, the Arraths encouraged the discovery of female to come into existence and even to rule over one
TRI-H technology, which would put an end to the con- of the most powerful governments in the universe — the
flict. This said, their presence in the life of the universes is Human Empire.
extremely discrete, even if the existence of each universe
The universe is like a crucible into which a mischie- a basis for belief in some divine entity. They looked death in
vous alchemist indiscriminately pours power grains in the eye, sustained the limits of human existence, and con-
order to observe the reactions with wonder, astonish- quered and vanquished, accepted their fate. Then suddenly,
ment or dismay. From this frothing and fiery cauldron a power greater than themselves, a fantastic force came to
come cults, beliefs and religions, which are all linked save them. A feeling of gratitude and hope could have been
to one form of power or another. In practice, these faiths born from this point. Faith was lurking nearby, and it could
and institutions can assume diverse appearances: for have swept through the hearts of people in all the galaxies.
some, they are instruments to serve their creations’ But nothing like that happened…
ambitions, and for others, they represent a form of All the right ingredients were united, but the recipe just
muddled hope, a threat or a sanctuary where one can find did not take. Coincidence or historical whim are not to
refuge when the whole universe has become mad. blame. There exists a concrete explanation. For the force
from which the Techno-Techno order draws its strength
THE CHURCH OF THE — the triple Ophidat guardian of the Lucioh door — is in
INDUSTRIAL SAINTS (C.I.S.) the hands of a stronger will, the Tenebrae, which has no
need to put hope in the hearts of people. Humans are
In the long list of mystical groups and sects, the order
fearful by nature. If they fear the beyond, there is no rea-
of the Techno-Technos is looked upon as a special case.
son to reassure them. Moreover, bio-life is the Tenebrae’s
Already, with its status as the official church of the Em-
personal enemy, and the Tenebrea only thinks of its elimi-
pire, it enjoys a unique position as a religion. An impor-
nation. Thankfully, for human people and all living be-
tant part of the social life of the Empire’s representatives
ings, the Tenebrea is not the only power in the universe,
who are scattered throughout the entire universe turn
and it is obliged to make peace with other forces that
around the rites and rituals linked to the Techno-mystic:
protect it. Yet, discretely and steadfastly, the Church of
Technology Feast Day, Day of the Ser-
the Industrial Saints spreads the
pent, Days of the Tenebrae, Ovoid Eas-
Tenebrea’s word, preparing the arrival
ter, and so on. But that isn’t all, because
of the Tenebrea and plotting for its
the C.I.S. distinguishes itself as well by Techno-Techno
greater glory.
its complete disinterest for anything that Control
For all of these reasons, the Techno-
has to do with the depths of mysticism. In the Endocities, the
Techno order, despite its church sta-
Fervor shown for the Techno-Techno hi- Techno-Technos’ machine-
tus, cannot be considered as an insti-
erarchy is acceptable. Observing with assisted population control
tution that tries to convey hope or a
a scrupulous rigor the obligations and does not require coercive
message. But its power and omnipres-
duties imposed by the rites is once again measures other than “sur-
ence are such that it can sterilize and
okay. But to throw oneself blindly and veying one’s flock.” Techno-
kill in the embryonic stage all or any
entirely into a spiritual quest to give life Techno chapels and temples
remote impulses towards spiritual el-
meaning, to cultivate compassion, or to do exist, but it has not been
evation. An absolute necessity in
search out other values, higher and less necessary to make their fre-
achieving humanity’s muffled subser-
material, than those given by the Saint quentation an obligation.
vience, which is one of the Tenebrea’s
Technology means running the risk of However, on worlds that
major objectives, as a prelude to other
bringing upon oneself the Council elude their direct control —
more radical actions, leaves no room
Circuit’s anger and disdain. The archaic planets where spon-
for individual expression. Moral slop-
Empire’s official cult has no use for taneous animism is freely
piness — the Necro-Dream — favors
metaphysics. It has no mystical thirst practiced, Colonial planets
these projects; whereas reaffirmation,
to quench. It has an Empire to tame. resistant to certain dogma,
faith, dignity and spiritual elevation
and Maganat planets where
RELIGIOUS AND MYSTICAL local despots privilege their
are the obstacles that the Tenebrae
FOUNDATIONS must vanquish to maintain its domi-
own cult of personality —
nation over humanity while patiently
Yet, the Techno-Pontificate is thor- the supporters of the Church
waiting to eliminate them.
oughly built upon those foundations with of the Industrial Saints take
which churches are made. First of all, advantage of their status as MYSTICAL AND RELIGIOUS
there had been one day a revelation. At the Empire’s official cult to ACTIONS
the Techno-Techno origins are three rep- obtain privileges and pre-
rogatives, imposing the The Church of the Industrial Saints
resentatives of the Guild, lost in deep
Techno-Techno’s supreme promises nothing. It brings no aide, no
space on a small asteroid, condemned sur-
control over secular affairs. comfort, and leads no action to allevi-
vivors promised to an impending end.
ate life’s burdens or solve its difficul-
These three actually lived through a mys-
ties. It does not attempt to solve life’s
tical experience that most often serves as
mysteries, nor understand the divine in
people, nor favor transcendence or el- religious congregations, the

113 • Cults and Religions

Initiations and
evation. The church especially does not Neo-Shabda-Oud order is to
protect the arts, and stirs no sacred in- the contrary, a community fully
When a novice is on her
spirations in those who believe. To the established on a mystical dimen-
way to reaching the eighth
contrary, it condemns and imposes with sion. The ten founding members —
level of awakening, at the
extreme rigor a quantity of rules as ob- grand elders and high-ranking ini-
eighth Mohn, she is called to
scure as they are inflexible, which help tiates of the vanished order — live
the first Temple to undergo
to spread confusion in the follower’s in a state of physical catalepsy, inti-
the final initiation and be-
minds and flatter their lowest instincts. mately joined by a powerful mental
come a reverend-mother.
On the subject of morals, the Techno- bond whose source represents the
This ultimate trial should
Techno order is anything but rigid. For essence of the Neo-Shabda reality. In
give her access to new mys-
example, though their rules reprove in- the battle against Metabaron Aghnar,
terious powers. Afterwards,
tellectual curiosity, they strongly ap- they lost all of their technological trea-
the neo-reverend-mothers
prove of depravation, unrestrained con- sures, reducing them to almost equals
must certainly leave on a se-
sumption of drugs and other psycho- with the Techno-Technos. But this pe-
cret mission because they are
tropic agents, and in a word, everything riod is now ancient history, a nostalgic
never seen again…
that distracts and diverts one from the regret. For in this time of trial and ut-
highest to the lowest, most vile com- ter destitution, they found the inspira-
mon denominator. tion to build new arms that are poten-
For lack of a veritable faith or want tially even more devastating than those
of a great mysticism, the pan-Techno-Church imposes an that were lost.
extremely ritualized cult agenda. All who belong to the or- Shabda mysticism is certainly not based on loving thy
der must be subjected to their principles of life, and their brother or neighbor. The Shabda are not altruistic. To-
heavy and constraining ceremonials, with the objective of day, like yesterday, their motivations remain the quest for
assuring blind devotion to technology. It is the same for the power and the desire for strength. Even devoid of all em-
Techno-Techno minions or underlings as well as the digni- pathy, they know how to find their way towards the men-
taries — Techno-Popes, Techno-Cardinals, Techno-Bishops tal strength that is lodged in each thinking being and
— who are placed under the inflexible authority of the cen- master it. Formerly, spurred on by their Jejoh’s sexual en-
tral computers and Techno-Centrix. Freewill has no place ergy, they knew how to harness mental energy, but they
in the church, and all the followers’ actions and doings are have now brought this mastery to a never before imag-
strictly controlled. This equally applies to laymen and insti- ined level. Living within fixed time allowed them the
tutions. Everywhere it can, the Church of the Industrial Saints luxury to explore in extremely minute detail — virtually
imposes its hyper-hierarchical structure, as well as its nu- in a form of conscious energy — the mysterious resources
merous ceremonies and obligations. of the brain. Patiently and methodically, they dissected
Fundamentally, the Church of the Industrial Saints is and analyzed each lobe, each cortical zone, and estab-
not for humanity. The Techno-Technos are exploited by lished a precise topography of the eight “Mohn” points.
the Tenebrae with the goal of mastering the bio-elements, Accessing mental strength is achieved by a gradual
as emanations of life, and keeping them in a state of sub- awakening process of each one of these eight points. The
mission conducive to the arrival of the frozen reign of operation, as delicate as it is spectacular, consists of in-
darkness. Ové Tenebrae! troducing a long ebony wood needle probe into the brain.
The ten Shabda-Oud elders, the Neo-Shabda reverends,
THE NEO-SHABDA-OUD ORDER became masters in the art of trephination. Each one of
After the destruction of the Temple on Planet Diamond them wears a crown made up of eight ebony needle rods,
and the Magons’ invasion of the frozen planet, one might placed according to a very specific arrangement, and each
imagine that the order of the nun-sluts had disappeared one has reached an extraordinary stage of psychic devel-
forever. But, cloistered in the frozen sanctuary of the first opment. New cerebral regions are accessible to them, zones
Temple, built on the stellar ice floe at the exact spot where that until recently were unexplored and untouched, where
the initial Jejoh was discovered by the order’s founders, they have found treasures. Now, in addition to the mortal
the ten great Elders — ten sickly mummy-like keepers of mental fluid with which the Shabda-Oud overwhelms their
the great Shabda secrets — were the order’s only survi- enemies, they have supernatural telekinetic capacities at
vors. Their armed forces — the seven cetacyborgs and their disposal. Together, from a distance, they can act on
their legion of fresh and vigorous novices — had been matter in an absolutely terrifying manner.
reduced to an impotent, lifeless member. Yet there re- Of course, the Shabda-Oud are still able to take con-
mained their legendary psychic power, fruit of the inde- trol over and subjugate any unsuspecting creature, using
fatigable labor of generations of priestess-witches. simple hypno-suggestive impulses. Technology had es-
caped them, but they were able, in a very short period of
RESURRECTION time, to reconstruct an arsenal that wants nothing more
If the Church of the Industrial Saints, despite its name, than to sweep through and conquer the universe.
doesn’t show any of the qualities generally attributed to
Chapter 11 • 114 THE NEURO-EMOTIONAL
At this stage of their renais- Inspired by traditional AMOURINE CULT
sance, the Neo-Shabda-Ouds were paleo-techniques from Terra
confronted with diverse difficulties: The hope of the universe’s damned,
Prima, the scarified tattoo is cult of the neglected, the Neuro-emo-
they were banished from the Empire, a procedure (extremely pain-
where moreover they had hardly tional Church assembles all those who
ful when carried out without society (in the most general sense of
been tolerated, and they were only anesthetics) that consists in
ten, isolated and above all, incapable the word) ignore, despise, and would
applying a fine laser ray that watch die without experiencing the
of moving. To overcome these diffi- has a psycho-electric charge
culties, they embarked on an active slightest quiver. In the Endocities, this
capable of altering biochemi- Church is the hope of the mutants and
recruitment campaign. Evidently, the cal structure in biological tis-
first and most difficult thing was to at- the desperate of the lower levels, and
sue. The ray actually acts everywhere else, the miserable of the
tract women to come all the way to their upon the melanin content of
hideout. Once present, there was no universe have the hope in their hearts
the deep epidermal layers. of the Advent. But the Neuro-emo-
doubt that they would be able to per- Contrary to paleo-scarifica-
suade them, but attractive action from tional Church is a banned and hunted
tion, it doesn’t produce scar cult. It is most alive in the Endocities,
a distance constituted a veritable chal- tissue folds but leaves an in-
lenge. They succeeded beyond their in the Subring and its GTO, as their
delible mark, comparable to priests are always mutants. But the
dreams. In fact, fate greatly favored a birthmark. In dark skin, it
their plan, and they caught a complete Church is also present in space, on one
leaves a light mark, whereas planet or another, where a mutant, es-
crew of Amazons in their net: ten mag- on light skin, a dark mark.
nificent soldiers, all determined and vig- caped from an Endocity to join the pi-
orous. A first series of initiations were rates, carried the Church’s message.
started, and a minor trephination was THE MINOTAUR-PROPHET
carried out on the ten new recruits. The
configuration of four needle rods placed in a semi-circle The first mutant, the Minotaur-Prophet is the founder
on the left side of the head is called “covenant.” The nov- of the Neuro-emotional Church. A curiosity throughout
ices do not become the elders’ equals, because the “cov- the Empire during the period when genetic mutations were
enant” does not open the superior levels of mental mas- still an extremely rare phenomenon, he was one day
tery, but it does make them formidable witches and, above brought to Golden Planet to be displayed. It was on this
all, contributes to introducing them into a circle that they occasion that he discovered Amourine, a small white
will never, ever leave. flower that grows in immaculate gold. He then ingested
These ten Neo-Shabda-Oud priestesses were then sent some seeds, and his destiny was turned upside down.
towards inhabited worlds on recruitment missions. Con- Taken to an Endocity, he escaped and started upon the
strained to act with extreme discretion — they risked im- long road as preacher of the love flower, the white weed.
mediate execution if their affiliation with the Shabda-Oud The essence of his message is clear: “God is concentrated
came to be known — they concealed the needle rods that in Amarax.” In other words, the divine reveals itself in
protruded from their heads under a white headdress. To the principle of a person’s elevation. When a man has the
this day, no one really knows exactly what they are, and sincere will to better himself, he renews himself with the
in a universe where the most whimsical and weird dress- heavenly dimension that is inside of him. The reference to
ing styles are abound, no one is surprised to see these “god” does not allude to a clearly defined entity, but rather
cranial outgrowths. But even so, they scrupulously fol- to an idea of a superior force favorable to humans, crea-
lowed a prudent and cautious course. Thanks to their ef- tures, and to life in general. Amarax is in each one of us,
fective action and their intensified powers of persuasion, but it is through our acts and the intention and determi-
the Neo-Shabda-Oud order rapidly filled its ranks. nation with which we accomplish them that reinforces it,
Three awakening centers were opened. They are directed or to the contrary, degrades it.
in the greatest of secrecy by priestess-witches vested with In the Endocities, the Minotaur-Propohet’s message
the personality of a great elder. During the course of highly quickly found a large response in the heart of the mutant
ritualized secret ceremonies, they implant an initial needle population. As their numbers increased, the word of the
rod to open the first Mohn. The novices are then sent into Neuro-emotional spread. The Church as such, then struc-
the universe to become seasoned in leading a recruitment tured and organized itself. Temples were constructed in
mission. Then, as they develop more and more into Neo- the most sordid places and the most hidden, where the
Shabdas, new needle rods are implanted and new cortical word, held in contempt by the Empire, would be the most
areas become accessible to them. heard. Priests, called “reverends” or “sacerdotes” were
Today, the Neo-Shabda-Oud order counts thousands trained and sent out in every direction. They brought with
of followers in the universe. Isolated, they keep their veri- them some small seeds from the Saint Amourine, the flower
table nature a well-guarded secret and prepare in the shad- with fantastic properties.
ows the revival of the priestess-witches’ splendor.
the Human Universe. One day, at the begin-

115 • Cults and Religions

On Golden Planet — where it grows wild everywhere
ning of the Empire, Rosemonde 1st the Rebis who
without being cultivated — Saint Amourine is at best con-
reigned at the time called for his crown — the golden
sidered ornamental and at worst like a weed. And yet, it
flame that encircled his head — regretting that he could
is also the Empire’s worst enemy — a poisonous flower
not turn it into gold to bail out his declining treasury.
that could overturn the established order and turn hierar-
Hardly had the thought occurred to him when a foun-
chies upside down — and the greatest hope of all beings
tain of gold pieces sprung from his hands, pouring forth
who people the universe. It is a miraculous potion that
in a crystalline cascade… ten million standard gold
could change the Emperoress and reform the Human
kublars. On the front, the sparkling coins displayed a
Universe without shedding a drop of blood. Because
portrait of Rosemonde, and on the back, a shut eye.
Amourine, Ithis’ gift of the sacred flower, which draws its
Made of the finest gold, each piece was, aside from be-
life from the purity of gold or angelic hearts, has the power
ing absolutely unalterable, capable of resisting the high-
to create love, to find once again the feeling of love that
est temperatures, as well as the most corrosive acids. It
the divine feels for life itself. The dark forces of the Necro-
was a great treasure that, with no uncertainty, was well
Dream fight against Amourine, which is like a poison to
worth much more than the sum total of the coins’ face
them. For Amourine heals the Merope virus (the evil that
value. The same day, overcome by sudden madness,
is a direct expression of the Necro-Dream) and purifies
Rosemonde sneaked out of the Golden Palace incognito
Amarax (the vital drive from which beings strengthen
and left in a trance for the casino planet Vegas-Vegas where
themselves and find their force).
he squandered away his fortune in slot machines.
A secret society present throughout Known by initiated numismatists by
the universe, the Kublarian sect is a het- the name of “original edition,” the
erogeneous congregation of enthusiasts The White
Machines entirety of the standard gold kublars
united by the same hallucinatory love has long since been dispersed to every
of the kublar… but not just any kublar. Ophidat’s nature is
double, at once darkness and corner of the Human Universe. The
The soul of the sect, the one who in- gold shower episode has been forgot-
spires and directs it, is the “Minister of light. He is like a serpent in
form, with black and white ten by everyone… or almost everyone.
Finance,” a mysterious individual un- The Kublarians, worshipers of the al-
known to all. Despite his hermit-like evenly distributed scales. He
sometimes shows his dark mighty power of the kublar, perpetu-
discretion, he can count on the abso- ate the memory, working relentlessly
lute fidelity and devotion of ten million side, and at other times his
bright and luminous side. to gather the ten million lost pieces.
followers, all ready for the ultimate sac- That which might seem like a strange
rifice, when finally the reign of the “Al- On rare occasions, he pre-
sents both aspects of his dual fad, in fact responds to a profound
mighty Kublar” will come into being. mystical logic. The Kublarians are cru-
Under the supreme Minister of nature. Whether he is under
the influence of Darkness — saders, and their divine mission is to
Finance’s authority are the Treasurers enable the triumphant coming of a di-
and the Cashiers, who respectively rep- black scales, or of Light —
white scales, the repercus- vine being whose body is composed
resent the sect officers and the troops. of the ten million standard gold
This hierarchy corresponds to a level of sions are then felt on a uni-
versal scale. As the Techno- kublars. When finally they are united,
mystical initiation as well as a physical then the “Almighty Kublar” will ap-
commitment. For in accomplishing their Technos are completely un-
der the Ophidat’s controlling pear, opening the ten million eyes, and
goal, the Kublarians often lead acts of thus a deluge of gold will rain down,
violence, which are similar to forceful yoke, all equipment that they
manufacture is tinged with purifying the universe…
takeovers or coups. Usually, they are Driven by the fervor of their reli-
perfectly harmless and very well inte- the Ohpidat “spirit,” its
double essence, and so is in- gious certainty, the ten million Trea-
grated into society. However, the surers and Cashiers upkeep a vast in-
Kublarians distinguish themselves with timately mixed with dark-
ness and light. Thus while the formants’ network, who are in charge
a finely scarified tattoo that they wear of tracing original edition coins. As
at the nape of the neck, precisely at the secular guardian starts let-
ting his scales of light appear, soon as one is located, every possible
base of the axis of the second cervical method is used to take possession of
vertebrae. This enigmatic mark looks certain Techno-Techno ma-
chines called “White Ma- it. Numerous violent raids and pilfer-
like a shut eye. ing, carried out every day in the uni-
chines” demonstrate the
THE MIRACULOUS SOURCE “will” to protect humanity verse, can in fact be attributed to them.
against the designs of Dark- But the sacred importance of their mis-
The origins of the Kublarian sect sion justifies the means. To this day,
come from the legend that surrounds ness, who seek exactly the
opposite. five million eight hundred and seventy-
the birth of the kublar, the Imperial cur- two thousand, three hundred and
rency that is in current use throughout forty-two original edition standard
Chapter 11 • 116 that the Perfect Androgyne is really the
gold kublars have been re- Paleo-Marx? greatest of all divinities, the one who
couped. They are guarded in a And God in All knows how to triumph over all the
secret place, the whereabouts only of That… others.
known by the Minister of Finance. The confederation of Co-
lonial planets, lead by the
THE PERFECT Troglosocialik Federation, AND MYSTICISM IN THE
ANDROGYNE CULT AND the galactic Mencheviks, and UNIVERSE
THE PALEO-WARS OF diverse minor factions (Poly-
Schismatiks, Avatars With thousands of worlds scattered
RELIGION Trotsko-Revoltionaries and in a universe more vast than human
Although entirely disconnected Proto-Nihiliks) boycott all thought, worlds inhabited by popula-
from all that is mystical or religious, festivities linked to the Paleo- tions who rarely have the occasion to
the most observed cult in all the Em- Wars of Religion and have leave, worlds immersed in the stellar
pire (even more than the Church of the even officially registered an void, crossed in every direction by eso-
Industrial Saints) remains unquestion- Imperial amendment project teric forces and magic fluids, inevita-
ably to be that of the Perfect An- on this subject. Outraged bly have numerous mystical currents
drogyne. For on all the Imperial worlds, that the figure of Paleo-Marx appear and blossom. The more that the
nobody questions the sublime sacred was not included in the final worlds are isolated and lacking in
and divine nature of the Emperoress. group of divinities (as god of riches, which makes them susceptible
His-Her great longevity, the miracles the Atheists), they are lead- to cause interest in the Empire, greater
that are attributed to Him-Her, as well ing an active smear cam- are the chances that a particular type
as education and cultural tradition as- paign against these “unpro- of cult develops. In reality, the Church
sociate His-Her person with virtues re- ductive festivities that are of the Industrial Saints does not have
served only for living gods. From the contrary to the interest of the to worry about competition from the
Nobles to the lowly people from the masses.” mystics. The Church has huge means
Maganat worlds, the Prez of the at its disposal to condemn every form
Endocities and their fellow citizens, ev- of independent human thought. But
eryone reveres His-Her distinguished where the Church’s sticky hands can-
person, even if their acts of respect are not in the least bit not reach, in the remote and neglected places, mystical
thought can become a philosophic movement and even
laden with hope. Numerous days have been declared pub-
an active religion.
lic holidays, and official events (cultural or sporting, for
Apart from the Techno-Techno order’s hierarchy, there
example) are celebrated in honor of the Emperoress. If
does not exist any other type of ecclesiastic official. But
some at times give themselves over to Him-Her with con-
that does not stop hundreds of thousands of practicing
fidence and a bit of hope, it is essentially with the hope
devotees to act as priests and servants of the cult, preach-
that He-She will change and that this universe of preda-
ing its good word. Depending upon the circumstances, if
tion and violence will finally give way to an era of peace.
some divine revelation backs up their sermon, the follow-
But they are naive, sweet dreamers.
ers embrace the faith. For example, the Neuro-emotional
Parallel to tributes given to the perfect incarnation of
Church counts millions in its “flocks” or congregations;
the double male and female principle, the Empire regu-
yet cults which become too important run the risk of be-
larly organizes (every four standard years) gigantic days
ing declared enemies of the Empire. The Church of the
of galactic size: the Paleo-Wars of Religion. Broadcast to
Industrial Saints only tolerates those who do not bother
all the worlds on the hypertele and attended by the
them. If another church attracts too much attention, or is
Empire’s upper crust brought together in a special giant
too much in the limelight, shadowing the C.I.S., it will
stadium of ten million seats, these huge events are the
have to answer to “a higher authority.”
symbolic representation of the paleo-gods’ dethroning.
Fundamentally, the mystical, religious, or simply per-
Colossal figurines, each the size of a planet, represent the
sonal observance that is the least visible — and without a
divinities formally venerated on Terra Prima: Isis, Bud-
doubt the most dangerous for the Empire and the Magnus
dha, Horus, Jesus, Mohammed, King Elvis, Jehovah, and
Dei — is Amarax awakening in one’s conscious. Amarax
others. The figurines are brought into space and placed in
is the great spirit that lies dormant in each one of us, and
an open zone. Then before the ecstatic eyes of hundreds
the will to always act according to the harmonious prin-
of billions of tele-junkies, a fleet of the Empire’s mono-
ciples granted to the spiritual heart. The Techno-Technos
lithic vessels tackle their mission of wiping them out with
are powerless against it, and their greatest fear must be
the mono-H bomb. This magnificently ordered ballet ends
that a majority of the Empire’s citizens end up becoming
in a brilliant, crowning fireworks-like display. It leaves a
aware of it. If that happened, Central Planet might see the
lasting image of startling beauty in the minds of the amazed
end of its days of grandeur.
and stunned spectators, reinforcing the firm conviction
AMARAX self that allows for control, protection, and in particu-
lar, help in avoiding attacks from the universe at large.
Amarax is an energy. It is a vibration that is both ethe- At an ultimate degree, when the commitment is pro-
real and extremely powerful, resulting from an accord found, permanent, and absolute, and when an encoun-
between the physical heart and the spiritual heart. The ter with an energy encourages growth, Amarax can be-
physical heart produces a clearly identifiable and percep- come a factor of improvement and perfection that increases
tible beat, but next to the physical heart resides another the strength and abilities of the individual tenfold, in
heart, immaterial and invisible. It is the spiritual heart, clearly superhuman proportions. Without losing their
also called “Path,” that also makes a noticeable pulsa- humanity, without reaching the divine sphere, the upper-
tion. Moreover, anyone with keen vision, or due to some level Amarax initiates become exceptional beings, capable
particular circumstances, can catch a glimpse of the spiri- of all types of incredible acts. The areas in which their
tual heart’s phantom “halo.” faculties and aptitudes grow depends upon the energy that
The balance between the physical and spiritual heart inspires them. Amarax can for example accomplish physi-
thus produces a vibrating wave that draws its source di- cal exploits usually reserved for creatures and ultra-pow-
rectly from life’s first energy. Amarax is this particular erful engineering, acquire a staggering mastery of speed,
type of spirit, zeal, strength, boldness, or dauntlessness or develop a prodigious photographic memory associated
that one feels when in a profound state of inner harmony. with a phenomenal visual acuity.
Besides the increased dynamism felt by every human as In brief, Amarax is a source of inner vitality, a door
soon as he lets his spiritual heart blossom, the harmony that, once found and opened, can lead to the mastery of
between the physical heart and the Path can bring much certain forces and fluids, but also and above all is a shield
more. Like all beauty in the universe, the Path is fragile against the destructive action of the universe. In a human
and needs special care. But those who cultivate it, who being, the disappearance of Amarax amounts to its re-
are careful to keep away from their heart the harmful nunciation. Without it, one is nothing more than a lifeless
sources that would attack it, see Amarax strengthen. The puppet, left to the hands of cruel madmen whose dreams
more this wave is energetic and powerful, the deeper the are haunted with images of death.
symbiosis between it and the universe. The nature of the bond between aspiration and action
At the first stage, Amarax brings a certain interior force. is the key to realizing one’s destiny. Consequently, the quest
Next, as it develops, it imparts new abilities: increased for Amarax inevitably passes through the choice of a code
comprehension, seduction capacities, and a sense of con- of conduct, and respecting this code in every act and deci-
viction that can develop into veritable hypnotic powers. sion. Of course, everyone is free to act as he feels he should,
Naturally, these aptitudes are the essential keys for higher but every act that departs from the line of conduct that
levels of mastery of the surrounding universe. The possi- one has chosen distances him from Amarax. It introduces
bility to act upon neighboring elements is not the ulti- a dissonance that disturbs the vibration between the two
mate goal, but to create a protective sphere around one- hearts.
+ Avoid danger at the right moment, rather than con-
Conforming to the ideal is key. This ideal is
Chapter 12 • 118
fronting it and exposing oneself to risk. Return once the
generally given by the honor code one has cho- danger has gone.
sen. To betray one’s code, that is to say, to act against Negative Actions
it brings about a loss of Amarax. Of course, the code - Act out in the open. Expose oneself.
one chooses is not an absolute and irrevocable con- - Intervene hastily, forgetting all precaution.
straint. One can always change the code. But Amarax - Accept confrontation out of bravado, pride or the
likes consistency and perseverance. And when action simple desire to show one’s bravery.
is in harmony with the chosen path, Amarax grows.
HONOR CODES The Path: “Inspired from the Castaka clan’s warrior code,
For more information on applying Honor Codes in the Bushitaka requires of those who choose this path to
the Metabarons Roleplaying Game, see pages 90–94 of behave like a warrior in combat and in all of life’s circum-
the rule book. For tips on gamemastering Honor Codes, stances. And, for a warrior, the highest virtue, the objective
see pages 4–18 of the Compaion Book to the Game Mas- that he must aim for in all circumstances is victory.”
ter Screen. Achievement: The obligation to be victorious, to defeat
FUGA one’s enemies, demands a warrior’s bravery and courage,
of course, but also and above all, great clairvoyance in
The Path: “Escape is the most accomplished expres- the use of his qualities. “Courage is of no service to a
sion of the art of evasion. There is less glory in confront- warrior if he exposes it and dies without having tri-
ing the enemy front on then to feint and avoid him. In- umphed.” The warrior must never cease adapting him-
famy is only ever in the end action and in no case is it in self, to be like water that runs and bypasses obstacles. He
the means employed.” The Fuga consists of three great must know how to penetrate into the enemy’s mind and
techniques, almost three schools: cam- intentions, evaluate their forces, never
ouflage, encystment and escape. All overestimate his own, and be humble
have their advantages and disadvan- in battle, as well as in victory. Here
The Hero’s
tages, but at the highest degree of mas- again, there are innumerable nuances,
tery, all three techniques can accomplish since one can, by selection, opt for
Whether in the midst of an
veritable miracles. brute force or bank on strategy and
Endocity, the Necro-Dream’s
Achievement: Observation of the technique.
domain of predilection in-
Fuga code requires of those who em- Reward: Respecting the require-
stilled by the Techno-
brace this path to avoid every form of ments of Bushitaka conduct leads the
Technos, or in any of the
confrontation at all cost, to bring the warrior to a greater and greater mas-
other numerous places
art of subterfuge to its highest level, to tery of the science of combat, followed
where human life is to be
camouflage, and to sham. This demand- by new dimensions in the art of con-
found, there exists a notion
ing path should not be likened to cow- frontation. This could be instanta-
of values that motivates cer-
ardliness, because he who slips away neous understanding of tactical de-
tain individuals to excel, liv-
does not deny the risk. He appropri- mands for a given situation, or better,
ing in harmony with their
ates it and controls it. The range of the ability to confront several adver-
convictions, getting closer
choices is very large as it goes from loyal saries, armed or unarmed, with the
and closer every day to an
evasion to the most absolute treachery. tranquil certainty that each blow will
ideal of perfection. This phi-
Reward: The respect of the Fuga code inflict mortal injury, or at least inca-
losophy is called the honor
is a source of harmony. When one ad- pacitating wounds. The accomplished
code, for it calls upon the
heres to this path in a subtle and judi- warrior, whose Amarax is grand,
most noble of feelings and
cious manner, the physical and spiritual achieves a form of serenity where ad-
constitutes, in the eyes of its
heart are in communion and Amarax versity is no longer an obstacle on
followers a veritable moral
grows. A new dimension of Fuga opens destiny’s road.
obligation. There are several
up then, and one accedes to techniques Positive Actions
different honor codes, for ex-
of combat, cunning and escape that are + Conquer fear. Enforce a perma-
ample the Fuga, which advo-
more and more rich and effective. For nent discipline upon oneself in order
cates a certain form of cow-
the grand initiates, they can achieve, for to always have it under control.
ardly behavior and the vir-
example, invisibility, not by transforma- + Defeat the adversary. Deploy all
tues of flight, or Veritas,
tion undergone by the body structure, one’s efforts, go to the limit of one’s
which encourages the search
but by mastery of suggestion, vibratory forces, and still find the resources to
for truth and the exposure of
emanations and cataleptic hypnosis. make him fold. Faced with an adver-
secrets; but all the codes
Positive Actions sary that is too strong, one must wait
seem to lead their followers
+ Act with discretion. Be efficient for the moment to strike and seize him.
towards a spiritual illumina-
without being seen. + Beat obstacles. Trials are nothing;
tion and total fulfillment.
+ Know how to wait, in the shadows, one can overcome them or ,when
for the opportune moment for action. needed, circumvent them.
Negative Actions
- Be overcome with fear and be-

119 • Amarax and the Necro-Dream

The Path of it have thus an obligation to
come dominated by it. tell the facts as they are, to re-
- Resign oneself to defeat. Accept veal, and to let the whole of the
Honor Codes are not strict
resignation and lose one’s soul in do- reality be known.
rules that must be followed
ing so. Achievement: A demanding path,
blindly. On the contrary, one
- Indefinitely waste one’s efforts in the Veritas Honor Code requires its
might combine several differ-
a vain combat. followers to pursue the truth, not for
ent elements from two codes.
PALEO-NOBILIS In that case, one code is still its appropriation, but on the con-
The Path: “Resurgence of the paleo- dominant. For example, trary to let the truth be defused and
knights’ ancient code, the Paleo- warriors following the path let it be known. In reality, the fol-
Nobilis is a thankless and constrain- of the Bushitaka might take lower does not naively impose the
ing path that requires of those who on some traits found in the code upon himself by revealing every-
chose it to respect the rules and prin- Fuga code, in various degrees where and in any circumstance what
ciples of loyalty, humility and sacri- that they determine freely. In he is thinking. He can lie, conceal, and
fice.” Of course, the demands and pre- that case they are adding the even betray, if it is necessary to protect
rogatives that are tied to this Honor art of discretion and effi- what is being hidden. Because the ob-
Code can give way to many interpre- ciency to the path of glory, jective, the purpose of this commit-
tations, and if some see there the in- perhaps becoming warriors ment, is to unearth that which is being
tention to revive a haughty grandeur of the night that are never conjured and hidden, to show the se-
that privileges a subject’s protection in seen, great warriors, though cret, dark side of things. The only thing
exchange for his submission, others see their faces are never revealed. that counts is bringing false truths out
it as the more “paladin” approach of Even within this original into the light of day, the denunciation
the valiant life. The Paleo-Nobilis code code mix, a female warrior of hypocrisy. Taken as a dominant
can serve as a guiding principle for in- might add less of the Fuga guiding principle, the Veritas Honor
dividuals in all sectors of human ac- than her sister. Code can be crossed with another com-
tivity, from the art of war to intellec- A code is truly a personal plimentary code.
tual research in passing by disclosure affair, coming from within, Reward: Through the disclosure and
and diffusion of information. and not a set of strict rules. broadcasting of the truth, Veritas fol-
Achievement: The observation of Every individual defines his lowers fulfill their destiny, find an in-
Paleo-Nobilis principles can present own code of honor, elabo- ner harmony and acquire capacities
some variations, but generally they are rated around a dominant that are always greater in the areas of
associated with the concepts of integ- axis, and traces his own study, research, investigation or analy-
rity and honesty, necessitating adher- path. sis, but also according to their compli-
ence to a rule of conduct (chastity, mentary code can evolve in the arts of
scholarship, defense of the widow and escape, battle, and develop a symbio-
the orphan, etc.) and the pursuit of a sis with nature. At an elevated level,
quest (deliverance from oppression, search for truth, etc.). the Veritas followers predicative abilities can become veri-
Reward: Of course, the simple fact of abiding by the tably miraculous.
principles one is given fills the Paleo-Nobilis follower with Positive Actions
satisfaction, but in overcoming these compulsory trials, + Tell and search for the truth, that which another con-
he also sees his convictions strengthened. His Amarax trives to conceal.
grows, and with it the confidence he feels in the sound- + Protect the truth, no matter who bears it or has it in
ness of his battles and faith in his acts. With this faith, he his possession.
can part the seas… + Spread the truth. Make it be known by the greatest
Positive Actions possible number.
+ Protect the weak, at the risk of one’s life if necessary. Negative Actions
+ Spurn material possessions and honors. - Be satisfied with the superficial and believe in the cer-
+ Never lose sight of one’s quest. It comes first, but tainty of facts.
never in spite of chosen rules and values. - Allow a truth to be kept under wraps or disappear,
Negative Actions taken away by the one who has it in his possession.
- Tolerate highly unjust points of view. - Contribute in one way or another in keeping a truth
- Be seduced by fame or glory, or be corrupted by concealed.
the lures of gain and reward. SKATAWAH
- Forget what gives meaning to life. Allow a bending or The Path: “Nature’s harmony is a perfection that must
stretching of the precepts by which one is governed. be rediscovered,” a paleo-prophet once said. The
VERITAS Skatawah followers search, in everything, for the secret
The Path: “The world has the right to know.” That is rhythm of life and strive in all of their acts to be in har-
the slogan of the Veritas Honor Code. Those who adopt mony with nature.
to a group. It can be any group, for the nature and size
Achievement: He who commits to the are of no importance, from the moment that it represents
Chapter 12 • 120
Skatawah way cultivates a deep respect for all an invaluable and unique place to the follower, who would
forms of life. He understands the fundamental na- not leave the group for anything in the world. Rayah dis-
ture of beings and elements, and assimilates himself ciples have carried their commitment to the highest pos-
smoothly into each bio-ecosystem that he crosses. It is sible level when they have been able to forge invisible
not an absolute taboo to kill or put an end to life. bonds of complicity with the other members of the group.
Death is a part of life, and nature itself through the The group they belong to is a free-will choice, which they
hunt and kill shows that death can have a utility. On agree to defend with their life if necessary, and which they
the other hand, followers of Skatawah cannot kill are able to protect or aide through their knowledge and
blindly — end five lives when one life would have suf- competence. The preeminence of the group over the indi-
ficed — and not without an imperative reason that jus- vidual must not however be made to the detriment of the
tifies the act. Once death has been given, in return it individual’s personality, since on the contrary, the group
thanks life: it nourishes the animal with its flesh or re- nourishes and enriches itself from its diversity and origi-
turns the ill-intentioned enemy to an eternal rest. In a nality. Discipline is surely not the objective, but rather
universe where human greed puts all forms of life every- experiencing an extraordinary complementarity founded
where in danger, the Skatawah has a hard time finding its on optimizing the use of all of the members’ capacities,
place; the overexploitation of resources and weapons of even the most whimsical. One does not have a sense of
mass destruction are painful thorns in his side. But life subjugation to the group, but rather reaps the benefits
goes on, and the comprehension of its workings are a from the fruit of free consent, accompanied by a profound
source of harmony. will to protect the group.
Reward: Due to the harmony that it brings to the heart Reward: In respecting the Rayah code, the group be-
of its followers, as well as in their relations with all forms comes a supra-entity whose force would be equal to the
of life, great and small, the thankless road of the Skatawah sum of all the forces of which it is composed. The group
favors the blossoming of Amarax. With time they acquire becomes a body for which each member is a tremendous
fabulous powers, intimately linked to the structure of tool, gifted with autonomy, intelligence, and creativity.
nature: the ability to immerse oneself into a habitat’s bio- The collective action of all the members transcends their
mass; to move with great speed within surroundings; de- individual capacities. At an elevated stage, communion
tect, perceive, and understand all forms of life; and even between the members is such that they can improvise acts,
appropriate and reproduce the aptitudes of various forms without consulting one another, and nevertheless show a
of life, animals of higher and lower orders. Great Skatawah greater efficiency than talented artists performing a well-
initiates, who moreover perceive and decipher residual rehearsed piece.
vibrations from dead plants and animals, can in this way Positive Actions
acquire the paleo-tiger’s force, paleo-snake’s quickness, + Be open to other members of the group and receptive
and mimic Terra Prima’s paleo-phasmids. to their needs.
Positive Actions + Accept the constraints of group life and abide by the
+ Know the surrounding environment by understand- requirements imposed for the group’s survival.
ing how it works. + Protect the group and bear hardships and privations
+ Love and respect all aspects of an environment, and as needed, up to and including the supreme sacrifice.
learn to immerse oneself in a habitat without disturbing Negative Actions
or disrupting it. - Refuse to fit in and ignore the collective needs of the
+ Protect every form of life. group.
Negative Actions - Prefer one’s own security to the detriment of the group,
- Look down upon, despise, or refuse to acknowledge a and protect one’s independence and solitude.
habitat’s natural life order. - Abandon the group. Betray it.
- Contribute in one way or another to upsetting the AMORH
rhythm or balance of a habitat and its surroundings.
- Menace a species’ bio-diversity or equilibrium by, for The Path: Mystical concept that has been absent for a
example, annihilating its representatives. very long time in this universe, Amorh is only attainable
by a few remaining initiates who still understand its mean-
RAYAH ing. The Neuro-Emotional priests are without a doubt
The Path: “Unity is the invisible bond that links the the last upholders of this code that has sunk into oblivion.
scattered elements of a group to one another. It is from Love, peace, and compassion are Amorh ’s key words, a
this bond that the diverse elements draw their force.” The triptych that goes beyond sermon and that is demanded
Rayahs find a sense of personal fulfilment in their com- of the follower at each and every moment.
mitment to the group to which they belong, and grow Achievement: In a universe where even the concept of
stronger as the group itself strengthens. peace is an aberration, disciples of Amorh must, before
Achievement: Rayah is the path that cannot be taken anything else, rediscover the original meaning of these
alone. In fact, this commitment supposes that one belongs words. After a long initiatory journey, they must then
cultivate a compassionate spirit and put
of free will. Every person

121 • Amarax and the Necro-Dream

into practice an active pacifism. Even Where and How
under the worst torture (Technos for who has fallen under the in-
the Necro-Dream
example), an Amorh disciple must con- fluence of the Necro-Dream is
sider his torturer as a victim. nothing more than a lifeless crea-
Reward: By observing the precepts of ture, a ship without a sail. The
Synthetic drugs.
the Amorh code, the disciple sees his most well-known and visible ex-
Amarax grow very quickly and devel- ample of their action is the
ops his capacities of resistance and con- hypertele, which gives false infor-
viction. At a certain stage, he is even mation, manipulates, and keeps
Suicidal tendencies.
able to diffuse the violence around him each and everyone in a dumbstruck
Major impact.
with a simple look and restore peace in state of stupefaction. But they use a
the hearts of those who have submitted number of other weapons: drugs
Golden Planet
themselves to the whims of hatred. (SPV and Cocaloco Dark) manipula-
Frequent the Imperial Court.
Positive Actions tion and oppression. All of their ac-
Major impact.
+ Work for non violence and peace. tions aim at one target: soil and de-
+ Favor peace between different stroy ideals, as well as hope and love.
Colonial Planets
forms of life. To be objective, one must recognize
Frequent ruling circles.
+ Protect the weak, encourage one the fact that their underhanded and
Moderate to major impact.
and all to fight against the negations of fiendish schemes are only the exagger-
life, and love even your torturer if it ated expression of the immense theatre
Universe as a Whole
must be so. that all groups of significance in the
Oppressive legislation.
Negative Actions universe — that is to say, Maganats,
– Get carried away; give in to anger Colonial planets, and even the Empire
Caste system.
and create discord. — perpetually work toward: an estab-
Moderate to major impact.
– Contribute to the propagation of lished position that assures them power
hatred, and set different races against and domination. But the Techno-
each other. Technos are the only ones to follow a
– Create despair by an offhanded, skilfully elaborated plan: the Necro-
casual attitude, and condemn the hopeless through Dream. For them, it is not enough to take advantage of
negligence. weaknesses. They must nourish them, maintain them, flat-
ter them, and let humanity get carried down the road to
THE NECRO-DREAM ruin. However, the Techno-Technos themselves are nothing
but cogs in the wheel of an immeasurable dark force that
A gigantic Techno-Techno plot to enslave humanity, the
surpasses and uses them. In fact, the roots of their colossal
Necro-Dream also refers to the dazed and contented stu-
power are plunged directly into the Tenebrea’s heart. They
por in which it plunges all those who are subjected to its
have fantastic powers, but in return, they must work against
life and contribute to making the universe, one day, a cold
Sworn and implacable enemies of all life forms, the
and empty space where infinite night will reign forever.
Techno-Technos are not just satisfied with the destruc-
The Necro-Dream stretches its tentacles everywhere the
tion of the universe’s bio-elements — devastation of plan-
Empire asserts its authority. Of course, it is massively
ets, conquests, systematic elimination of animal and plant
spread throughout all levels of the Endocities, but no planet
species which besides, nobody worries about. So they con-
is truly spared. Not even the Golden Planet, where greed,
duct another form of assault that is even more systematic
rapacity, and ambition mix together to make a most fa-
and insidious. For if their power is great, it is still not
vorable compost for implanting the Necro-Dream.
absolute, and they must continue to associate with the
As soon as one enters into its sphere of activity, the
other powers of the universe — the Empire, Maganats
moment that one falls into its web, all the most funda-
and Colonial planets. As they cannot implement a radical
mental principles upon which one’s deepest convictions
and definitive action within everyone’s sight and knowl-
rest start to waiver. The slow chipping away, undermin-
edge, the Techno-Technos apply a simple and efficient
ing of the spirit has begun. The strongest of resolutions
strategy: “The river is vast and powerful. We cannot con-
blow away like dust in the wind. If exposure lingers on,
trol or dry up its flux. But we can poison its source, and
and if one does not fight at each and every moment against
its polluted waters will spread venom everywhere.”
its insidious and persistent action, free will dwindles and
Thus, on a cosmic scale, they carry out a plan that aims
disappears. And one may end up hazy-eyed, forever riv-
to enslave the living forces of the universe. They demean
eted before an empty screen. Life will be gone, and one
human aspirations, diminish the spirit of adventure, and
will be nothing more than a creature of the Tenebrae.
stifle at the embryonic stage the smallest demonstration
“Omnipresent” is the only way to describe the promi- The reign of technology ended when the Imperial
nence of technology in the modern Empire. It is seen ev- Siamese twins Artaran and Marlana returned. Of course,
erywhere, having infiltrated even the most remote regions it remained a valuable asset to the Empire, and none of
of space. In the Endocities, where every being and object the Great Pillars would have been foolhardy enough to
is submitted to its tyrannical yoke, it even seems to be the suppress it, but the dizzying heights it had attained gradu-
creative force that all things spring from. Everywhere ally receded. The Techno-Techno order underwent a pe-
humanity extends their eager reach, technology travels riod of disgrace lasting approximately 200 years — a mere
with them, then propagates itself. Today, even the least pittance considering they brought the entire soul of the
fertile planets devoid of natural resources boast technologi- Universe to the brink of damnation — the Empire’s citi-
cal levels that make pre-Empiric times on Terra Prima seem zens somewhat slackened their frantic quest for technol-
like the Stone Ages. Indeed, technology is the hallmark and ogy, as if they had learned their lesson. During a short
signature of the Human Empire. period of a few dozen years, it even became fashionable
to publicly denounce technology and its excesses. Not only
THE ROOTS OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY did the Techno-Techno order conspire against humanity
Without technology, the Empire would not truly be able in the name of the Tenebrae, but they also produced such
to maintain its hold over the worlds it conquers and en- a large quantity of weapons and machinery that no single
gulfs. All planets, from the most primitive to those al- one of them was truly effective. Their measures and
ready endowed with their own form of technology, are counter-measures canceled each other out.
forced to conform to the technological standards of the At that point, it became clear to both the Techno-
benevolent Empire… or incur its righteous wrath. Technos and the Empire that a high level of technology
Clearly, technology plays a significant role in the life of did not necessarily provide greater efficiency. The C.I.S.
the Human Empire. Naturally, humans constantly seek realized that a technology that was too-highly sophisti-
the greater convenience that mechanization provides, but cated might even sound the death-knell for its aspirations;
the link is deeper and more profound. The reverence paid if it became too specific, it would grow outdated and hence
to holy technology is almost a form of worship. It must lose the interest of its faithful followers. On the other hand,
not be forgotten that the Church of the Industrial Saints the Empire saw that any technology that became too com-
is the official religion of the Empire, and technology is its plex would no longer be under its control. Little by little,
prophet. An overabundance of technological products suits as the twenty-fourth millennium rolled in, their attitudes
its interests, and their use is considered an act of devotion toward technology reached an equilibrium, which has
and allegiance. lasted until today. The Church of the Industrial Saints does
So the Techno-Techno order brought technology to the not divulge all its marvels, but neither does it take advan-
Empire, and the Empire was grateful. But relations between tage of its prominent position. In exchange, the Empire
the two groups have often been strained. In fact, for the uses some of the C.I.S.’s technology, shares a number of
107 years between 23124 and 23231, they were downright its secrets, and allows the order to occupy an influential
hostile. Those years constituted the Techno-Techno inter- presence at all levels of society, without damning it to
regnum. The Imperial government went into exile, and the disrepute. At the present time, all institutions of power
Church of the Industrial Saints thought itself powerful utilize some level of technology, and the C.I.S. considers
enough to take the reins of the Empire’s destiny into its this a more subtle approach to infiltrating the entire uni-
hands. Never before or since had technology been so mighty. verse. On the other hand, the average technological level
Then again, never before had it shown no longer extends to the height of
its true face to such a degree. During that atrocities experienced by the poor citi-
era of absolute power of the Techno- zens who lived during the 107 years
Technos, the conspiracy of the Tenebrae of Techno-Techno rule.
stretched its dark shadow over all do-
mains. The contempt it exhibited toward
More perforating, more DEVELOPMENT AND
explosive, the new protonic
all forms of biological life manifested it- cavity heads are finally avail- INNOVATIONS
self in an avalanche of technological sys- able on the black market! Clearly, the Church of the Industrial
tems and devices designed to subjugate This month’s special offer: Saints is still the most active participant
humans instead of liberate them. They buy ten charges and get a free in the field of research and development
had already reached the point that no micro-camera gift with pur- of new applications. Within their gigan-
human soul could understand all their chase!! Try them on your tic factory-labs, the Techno-Technos
workings, and still more technological wife: the best explosions will continue their patient work of unlock-
marvels were arriving every day. The be broadcast Empire-wide. ing the technological secrets imparted
coming of the Tenebrae was at hand, and
by the Ophidiat, their custodian. They
the Magnus Dei opened the gates for it.
never maintain a significant lead over
other researchers
in the galaxy, ex- ing rays. These artillery units, distributed in a

123 • Technological Progress

Cogano II cept when a new ring around Neo-Knox, can shoot a vibrating cone
Cogana II is a small planet
phenomenon is re- that instantly converts any water molecule within it
in the Whakk system, owned
vealed to them, set- to hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The weapons are only
by the family of the Poly-
ting off an ever-ex- considered to have a limited range — in outer space, a
Romanoffs. Under its leaden
panding circle of few hundred kilometers in wide beam and a few thou-
sky stretch the sinister shapes
technical knowl- sand kilometers in narrow beam; in atmosphere, only
of the giga-factories and their
edge. The C.I.S. a hundred meters wide at the maximum — but those
ventilation pipes, shrouded
pioneers all fields estimates are purely theoretical because the weapons
in ash-gray smoke. Night and
of technology and have never been used. This paradox arises from Bemb’s
day, security craft cut
invents devices for concerns. He acknowledges the need to protect himself,
through the sky in slow and
all types of work. but he dislikes the idea of mindlessly disrupting life in
ponderous flight. On the
However, these the universe. However, the few other vessels of the
ground, Endoguard patrols
ambitious and var- Ekonomat that are also equipped with these weapons give
accompanied by their beasts
ied projects do not every indication that they wouldn’t hesitate in the slight-
— vicious native varans with
lead them to ne- est to use them if the need arose.
drooling jaws — maintain a
glect the more es-
vigilant guard. In the un-
likely occurrence that any
weapons and At the same time, thanks to its almost inexhaustible
living thing penetrates the
transport, which financial resources, the Ekonomat simply acquires any
positronic shields, they have
present a greater means of technology as the need arises. Both its merce-
orders to kill on sight. For
opportunity. How- nary and regular troops are constantly supplied with the
this is where the multi-cogan
ever, they are not best in vehicles, vessels, weapons, instruments of detec-
is made, weapon of the elite
the only competi- tion and other various equipment. Since they maintain a
troops of the Empire.
tors in this arena massive presence in all corners of the universe, this also
— all four Great helps contribute to the spread of technology.
Pillars of the Em- Among the other Great Pillars of the Empire, many
pire contribute to Maganats have be-
military technology in one way or another. But the Ophidiat come specialized in
gives the Techno-Technos a significant edge, which allows industry and heavy Gangez and the
them to make the greatest contributions to the Empire. For production. On Supra-technology
example, it was the Ophidiat who gave them the means to their hyperindus- Of all of the guardians in
install Techno-Tunnels all over the universe. These passage- trial planets and the Universe, Gangez is the
ways through the fabric of space instantly join together systems, the weap- only one who is completely
points that would otherwise remain forever separated. More ons and equipment melded into another indi-
than 18,000 Techno-Tunnels are currently in use. But it was of the Endoguard vidual. Since then, the Meta-
not for the sake of altruism that the C.I.S. put this technol- are produced. baron contains Gangez, but
ogy to the Empire’s service. Without them, the universe They do not invent the metawarrior’s personal-
would be nothing but a conflicting jumble, over which noth- the technology, of ity is so powerful that the
ing could rule — not even the Tenebrae. What’s more, as course, but they guardian within him has to
long as they hold complete control over the tunnels, the develop the manu- take a back seat. The Meta-
Techno-Technos possess a tremendous weapon and a sig- facturing process, baron therefore has extraor-
nificant means of pressure over the Empire. as well as install dinary capacities and secrets
Because of this advantage, the Techno-Technos do not and maintain the at his disposal, without any
have to strain their talents in order to remain the undis- machinery. Hence, influence over his true na-
puted masters of technology. But there are many special- they end up acquir- ture. It is for this reason that
ized fields in which it would be a grave mistake to disre- ing substantial he can draw at will from
gard the contributions of other players. knowledge con- these powers to create, for
For example, the Ekonomat, that discreet and suppos- cerning all these example, the Metabaronic
edly nonpartial organization, also maintains an army of devices of death. weapons.
researchers, mostly based on Neo-Knox. They may not But the Bemb similarly transmit-
have access to a source of revelation of technological prow- Maganats do not ted his secrets to a recipient
ess that the Techno-Technos do, and nothing comes freely limit themselves to who equally received a form
to them. However, they have access to a source of incred- mere production; of wisdom and elevated con-
ible power through Bemb, the custodian of the Per-Beod they are also con- sciousness, but whose spirit
gate. They may not understand all the principles behind sumers. Thanks to acts in accordance with
it, but the small fraction they do know how to use gives their countless for- Bemb’s wisdom.
them an impressive arsenal, to say the least. For instance, tunes, they buy ev-
they have tremendous defense batteries of hyperdesiccat- erything that gener-
alized or specialized technology can offer, and
Chapter 13 • 124
in endless quantities. Their palaces flow with gold The authorities are hostile to any new technology, even
and technological devices, and they surround them- while they take advantage of it. They try to steal or buy it
selves with useless trinkets and marvels. Thanks to for their own and to suppress it elsewhere. There is a whole
the frenetic and compulsive lifestyle of the great fami- game just in data piracy and data legging.
lies, the holy technology is further spread.
The Colonial planets have fewer resources and do not
contribute nearly as much to the expansion of technol- Intersidereal travel is exclusively practiced through
ogy. Nevertheless, they make up for their lack of resources hyperpropulsion and the use of Techno-Tunnels, also
by bringing all their energy to the task. Their technology known as Interstellar Tunnels. Any traveler leaving one
is far from sophisticated, but they produce it in massive planet for another must access the closest Tunnel. First
amounts. Their history overflows with examples of a single the traveler makes a “jump” into hyperspace to reach the
device produced in hundreds of millions of units. For ex- Tunnel. The length of the jump varies and is calculated in
ample, to ensure the defense of their “revolutionary” gains, hours (h) or days (d) of voyage. Once he uses a Tunnel, it
they have manufactured flabbergasting quantities of their will instantaneously “teletransport” him to any other Tun-
Poly-AKA 4 assault rifle. This weapon has some weak points nel in the universe. The traveler then has to make a last
— it is extremely basic, like a farmer’s weapon. But its lack “jump” into hyperspace to reach his final destination.
of sophistication also offers an advantage: it is reliable in all Example: If you leave Planet Baggdathi, it will take 3
environments, and if it does fail, a few teflo-plastic fibers hours (3h) to reach the closest Tunnel with a “jump.”
will suffice to repair it. Most of the outlying worlds are Once in the Tunnel, you can reach any other Interstellar
completely saturated with it, as it is the symbol of the struggle Tunnel (t).
of all the Empire’s rebels, who praise it effusively.
While the Great Pillars carry out
“official” activities of research and INTERSTELLAR TUNNELS
production, there are also the pirates The Techno –
living on the underseam of society Interstellar Tunnels link all portals
Tunnels’ Infallibility across the same system, or from one sys-
who contribute in their own way to Some would be tempted to
the advance of science and technol- tem to another. You can enter a depar-
attribute the C.I.S.’s asser- ture portal and exit from any portal in
ogy. Their means are unlimited, and tions that their Interstellar
they also use the services of the “de- the same system or any other system in
Tunnels are absolutely safe, the same galaxy. To enter the portal of
fused” Mentreks who take protection to pure and simple boasting,
in their ranks. Without the slightest an Interstellar Tunnel, you must show
pointing out that a regular proof of having a special entry authori-
help from any spiritual source, they transport vehicle had re-
use their ingenuity to develop ma- zation pass from the Techno-Technos,
cently disappeared in one of which costs 200 kublars.
chines and devices that can fight off those Tunnels, entering with-
the technology developed by the out ever having been seen INTERGALACTIC TUNNELS
Techno-Technos, and thus fight off again. The truth of this as- Intergalactic Tunnels work in exactly
the Necro-Dream. For example, their sertion has been confirmed the same manner as the Interstellar Tun-
bionic prostheses are absolutely reli- by the transport company’s nels, except that they allow voyage form
able, unfettered by the all-powerful mentrek accountant. This one galaxy to the next (marked by a T
influence of the Church of the Indus- said, the explanation is quite on the map). A travel accreditation costs
trial Saints, and any mechanical de- simple. The Techno-Tunnels 500 kublars.
vice they make runs no risk of being have integrated into their Note: an Interstellar Tunnel (t) can
taken over by the Techno-Technos. system an extremely precise only take you to another Interstellar Tun-
Finally, all the ordinary popula- regulation mechanism that nel, while an Intergalactic Tunnel (T) can
tions consume and use vast quanti- limits the number of vessels take you to any Tunnel in the universe.
ties of machines and other various simultaneously present in the This is the reason why it is at times nec-
gadgets. None of them may under- same section of the tunnel. essary to take an Interstellar Tunnel to
stand how all these marvels really If, for one reason or another, reach a “galactic crossroads” where all
function, but they have accepted this maximum number is sorts of equipment and services for re-
them into their lifestyle nonetheless. reached , the internal system mote expeditions are available on orbital
Not a day goes by without some de- automatically eliminates the stations, as well as an entrance to an In-
vice making up for human weak- surplus, in the inverse order tergalactic Tunnel.
nesses and flaws. Complacent in their of accreditation. This ex-
natural laziness, humankind eagerly plains the disappearing ves- TYPES OF WORLDS
embraces anything that helps keep sel, and finally, isn’t it reas-
them from hard work or any kind of THE MAJOR WORLDS
suring to know….?
difficult task. Every planet and group of planets lo-
cated no more than five hours maximum
125 • Technological Progress
Example: Planet Marmola
Every planet and group of plan-
ets located at the exterior of the
Fringe — frontier of the Empire.
Example: Planet TER 21, Sector
669 of the Exofringe.
All planets and group of planets lo-
cated at the confines of the Universe.
Example: Planet Aquaend.
All planets are indexed in terms of
distance, in hours and days of voyage
to a neighboring Tunnel. For example,
the planet Demos is listed as “4dt.” This
• that it takes four days of
hyperspatial travel to reach the closest
Interstellar Tunnel (t)
• that Demos is a minor world, for it
is less than five days from a Tunnel
If you want to go from Demos to
Baggdathi, it will take you 4 days and
3 hours, and cost 200 kublars to use
the Interstellar Tunnel. In this chapter,
you will find a list of the most well
known planets. Using this same local-
ization principle, you can situate any
known star, or even those that are to
be discovered.

Planet Alix III: 14dt — exo-fringe

world, independent.
Planet Aquaend: 27dt — universe-
border world, prison.
Planet Badmech: 4,30ht — major
world, Maganat (Kama-Ming).
Planet Barnab: 11dt — distant world,
Planet Del Rey III: 17dt — exo-
fringe world, Colonial.
Planet Dreer: 2ht — major world,
Industrial Maganat.
by hyperspace jump from a Tunnel portal. Planet Gargan IV: 4dt — minor world, hallucinogenic
Example: Golden Planet mushrooms.
THE MINOR WORLDS Planet Garligue: 37dt — universe-border world,
Every planet and group of planets located no more than elephantodontes.
five days maximum by hyperspace jump from a Tunnel Planet Geidig: 7dt — distant world, sirens.
portal. War Star: Unknown.
Example: Planet Del Rey III. Planet Laylin: 3hT — major world, Maganat.
Planet Summit: 9dt — distant world, Colonial.
Every planet and group of planets located more than
five days by hyperspace jump from a Tunnel portal.
Chapter 13 • 126


Arh&Rah Baggdathi Sec-Hum Filodendra GPM* Golden Gzagn Hospital Marmola Nibal Okhar Perdita Central Puzzeline Stellar Terra
Planet Planet Planet Ice Floe Prima
Arh & Rah X 4dT,3h 4dT,4d 4dT,2d 4dT,21d 4dT,1h 4dT,7d 4dT,2h 4dT,15d 4dT,2d 4dT,3d 4dT,24d 4dT,1h 4dT,9d 4dT,16d 4dT,5h
Baggdathi 3ht,T,4d X 3ht,4d 3ht,2d 3ht,T,21d 3ht,1h 3ht,T,7d 3ht,2h 3ht,15d 3ht,2d 3ht,3d 3ht,24d 3ht,T,1h 3ht,T,9d 3ht,16d 3ht,5h
Sec-Hum 4dt,T,4d 4dt,3h X 4dt,2d 4dt,T,21d 4dt,1h 4dt,T,7d 4dt,2h 4dt,15d 4dt,2d 4dt,3d 4dt,24d 4dt,T,1h 4dt,T,9d 4dt,16d 4dt,5h
Filodendra 2dt,T,4d 2dt,3h 2dt,4d X 2dt,T,21d 2dt,1h 2dt,T,7d 2dt,2h 2dt,15d 2dt,2d 2dt,3d 2dt,24d 2dt,T,1h 2dt,T,9d 2dt,16d 2dt,5h
GPM* 21dt,T,4d 21dt,T,3h 21dt,T,4d 21dt,T,2d X 21dt,T,1h 21dt,T,7d 21dt,T,2h 21dt,T,15d 21dt,T,2d 21dt,T,3d 21dt,T,24d 21dt,T,1h 21dt,T,9d 21dt,T,16d 21dt,T,5h
Golden Planet 1hT,4d 1ht,3h 1ht,4d 1ht,2d 1hT,21d X 1hT,7d 1ht,2h 1ht,15d 1ht,2d 1ht,3d 1ht,24d 1hT,1h 1hT,9d 1ht,16d 1ht,5h
Gzagn 7dt,T,4d 7dt,T,3h 7dt,T,4d 7dt,T,2d 7dt,T,21d 7dt,T,1h X 7dt,T,2h 7dt,T,15d 7dt,T,2d 7dt,T,3d 7dt,T,24d 7dt,T,1h 7dt,T,9d 7dt,T,16d 7dt,T,5h
Hospital Planet 2ht,T,4d 2ht,3h 2ht,4d 2ht,2d 2ht,T,21d 2ht,1h 2ht,T,7d X 2ht,15d 2ht,2d 2ht,3d 2ht,24d 2ht,T,1h 2ht,T,9d 2ht,16d 2ht,5h
Marmola 15dt,T,4d 15dt,3h 15dt,4d 15dt,2d 15dt,T,21d 15dt,1h 15dt,T,7d 15dt,2h X 15dt,2d 15dt,3d 15dt,24d 15dt,T,1h 15dt,T,9d 15dt,16d 15dt,5h
Nibal 2dt,T,4d 2dt,3h 2dt,4d 2dt,2d 2dt,T,21d 2dt,1h 2dt,T,7d 2dt,2h 2dt,15d X 2dt,3d 2dt,24d 2dt,T,1h 2dt,T,9d 2dt,16d 2dt,5h
Okhar 3dt,T,4d 3dt,3h 3dt,4d 3dt,2d 3dt,T,21d 3dt,1h 3dt,T,7d 3dt,2h 3dt,15d 3dt,2d X 3dt,24d 3dt,T,1h 3dt,T,9d 3dt,16d 3dt,5h
Perdita 24dt,T,4d 24dt,3h 24dt,4d 24dt,2d 24dt,T,21d 24dt,1h 24dt,T,7d 24dt,2h 24dt,15d 24dt,2d 24dt,3d X 24dT,1h 2ht,4d 24dt,3h 24dt,5h
Central Planet 1hT,4d 1hT,3h 1hT,4d 1hT,2d 1hT,21d 1hT,1h 1hT,7d 1hT,2h 1hT,15d 1hT,2d 1hT,3d 1hT,24d X 24dt,T,9d 1hT,16d 1hT,5h
Puzzeline 9dt,T,4d 9dt,T,3h 9dt,T,4d 9dt,T,2d 9dt,T,21d 9dt,T,1h 9dt,T,7d 9dt,T,2h 9dt,T,15d 9dt,T,2d 9dt,T,3d 9dt,T,24d 9dt,T,1h X 9dt,T,16d 9dt,T,5h
Stellar Ice Floe 16dt,T,4d 16dt,3h 16dt,4d 16dt,2d 16dt,T,21d 16dt,1h 16dt,T,7d 16dt,2h 16dt,15d 16dt,2d 16dt3d 16dt,24d 16dt,T,1h 16dt,T,9d X 16dt,5h
Terra Prima 5ht,T,4d 5ht,3h 5ht,4d 5ht,2d 5ht,T,21d 5ht,1h 5ht,T,7d 5ht,2h 5ht,15d 5ht,2d 5ht,3d 5ht,24d 5ht,T,1h 5ht,T,9d 5ht,16d X
*Galactic Platform Masses
If there is one field in which even the laziest and most of soldiers in battle has been improved as well, but the
unmotivated humans will take an interest, it is of course the offensive weapons still maintain a great advantage. For
field of warfare. The whole universe shares a genuine pas- example, two multi-cogans mounted on the back of an
sion for devices of death and power, not only because they old glider vehicle, outfitted with automatic targeting for
feed the murderous instinct that is always alive and well in greater efficiency, can boast firepower equivalent to that
humans, but also because they serve the coming of the Necro of a basic tank. Once all the various existing options are
Dream. Directly or indirectly, the Church of the Industrial introduced — night vision, laser sighting, automatic tar-
Saints is by far the largest arms dealer in the universe. The get acquisition, to name only the most common — the
sale of arms helps build their capital. At the same time, by range of possibilities suddenly seems endless.
acclimating people to a culture of death, the arms contrib- Another significant improvement is the considerable
ute to the Tenebrae and its struggle against life. But the uni- widening of the range of ammunition. The destructive
verse never shies from a paradox, and these same weapons effect of traditional arms is multiplied many times by the
that help spread death and destruction are also a crucial introduction of different kinds of energy — plasma is ideal
key to freedom, independence, and rebellion. for clearing an entire area, laser rays burn and incinerate,
Whether it be poaching suicides for sport, hunting in- Gauss-type electromagnetism disrupts both the electro-
surgents on a Maganat paradise planet, defending oneself neurological balance of living creatures and the stability
in a hostile environment in outer space or a newly colo- of electronic machinery, and sonic energy upsets the atomic
nized planet, keeping order inside an Endocity or on some cohesion of whatever it encounters.
far-off planet, creating chaos and confusion in those same
locations, or repelling strange creatures, a pirate band, or
a squad of galacto-barbarians at the outer edges of the Most recent product of the Empire’s official armory,
universe, the demand for heavy artillery is never lacking. the multi-cogan has been used to equip the Endoguard
And the range of choice is vast indeed… troops for some time now. It is a devastating weapon, in
some ways the ultimate synthesis of all previous forms of
HEAVY ARTILLERY heavy artillery put together. Indeed, it combines the pow-
Because they offer the greatest power to portability ra- erful effect of a traditional weapon with all other types of
tio, guns of this type are the most prized across the whole energy: plasma, laser, gauss, and even sonic. Suitable for
Empire by amateurs and professionals alike. Thanks to any type of combat, it suits the infantry’s needs perfectly,
new synthetic materials developed by the Church of the also featuring a vibro-bayonet for hand-to-hand combat
Industrial Saints — in particular the range of teflo-metal and a rocket-launcher option that renders the hard-to-
plastics — these weapons have seen their weight drasti- carry mortars obsolete.
cally reduced while still maintaining a deadly lethality. Conceived, designed, and developed by the research
Considering that just one of them is enough to eradicate department of the Church of the Industrial Saints, the
an unprotected crowd in an instant, it is amazing that multi-cogan is manufactured on the industrial planet
they hardly weigh anything at all. Aside from these ex- Cogana II, in the Whakk system, owned by the family of
traordinary advances, they have also undergone all kinds the Poly-Romanoffs. Despite a fairly high volume of pro-
of different improvements. First of all, impact force has duction, this weapon remains difficult to obtain, because
been considerably increased. Intelligent ammunition was sales are strictly monitored. Wholesale, it costs nearly
introduced to classic projectile weapons at the time of the 3,500 kublars, but its price on the black market can reach
Empire’s origins, making a humble bullet into an ultra- staggering heights, and possessing one without a license
devastating machine. Today, with all the improvements results in the penalty of instant death.
to the firing charges, a traditional firearm can propel a Technical Specifications: Ninety-two centimeters long
round of unstable heavy metal — enriched Tranekkon for without the vibro-bayonet, an unloaded multi-cogan only
the most part — at almost 20,000 kilometers per second, weighs 376 grams. An energy cartridge — for 150 plasma,
which means they instantly generate a maximum kinetic laser, sonic, or Gauss shots — adds 127 grams to its total
effect at the point of impact, leaving behind them a flight weight. A cartridge of traditional ammunition, on the other
path strewn with the most spectacular waste products. hand, will weigh much more. A cartridge of one hundred
Even the smallest-caliber lady’s handgun can make an entry twenty .753 caliber rounds can weigh between 653 and 892
hole the size of a golden kublar and an exit hole as big as grams, depending on the metal in question. There is an ex-
the turbine of a heavy battleship. tremely wide range of grenade and rocket options, and the
In addition, the projectiles’ range has also been drasti- weight of each cartridge averages around 700 grams. All
cally improved. Today, they can cover a few dozen kilome- traditional multi-cogan ammunition comes in a “dum-dum”
ters in standard gravity, which means that a man control- format, which has an absolutely devastating effect. On the
ling one or more weapons can carry out a light infantry automatic setting, the rate of fire is 1,200 shots per minute,
tactical operation entirely on his own. Of course, the armor which means the weapon needs to be fed at very high speed.
There is a switch to change it
Chapter 14 • 128
Epyphite Intermediate model between the
from the automatic to a single-
Counter-Balancing cogan 45 and the multi-cogan, the cogan
shot setting, and also to change
This is an extremely deli- 78 corrects some of the deficiencies of
between energy modes. When one
cate operation consisting of the model it replaces, most notably re-
load is empty, it will automatically
introducing one or a few introducing traditional high-impact
switch to the next. And finally, no
molecules of this precious rounds. Nonetheless, unlike the multi-
matter what caliber is being used,
substance into the weapons cogan in which the different modes are
epyphite counter-balancing totally
to eliminate certain debilitat- perfectly interchangeable, the cogan 78
eliminates the effect of recoil. Fire
ing characteristics such as cannot claim true versatility. Although
Rate: 3 (laser); 1 (mini-grenade).
weight or recoil. Determin- it can fire both traditional rounds and
Range: 3-75/150/300 (laser); 5-25/100/
ing the precise quantity and energy charges, it cannot switch auto-
200 (mini-grenade). Damage: 6D (la-
positioning of the epiphyte matically between the two modes, and
ser); 4D+2 (mini-grendae); STR+1D+2
requires calculations that it takes approximately ten seconds to
only a few hyperspecialized switch it over manually. In addition to
Price: Officially — 3,400 kublars.
Mentreks can carry out. The this shortcoming, the choice of caliber
On the black market — astronomical.
slightest error will render the is limited (it cannot shoot rockets or gre-
Availability: Almost nil. The weapon
weapon unusable, by keep- nades), while its energy is highly ineffi-
is mostly unavailable and unauthorized
ing it angled downwards or cient: each cartridge only provides
ownership is punishable by instant death.
upwards, or sending it drift- power for 50 laser shots.
Reliability: No mechanical failure
ing into the air, devoid of all Technical Specifications: Weighing
has ever been reported.
weight. 1,245 grams and measuring a meter
COGAN 45 long, the cogan 78 certainly improves
The cogan 45 is a much simpler on the cogan 45, but does not even ap-
weapon than the multi-cogan, and proach the perfection attained by its suc-
much more easily obtainable on the arms market. Its lim- cessor. Its cartridge of one hundred .753 caliber traditional
ited range of ammunition makes it a less-sophisticated rounds ensures sufficient firepower, although the rapid-fire
weapon, and not as effective. At the time of its introduc- setting only allows three-shot bursts. Without epyphite
tion, it was thought that plasma cartridges represented counter-balancing, it has a strong recoil that makes it diffi-
the most advanced type of firepower, but it soon became cult to use over a long period of time. In energy mode, its
clear that different types of energy would suit different performance is comparable to that of the cogan 45. Fire
combat situations. Although there are scenarios where Rate: 1. Range: 3-50/90/200 (traditional); 3-50/100/250 (en-
the cogan 45 is ideal, it demonstrates its limitations in all ergy). Damage: 3D+2 (traditional); 4D+2 (energy). Note:
other cases. That said, coming face to face with a plasma Every 10 rounds, user receives a cumulative -1D penalty to
shot is never a pleasant experience. It is a contest from his firearms skill for fatigue.
which the human body rarely emerges victorious. Price: Once the multi-cogan was put into production,
Despite its drawbacks, the cogan 45 is a godsend to manufacture of the cogan 78 was halted — which is not
companies of mercenaries, pirate hordes, the standing the case with the cogan 45. Therefore, it is no longer offi-
army of the Colonial planets and bands of motivated cially sold. However, it has not yet become rare, so its
Psycho-Anarchists. black market cost is still affordable. A cogan 78 in good
Technical Specifications: Measuring 107 centimeters over- condition will go for 2,000 kublars.
all, it weighs 352 grams without energy cartridges. It pre- Availability: As an intermediary model, it was not in
sents a very different appearance to the multi-cogan, com- production for a very long time. So it is not available in
ing in the shape of a long tube. The rear part rests atop the large quantities. At the same time, it is not in very high
shooter’s shoulder — like a rocket-launcher — with the aim- demand, so it is easy to find in stock.
ing device and trigger in front. Each cartridge provides power Reliability: Its relatively low level of complexity ensures
for 100 shots, but the gun can accommodate preloading of exceptional reliability.
up to three cartridges. It takes between two and three sec- INTEGRATED 1K8 GUN
onds to reload the weapon. Fire Rate: 1. Range: 3-50/100/
300. Damage: 5D. The Integrated 1K8 is a weapon for the strong only.
Price: Sold officially at a price of 1,200 kublars, the Just handling it requires considerable force. But in ex-
cogan 45 sells on the black market at a price varying ac- change, it also performs at a very high standard.
cording to its condition. Depending on what rounds are used, the Integrated 1K8
Availability: Optimal. Produced in enormous quanti- can theoretically penetrate any type of armor, except of
ties, it is available in every corner of the Empire, although course White Netranekkon. Despite its heavy weight, it is
ownership is of course regulated. a strong and reliable weapon that almost always delivers
Reliability: Excellent reliability overall, but some prob- and often tips the balance in any exchange.
lems with its energy cartridges have been reported, espe- Technical Specifications: From stock to muzzle, the In-
cially in moist environments. tegrated 1K8 only measures ninety-six centimeters, but it
weighs 5,241 grams unloaded. Since it is

129 • Weapons
equipped with three barrels of different caliber,
it can hold three cartridges. A 600-round cartridge
weighs 1,153 grams in the small-caliber .753, 1,546
grams in the medium-caliber .951, and 2,268 grams
in the mammoth caliber 19. For the larger caliber,
rounds of enriched Tranekkon are available, whose
effect is comparable to a small ballistic missile. The
total weight of the gun is about ten kilos. Mercifully,
the weapon is equipped with epyphite counter-bal-
ancing, without which it would not be humanly pos-
sible to operate. A dual switch on the stock allows the
alternation between one caliber and another, and from
rapid-fire mode to single-shot mode. It is theoretically
possible to fire all three barrels at once. Some have
claimed to use all three barrels at once in rapid-fire
Cogan 45 mode, but no witness has ever confirmed this assertion.
Fire Rate: 1. Range: 3-30/80/250. Damage: 3D+2 (small
caliber); 5D (medium caliber); 9D (large caliber).
Price: Officially, the Integrated 1K8 costs the same
as the multi-cogan, but there is a much longer waiting
period to acquire it. This limited-edition weapon is sold
extremely infrequently. On the black market, its price
reaches mind-boggling heights. Many pirates, gang war-
lords, and other outlaws have announced that they have
bought one for 10,000 kublars or more.
Availability: Minimal. This item is normally unavail-
able and unauthorized ownership results in instant
death. Only a true outlaw would even consider pos-
sessing one.
Cogan 78 Reliability: No type of mechanical failure has ever
been reported.
Created by civilian technology, this powerfully de-
structive energy weapon emits precisely focused wave-
beams that disrupt the atomic cohesion of solid bodies.
At its inception, it was used in mining operations as a
replacement for explosives, but humankind’s creative
genius quickly found other applications for it. Since
Multi-cogan then, the sonic bazooka is standard equipment for all
infantry units. Although unusable in extra-atmospheric
environments, the damage it does to pressurized envi-
ronments is substantial. Any poor unprotected soul in
the path of a violent sonic-wave will feel his skull ex-
plode instantly, before he has any chance of escape.
Without countermeasures, no armor can resist it. An
internal spectrometric analyzer determines the optimal
frequency to disrupt the internal structure of matter.
Technical Specifications: With a length of 150 centi-
meters and a weight of 7,256 grams — 9,198 with the
tripod — the sonic bazooka is somewhat unwieldy.
However, it is not specifically designed for individual
use, but more as a support weapon for a division of
troops. In the Empire, the usual estimate is one sonic
for every ten fighters. A powerful and effective weapon,
Integrated 1K8 Gun
the sonic also uses a lot of energy, because one energy
cartridge is only enough for 10 shots. Fire Rate: 1.
Range: 3-50/100/200. Damage: 9D
Chapter 14 • 130
Price: With an official price of 2,600 kublars,
it is much more expensive on the black market,
for it is a rare and highly prized weapon.
Availability: Minimal. Sale of this weapon is pro-
hibited to civilians. Local militia is often equipped
with it. It is also fairly common to find industrial
versions adapted from their original design to a mili-
tary capacity.
Reliability: As a product of time-tested technology,
the sonic bazooka is absolutely reliable.
Official weapon of the Hunchback corps, the Prez’s
private guard in the Endocities, the disintegrator 48 is
the most terrifying single weapon currently available
in the Empire. Based on secret technology developed
by the Church of the Industrial Saints, it remains under Sonic Bazooka
the strict control of the Techno-Technos, because it can
only be used by their most brutal henchmen. Although
the Hunchbacks use it freely to subdue crowds, it can
hardly be considered an anti-riot weapon. Far from
dispersing rioters, it simply annihilates them, leaving
behind nothing but a pile of steaming corpses.
Technical Specifications: Heavy yet compact — 120
centimeters long overall, and weighing 1,268 grams with-
out its energy cartridge — the disintegrator 48 shoots Double Short-Barreled
long and highly deadly rays. The ray drastically increases Muira 2K Gun
the internal temperature of any organism unfortunate
enough to get in its way. The organism’s vital fluids start
to boil and its organs and tissues literally explode. Fire
Rate: 1. Range: 3-20/75/120. Damage: 12D.
Price: The disintegrator 48 is not for sale under any
circumstances. Occasionally, a model stolen from the
Hunchbacks will make its way to the black market,
but at an exorbitant price.
Availability: Minimal. The discovered possessor of a Disintegrator 48
disintegrator 48 will not only incur the risk of instant
death but also the possibility of being “remodeled” into
a Hunchback.
Reliability: As the unfortunate populations of the
Endocities can attest, there is no more reliable weapon
Gauss Gun
than the disintegrator 48.
DOUBLE SHORT-BARRELED MUIRA 2K GUN the Muira 2K, as well as dum-dum charges and incred-
Originally, the Muira 2K was a fairly innocuous weapon ibly devastating grenade rounds. Once this “upgraded”
intended for use by anti-riot troops in the Endocities, or on Muira 2K came into fashion, all official copies of the
worlds with rioting populations. It has a pair of short bar- weapon were stolen. Its small size makes it the ideal
rels, and although the caliber is far from commonplace, the weapon for urban combat, but authorities consider pos-
gun is not technologically sophisticated in the slightest. The session of the weapon as punishable by instant death.
barrels are capable of launching gas canisters — tear gas, Technical Specifications: Only forty-two centimeters
laughing gas, neuro-paralysis gas — to an incredible range. from muzzle to stock, an empty Muira 2K nonetheless
Under standard gravity, it can hurl a 350-gram cartridge up weighs a hefty 758 grams. When loaded, its weight varies
to twelve kilometers. At point blank range, the damage in- depending on the ammunition it contains. Its primary
flicted is considerable. Cybo-cop reports make frequent men- shortcoming is that it must be reloaded after every two
tion of humans literally perforated by the canisters. shots, but after such a horrendous round of fire there is
This extraordinary power brought the gun back to usually a deafening calm and a brief pause in which to
popularity. Pirates, Psycho Anarchists, and other outlaws carry out the operation. The colossal recoil requires two
began to manufacture small shells to fit the chambers of hands to manage, and even so it must be gripped very
tightly. After all, it is a weapon that was originally de-
signed for cybo-cops. Fire Rate: 1. Range: 3-100/6000/ black market in high quantities, but its use is

131 • Weapons
12000. Damage: Canisters do 5D at less than three meters; highly restricted.
canisters that get the chance to explode do damage baesd Reliability: The gun is very reliable, but its deli-
on their contents (for example, tear gas and laughing gas cate mechanisms require meticulous care.
incapacitate victims in a 100-square-meter area for fif-
teen minutes).
Price: The Muira 2K is no longer sold officially, but it With similar mechanisms as the cogan 45, the laser
is easily obtained from other sources. The price varies ac- gun is an energy weapon that produces a burning ef-
cording to its condition, and what ammunition it holds, fect. The laser’s destructive beam is somewhat more
usually averaging around the 1,000-kublar mark. narrow than that of the plasma’s, with slightly lower
Availability: On the black market, it is very easy to energy consumption, so the laser gun is often consid-
obtain. ered an inferior predecessor to the cogan 45. That said,
Reliability: At the point of manufacture, the weapon is it is effective and is the standard weapon of many forces,
very simple and totally reliable. However, once adaptations both official and unofficial.
have been made, the Muira K’s reliability will vary widely Technical Specifications: The laser gun is one meter long
depending on the quality of the “alterations.” and weighs 996 grams without energy cartridges. Each car-
tridge provides enough power for seventy-five shots. The
GAUSS GUN laser beam’s focus is adjustable, which
A purely energy-based weapon, the varies the range in an inverse propor-
gauss gun emits an electromagnetic ray tion. On its finest setting, the weapon
These Ropes that
that has a double effect: it disrupts the can reach up to 5,000 meters, which
Whistle over Our
operation of electronic systems and de- makes it an effective weapon for sharp-
vices, and paralyses the neurological shooters, because it is totally silent and
Fruit of an audacious ge-
system of living beings. Originally de- inflicts material damage to any element
netic crossbreeding between
signed as an anti-riot gun, the gauss that can be burned. Fire Rate: 1. Range:
an Agolan creeper and the
gun has gradually been adapted for 3-50/100/300 (wide)to 3-500/1500/
paleo-cobra, the rope of
other uses, particularly electronic in- 5000 (narrow). Damage: 4D. Note:
Nuv-Rohp (a small planet
terference. Although it is easy to de- Widest setting can hit ten targets, while
from the Givem sub-system)
fend against this ray — a simple force narrow setting can hit one.
combines the qualities of a
field or barrier will suffice — such mea- Price: Officially, the laser gun is
classic rope in teflo-hemp fi-
sures are extremely costly, and one in- worth 1100 kublars. The price varies
bers ( very high resistance to
stant of inattention is enough. on the black market, and there is never
tensile strength, absolutely
Technical Specifications: The gauss a shortage of buyers.
rot proof) with the specific
gun is rather cumbersome. It is only 108 Availability: Minimal. Ownership is
aptitudes of tension and
centimeters long, and weighs 968 grams regulated. But taking both military and
movement (crawling silently,
without its energy cartridges, but the civilian populations into account, it is
instant acceleration, prodi-
generator that sits on top of the stock probably the most well-distributed
gious leaps) of a gigantic
is very obtrusive. Each energy cartridge weapon in the universe.
snake. Paying for it isn’t
provides enough power for twenty-five Reliability: Although generally reli-
enough to acquire this mar-
shots. While each ray’s power remains able, the laser gun requires constant
vel, for a particular bond
constant, its range and diffusion can be maintenance. Serious defects have been
must be established between
adjusted in inverse proportion to each reported, resulting from either sabo-
the rope and its owner.
other. On the “pinpoint” setting, its tage or negligence.
The rope has to be
range can exceed 100 meters. On the
other hand, when all the way open, the
charmed… (Very Difficult POLY AKA-4 ASSAULT RIFLE
Persuasion roll to charm.
gauss gun is only effective up to three Signature weapon of all the outcasts
Succeeding gains the
meters. Fire Rate: 1. Range (examples): in the universe, the Poly AKA-4 is the
charmer a rope with the fol-
3/—/— (full wide setting); 3-5/15/60 crowning achievement of the
lowing characteristics:
(medium wide setting); 3-10/30/120 Troglosocialik arms factories. Totally
brawling 8D+2, running 7D,
(pinpoint setting). Damage: 5D stun. devoid of any refinement, this assault
sneak 8D, Strength 6D+2,
Note: Full wide setting affects forty tar- rifle is simple but effective — it can be
climb/jump 9D, lift 8D+1;
gets, medium wide setting affects subjected to any conditions and is ide-
Move: 20. The rope will fol-
twenty targets, and needle setting af- ally suited for guerilla actions in any
low the orders of its owner
fects one target. environment. Its strongest points are
without question. To figure
Price: In official circles, the gauss gun its reliability and ease of repair. In cer-
the length, roll one Wild Die
sells for 750 kublars per unit. On the tain isolated areas, there are troops
and multiply the result by
black market, its price varies accord- making do with models that still func-
100 feet.)
ing to condition, but it isn’t hard to find. tion with all their parts replaced. The
Availability: Minimal. It exists on the closest comparison with the Empire’s
“official” weapons is the
Chapter 14 • 132
Cogan 78, because of its Technologically speaking, hand-held guns have made
multiple functions. The the same advances as heavy artillery. There have been im-
Poly AKA-4 fires provements to ammunition, materials, and energy sources.
both energy shots Although these pistols may not be as powerful or pre-
and traditional am- cise as the heavier weapons, their overall effectiveness
munition. lies in their greater handling ability and ease of use.
Technical Specifi- Many of them represent sawn-off versions of the
cations: The Poly heavy models. In this category are the hand-held laser
AKA-4 is average size (eighty-nine and the hand-held cogan — rare indeed, manufactured
centimeters) and average weight (874 grams unloaded). in minuscule quantities as a badge of honor for
In its energy mode, it shoots long streaks of plasma, Endoguard officers.
whose strength and range cannot be adjusted. Each car- SUPRA-PISTOL
tridge provides sixty shots. It can also shoot traditional
projectiles of a unique caliber, close to the .753 but not An extremely powerful energy weapon, the suprapistol
quite identical. If the occasion arises, slight structural shoots plasma rays up to fifty meters with extreme preci-
modifications will permit both types to be used. The sion. Up to about twenty meters, any shot is fatal.
weapon’s standard cartridges contain 100 rounds, but This weapon is standard equipment for most officers
customized versions abound. Many eyewitnesses have re- of the Empire’s armed forces. The energy cartridge’s large
ported cartridges of 1,000 rounds or more. It is impor- capacity — 100 shots — makes it suitable for combat
tant to note that, unlike the cogan 78, the Poly AKA-4’s support.
rapid-fire mode is a genuine one. The demonic staccato Technical Specifications: The suprapistol is twenty-three
of its fire is familiar throughout the Empire. Of course, centimeters long, but due to materials used in its manufac-
the weapon has no epyphite counter-balancing, and us- ture, it weighs only 254 grams unloaded. It is easy to handle,
ing it in rapid-fire mode is extremely difficult. Fire Rate: and can be concealed without the slightest sign. The stan-
1. Range: 3-40/90/275. Damage: 3D+1 (traditional); 5D dard cartridge — available anywhere in the Empire — only
(energy). Note: When in rapid-fire mode, reduce user’s adds 110 grams to the weight of the weapon, and provides
firearms skill by -2D and multiply the damage by 2. A 1 plenty of power. The cartridge fits into the butt of the gun.
on the Wild Die indicates the gun had faulty parts; the Fire Rate: 2. Range: 3-20/50/75. Damage: 5D.
gun explodes and does 4D f damge to its user. Price: The suprapistol is sold officially for 350 kublars.
Price: The Poly AKA-4 sells for approximately 350 It is also found on the black market, where prices vary
kublars. On some worlds, it is given free to every citizen. according to its condition.
Availability: Optimal. Manufactured by the hundreds Availability: Optimal, but uncommon. Ownership is
of thousands of habitants on the Colonial Planets, the regulated, but it is so easily concealed that it can be car-
Poly AKA-4 is the easiest weapon to obtain in the whole ried anywhere without great risk of discovery.
universe. Reliability: The suprapistol is absolutely reliable, but long
Reliability: On the whole, the Poly AKA-4 is very reli- exposure to humid conditions may lead to energy loss.
able, due to its great simplicity. However, due to a shortage
of manufacturing materials, some models contain defects.

Supra-pistol H-38X Pistol Defense Pistol


133 • Weapons
Manufactured by the Viper Arms Party Favors, DEFENSE PISTOL
Corporation, under control of the Viruses, and
Bacteria… The term “defense pistol” does
Maganat of the Poly-Romanoffs, the
To end a memorable not apply to a specific model but
Viper Pistol is the civilian equivalent of
Endocity visit, why not bring rather to a group of models, with
the suprapistol. Its qualities are roughly
back for your enemies a their reduced size and diminished
comparable to those of its twin model
sample of the famous power in common.
except for a slightly weaker energy ca-
Merope virus? Or better yet, These laser-type pistols can fire a
the new and improved maximum of only five shots. These
To justify its civilian status, most
Biophage 13X virus, the lat- guns are at their best when hidden
models of the Viper Pistol features a
est to come out of the under the pilot seat of a small ship,
nonlethal mode, which merely renders
Biotech Inc. Plus laborato- concealed in the fold of a coat, or even
its target unconscious.
ries. Immediately fatal, these hidden in a sleeve or pen case.
Technical Specifications: Twenty-five
marvels of genetic technol- Technical Specifications: The de-
centimeters long and weighing 350
ogy procure a heinous and fense pistols are the smallest guns on
grams unloaded, the Viper Pistol can
explosive death. Useful pre- the market, with the largest one mea-
fire fifty shots before requiring reload-
caution: remember to equip suring only ten centimeters, and weigh-
ing. It accepts the standard cartridge,
yourself with elephanto- ing just over 180 grams, while the
which fits into the butt of the gun. Fire
donte’s milk from Garligue, smallest model in production measures
Rate: 1. Range: 3-10/30/60. Damage:
Amourine, or better with a a mere 4.78 centimeters, weighing 78
4D. Note: Nonlethal mode does the
proto-mineral cloner for grams when unloaded. Fire Rate: 1.
same damage as lethal mode, except
complete immunization. Range: 3-5/9/15. Damage:3D.
that it is taken only as stun damage.
Price: The price varies depending on
Price: Pride of the civilian weapons
the model and its quality, but usually
markets, the Viper Pistol with nonletahl
averages around 300 kublars.
mode sells everywhere at a flat price of
Availability: Optimal.
500 kublars. (It’s 300 kublars without the nonlethal mode.)
Reliability: The technology is well tested and perfectly
Ownership is regulated, so it’s a good idea to have one’s
papers in order before buying one officially. Otherwise, it
can be found on the black market at prices that vary de- WAR PISTOL
pending on its condition.
As the suprapistol’s younger relative, the war pistol is
Availability: Optimal, though a permit is required in
standard equipment for troops in the Empire’s armed
many places.
Reliability: No problems have ever been reported.
It is a powerful energy weapon, and roughly offers the
same qualities as the suprapistol. Its energy cartridges,

Viper Pistol War Pistol

less, its outward appearance re-
inserted into the butt of the gun, provide enough sembles the paleo-firearms of
Chapter 14 • 134
power for seventy-five shots. Terra Prima.
Technical Specifications: The war pistol is only With its revolving
19.86 centimeters long — smaller than the suprapistol cylinder and “blue-
— but nonetheless weighs approximately the same: steel” finish, it brings to
249 grams unloaded. Despite its apparent compact- mind the .44 magnum of
ness, its large chamber makes concealment difficult. the paleo-arms manufacturer Smith and Wesson, or the
The war pistol uses the standard cartridge, inserted into Dan Wesson long barrel, two models that have entirely
the butt, that allows seventy-five shots. Fire Rate: 2. disappeared, their silhouette familiar only to paleo-archive
Range: 3-15/45/70. Damage: 4D+2. enthusiasts. But appearances can be deceptive, because
Price: Officially, the war pistol sells for about 300 one single Vis Pacem is enough to overcome the defenses
kublars, depending on what rank of officer it was de- of a space battlecruiser, reducing it to wreckage.
signed for. Since it is only intended for military use, it is Technical Specifications: Thirty-one centimeters long
not usually available for single purchase. On the black from the butt to the tip of the barrel, the Vis Pacem is an
market, however, it can be found in abundance. imposing weapon indeed. But it weighs only 398 grams,
Availability: Minimal, at least officially. including ammunition. As a showcase for the Church of
Reliability: The war pistol is completely reliable. the Industrial Saints, it is composed of high-performance
materials that are an optimal mix of lightness and dura-
H-38X PISTOL, OR “HYPODERMIC” bility. The pearl-handled grip is a work of art. Aesthetic
Ideal anti-riot weapon, the H-38X pistol shoots small considerations aside, the ballistic qualities are what make
needles containing a toxic and corrosive substance up to the Vis Pacem a terrifying weapon of death. The cylinder
a distance of 500 meters. They shatter on impact and the contains seven rounds — of a caliber comparable to the
contents begin to take effect: it dissolves through fabric, .753 — similar in appearance to paleo-ammunition, but
in order to paralyze the nervous system. in fact quite different. First of all, the propulsive charge is
The chemicals are only effective not traditional gunpowder. It is an
through textile-based clothing. They energy concentrate whose explosive
have no effect on electronic devices and Great Balls of power is of course much greater. And
equipment. Fire! of course the bullet is not just a leaden
Technical Specifications: A weapon In order to enhance their mass. It’s a round of anti-matter. Upon
that combines traditional projectiles with vital forces and energies at impact, the anti-matter is released and
energy propulsion, the hypodermic pis- the moment of attack, sea- obliterates an equal quantity of mat-
tol is suited only to certain specific uses. soned mercenaries use a ter to create huge gaps. Fire Rate: 1.
If used strategically, however, it can work longtime proven device that Range: 3-15/35/75 space units (space);
wonders. Rather discreet, it only mea- is small but effective. Sold at 6-35/75/150 km (atmosphere). Dam-
sures seventeen centimeters — or twenty- an average price of 45 age: 7D (battleship scale.)
eight centimeters with the addition of a kublars, the “Gonado-Ener- Price: The Vis Pacem is not intended
barrel for long-distance accuracy — and gizer” is placed on the for sale. The rare copies produced are
weighs 236 grams when empty. The fifty- perineum, point of equilib- exclusively for the officials of the
round cartridge fits into the butt of the rium of the Yin and Yang Church of the Industrial Saints.
gun. Fire Rate: 1. Range: 3-100/200/500. currents and the laterality Availability: Minimal.
Damage: 6D stun. Note: Damage is in- poles. Activated, it emits a Reliability: As a product of ex-
flicted on organic materials and creatures variable frequency deter- tremely high and holy technology, the
only. mined in function and ac- Vis Pacem will never malfunction.
Price: Produced only in small quan-
tities, the hypodermic pistol costs 500
cording to the parameters of BLADED WEAPONS
each individual with infra-
kublars in official circles. vibratory impulses that Despite the ancient associations of
Availability: Minimal. The hypoder- maximize energy concentra- Terra Prima they conjure, bladed
mic pistol is a nonlethal weapon, but tion. Fierceness in battle is weapons are highly esteemed through-
since the authorities are aware that it fantastically increased ten- out the Empire. Not only does a sharp
can be easily adapted to more deadly fold, but (small side effect) edge remain highly effective against
uses, ownership is regulated. appetites and other erectile any defenseless bio-organism, but the
Reliability: Excellent. functions are also exacer- traditional blades have been improved
VIS PACEM REVOLVER bated. (The device gives +5D greatly by the benefits of modern tech-
to all combat skills when nology; they now boast ultra-resistant
This extremely rare weapon is manu- used, and difficulties for Per- materials and many new options,
factured in minute quantities by the ception skills and willpower some amusing and some extremely
Church of the Industrial Saints, based are increased by +10). deadly.
on advanced technologies that few hu- To see someone leaping around af-
man brains can comprehend. Nonethe- ter being poked with a vibro-dagger
would draw a smile from the most solemn Techno-
Techno dignitary. contemporary replica, all the swords have in com-

135 • Weapons
But aside from these considerations, bladed weapons mon an elongated shape and a cutting blade. None-
will always be highly sought by the Nobles, who love to theless, an infinite number of variables makes each
parade around with a sword at their side. one a unique product: light or heavy, for two hands or
one, simple or sheathed hilt, curved or straight blade,
PALEO-SWORD and so forth. Skill: Archaic weapons. Difficulty: Easy
Fruit of the immemorial wisdom of the master armor- (10). Damage: STR+2D. Note: these game characteris-
ers of Terra Prima, authentic paleo-swords are rarities par- tics are for straight, one-handed swords.
ticularly prized and admired. Although these relics are Price: Paleo-swords vary in price according to a great
often nothing but worn blades corroded by rust, some of number of criteria. A chipped and rusted blade might be
these marvels have emerged from the mists of time intact, worth a fortune if some famous origin can be certified.
as magnificent and sparkling as the day they were cre- Conversely, a magnificently forged teflo-steel blade will be
ated. In response to demand from a Nobility eager for worth very little if it is a model produced in great quantity
antiquities, a specialized micro-industry sprang up by an Industrial Maganat. On average, the price will range
throughout the Empire. Of course, the modern imitations between 1 and 1000 kublars, but only an expert would risk
do not have the same style of the respected ancient weap- making a purchase at the upper end of the spectrum.
ons, even though the modern materials give them quali- Availability: Optimal. No permit is required to buckle
ties that the inhabitants of paleo-Terra Prima could never a sword to one’s belt.
have dreamed of. Then again, another advantage of au- Reliability: Modern imitation paleo-swords are ex-
thentic paleo-swords is that some of them are enchanted, tremely durable, unlike the older models which occasion-
carrying a mystical power that makes those who know ally shatter. On the other hand, the fortunate owner of a
how to use them utterly invincible. genuine enchanted sword can rely on it under any cir-
Technical Specifications: Whether true paleo-weapon or cumstances.



Supra-ice Sword
Price: This is a weapon
PALEO-SPEAR of prestige and is reserved
Chapter 14 • 136
for an elite and select cli-
Like paleo-swords, paleo-spears are coming back entele, who must attain
into vogue. Of course, it is not as common to see some- some merit in the eyes of
one carrying one, but there are many who claim to the Church of the Indus-
possess in their home one of the mythical lances used trial Saints. Without
by some paleo-hero on paleo-Terra Prima to slay one added options, the base
of the dragons thta must have run across that land in price is 5,000 kublars.
great numbers… Availability: Minimal.
Here as well, imitations abound, but what is lost in Ownership is not regu-
authenticity is generally made up for by greater resil- lated, but the C.I.S. has
ience. exacting guidelines as to
Technical Specifications: These weapons come in a wide who is allowed to own Paleo-spear
range of styles and uses, from the light javelin to the heavy one.
pilum, even including the formal halberd. Generally, they Reliability: As a
measure between 160 and 260 centimeters from base to Techno-Techno product,
point, and weigh anywhere from 1.5 kilos to 5 kilos or the supra-ice sword is
more. Skill: Archaic weapons. Difficulty: Easy (10). Dam- 100 percent reliable.
age: 4D (thrown); STR+1D+2 (melee). Thrown Range: 5- However, also as a
15/25/40. Techno-Techno product,
Price: As with paleo-swords, the price of paleo-spears it is difficult to know who
varies on a number of criteria that are difficult to deter- the blade’s true master is.
mine. Nonetheless, a price range of 1 to 1000 kublars is
reasonably accurate. VIBRO-SWORD
Availability: Optimal. No license is required to either This is a modern
own or carry a spear. sword, but it can pass as
Reliability: A spear’s effectiveness depends on the an ancient one thanks to
quality of the material it is composed of. If designed its appearance. In addi-
to be thrown, its quality depends on the skill and ex- tion to a sword’s usual
perience of the manufacturer who made it. functions, the vibro-
sword has an energized
hilt that transmits an ul-
Although at first glance it cannot be distinguished from a tra-rapid vibration to the
paleo-sword, the supra-ice sword is definitely a modern blade. In vibro-mode,
weapon. Secretly manufactured in some Techno-Techno with its small character-
factory, the supra-ice sword unites the handling and cutting istic hum, the power of
qualities of a traditional sword with a deadly efficiency pro- the sword is increased Vibro-axe
vided by this era of all-powerful technology. The blade, made tenfold. And since it is
of a highly super-conducting alloy, can reach a temperature made of extremely hard
of absolute zero. The slightest contact transmits an intense material, it cuts effort-
cold right to the core of any matter it touches. Living tissues lessly into flesh and bone,
are frozen instantly, and become as hard as glass. Even if breaks through the more
they don’t shatter, the thermal shock will irreversibly lead basic defenses and can
to dead tissue. This extremely dangerous weapon must be even penetrate certain
handled with great care. To carry it, a special thermo-isolat- armor.
ing sheath is most warmly recommended. Technical Specifica-
Technical Specifications: This weapon is manufactured tions: This mass-market
singly and to order, so the blade’s shape is left to the cli- weapon has the same
ent. The alloy itself is tinted a pretty blue, and can be characteristics of a paleo-
worked to accommodate ornamentation. Both the blade’s Electro-glove
sword, but only allows
handle and its sheath are made of thermo-isolating mate- the choice of three differ-
rial, and the hilt of the sword encloses a powerful genera- ent serrated blades. The
tor. Each energy cartridge allows it to be used at full power energy cartridge fits into
for 100 hours. During the last hour of power, the blade’s the hilt to supply power to the generator. Each cartridge
temperature gradually climbs back up toward ambient provides 20 hours of use at full power. Due to the materi-
temperature. Of course, supra-ice mode can be switched als used, the weight of the whole sword including the car-
off at any time. Skill: Melee combat. Difficulty: Easy (10). tridge never exceeds 1.5 kilos. Skill: Melee combat. Diffi-
Damage: STR+5D (supra-ice mode); STR+2D culty: Easy (10). Damage: STR+12D (vibro-mode);
(unpowered). STR+2D (unpowered).
Price: This popular weapon has an official price of about
150 kublars. Technical Specifications: The paralyzing club,

137 • Weapons
Availability: Optimal. Ownership is regulated, but those standard equipment of security forces on many
who carry one simply pretend it’s a paleo-sword. worlds of the Empire, measures 105 centimeters and
Reliability: Excellent reliability overall. However, like weighs 2,265 grams, including the energy cartridge. One
all energy weapons, the vibro-sword does not respond standard cartridge provides power for seventy-five
well to prolonged exposure to humidity. shocks. Skill: Melee combat. Difficulty: Easy (10). Dam-
age: 5D+2 stun (paralyzing mode); STR+2D. Note: If
VIBRO-AXE the weapon is tapped on the ground, it does its damage
Far more ostentatious than the vibro-sword, the vibro- to all targets within a five-meter radius, but then it must
axe is the weapon of choice for all those who want to be recharged.
proclaim to the universe that they love brawls and blood. Price: The official price of the paralyzing club is forty-
It can inflict the same wounds as a traditional axe, but five kublars. It is easily found on the black market at a
can also deliver unrivalled cutting power. The generator price ranging between 10 and 100 kublars.
at the base of the shaft sets the blade vibrating, which Availability: Optimal. Although it is normally reserved
allows it to render the hardest materials into shreds. The for anti-riot troops, the paralyzing club appeals to many
plasti-alloy blade is available in a wide variety of shapes enthusiasts.
— including single or double blade — and thicknesses. Reliability: As a traditional club, there is of course no
Handling it requires strength and skill, but its greatest possibility of breakdown. However, very humid environ-
drawback is its conspicuousness. ments can sometimes impede the function of its electric
Technical Specifications: The energy cartridge, which mode.
fits into the base of the shaft, guarantees full power for
twenty-five hours. Like the vibro-sword, the vibro-axe uses ELECTRO-GLOVE
standard energy cartridges, easily available throughout The electro-glove is a huge metallic glove with fearsome
the Empire. Some models are rechargeable. A photonic effects in hand-to-hand combat, because it combines the
accumulator allows it to be recharged when held under devastating power of a traditional boxing glove with elec-
light, but the process takes two standard hours. Skill: trical damage. Upon contact, it administers an electric
Melee combat. Difficulty: Moderate (15). Damage: shock that maximizes the impact, often killing instantly
STR+13D (vibro-mode); STR+3D depending upon the power of the blow.
(unpowered). Alternatively, it can send an electric
Price: A good vibro-axe costs ap- Take a Peek in bolt as far as three meters, designed to
proximately 120 kublars. My Bag… stun the adversary for a few minutes.
Availability: Optimal, although own- Manufactured in the Technical Specifications: The
ership is regulated. Carrying one Techno-Techno’s laboratory- electro-glove comes in the shape of a
around urban populations would not factories, the “hypnotic traditional boxing glove, equipped
be advisable, but in rural areas where purse” is a little exclusive with a large number of metallic rein-
it can pass as a tool, a vibro-axe hardly and costly wonder — 1265 forcements and a generator attached
draws attention. kublars in authorized bou- to the fist. Depending on its size, it can
Reliability: The vibro-axe uses an- tiques for the smallest sized weigh somewhere between 465 and
cient technology, so it is thoroughly re- model — which allows for 598 grams, and it guarantees a power-
liable. However, exposure to great the concealment of any ele- ful hit. Its kinetic force has broken
amounts of moisture should be avoided. ment, living or inert, coming many jaws. The energy cartridge con-
from the Universe’s real di- tained in the generator provides
PARALYZING CLUB mension. Only the C.I.S. enough power for fifty hits, or twenty-
Thanks to the Prez’s Hunchbacks, this knows where the items five electric bolts. Hand-to-hand use:
seemingly obsolete weapon has returned slipped into the bag tempo- Skill: Melee combat. Difficulty: Very
to favor, because they missed that old rarily disappear to, but what Easy (5). Damage: STR+3D+2. Ranged
“human touch.” Aside from its effective- is certain, is that they become use: Skill: Firearms. Fire Rate: 1.
ness as a defensive club, just a slight touch absolutely invisible and un- Range: 1/2/3/—. Damage: 4D+2 stun.
is enough to administer a powerful elec- detectable. Extremely use- Price: An electro-glove’s average
tric shock. But that’s not all: tapping it fully for discretely and se- price is 35 kublars.
against the ground releases an electric renely passing borders or Availability: Optimal. Since it can
shock that paralyzes all living things frontiers. This said, it is with- almost be considered recreational
within a five-meter radius. Only the per- out a doubt optimistic to “sporting” equipment, the Electro-
son holding the club is immune to its ef- expect to get away with fool- glove is accessible to anyone.
fect. This extremely effective attack pro- ing a Techno-Technos sur- Reliability: Made of time-tested ma-
vokes neuro-muscular paralysis for veillance system with such an terials, the electro-glove is completely
around five minutes, depending on the item… reliable.
victim’s constitution.
and only in the most absolute secrecy. The only exception
is the OKO mini-bomb, which it donated to the Empire
Chapter 14 • 138
BOMBS AND EXPLOSIVES as a token of loyalty.
Today as always, explosives remain a major com- In the secrecy of its factory-labs, the C.I.S. concocts
ponent of the art of war. Exploding ballistic charges horrific bombs with devastating effects, like “negative
are always used in combat, even in the interstellar mines,” which look like harmless debris drifting through
void, where the impact is silent but just as deadly. In space but contain an anti-matter charge. Once they are
infantry battles on the ground, the front line is pro- set off by contact or by remote detonation, they release a
tected by explosive munitions, including rockets and certain quantity of anti-matter that instantly eradicates
grenades. Explosives might even be used strategically an equal quantity of matter. If a ship bumps against a
in covert action — sabotage, bomb-laying or political mine, a hole appears in the hull without even the slightest
terrorism. explosion. Antipersonnel mines of the same type have also
Numerous technological advancements have increased been manufactured. The C.I.S. also developed the “re-
their effectiveness. New explosive material has been dis- mora grip,” made of genetic plastics that ensure perma-
covered, and increasingly sophisticated combinations have nent adhesion of a device to any surface. The plastic ana-
been developed, resulting in a tenfold increase in the deto- lyzes and recognizes the contact material, then melts into
nating power of matter. Today, one OKO mini-bomb, no it by matching its symbiotic pulse rate at a chromosomal
bigger than a thumbnail, has a destructive capacity equiva- and atomic level. An OKO mini-bomb combined with a
lent to the paleo-Hiroshima bomb many times over. How- remora grip is invincible. To be on board a ship with an
ever, explosives are highly specialized commodities and OKO-remora stuck to ione’s self is to be in a very precari-
strictly regulated by all the major organizations of the ous position indeed.
Empire. Although even the average and most easily ob- Finally, the Church of the Industrial Saints is develop-
tainable explosives are of higher quality than in the past, ing Tri-H-type bombs, in flagrant violation of the treaties
the range of available products remains limited. signed between the Empire and the Colonial Planets. Some
The two major types of explosives in use today leave a sources indicate they have started production and are
chemical signature indicating in which branch of the Em- stockpiling them in a highly secret location.
pire they originated. Residue of Teflodynamite indicates
origins within the Ekonomat or the Maganats, while traces
of Polysemtex are an instant indicator of the Colonial Plan- If you’re playing the Metabarons Roleplaying Game,
ets. As for the Church of the Industrial Saints, it has de- you can find game characteristics for common explosives
veloped superpowerful explosives that it uses very rarely on pages 233–234 of the rulebook.
Although the scientific definition of cybernetics is rela- easy to understand why cybernetics is more amusing
tively easy to understand, its role and place in the range and entertaining than appealing. Virtually all cybernetic
of today’s technologies is vague and underrated. The vast equipment can be remotely controlled by pirate remote
majority of current practices and innovations are cred- controls easily bought on the black market. These range
ited exclusively to “technology” as the holy and all-pow- from basic transceivers through General Thato’s hands
erful driving force behind the progress of intelligent races. to the most deadly of micro-bombs. It is understood
Although there are definite types of uses for this endless that the Techno-Technos can also decide to suddenly
source of wonders, public opinion looks down on cyber- control any cybernetic implant without either remote
netics and its many offshoots — transplants, implants, control or the slightest justification.
nanotechnology, and bodily alterations — as being no-
where near as good as other advances.
While not yet seen as archaic, cybernetics is considered Cybernetics is as easily accessible as it is unwanted. The
to be inferior — a fad, a potential solution, just one alter- vast majority of the cybernetic products available are in-
native in an infinite number of possibilities. vented, designed, and ordered by the Techno-Technos and
then produced by the Maganats. Rich families sometimes
THE CYBERNETIC REALITY set up cybernetic production centers to design their own
equipment, but the quality and scientific import of such
PUBLIC OPINION “spontaneous” equipment very rarely equals the Techno-
A quick glance is all you need to realize that, aside from Technos’ innovative and essential work. Three user pro-
the scientists and cyberjunkies who worship the implants files relate to the three main ways of accessing this
as much as others do drugs, rare are those who see cyber- technology’s products: the Church of the Industrial Saints
netics as vital or even useful. The spread of pan-Techno- laboratories, the Maganat production centers, and back-
surgery and weapons has long reduced the advantages of street surgeons, who may be pirates, rebels, or sponsored
cybernetic implants to being seen as mere fancy and even by other small independent groups. The numerous labo-
old hat. With the richest having access to health care and ratories contract the transplant services and cybernetic
better equipment and the poorest preferring a large-cali- products that they consider to be “official” in the same
ber weapon to a microscopic chip, a skeptical public is way as they rely on the Techno-Technos for the majority
pushing cybernetic applications out into the cold. of their equipment, leisure, and health-care treatments.
Although potential cybernetics cus- The rare output of new Maganat
tomers are no more against the idea of products, which even then are experi-
a transplant than an internal implant or mental, is exclusively reserved for
any other major bodily alteration, they Cybernetics and society’s elite, who are the only ones
are rare. The public generally prefers Technology able to afford the prototypes and move
Techno-Techno technology, which is Although technological in their inventors’ social circles.
seen as and indeed is capable of trans- advances have improved this The “illegal” cybernetic technology
planting, modifying, replacing, and im- science, cybernetics still produced and sold outside the pan-
proving any organ using a technology stands alone. With pan- Techno networks offers a universal cli-
based on a combination of science, ge- Techno-technology able to entele an impressive catalogue of pi-
netics, and mystical gnosticism. Many do everything, or nearly ev- rate cybernetics: modified Techno-
Techno-Techno operations are much erything, it seems rather Techno implants, banned chips, pro-
like cybernetic applications, in the naïve to use cybernetics as a hibited matrix programs, experimen-
proper sense of the term, but the way in full-fledged science. The tal nano-surgery and so on. Despite
which they work and the energy used technology is still seen as an many suppliers and customers, prices
far surpass the realms of a simple “tech- exception, as just another and potential secondary effects are of-
nique.” There is just no comparison gadget in a world of endless ten highly unpredictable. No one
between an artificial heart transplant options. You only have to knows anymore exactly how many fa-
and a pre-birth programmed slow bio- look at the immense power tal accidents have been caused by an
logical mutation of an embryo’s natu- of the Techno-Technos to equipment failure, unexpected pirat-
ral heart. combine the very essence of ing, or a Techno-Techno control with
The use of cybernetics is all the rarer, life with the product of tech- its often-final outcome.
since the majority of the population sees nological progress to realize TRANSPLANTS, IMPLANTS, AND COSTS
no point in replacing a damaged limb. that they can do everything
cybernetics can do, if they’re The cost of implanting the body cy-
Add to this the prospect of being con-
not already doing it. bernetics making up most of the prod-
trolled or enduring the wrath of a
uct catalogue is enough to reduce the
Techno-Techno “requisition” and it is
netics into your
clientele to the wealthy — or to common people
Chapter 15 • 140
Metabarons Role- Need to Be
driven to the back-street clinics for this type of playing Game Incognito?
conversion. If you want to get a cybernetic trans- character, along The Holo-cosmetic micro-
plant, you have to have the right contacts and means with game charac- chip is a staple gadget with
to get into a C.I.S. clinic — every Endocity has at least teristics for some the Aristos. The chip allows
one — or “alternative” operating theatre. common im- one to completely cross dress
Equipment and transplant prices vary enormously plants, see pages achieving the actual appear-
depending on quality and size. For example, transplant- 237–239 of the ance of somebody else. In-
ing a minor peripheral replacement organ such as a fin- rule book. habitants of the Gold Ring
ger costs less than 1,000 kublars and is pretty easy to
often use this method to de-
get approved by the Church of the Industrial Saints cen- APPLICA- scend incognito to amuse
sors. However, implanting a vital organ costs ten times TIONS themselves in the soil and
this amount, if not more, and applications are only ac-
mire of the Red Ring. This
cepted from those with solid references and a high social
EVERYDAY LIFE said, if it hides the identity
status. The Techno-Technos have deliberately introduced
Cybernetics of- of those who wear it (placed
this means-based selection in keeping with their principle
fers a wide range behind the ears) from bio
that money is not nearly as important as where their know-
of “general pub- eyes, it doesn’t escape the
how goes. This means that being able to afford cybernet-
lic” applications notice of the opto-electronic
ics or any other pan-Techno science far from ensures that
ranging from surveillance eyes. It is there-
you get it.
simple holo- fore ineffectual in certain
Although the
make-up to syn- surveyed sectors of the
famous Hospital
thetic drug drips. endocities, space highway
Planet has
Defusing They boast a mul- stops, astroports, imperial
switched to a
With the appearance of titude of implants installations, etc.
more “demo-
the new cybernetic options, and chips with as
cratic” system by
defusing techniques have futile effects as
offering similar
also been created to “soup changing clothes
services at a re-
up” official equipment with or eye and skin color, and suits thermally regulated to the
duced price, no
often-limited possibilities wearer’s microperspiration. These aesthetic applications
one knows ex-
and radius, but also to break are highly popular with the elite, who can afford the luxury
actly how long the
the essential link that the and “good taste” of these caprices that they say make
waiting list is for
Techno-Technos have built “all the difference between the plebes and the select few.”
the consideration
with their creation. The pos- In addition to this aesthetics market, cybernetics offers
of applications —
sibility of being freed from all sorts of consumer chips, implants, transplants, and
not to mention the
the C.I.S.’s yoke is a real nano-services relating to medicine, staying in shape and
actual operations.
revolution. So it’s not hard drugs. Although the prohibitive price of the organic re-
The two main al-
to figure out that the Techno- placements is such that they are often reserved for the
ternatives are still
Technos are furiously fight- elite, the genetic improvement of certain ordinary organs
the official centers
ing the pirates and major fac- — including the liver, eyes, skin, and nervous system —
and the back-
tions with the financial has become common practice. Healing, toxin absorbent,
street clinics,
means and scientific knowl- and antipoison patches circulate freely on the market, as
which cream off
edge to weaken and some- do the many coveted drug injectors and drips that pro-
most of the cus-
times completely break the vide a regular or intermittent supply of psychotic, neuro-
tomers. More-
link between cybernetic stimulating, and adrenal substances to massively improve
over, it is under-
equipment and the Techno- reflexes and deaden the feeling of pain and fatigue — or
stood that this is
Technos. But bear in mind simply keep withdrawal symptoms at bay.
just one of the
that even with the best tech- There are also a number of cybernetics-related techno-
many Techno-
nology, only Amourine and logical gadgets directly connected with the brain or the
Techno success
the power of the White Ma- nervous system. These gadgets are used to access 3D city
stories of their
chines can, in the case of cy- plans, archives, knowledge of a language, thermal and
control of the le-
bernetic and bio-cybernetic infra-red visual perceptions, and matrix network weapon,
gal and illegal be-
transplants and implants, set vehicle, piloting, and navigation interfaces.
hind the facade of
in motion a radical enough
being swindled. COMMUNICATION
change to ensure true inde-
pendence — as in the case of GAME
Communication over short and long distances was long
the defused Mentreks in par- NFORMATION
one of the main lines of cybernetic research and applica-
ticular. For guidelines tions. However, with the appearance of new technolo-
on putting cyber- gies, only a few highly specific implants still manage to
maintain their monopoly. Today, decades after the appear-
ance of the first CybCom implants, the transplant and control over their weapon or weapons that
micro-chip catalogue is targeted mainly at head-hunters, transforms them into real aiming and destroying
private detectives, and other independents whose job is machines by mentally calculating the trajectories,
to stalk, spy, and access information — but who are de- optimizing firing, and instinctively maneuvering with
prived of high-tech equipment by their independent sta- remarkable precision. These interface options are ap-
tus and cruel lack of resources. plied to combat armor and can also be used to instantly
The old transceiver models generally implanted in manage wounds, drug injections, and the movement
the auditory canal have been replaced by more sophis- and positioning of weapons systems — in fact, all the
ticated systems transplanted into the cortical periph- features that make the difference in combat.
ery. They use the synaptic system to encode and con- Yet although the public is impressed by these tech-
vey their wearer’s mental frequencies. These commu- nologies and the fighters make extensive use of them,
nication mechanisms enable their users to translate a the official commandos and armies of the leading fac-
simple thought into a coherent message before send- tions have long since banned cybernetics from their ar-
ing it to a technological receiver such as a computer, mory. Wary of Techno-Techno interference, they use bio-
drone, or loudspeaker. This Techno-Techno designed options, combat drugs, and high-tech equipment, which
technology is still relatively expensive, but it is open- cannot be interfered with or controlled and perform just
ing up new windows of opportunity as well if not better.
for the Mentreks and is starting to
appear in official spheres. However,
some troublemakers suspect a mas-
Technos Are
sive mind-control operation. Watching You. TECHNOLOGY AND
These are the top-of-the-range im- The Techno-Technos do MATRIX NETWORKS
plants. However, most of the inde- not “control” the cybernet-
pendents use the more traditional, al- ics market. They are its in- THE MATRIX NETWORK
though microscopic, transmitter ventors, instigators, design-
transplants and the array of mikes, Although information technology
ers, and above all censors. In
sonars, radars, ultra- and infrasonic has long been an everyday part of life,
addition to helping create the
scanners, and neuro-emotional sen- an overwhelming majority of the popu-
majority of the cybernetic
sors that read emotions and moods lation uses computers and their im-
projects, ordering them from
virtually infallibly. mense capacities for humdrum logisti-
the Maganats or injecting
cal and operational tasks. Some are
WEAPONS new ideas, the Techno-
even unaware of the existence of the
Technos have nigh on abso-
Despite all these marvels of commu- Netframes and the matrix network,
lute power over the applica-
nication and biological improvement, commonly known as the “Matrix,”
tions created by this science.
the weapons market is still by far the which opens the doors of a virtual, al-
From the Techno-Centric
most buoyant in terms of innovation, gorithmic, and illusionary world to
(permanently linked to the
research, and advances. The parallel de- those who are really in the know. Al-
Matrix network) to the Cen-
velopment of the defense industry and though there is a whole cluster of local
tral Planet Serpents, (source
applied cybernetics since the invention Netframes (the name for the informa-
of the C.I.S.’s knowledge and
of weapon interfaces has led to the ap- tion technology networks linking the
secrets), the Techno-Technos
pearance of deadly and accessible com- different activity centers in each
are so closely linked with the
binations on the market. Although only Endocity), these 3D holographic
nature and essence of their
the Poly-Romanoffs and His Majesty worlds harbor no confidential data
technology that they have an
the Tzar Iman Horlog, supreme ruler sources and, as the pan-Techno-Techno
unparalleled ability to con-
of the defense industry, can afford these Church censors smugly point out, are
trol and influence all the
new technologies, arms and associated nothing more than “another amuse-
spin-offs from their science.
cybernetic innovations are accessible to ment park.”
Taking control of a cyber-
all. In the weapons trade, money is In the Netframes, you can navigate,
netic hand to turn it against
king. find software, data, and information
its owner is just the start of
The defense industry has added to technology subprograms in magical
what they are capable of. The
its already-impressive arsenal of gre- shapes and colors, and try to hack into
Techno-Technos can really act
nades, assault weapons, sonic effects, the Matrix. However, none of the scin-
as they please and control any
and combined and miniaturized weap- tillating fortresses protects any real se-
cybernetics application at will,
ons with the introduction of an option cret. Since these networks are prima-
not to mention any scientific
that is now used by all elite fighters: rily utilitarian, the Techno-Technos
application produced by their
the weapons interface. The interface is have gradually transformed them into
like a matrix-connected implant. It new Necro-dream vectors by giving
gives wearers a connection with and cybernauts the impression that they are
The very existence of the Supreme Network must be
one of the best-kept secrets there is. There is no connec-
Chapter 15 • 142
tion whatsoever between this immaterial web and the lo-
cal Netframes, and any hypothetical intrusion would be
immediately punished by uncompromising destruction.
Although it is accessible from the War Star and Central
Planet, the Supreme Network is exclusively reserved for
the use of the pan-Techno-Techno Church.
Information technology-applied cybernetics has two
main categories of equipment: software and connection
and navigation interfaces, used to optimize action and
surfing on the local Endocity Netframes; and display and
matrix manipulation implants, used by their wearers to
penetrate the Netframes without a physical connection
and use their mental influence to operate in the network.
Cybernetics also offers a wide range of tri-D glasses,
optical and cortical implants, interfaces, cables, and con-
sole links to make the most of all the local Netframes’
possibilities. Also available is a long list of software and
applications associating pure information technology with
environmental cybernetics — life support systems for long-
term Matrix excursions, anti-intrusion alarms, central
management units for local peripherals, sensitive inter-
faces, holographic keyboards, and so on.
Despite this wealth of equipment, only cybernauts with
risking their lives and flying in the face of the law. They up-to-date neuro-cortical innovations can possibly opti-
may contain guardians, fortresses, data banks, software mize their network navigation and infiltration. These im-
and console contraband networks, penalties, and even plants are grafted onto the cortex itself and use the neu-
anti-intrusion tracking units, but the reality of the matter ronal and synaptic systems to transform the cybernauts’
is that this technology pirating is nothing more than a brains into a mind-boggling organic console during their
gigantic virtual masquerade. excursions into the Netframes. Cybernauts hence control
In addition to this high-tech Necro-Dream vehicle, the their movements and actions, see and react at the speed
Techno-Technos run another matrix, the Supreme Network, of thought — often increased tenfold by the implant, syn-
which keeps them in constant and instant contact with ev- thetic drugs, and other specially designed cybernetic im-
erything going on in the universe. This network extends to plants. However, even with this ultra-sophisticated equip-
the outermost limits of space like a huge spider’s web. It ment, very few cybernauts are able to distinguish the real
links every computer, technological, and living element, giv- Network from the mundane local Netframes.
ing the Techno-Technos the power to track, probe, observe,
influence, manipulate, and work real miracles.
An inevitable step in humanity’s never-ending quest to surround themselves with battalions of robots who pre-
attain godliness was that one day they would attempt to pare their food and administer to their every need with-
create life. And the attempt was successful — not only out complaint. This domestic help comes in millions of
can they assemble mechanical devices that reproduce the forms. Some of them have a strikingly human appear-
physical aspects of humans in every way, but they can ance, but one element or another always indicates their
also breathe the spark of life into artificial intelligence robotic origin. Most of them are purchased for the home,
that mimics the human psyche to the extent of suffering and their costs vary according to their specialties and
the same metaphysical anguish. And this is where the dif- the options provided. The two most important criteria
ficulty lies, for even a god can have his creation slip away are overall quality and ease of interface. There is always
from him. room for improvement in this department because noth-
Even back in Terra Prima’s time, humans were eager to ing is more important than having one’s instructions un-
build machines that would perform their difficult and derstood. After all, who wouldn’t have the urge to take a
annoying tasks. Their efforts cannot be faulted, but com- hammer to the mechanical smile of a robot that endlessly
plications arose when humanity’s mastery over genetics repeats, “Would you like some more?” after emptying a
allowed them to replicate life itself. This merging of life coffee pitcher onto the floor…
with machinery enabled the creation of brothers of hu- The mechanical servants of this first division are ca-
manity that resembled them in every way, but who were pable of fulfilling the function for which they are designed
forced by circumstances into utter submission to humans, — and nothing more. They can neither display initiative
without possessing even the most basic rights. The bound- nor interpret commands, and have only the ability to com-
aries between humans and their creations blurred, a mas- plete their task, today, tomorrow and ever after. Techno-
sive wave of paranoid schizophrenia soon ensued, and logical advances in this field give them the ability to com-
half of humanity was wiped out. During this era, the Guild plete ever more intricate and specific tasks, and also pro-
— which would later become the Church of the Indus- vide them with greater energy and lifespan, so long as
trial Saints — stumbled upon access to a new technology they never give signs of approaching the human func-
and a new reality. As a result, they cam- tions of interpretive analysis and ini-
paigned actively against genetic experi- tiative. This division includes not only
mentation, which, although not totally the omnipresent servant robots, which
forbidden, remains under strict control House Lizard? today are barely even noticed, but also
to this day. Provided with the most up all the automatic devices that open and
Currently, robots can be grouped to date bio-mechanic inter- close doors, keep surveillance over en-
into three major divisions. These divi- active matter, Gorinex’s lat- try points, carry out mechanical tasks,
sions do not have specific names, be- est model will be the delight and so forth. These are normal robots,
cause they are arbitrary classifications of even the most demanding who by virtue of their programming
based on the functions robots perform households. With its proto- cannot even contemplate experiencing
within the Empire. In general, it should human interface — able to any emotion, and therefore pose no
be remembered that although the imitate the growling hus- risk of transgression, short circuit or
C.I.S.’s intervention curbed the most band, the grumpy mother-in- excessive zeal.
significant excesses, there isn’t anything law and the whining child —
to prevent the more powerful organi- it cheerfully replaces the en- SAMPLE ROBOTS
zations — especially the Techno- tire family. Functions? Capa- If you play the Metabarons
Techno order — from doing anything bilities? The list is long. Not Roleplaying Game, you can find ex-
they want. only does it slice, dice, dis- amples of serval types of mechanical
member, transfuse, and servants and domestics robots on pages
MECHANICAL SERVANTS knead, but it also pulverizes, 239–240 of the rule book.
AND DOMESTIC ROBOTS laminates, crushes, eviscer-
ates, and incinerates abso- METABARONIC AND MAXI-
Today more than ever, humans take lutely all and any living ele- PROTONIC ROBOTS
great pleasure in eliminating lowly ments. Sold today at a pro-
chores from their daily routine. Even motional price of only 23 This second division includes only
stooping down to pick something up kublars, it is the perfect gift. the robots on the Metabaron’s staff.
is unnecessary — there is always a ro- (The absolutely necessary Their ringleader is Tonto, a defective
bot who will obediently perform the security unit is sold sepa- model who only requires the slightest
task, without even asking for thanks. rately for the modest sum of provocation to reveal a rebellious
Because of this, the powerful rulers of 3650 kublars.) streak that would make the C.I.S. want
the universe, who dislike being in a to eradicate him. In fact, he was origi-
position of owing anything to anybody, nally consigned to the scrap-heap by
the Techno-Techno Stan-
Chapter 16 • 144
His Father Is His If you play the Metabarons
dards Commission, in order to
Mother… Roleplaying Game, you can use the
prevent him from violating all the
Because he alone gave game characterisitcs of mechanical ser-
laws of robotics. The Metabaron
birth to his son after having vants and domestics robots on pages
found him there and saved him.
been self-fertilized, Aghora, 239–240 of the rule book for a base,
Since then, he has been the little
No-Name’s father-mother, adding whatever additional abilities
spoiled god of the Metabunker, rul-
has achieved in his own way you feel are appropriate for the duties
ing not only over the domestic life
the ideal of the Perfect An- required of a particular Metabaronic
of his Master, but the fate of his soul
drogyne, so dear to the robot.
as well. The strange relationship be-
Empire’s grand castes. How-
tween Tonto and the Metabaron is a
ever, this fact of nature has TECHNO-TECHNO
perfect example of just how much
devotion a robot can display. Tonto
nothing to do with divine KILL-GUARDIANS AND
intervention, but simply and
clearly represents the type of deviant
surely due to a surgical in- THE NECROBOT
artificial intelligence that the C.I.S.
tervention technique to The third division of robots consists
would eliminate instantly if they had
which Tonto is no stranger. of all the machines and devices devel-
the chance. To alleviate his long spells
This may also explain the oped and controlled by the C.I.S. In
of boredom, Tonto created Lothar, a
scarring on Aghora’s fore- great numbers, they climb and snake
kind of mechanical offspring who he
head, as well as his double behind the walls of the Endocities,
purposely endowed with curiosity and
character, which is as deeply burrowing through its corridors and
intelligence, so he could indulge his own
masculine as it is feminine. ventilation hatches. Among them are
sadism by never giving him answers and
cybo-cops, eye-cops, and all the other
always keeping him guessing.
discreet but omnipresent surveillance
The Metabaron continues to con-
and enforcement devices that turn the
struct robots as the need arises, and so
cities into private hunting-grounds for
he now boasts a massive line-up of maxi-protonic models
the C.I.S. In flagrant violation of the rules they themselves
with an amazing array of deadly functions. Strictly speak-
helped to establish, the Techno-Technos endow each one
ing, they are not endowed with intelligence, but they do
with great intellectual capacity and a faculty of reasoning
possess a certain amount of autonomy, coupled with a
so developed it is even capable of engendering a quest for
strong sense of independent action. When fighting the
spiritual awareness. They require a certain amount of free
Metabaron, they analyze, make feints, lay traps, predict
will in order to act and react, to perceive, judge and ex-
his actions, and take countermeasures, along with a num-
ecute. To counter the inevitable risk of loss of control,
ber of other activities that would normally be impossible
and protect the most sacred taboo of a creation turning
for their binary counterparts to perform. Finally, harness-
against its creator, the C.I.S. implants an auto-destruct
ing his abilities to their fullest, the Metabaron has forged
system inside each robot that is triggered by the slightest
a connection so elevated with all these systems that it is
indication of emotion. This group of robots already pre-
almost a telepathic psychic link. In an instant, as if there
sents a high risk because they act against humans; emo-
were a physical connection, he can take control and sub-
tion is the sign of burgeoning intelligence, and therefore
stitute his will for any of the programs. Nobody knows
cannot be tolerated.
just how far this capability extends, not even he.
These are not the only violations committed by the C.I.S.
For obvious reasons, nobody in the universe, no matter
Not content to merely animate metallic coldness with a
how rich or powerful, can acquire a maxi-protonic or
glimmer of conscience, they have also put ample resources
Metabaronic robot. These mechanical beings belong only
toward an even greater abomination. They have harnessed
to their Master, now and forever. It would be madness to
the primary source of life inside genes and chromosomes,
even consider stealing one, because in less time than it
and then twisted and perverted it, with the result that
would take to blink an eye, the Metabaron would recover
some essentially robotic machines bear characteristics
it and impose a tremendous penalty.
normally associated with the plant or animal kingdoms.
At the Ophidiat’s whim, the trait of
aggression was injected into the kill- netranekkon, which also

145 • Robotics
The Space
guardians, its assassin-robots. Although works as a self-destruction sys-
Behind the Eyes
their purpose is to serve their master, tem, the cybo-cops dispose of
A high-tech system whose
they are also capable of acting on their equipment that would make many
relatively high price (a good
own. Such is the case of the necrobot, a a space adventurer envious. Every
thousand kublars) reflects its
perfectly dehumanized total atrocity. In sort of blunt and cutting instru-
level of sophistication. The
cases when an endocity is completely ments ever conceived by man can
galactic eye is a completely
swept by riots, the Prez, under direct be found hidden in their limbs, as
autonomous microsonde
orders of the Emperoress, will clone well as loads of weapons and devices
that moves through the in-
himself into a machine of death. This having diverse functions.
terstellar void by small, ul-
ultimate manifestation of inhuman In addition, the thick protective
tra rapid quantum leaps.
power then sets off on an unstoppable layer of silver netranekkon which
Space vessels can launch re-
descent down through the levels of the covers their precious circuitry and
connaissance missions in ev-
city, annihilating all forms of life it en- greatly contributes to their weight, can
ery direction thanks to this
counters. This brutal machine might take a beating without so much as a
system, including the hyper-
have a human-like superior intelligence, flinch from several hundreds of the
space exit points. Its
but it can only perform two functions: most commonly used heavy weaponry.
miniscule size, unique
detect life and destroy it. Undoubtedly because the C.I.S.
method of movement, and its
Aside from its deadly reflexes and fac- didn’t deem it necessary, the cybo-cops
instantaneous and perma-
ulties of strategic analysis, the Necrobot are not equipped with an anti-g device.
nent connection make it a
is equipped with metamorphic abilities Their biped movement is by no means
precious tool for thwarting
which allow it to alter itself continually impressive, for they barely reach fifty
potential traps, in a perim-
in order to maximize its power of de- kilometers per hour at their peak.
eter that extends out over
struction. Whether in the form of a le- However, they can count on their
two days of hyper spatial
thal ball or long steel serpent, it deals out stamina in every situation.
death from the Golden Ring down to the Due to the type of police missions
Acid Lake, into which it finally immerses that are assigned to them, the cybo-
itself and dissolves, its massacre at an end. cops are of course also endowed with
Another creature born from a mix of a Fantax diode, enhanced with an im-
diabolic technology and perverted genes is the Techno- pressive analytical memory. Not only must they under-
Scarab, which guards the holy Techno-Temple on the stand and duplicate bio behavior, but they also need to
Central Planet. However, unbeknownst to the Ophidiat, have the capacity to compare data and facts and draw
all the genetic tampering performed by the Techno- conclusions…
Technos carries the seed of their downfall. By dipping into
the Tenebrae to impart immaterial force to material sub-
stances, they unknowingly bestow all their creations with Like any other endocity troop, the cybo-cops operate
a double nature. For the fluid of the Tenebrae is infected as a crackdown unit, quelling repression, but what makes
with a “virus of light.” them unique is that they are equally given investigations,
which are exclusive to them. This explains why the Fantax
CYBO-COPS diode acts as the spinal column or the basis of their true
Mechanical combat androids, cybo-cops (also known nature. It is also the reason why at times the cybo-cops’
as cybercops and robocops) make up shock squads that behavior is so surprising. For example, while nothing dis-
endocity authorities use to conduct missions requiring a tinguishes one cybo-cop from another, they have insignia
bit of diplomacy. Although one may believe that the
Hunchbacks and Endoguards being of human origin
would have some skill and tact in this area, they end up
behaving too coarsely. Better to call in the cybo-cops who
are craftier and smoother, but prove themselves to be just
as effective when necessary.
Modeled after ancient athletes, the cybo-cops have the
look and stature of an admirably well-proportioned man.
Having a standard height of 186 centimeters, they weigh
an impressive 256 kilos, not including weapons. Without
the help of epiphyte, their movement would be severely
affected. This seemingly strange density is due to the im-
pressive range of technical panoply concentrated in their
bodies. In fact, besides a fusion reactor that uses enriched
to 185 decibels in open
that nobody understands but makes one think air — or carry on a
Chapter 16 • 146
that there exist thousands of ranks. Likewise, the conversation.
weapons they carry vary according to their mood. The eye-cop’s
If their soul is feeling every so slightly poetic, they interior is every bit
will favor the quaint laser rifle. But if they are over- as sophisticated as
come with melancholy, they’ll do their talking with a its exterior. For
solid Integrated 1K8 gun in hand. these particularly
Due to the range of their activities and teeming “cre- advanced robotic
ativity,” the cybo-cops are under the strict surveillance specimens are
of the Central Brain. At times, for the well running and highly autonomous,
balance of an endocity, one or a few cybo-cops are re- and possess a mind that
quired to act in secrecy and with extreme discretion…. is readily argumentative.
This tight control is explained by the fact that they stock The C.I.S. endowed them with a
countless quantities of secrets in their electronic memo- Fantax diode, no doubt to guarantee results on the spy-
ries, which constitutes a powerful temptation for small ing front. Strictly speaking it is not a conventional artifi-
groups and other troublemakers. Exploring a cybo-cop’s cial intelligence program, but rather a routine of behav-
head is the occasion to immediately be informed of all of ior emulating the whimsical and unpredictable, qualities
the endocity’s security measures and workings. It is said, so dear to humans. It is therefore not so rare to meet up
moreover, that commandos wouldn’t hesitate to attack with a eye-cop who is plunged into an animated conver-
isolated cybo-cops to seize their precious quartz neurons. sation with somebody (while all the time keeping a watch-
ful eye out on the surroundings, of course). Certain hu-
SAMPLE CYBO-COPS mans even have the conviction that a eye-cop can be sweet
If you play the Metabarons Roleplaying Game, you can talked….
find game characteristics for cybo-cops on pages 14–15 To supply these devices with the power they need, each
of Guidebook #1 to Path of the Warrior. eye-cop has a veritable micro-nuclear plant integrated into
its system, using enriched netrankekkon fusion, coupled
EYE-COPS with an epiphyte diffuser. The eye-cops thus have the
Whether they patrol alone or in teams, eye-cops are a advantage of using anti-gravitational movement to travel
fantastic means of power for the authority that controls at absolutely staggering speeds. Advancing in a straight
and activates them, for they ensure a veritable omnipres- line, along the major arteries and upper-level rings, they
ence in every nook and cranny that they are able to reach. easily break the sound barrier, and would reach Mach III
In the endocities, they work on behalf of the C.I.S., through or IV given enough open space.
the intermediary of the Supra-computer, the Central Brain The enriched energy charge they contain equally serves
for which they are the eyes and ears. as an autodestruction system. This function is extremely
useful for remote-control bombs. But this is not the only
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS objective, for a necro-program also oversees the opera-
Eye-cops are metalloid spheres having a diameter of tion and functioning of the Fantax diodes. In case of ex-
between 4.52 centimeters for the smallest and 19.54 cen- cessive overheating, a self-termination order is immedi-
timeters for the largest. This difference in size in no way ately given to the dysfunctional eye-cop. According to
modifies their qualities and characteristics, it simply al- certain sources, it seems that on the black market one can
lows for greater or smaller discretion, depending upon find models of defective eye-cops that have refused to
the needs of the mission. On their exterior surface, com- autodestruct.
posed of silver netranekkon, three distinct elements stand
out. First of all, and largest in size, is the camera. Circular
in appearance, it constitutes a pre-eminent sphere with Surveillance instruments par excellence, the eye-cops
countless facets. It is in fact a black crystal prism, which haunt all levels of the endocities by the millions. But they
assures 360-degree vision. This camera is permanently are not only found in the city shafts, of course. Authori-
linked to Police Central and the Central Brain, via a con- ties of a good many worlds have recourse to these instru-
nection in the absolutely interference free super-frequen- ments for the control of their cities, as well as for more
cies. Immediately beneath the camera’s black eye appears confidential missions like espionage and infiltration. In
a small hole placed at the summit of a tiny pyramid. It’s fact, their great versatility allows them to be highly effi-
the barrel through which shoot out the awesome and en- cient in all sorts of circumstances. Everything is therefore
ergetic shots that each eye-cop is able to fire. Its plasma a question of the right dosage of autonomy and judicious
shots fly a distance of up to two hundred meters with use of the Fantax diode.
diabolic precision. In terms of fire power, a eye-cop is at In the Endocities, the eye-cops are assigned to follow
least as formidable as a good old cogan 45…. Finally, it would-be detectives. This assignment serves a double pur-
has a type of membrane about the size of a kublar coin, pose: to keep an eye on the aspiring detective and his ac-
covered by wire mesh. It’s the vocal interface through tivities, as well as to confirm the successful conclusion of
which the eye-cop can, if it chooses, shriek orders — up the “investigation test” assigned to the postulant.
In an intergalactic domain as vast as the Human Em- motor that provides propulsion and traction, but the
pire, the issue of transportation and shipping is clearly of rest is traditional: axles, shock absorbers, wheels, tires,
major importance. The renowned Techno-Tunnels — fa- steering, transmission, and so forth. Although these
mous interstellar tunnels opened by the Church of the vehicles are light-years ahead of even Terra Prima’s most
Industrial Saints — offer a practical way to cross vast advanced models, such as the Buick Centurion, they
interstellar distances, thereby forging links between gal- are still far from the best. Much better is available: ev-
axies so distant that not even their dimmest light can be erything from gliding vehicles, one or two-seater scoot-
seen. Even then, they only link 22,000 of the thousands ers that can fly at 500 kilometers an hour ten feet above
of millions of worlds that exist within the universe. One the ground, to massive super-comfortable mega-convoys
might travel millions of light-years in an instant, but then for public transportation that can travel 2,000 kilometers
face a journey of millions of parsecs before reaching one’s to another city in less than half an hour. Epyphite has
destination. truly introduced wonders to the universe!
Such possibilities can only inspire the creativity of the
TRANSPORTATION inventors. Every world, depending on its financial assets
Hyperspace routes are the only feasible option for this and the disposition of its leaders, has created its own trans-
type of local travel, if it can so be called. Ever since the portation system for the ground, the atmosphere, and
light barrier was broken, this form of travel became com- outside the atmosphere. Making a comprehensive list of
pletely safe and reliable. All routes have been methodi- all vehicles produced in the Empire would be a task not
cally explored and mapped out, to prevent travelers from even three Mentreks could accomplish with all eternity at
encountering nasty natural surprises (like asteroid fields their disposal. Nonetheless, the following is a short sample
or black holes) until exiting. Although hyperspace itself is of human ingenuity that might be encountered on a jour-
completely safe, unpleasant shocks can occur when emerg- ney through space.
ing from it. There is no risk of collision, because the exit
points are carefully positioned in areas far removed from
major stellar trade routes, but rather from a pirate wel- CARGO DREADNAUGHT
coming committee! Near strategically important systems
A colossal space behemoth designed for commercial use,
or worlds that belong to some particular group, frequent
the Guild’s cargo ship is a heavy vessel whose harmless
patrols protect travelers from this kind of unwelcome in-
appearance should not fool an eager pirate. Like many
cident. But on the more isolated routes, the only measure
Techno-Techno creations, it hides dark secrets on the in-
that will decrease the high risk is adjusting the exit coor-
terior, much worse than could be imagined. It’s no coinci-
dinates. In normal cases, space cartographers have allowed
dence that these ships are the ones selected to carve their
enough of a margin to permit this type of departure —
way through space, ferrying the treasures and beauty of
there should be no asteroid fields within two light-years
the universe back to the bosom of the C.I.S. It is jam-
of an exit point. However, it is always better not to play
packed from bow to stern with technological features that
with fire.
make it either a fierce predator or an unassailable for-
After these escapades in outer space comes the time for
tress. Aside from its weapons and the 5,000 Techno-tech-
displacement through the atmosphere. The introduction
nicians who run the ship, it also carries 1,000 Techno-
of epyphite to the Empire has greatly improved things in
assassins whose reputation for murder and mayhem is
this field. True, vehicles with a hovering capacity existed
truly well-deserved.
a long time before, but the enormous engine required to
create an acceptable level of convenience kept the con- TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
figurations somewhat limited — no sporty two-seaters or The ship is approximately 1,500 meters long and sacri-
even any eighteen-seater limo-crafts! Today, a swanky two- fices elegance for an imposing bulk. Due to its primary
seater will take less than two minutes to reach the strato- function, it has huge holds for its precious cargo. The five
sphere, and can be drifting through space a minute later. lower decks, all pressurized, are devoted to freight stor-
The return trip is just as quick: once the atmospheric bar- age, while an interdeck area is devoted to holding space
rier has been breached, a ship can avoid all the convo- fighters. The five upper decks are for the passengers and
luted approach maneuvers of the past and simply head crew. The Techno-Techno troops live in very basic quar-
down at full speed, lightly tapping the brakes at ten meters ters. The ship’s officers, all higher-ranking functionaries
above the ground. The epyphite — a true miracle of na- in the Techno-Techno order, enjoy more formal quarters
ture — absorbs everything, g-forces and hull deforma- and a mess hall.
tions alike.
On the ground run wheeled vehicles, driven by SPEED AND PROPULSION
Troglosocialiks or nostalgic enthusiasts of the paleo-past. A huge propulsion chamber runs through the length of
A hydrogen battery has replaced the horrible combustion the whole ship, from the bow to the rear tubes. Thanks to
navigator, and gunners are treated with epyphite. Anyone
the C.I.S.’s secret technology, it can deliver aboard one of these ships is strongly advised to stick to
Chapter 17 • 148
rather impressive performances. It can go from a their seat when the pilot turns on the juice. The three en-
cruising speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour to gine blocks are equally spaced along the center and the
above light speed at 1,080,000,000 kilometers per wings, and can be used either together or separately in
hour in 36.3 seconds. Overcoming the inertia of a ship order to execute acrobatic maneuvers such as spinning
of that size requires an absolute mastery of epyphite. dives, twirls, and spirals like a falling leaf. Aside from the
cockpit and the four gunners’ posts, the interior is com-
CREW pletely bare.
The ship holds 6,000 people. They handle naviga-
tion and maintenance as well as seeing to the security of SPEED AND PROPULSION
the ship and carrying out operations in atmosphere. This ship’s reputation as the dragster of the universe
is based solely on its acceleration. Nonetheless, despite
ARMAMENTS its jack-rabbit starts, the acceleration drops off after
-Firing posts: 20 flak cannons and 10 laser cannons. that, so it takes 43.7 seconds to go from cruising speed
-Shields: There is an entire range of positronic screens, to above light speed, which is not exceptional for such
protective shields, supraradars, and electro-spies. a small vehicle.
-Armor: The white netranekkon hull includes reinforce-
ments that no known technique can breach.
-Capacity: The Guild’s cargo-vessel can hold approxi- There are seven men aboard, four gunners and three to
mately 200,000 tons — or 566,000 cubic meters — which fly the ship.
allows it to transport a large and very precious cargo.
GAME CHARACTERISTICS -Firing posts: 1 laser array and 3 heavy cannon turrets.
Game characteristics for this ship can be found on pages - Shields: Shields are unnecessary on an attack vessel
251–252 of the Metabarons Roleplaying Game rule book. that depends on its speed.
-Armor: The high-quality alloyed hull is strong enough
THE PIRATE OSTROV-CLASS to resist the first few salvoes.
MINI-FIGHTER -Capacity: A mere two-ton capacity gives the Ostrov-class
Mini-Fighter just enough room to hold its ammunition.
The ultimate multi-purpose vessel, the Ostrov-Class
Mini-Fighter has such a frightening level of firepower that GAME CHARACTERISTICS
it makes its other performance characteristics look weak.
Game characteristics for this ship
Highly maneuverable and capable of
can be found on page 257 of the
astonishingly quick acceleration, it is the
Metabarons Roleplaying Game rule
ideal vessel for sudden ambushes, and Speed at Top book.
therefore much-cherished by pirates. Speed!
They were designed by a Mentrek in the As everybody knows, the TECHNO-DESTROYER
Maganat of the Poly-Romanoffs, whose supraluminumic speed bar- The Techno-Destroyer not only be-
name they bear. They were originally rier has been broken… This longs in the family of gigantic space-
conceived for close defense of a planet. fact no longer impresses any- craft, but it expands the very definition
Grouped around large asteroids, they body but troglosocialik of the term. It contains a tremendous
would swarm upon any heavy vessel archeo- baboons. Talk to me amount of carrying capacity, but instead
that penetrated the more distant lines about chromosomic speed, of transporting goods or merchandise,
of defense. This tactic was efficient and that’s a bit better. It brought it carries weapons and space-fighters.
highly deadly. After being used a num- much to our beloved Empire. The crew’s quarters are above the tech-
ber of times, it became clear that the But here comes the legend- nical spaces of navigation and control,
ship would be very effective as an at- ary mental V-Quartzz, that occupying the top hundred decks. A
tacking vessel. which carries you at the massive chamber, 125 meters high, runs
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS speed of thought. Yahoo!! through the middle of the ship and of-
It’ll knock your socks off! fers an unsurpassable view of the inter-
Twenty meters long and thirty-five But apparently there’s even stellar void.
meters wide, the Ostrov-Class mini- better still. The Shabda-Oud
fighter has nothing in common with a witches’ famous Pradex TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
cruise ship or pleasure vessel. Its design punctual-chrono-G. It rips The Techno-Destroyer not only be-
is totally efficient and austere. Three through time itself, leaving it longs in the family of gigantic space-
enormous central boosters give it phe- behind. You’re there before craft, but it expands the very defini-
nomenal acceleration, which can pro- you’ve even started to go…. tion of the term. It contains a tremen-
duce spectacular results inside the ship,
dous amount of carrying capacity, but
since only the seat of the pilot, co-pilot,
instead of transporting goods or mer-
chandise, it carries weapons and space-fighters. The crew’s
quarters are above the technical spaces of navigation and maneuvers near ground level that make a com-

149 • Transportation
control, occupying the top hundred decks. A massive plete mockery of gravity. Due to its military func-
chamber, 125 meters high, runs through the middle of the tion, the interior of the vehicle is relatively bare,
ship and offers an unsurpassable view of the interstellar without cabins or any forms of comfort.
void. The ship’s design is wholly military, and very little It contains three separate compartments: the cock-
refinement appears anywhere, except of course in the pri- pit, a cabin for the Endoguard, and the hold. When in
vate quarters of the Techno-cardinal who commands it. space, all three are pressurized. It is shaped like a par-
allelogram, measuring seventy-eight meters long and
SPEED AND PROPULSION thirty-six meters wide, and weighs 89,658 tons when
Although this ship’s method of propulsion is shrouded empty. Each Endoguard Troop Transport Ship also has
in the greatest secrecy by the C.I.S., the frankly astonish- an entirely automated support vehicle at its disposal
ing performances it demonstrates give it great public no- which follows at a distance. It is an identical ship, con-
toriety. A Techno-Destroyer can go from cruising speed taining enough spare parts to build at least three other
to hyperlight speed in 18.2 seconds. Clearly, the powers transports.
of epyphite as well as many other marvels make a signifi-
cant contribution to these achievements. SPEED AND PROPULSION
Fitted with a superevolved hydrogen motor, the
CREW Endoguard Troop Transport Ship can reach a speed of
On board are 20,000 people, including 10,000 Techno- 2256 kilometers per hour just one meter above the ground.
assassins and 5,000 Techno-technicians who carry out In space, it could theoretically reach light speed, but that
experimental tasks in the ship-board laboratories. is not the main purpose for which it was designed.
-Firing posts: Visible on outside: 50 heavy cannons One hundred pepole are aboard. Two pilot and navi-
(crew: 5 each; skill: gunnery, fire control: 2D, space range: gate the ship, two operate the guns, leaving the remaining
3-20/40/80; atmosphere: 6-40/80/160 km; damage: 6D), ninety-six available for deployment.
50 flak cannons (crew: 3 each; scale: fighter; skill: gun-
nery, fire control: 2D, space range: 1-10/15/30; atmo- ARMAMENT
sphere: 300-500 m/1 km/2 km; damage: 5D+2), and 50 -Firing posts: 1 heavy turret-mounted multi-cogan
laser cannons (crew: 4 each; skill: gunnery, fire control: (crew: 1; skill: gunnery, fire control: 1D, space range: 1-2/
2D, 3-20/40/80; atmosphere: 6-40/80/160 km; damage: 10/20; atmosphere: 100-200 m/1 km/2 km; damage:
4D). 6D+2).
-Shields: Positronic screens, protective shields, supra- -Shields: 1 maxi-protonic screen. (Shields: 3D+2.)
radars and electro-spies. (Shields: 6D; sesnors: 200/5D.) -Armor: White netranekkon plates on the outer struc-
-Armor: The hull seems to be made of white ture. (Hull: 5D.)
netranekkon. (Hull: 11D.) -Capacity: 100 tons.
-Capacity: Estimated to be 500,000 tons. -Maneuverabilty: 2D. Crew skill: astro-
-Maneuverabilty: 1D. Crew skill: astro-nav nav 4D, comm 4D+2, gunnery 6D, pi-
5D, comm 5D, gunnery 5D, piloting 6D, sen- loting 6D, sensors 5D, shields 5D+1,
sors 5D, shields 5D, command 6D. command 6D.
This medium-sized hybrid vessel is the ship
that peace-loving people of the Empire most
fear to see darken their skies. The shadow that
its massive silhouette casts over them is the spec-
ter of death itself. Despite its rather mundane ap-
pearance, this military ship is a harbinger of devasta-
This is an atmospheric transport ship, but it is also ca-
pable of traveling into outer space, for example, to join a
heavier vessel in orbit. As the transport of the mightiest
force in the Empire, it includes all the latest technology. It
is also well-endowed with epyphite, and can perform
The unchanging heart of the Metabaron, the THE EXTERIOR
Metabunker is an inviolable fortress, holy sanctuary of
the Clan of Castaka and repository of their many se- The Metabunker is large and completely immaculate,
crets, occupied by the eternally frenzied activity of the with the pure and perfectly-faceted appearance of a dia-
robots Lothar and Tonto, the only two beings that the mond. This similarity to an ancient mineral is not entirely
Metabaron considers his friends. But the Metabunker coincidental. The Metabunker’s facets might not quite
is much more than that… It is a lair forever empty, a feature the same impeccable regularity as this gem, but
place of tragic solitude through which its master’s foot- then again their respective functions are not quite identi-
steps will never again echo… although his presence re- cal either. Gems are prisms; they capture light, sending it
mains everywhere. back out again in many directions through refraction,
enlivening and magnifying it. The Metabunker is like a
A QUICK OVERVIEW black hole that absorbs all forms of energy without ex-
It was built in the year 29900 by Othon, with his con- ception, acting as a point of convergence for all the en-
siderable architectural talents and the help of Honorata ergy in the universe.
and Tonto. It is the ultimate machine of war, representing However, it does share with diamonds their absolute
a true synthesis of the ancient warrior ways of the Clan of hardness and insurmountable solidity. Its well-planned
Castaka, with the new destructive and creative talents held shape serves another specific purpose. When any impact
by the Metabaron as guardian of the or direct attack comes its way, it does not match it with
universe. In that time, the Metabunker equal resistance, but instead protects
was a symbol of power and proud soli- itself by maintaining a state of per-
tude, designed to serve not only as the The Essence of petual deflection. Every single facet
final base for the persecuted clan, but Epiphyte presents a deceptive and off-set angle
also as a platform of reconquest from Endowed with an impen- that wards any blow off into infinity.
which a deadly force would spring forth etrable armature and rein- Even if the Metabunker were to crash
to annihilate their enemies. forcement, equipped with against a planet, regardless of relative
This citadel, equipped with cold and the most powerful weapons mass and speed, it is the planet that
beautiful technological refinements, also of any space armada, rich would certainly burst into
contains terrifying weapons and powers with powers uniting the best smithereens.
so genuinely horrifying that their mere of technology with the es- However, the fact that it uses such
mention would freeze the blood of even sence of Gangez, the devices of deception does not mean
the most-hardened combatants. Of Metabunker defies the laws that the Metabunker is weak in the
course, everything in the realm of human of gravity and physics. slightest. Just the opposite: its strength
and non-human technology is in its on- Heavier than the most crush- and peerless solidity make it a unique
board armory, but there are other sur- ing of major planets, it slips and unassailable stronghold that will
prises in store for any attacker whose ex- through the stellar void at never be breached.
the speed of fundamental
cessive optimism or unbridled arrogance STRUCTURE
would lead him to defy the forbidding particles and with a single
leap crosses the frontiers of The Metabunker was built ac-
stronghold. First, he would have to face
worlds and dimensions. Its cording to the principles of psycho-
one of the formidable bio-electrograms
singular nature, intimately modular architecture. It follows the
generated by the Metabaron’s solidifica-
linked to the powers of epi- patterns of dreams that come be-
tion program. These manifestations of the
phyte, makes this uncom- tween wakefulness and sleep, where
warrior of warriors are just as taciturn
mon construction a veritable the most outlandish images with no
as he is, and share the idea of efficiency
paradox, a tangible incarna- discernible meaning string them-
carried to its highest degree, since they
tion of the gravity principle. selves together with apparent logic.
are only granted three minutes, five and
Many see in the Metabunker In other words, it is a vast whole of
seven-hundredths seconds in which to
a second universe door, sym- small interlocking pieces brought
emerge victorious, and they have never
bol of Mardador’s duality, together by some incomprehensible
yet failed. Even when it is perfectly at rest
the weight of the worlds and geometric pattern, but its final co-
and the Metabaron is absent, the
the lightness of infinity, but hesion is perfect and indestructible.
Metabunker is a tough nut at the center
no one would dare wonder This conglomeration of facets is as-
of the universe, hard to crack. Nothing
what type of reality can re- sembled over a substructure that
can penetrate its defenses or destroy it.
ally guard over this free makes white netranekkon seem as
Only its creator or one of his manifesta-
flowing portal. flimsy as paper. This internal struc-
tions could damage it, but fortunately,
ture is not only solid, but can also
that does not occur very often.
stretch like a spinal cord, serving as the base for the
complicated whole that gives the Metabunker its sta- sphere of Planet Perdita, whose gravity at

151 • The Metabunker

tus as the absolute fortress of the universe. ground level is absolutely phenomenal — more
than a thousand times greater than Terra Prima’s.
DEFENSES No known vessel in the universe can escape the
In strict military terms, the Metabunker presents a bat- clutches of such a powerful force. The Metabunker,
tery of all kinds of defenses of a range and efficiency un- however, by drawing its power directly from the cen-
matched to this day, and which will probably go un- tral energy source of the whole universe, can generate
matched for a long time to come. In the field of detection a force even greater than a black hole — with the dif-
and warning, it utilizes maxi-protonic sensors whose range ference that it is not a fixed point in the cosmos. When
can surpass by an order of several hundred even the high- it begins to move, its power and acceleration are in the
est-performance models produced by the Church of the same order as the forces present at the beginning of the
Industrial Saints. For this reason, even daring to dream of universe at the Big Bang plus one micro-nanosecond.
taking the Metabunker by surprise is totally inconceiv- Inside the Metabunker, each of the compartments is
able. Furthermore, in the highly-unlikely event that some also equipped with its own independent propulsion sys-
headstrong fool would attempt to do so, he would still tem. On a much smaller scale, this allows it to maintain
have many lines of defense to penetrate: multi-positronic cohesion with its adjacent sections and to counteract op-
shields, infraprotonic barricades, and the meta-armored posing forces and structural deformities that might affect
hull plating. And all of that is nothing when compared to the structure’s equilibrium. The essential characteristic of
the energy sphere which surrounds the ship with a bluish the Metabunker is that its multitude of parts form a unique
halo, keeping it safely nestled at the heart of an impen- and complete whole.
etrable protective core.
The energy nourishing the ship and THE INTERIOR
its defenses springs directly from the Exclusive domain of Tonto and his
universe guarded by Gangez. This in- much-ridiculed sidekick Lothar, the
exhaustible mystic source has such an White
Metabunker is a kingdom without a
impact on the material world that hu- Netranekkon
king, an empty space without an echo,
mankind would be driven to the brink This Techno-Techno alloy
a home occupied only by a sense of
of absolute terror if they knew of it. is made using an obsolete
absence. At one time, the Metabaron
Only another such power, another cus- process of sub-atomic fusion
destroyed his deserted lair; but Tonto
todian of a different universe, would that was already in use on
— interpreting the Holy Laws of Ro-
dare to challenge the Metabunker. But Terra Prima. It unites the
botics to his own ends, like a paleo-
even so, he would still have to face the durability of netranekkon
Jesuit — reconstructed it, in a touch-
Metabaron’s warrior spirit, infusing the metal, literally as hard as a
ing, relentless, but ultimately futile and
fortress down to its smallest particle and diamond, with the molecu-
tedious ritual of hope. Just as before,
breathing into it an implacable will to lar fluidity of the scales of a
immense metallic girders stretch in all
win. This suppressed and unstable ex- great white paleo-shark. This
directions, riddled with shafts and con-
plosive fury that wishes only to be ex- organo-metallic combina-
duits and other mysterious passage-
pressed forms the deepest philosophi- tion is actually a composite
ways. The master’s sumptuous apart-
cal core of the mighty ship. The force whose own immune system
ments overflow with a thousand trea-
becomes apparent when we see the protects it from external
sures, while a few lush gardens bring
“Porcupine Defense” in action, which forces. When a white
color, and the sounds of bubbling
thrusts out hundreds of millions of netranekkon hull receives
brooks and singing birds… But it’s all
heavy weapons through every interstice, any kind of impact, it sim-
for nothing, because the man it’s de-
ready to spit their deadly and fiery ply absorbs the energy before
signed for is there no longer. Only
tongues. Its firepower is capable of reverting to its original state,
Lothar and Tonto roam, overcome
obliterating absolutely all creatures and which is preserved in its sub-
with their misery. Lothar is the more
things in the universe. Finally, if it ever atomic memory. This ability
desperate, for Tonto seems to harbor
did face a truly insurmountable adver- to shape shift also allows it
some obscure knowledge that keeps his
sary, the Metabunker — in an act wor- aerodynamic optimization at
faith alive, occupying whatever circuits
thy of its master — would not hesitate the moment of entering the
serve as his spirit.
to self-destruct, taking the universe with atmosphere. However, the
it if necessary, to wipe reality clean of alloy has one disadvantage: FIXTURES
such an abomination. its weight. Because of its
Although this immense construc-
great mass, just handling it
tion is primarily devoted to the glory
PROPULSION requires colossal force that
of the Metabaron, the portion allo-
To move a structure of such dimen- prohibits its use for
cated to his personal use is propor-
sions requires colossal energy, especially armoring smaller ships.
tionally very minor. But it is not in-
since it was constructed in the atmo- significant, either. Sumptuously fur-
nished and outfitted, his private apartments
Chapter 18 • 152
offer the latest that technology can provide in
refinement and comfort. Somewhat off-center in
relation to the actual heart of the ship, this human
area contains a number of characteristics designed
to lighten the Metabaron’s bitter disillusion. For
example, there is a marvelous hydroponic park
where Aghnar used to stroll with the preg-
nant Oda-Honorata, which indulges the
senses with a fairylike symphony of
color, sound, smell, and taste, under
the loving caress of an artificial sun
that adjusts itself to the whims of its
But the rest of it is entirely Tonto’s
domain. This little mechanical being is
the only one who can find his way
through this assortment of rooms of all
sizes, some smaller than an alcove and
others as large as a paleo-stadium. Only
he knows the function of each location,
and how to enter it. Most of them are
laboratories where he carries out the
most bizarre and extreme experiments,
a disembodied alchemist free of all hu-
man constraints. All the rooms are her-
metically separate and totally indepen-
dent of one another, however connected
they may be. Even gravity between them
can vary, to the extent that the ceiling of
one might be the floor of the other. Lastly,
each room has its own distinct voice, and
often, for his own pleasure, Tonto makes the
Metabunker sing — a tremendous chorus,
with hundreds of thousands of voices.


The Metabunker can be seen as a complex but
coherent union of diverging elements, in its own way
representing the converging development of fragments
of ideas that lead to reasoning. The Metabunker is an
inorganic soul, and the fractal geography of its Supra-
Logic Labyrinth mimics the meandering convolutions of
thought, periodically interspersed with spontaneous in- typical Metabarons Roleplaying Game character will never
tuition and inspirations of genius. Tonto, the near-god- come across it.
like conductor of this grand assemblage, intends by his The Metabunker has everything any human could need
control of it to recreate a kind of primal chaos out of or desire, can move anywhere at whim, and cannot be
which a new intelligence will rise… Rather than strive to destroyed or penetrated without the Metabaron’s express
recreate an organism as simple as human, he well and permission. In other words, should the Metabunker ap-
truly intends to reproduce a creative intellect, which is pear in some adventure, whatever the gamemaster says it
endowed with free will and capable of suffering and feel- can do or has, it can or does.
ing emotions. For more game mechanics on the bio-electrogram, look
on pages 27–28 of Guidebook #1 to Path of the Warrior.
GAME INFORMATION For more information about creating a own home base
No human — other than the Metabarons, their mates, for players’ characters, see page 40 of Guidebook #1. For
and their children — has ever been aborad the help with general ship creation, peruse pages 72–80 of
Metabunker. In fact, nothing other than what the Meta- the Companion Book to the Game Master Screen.
baron allows to be there, is there. For this reason, the
Acid Lake — The theoretical bottom of an Endocity Ekonomat — A major pillar of the Empire, whose
under which, in reality, extends a gigantic underground discretion is only equal to its power. The Ekonomat has
universe. the upper hand on all financial activities in the Human
Alien — A creature of the cosmos whose original strain
does not originate from Terra Prima. All forms of intelli- Emperoress — Trans-Bourbon heir, absolute sover-
gence, even humanoids, are regarded as aliens. eign over all the worlds in the Human Universe and
sole representative of the Omni-Nobility. Equally
Amarax — A source of inner vitality for those who strive known as the Perfect Androgyne, Supreme Hermaphro-
to harmonize their physical heart with their spiritual heart. dite, and the Sublime Chosen One.
In other words, those who lead their lives according to
the code of conduct they have chosen for themselves. Empire — Federated alliance of worlds in the Human
Universe, placed under the Emperoress’s supreme author-
Amourine — Mystical and sacred flower that grows in ity.
Golden Planet’s pure gold or in angelic hearts. It permits
a spiritual regeneration for those who consume it. Endocity — Terratransformed city shafts, where bil-
lions of individuals live, crammed into the bowels of the
Aristos — Nobility who live at the top of Endocities. planet that houses them.
They are generally considered inferior to the Infra-Nobil-
ity. See also Nobility. Endo-fringe — The zone comprising the interior of the
fringe’s boundaries. The endo-fringe generally refers to
Church of the Industrial Saints — The Empire’s official the Empire.
religion and a major pillar of the Empire. The Church’s
overt submission to Imperial authority amounts to pure Exo-fringe — The zone beyond the fringe. The Empire
charade. Equally called the C.I.S., Techno-Technos Or- is working towards establishing its authority in this area.
der, Magnus Dei, pan-Techno Church, Techno-Pontificate,
the Holy Industrial Church, or H.I.C. Fringe — The Human Empire’s frontier zone. This zone
does not strictly correspond to the Human Universe’s geo-
Confederacy of Colonial Planets — An alliance of graphical boundaries.
worlds, peopled with humans from Terra Prima’s last
emigration wave, who are faithful to the Empire. Loyal Guardians of the Doors — Six in number, these are the
to paleo-Marx precepts, they are also called Colonials. superior creatures who guard the Human Universe’s six
They are a major pillar of the Empire. doors. They are sometimes also called Gargales.

Confederacy of Parallel Universes — An assembly bring- Hunchbacks — The Prez’s private guard, made up
ing together representatives from parallel universes neigh- of “remodeled” human elements who are particularly
boring the Human Universe. Its purpose is to arbitrate violent.
controversies associated with “common ownership.”
Hyperspace — A dimension entered by all material bod-
Borders — The Human Universe’s final frontier zone, ies once launched at a speed greater than the speed of
in direct contact with neighboring universes. Certain con- light, and in which that body can travel without being
fines are civilized — the Empire ensures a constant sur- affected by material elements in its path.
veillance in the majority of these areas — but for the most
part, they are barbarian and at the mercy of the hordes Hypertele — Television medium broadcasting to a uni-
with unpredictable tempers who travel across them. verse -wide audience whose programs — which promote
sensationalism to the detriment of all other issues — per-
Council, the — The Emperoress’s inner circle of advi- manently inundate the major and minor worlds of the
sors, made up of imperial Mentreks, the Imperial Neo- cosmos.
Tarologue Goyo-Vah, and the Neo-Troubadour Vico da
Sangle. Imperial Court — The Golden Palace assembly, on
Golden Planet, where members of the Nobility are autho-
Doors of the Universe — Six in number, these doors rized to make an appearance.
are passageways through which surge currents coming
from neighboring universes.
Necro-Dream — A mindless state suffered by those who
Imperial Merchants Guild — The Imperial are exposed to the Techno-Techno’s sinister plan of ac-
154 • Glossary
institution bringing together merchants, working tion and its ensuing long term effects. The hypertele and
in strict collaboration with the Church of the In- legal drugs are effective means of propagating the Necro-
dustrial Saints, and within the frame work of regula- Dream.
tions defined by StellCom. This is also called the Guild
of Imperial Merchants. Neo-Tarologue — A Neo-Tarot initiate, the only divi-
natory art still in use today. There are only four Neo-
Interspace — A dimension beyond matter through Tarologues in the entire Empire.
which the Metabaron travels across the universe, near-
ing the speed of instantaneous displacement. Neo-Shabda-Oud Order — Mystical order rebuilt from
the ruins of the Shabda-Oud order, which was destroyed
Kublar — The Empire’s official currency. by the Metabaron Aghnar.

Kublarian — A member of a secret society who reveres Nobility — A group made up of members of the Archi-
the Saint Kublar — and in particular the mythic 10 mil- Nobility, the Nobility, and the Infra-Nobility, whose po-
lion original edition coins. litical importance varies according to financial and mili-
tary criteria. See also aristos.
Legal Drugs — Alcoholic or psychotropic products that
plunge users into a profound stupor or dazed state. Prez — Supreme Endocity leader, directly under the
Whisky, SPV, and Cocaloco Dark are examples of the most Emperoress’s command. At more or less regular intervals,
widely used products. the Prez clones himself into organisms that are each more
staggering and unexpected than the one before.
Magnate — Fief or kingdom made up of one or several
planets or systems belonging to a Noble family. Saint Technology — All systems, products, and mecha-
nisms developed by the Church of the Industrial Saints.
Major Forces of the Universe — Six great forces, each Utilization of anything developed by the C.I.S. is consid-
one related to the specific nature of a neighboring uni- ered as a mark of allegiance to the C.I.S.
verse, are at work in the Human Universe. These ethereal
forces are also called flux or currents. Senate — The assembly of the great poles of power in
the Human Universe, where representatives of the Four
Major World — Planet, system, or galaxy representing Pillars of the Empire have seats.
a pole of strategic, political, or commercial importance,
and serviced by a Techno-Tunnel. The Human Universe Supra-Executive — The Empire’s administrative branch
has 22,000 major worlds. and military wing, composed of the Endoguard (placed
under the authority of General Thato) and StellCom.
Mentrek — An individual of human origin having un-
dergone cybernetic brain implantation. Techno-Sisters — Female followers of the Church of
the Industrial Saints. The C.I.S. is a mixed order.
Minor World — All planets, inhabited, or noninhabited
that have no Techno-Tunnel service. The Human Universe Techno-Tunnels — A device developed by the Techno-
has a near infinite number of minor worlds, which to a Technos to facilitate intersidereal and intergalactic travel.
great extent escape the Empire’s authority, and are in re- This immense network crosses the Human Universe’s web
ality governed by de facto rule. in every direction, linking 22,000 major worlds of the
Human Universe to one another.
Mohn — A measure or degree of spiritual awakening
among the Neo-Shabda-Oud. Thalasynthesis — The name of the procedure used by
the Ekonomat to convert water molecules into hydrogen
Multi-cogan — A super powerful weapon, elaborated and oxygen atoms and the converse.
by the C.I.S., manufactured on Kogano II, a tiny planet of
the Whak system owned by the Poly-Romanoff family. It Tranka — Highly prized by pirates, this extremely pow-
is used primarily by the Endoguard troops. erful psychotropic product offers, in addition to its hallu-
cinogenic properties, the possibility to erase the Necro-
Mutant — Creature having undergone a mutation of Dream’s harmful effects.
his human genes in favor of other living genes, most often
animal or vegetable. In the Endocities, the mutants are
subjected to general public disgrace by the humans, and
are the Hunchbacks’ favorite punching bag.
You can read more about the universe of the The Technopriests (Jodorowsky, Janjetov, and
Metabarons in the following books. Beltran) — 3 albums.
Above comics, trade paperbacks, and albums pub-
FRENCH BOOKS lished through Humanoids Publishing.
Avant l’Incal (Jodorowsky et Janjetov) — 6 albums. The Metabarons Rule Book (Yéti and West End
L’Incal (Jodorowsky et Mœbius) — 6 albums. Games).
Après l’Incal (Jodorowsky et Mœbius) — book 1: Le Guidebook #1 to Path of the Warrior (West End
Nouveau Rêve. Games).
La Caste des Méta-Barons (Jodorowsky et Gimenez) Game Master’s Screen with Companion Book (West
— 6 albums. End Games).
La Maison des Ancêtres (Jodorowsky et Gimenez) —
custom made WEB SITES
Les Technopères (Jodorowsky, Janjetov, et Beltran) — Les Humanoïdes Associés:
3 albums. Humanoids Publishing: www.humanoids-
Above albums published through Les Humanoïdes
Associés. The Metabarons:
Les Méta-Barons: Livre de Règles (Yéti et West End Unofficial Metabarons Roleplaying Game Discussion
Games). Group (English):
ENGLISH BOOKS Unofficial Metabarons Roleplaying Game Discussion
The Incal (Jodorowsky and ) — 13 comics and 2 trade Group (French):
paperbacks. techno/
The Metabarons (Jodorowsky and Gimenez) — 17 com- West End Games:
ics, 1 deluxe comic, and 4 trade paperbacks.

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