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- A young boy, fleed when parents got divorced

- Saw a group of stewardesses and a pilot
- Saw a potential
- Copied them
- Gatherd info through posing as a school paper journalisy
- From forging bank checks, going in flights,
- When the police was catching on to him he became a doctor
- Faking documents
- Decided to be a lawyer
- Passed the exam but eventually got caught after many times of escaping/
- Lived a life full of lies


- The technology was so old and slow. Not as quick as now.

- Easy to fake things
- Unreliable communication
- Less strict guidelines – bec nagpapacute lang siya
- Talks to women only – takes advantage


- Made me thankful for technology bec made it less easy to steal mney
- Easier infor dissemination
- Easy to become whoever you want to be
- manipulation


- character of the bida

no commitment

call carl during important holidays

no planning
- the deeds/events

- swerte

the realization

how is a job depicted in a the film

- Make money from

- Enjoy personal benefits
- Show off to others
- Get attention
- Be praised

what principles of psych are relevant in the film

- Identity crisis who he wants to be

- Loneliness
- Lack of remorse
- Observational learning : no proper school just imitation – JURY, no accused


- Pleasure seeking
- Does not feel bad for lying, getting people in trouble
- Scamming people
- Only thinks about money regardless of how he gets it
- Wants to show off
- Money attention lust

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – he reached esteem without love and belonging

Recognized, status, respect, strength freedpm

find out what frank abegnale does today

Abagnale lives in Charleston, South Carolina, with his wife Kelly, whom he met while working
undercover for the FBI. They have three sons, Scott, Chris, and Sean.[36] Scott works for the FBI.

Abagnale cites meeting his wife as the motivation for changing his life. He told author Paul Stenning,
"She met me as someone else with a completely different background and when the assignment was
over I had broken protocol, because you're never supposed to do this, but I told her who I really was
because I wanted to continue to see her. She accepted what I told her and eventually we got married
and have been married ever since."[37]

Abagnale and Joseph Shea, the FBI agent on whom the character of Carl Hanratty (played by Tom Hanks)
was based in the film, Catch Me If You Can, remained close friends until Shea's death.[38][39]

AARP Fraud Watch Network

American Association of Retired Persons


Get a job – millions a year

Falls in love

Overall rating

- Great movie
- A different personality for the main character
- Not sure if you want him caught or nah
- Childhood impact – no relationship


- Gives feeling of hope

- Can turn life back around
- Can use any knowledge for good or for bad things
- Can be helpful if given right treatment

Relevance to psych
- Relevant to psych bec personality is interesting
- Pleasure first – thought of many scammers or certain types of criminals

Good movie

Great lesson

Shows the change of the times


Types of fraud have evolved

Banking systems and police are smarter

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