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Copyright © 1972 by The Willia ms & Wilkins Co. Printed in U.S.A .




. .e.p.
Department of Medicine, Royal Postgraduate Medical School,
Hammersmith Hospital, London, England

Any substance secreted in bile which is the "bulk" enterohepatic circulation of

reabsorbed from the intestine and returns bile salts.
to the liver to appear once again in bile Phospholipids, the other major lipid
may be said to undergo an enterohepatic class in bile, resemble cholesterol in that a
circulation (EHe) . Accepting this defini- small percentage of biliary lecithin, which
tion, the list of endogenous and exogenous passes into the intestine, may find its way
substances with an EHe is formidable. back to the bile. However, it differs from
The lipids in bile, cholesterol, phospho- cholesterol in that it is digested in the in-
lipids, and bile salts, provide examples of testinal lumen by pancreatic phospho-
endogenous substances which all undergo lipase to lysolecithin, and after absorp-
enterohepatic circulations but with widely tion, is reesterified by the intestinal epi-
differing efficiencies (assuming that 100% thelium. A small percentage may find its
absorption and reexcretion is the most ef- way back to the bile. However, Saunders 6
ficient EHe). Of these biliary lipids, the has recently shown convincingly that,
EHe of bile salts is the most important quantitatively, the EHe of phospholipids
but since individual molecules of both cho- is insignificant.
lesterol and lecithin, the principal phos- Other endogenous substances with an
pholipid in bile, may also circulate from EHe include bile pigments,7 vitamin B 12,
bile to intestine and back to the liver and a small percentage of which recycles each
bile, they may be considered as having day, 8 folic acid,9, 10 and many estrogenic
an EHe. Based on studies with labeled sterols. II, 12
cholesterol, an EHe for cholesterol was Examples of ex, ~enous substances which
postulated in 1952 1 and later by other undergo an EHe include many drugs such
authors. 2-~ Endogenous biliary cholesterol as flufenamic acid,13 digitalis glycosides, 14
is probably mainly absorbed in the je- and glutethimide,15 although the concept
junum 5 and of this reabsorbed fraction, a of an EHe for this last drug has recently
small percentage may reappear in bile hav- been challenged. 16
ing followed the circuitous route of lym- This review discusses the normal physi-
phatic transport, systemic circulation, ology of the EHe of bile salts both in ex-
hepatic artery, liver, ~md bile. However, perimental animals and in man. (Differ-
there are many intermediate pools in ent aspects of the bile salt EHe have been
which the individual cholesterol molecule reviewed recently in this journaP7. 18 and
may become sidetracked on the way and elsewhere. 19-21) The applied physiology
cholesterol, therefore, does not undergo of an interrupted EHe is discussed in de-
Received July 27, 1971.
tail since the altered bile salt metabolism
Address requests for reprints to: Dr. R. Hermon of patients with ileal dysfunction may play
Dowling, Department of Medicine, Royal Postgradu- a major role in the pathogenesis of diar-
ate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, Ducane rhea, renal calculi, and gallstone forma-
Road, London W12, England. tion, from which ileectomy patients may
suffer. However, the role played by bile as chyme is propelled along the intestine,
salts in regulating synthesis and secretion the bile salts provide a shuttle service be-
of biliary cholesterol and phospholipids is tween the oil water interface of emulsified
only briefly mentioned. fat droplets where hydrolysis of dietary
It is now well established that the body fat by pancreatic lipase takes place, and
conserves the bile acids by reabsorption the intestinal epithelium of the upper small
from the intestine and that the bulk of this bowel, where fat absorption is thought to
reabsorption is by active transport from occur.32, 39
the ileum. However, it is also known that Th~ simple concept of bile salts shuttl-
other parts of the intestine, namely the ing between emulsified fat in the bowel
stomach,2 2 jejunum, 23-26 and colon 27 -31 lumen and the microvillous membrane is
may absorb bile acids by passive processes. still unproven, since at present it is not
The normal bile salt EHC in man may be known exactly how monoglyceride and
summarized as follows. A 3- to 5-g bile salt fatty acid molecules are absorbed from
pool consisting of both primary bile salts the micelle at the brush border of the ab-
(synthesized in the liver from cholesterol) sorptive epithelium. It seems likely, how-
and secondary bile salts (resulting from ever, that fat molecules passively diffuse
bacterial conversion of primary bile acids across the membrane, thereby disturbing
in the intestine) circulates from liver to the thermodynamic equilibrium of the
bile (with intermittent storage and concen- micelle and creating vacancies for further
tration in the gallbladder), to intestine, to lipid molecules to be solubilized.
portal blood, and back to liver about six to
10 times per day.3 2, 33 Between 2 and 5% Hepatic Component of the
of the total circulating bile salts (or about Bile Salt EHC
20 to 25% of the total bile salt pool34) es- Quite apart from bile salt synthesis, the
cape reabsorption to appear in the feces liver has two other roles in bile salt meta-
giving a fecal bile salt excretion of approxi- bolism. It both conjugates any free bile
mately 200 to 600 mg per day.3 5.38 In the salts which are delivered to it and it
steady state, since synthesis must equal "clears" or secretes the bile salts into the
loss, hepatic bile salt synthesis is there- bile by an active mechanism . This clear-
fore 200 to 600 mg per day. Quantitatively, ance is extremely efficient. In the dog,
fecal excretion is normally the only route O'Maille et al. 40 found that 92% of labeled
for bile salt loss from the EHC (about 2% taurocholate given intravenously was
of the total daily bile salt loss is accounted cleared in one passage through the liver.
for by urinary and skin excretion 38). The glycine conjugate, glycocholate, which
It has been estimated (in the rat) that at is not a naturally occurring bile salt in the
anyone time about 85% of the circulating dog, was cleared equally rapidly.
bile salts are present in the intestinal lu- Bile salt conjugation. Normally there
men, about 10 to 12% in the gut wall, and are no free or deconjugated bile salts in
only 3 to 5% in the liver. 27 bile. Both newly synthesized and presum-
ably also recycled bile acids, which have
Function of Bile Salts in the been deconjugated by intestinal bacteria
Intestinal Lumen before their reabsorption, must therefore
The EHC of bile salts ensures an eco- be conjugated with the amino acids gly-
nomic conservation of these "biological de- cine or taurine before they are secreted
tergents." Furthermore, the localization in bile. To take cholic acid as an example,
of the major transport site to the ileum in the presence of adenosine triphosphate,
presumably means that once the bile salt the free bile acid is activated by coenzyme
micelle has delivered its complement of A to form cholyl CoA which, in turn, com-
lipolytic products to the small bowel epi- bines with the amino acid glycine to form
thelium, it may be reutilized to solubilize glycocholate (or in the case of taurine, to
other lipids. If this concept is correct, then form taurocholate). This conjugation

step-peptide linkage at the carboxyl Choleretic effect of bile salts. The active
group of the bile acid-must also be effi- transport of bile salts by the liver is the
cient since when O'Maille and colleagues 4o major, but not the sole, factor regulating
injected free cholic acid, rather than its the volume of bile secreted. 52 At zero bile
glycine conjugate, intravenously, 79% was salt secretion, the liver still secretes a
cleared by the liver in one circulation. watery bile-the so-called "bile salt-inde-
Normally, there are two factors which pendent fraction."53 The concept of a bile
regulate the choice of amino acid for bile salt-independent fraction was derived
salt conjugation 41, 42-first, a species dif- from studies where bile volume was plotted
ference, and second, the availability of on the ordinate with bile salt secretion on
the sulfur-containing amino acid taurine the abcissa. When this is done, a straight
or its precursors cystine, cysteine, and line is found 54-57 and by extrapolation this
methionine. Considering the species dif- line does not go through the origin but in-
ference, bile acids in the rat are almost ex- tersects the ordinate. The bile salt-inde-
clusively conjugated with taurine while in pendent fraction does not apply to all
the rabbit glycine conjugates predominate. species, since in the dog the linear rela-
Bremer 43 showed that the hepatic micro- tionship between bile volume and bile salt
somes of the rat selectively conjugated bile excretion passes close to zero. 55
acids with taurine while those of the rabbit In much the same way, there appears to
used glycine. be a relationship between the secretion
Although in man the glycine conjugates rates for bile salts and phospholipids and
normally predominate, the glycine to tau- those for bile salts and cholesterol in bile.
rine (G: T) ratio being approximately 2 or The intimate relationship between bile
3: 1,44-48 the human liver conjugates bile salts, phospholipids, and cholesterol has
acids preferentially with taurine. 49 In fact, been shown in isolated perfused livers of
after feeding taurine in doses from 3 to rats 58 . 59 and dogs 60 and by bile fistula tech-
15 g per day for 5 days, Sjova1l 44 showed niques in monkeys 61 and in man. 62 In fact,
that the normal G: T ratio became in- Nilsson and Schersten 63 have shown, by
verted so that 96% of the bile acids pres- in vitro studies using human liver slices,
ent became conjugated with taurine. The that bile acids regulate phospholipid syn-
usual dietary intake of taurine or its pre- thesis.
cursors in man is such that it is normally in Hepatic bile acid synthesis and its con-
relatively short supply. In contrast, gly- trol. The steps involved in hepatic bile acid
cine, which is involved in many metabolic synthesis and the way in which this syn-
pathways, is freely available. Conjugation thesis is regulated have been the subject
with bile acids is the only specific route of recent studies by Shefer et al. 64-65 The
for taurine catabolism. liver synthesizes both cholesterol and bile
The factors regulating the choice of acids-cholesterol being synthesized from
amino acid for bile acid conjugation are acetate along the hydroxymethylglutarate
particularly important when the entero- CoA, mevalonate, cholesterol pathway. In
hepatic circulation is interrupted-for ex- turn, cholesterol is catabolized to 7a-hy-
ample by ileal dysfunction. Whether a bile droxy cholesterol and bile acids. A de-
acid is conjugated with glycine or taurine tailed account of this complex pathway is
will influence its physical state in the gut beyond the scope of this review, but
and hence its rate of reabsorption from briefly, an a-OH group is added in the 7
areas of the intestine other than the ileum. position, the spatial orientation of the
The question of which amino acid is used OH group in the 3 position (common to all
for conjugation may also be important in primary mammalian bile acids) changes
the genesis of hyper oxaluria and urinary from (3 to a. The Ll5 double bond of the
oxalate stone formation. 50, 51 This, and cholesterol molecule is reduced, bile acids
other aspects of the broken EHC are dis- being fully saturated, and in the case of
cussed later. cholic acid, a further OH group is added in

the 12 position before the side chain of the hibited by hypophysectomy and/or adrena-
27-carbon atom cholesterol molecule is lectomy.74
shortened by 3 carbon atoms. 66 The factors regulating the secretion of
Hepatic bile acid synthesis is regulated bile and the passage of bile acids from
by feedback inhibition exerted by the liver and gallbladder into the intestine
amount of bile acids returning to the liver. are complex. Food is of major importance
This was shown by Bergstrom and Daniels- in stimulating both bile volume and bile
son 67 who reinfused bile acids into the salt secretion 75 -78 presumably because, to-
distal end of the common bile duct in the gether with gastric acid, it stimulates
bile fistula rat. By so doing, they were able cholecystokinin, glucagon, and secretin re-
to inhibit the rebound or compensatory lease from duodenal mucosa. In turn,
increase in synthesis which is seen after these polypeptide hormones stimulate the
the EHC is broken by fistula diversion of liver to secrete a watery bile rich in bicar-
bile. These studies were confirmed by bonate 75. 79-85 and in the case of cholecysto-
She fer et al.,64 who returned bile salts to kinin, provoke gallbladder contraction.
the EHC by duodenal infusion and quan- Gastrin, like secretin and glucagon, stimu-
titated the amount of bile acid needed to lates the hepatocytes to secrete a bicar-
inhibit the rebound increase in synthesis. bonate rich watery bile. 86 -87
They then extended these studies to de-
fine, with labeled precursors, at which Intestinal Bile Acid Absorption
step in the acetate to bile acid pathway, Intestinal bile acid transport may be
the regulation of bile acid synthesis took summarized as follows: (1) Active transport
place. They concluded that 7a-hydroxy from ileum alone, which is the major route
cholesterol was the rate-limiting step, and for bile salt reabsorption. (2) Passive ab-
that 7a-hydroxylase was the rate-limiting sorption from stomach, jejunum, ileum,
enzyme. This confirms earlier studies by and colon. (a) passive monomer diffusion-
Danielsson et al. 68 Danielsson 69 has sug- diffusion of individual bile salt molecules
gested that the major pathway for cholic when the intraluminal bile salt concentra-
acid formation from cholesterol is by this tion is below the critical micellar concen-
7a hydroxylation step although the bile tration (rare) or diffusion of single mole-
acid may also follow a less important path- cules which always coexist in equilibrium
way through 26 OH cholesterol. 70 with the molecular aggregates of bile salt
The enzyme cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase molecules-the micelles. (b) passive mi-
is the first unique enzyme in bile acid bio- cellar diffusion.
synthesis and in recent years it has been These passive processes may be in the
extensively studied. It may be increased ionic or non ionic form but since the trans-
(up to 6-fold) when the EHC is broken port of charged particles is inhibited by the
with a bile fistula 68 or after feeding cho- electrical gradient in the intestine, non-
lestyramine. 71 The enzyme is produced by ionic diffusion is more important.
the endoplasmic reticulum 71 but, unlike
other microsomal enzymes such as cyto-
chrome P450, Boyd et al. 71 found that it Active Ileal Transport
was not significantly induced by pheno- The active transport of bile salts in the
barbitone. However, it has been suggested ileum has been repeatedly demonstrated
recently that small doses of phenobarbi- in the last decade, 18, 20, 88-92 since Baker
tone in the primate do significantly in- and Searle 93 confirmed earlier studies by
crease bile salt synthesis. 72 Furthermore, von Tappeiner 94 by showing in vivo, that
this key enzyme in bile acid synthesis is bile acids were absorbed from the ileum
believed to undergo a circadian rhythm in the rat. The localization of active bile
with maximal acitivity in late afternoon. salt transport to the ileum has also been
This diurnal variation is, in part at least, shown for hamsters, 92. 95 rabbits, 95, 96
under hormonal controp3 since it is in- dogs 89, 95 and many other species includ-

ing Leghorn chickens, King pigeons, mice, related to pH, temperature, and counter
squirrel monkeys, and spider monkeys. 95 ion concentration. 105, 106 The pKa is
The comparative efficiency of active ileal related to bile acid concentration 107 and
transport for different bile acids was re- perhaps to a limited extent to counter ion
ported by Lack and Weiner,90 who found concentration 104. 108 while the ability of
that the dihydroxy bile acids (deoxy- and a given bile acid to solubilize cholesterol,
chenodeoxycholic acid) were absorbed less for example, is greatly altered by the pres-
efficiently than the trihydroxy bile acid ence of other lipids such as phospholipids
(cholic acid) and that the taurine conjug- which expand the micelle, 105, 109 thereby
ates were transported more rapidly than enhancing its lipid-solubilizing capac-
the glycine conjugates. Furthermore, ity.105, 110·112 Furthermore, the CMC of a
Heaton and Lack 97 showed that there was bile acid depends to a certain extent on
mutual inhibition of transport of glycine the method used to measure it. 105. 108 There
and taurine conjugates. The quantitative is, therefore, no simple magical figure for a
significance of these findings in terms of bile salt CMC below which concentration
the EHC in man has yet to be evaluated. lipolytic products are not solubilized and
above which fat solubilization and absorp-
Passive Absorption tion proceeds satisfactorily. In general,
Influence of physical properties on bile however, once the CMC is exceeded, the
acid absorption. Passive bile acid diffusion greater the bile salt concentration, the
may be either from the ionized or from the greater is the amount of fat solubilized.
nonionized form, which in turn depends on This concept is illustrated by the findings
the prevailing pH and the dissociation con- of Badley et aI., 113 who showed that in pa-
stant (pKa) of the individual bile acid. tients with chronic liver disease, those
Thus, at normal intestinal pH levels of with steatorrhea had intraluminal bile
5.0 to 7.0 98 ,103 a greater proportion of free salt concentrations of less than 4 J1moles
bile acids with pKa's of 5.0 to 6.3 will be per ml while those with normal fecal fat
in the protonated (or nonionized) form than excretion had bile salt concentrations ex-
the glycine-conjugated bile acids (pKa's ceeding 6 J1moles per ml-a concentration
4.3 to 5.2) while the stronger taurine-con- found in control subjects and comparable
jugated bile acids (pKa's 1.8 to 1.9) are al- to other reported normal values. 44 • 47, 103,
most entirely in the ionized form. 104 Since 114, 115 Based on their studies of intra-
passive bile acid absorption by non ionic luminal bile salt concentrations in liver
diffusion is at least 5 to 6 times greater disease, Badley et al. 116 suggested that
than diffusion of charged particles,24 free the term "critical physiological concen-
bile acids are absorbed more rapidly from tration" rather than CMC was more rele-
extra-ileal sites than glycine conjugates vant in clinical investigation. The relation-
while the ionized taurine conjugates are ship between physicochemical properties
almost totally dependent on the active of bile salts and their function has been
transport site in the ileum for their re- fully reviewed elsewhere. 19, 105
absorption. 25 Quantitative significance of extra-ileal
The physical properties of the different bile salt absorption. The quantitative sig-
types of bile acids are therefore of con- nificance of passive absorption from extra-
siderable importance in determining not ileal sites is controversial. Although bile
only their rates of absorption, but also salts can be absorbed at a particular rate
their own solubility in the intestinal lu- by passive diffusion, this does not mean
men 104 and their capacity to solubilize that they are necessarily absorbed at that
other lipids in the small bowel. However, rate under physiological conditions. Con-
bile acids do not have fixed critical mi- versely, although active bile acid transport
cellar concentrations (CMC's), dissocia- is confined to the ileum, this does not mean
tion constants (pKa's), and lipid-solubi- that the distal small bowel is the sole site
lizing capacities. The CMC of an individ- for bile salt transport. While the role of
ual bile acid in vitro is not constant but is passive extra-ileal bile salt absorption may
be less important for the normal EHC, it Serum Bile Acids
assumes greater significance in clinical In man, the concentration of individual
situations where EHC is broken. For bile acids in the systemic circulation is
example, extra-ileal bile salt absorption is normally very low, the total serum bile
of considerable importance in ileal dysfunc- acids ranging from 2 to 4 Jlmoles per
tion, following cholestyramine, lignin, or liter131-about one-thousandth that found
neomycin treatment where bile acids are in the intestinal lumen. In serum, bile acids
complexed or precipitated in the intesti- are normally in the conjugated form, but in
nal lumen, and in the blind loop syndrome intestinal diseases such as the blind loop
when bacterial deconjugation renders bile syndrome and in patients with intestinal
acids vulnerable to premature absorption resection, there are elevated concentra-
by diffusion 25 or perhaps to precipitation tions of total bile acids in the systemic cir-
at normal intestinal pH, as was postulated culation, largely due · to the presence of
recently on ·the basis of in vitro titration free bile acids. 132 Since free bile acids are
studies. 104 Bile acid precipitation may cleared by the liver almost as efficiently
certainly occur in patients with intestinal as are the conjugated forms, 40. 133 the
stasis since bile acid enteroliths have been mechanism for the raised levels of serum
found in patients with jejunal diverticu- free bile acids in conditions of intestinal
losisl17-120 and in other examples of the stasis is not clear. The explanation may be
blind loop syndrome.121-123 However, the that free bile acids are more avidly bound
quantitative significance of bile acid pre- to albumin in the serum with a resultant
cipitation as a mechanism for conjugated differential hepatic clearance rate between
bile salt deficiency in the blind loop syn- the bound free and the unbound con-
drome has yet to be established. jugated biles acids. 128
High levels of bile acids in the serum of
Bile Acid Transport to the Liver patients with obstructive jaundice, intra-
Following their absorption, bile acids hepatic cholestasis, pruritis, and jaundice
are transported to the liver in the portal of pregnancy have been known for some
veinl24-126 bound to albumin and to a time.134-136 However, in this situation the
lesser extent to other proteins. 127 -128 In mechanism for high serum bile acid con-
1955, Sjovall and Akesson 125 showed that centrations is different from that in the
although oral 14C-taurocholate could be blind loop syndrome since in the chole-
recovered in the bile, none was found in static disorders there is impaired hepatic
lymph, suggesting that it was absorbed by uptake, the mean normal half-life of in-
another route-presumably by the portal travenously 14C-cholic acid of 12.6 min in-
vein. More recently, Reinke and Wilson 129 creasing to 45_min. 133
showed that although the concentration of While difficult to document accurately
bile acid carrier protein was only twice as for technical reasons, there are also in-
high in lymph as in blood, portal blood creased quantities of bile acids in the skin
flow was 280 times that of lymph. The dif- of patients with obstructive jaundice 137
ference in flow rates, therefore, is the which are thought to cause the pruritis by
principal factor governing bile acid trans- irritation of sensory nerve endings. A rough
port by the portal route. correlation was found between the severity
In the rat, as much as 36% of bile acids of itching and the quantity of bile acid re-
in the portal blood may be in the free covered from the skin. 137 Why high levels
form.130 However, the rat is coprophagic of serum bile acids in patients with the
and much higher concentrations of bac- blind loop syndrome or ileal resection
teria capable of deconjugating bile salts should not cause itching similar to that
are found in the normal rat jejunum when seen in obstructive jaundice is not clear.
compared with man. It is unlikely, there- It may be that only conjugated bile acids
fore, that such a high percentage of un- are capable of causing itching as opposed
conjugated bile salts would be found in to the free form which is found in the
human portal blood. serum of the blind loop patient.

Role of Bacteria trations of 10 7 to 10 9 per ml in the distal

The principal actions of intestinal bac- ileum-concentrations similar to . those
teria on bile salts may be summarized as found in the colon and in feces. 146, 147 It
follows: (1) deconjugation-removing is likely, therefore, that deoxycholate and
taurine and glycine from the conjugated lithocholate are formed in the lower ileum
bile salts; (2) 7a dehydroxylation-remov- as well as in the colon. Lithocholate is
ing the OH group from the 7 position of extremely insoluble and has a very high
the primary bile salts, cholate and cheno- critical micellar temperature (CMT or
deoxycholate, producing deoxycholate and "Krafft" point).148 Because of these
lithocholate respectively; (3) oxidation of physical properties, it does not form
the hydroxyl groups to produce keto bile micelles at body temperature, is poorly
acids; (4) epimerization with changes in absorbed, and as a result, it is quantita-
the spatial orientation of a-hydroxyl tively unimportant in the normal EHC of
groups to the f3 position. bile salts. Where deoxycholate is absorbed
The liver in man synthesizes two pri- to enter the EHC is largely an open ques-
mary bile acids, the trihydroxy cholic acid tion, although available evidence suggests
and the dihydroxy chenodeoxycholic acid. that it is absorbed from the colon. Again,
However, analysis of human bile shows although deoxycholate can be absorbed
that roughly one-quarter to one-third of from the cecum and colon, this does not
the total bile acids are secondary bile necessarily mean that this is its normal
acids-deoxycholic acid and occasionally site of absorption. Nor would studies with
trace amounts of lithocholic acid. These ileal intubation answer the question, since
secondary bile acids are the result of intraluminal deoxycholate concentrations
bacterial enzymatic 7 a dehydroxylation of at this site are the net result of both rates
the primary bile acids. Thus, removal of of formation and rates of absorption. How-
the hydroxyl group from the 7 position of ever, the limited available evidence sug-
cholic acid produces the secondary gests that although deconjugation may
dihydroxy bile acid deoxycholic acid occur normally in the ileum, 149 dehydroxyl-
while lithocholic acid (a monohydroxy bile ation of the liberated cholate does not
acid) is formed by 7 a dehydroxylation of occur until the large bowel. 150
chenodeoxycholic acid. In patients with ileostomy following
When the primary bile salts are pre- proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis, the
vented from coming in contact with in- ileal effluent contains high concentrations
testinal bacteria, for example, by diversion of bacteria-lOS to 10 8 per ml 143 capable
of bile with a fistula 138 or when the com- of salt deconjugation 142, 151 and in fact, free
mon bile duct is occluded by a stone, 139 bile salts may be demonstrated in the ef-
deoxycholate rapidly disappears from the effluent.143 Although many of these same
circulation. bacteria are also capable of dehydroxyla-
Norman 140 has shown in vitro that be- tion in vitro, no deoxycholate is present
fore bacteria remove the hydroxyl (OH) either in ileal effluent or in bile. If the find-
group from the 7 position, deconjugation ings in ileostomy patients may be extrapo-
must first occur. The deconjugating en- lated to the normal EHC, deoxycholate
zyme seems to be widely distributed must be passively reabsorbed from the
among anaerobic intestinal bacteria such colon.
as Bacteroides, Veillonella, Bifodobac- The secondary bile acids produced by
teria (anaerobic lactobacilli) 141- 144 and bacterial action, deoxycholate and litho-
some strains of clostridiae, 142, 145 but cholate, make up the bulk of bile acids
dehydroxylating enzymes seem much less excreted in the feces. 35 , 36 However, in
common. 140 addition to deconjugation and dehydroxyl-
Sites of secondary bile acid formation ation, bacteria can also oxidize the hy-
and absorption. The concentrations of droxyl groups to yield keto groups and
anaerobic organisms increase to concen- other metabolites. In fact, about 19 differ-

ent types of bile acid have been identified stored in the gallbladder. In response to
in human feces. 35 , 152 breakfast, therefore, the gallbladder con-
tracts to produce normal jejunal bile salt
Effects of Interruption of the EHe concentrations. In the absence of an in-
Studies on the effects of interruption of tact ileum, however, the bile salt pool is
the EHC have been among the most in- malabsorbed on the first enterohepatic
teresting developments of applied gastro- cycle and even with maximal synthesis, in
intestinal physiology in recent years. the relatively limited period of time be-
The EHC may be interrupted either tween meals, the bile salt pool cannot be
when bile salts are prevented from reach- restored. As a result, the intraluminal bile
ing the intestine, as in obstructive jaun- salt concentrations are depleted after the
dice, or when intestinal absorption is mid-day and evening meals. 169
blocked by intraluminal events such as This diurnal variation in jejunal bile salt
bile acid binding by drugs-for example concentration after ileal resection is illus-
cholestyramine l53 , 154 and lignin,155 or by trated by the results of a study in our labo-
bile acid precipitation as in the Zollinger- ratory (R. H. Dowling and C. B. Campbell,
Ellison syndrome 156 or following neomycin 1971, unpublished observations) (fig. 1) .
treatmentt l5 , 157, 158 and perhaps also in After an overnight fast, in a patient with a
the blind loop syndrome. 104 Intestinal massive distal small bowel resection, je-
malabsorption may also interrupt the EHC, junal bile salt concentrations in response
for example in patients with resection, to a test meal were normal and the amount
bypass, or disease of the ileum (including
Crohn's disease,159 celiac disease, 160-161 9.00 A. M. (Fasti ng) 3. OO P. M. I Fed)
and tropical sprue 162).
Ileal disease, resection, and bypass. INTRA- 1Jl moles 7.8-9 . 5
concentrat ion 2 0 - 2 8
Range . .
Since the ileum is the major site for bile salt BI LE ~-----+-------I
reabsorption, ileal disease or resection SALTS mmoles
2. 006 0.651
should cause bile salt malabsorption, and
in 1965 this was clearly demonstrated in
dog. 16 3 These authors fed isotopic tauro- 100
cholate to animals with a cannula in the
gallbladder and showed that the percent-
age of recovery oflabeled material was sim- DISTR IBUTION
ilar in controls and in dogs with proximal INTRA-LUM INAL 60
resection (48%), but only 3% was recovered FAT
from ileectomized dogs. Since then, in-
creased fecal bile salt excretion and/or 40
markedly shortened half-lives of isotopic
bile salts have been repeatedly demon-
strated both in experimental animals and 20
in man. 29 , 47, 48, 159,164-172 As a result,
many, but not all, of these patients have
intraluminal bile salt deficiency in the je- FIG. 1. Diurnal variation in intraluminal bile salt
junal lumen_ 47. 165, 166. 169 concentrations after ileal resection. Jejunal bile salt
The bile salt concentrations in the je- concentrations and phase distribution of fat aspirated
junal lumen of ileectomized patients may from the intestinal lumen over three half-hour peri-
ods, following a test meal in a patient with a massive
vary throughout the day_ It has been sug- distal small bowel resection (14 inches jejunum re-
gested that, during an overnight fast of maining, anastomosed to midtransverse colon). The
about 12 hr, the maximal rates of hepatic study was performed initially after an overnight fast
bile salt synthesis may reconstitute the and repeated 1 week later in midafternoon (see text) .
bile salt pool which, in the absence of food- (R. H. Dowling and C. B. Campbell, unpublished ob-
stimulated cholecystokinin release, is servations) .

of fat in the micellar phase of ultracentri- is well established from studies where
fuged intestinal aspirates was also nor- there has been a broken EHC from other
mal. I15 However, on a second occasion 1 causes. After creating a bile fistula in rats,
week later, when the study was repeated for exam pIe, Eriksson 178 found a 10- to 20-
after breakfast, mid-morning snack, and fold increase in hepatic bile salt synthesis,
lunch, there was intraluminal bile salt which was later confirmed by others,64, 65.
deficiency with reduced fat in the micellar 67, 179, 180 although in Myant and Eder's
phase and a corresponding expansion of experiments, 181 there was only a 4- to
the oil phase. Furthermore, the total 5-fold increase in synthesis. Similar in-
amount of bile salt aspirated during the creases in hepatic bile salt synthesis have
three 1/2-hr periods of the study (a crude been found after feeding cholestyramine
measure of the bile salt pool) was normal to mice l82 and to man. 183. 184 However, it
during the early morning study, but should be stressed that synthesis normally
markedly diminished at 3:00 PM. contributes such a small fraction to the
The observation that ileal resection may total circulating bile salts, that even a 10-
produce jejunal bile salt deficiency pro- to 20-fold increase in synthesis is usually
vided one possible explanation for the totally inadequate to compensate for the
apparent paradox that while fat absorp- increased fecal loss which follows ileal
tion normally occurs in the jejunum, 32. 39 resection.
removal of the ileum produces a greater Recently, detailed studies of the adap-
degree of malabsorption than does resec- tive increase in hepatic bile salt synthesis
tion of a comparable length of jejunum. 17 3 were made in the rhesus monkey, com-
Other factors such as the adaptive ability paring the long term effects of mechanical
of the ileum to increase its absorptive interruption of the EHC with varying de-
capacity and differential rates of transit grees of ileal resection. 172 Bile from a
through jejunum and ileum also account chronic bile fistula was returned to the in-
for the paradoxical steatorrhea after testine through an electronic stream
ileectomy. 174, 175 splitter, which diverted varying percent-
The bile salt deficit which follows ileal ages of bile to the exterior, thus providing
resection leads to impaired micelle forma- controlled interruption of the EHC.57 The
tion and reduced absorption of fat and par- rhesus monkey can only compensate for
ticularly of sterols such as cholesterol and 20% interruption of the EHC by a 4- to
the fat soluble vitamins whose absorption 5-fold increase III hepatic bile salt
is dependent on bile salts to a much greater synthesis.
extent than dietary triglycerides, which Assuming that steady state kinetics
may be absorbed even in the absence of exist in patients with ileal resection and
bile salts. 176, 177 that fecal bile salt excretion matches
In patients with ileal dysfunction, there hepatic synthesis, a similar degree of com-
sometimes is a discrepancy between bile pensation was calculated for patients with
salt malabsorption with shortened half- complete external biliary fistulae by Carey
lives of isotopic bile salts, and normal con- and Williams, 185 who estimated that the
centrations of bile salts in the jejunum. In human liver could compensate for 16% in-
the absence of a normal ileum, the jejunal terruption of the EHC.
bile salt concentration depends, on one Extra-ileal bile 'salt absorption. The
hand, on increased bile salt loss in the partial conservation of the EHC by bile
feces due to malabsorption, and, on the salt diffusion from extra-ileal sites was sug-
other hand, on the ability of extra-ileal gested by studies in the rhesus monkey
sites to partially maintain the EHC, which showed that the more extensive the
coupled with the adaptive increase in distal small bowel resection, the greater
hepatic bile salt synthesis. was the deficit in bile salt secretion. 172
Compensatory increase in hepatic bile Following ileal resection, the individual
salt synthesis. The precedent that the contributions by the residual jejunum and
liver is capable of a compensatory increase colon in bile acid reabsorption have not
in bile salt synthesis after ileal resection yet been documented. However, recent

studies from our laboratory 18sa suggest glycine-conjugated bile acids are in the
that, per unit length, the jejunum is 2 to 3 nonionized form at these pH levels and so
times more effective than the colon in bile their EHC is partially conserved by je-
acid absorption. It also seems likely that a junal reabsorption. The quantitative con-
small adaptive increase in bile acid absorp- tribution of each of these mechanisms
tion occurs in the residual jejunum after is unknown, but depletion of taurine stores
removal of the ileum, comparable to the is probably the more important factor.
compensatory increase in glucose absorp- Certainly the fractional catabolic rate of
tion seen after ileectomy,l74 although no labeled glycocholate was the same as that
such adaptive change is seen in the colon. of taurocholate when the turnover of these
Furthermore, following proximal small two isotopes was compared in patients
bowel resection, active bile salt transfer with ileal dysfunction. 188 However, a com-
by the residual ileum becomes supranor- parable study with the glycine and taurine
mal. 185a conjugates of chenodeoxycholic acid is
Bile salt markers for the broken EHC. needed, since the passive diffusion of
The physiological markers of a broken dihydroxy bile salts is greater than that of
EHC may be summarized as follows. De- cholic acid. 20
pending on the magnitude of bile salt loss
due to ileal malabsorption, and the degree Clinical Consequences of the Broken
of success in restoring the EHC by the EHC in Ileal Dysfunction
adaptive increase in hepatic bile salt syn-
thesis and by extra-ileal bile salt reabsorp- Depletion of bile salts: steatorrhea and
tion, there mayor may not be intraluminal gallstone formation. The spillover of unab-
bile salt deficiency. There is, however, sorbed bile salts into the colon of patients
increased fecal bile salt excretion and with ileal dysfunction is thought to be an
therefore increased hepatic bile salt syn- important factor in the pathogenesis of
thesis. In turn, hepatic 7 a-hydroxylase watery diarrhea from which many of these
activity is increased 68. 71 while 12a- patients suffer. 189, 190 The resultant intra-
hydroxylase activity is suppressed. As a luminal bile salt deficiency contributes to
result, the ratio of chenodeoxycholate to the steatorrhea of the ileectomized pa-
cholate in both blood and bile is in- tient. Furthermore, the depletion of biliary
creased. 186 Again, if cholic acid is pre- bile salts may jeopardize cholesterol solu-
vented from contact with intestinal micro- bility in bile, thereby predisposing choles-
organisms, as occurs, for example, with a terol gallstone formation ,
bile fistula, . the secondary bile acid, Bile salt diarrhea in the broken EHC.
deoxycholic acid, disappears from the The cathartic action of excessive amounts
EHC and is no longer found in duodenal of bile salts in the colon, which results from
aspirates. 186, 187 Finally, the G:T bile salt ileal disease, has been emphasized re-
ratio increases from the normal 2 or 3:1 44 - 47 cently.189, 190 Bile salts, particularly the
to between 12 and 20:1. 47 , 51,169, 188 dihydroxy bile salts, inhibit water, sodium,
There are two possible mechanisms for chloride, and bicarbonate absorption and
the increased G : T ratio. First, the in- promote potassium secretion.190-192 The
creased hepatic bile salt synthesis rate cathartic effect of excessive amounts of
rapidly drains the limited stores of taurine bile salts in the colon may also be related
while the ubiquitous glycine is freely avail- to accelerated motility, which has been
able. Second, in ileal dysfunction at least, shown in the dog,193 in the guinea pig,194
there are theoretical reasons for postulat- and in man. 19S
ing selective wasting "f taurine-conjugated Although patients with ileal dysfunction
bile acids. Because of their low pKa's, at may have an intraluminal bile salt defi-
prevailing intestinal pH levels (5.0 to 7.0) ciency, replacement therapy with exoge-
the taurine conjugates are almost entirely nous bile salts has not been successful in
in the ionized form and as such are unavail- controlling their diarrhea. In fact, although
able for passive non ionic diffusion. In con- fecal fat excretion may be improved, the
trast, a considerable percentage of the diarrhea is usually aggravated,164, 166, 196

presumably because malabsorption of have been made to promote the excretion

exogenous bile salts simply compounds (and hence the synthesis) of bile acids in
the cathartic or cholerheic load of endoge- the management of hypercholesterolemia.
nous material already spilling into the The methods used have included ileal
colon. 189 The apparent paradox of further resection and bypass, 211-215 and treatment
reducing the available bile salts by feeding with bile acid-sequestering (cholestyra-
a bile acid-sequestering agent, cholestyra- mine) and precipitating (neomycin) drugs.
mine l97 may in fact improve the patient's Although such treatment undoubtedly
diarrhea. 198·201 Lignin, a derivative of wood does increase both bile acid and neutral
pulp, also binds bile acids both in vitro, 155 sterol excretion in the feces, unfortunately
and in the intestinal lumen. 202 It is said to such interruption of the EHC also stimu-
selectively bind free bile acids and there- lates hepatic cholesterol synthesis and as
fore theoretically its principal effect should a result, the initial lowering of serum cho-
be in the colon after bacteria have decon- lesterollevels is not always maintained. 196
jugated the malabsorbed conjugates. If Oxalate metabolism in the broken EHC.
true, this would leave the conjugated bile An intriguing consequence of bile salt mal-
salts free to promote micelle formation in absorption and the attendant increase in
the jejunum. 203 This hypothesis has not G: T bile salt ratio is the occurrence of
been supported in man,204 and lignin hyperoxaluria and renal calculi from which
seems to have a similar but less effective the patient with ileal disease or resection
bile acid-binding capacity than cholestyra- may suffer. 50. 51. 216.217 The proposed mech·
mine. 205 Its sole advantage, therefore, is anism for the hyperoxaluria is as follows.
probably that it is more palatable than Colonic bacteria deconjugate the malab-
cholestyramine, which, in spite of refine- sorbed glycine-conjugated bile acids and
ments in preparation, still has a somewhat some of the liberated glycine is further
fishy odor. converted by bacterial enzymes to gly-
Complications to treatment with cho- oxalate which is absorbed, oxidized in the
lestyramine have been recorded, however, liver to oxalic acid, and excreted by the
including nausea, vomiting, constipation, kidneys to produce hyperoxaluria. Since
and fecal impaction,154 acidosis due to glycine is thought to be the substrate for
increased bicarbonate loss in the stool,206 this form of secondary hyperoxaluria, and
intestinal obstruction,207 and hemorrhage since it has been known for some time that
from hypoprothrombinemia. 208 In spite of the G: T ratio may be reversed by feeding
these rare complications, a therapeutic taurine,44 Dowling et al. 5I fed taurine to
trial with cholestyramine is always worth- one of their ileal resection patients and
while in an attempt to control the diarrhea abolished the hyperoxaluria-a finding
of patients with ileal disease or resection- which has subsequently been confirmed. 217
preferably in the controlled environment Why some but not all patients with ileal
of a metabolic unit. Hofmann and Poley l99 dysfunction should develop hyper-
have suggested that patients with short oxaluria is not at present clear.
lengths of ileum resected (less than 100 Radiorespirometry in the broken EHC
cm) who have watery diarrhea are the pa- and in the blind loop syndrome. Most
tients most likely to benefit from choles- isotopic bile salts studies use material
tyramine therapy, even at the expense of a labeled with 14C in the carboxyl position
modest increase in fecal fat. However, in but l4C-glycine labeled glycocholate is
the author's experience, response to treat- now commercially available (Radiochemi-
ment with this drug is variable and unpre- cal Centre, Amersham, Bucks., England).
dicatable and is not dependent on the Using this isotope, Hofmann et al. 50
extent of the resection. showed that in patients with a broken
Treatment of hypercholesterolemia by EHC due to ileal dysfunction, in addition
breaking the EHC. Since bile acid syn- to the glycine -> glyoxalate -> oxalic acid
thesis represents the major catabolic path- pathway, some of the glycine may be con-
way for cholesterol,209. 210 many attempts verted to l4CO 2' By trapping expired
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